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Electrical activity of the stellate ganglion was studied in newborn, 10-, 20-, 30-day-old, two- and six-month-old kittens using the spectral analysis. The development of sympathetic activity patterns was different during ontogenesis. The amplitude of discharges increased from the period of birth until the second month of kittens' life. In newborn and 10-day-old kittens, synchronous discharges of postganglionic fibers were represented by slow and low frequency impulses with frequencies of breathing and heart rate. ppears in 20-day-old kittens. The formation of the sympathetic discharge patterns ends at the second month of animals life.  相似文献   

By means of the method based on the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase topography, quantitative and qualitative composition of homotopic neurons in the cat cerebral parietal associative cortex performing callosal connections have been studied. When comparing the data of the experiment with those previously obtained on distribution of the axonal terminals in the comissural neurons, certain places are revealed where concentration of the homotopic callosal connections of the parietal cortex field 7 take place. A morphological characteristic of the longaxonal pyramidal and stellate neurons forming these connections is presented.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitter features in sympathetic neurons are subject to change during development. To better understand the neuroplasticity of sympathetic neurons during early postnatal ontogenesis, this study was set up to immunocytochemically investigate the development of the catecholaminergic, cholinergic, and peptidergic phenotypes in the stellate ganglion of mice and rats. The present study was performed on Wistar rats and Swiss mice of different ages (newborn, 10-day-old, 20-day-old, 30-day-old, and 60-day-old). To this end, double labeling for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), vasoactive intestinal (poly)peptide (VIP), neuropeptide Y (NPY), galanin (GAL), and somatostatin (SOM) was applied. The results obtained indicate that the majority of the neurons in the stellate ganglion of both species were TH-positive from birth onward and that a large part of these neurons also contained NPY. The percentage of neurons containing TH and NPY invariably increased with age up to 60 days postnatally. A smaller portion of the stellate ganglion neurons contained other types of neuropeptides and showed a distinct chronological pattern. The proportion of VIP- and ChAT-positive neurons was maximal in 10-day-old animals and then decreased up to 60 days of age, whereas the number of SOM-positive cells in rats significantly decreased from birth onward. In newborn rats, VIP-, ChAT- and SOM-positive neurons were largely TH-positive, while their proportions decreased in 10-day-old and older rats. Accordingly, the largest part of VIP-positive neurons also expressed SOM immunoreactivity at birth, after which the number of neurons containing both peptides diminished. The VIP- and SOM-positive cells did not contain NPY in any of the age groups studied. In rats up to 10 days of life, GAL-immunoreactive (-IR) neurons were scarce, after which their number increased to reach a maximal value in 30-day-old animals and then declined again. The SOM-reactive cells had the smallest size in all rats, while the largest neurons were those containing ChAT. In the mouse stellate ganglion, VIP- and ChAT-IR neurons were larger in comparison to NPY- and TH-IR cells. Our study further revealed some species differences: compared to mice the proportion of neurons containing TH and NPY was higher in rats at all ages under study. Furthermore, no GAL-immunostained neurons were found in mice and the number of SOM-positive cells in mice was limited compared to that observed in rats. In conclusion, the development of neurotransmitter composition is complete in rats and mice by their second month of life. At this age, the percentages of immunopositive cells have become similar to those reported in adult animals.  相似文献   

In new-born, 10-, and 20-day-old kittens and in adult cats, the stellate ganglia branches contained both continuous and synaptically interrupted fibres. In the course of postnatal ontogenesis, the average conduction velocity of excitation and average amplitude of the responses increased. In new-born and 10-day old kittens, these are C-fibres. Apart from the latter, A delta and B fibres appeared in 20-day old kittens. In adult cats, two subgroups of all types of the fibres appeared. Since the 10-day age, synaptically interrupted responses have been recorded in anastomoses and inferior cardiac nerve following stimulation of cranial and caudal branches of the subclavian loop, the responses being conducted in both directions in adult cats.  相似文献   

The activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase and content of malondialdehyde, hidroperoxide lipids was studied in the tissues of liver, duodenum, pancreas of 1-day and 2-10 weeks age chicken. It was found, that tissues of 1-day chicken ages characterized by high contents of products of hydroperoxide lipids and activity of superoxide dismutase. The content of lipid peroxide oxidation in chicken tissues has an age peculiarity. The insertion of radioactive ceziy acts as an antioxidant and influences the lipid peroxide oxidation.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on the content of adrenalin and noradrenalin in the nervous fibers and ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system of cats and rabbits during a postnatal life. In all the structures investigated, high catecholamine content was found within the first month of life on the animals. On further development, total catecholamine content decreases. Age changes in catecholamine content of preganglionic sympathetic fibers and different sympathetic ganglia indicate an effective adrenergic regulation in early postnatal ontogenesis of cats and rabbits.  相似文献   

