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Attenuation of phrenic motor discharge by phrenic nerve afferents   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Short latency phrenic motor responses to phrenic nerve stimulation were studied in anesthetized, paralyzed cats. Electrical stimulation (0.2 ms, 0.01-10 mA, 2 Hz) of the right C5 phrenic rootlet during inspiration consistently elicited a transient reduction in the phrenic motor discharge. This attenuation occurred bilaterally with an onset latency of 8-12 ms and a duration of 8-30 ms. Section of the ipsilateral C4-C6 dorsal roots abolished the response to stimulation, thereby confirming the involvement of phrenic nerve afferent activity. Stimulation of the left C5 phrenic rootlet or the right thoracic phrenic nerve usually elicited similar inhibitory responses. The difference in onset latency of responses to cervical vs. thoracic phrenic nerve stimulation indicates activation of group III afferents with a peripheral conduction velocity of approximately 10 m/s. A much shorter latency response (5 ms) was evoked ipsilaterally by thoracic phrenic nerve stimulation. Section of either the C5 or C6 dorsal root altered the ipsilateral response so that it resembled the longer latency contralateral response. The low-stimulus threshold and short latency for the ipsilateral response to thoracic phrenic nerve stimulation suggest that it involves larger diameter fibers. Decerebration, decerebellation, and transection of the dorsal columns at C2 do not abolish the inhibitory phrenic-to-phrenic reflex.  相似文献   

In anesthetized artificially ventilated cats, diaphragmatic fatigue was produced by direct muscle stimulation with trains of pulses for 30 min. Failure of contraction was assessed from decrease in the maximal relaxation rate of transdiaphragmatic pressure twitches. Motor activities (electromyogram and motor phrenic neurogram) were processed by fast-Fourier transform analysis, which provided the power spectrum density function (PSDF). The discharge frequency of diaphragmatic afferents was also measured. In control conditions (before fatigue), intra-arterial bolus injection of lactic acid enhanced tonically active diaphragmatic afferents, whereas it reduced the firing rate of afferent fibers activated in phase with diaphragmatic contraction or relaxation. The same sensory response pattern was observed with the development of diaphragmatic fatigue. Leftward shift in PSDFs of motor phrenic neurogram also occurred, but it preceded the failure of diaphragmatic contraction as well as the changes in the electromyogram's PSDF and afferent paths, which were closely associated with lengthening of both inspiratory and total breath durations. After section of the phrenic nerves, the motor phrenic response disappeared during the fatigue trial. This demonstrates the existence of complex reflex-induced changes in the ventilatory control during diaphragmatic fatigue. They seem to involve the participation of several types of phrenic afferents.  相似文献   

Repetitive electrical stimulation of afferent fibers in the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) evoked depressant or excitatory effects on sympathetic preganglionic neurons of the cervical trunk in Nembutal-anesthetized, paralyzed, artifically ventilated cats. The depressant effect, which consisted of suppression of the inspiration-synchronous discharge of units with such firing pattern, was obtained at low strength and frequency of stimulation (e.g. 600 mV, 30 Hz) and was absent at end-tidal CO2 values below threshold for phrenic nerve activity. The excitatory effect required higher intensity and frequency of stimulation and was CO2 independent. The depressant effect on sympathetic preganglionic neurons with inspiratory firing pattern seemed a replica of the inspiration-inhibitory effect observed on phrenic motoneurons. Hence, it could be attributed to the known inhibition by the SLN of central inspiratory activity, if it is assumed that this is a common driver for phrenic motoneurons and some sympathetic preganglionic neurons. The excitatory effect, on the other hand, appears to be due to connections of SLN afferents with sympathetic preganglionic neurons, independent of the respiratory center.  相似文献   

