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Summary The incidence of myosatellite cells associated with white and red muscle fibres of the parietal muscle and red fibres of the craniovelar muscle was estimated by quantitative electron microscopy in the Atlantic hagfish (Myxine glutinosa, L.). Myosatellite cell nuclei constitute 3, 11 and 23 % of the total number of nuclei inside the basal lamina of the three types of muscle fibres, respectively. However, the total number of nuclei is highest in white fibres, most of the nuclei belonging to striated muscle cells. Myosatellite cell profiles in transverse sections constitute 23, 41 and 61 % of the number of muscle fibre profiles of the three types, respectively. The intervals between adjacent myosatellite cells are 135 m in white fibres, 55 m in red parietal fibres, and only 25 m in craniovelar fibres. Since craniovelar fibres are also comparatively thin, myosatellite cells constitute a significant fraction of the volume inside the basal lamina in these fibres. The myosatellite cells are 30–50 m long and up to 5 m thick. Some myosatellite cells possess few organelles, whereas others appear to contain many free ribosomes, granular endoplasmic reticulum, prominent Golgi apparatus and lysosome-like bodies.This investigation was supported by the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (NAVF grant No. C20.30–37). The authors are indebted to Jorunn Line Vaaland and Berit Branil for technical assistance, and to Dr. Finn Walvig, Biological Station, University of Oslo, Drøbak, for supplying the hagfish  相似文献   

Summary Four types of striated muscle fibers with distinctive ultrastructure were defined in the Atlantic hagfish (Myxine glutinosa, L.): white, intermediate, and red fibers of m. parietalis, and red fibers of m. craniovelaris.White fibers are thick, contain very few mitochondria and fat vacuoles, and possess distinct and separate myofibrils with thin Z-disks and distinct M-lines. Intermediate fibers are thinner, possess largely similar myofibrils that often are even better separated due to a higher content of fat vacuoles and especially mitochondria and glycogen granules. Red fibers of m. parietalis contain large amounts of mitochondria, fat vacuoles, and glycogen granules. Their myofibrils possess M-lines, and although branching more, the myofibrils of red fibers conform with a Fibrillenstruktur pattern like those of white and intermediate fibers. Red fibers of m. craniovelaris are very thin, possess many smaller fat vacuoles, and large amounts of mitochondria and glycogen granules. The myofibrils are significantly thinner than in m. parietalis fibers, run as quite independent well separated units, possess thicker Z-disks, and lack M-lines. Large amounts of myosatellite cells are associated with these red fibers.Triads are located near A/I-junctions in all four fiber types and occur irregularly, the density of triads being different in the various fiber types.We are indebted to Dr. Finn Walvig, Biological Station, University of Oslo, Drøbak, for supply of hagfishes, and we also wish to thank Dr. Jan K. S. Jansen, Institute of Physiology, University of Oslo, for valuable suggestions during this study.  相似文献   

Summary The anterior pituitary of the Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa, was investigated by transmission electron microscopy. The cells of the adenohypophysis are arranged in follicles surrounded by connective tissue. Five cell types containing granules and one agranular cell type were identified. At the present state of the study the function of these cells remains open to discussion.This study was supported by the Austrian Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Grant no. 4070) and the Stiftungs- und Förderungsgesellschaft der Paris Lodron-Universität in Salzburg. The authors are grateful to the Director of the Biological Station in Drøbak (Norway), Amanuensis Finn Walvig, for procuring the material  相似文献   

Summary The vascular pathways associated with the glomerulus of the Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa have been studied by scanning electron microscopy of corroded resin casts of the vasculature. Although the overall pattern of the renal vasculature did not differ from earlier reports, a previously unreported vascular pathway which arose from the renal artery and bypassed the glomerular capillaries in 28% of glomeruli was clearly demonstrated. Glomerular bypass shunts either ran to join the loose capillary network around Bowman's capsule and thereby drain into the network of vessels associated with the mesonephric duct (ureter), or ran directly into the ureteral system of vessels and subsequently into the posterior cardinal veins. Glomerular bypass shunts which theoretically permit renal arterial blood to bypass the process of filtration may play a role in the regulation of body fluid volume.  相似文献   

