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The general flowering (GF) events of forests in south-east Asia are perhaps the most spectacular phenomena in tropical biology. GF events occur at multiyear intervals. In GF, most dipterocarp species and many plants of other families come into flower and set fruit massively; these species and plants rarely flower except during GF events. GF is unique, because it can occur over thousands of kilometers and involve hundreds of plant species representing diverse families and lifeforms. It also involves strict mast fruiting. Satiation of generalist seed predators has been considered a primary force for GF. However, recent observations indicate that several selective agents rather than a single major factor may shape GF. In addition to the satiation of generalist predators, promotion of pollination could be one of the selective factors for GF, since synchronized flowering of many species causes an increase in pollinator activity through immigration and population growth. Although environmental prediction for better establishment of seedlings may also be involved in GF, no field data have been reported to support this idea. Long-term monitoring and further understanding of GF are essential for the conservation of this unique and diverse tropical forest in south-east Asia, especially in a period of global climatic change. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 233–247.  相似文献   

Nearly circular‐, oval‐ and irregular‐shaped holes are present in a collection of Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopods from southern Nigeria. Two competing hypotheses have been advanced to explain these holes: one is they were produced by diagenetic crushing of limpet home scars and the other is that they are predator's teeth marks. The latter explanation appears to be the best explanation for some of the damage seen in the Nigerian specimens. The suspected predator for some of the specimens was probably an unidentified reptile based on the diameters of the holes. Insofar as we are aware, this is the first recorded predatory damage reported on Cretaceous ammonoids from West‐Central Africa.  相似文献   

Ophyotrocha is easy to keep in the laboratory and has therefore been used in several studies of evolution and speciation. The phylogenetic relationships within the group are, however, still not clear and morphological and molecular data are contradictory. Here we attempt to shed light on the phylogeny by adding an additional gene (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) to the previous analyses of the group. However, the results are still incongruent with the results from the morphological data. We also include a species of the genus Iphitime, and conclude that this species falls within the Ophryotrocha clade. The implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Chrysomya Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae) is a genus of blowfly commonly observed in tropical and subtropical countries of the Old World. Species in this genus are vectors of bacteria, protozoans and helminths, cause myiasis, are predators of other carrion insects, and are important forensic indicators. Hypotheses concerning the evolution of sex determination, larval anatomy and genome size in Chrysomya have been difficult to evaluate because a robust phylogeny of the genus was lacking. Similarly, the monophyly of subgenera was uncertain. The phylogeny of Chrysomya spp. was reconstructed based on 2386 bp of combined mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and nuclear carbamoylphosphate synthetase (CPS) genes. Maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian analysis (BA) differed only slightly in the resulting tree topology. Chrysomya was monophyletic. Monogenic reproduction is almost certainly derived rather than, as has been suggested, primitive within the genus, and tuberculate larvae probably evolved twice. Genome size is more likely to have decreased over evolutionary time rather than, as has been suggested, increased within the genus, but its correlation with developmental time was not observed. The subgenera Microcalliphora, Eucompsomyia and Achoetandrus were recovered as monophyletic.  相似文献   

The genus Triticum L. includes the major cereal crop, common or bread wheat (hexaploid Triticum aestivum L.), and other important cultivated species. Here, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of all known wheat species and the closely related Aegilops species. This analysis was based on chloroplast matK gene comparison along with trnL intron sequences of some species. Polyploid wheat species are successfully divided only into two groups – Emmer (sections Dicoccoides and Triticum) and Timopheevii (section Timopheevii). Results reveal strictly maternal plastid inheritance of synthetic wheat amphiploids included in the study. A concordance of chloroplast origin with the definite nuclear genomes of polyploid species that were inherited at the last hybridization events was found. Our analysis suggests that there were two ancestral representatives of Aegilops speltoides Tausch that participated in the speciation of polyploid wheats with B and G genome in their genome composition. However, G genome species are younger in evolution than ones with B genome. B genome-specific PCR primers were developed for amplification of Acc-1 gene.  相似文献   

