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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Lipoprotein(a) is a structurally and functionally unique lipoprotein consisting of the glycoprotein apolipoprotein(a) covalently linked to LDL. Lipoprotein(a) is assembled extracellularly by a two-step mechanism, still incompletely understood, in which initial non-covalent interactions between apolipoprotein(a) and apolipoprotein B precede specific disulfide bond formation. Elevated concentrations of plasma lipoprotein(a) are a risk factor for a variety of vascular diseases, including coronary heart disease, ischaemic stroke and venous thrombosis. Whereas many pathogenic mechanisms have been proposed for lipoprotein(a), it remains to be conclusively demonstrated which mechanisms are relevant to human disease. RECENT FINDINGS: Structural and functional studies have verified that apolipoprotein(a) kringle 4 types 6-8 contain lysine binding sites of a weaker affinity for lysine analogues than kringle 4 type 10. Recent evidence has conclusively shown a role for kringle 4 types 7 and 8 in lipoprotein(a) assembly. Moreover, apolipoprotein(a) has been shown to undergo a conformational change, from a closed to an open form, which accelerates the rate of covalent lipoprotein(a) assembly. Functional studies in vitro have identified the domains in apolipoprotein(a) that mediate its inhibitory effects on fibrin clot lysis, binding to fibrin and other biological substrates, and pro-inflammatory and anti-angiogenic properties. SUMMARY: Extensive structure-function studies of apolipoprotein(a) have begun to yield important insights into the domains in apolipoprotein(a) that mediate lipoprotein(a) assembly and the pathogenic effects of this lipoprotein. Continued investigations of these relationships will contribute critically to unravelling the many outstanding questions about lipoprotein(a) metabolism and pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is assembled via an initial noncovalent interaction between apolipoprotein B100 (apoB) and apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)] that facilitates the formation of a disulfide bond between the two proteins. We previously reported that a lysine-rich, alpha-helical peptide spanning human apoB amino acids 4372-4392 was an effective inhibitor of Lp(a) assembly in vitro. To identify the important structural features required for inhibitory action, new variants of the apoB4372-4392 peptide were investigated. Introduction of a central leucine to proline substitution abolished the alpha-helical structure of the peptide and disrupted apo(a) binding and inhibition of Lp(a) formation. Substitution of hydrophobic residues in the apoB4372-4392 peptide disrupted apo(a) binding and inhibition of Lp(a) assembly without disrupting the alpha-helical structure. Substitution of all four lysine residues in the peptide with arginine decreased the IC50 from 40 microM to 5 microM . Complexing of the arginine-substituted peptide to dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine improved its activity further, yielding an IC50 of 1 microM. We conclude that the alpha-helical structure of apoB4372-4392, in combination with hydrophobic residues at the lipid/water interface, is crucial for its interaction with apo(a). Furthermore, the interaction of apoB4372-4392 with apo(a) is not lysine specific, because substitutions with arginine result in a more effective inhibitor.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The assembly of intestinal lipoproteins is critical for the transport of fat and fat-soluble vitamins. In this review we propose a nomenclature for these lipoproteins and have summarized recent data about their intracellular assembly and factors that modulate their secretion. RECENT FINDINGS: The assembly and secretion of intestinal lipoproteins increases with the augmented synthesis of apoB, apoAIV and lipids. Chylomicron assembly begins with the formation of primordial, phospholipid-rich particles in the membrane, and their conversion to large chylomicrons occurs in the lumen of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Chylomicrons are transported from the endoplasmic reticulum via specialized vesicles to the Golgi for secretion. The identification of genetic mutations in chylomicron retention disease indicates that Sar1b may play a critical role in this process. In addition to chylomicron assembly, intestinal cells have been shown to transport dietary cholesterol via apoB-independent pathways, such as efflux. SUMMARY: Understanding the mechanisms involved in the intracellular transport of chylomicrons and chylomicron-independent secretion pathways are expected to be the next frontiers in the field of intestinal lipoprotein assembly and secretion.  相似文献   