Ventilation and electromyogram (EMG) activities of the right hemidiaphragm, parasternal intercostal, triangularis sterni, transversus abdominis, genioglossus, and alae nasi muscles were measured before and during central stimulation of the left thoracic phrenic nerve in 10 alpha-chloralose anesthetized vagotomized dogs. Pressure in the carotid sinuses was fixed to maintain baroreflex activity constant. The nerve was stimulated for 1 min with a frequency of 40 Hz and stimulus duration of 1 ms at voltages of 5, 10, 20, and 30 times twitch threshold (TT). At five times TT, no change in ventilation or EMG activity occurred. At 10 times TT, neither tidal volume nor breathing frequency increased sufficiently to reach statistical significance, although the change in their product (minute ventilation) was significant (P less than 0.05). At 20 and 30 times TT, increases in both breathing frequency and tidal volume were significant. At these stimulus intensities, the increases in ventilation were accompanied by approximately equal increases in the activity of the diaphragm, parasternal, and alae nasi muscles. The increase in genioglossus activity was much greater than that of the other inspiratory muscles. Phrenic nerve stimulation also elicited inhomogeneous activation of the expiratory muscles. The transversus abdominis activity increased significantly at intensities from 10 to 30 times TT, whereas the activity of the triangularis sterni remained unchanged. The high stimulation intensities required suggest that the activation of afferent fiber groups III and IV is involved in the response. We conclude that thin-fiber phrenic afferent activation exerts a nonuniform effect on the upper airway, rib cage, and abdominal muscles and may play a role in the control of respiratory muscle recruitment.  相似文献   

The effect of menthol on the discharge pattern of feline nasal and lingual cold receptors was analyzed in order to elucidate the underlying sensory transducer mechanism. A repetitive beating activity and burst (grouped) discharges were observed in both cold receptor populations at constant temperatures and after rapid cooling. An analysis of the impulse activity revealed a cyclic pattern of impulse generation, which suggested the existence of an underlying receptor potential oscillation that initiates impulses in the afferent nerve when it exceeds a threshold value. The frequency and amplitude of the periodic impulse-inducing receptor processes were characterized by the burst frequency, which increased with warming, and by the average number of impulses generated during each cycle, which increased with cooling. Menthol at micromolar concentrations induced an acceleration of the burst frequency at higher temperatures, but reduced the burst frequency in the midtemperature range. At temperatures above 25 degrees C, menthol increased the number of impulses elicited during each cycle and induced bursting in previously repetitively discharging fibers. At low temperatures, menthol suppressed bursting and finally inhibited all cold receptor activity. The impulse pattern at constant temperatures and during the dynamic response to rapid cooling was comparably affected by menthol. Calcium application completely abolished the stimulating menthol effect. Since, in equal concentrations, menthol specifically impairs neuronal calcium currents, the results are consistent with the conjecture that in cold receptors, menthol reduces the activation of a calcium-stimulated outward current by an impeding effect on a calcium conductance, thereby inducing depolarization and a modification of bursting behavior. The data confirm the hypothesis of a calcium-controlled outward conductance being involved in the generation of cyclic afferent activity in cold receptors.  相似文献   

Quantitative characteristics of afferent flows coding information from a number of receptors were obtained by the gliding impulses method. The frequency spectrum of activity in a cutaneous nerve, the relative numbers of active A, A, and C fibers and their distribution by impulse transition frequency during stimulation of the cat's skin with pins and needles were determined. The afferent flow recorded in the nerve during pricking of the skin is characterized by high density, due to the number of excited fibers and the frequency of activity in them. The higher density of the afferent flow during the application of a painful than of a painless stimulus is mainly due to activity in C fibers. Unmyelinated fibers subjected to the action of the same stimulus and of chemically active substances liberated from the cells during tissue injury are excited directly and generate high-frequency spikes which increase the flow density in the nerve. The number of active myelinated fibers and the spike frequency during the action of a painful stimulus are only a little greater than the corresponding characteristics of the afferent discharge during painless stimulation.Scientific-Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, N. I. Lobachevskii Gor'kii State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 391–399, July–August, 1976.  相似文献   