This study is the first to report a trend of predation intensity on scaphitid ammonoids from the Turonian to the Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) on the basis of analysis of ventral shell breakage in large samples from the US Western Interior Province. Analysis of 835 adult specimens revealed ventral shell breakage in 50 specimens. In most of the damaged specimens, the breakage occurred in a preferred position at the rear part of the body chamber. Ventral breakage is rare in the Turonian specimens, whereas it is common in the Campanian and Maastrichtian specimens. The shell diameter of adult scaphitid ammonoids tends to increase with time. The position of the breakage and the absence of repairs indicate that the ventral breakage resulted from lethal predation. Based on the incidence of breakage and the size and shape of the breaks, possible predators include fish, reptiles and cephalopods such as Placenticeras, Eutrephoceras and coleoids. Our statistical analysis of ventral shell breakage indicates that the incidence of lethal predation increased in conjunction with an increase in adult shell size, suggesting that the body size of the prey was an important factor in predator–prey interactions. In addition, the predatory damage is more extensive in larger adults.  相似文献   

The genus Ottelia is one of the great genera of Hydrocharidaceae. About 25 species distributed in the Palaeotropics, extending from Africa through India and SE. Asia to Korea and Japan, Australia and New Caledonia, 1 species in Brazil; centres of specific devolopment are found in Central Africa and SE Asia. The present study is mainly based on the materials collected during the field explorations in the lakes of Yunnan and observations on the structure of the spathe and flowers, the variation of leaf of the plants cultivated in Kunming Bot. Garden. Instead of the wings of the spathe used by Dandy, by the characters such as uni-or bisexual flowers, this genus is divided into two subgenera, which by the number of the flowers in spathe and the number of the carpus in ovary again subdivided into 4 sections. They are as the following: A. Subg. Ottelia. Flowers bisexual. Sect. 1. Ottelia. Spathe with 1 flower; ovary with 6(—9) carpus. Sect. 2. Oligolobos (Gagnep.) Dandy. Spathe with many flowers; ovary with 3 carpus. B. Subg. Boottia (Wall.) Dandy. Flowers unisexual; the male spathe with 1-many flowers, the female spathe with many flowers. Sect. 3. Boottia. The male spathe with 1 flower; ovary with 9(—15) carpus. Sect. 4. Xystrolobos (Gagnep.) H. Li. The female spathe with (2-) many flowers; ovary with 3 or 9 carpus. The Chinense species of ottelia is in great need for revision. All of the species in China previousely described under Ottelia Pers, Boottia Wall., Oligolobos Gagnep, and Xystrolobos Gagen. are here combined into 3 species. They are O. alismoides, O. cordata, O. acuminata with 4 variaties. After a study of the geographic distribution and infer relation-ships among the floristic elements it has been proved that Ottelia is certainly an ancient genus, and the primitive types came into being and widely dispersed before the separation of Laurasia from Gondwana. During a considerable period of time the elements of the genus Ottelia in freshwater environment of different continents have been separately differentiated and evolved into more or less derived types. The structure of flowers in all of the asian species shows the following evolutionary tendenoes: 1. In this genus the plants with unisexual flowers have evolved from plants with bisexual flower; 2. In the groups with bisexual or unisexual flowers the number of stamens and styles reduced to 3-merous, but the number of flowers in spathe increased. So that the subgenus Ottelia is more primitive than the subgenus Bottia; While in the subgenus Ottelia O. alismoides is a more primitive than O. balansae and in the subgenus Boottia O. cordata is the most primitive, butO. alata seems to be the most advanced.  相似文献   

