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Thermal stabilities of chicken, grey lag goose (Anser anser), turkey as avian hemoglobins (Hbs); and human, bovine, sheep and horse as mammalian Hbs in hemolysate form were investigated and compared with oxygen affinities taken from literature. The thermal stability was obtained from thermal profiles using temperature scanning spectrophotometry. The buffer conditions were 50 mM Tris, pH 7.2, and 1 mM EDTA. The average of the inverse temperature transitions, average hydrophobicity, total van der Waals volume, partial molal volume and hydration potential were calculated by computational methods. The hemolysed avian Hbs have a lower oxygen affinity, higher thermal stability and higher self association than the mammalian Hbs. These observations are based on amino-acid composition, influence of ionic effectors, and the presence of Hb D in several avian Hbs. The results indicate that the avian Hbs have a more tense (T) conformation than the mammalian Hbs.  相似文献   



Angola's malaria case-management policy recommends treatment with artemether-lumefantrine (AL). In 2006, AL implementation began in Huambo Province, which involved training health workers (HWs), supervision, delivering AL to health facilities, and improving malaria testing with microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs). Implementation was complicated by a policy that was sometimes ambiguous.


Fourteen months after implementation began, a cross-sectional survey was conducted in 33 outpatient facilities in Huambo Province to assess their readiness to manage malaria and the quality of malaria case-management for patients of all ages. Consultations were observed, patients were interviewed and re-examined, and HWs were interviewed.


Ninety-three HWs and 177 consultations were evaluated, although many sampled consultations were missed. All facilities had AL in-stock and at least one HW trained to use AL and RDTs. However, anti-malarial stock-outs in the previous three months were common, clinical supervision was infrequent, and HWs had important knowledge gaps. Except for fever history, clinical assessments were often incomplete. Although testing was recommended for all patients with suspected malaria, only 30.7% of such patients were tested. Correct testing was significantly associated with caseloads < 25 patients/day (odds ratio: 18.4; p < 0.0001) and elevated patient temperature (odds ratio: 2.5 per 1°C increase; p = 0.007). Testing was more common among AL-trained HWs, but the association was borderline significant (p = 0.072). When the malaria test was negative, HWs often diagnosed patients with malaria (57.8%) and prescribed anti-malarials (60.0%). Sixty-six percent of malaria-related diagnoses were correct, 20.1% were minor errors, and 13.9% were major (potentially life-threatening) errors. Only 49.0% of malaria treatments were correct, 5.4% were minor errors, and 45.6% were major errors. HWs almost always dosed AL correctly and gave accurate dosing instructions to patients; however, other aspects of counseling needed improvement.


By late-2007, substantial progress had been made to implement the malaria case-management policy in a setting with weak infrastructure. However, policy ambiguities, under-use of malaria testing, and distrust of negative test results led to many incorrect malaria diagnoses and treatments. In 2009, Angola published a policy that clarified many issues. As problems identified in this survey are not unique to Angola, better strategies for improving HW performance are urgently needed.  相似文献   

The Berkeley Phylogenomics Group presents PhyloFacts, a structural phylogenomic encyclopedia containing almost 10,000 'books' for protein families and domains, with pre-calculated structural, functional and evolutionary analyses. PhyloFacts enables biologists to avoid the systematic errors associated with function prediction by homology through the integration of a variety of experimental data and bioinformatics methods in an evolutionary framework. Users can submit sequences for classification to families and functional subfamilies. PhyloFacts is available as a worldwide web resource from .  相似文献   

The mammalian mitochondrial (mt) genome codes for only 13 proteins, which are essential components in the process of oxidative phosphorylation of ADP into ATP. Synthesis of these proteins relies on a proper mt translation machinery. While 22 tRNAs and 2 rRNAs are also coded by the mt genome, all other factors including the set of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) are encoded in the nucleus and imported. Investigation of mammalian mt aminoacylation systems (and mt translation in general) gains more and more interest not only in regard of evolutionary considerations but also with respect to the growing number of diseases linked to mutations in the genes of either mt-tRNAs, synthetases or other factors. Here we report on methodological approaches for biochemical, functional, and structural characterization of human/mammalian mt-tRNAs and aaRSs. Procedures for preparation of native and in vitro transcribed tRNAs are accompanied by recommendations for specific handling of tRNAs incline to structural instability and chemical fragility. Large-scale preparation of mg amounts of highly soluble recombinant synthetases is a prerequisite for structural investigations that requires particular optimizations. Successful examples leading to crystallization of four mt-aaRSs and high-resolution structures are recalled and limitations discussed. Finally, the need for and the state-of-the-art in setting up an in vitro mt translation system are emphasized. Biochemical characterization of a subset of mammalian aminoacylation systems has already revealed a number of unprecedented peculiarities of interest for the study of evolution and forensic research. Further efforts in this field will certainly be rewarded by many exciting discoveries.  相似文献   