In cats anesthetized with chloralose-urethan, vagotomized, paralyzed, and artifically ventilated, superficial radial (cutaneous) and hamstring (muscle) nerve afferents were stimulated while phrenic nerve electrical activity was recorded. The results obtained with both types of nerves were similar. Stimulation in mid and late expiration advanced the onset of the next inspiration, shortening its duration. Stimulation in early inspiration advanced, while that in late inspiration delayed, the onset of the next expiration. These effects were often accompanied by changes in phrenic motoneuron firing patterns (earlier recruitment, increased discharge frequency, increased slope of integrated phrenic neurogram). Repetitive somatic afferent stimulation produced sustained increases in respiratory frequency in all cats and in half of them entrainment of respiratory frequency to the frequency of stimulation occurred at ratios such as 4:3, 4:5, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, and 1:7. The lowest stimulus intensity required for evoking these phase shifts was between 5 and 10T (threshold of most excitable fibers) for muscle afferents and between 1 and 2T for cutaneous afferents. These results demonstrate the existence of a reflex mechanism capable of locking respiratory frequency to that of a periodic somatic afferent input. They also provide an experimental basis for the hypothesis that reflexes are resposible for the observed locking between step or pedal frequency and respiratory rate during exercise in man.  相似文献   

We tested two hypotheses: 1) that the spontaneous enhancement of phrenic motor output below a C2 spinal hemisection (C2HS) is associated with plasticity in ventrolateral spinal inputs to phrenic motoneurons; and 2) that phrenic motor recovery in anesthetized rats after C2HS correlates with increased capacity to generate inspiratory volume during hypercapnia in unanesthetized rats. At 2 and 4 wk post-C2HS, ipsilateral phrenic nerve activity was recorded in anesthetized, paralyzed, vagotomized, and ventilated rats. Electrical stimulation of the ventrolateral funiculus contralateral to C2HS was used to activate crossed spinal synaptic pathway phrenic motoneurons. Inspiratory phrenic burst amplitudes ipsilateral to C2HS were larger in the 4- vs. 2-wk groups (P<0.05); however, no differences in spinally evoked compound phrenic action potentials could be detected. In unanesthetized rats, inspiratory volume and frequency were quantified using barometric plethysmography at inspired CO2 fractions between 0.0 and 0.07 (inspired O2 fraction 0.21, balance N2) before and 2, 3, and 5 wk post-C2HS. Inspiratory volume was diminished, and frequency enhanced, at 0.0 inspired CO2 fraction (P<0.05) 2-wk post-C2HS; further changes were not observed in the 3- and 5-wk groups. Inspiratory frequency during hypercapnia was unaffected by C2HS. Hypercapnic inspiratory volumes were similarly attenuated at all time points post-C2HS (P<0.05), thereby decreasing hypercapnic minute ventilation (P<0.05). Thus increases in ipsilateral phrenic activity during 4 wk post-C2HS have little impact on the capacity to generate inspiratory volume in unanesthetized rats. Enhanced crossed phrenic activity post-C2HS may reflect plasticity associated with spinal axons not activated by our ventrolateral spinal stimulation.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of chemical and reflex drives on the postinspiratory inspiratory activity (PIIA) of phrenic motoneurons using a single-fiber technique. Action potentials from "single" fibers were recorded from the C5 phrenic root together with contralateral mass phrenic activity (also from C5) in anesthetized, paralyzed, and artificially ventilated cats with intact vagus and carotid sinus nerves. Nerve fibers were classified as "early" or "late" based on their onset of discharge in relation to mass phrenic activity during hyperoxic ventilation. Only the early fibers displayed PIIA but not the late fibers, even when their activity began earlier in inspiration with increased chemical drives. Isocapnic hypoxia increased, whereas hyperoxic hypercapnia shortened the duration of PIIA. Pulmonary stretch and "irritant" receptors inhibited PIIA. Hypercapnia and stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors by lobeline excited both early and late units to the same extent, but hypoxic ventilation had a less marked excitatory effect on late fiber activity. Irritant receptor activation increased the activity of early more than late fibers. Hyperoxic hyperventilation eliminated late phrenic fiber activity, whereas early fibers became tonically active. Bilateral vagotomy abolished this sustained discharge in eight of nine early units, suggesting the importance of vagal afferents in producing tonic firing during hyperventilation. These results suggest that early and late phrenic fibers have different responses to chemical stimuli and to vagally mediated reflexes; late units do not discharge in postinspiratory period, whereas early fibers do; the PIIA is not affected in the same way by various chemical and vagal inputs; and early units that exhibit PIIA display tonic activity with hyperoxic hypocapnia.  相似文献   