Isolation of apolipoprotein(a) from lipoprotein(a)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
An easy method was developed for the rapid and selective isolation of apo(a) from human plasma Lp(a). This procedure was applied to a "low density" Lp(a) subspecies (usually found in the density interval 1.050 to 1.070 g/ml) from a single individual whose apo(a) was of a size smaller than apoB-100. After reduction with 0.01 M dithiothreitol, apo(a) was separated from the Lp(a) particle by rate zonal centrifugation on a 7.5-30% NaBr density gradient. Two completely water-soluble products were recovered: apo(a), which contained less than 1% each of phospholipid and cholesterol, remained at the bottom of the gradient, and a lipid-rich floating LDL-like particle which contained apoB but not apo(a) and which we referred to as Lp(a-). The separation of these two components was also achieved by subjecting reduced Lp(a) to electrophoresis on 2.5-16% polyacrylamide gradient gels. However, dissociation of reduced Lp(a) could not be achieved by gel filtration in either low or high salt solutions. These observations indicate that apo(a) is associated to Lp(a) by non-covalent interactions in addition to its disulfide linkage to apoB. The latter is sensitive to chemical reduction whereas the former are broken through the action of a gravitational or electrical field.  相似文献   

Very-low-density lipoprotein assembly and secretion   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The assembly of apolipoprotein B (apoB) into VLDL is broadly divided into two steps. The first involves transfer of lipid by the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) to apoB during translation. The second involves fusion of apoB-containing precursor particles with triglyceride droplets to form mature VLDL. ApoB and MTP are homologs of the egg yolk storage protein, lipovitellin. Homodimerization surfaces in lipovitellin are reutilized in apoB and MTP to achieve apoB-MTP interactions necessary for first step assembly. Structural modeling predicts a small lipovitellin-like lipid binding cavity in MTP and a transient lipovitellin-like cavity in apoB important for nucleation of lipid sequestration. The formation of triglyceride droplets in the endoplasmic reticulum requires MTP however, their fusion with apoB may be MTP-independent. Second step assembly is modulated by phospholipase D and A2. Phospholipases may prime membrane transport steps required for second step fusion and/or channel phospholipids into a pathway for VLDL triglyceride production. The enzymology of VLDL triglyceride synthesis is still poorly understood; however, it appears that ACAT2 is the sole source of cholesterol esters for VLDL and chylomicron assembly. VLDL production is controlled primarily at the level of presecretory degradation. Recently, it was discovered that the LDL receptor modulates VLDL production through its interactions with nascent VLDL in the secretory pathway.  相似文献   

Chemical reduction of human plasma lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) yielded two water-soluble products which were separated by rate zonal ultracentrifugation. Apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)) was completely recovered from the bottom of the gradient, whereas lipoprotein(a-) (Lp(a-)), which contained all of the lipids and apo-B100 of Lp(a), floated. By the techniques of circular dichroism and viscometry Lp(a-) was identical to low density lipoprotein (LDL). Lp(a-) was slightly larger in mass than autologous LDL and contained proportionally more triglyceride. The difference in mass between Lp(a) and Lp(a-) was accounted for by the loss of 2 molecules of apo(a) from the Lp(a) particle. The molecular weight of reduced and carboxymethylated apo(a) was 281,000 as determined by sedimentation equilibrium in 6 M guanidine HCl. By circular dichroism the structure of apo(a) was mostly random (71%) with the remainder representing 8% alpha-helix and 21% beta-sheet; its intrinsic viscosity, 28.3 cm3/g, was consistent with an extended flexible coil. The amino acid composition was characterized by an unusually high content of proline (11.4 mol %) as well as tryptophan, tyrosine, arginine, threonine, and a low amount of lysine, phenylalanine, and isoleucine. Apo(a) contained 28.1% carbohydrate by weight represented by mannose, galactose, galactosamine, glucosamine, and sialic acid in an approximate molar ratio of 3:7:5:4:7, respectively. Overall, the structure of Lp(a) appears to be consistent with a rigid spherical LDL-like core particle which, as a consequence of its association with a flexible glycoprotein such as apo(a), favors the entrapment of significant amounts of hydrodynamically associated solvent. Furthermore, the Lp(a-) remnant generated by the removal of apo(a) from Lp(a) was similar in structure but not identical to autologous LDL.  相似文献   

During lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) assembly, non-covalent interactions between apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)) and low density lipoprotein precede specific disulfide bond formation. Studies have shown that the non-covalent step involves an interaction between the weak lysine-binding sites (WLBS) present within each of apo(a) kringle IV types 6, 7, and 8 (KIV(6-8)), and two lysine residues (Lys(680) and Lys(690)) within the NH(2) terminus of the apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB) component of low density lipoprotein. In the present study, we introduced single point mutations (E56G) into each of the WLBS present in apo(a) KIV(6-8) and expressed these mutations in the context of a 17-kringle (17K) recombinant apo(a) variant. Single mutations that disrupt the WLBS in KIV(6), KIV(7), and KIV(8), as well as mutants that disrupt the WLBS in both KIV(6) and KIV(7), or both KIV(7) and KIV(8), were assessed for their ability to form non-covalent and covalent Lp(a) complexes. Our results demonstrate that both apo(a) KIV(7) and KIV(8), but not KIV(6), are required for maximally efficient non-covalent and covalent Lp(a) assembly. Single mutations in the WLBS of KIV(7) or KIV(8) resulted in a 3-fold decrease in the affinity of 17K recombinant apo(a) for apoB, and a 20% reduction in the rate of covalent Lp(a) formation. Tandem mutations in the WLBS in both KIV(7) and KIV(8) resulted in a 13-fold reduction in the binding affinity between apo(a) and apoB, and a 75% reduction in the rate of the covalent step of Lp(a) formation. We also showed that KIV(7) and KIV(8) specifically bind with high affinity to apoB-derived peptides containing Lys(690) or Lys(680), respectively. Taken together, our data demonstrate that specific interactions between apo(a) KIV(7) and KIV(8) and Lys(680) and Lys(690) in apoB mediate a high affinity non-covalent interaction between apo(a) and low density lipoprotein, which dictates the efficiency of covalent Lp(a) formation.  相似文献   

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation is stimulated by copper. Addition of a recombinant form of apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a); the distinguishing protein component of lipoprotein(a)) containing 17 plasminogen kringle IV-like domains (17K r-apo(a)) protects LDL against oxidation by copper. Protection is specific to apo(a) and is not achieved by plasminogen or serum albumin. When Cu(2+) is added to 17K r-apo(a), its intrinsic fluorescence is quenched in a concentration-dependent and saturable manner. Quenching is unchanged whether performed aerobically or anaerobically and is reversible by ethylenediaminetetraacetate, suggesting that it is due to equilibrium binding of Cu(2+) and not to oxidative destruction of tryptophan residues. The fluorescence change exhibits a sigmoid dependence on copper concentration, and time courses of quenching are complex. At copper concentrations below 10 microM there is little quenching, whereas above 10 microM quenching proceeds immediately as a double-exponential decay. The affinity and kinetics of copper binding to 17K r-apo(a) are diminished in the presence of the lysine analogue epsilon -aminocaproic acid. We propose that copper binding to the kringle domains of 17K is mediated by a His-X-His sequence that is located about 5A from the closest tryptophan residue of the lysine binding pocket. Copper binding may account for the natural resistance to copper-mediated oxidation of lipoprotein(a) relative to LDL that has been previously reported and for the protection afforded by apo(a) from copper-mediated oxidation of LDL that we describe in the present study.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] entrapment by vascular extracellular matrix may be important in atherogenesis. We sought to determine whether laminin, a major component of the basal membrane, may contribute to Lp(a) retention in the arterial wall. First, immunohistochemistry experiments were performed to examine the relative distribution of Lp(a) and laminin in human carotid artery specimens. There was a high degree of co-localization of Lp(a) and laminin in atherosclerotic specimens, but not in non-atherosclerotic sections. We then studied the binding interaction between Lp(a) and laminin in vitro. ELISA experiments showed that native Lp(a) particles and 17K and 12K recombinant apolipoprotein(a) [r-apo(a)] variants interacted strongly with laminin whereas LDL, apoB-100, and the truncated KIV(6-P), KIV(8-P), and KIV(9-P) r-apo(a) variants did not. Overall, the ELISA data demonstrated that Lp(a) binding to laminin is mediated by apo(a) and a combination of the lysine analogue epsilon-aminocaproic acid and salt effectively decreases apo(a) binding to laminin. Secondary binding analyses with 125I-labeled r-apo(a) revealed equilibrium dissociation constants (K(d)) of 180 and 360 nM for the 17K and 12K variants binding to laminin, respectively. Such similar K(d) values between these two r-apo(a) variants suggest that isoform size does not appear to influence apo(a) binding to laminin. In summary, our data suggest that laminin may bind to apo(a) in the atherosclerotic intima, thus contributing to the selective retention of Lp(a) in this milieu.  相似文献   

