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Cellular sites of the tolerogen resistance in DDD mice against human IgG (HGG) were examined by reconstitution experiments in which cells of various lymphoid organs from tolerized mice were transferred into lethally irradiated syngeneic recipients with or without the supplement of an excess number of untreated T or B cells. It was shown that T cells but not B cells in the spleen and bone marrow-locating B cells were tolerogen resistant. Kinetic profiles of tolerance induction were compared among thymus, lymph node, and spleen T cells. Thymus cells fall into unresponsive state as early as 2 days after the tolerogen (tHGG) injection when only partial tolerance was observed in lymph node T cells. By 1 week of tolerogen treatment, the tolerant state was completed in both thymus cells and lymph node T cells, while spleen T cells showed marked resistance. Tolerance induced in thymus cells and spleen T cells was of relatively short duration and responsiveness was completely recovered by 5 weeks after the injection of tHGG. At this time lymph node T cells still showed hyporesponsiveness. The differences in tolerance inducibility were also shown among different lymphoid organs in tolerogen dose response. Lymph node T cells were very sensitive to tolerance induction, giving no response even by the injection of 0.01 mg of tHGG. Thymus cells were much less sensitive with the gradual loss of responsiveness by increasing the amount of tHGG. In contrast, spleen T cells showed gradual resistance with increasing amount of tHGG, indicating that some positive response was evoked in spleen T cells by a relatively high dose of tHGG. These results seem to suggest that the tolerogen resistance of spleen T cells may be due to their capability of showing positive response against the tolerogenic material. This was also suggested by the fact that the treatment with cyclophosphamide following the tolerogen injection diminished completely the responsiveness against the subsequent challenge immunization.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in antibody response of SJL mice were examined in terms of isotype expression after treatment with immunogen or with immunogen, preceded by the molecule in normally tolerogenic form. We report here that tolerance induction and resistance to down regulation are isotype specific. Tolerance can be induced in terms of all detectable isotypes at the age of 5 weeks. In older SJL mice, tolerance to the carrier is found in IgM antibody, whereas there is resistance against down regulation in terms of IgG2a and IgG2b isotypes, and sensitization in terms of IgG3, IgG1, and IgA antibody. Furthermore, the degree of down regulation is determinant dependent. This was observed when older SJL mice, pretreated with the carrier in a normally tolerogenic form, were immunized with haptenated carrier and tested for their response to hapten and carrier determinants. In this case, IgA antibody shows tolerance to the hapten and sensitization by carrier determinants.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to tolerance induction with monomeric human gamma-globulin (HGG) was tested in different inbred strains of mice. The results indicated a differential tolerance susceptibility among the strains and that the basis for the variation is genetic in nature. By using a protocol that permits genetic analysis, F1, F2, and backcross generations of the parental strains SJL/J and C3H/Bi were examined. A multigenic control model by H-2-linked and non-H-2-linked genes showing Mendelian autosomal inheritance is proposed.  相似文献   

Mice primed with a thymus- (T) dependent form of Type III pneumococcal polysaccharide (S3), i.e., S3 coupled to erythrocytes (S3-RBC) produce S3-specific IgG antibody after secondary challenge with either S3 or S3-RBC. The production of IgG antibody by mice challenged with S3 was shown to be T independent since secondary responses were enhanced when mice were treated with anti-lymphocyte serum (ALS) at the time of secondary challenge with S3 and T-depleted spleen cells responded as well as unfractionated spleen cells to S3 in an adoptive transfer system. Secondary S3-specific IgG responses in mice challenged with S3-RBC were shown to be T dependent by the same criteria. The results obtained by using S3 as the antigen indicate that IgG-producing B cells (B lambda cells) can recognize and respond to antigen in the absence of helper T cells. On the other hand, T cells were required for the induction of S3-specific memory B lambda cells since mice depleted of T cells by treatment with ALS at the time of priming with S3-RBC failed to produce S3-specific IgG antibody after secondary challenge with either S3-specific IgG antibody after secondary chall-nge with either S3 or S3rbc. Since RBC-specific memory cells were induced in T-deprived mice the results suggest that T cell regulation of IgG antibody production may vary for different antigens.  相似文献   