Summary The intramembrane organization of the occluding junctions in the gill epithelium of the Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa, was studied by means of freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Mitochondria-rich cells, characterized by assemblies of rod-shaped particles in the luminal plasma membrane and by an extensive intracellular amplification of the basolateral plasma membrane, are singly distributed between the pavement cells in the gill epithelium of this marine and stenohaline cyclostome. The occluding junctions between mitochondria-rich cells and pavement cells do not differ from those between adjacent pavement cells, concerning the number of superimposed strands (median 6, range 4–9) and their geometrical organization. These observations suggest that, in contrast to marine teleosts, the paracellular pathway plays a minor role in transepithelial ion movements in the hagfish gill epithelium. The findings are in agreement with the absence of hypoosmoregulatory mechanisms in hagfish, as have been evolved in various marine vertebrates. In addition, small communicating junctions are demonstrated between pavement cells; they possibly serve for a coordinated synthesis and secretion of mucus by the pavement cells.Dedicated to Prof. H. Leonhardt on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the kidney (glomerulus and archinephric duct) of the hagfish, Myxine glutinosa (L.) was studied in thin sections and by freeze-fracture technique.The glomerular filtration barrier is similar to that of mammalian kidneys. However, endothelial fenestrations are relatively scanty and the basement membranes of endothelial cells and podocytes always appear separated by a layer of collagen fibrils and microfibrils often surrounding numerous and extended mesangial cells. Between podocytes and their processes maculae occludentes and peculiar junctions of another type occur.The zonulae occludentes between epithelial cells of the archinephric duct are composed of five or more strands, occasionally of only one or two.Supported in part by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 146, STO B4) and NIH (ISOI-RR 05764).We are grateful to Dipl.-Ing. G. Wermbter for her helpful criticism and to Mr. H. Heidreich for his excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Myomuscular junctions between muscle fibers in the gill sacs of the Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa, were examined by electron microscopy. According to the presence of sarcolemmal differentiations typical of myotendinous junctions, the myomuscular junctions can be described as a symmetric myotendinous junction  相似文献   

Summary The organization of vesicular profiles in the endothelium of cerebral capillaries of the hagfish, Myxine glutinosa, has been reinvestigated. Judged from random thin sections the endothelial cells contain numerous vesicles and tubules, in contrast to brain endothelia of most other vertebrates. However, three-dimensional reconstructions based on ultrathin serial sections (thickness 18 nm) showed that the profiles represent a system of irregular tubular invaginations of the cell membrane, comparable to the vesicular invaginations demonstrated in extracerebral capillary endothelia of frogs and rats. In addition, smooth-surfaced cisternae were present in close relation to the invaginations. The function of endothelial invaginations is unknown. They do not transport macromolecules, because the blood-brain barrier is practically impermeable to proteins. However, since the system of the invaginations and smooth-surfaced cisternae is structurally similar to the system of caveolae and sarcoplasmic reticulum in smooth muscle cells, a common function seems likely. It is proposed that endothelial invaginations and smooth-surfaced cisternae are involved in regulation of cytosolic Ca++-concentration.  相似文献   

The integument of the hagfish Myxine glutinosa is described with respect to the topography and the fine structural organization of the dermal and hypodermal nerve fiber plexus. Both nerve fiber plexuses contain small ganglion cells with axodendritic and axosomatic synapscs. The six barbels of the head (4 nasal and 2 oral barbels) are supplied with about 5600 afferent trigeminal nerve fibers via the right and left ophthalmic nerve. With respect to the topography of the sensory nerve terminals in the barbels different types of receptors are termed the external cuff receptor, internal cuff receptor, and perichondrial receptor. Free nerve terminals occur within the epidermal layer, especially at the tip region of the barbels and in the glassy membrane of the dermis. The hypodermal edge receptor organ extends from the ventral nasal barbel to the oral barbel. A mechanoreceptive function of the different receptor types is discussed. The innervation pattern of the barbel is similar to the innervation of the mammalian sinus hair. In this context, the barbel is a highly differentiated receptor organ able to explore the nearest surroundings with high stereognostic perception. The ganglion cells of the skin seem to represent a part of the peripheral autonomic nervous system, which is involved in the control of secretion mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary Opsin-immunoreactive sites in the eye and optic nerve of the hagfish, Myxine glutinosa, were studied by use of light-microscopic pre- and postembedding peroxidase-antiperoxidase or avidin-biotin-peroxidase techniques, and the immuno-electron-microscopic protein A-gold method. At the light-microscopic level, a strong opsin immuno-reaction was obtained on the outer segments of the photoreceptor cells with sheep and rat antibodies against bovine (rhod)opsin. These outer segments were located in the marginal photoreceptor space and in follicles of the retina, as well as in the tubular lumen of the optic nerve. Ultrastructurally, two classes of outer segments can be distinguished; most of them exhibited a strong antiopsin reaction, while certain elements lacked immunoreactivity with the antisera employed. The protein A-gold particles marked opsin-immunoreactive sites on the photoreceptor membranes. The presence of opsin-immunoreactive material in the retina and optic nerve of the hagfish strengthens the view that this primitive eye lacking a cornea, lens and vitreous body is engaged in light perception. The morphological similarity between the eye and pineal tissue is discussed in connection with the absence of a pineal organ in this species.This investigation was supported by grants from the Swedish Natural Sciences Research Council to R.O. (No. B-BU 2124), and the Royal Physiographic Society of Lund and the Swedish Natural Sciences Research Council to Th. v.V. (No. 4644-105)On leave of absence from the 2nd Department of Anatomy, Semmelweis OTE, Budapest, Hungary  相似文献   