The potent tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate causes a 2-fold increase in 1,2-diacylglycerol levels within 15–30 min in cultured chick embryo differentiated myoblasts. The weak tumor promoter 12-O-decanoylphorbol 13-acetate was 250 times less effective and the non-promoter 4-α-phorbol 12,13 didecanoate was ineffective at producing this response. During subcellular fractionation, the stimulated portion of the diacylglycerol was distributed similarly to the plasma membrane fraction. Evidence is presented that this diacylglycerol originates from pre-existing lipid rather than from denovo synthesis. Possible implications of these findings with regard to the inhibition of myoblast fusion by the tumor promoter are discussed.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed for the dissociation of apolipoprotein (a) (apo (a)) from pure human lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) prepared by density gradient ultracentrifugation and gel filtration. Lp(a) was ultracentrifuged through a layer of saline which was adjusted to a density of 1.182 g/mL and contained 30 mM dithiothreitol (50 mM) and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (1.25 mM). Following centrifugation, the lipid and apolipoprotein B (apo B) were recovered as a lipoprotein (Lp(a) B) in the supernatant fraction, while the apo (a) was recovered as a lipid-poor protein pellet. An investigation of the supernatant lipoprotein by electron microscopy and compositional analysis revealed that it was similar in size and composition to low density lipoprotein (LDL) isolated from the same density range and contained apo B100 with an amino acid and carbohydrate composition which was similar to apo B from LDL. Estimates of the apparent molecular weight of the apo (a) varied amongst individuals but was always greater than apo B100 (congruent to 450,000). The amino acid composition of apo (a), which was very distinct from apo B, was characterized by a higher content of serine, threonine, proline, and tyrosine, but lower amounts of isoleucine, phenylalanine, and lysine when compared with apo B of Lp(a) or LDL. The apo (a) contained a much higher proportion of carbohydrate, in particular N-acetylgalactosamine, galactose, and N-acetylneuraminic acid (which were three- to six-fold higher) than the apo B of Lp(a). It is concluded that apo (a) is distinct from other apolipoproteins owing to its low avidity for lipid and the nature of the interaction with apo B. Lp(a) consists of an LDL-like particle with a carbohydrate-rich apo (a) attached to the surface of apo B.  相似文献   

The study of human lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] has been hampered due to the lack of appropriate animal models since apolipoprotein (a) [apo(a)] is found only in primates and humans. In addition, human apo(a) in transgenic mice can not bind to murine apoB to form Lp(a) particles. In this study, we generated three independent transgenic rabbits expressing human apo(a) in their plasma at 1.8-4.5 mg/dl. In the plasma of transgenic rabbits, unlike the plasma of transgenic mice, about 80% of the apo(a) was covalently associated with rabbit apo-B and was contained in the fractions with density 1.02-1.10 g/ml, indicating the formation of Lp(a). These results suggest that transgenic rabbits expressing human apo(a) exhibit efficient assembly of Lp(a) and can be used as an animal model for the study of human Lp(a).  相似文献   

Cholesterol and hepatic lipoprotein assembly and secretion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) is a multi-ligand receptor that binds a variety of lipoproteins, including high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL), but lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] has not been investigated as a possible ligand. Stable cell lines (HEK293 and HeLa) expressing human SR-BI were incubated with protein- or lipid-labeled Lp(a) to investigate SR-BI-dependent Lp(a) cell association. SR-BI expression enhanced the association of both 125I- and Alexa Fluor-labeled protein from Lp(a). By confocal microscopy, SR-BI was also found to promote the internalization of fluorescent lipids (BODIPY-cholesteryl ester (CE)- and DiI-labeled) from Lp(a), and by immunocytochemistry the cellular internalization of apolipoprotein(a) and apolipoprotein B. When dual-labeled (3H-cholesteryl ether,125I-protein) Lp(a) was added to cells expressing SR-BI, there was a greater relative increase in lipid uptake over protein, indicating that SR-BI mediates selective lipid uptake from Lp(a). Compared with C57BL/6 control mice, transgenic mice overexpressing human SR-BI in liver were found to have increased plasma clearance of 3H-CE-Lp(a), whereas mouse scavenger receptor class B type I knockout (Sr-b1-KO) mice had decreased plasma clearance (fractional catabolic rate: 0.63 ± 0.08/day, 1.64 ± 0.62/day, and 4.64 ± 0.40/day for Sr-b1-KO, C57BL/6, and human scavenger receptor class B type I transgenic mice, respectively). We conclude that Lp(a) is a novel ligand for SR-BI and that SR-BI mediates selective uptake of Lp(a)-associated lipids.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Apolipoprotein B-containing lipoprotein assembly and secretion is critical for lipid absorption and triglyceride homeostasis, and plays a role in atherogenesis and the pathobiology of type 2 diabetes and obesity. This review highlights recent insights into the evolutionary, structural, and cell biology of hepatic and intestinal pathways for lipid mobilization, and the mechanisms and regulation of lipoprotein assembly and secretion. RECENT FINDINGS: Until recently it was assumed that microsomal triglyceride transfer protein-dependent apolipoprotein B-containing lipoprotein assembly was a unique adaptation associated with vertebrate lipid homeostasis. However, it is now clear that microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) exists in species whose last common ancestor diverged over 550 million years ago. In its long evolutionary history, the MTP gene has given rise to a series of paralogous lipid transport proteins, all of which require MTP for their biogenesis. During its evolution, MTP has acquired new functions, enabling it to participate in a disparate array of lipid mobilization and transport pathways, ranging from primitive lipoprotein assembly to antigenic lipid presentation. In addition to the complex and multifunctional role of MTP in apolipoprotein B assembly, other factors responsible for the generation of secretion-coupled lipids and the modulation of apolipoprotein B production are emerging. SUMMARY: The phylogenic dissection of MTP and apolipoprotein B function, coupled with ongoing structural and biochemical analyses, provide significant insights into the mechanisms of lipid mobilization and secretion. Some of these factors and processes may be targeted therapeutically to modulate the quantitative and qualitative aspects of apolipoprotein B production.  相似文献   