The function and specific structural aspects of the tryptophan-rich sensory protein (TspO) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 were studied using site-directed mutagenesis involving some 17 different amino acids. The choice of these amino acids changes was dictated from an analysis of the TspO family of proteins derived from the data bases. These studies demonstrated the importance of several highly conserved tryptophan residues in the sensory transduction pathway involving TspO through the proposed binding of an intermediate(s) in the tetrapyrrole biosynthesis pathway. These studies also revealed that the substitution of one or several of the amino acid residues dramatically affected, either directly or indirectly, the levels of TspO in the membranes of R. sphaeroides. Mounting evidence is presented suggesting that TspO normally forms a dimer within the bacterial outer membrane, and the dimer form of TspO may be the active form for TspO function. Because our earlier studies provided us with a functional framework within which to view these amino acid substitutions, we are able to suggest a preliminary model for TspO structure-function. Not only do these studies tell us more about TspO, but they also shed light on the TspO homologue, the drug-binding component of the mitochondrial peripheral benzodiazepine receptor. Mounting evidence draws numerous parallelism between these proteins and supports the significance of using TspO as a model for the structure and function of the mitochondrial protein.  相似文献   

Substrate-binding proteins (SBP) are associated with a wide variety of protein complexes. The proteins are part of ATP-binding cassette transporters for substrate uptake, ion gradient driven transporters, DNA-binding proteins, as well as channels and receptors from both pro- and eukaryotes. A wealth of structural and functional data is available on SBPs, with over 120 unique entries in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Over a decade ago these proteins were divided into three structural classes, but based on the currently available wealth of structural data, we propose a new classification into six clusters, based on features of their three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

In our search for genes involved in oyster immunity we isolated a cDNA encoding a polypeptide closely related to the mammalian IkappaB kinase (IKK) family. IKK proteins play a central role in cell signaling by regulating nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) activation. We report here the cloning of an oyster IKK-like protein (oIKK) which possesses the characteristic organization of the mammalian IKK proteins, namely an amino-terminal kinase domain followed by a leucine zipper region and a carboxyl-terminal helix-loop-helix motif. When transfected into human cell lines, oIKK activated the expression of NF-kappaB-controlled reporter gene, whereas transfections with mutants of oIKK deleted within the kinase domain or within the helix-loop-helix motif respectively abolished and greatly reduced reporter gene activation. These results indicate that oIKK can replace the hIKK-alpha in catalyzing NF-kappaB nuclear translocation, and in triggering gene expression. Our results sustain the concept of an evolutionarily conserved signaling machinery in which IKK plays a major role.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper we review the search for guilds in plant communities, and provide a summary of the process, emphasizing five steps: (1) defining function, (2) selecting traits which reflect function, (3) screening for those traits, (4) constructing trait matrices, and (5) grouping species according to these traits. We illustrate this process for wetland plant species based upon a matrix of 27 traits and 43 species from across eastern North America. The 43 species were selected to represent the widest range of life history types possible as well as both common species and nationally rare or endangered species. We found three main functional groups: ruderals, matrix and interstitial species, which we subdivide into a total of seven guilds. The growing number of such studies in the literature suggest that this may be an expedient measure for conservation biology and a promising one for predictions.  相似文献   

GeMMA (Genome Modelling and Model Annotation) is a new approach to automatic functional subfamily classification within families and superfamilies of protein sequences. A major advantage of GeMMA is its ability to subclassify very large and diverse superfamilies with tens of thousands of members, without the need for an initial multiple sequence alignment. Its performance is shown to be comparable to the established high-performance method SCI-PHY. GeMMA follows an agglomerative clustering protocol that uses existing software for sensitive and accurate multiple sequence alignment and profile–profile comparison. The produced subfamilies are shown to be equivalent in quality whether whole protein sequences are used or just the sequences of component predicted structural domains. A faster, heuristic version of GeMMA that also uses distributed computing is shown to maintain the performance levels of the original implementation. The use of GeMMA to increase the functional annotation coverage of functionally diverse Pfam families is demonstrated. It is further shown how GeMMA clusters can help to predict the impact of experimentally determining a protein domain structure on comparative protein modelling coverage, in the context of structural genomics.  相似文献   

Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclases synthesize second messenger molecules by intramolecular esterification of purine nucleotides, i.e., cAMP from ATP and cGMP from GTP, respectively. Despite their sequence homology, both families of mammalian cyclases show remarkably different regulatory patterns. In an attempt to define the functional domains in adenylyl cyclase responsible for their isotypic-common activation by Galphas or forskolin, dimeric chimeras were constructed from soluble guanylyl cyclase alpha1 subunit and the C-terminal halves of adenylyl cyclases type I, II, or V. The cyclase-hybrid generated cAMP and was inhibited by P-site ligands. The data establish structural equivalence and the ability of functional complement at the catalytic sites in both cyclases. Detailed enzymatic characterization of the chimeric cyclase revealed a crucial role of the N-terminal adenylyl cyclase half for stimulatory actions, and a major importance of the C-terminal part for nucleotide specificity.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute the largest known family of cell-surface receptors. With hundreds of members populating the rhodopsin-like GPCR superfamily and many more awaiting discovery in the human genome, they are of interest to the pharmaceutical industry because of the opportunities they afford for yielding potentially lucrative drug targets. Typical sequence analysis strategies for identifying novel GPCRs tend to involve similarity searches using standard primary database search tools. This will reveal the most similar sequence, generally without offering any insight into its family or superfamily relationships. Conversely, searches of most 'pattern' or family databases are likely to identify the superfamily, but not the closest matching subtype. Here we describe a diagnostic resource that allows identification of GPCRs in a hierarchical fashion, based principally upon their ligand preference. This resource forms part of the PRINTS database, which now houses approximately 250 GPCR-specific fingerprints (http://www.bioinf.man.ac.uk/dbbrowser/gpcrPRINTS/). This collection of fingerprints is able to provide more sensitive diagnostic opportunities than have been realized by related approaches and is currently the only diagnostic tool for assigning GPCR subtypes. Mapping such fingerprints on to three-dimensional GPCR models offers powerful insights into the structural and functional determinants of subtype specificity.  相似文献   

We determined composition and relative roles of deubiquitylating proteins associated with the 26S proteasome in mammalian cells. Three deubiquitylating activities were associated with the 26S proteasome: two from constituent subunits, Rpn11/S13 and Uch37, and one from a reversibly associated protein, Usp14. RNA interference (RNAi) of Rpn11/S13 inhibited cell growth, decreased cellular proteasome activity via disrupted 26S proteasome assembly, and inhibited cellular protein degradation. In contrast, RNAi of Uch37 or Usp14 had no detectable effect on cell growth, proteasome structure or proteolytic capacity, but accelerated cellular protein degradation. RNAi of both Uch37 and Usp14 also had no effect on proteasome structure or proteolytic capacity, but inhibited cellular protein degradation. Thus, proper proteasomal processing of ubiquitylated substrates requires Rpn11 plus either Uch37 or Usp14. Although the latter proteins feature redundant deubiquitylation functions, they also appear to exert noncatalyic effects on proteasome activity that are similar to but independent of one another. These results reveal unexpected functional relationships among multiple deubiquitylating proteins and suggest a model for mammalian 26S proteasome function whereby their concerted action governs proteasome function by linking deubiquitylation to substrate hydrolysis.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates that elicited dream narratives use a differing narrative structural and functional framework, as proposed by Labov and Waletzky's (1967) narrative framework on elicited personal narratives. A quantitative structural and functional analysis of five male and female collected samples showed that dream narratives follow a homogenous structure of (1) Topic introduction, (2) Orientation, (3) Complication, (4) Evaluation, and (5) Coda, consequently reflecting the omission of Labov and Waletzky's (1967) proposed resolution unit, which confirms Labov's (1997) suggestion of the difficulty to distinguish between resolution and coda. Moreover, this article devotes attention to specific structural particularities, proposing that analepses and prolepses might indicate, firstly, the simultaneous processing of new spatial information and new protagonists, and secondly, reflecting indirectly the experience of dream bizarreness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A complementation method for functional analysis of mammalian genes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Our progress in understanding mammalian gene function has lagged behind that of gene identification. New methods for mammalian gene functional analysis are needed to accelerate the process. In yeast, the powerful genetic shuffle system allows deletion of any chromosomal gene by homologous recombination and episomal expression of a mutant allele in the same cell. Here, we report a method for mammalian cells, which employs a helper-dependent adenoviral (HD-Ad) vector to synthesize small hairpin (sh) RNAs to knock-down the expression of an endogenous gene by targeting untranslated regions (UTRs). The vector simultaneously expresses an exogenous version of the same gene (wild-type or mutant allele) lacking the UTRs for functional analysis. We demonstrated the utility of the method by using PRPF3, which encodes the human RNA splicing factor Hprp3p. Recently, missense mutations in PRPF3 were found to cause autosomal-dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa, a form of genetic eye diseases affecting the retina. We knocked-down endogenous PRPF3 in multiple cell lines and rescued the phenotype (cell death) with exogenous PRPF3 cDNA, thereby creating a genetic complementation method. Because Ad vectors can efficiently transduce a wide variety of cell types, and many tissues in vivo, this method could have a wide application for gene function studies.  相似文献   