实验在33例清醒、肌肉麻痹和切断双侧迷走神经的家兔上进行,观察了刺激丘脑不同核团(VIL,VL,VPM 和 MI)和胼胝体纤维以激活皮层时膈神经的放电效应。当在吸气相(膈神经放电时)给予上述核团及胼胝体纤维电脉冲刺激,可使膈神经放电短暂抑制,随后的呼气相缩短、吸气相提前出现。如果在呼气相刺激上述核团,也能使该呼气时相缩短,随后的吸气时相提前出现。当在皮层接受 VL 投射的局部区域给予回苏灵后,再刺激 VL,皮层诱发电位增大,除使原先的膈神经放电效应更为明显外,还可在呼气相刺激时引起膈神经即刻的短暂放电。以上实验结果提示,当用回苏灵使皮层活动加强后,刺激丘脑 VL 引起的膈神经放电效应明显增强。损毁红核或切断皮层下行传导束但保留皮层脊髓束后,刺激丘脑引起的膈神经放电效应均不受影响,表明传入冲动激活皮层后引起的膈神经放电效应可能主要经皮层脊髓束下传,而皮层红核脊髓束不起重要作用。  相似文献   

In anesthetized rabbits, direct and integrated phrenic neurogram (Ephr) and electromyograms from the diaphragm (Edi) and intercostal (Eic) (2nd space) and transversus abdominis muscles (Etr) were simultaneously recorded in two protocols. 1) In animals breathing spontaneously, we used infinite inspiratory (RI) or expiratory (RE) resistive load and intravenous injections of carbachol, histamine, or phenyl diguanide (PDG). All circumstances except RE evoked tonic activities in Ephr, Edi, and Eic but never in Etr. Intravenous atropine abolished carbachol-induced bronchoconstriction and associated tonic inspiratory activities, but this effect persisted with RI, histamine, and PDG. Selective procaine block of conduction in thin vagal fibers (with persistence of the Breuer-Hering inflation reflex) reduced or suppressed the tonic response, which was abolished in all cases after vagotomy. 2) In rabbits artificially ventilated with open chest, passive deflation of the lung or intravenous injections of histamine or PDG also produced tonic discharge in Ephr and often in Eic. The present results demonstrate that 1) stimulation of vagal afferents and mostly thin sensory fibers elicits tonic inspiratory discharges, 2) bronchoconstriction is not necessary for the induction of the response, and 3) reflexes from the chest wall do not mediate this response in rabbits.  相似文献   

With local thermal and mechanical stimulation in precise experiments on cats, a study was made of changes in impulse activity of afferent fibers of spinal dorsal roots connected with skin thermoreceptors in the extremities. Psychophysiological studies were done on the characteristics of thermosensitive points of the skin of the upper extremities of man. According to changes in average frequency of impulse activity, dynamic sensitivity, latent period of reaction, and thresholds of temperature and mechanical sensitivity, three groups of heat receptors and two of cold receptors were identified in the skin of the cat. All heat and cold receptors are mechanosensitive. According to quality and intensity of perceptions elicited by thermal stimulation and thresholds of sensitivity to mechanical and temperature effects, thermosensitive points in human skin can also be divided into three groups of heat receptors and two groups of cold receptors. All heat and cold points are mechanosensitive. An analogy between the skin thermoreceptors of animals and man is suggested.Institute of Physiology, Kazakhstan, Academy of Sciences. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 314–322, May–June, 1992.  相似文献   

The projections of phrenic nerve afferents to neurons in the dorsal (DRG) and ventral (VRG) respiratory group were studied in anesthetized, paralyzed, and vagotomized cats. Extracellular recordings of neuronal responses to vagal nerve and cervical phrenic nerve stimulation (CPNS) indicated that about one-fourth of the DRG respiratory-modulated neurons were excited by phrenic nerve afferents with an onset latency of approximately 20 ms. In addition, non-respiratory-modulated neurons within the DRG were recruited by CPNS. Although some convergence of vagal and phrenic afferent input was observed, most neurons were affected by only one type of afferent. In contrast to the DRG, only 3 out of 28 VRG respiratory-modulated neurons responded to CPNS. A second study determined that most of these neuronal responses were due to activation of diaphragmatic afferents since 90% of the DRG units activated by CPNS were also excited at a longer latency by thoracic phrenic nerve stimulation. The difference in onset latency of neuronal excitation indicates an afferent peripheral conduction velocity of about 10 m/s, which suggests that they are predominately small myelinated fibers (group III) making paucisynaptic connections with DRG neurons. Decerebration, decerebellation, and bilateral transection of the dorsal columns at C2 do not abolish the neuronal responses to cervical PNS.  相似文献   