Oxidized phospholipids (OxPLs) are present on apolipoprotein (a) [apo(a)] and lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] but the determinants influencing their binding are not known. The presence of OxPLs on apo(a)/Lp(a) was evaluated in plasma from healthy humans, apes, monkeys, apo(a)/Lp(a) transgenic mice, lysine binding site (LBS) mutant apo(a)/Lp(a) mice with Asp55/57→Ala55/57 substitution of kringle (K)IV10)], and a variety of recombinant apo(a) [r-apo(a)] constructs. Using antibody E06, which binds the phosphocholine (PC) headgroup of OxPLs, Western and ELISA formats revealed that OxPLs were only present in apo(a) with an intact KIV10 LBS. Lipid extracts of purified human Lp(a) contained both E06- and nonE06-detectable OxPLs by tandem liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Trypsin digestion of 17K r-apo(a) showed PC-containing OxPLs covalently bound to apo(a) fragments by LC-MS/MS that could be saponified by ammonium hydroxide. Interestingly, PC-containing OxPLs were also present in 17K r-apo(a) with Asp57→Ala57 substitution in KIV10 that lacked E06 immunoreactivity. In conclusion, E06- and nonE06-detectable OxPLs are present in the lipid phase of Lp(a) and covalently bound to apo(a). E06 immunoreactivity, reflecting pro-inflammatory OxPLs accessible to the immune system, is strongly influenced by KIV10 LBS and is unique to human apo(a), which may explain Lp(a)’s pro-atherogenic potential.  相似文献   

Lp(a) lipoprotein level and longevity.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K Berg  O C R? 《Annales de génétique》1991,34(3-4):264-269
Lp(a) lipoprotein forms a distinct class of serum lipoproteins. Its unique immunochemical properties are caused by the Lp(a) polypeptide chain which is attached to apolipoprotein B (apoB) by a disulfide bridge. The level of Lp(a) lipoprotein is under strict genetic control. It is well established that a high level of Lp(a) lipoprotein is a genetic risk factor for atherosclerotic disease, particularly coronary heart disease (CHD). Since cardiovascular disease is one of the major causes of death there should be a shortage of people with genetic determinants of cardiovascular disease in people who are very old and still have adequate physical and mental capacities. The authors have studied Lp(a) lipoprotein levels in 102 persons who were 83 years or older when blood samples were drawn. This study group was a subpopulation of a series comprising 456 persons who had been 80 years or older at intake in an intervention study of old people living at home. Only those without physical or mental incapacities were included in the present study. There was a striking shortage of persons with an Lp(a) lipoprotein level higher than the 75th percentile of the general population in this series of people who had achieved successful ageing. The highest value observed among the old people corresponds to the 88th percentile of the general population. It is highly unlikely that the present observations reflect chance events or fall in Lp(a) lipoprotein levels in people who had higher levels at a younger age. The most likely explanation of our finding is that a sizeable fraction of people with high Lp(a) lipoprotein levels die before reaching a very high age.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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