In order to establish the molecular phylogeny of the genus Rhizopus, three molecules of the ribosomal RNA-encoding DNA (rDNA), complete 18S, internal transcribed spacer (ITS)1-5.8S-ITS2, and 28S D1/D2 regions of all the species of the genus were sequenced. Phylogenetic trees showed three major clusters corresponding to the three groups in the current morphological taxonomy, microsporus-group, stolonifer-group, and R. oryzae. R. stolonifer var. lyococcos was clustered independently from the major clusters. R. schipperae clustered differently in all trees. Strains of R. sexualis had multiple ITS sequences. A. rouxii clustered with R. oryzae. These results indicate the possibility of molecular identification of species groups using rDNA sequencing. Reclassification of the genus might be appropriate.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the genus Yersinia based on 16S rDNA sequences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract The unique antibacterial properties of Fe-protoporphyrin (haemin) on Staphylococcus aureus , compared to Co-protoprophyrin (Co-PP), Mg-protoporphyrin (Mg-PP) and Zn-protoporphyrin (Zn-PP) are described. Only haemin (20 μM) exhibits a strong light-independent antibacterial effect on S. aureus ; the other metalloporphyrins, Co-PP, Mg-PP or Zn-PP, have no antibacterial effect in the dark. Only light photosensitization of Mg-PP-treated cells resulted in the inhibition of the bacterial growth, while Co-PP or Zn-PP were photodynamically inactive. A notable effect of haemin on inactivation of S. aureus was the induction of immediate ion fluxes as determined by X-ray microanalysis (XRMA) of fast-frozen cells. A marked efflux of K (96%) and Cl (94%) was expressed immediately as determined by X-ray microanalysis of S. aureus cells treated with haemin for 5 min. Only 48% loss of Na was detected in the cells under these treatment conditions, while P content was increased by 150%. Electron microscopy analysis revealed the appearance of a mesosome-like structure connected to the new septa, filmentous chromosome and arrays of aggregated ribosomes in the cytoplasm. We propose that haemin has multiple cellular targets for its oxidative effect in S. aureus .  相似文献   

Feau N  Vialle A  Allaire M  Maier W  Hamelin RC 《Mycologia》2011,103(6):1250-1266
Chrysomyxa rusts are fungal pathogens widely present in the boreal forest. Taxonomic delimitation and precise species identification are difficult within this genus because several species display similar morphological features. We applied a DNA barcode system based on the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), large subunit (28S) ribosomal RNA gene, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (CO1) and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 (NAD6) in 86 strains from 16 different Chrysomyxa species, including members of the Chrysomyxa ledi species complex. The nuclear ITS and 28S loci revealed higher resolving power than the mitochondrial genes. Amplification of the full CO1 barcode region failed due to the presence of introns limiting the dataset obtained with this barcode. In most cases the ITS barcodes were in agreement with taxonomic species based on phenotypic characters. Nevertheless we observed genetically distinct (different DNA barcodes) lineages within Chrysomyxa pyrolae and Chrysomyxa rhododendri, providing some evidence for allopatric speciation within these morphologically defined species. This finding, together with the observed pattern of host specificities of the studied rust fungi, suggest that species diversification within the C. ledi species complex might be governed by a set of factors such as specialisation to certain Ericaceae species as telial hosts and to a lesser extent specialization to different spruce species as aecial hosts. Moreover allopatric speciation by geographic disruption of species also seems to take place. When our data were integrated into a broader phylogenetic framework the Chrysomyxa genus unexpectedly was not resolved as a monophyletic group. Indeed the spruce cone rusts C. pyrolae and C. monesis coalesced with the pine needle rusts belonging to the genus Coleosporium, whereas the microcyclic species Chrysomyxa weirii was embedded within a clade comprising the genus Melampsora.  相似文献   

An updated molecular phylogeny of the blenny genus Ophioblennius, with a focus on two geographically disjunct morphotypes observed in Brazil, is presented. The analyses showed that specimens from the north‐eastern Brazilian coast are the endemic redlip blenny Ophioblennius trinitatis, but specimens from the southern Brazilian coast are conspecific to an undescribed east Atlantic Ocean (Gulf of Guinea) species, previously unknown in Brazil. Possible explanations for this geographical pattern include: natural larval dispersal and rafting across the Atlantic; an unknown ecological attribute that enabled this species to colonize southern Brazil; oil platforms as introduction vectors.  相似文献   

Pinnularia is an ecologically important and species-rich genus of freshwater diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) showing considerable variation in frustule morphology. Interspecific evolutionary relationships were inferred for 36 Pinnularia taxa using a five-locus dataset. A range of fossil taxa, including newly discovered Middle Eocene forms of Pinnularia, was used to calibrate a relaxed molecular clock analysis and investigate temporal aspects of the genus' diversification. The multi-gene approach resulted in a well-resolved phylogeny of three major clades and several subclades that were frequently, but not universally, delimited by valve morphology. The genus Caloneis was not recovered as monophyletic, confirming that, as currently delimited, this genus is not evolutionarily meaningful and should be merged with Pinnularia. The Pinnularia-Caloneis complex is estimated to have diverged between the Upper Cretaceous and the early Eocene, implying a ghost range of at least 10 million year (Ma) in the fossil record.  相似文献   