Summary White and intermediate parietal muscle fibers of Myxine are innervated focally at one end. Most synaptic vesicles are empty. These terminals also contain 1–2% large 800–1.100 Å dense-core vesicles. Red fibers of parietal and craniovelar muscle are innervated in a distributed fashion, and the presynaptic profiles contain a higher number of large dense-core vesicles (averaging 9% and 15%, respectively; up to 37%). For all terminals the synaptic gap is 450–600 Å wide, and postsynaptic folds are absent.Empty synaptic vesicles exist as round or elongated profiles. The proportion of elongated profiles increases by formation from round ones when increasing the molarity of the buffer in the aldehyde fixative. Furthermore, the proportion of elongated vesicle profiles in terminals on Myxine white fibers at different buffer molarities, is identical with that in mammalian motor terminals at similar molarities. On this basis the significance and mode of formation of elongated vesicle profiles is discussed. The conclusion is made that the susceptibility of flattening depends on the osmotic pressure of the vesicle contents once the aldehyde has influenced the vesicle membrane.The different vesicle populations in terminals on different types of muscle fibers are significant. Terminals on red fibers probably contain serotonin (5-HT) either as sole transmitter or in addition to acetylcholine.The author is indebted to Dr. Finn Walvig, Biological Station, University of Oslo, Drøbak, for supply of hagfishes, and to Mrs. Jorunn Line Vaaland for expert technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary A transient close relationship between the chromatoid body and the developing acrosome is demonstrated in early spermatids of Myxine glutinosa.This work was supported by the Norwegian Research Council for Science and Humanities (NAVF, Grant Nr. D 61.44) and the Austrian Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Projekt 2183  相似文献   

This work reports the purification and biochemical characterization of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) from ostrich (Struthio camelus) lung. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme was approximately evaluated to be 200 kDa and the maximum enzyme activity was observed at pH 7.5. The enzyme activity was increased by detergents of Triton X-100 (0.01%), cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) (0.1 and 1 mM) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) (0.1 mM), while decreased by Triton X-100 (1% and 10%) and SDS (1 mM and 10 mM). The secondary and tertiary structure and activity of ACE in the absence and presence of trifluoroethanol (TFE) were investigated using circular dichroism, fluorescence quenching and UV–visible spectroscopy, respectively. Our results revealed that TFE stabilizes ACE at low concentrations, while acts as a denaturant at higher concentration (20%). The Km, Kcat and Kcat/Km values of ostrich ACE towards FAPGG were 0.8 × 10?4 M, 59,240 min?1 and 74 × 107 min?1 M?1, respectively. The values of IC50 and Ki for captopril were determined to be 36.5 nM and 16.6 nM, respectively. In conclusion, ostrich lung ACE is a new enzyme which could be employed as a candidate for studying ACE structure and its natural or synthetic inhibitors.  相似文献   

