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Summary Immunofluorescence and TEM studies of meiosis in two mosses (Bryophyta) provide evidence that the prophasic tetrahedral system of microtubules contributes directly to the metaphase I spindle. Intense staining of tubulin, conspicuously absent around the nuclear envelope, is first seen associated with plastids. By mid-prophase, microtubules radiate from the plastids to the nuclear envelope and become organized into six bands that interconnect the four plastids, forming a tetrahedral cytoskeleton surrounding the nucleus. During transition of prophase to metaphase, the four poles of the tetrahedral microtubule system converge in pairs toward opposite cleavage furrows. Opposite furrows occupy mutually perpendicular planes and the pair of microtubule focal points straddling one furrow lies at right angles to the pair straddling the opposite furrow. Additional microtubules terminate in numerous small clusters in the concave polar regions arching over the cleavage furrows. By early anaphase, the microtubule focal points lie very close to the division axis. We conclude that microtubules recruited from the prophasic quadripolar system are incorporated into the mature metaphase I spindle and the two principal focal points at each pole are those derived from poles of the prophasic quadripolar system.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of monoplastidic mitosis in hornworts (Bryophyta) using transmission electron microscopy and indirect immunofluorescence staining of microtubules have revealed that two mutually perpendicular microtubule systems predict division polarity in preprophase. Events of cytoplasmic reorganization in preparation for division occur in the following order: migration of the single plastid to a position perpendicular to the division site, constriction of the plastid where its midpoint intersects the division site, development of an axial system of microtubules parallel to the elongating plastid isthmus, and appearance of an atypical preprophase band of microtubules (PPB). The PPB is asymmetrical with a tight band of microtubules on the side over the plastid isthmus and a broad band of widely spaced microtubules over the nucleus. The axial system contributes directly to development of the spindle. In prometaphase, the axial system separates at the equator and additional microtubule bundles project from polar regions, creating two opposing halfspindles. The PPB is still present during asymmetrical organization of the spindle and microtubules extending from the broad portion of the PPB to poles appear to be incorporated into the developing spindle. Dynamic changes in the microtubular cytoskeleton demonstrate (1) intimate relationship of plastid and nuclear division, (2) contribution of preprophase/prophase microtubule systems to spindle development in monoplastidic cells, and (3) dynamic reorientation of microtubules from one system to another.  相似文献   

The quadripolar microtubule system (QMS) is a complex array that is associated with predivision establishment of quadripolarity in sporocytes of lower plants (bryophytes and lycopsids). The QMS unerringly predicts the polarity of the two meiotic divisions and plays a central role in development of both the mitotic apparatus (MA) and cytokinetic apparatus (CA) which together accomplish quadripartitioning of the sporocyte into four haploid spores. The QMS is typically, but not exclusively, associated with monoplastidy and precocious quadrilobing of the cytoplasm. In early meiotic prophase the single plastid divides and the resultant plastids migrate so that either the tips of two plastids or the four plastids resulting from a second division are located in the future spore domains. Microtubules that emanate from the plastid tips or from individual plastids in the spore domains interact in the future planes of cytokinesis and give rise to the QMS. The QMS, which encages the prophase nucleus, consists of at least four and usually six (when spore domains are in tetrahedral arrangement) bipolar spindle-like arrays of microtubules presumably with minus ends at plastids in spore domains and plus ends interacting in the future plane of cytokinesis. Each of the six arrays is essentially like the single axial microtubule system (AMS) that intersects the division site and is transformed into the spindle in monoplastidic mitosis in hornworts. As comparative data accumulate, it appears that the AMS is not unique to monoplastidic cell division but instead represents a basic microtubule arrangement that survives as spindle and phragmoplast in cell division of higher plants.  相似文献   