The half-lives of elimination (T12) of 131I-RGG from the body of normal A or Balb/c animals was much longer than the T12 of SJL mice. At all ages, the T12 of normal hybrids (A × SJL, SJL × A, Balb/c × SJL) was similar to or longer than that of the A or Balb/c parents. Thus, in terms of the T12 of normal animals, the SJL responsiveness to 131I-RGG appeared to be a recessive trait. Tolerance could be induced in newborn animals and, in terms of T12, the degree of unresponsiveness at the age of 6 weeks, was the same in A, Balb/c, A × SJL, and Balb/c × SJL animals but was much shorter in SJL mice. Thus, in neonatally induced tolerance, the duration of tolerance was recessive for the SJL type. The average Tbuilt12 after tolerance induction in 3-week-old hybrids (A × SJL, SJL × A, Balb/c × SJL) was similar to that of the A or Balb/c parent, but by the 8th and 12th week it approached the average T12 of the SJL parent. Comparing 8-week-old hybrids, the average T12 was longest in A × SJL hybrids and identical in SJL × A and Balb/c × SJL mice. An examination of T12 distribution in various 8- and 12-week-old crosses and backcrosses revealed a fairly large proportion of individuals with a T12 which was intermediate between SJL and the other parent. There was a tendency for this number to decrease in 12 weeks as compared to 8-week-old mice. In 8-week-old mice, the number of animals with intermediate Tbuilt12 was smallest when SJL was the maternal animal [(SJL × A); SJL × (A × SJL); SJL × (SJL × A)]. There was no link between T12 of tolerant animals and either the immunoglobulin allotype (MuAl/MuA2) or the C5 eniotype (MuB1 positive/MuB1 negative).  相似文献   

Mice have been analyzed at different times post neonatal inoculation of F1 hybrid lymphoid cells for their ability to respond to foreign MHC antigens expressed on the tolerizing cell population, and to impart that response phenotype to normal adult spleen cells. At early times following neonatal challenge with F1 spleen cells all mice produced serum immunoglobulins of F1 donor origin which inhibited the response of normal adult cells. The antigenic specificity of the inhibitory factors suggests a role for an antireceptor antibody in the inhibition seen, and the presence of such serum-mediated inhibition is indicative of (and may be causally related to) the late appearance of a cell-mediated suppressor mechanism in these mice.  相似文献   

Neonatal tolerance inducibility of self-major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-class II-associated antigens was compared with that of allo-class II antigens. BALB/c (H-2d, Mlsb) mice, less than 24 hr after birth, were intravenously injected with bone marrow cells of either (BALB/c X DBA/2)F1 (H-2d, Mlsb/a, semiallogeneic at the Mls locus) or (BALB/c X B10.BR)F1 (H-2d/k, Mlsb; semiallogeneic at the MHC), as antigens. The mice were tested for in vivo immune activity of class II-reactive T cells by means of the popliteal lymph node-swelling assay. They developed tolerance, irrespective of type of antigens, showing profoundly suppressed host-versus-graft reaction, and those tolerized to the allo-MHC antigens accepted skin grafts of the corresponding allogeneic mice. In the thymus and spleen of the Mls-tolerant mice, antigen-specific class II-reactive T-cell activity was completely abolished, without the apparent involvement of suppressor cells. In contrast, the activity in allo-MHC-tolerant mice was not reduced in either thymus or peripheral lymphoid organs, suggesting that systemic hyporesponsiveness is attributable to reversible suppression of immune competent cells. The resistance for cell-level tolerance induction to allo-class II antigens may not be ascribed to the active participation of allo-MHC antigens in prevention of or in escape from tolerance induction or both, since an injection of bone marrow cells of both Mls and H-2-semiallogeneic (DBA/2 X B10.BR)F1 (H-2d/k, Mlsa/b) mice could induce tolerance to Mlsa-H-2d antigens in newborn thymus cells.  相似文献   

The role of humoral immunity to Schistosoma mansoni infection in C57BL/6J mice was examined by employing a passive transfer system. Sera from highly resistant mice that had been exposed to two or three immunizations with 50-kilorad-gamma-irradiated cercariae were tested for their ability to transfer protection against S. mansoni challenge. All five batches of serum tested were observed to have protective activity. Immune serum recipients exhibited statistically significant reductions in challenge worm burdens of 20 to 50% compared with recipients of normal serum or no serum. The most consistent level of resistance was obtained when immune serum was administered several days post-challenge, i.e., at a time coincident with schistosomulum residence in the lungs. Furthermore, it was shown that the protective activity in immune serum was associated with factors that bind to staphylococcal protein A and that are precipitated by 50% ammonium sulfate; thus it appears that the protective factors in immune serum are IgG antibodies.  相似文献   

A transient production of antibody does not occur in the induction of specific immunological tolerance to soluble BSA in neonatal rabbits. The newborn rabbit, however, has the immunologic potential to respond to BSA when it is given in adjuvant. These results suggest that a normal complement of specific B cells is present in the newborn rabbit and that the immunoincompetence to the soluble protein, that permits the induction of tolerance without a phase of antibody formation, may be a function of either T cells or macrophages. In contrast to the newborn, the induction of tolerance in adult rabbits following daily injections with large doses of BSA is preceded by a transient production of antibody-producing cells. In this situation, at least, one of the events involved in the induction of unresponsiveness appears to be interpretable as an exhaustive differentiation of competent cells capable of being stimulated. Therefore, two differing cellular patterns can be observed in the completion of seemingly identical end states of immunological tolerance.  相似文献   