Summary The avidin-biotin peroxidase technique was used to determine the distribution of natriuretic peptides in the hearts and brains of the dogfishSqualus acanthias and the Atlantic hagfishMyxine glutinosa. Three antisera were used: one raised against porcine brain natriuretic peptide which cross-reacts with atrial natriuretic and C-type natriuretic peptides (termed natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactivity); the second raised against porcine brain natriuretic peptide which cross-reacts with C-type natriuretic peptide, but not with atrial natriuretic peptide (termed porcine brain natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactivity); and the third raised against rat atrial natriuretic peptide (termed rat atrial natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactivity). Only natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactivity was observed in the heart ofS. acanthias which was most likely due to the antiserum cross-reacting with C-type natriuretic peptide. No immunoreactivity was found in theM. glutinosa heart. In the brain ofS. acanthias, natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactive fibres were located in many areas of the telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, rhombencephalon, and spinal cord. Extensive immunoreactivity was observed in the hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract and the neurointermediate lobe of the hypophysis. Natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactive perikarya were found in ventromedial regions of the telencephalon and in the nucleus preopticus. Most perikarya had short, thick processes which extended toward the ventricle. Another group of perikarya was observed in the rhombencephalon. Porcine brain natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactive fibres were observed in the telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon, but perikarya were only present in the preoptic area. In theM. glutinosa brain, natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactive fibres were present in all regions. Immunoreactive perikarya were observed in the pallium, primordium hippocampi, pars ventralis thalami, pars dorsalis thalami, nucleus diffusus hypothalami, nucleus profundus, nucleus tuberculi posterioris, and nucleus ventralis tegmenti. Procine brain natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactive perikarya and fibres had a similar, but less abundant distribution than natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactive structures. Although the chemical structures of natriuretic peptides in the brains of dogfish and hagfish are unknown, these observations show that a component of the natriuretic peptide complement is similar to porcine brain natriuretic peptide or porcine C-type natriuretic peptide. The presence of natriuretic peptides in the brain suggest they could be important neuromodulators and/or neurotransmitters. Furthermore, there appears to be divergence in the structural forms of natriuretic peptides in the hearts and brains of dogfish and hagfish.  相似文献   

Summary Thein vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was determined inAlnus glutinosa plants grown nonsymbiotically on ammonium, nitrate, a combination of both, or symbiotically with atmospheric nitrogen as the only nitrogen source. Root NRA was absent when ammonium or atmospheric nitrogen was the nitrogen source. With nitrate in the culture solution the roots showed a high NRA. However, the leaf NRA behaved quite differently: with negligible activities on all nitrogen sources except atmospheric nitrogen. The foliar NRA measured, however, is likely not due to the activity of the plant but of microbial origin. Methods commonly used to facilitate produced nitrite to leak out of the tissue, such as addition of propanol and cutting the plant material, did not increase the nitrite release from the leaves. A turbidity developed when testing the samples for nitrite which was positively correlated with the NRA. Populations of microorganisms in the phyllosphere did not differ between the nutritional treatments. Bacteria, able to grow on a low-nitrogen medium, were present on the leaves. Nitrifiers could not be detected. The bacteria on the leaves appear to produce nitrite when incubated with leaf material. Grassland Species Research Group, Publication no. 106  相似文献   

G. Pizelle 《Plant and Soil》1984,78(1-2):181-188
Summary The seasonal variations of the growth of sexual reproductive organs and of the nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) of root nodules are surveyed in mature field alders (Alnus glutinosa). The growth of female catkins—pollinated in February-early March—takes place chiefly from June to August and the growth of immature male catkins from July to September. The nitrogenase activity steadily shows two periods of high rate—the first from late April to early June, the second in September–October-and a summer period of low rate when the female catkins and the seeds achieve the most part of their growth.The seasonal fluctuations of thein vitro/in vivo nitrogenase activity ratio showing the supply of metabolic factors in the root nodules as a likely cause of the variations of thein vivo nitrogenase activity, the possible competition for photosynthate allocation between the production of sexual organs and the nitrogen-fixing capacity in mature field alders is discussed.  相似文献   

Venom from the endoparasitic wasp, Pimpla hypochondriaca, is composed of a mixture of high and low molecular weight proteins, possesses phenoloxidase activity, has immunosuppressive properties, and induces paralysis in several insect species. In the present study we demonstrate that P. hypochondriaca venom also contains antibacterial and proteolytic activity. Antibacterial activity was detected against the Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli and Xanthamonas campestris but not against Pseudomonas syringae nor against two Gram-positive bacteria, Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis. Endopeptidase and aminopeptidase activity in venom was detected using the synthetic fluorogenic substrates N-t-BOC-Phe-Ser-Arg-AMC, Arg-AMC and Leu-Arg. The aminopeptidase activity towards Arg-AMC was sensitive to amastatin (70% inhibition), an aminopeptidase inhibitor. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-like enzyme activity was detected, by reverse-phase HPLC using the synthetic tripeptide Hip-His-Leu as a substrate. This activity was sensitive to captopril, an ACE inhibitor (IC(50) 3.8 x 10(-8) M). Using an antiserum raised against recombinant Drosophila melanogaster ACE-like enzyme, (rAnce), Western blot analysis revealed an immunoreactive protein, with a molecular weight estimate of 74 kDa, in P. hypochondriaca venom. The possibility that the endopeptidase, aminopeptidase and ACE are involved in the processing of peptide precursors in the venom sac is discussed.  相似文献   

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