Central inspiratory influence on abdominal expiratory nerve activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our purpose was to determine whether the intensity of abdominal expiratory nerve discharge is conditioned by the intensity of the preceding inspiratory phrenic discharge, independent of mechanical and chemical afferent influences. In decerebrate, paralyzed, vagotomized cats with bilateral pneumothoraxes, we recorded phrenic and abdominal (cranial iliohypogastric nerve, L1) nerve activities at hyperoxic normocapnia. We reduced the duration and intensity (i.e., integrated peak height) of phrenic nerve discharge for single cycles by stimulating the cut central end of the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) during the central inspiratory phase (75 microA, 20-50 Hz, 0.2-ms pulse). Premature termination of inspiration consistently reduced expiratory duration (TE) and abdominal expiratory nerve activity (area of integrated neurogram), but the average reduction in TE was much less than the reduction in abdominal nerve activity (14 vs. 51%). Stimulation of the cut central end of the vagus nerve yielded similar results, as did spontaneous premature terminations of inspiration, which we observed in one cat. SLN stimulation during hyperoxic hypercapnia resulted in more variable responses, and higher stimulation frequencies were usually required to abort inspiration. SLN (or vagal) stimulation during expiration consistently increased abdominal expiratory nerve activity. We speculate that this facilitatory response is gated during inspiration, thereby allowing the inspiratory conditioning effect on the subsequent expiration to be expressed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Recovery from respiratory inhibition produced by the lung inflation reflex was studied in anesthetized dogs, paralyzed and ventilated with a respiratory pump. During constant ventilation the lungs were periodically inflated using positive end-expiratory pressure, while the respiratory motor output was monitored in the phrenic nerve. Inhibition of the phrenic discharge was followed by gradual recovery throughout 8-min inflation periods despite constant blood gases. Recording afferent potentials in a vagus nerve indicated that adaptation of pulmonary stretch receptors contributed to the initial recovery of the phrenic discharge, but this recovery continued after the receptor discharge had stabilized. The phrenic discharge also recovered after initial inhibition in two situations which avoided stretch receptor adaptation: a) when the stretch receptor discharge from the separate lungs was alternated in an overlapping manner by asynchronous pulmonary ventilation, and b) during continuous electrical stimulation of a vagus nerve. Phrenic activity was temporarily increased above its control value after periods of lung inflation, asynchronous ventilation and vagal stimulation. It is concluded that the lung inflation reflex gradually attenuates during prolonged stimulation due to both stretch receptor adaptation and changes within the central pathways.  相似文献   

The influence of vagal afferents on the EMG peristaltic pattern was studied in pigeon oesophagus. Bilateral vagotomy did not abolish the primary peristalsis, but induced significant modifications of the peristaltic pattern parameters. Vagal afferent stimulation induced an inhibitory effect consisting of a temporary break or definitive block of the EMG peristaltic activity already in progress. Vagal afferent stimulation also induced a reduction of the spontaneous EMG activity and this effect was abolished either by glossopharyngeal bilateral section or ganglionic block. Likewise vagal afferent stimulation, the crop distension caused inhibitory effects on EMG peristaltic pattern. This effect was abolished by bilateral vagotomy. These results indicate that vagal afferents, originating from the crop, could influence the central neurons responsible for the peristaltic motor programme.  相似文献   

The impulse activity of single afferent fibers of the dorsal roots of the cat spinal cord is studied for local mechanical, heat, and cold influences on the skin receptor fields. A probability analysis of the impulse flux suggests that a change occurs in the distributions of the intervals between impulses in accordance with the stimuli presented, regardless of the variations in the mean frequency of impulsation. It is hypothesized that the afferent fibers acquire polyfunctional properties on account of their multichannel information.Institute of Physiology, Kazakhstan, Academy of Sciences, Alma-Ata. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 582–591, September–October, 1992.  相似文献   