The genus Gephyromantis is a clade within the Malagasy-Comoroan family Mantellidae composed of rainforest frogs that live and breed to varying degrees independently from water. Based on DNA sequences of five mitochondrial and five nuclear genes we inferred the phylogeny of these frogs with full taxon coverage at the species level. Our preferred consensus tree from a partitioned Bayesian analysis of 5843 base pairs of 51 nominal and candidate species supports various major clades within the genus although the basal relationships among these remain unresolved. The data provide strong evidence for the monophyly of the subgenera Gephyromantis (after exclusion of Gephyromantis klemmeri), Laurentomantis, Vatomantis, and Phylacomantis. Species assigned to the subgenus Duboimantis belong to two strongly supported clades of uncertain relationships. G. klemmeri, previously in the subgenus Gephyromantis, was placed with high support sister to the Laurentomantis clade, and the Laurentomantis + G. klemmeri clade was sister to Vatomantis. A reconstruction of ancestral distribution areas indicates a diversification of several subgenera in the northern biogeographic regions of Madagascar and the dispersal out of northern Madagascar for several clades.  相似文献   

Plethodontid salamanders in the genus Oedipina are characterized by a strongly heteromorphic sex-determining pair of X/Y chromosomes. The telocentric X chromosome and the subtelocentric Y chromosome are clearly distinguished from the autosomes and their behavior during meiosis can be sequentially followed in squash preparations of spermatocytes. In Oedipina the sex chromosomes are not obscured by an opaque sex vesicle during early meiotic stages, making it possible to observe details of sex bivalent structure and behavior not directly visible in other vertebrate groups. The sex chromosomes can first be distinguished from autosomal bivalents at the conclusion of zygotene, with X and Y synapsed only along a short segment at their non-centromeric ends, forming a bivalent that contrasts sharply with the completely synapsed autosomes. During pachytene, the XY bivalent becomes progressively shortened and more compact, disappearing as a visible structure when pachytene progresses into the diffuse stage of male meiosis. Diplotene bivalents gradually emerge from the diffuse nuclei, presumably by the return of the loops of chromatin into their respective chromomeres. During early diplotene, the X/Y bivalent is clearly visible with a single chiasma within the synapsed segment. This chiasma is terminalized by first meiotic metaphase with the X and Y appearing either in end-to-end synaptic contact or as univalents separated at opposite poles relative to the equatorially distributed autosomal bivalents. In C-banded preparations, the Y is entirely heterochromatic while the X contains a large centromeric C-band and another block of heterochromatin located at the telomeric end, in the region of synapsis with the Y. We find no cytological evidence of dosage compensation, such as differential staining of the X chromosomes or Barr bodies, in mitotic or interphase cells from female animals.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the genus Arrhipis Bonvouloir (Coleoptera, Eucnemidae) is clarified with a cladistic analysis based on five molecular markers and morphology. Sixteen species from Africa, America, Asia, and Australia are included in the analysis. Two separate Asian clades are recovered, one of them being the sister group to a clade with the American and African species. With the exception of the continental south-east Asian species, all Gondwanan regions have monophyletic faunas. According to the present data, the continental south-east Asian fauna comprises two monophyletic groups, one of which is the sister group to African and American species. Vicariance seems to be the logical explanation for the distribution of these lignicolous beetles.
© The Willi Hennig Society 2009.  相似文献   

The following structural features clearly indicate that ammonoid shells were adapted to withstand considerably higher hydrostatic pressures thanNautilus shells: (1) the corrugated and marginally fluted septa gave the shell wall efficient support against implosion; (2) the secondary connecting rings could grow a great deal in thickness; and (3) the last formed chambers remained full of liquid which supported the last septum. On the basis of the following characters it is concluded that ammonoids were incapable of swimming efficiently by jet-propulsion: (1) the retractor muscles were weakly developed; (2) the life position was unstable and highly variable; and (3) in animals with a ventral apertural rostrum the hyponome was probably absent. Ammonoids are considered here as having been pelagic cephalopods which lived in the upper 1000 m of the oceans, and which probably undertook considerable diurnal vertical migrations, similar to those inSpirula. Only some groups may have adopted a life in shallow epicontinental seas. In the late Mesozoic, ammonoids have been replaced by modern oceanic squids which are extremely numerous in the corresponding pelagic environment.  相似文献   

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