We have determined the crystal structures of three homologous proteins from the pathogenic protozoans Leishmania donovani, Leishmania major, and Trypanosoma cruzi. We propose that these proteins represent a new subfamily within the isochorismatase superfamily (CDD classification cd004310). Their overall fold and key active site residues are structurally homologous both to the biochemically well-characterized N-carbamoylsarcosine-amidohydrolase, a cysteine hydrolase, and to the phenazine biosynthesis protein PHZD (isochorismase), an aspartyl hydrolase. All three proteins are annotated as mitochondrial-associated ribonuclease Mar1, based on a previous characterization of the homologous protein from L. tarentolae. This would constitute a new enzymatic activity for this structural superfamily, but this is not strongly supported by the observed structures. In these protozoan proteins, the extended active site is formed by inter-subunit association within a tetramer, which implies a distinct evolutionary history and substrate specificity from the previously characterized members of the isochorismatase superfamily. The characterization of the active site is supported crystallographically by the presence of an unidentified ligand bound at the active site cysteine of the T. cruzi structure.  相似文献   

1. A logical way of distinguishing functional groups of phytoplankton is to cluster species according to their functional traits, such as growth rate and nutrient assimilation constants. However, data for such an approach are lacking for the vast majority of the species. 2. In this study, we show that a classification based on simple morphological traits may capture much of the variability in functional properties among the phytoplankton. We used information on more than 700 freshwater species, from more than 200 lakes situated in climate zones ranging from subpolar to tropical. 3. Morphological characteristics correlated well with functional properties, such as growth rate and sinking rate, and also with the population size and biomass attained in the field. This suggests that morphology is a good predictor of the functional characteristics of species. 4. Cluster analysis was used to define seven species groups based on morphology. Although some of the clusters are taxonomically homogeneous, others include species of several separate divisions. Functional traits (not used for the classification) differed significantly among the clusters, suggesting that the clusters may indeed represent meaningful functional groups. 5. Advantages of our morphological approach to classification include its objectivity, its independence from taxonomic affiliations, and the relative ease of its application to the majority of species for which physiological traits are unknown and are not readily determined.  相似文献   

Human coilin interacting nuclear ATPase protein (hCINAP) directly interacts with coilin, a marker protein of Cajal Bodies (CBs), nuclear organelles involved in the maturation of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins UsnRNPs and snoRNPs. hCINAP has previously been designated as an adenylate kinase (AK6), but is very atypical as it exhibits unusually broad substrate specificity, structural features characteristic of ATPase/GTPase proteins (Walker motifs A and B) and also intrinsic ATPase activity. Despite its intriguing structure, unique properties and cellular localization, the enzymatic mechanism and biological function of hCINAP have remained poorly characterized. Here, we offer the first high-resolution structure of hCINAP in complex with the substrate ADP (and dADP), the structure of hCINAP with a sulfate ion bound at the AMP binding site, and the structure of the ternary complex hCINAP-Mg(2+) ADP-Pi. Induced fit docking calculations are used to predict the structure of the hCINAP-Mg(2+) ATP-AMP ternary complex. Structural analysis suggested a functional role for His79 in the Walker B motif. Kinetic analysis of mutant hCINAP-H79G indicates that His79 affects both AK and ATPase catalytic efficiency and induces homodimer formation. Finally, we show that in vivo expression of hCINAP-H79G in human cells is toxic and drastically deregulates the number and appearance of CBs in the cell nucleus. Our findings suggest that hCINAP may not simply regulate nucleotide homeostasis, but may have broader functionality, including control of CB assembly and disassembly in the nucleus of human cells.  相似文献   

Abstract. Functional classifications have been derived for various purposes using subjective, objective and deductive approaches. Most of the classifications were derived to describe a static state of a region or landscape rather than to predict the dynamics of the system. Here, we suggest a simple, but comprehensive functional classification based on life history parameters that can predict the dynamics of plant communities subject to recurrent disturbances. The predicted dynamics are described in terms of survival and local extinction of the functional groups. The groups derived from the classification are probably largely independent of functional groupings that may be derived for other aspects of community composition (e.g. structure, phenology) and community interactions (roughness, albedo etc.). We emphasize that functional classification is context-dependent and we should not expect to find a useful, universal classification into functional groups. Software has been developed to help classify the species into functional groups, to derive successional sequences and to predict community composition under different disturbance regimes both in point and landscape models.  相似文献   

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