Tolerance was induced in rabbit spleen cells by incubation with solubilized T2 phage (S-T2)2 at 37degrees C. Spleen cells thus treated maintained normal responsiveness to an unrelated antigen, S-SP82. Transfer of tolerance was demonstrated in in vitro in that the addition of washed tolerant cells caused suppression of the response of untreated cells to an immunogenic dose of S-T2. Evidence is presented that this suppression is not due to the transfer of tolerogenic quantities of antigen. Spleen cell populations depleted of adherent cells were still capable of being made tolerant and of transferring tolerance.  相似文献   

Young-adult and old (CS7BL × C3H)F1 mice were injected with either of two tolerogens followed by challenge with dinitrophenylated human γ globulin (DNP-HGG). The primary IgM and IgG responses of spleen cells to the DNP determinant were evaluated by a modified hemolytic plaque assay. Carrier-specific thymus-derived cell (T-cell) tolerance was induced in mice with deaggregated HGG. Hapten-specific bursal-derived cell (B-cell) tolerance was induced with DNP coupled to isogeneic mouse IgG. The dose of these two tolerogens was successively decreased by 10-fold decrements until a response similar to that of control mice was achieved. The minimum tolerizing dose (MTD) was then determined for young-adult and aged B-and T-cells. We found that the MTD for old B-cells was 10 times greater than that obtained with young B-cells for both the direct and indirect PFC responses. No difference in MTD was observed between young and old T-cells when assessed by the indirect response; the MTD for old T-cells was 10-fold greater than that obtained for young-adult T-cells when the direct response was evaluated. A double threshold of tolerance was found for T-cells of young-adult mice.  相似文献   

BALB/c mice were inoculated with normal C3H/He spleen cells via the portal venous (p.v.) route. Intravenous injection of serum from these BALB/c mice into naive syngeneic mice resulted in almost complete abrogation of their ability to generate anti-C3H/He delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses as induced by s.c. immunization with C3H/He cells. Since a portion of the same serum did not inhibit the development of anti-C57BL/6 DTH responses, the suppressive effect of the transferred serum was alloantigen-specific. Such serum factor(s) was produced in normal but not in nude mice and the suppressive activity was transferred in H-2- or immunoglobulin allotype-incompatible combinations. Immunochemical analyses of this serum suppressive factor have revealed that its m.w. was approximately 150,000, corresponding to the size of immunoglobulin (Ig)G, and that the activity was trapped by protein A or by an anti-immunoglobulin column. Although the absorption of the serum from anti-C3H/He-tolerant BALB/c mice with C3H/He target spleen cells did not abrogate the suppressive activity, the additional absorption with spleen cells from anti-C3H/He hyperimmune BALB/c mice almost completely eliminated the suppressive potential. Moreover, pretreatment of BALB/c anti-C3H/He DTH effector spleen cells with the above serum from tolerant mice induced the inhibition of anti-C3H/He DTH responses. Taken together, these results indicate that a single injection of allogeneic cells via the p.v. route results in the production of antibody capable of inhibiting the capacity of DTH effector cells specific for alloantigens used for the p.v. presensitization.  相似文献   

T cell-mediated delayed hypersensitivity (DH) to human gamma-globulin (HGG) can be induced in chickens by subcutaneous injection of the antigen in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). In the present work, it has been demonstrated that specific tolerance of the cells mediating this DH can readily be induced in both normal and bursectomized (BX) FP strain chickens by simple i.v. injection of soluble antigen, regardless of the presence of antibody production to the tolerogen. A significant degree of tolerance at the DH and helper T cell levels could be generated in BX birds by injection of as little as 0.5 mg of HGG; such a dose only induced tolerance in normal birds when it had been previously deagregated by ultracentrifugation. Regular, nondeaggregated antigen could produce tolerance in normal animals, but only at doses of greater than 5 mg. The tolerizing injection induced a primary antibody response in normal birds in all cases, but a secondary response could not be obtained in animals rendered tolerant at the T cell level. Establishment of tolerance appeared to be very rapid, and animals remained refractory to induction of DH for at least 3 weeks after the tolerizing injection. The mode in which the antigen was presented to the animals appeared to be crucial in determining whether tolerance or sensitivity would be established.  相似文献   

The genetic control of susceptibility to tolerance induction with human gamma-globulin (HGG) was studied by using H-2 congenic mice. Strains tested that were congenic with C57BL/10Sn were completely tolerized by 1.0 mg deaggregated HGG. In contrast A/Sn mice showed full tolerance whereas A.SW mice were only intermediately tolerant. It was further shown that (B10 X SJL)F1 mice could be rendered tolerant but (B10.S X SJL)F1 mice could not. These data indicate a role for H-2 linked genes in control of tolerance susceptibility. Results obtained with the progeny of (B10.S X SJL)F1 backcrossed to B10.S indicate that two non-H-2 linked genes are involved in control of tolerance induction. Preliminary mapping studies show the H-2 gene located to the left of the IC subregion. These results confirm our previous finding that both H-2 and non-H-2 genes control susceptibility of adult mice to tolerance induction with HGG.  相似文献   

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