During development, mammalian retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) go through marked ontogenetic changes with respect to their excitable membrane properties. Voltage-clamp studies conducted in our laboratory have shown that the amplitude, voltage-dependence and kinetics of activation and inactivation (where present) of Na(+), K(+) and Ca(2+) conductances all exhibit developmental changes during a time when the firing patterns of mammalian ganglion cells shift from being transient to being predominantly sustained in nature. In order to better understand the contribution of each conductance to the generation of spikes and spiking patterns, we have developed a model based on our experimental data. For simplicity, we have initially used experimental data obtained from postnatal ganglion cells. At this age the ontogenetic changes observed in the characteristics of the various ionic currents are complete. Utilizing the methods adopted by Hodgkin and Huxley for the giant squid axon, we have determined rate equations for the activation and inactivation properties of the I(A), I(K dr), I(Na), I(Ca L), I(Ca N), and I(leak) currents in postnatal cat RGCs. Combining these with a simplified model of the calcium-activated potassium current (I(KCa)), we have solved and analysed the resulting differential equations. While spikes and spiking patterns resembling experimental data could be obtained from a model in which [Ca(2+)i] was averaged across the whole cell, more accurate simulations were obtained when the diffusion of intracellular Ca(2+) was modeled spatially. The resulting spatial calcium gradients were more effective in gating I(KCa), and our simulations more accurately matched the recorded amplitude and shape of individual spikes as well as the frequency of maintained discharges observed in mammalian postnatal RGCs.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are common products of the physiological metabolic reactions, which are associated with cell signaling and with the pathogenesis of various nervous disorders. The brain tissue has the high rate of oxidative metabolic activity, high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids in membrane lipids, presence of iron ions and low capacity of antioxidant enzymes, which makes the brain very susceptible to ROS action and lipid peroxidation formation. Membranes of brain cortex show a higher production of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in prooxidant system (ADP.Fe(3+)/NADPH) than membranes from the heart or kidney. Lipid peroxidation influences numerous cellular functions through membrane-bound receptors or enzymes. The rate of brain cortex Na(+),K(+)-ATPase inhibition correlates well with the increase of TBARS or conjugated dienes and with changes of membrane fluidity. The experimental model of short-term hypoxia (simulating an altitude of 9000 m for 30 min) shows remarkable increase in TBARS in four different parts of the rat brain (cortex, subcortical structures, cerebellum and medulla oblongata) during the postnatal development of Wistar rat of both sexes. Young rats and males are more sensitive to oxygen changes than adult rats and females, respectively. Under normoxia or hypobaric hypoxia both ontogenetic aspects and sex differences play a major role in establishing the activity of erythrocyte catalase, which is an important part of the antioxidant defense of the organism. Rats pretreated with L-carnitine (and its derivatives) have lower TBARS levels after the exposure to hypobaric hypoxia. The protective effect of L-carnitine is comparable with the effect of tocopherol, well-known reactive species scavenger. Moreover, the plasma lactate increases after a short-term hypobaric hypoxia and decreases in L-carnitine pretreated rats. Acute hypobaric hypoxia and/or L-carnitine-pretreatment modify serum but not brain lactate dehydrogenase activity. The obtained data seem to be important because the variations in oxygen tension represent specific signals of regulating the activity of many specific systems in the organism.  相似文献   

In C1-spinal, pentobarbital-anaesthetized or anemically decerebrated cats, the preganglionic input to the acutely decentralized right stellate ganglion was stimulated with 10- to 30-s strains at 20-40 Hz. Electrical stimulation consistently produced an increase in heart rate in the presence of blocking doses of hexamethonium and atropine or after depletion of acetylcholine from the preganglionic axons by prolonged low frequency stimulation in the presence of hemicholinium. The increase in heart rate had a delayed slow onset, lasted several minutes, and was abolished by propranolol or by section of the inferior cardiac nerve. The magnitude and duration of the heart rate increase were related to intensity, frequency, and duration of preganglionic stimulation. The response to stimulation of a given white ramus was progressively attenuated, and eventually irreversibly lost, during prolonged continuous stimulation of that ramus, while the response to stimulation of a different unstimulated ramus was unchanged. We conclude that the slow cardioacceleration results from a slow and prolonged excitation of postganglionic neurons by a noncholinergic transmitter released by the preganglionic axons.  相似文献   

Using a technique of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase, labeled neurons were detected in the intermedialateral nucleus (pars principalis and pars funicularis), intercalatous spinal nucleus, and in the ventral horns of the spinal cord in cats. Afferent spinal transit pathways pass in all the above branches as well as the vertebral nerve. Bodies of the labeled neurons with branches passing in the vertebral nerve are located in the T2-T7 spinal ganglia, whereas those with branches passing in other nerves--are located in the C8-T8.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate which of the processes involved in synaptic transmission are affected by morphine in concentrations comparable to those used during surgical procedures. The effects of morphine sulfate on ganglionic transmission were studied in the stellate ganglion of the cat using intracellular and extracellular recordings in vitro. The neurons of the stellate ganglion were depolarized using preganglionic nerve stimulation, postganglionic nerve stimulation, and intracellular stimulation before and after introduction of morphine sulfate (up to 20 micrograms/mL). Tissue concentrations of morphine were estimated using radiolabeled morphine. Axonal transmission and the excitability of the postganglionic neurons to direct intracellular stimulation was not affected at the concentrations of morphine studied. In addition, morphine had a dose-dependent depolarizing effect on the resting membrane potential of most of the neurons in the stellate ganglion. Such neuronal depolarizations alone could initially produce excitation in some cell populations, followed by inhibition, secondary to the membrane depolarization, leading to depression of sympathetic nerve activity. The overall ganglionic transmission as recorded using an evoked potential was biphasic. At low doses morphine facilitated transmission, while at larger doses morphine attenuated evoked potentials. These effects do not appear to be mediated through classical opiate receptors since they are not blocked by naloxone.  相似文献   

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