Inspiratory rhythm in airway smooth muscle tone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In anesthetized paralyzed open-chested cats ventilated with low tidal volumes at high frequency, we recorded phrenic nerve activity, transpulmonary pressure (TPP), and either the tension in an upper tracheal segment or the impulse activity in a pulmonary branch of the vagus nerve. The TPP and upper tracheal segment tension fluctuated with respiration, with peak pressure and tension paralleling phrenic nerve activity. Increased end-tidal CO2 or stimulation of the carotid chemoreceptors with sodium cyanide increased both TPP and tracheal segment tension during the increased activity of the phrenic nerve. Lowering end-tidal CO2 or hyperinflating the lungs to achieve neural apnea (lack of phrenic activity) caused a decrease in TPP and tracheal segment tension and abolished the inspiratory fluctuations. During neural apnea produced by lowering end-tidal CO2, lung inflation caused no further decrease in tracheal segment tension and TPP. Likewise, stimulation of the cervical sympathetics, which caused a reduction in TPP and tracheal segment tension during normal breathing, caused no further reduction in these parameters when the stimulation occurred during neural apnea. During neural apnea the tracheal segment tension and TPP were the same as those following the transection of the vagi or the administration of atropine (0.5 mg/kg). Numerous fibers in the pulmonary branch of the vagus nerve fired in synchrony with the phrenic nerve. Only these fibers had activity which paralleled changes in TPP and tracheal tension. We propose that the major excitatory input to airway smooth muscle arises from cholinergic nerves that fire during inspiration, which have preganglionic cell bodies in the ventral respiratory group in the region of the nucleus ambiguus and are driven by the same pattern generators that drive the phrenic and inspiratory intercostal motoneurons.  相似文献   

The diaphragm, a ventilatory muscle, has abundant sensory innervation. The effects of phrenic afferent activation on ventilation have been varied. In this study the proximal end of the phrenic nerve was electrically stimulated, and the effects on ventilation were measured in supine dogs anesthetized with either alpha-chloralose or pentobarbital sodium. We found a maximum increase in ventilation of 45 +/- 4% in the alpha-chloralose group and an increase in mean arterial blood pressure of 18 +/- 4%. This response was obtained at high stimulus intensities (60 times twitch threshold). Stimulation of the proximal end of the gastrocnemius nerve produced a similar ventilatory response (61 +/- 10%) but at lower stimulus intensities. During pentobarbital sodium anesthesia both the hyperventilation and the pressor response were produced; however, ventilation was increased by an increase in respiratory frequency. The reflex was abolished by sectioning of the cervical dorsal roots (C4-C7). Proximal cold blockade of the nerve abolished the response at a perineural temperature of 1.35 +/- 0.64 degrees C. The main effect of activation of phrenic afferents was an increase in ventilation and blood pressure that was mediated by unmyelinated fibers and possibly thin myelinated fibers. This response is similar to skeletal muscle afferent activation and may play a role in ventilatory drive during such conditions as exercise and respiratory muscle fatigue.  相似文献   

The response properties of feline cold receptors were analyzed under control conditions, during conditions of altered external calcium concentrations and during application of menthol, catecholamines and ouabain. Afferent activity was extracellularly recorded from cold fibres of an isolated preparation of the tongue. Reduced calcium levels (0.5 mM) generally enhanced and elevated calcium levels (5.0 mM) suppressed cold fibre activity. The effects of menthol (10(-5) M) on cold receptors were qualitatively similar to those of reduced calcium. Application of adrenaline and noradrenaline (10(-6) M) were predominantly inhibiting. In cold receptors, the mean discharge rate is determined by the frequency of an oscillating receptor process and the probability of each cycle of this process to initiate afferent impulses. All measures mainly affected the probability of impulse generation rather than the oscillation frequency. Application of ouabain (10(-6) M) resulted in excitatory responses, caused by an increase of both probability of impulse generation and frequency of the oscillating receptor process. It is concluded that cold receptor function is based on a specific combination of common neuronal elements rather than on specific sensory processes.  相似文献   

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