R. C. Brown  B. E. Lemmon 《Protoplasma》1998,203(3-4):168-174
Summary Establishment of division polarity and meiotic spindle organization in the lady's slipper orchidCypripedium californicum A. Gray was studied by immunocytochemistry, confocal and transmission electron microscopy. Prior to organization of the spindle for meiosis I, the cytoplasmic domains of the future dyad and spindle polarity are marked by: (1) constriction of the prophase nucleus into an hourglass shape; (2) reorganization of nuclear-based radial microtubules into two arrays that intersect at the constriction; and (3) redistribution of organelles into a ring at the boundary of the newly defined dyad domains. It is not certain whether the opposing microtubule arrays contribute directly to the anastral spindle which is organized in the perinuclear areas of the two hemispheres. By late prophase each half-spindle consists of a spline-like structure from which depart the kinetochore fibers. This peculiar spindle closely resembles the spline-like spindle of generative-cell mitosis in certain plants where the spindle is distorted by physical constraints of the slender pollen tube. In the microsporocyte, the elongate spindle of late prophase/metaphase is curved within the cell so that the poles are not actually opposite each other and chromosomes do not form a plate at the equator. By late telophase the poles of the shortened halfspindles lie opposite each other. Plasticity of the physically constrained plant spindle appears to be due to its construction from multiple units terminating in minipoles. Cytokinesis does not follow the first meiosis. However, the dyad domains are clearly defined by radial microtubules emanating from the two daughter nuclei and the domains themselves are separated by a disc-like band of organelles.  相似文献   

Summary Changing patterns of tubulin immunofluorescence as onion root meristematic cells progress from a mature pre-prophase band (PPB) stage into mitosis are reported here. The PPB reaches its narrowest profile at maturity and then remains the same width throughout the rest of the transition. Concomitant with continuation of chromatin condensation and nucleolar breakdown, both initiated earlier in pre-prophase, alignment of fluorescent fibers along the nuclear envelope (NE) changes. Perinuclear microtubules (MTs), which were parallel to the PPB or randomly arranged when first seen at earlier stages of pre-prophase, assume the orientation of spindle MTS at late preprophase. They lie close to the NE and follow the nuclear contour, ultimately converging upon two focal points directly at the NE surface. MTs also can be seen traversing the cytoplasm between nucleus and cell periphery.As spindle initiation proceeds, PPB fluorescence intensity decreases and eventually is exceeded by the NE-associated fluorescence. PPB and spindle arrays co-exist briefly in the transition period, with spindle MTs typically aligned perpendicular to both the axis of the PPB and its constituent MTs. Total disappearance of the PPB occurs only after chromosome condensation is complete and the nucleus is contained within a spherical or ellipsoid cage of fluorescent fibers comprised of two non-overlapping half-spindles. Like the fully formed prophase spindle which follows, the incipient spindle is neither barrel-shaped nor fusiform, but rather displays MTs radiating from the poles in a smooth arc.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the microtubular cytoskeleton during meiosis and cytokinesis in hybrid moth orchids were studied by indirect immunofluorescence. Lagging chromosomes not incorporated into telophase nuclei after first meiotic division behave as small extra nuclei. Events in the microtubular cycle associated with these micronuclei are similar to and synchronous with those of the principal nuclei. During second meiotic division the micronuclei trigger formation of minispindles which are variously oriented with respect to the two principal spindles. After meiosis, radial systems of microtubules measure cytoplasmic domains around each nucleus in the coenocyte. Cleavage planes are established in regions where opposing radial arrays interact and the cytoplasm cleaved around micronuclei is proportionately smaller than that around the four principal nuclei. These observations clearly demonstrate that nuclei in plant cells are of fundamental importance in microtubule organization and provide strong evidence in support of our recently advanced hypothesis that division planes in simultaneous cytokinesis following meiosis are determined by establishment of cytoplasmic domains via radial systems of nuclear-based microtubules rather than by division sites established before nuclear division.Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - MTOC microtubule organizing center - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PPB preprophase band of microtubules  相似文献   

Summary An extensive system of microtubules develops during meiotic prophase in the mossRhynchostegium serrulatum (Hedw.)Jaeg. &Sauerb. Development of the cytoskeleton can be traced to early prophase when the nucleus is acentric and the single plastid divides into four plastids. The cytoskeletal microtubules are associated with equidistant positioning of the four plastids at the distal tetrad poles and with migration of the nucleus to a central position in the sporocyte. The cytoskeleton, which interconnects plastids and encloses the nucleus, contributes to the establishment of moss sporocyte polarity. Just prior to metaphase I evidence of the prophase cytoskeleton is lost as the bipolar metaphase I spindle develops in association with discrete polar organizers located in opposite cleavage furrows between plastids.  相似文献   

A pulse of thimerosal (TMS), a sulfhydryl reagent, induces an instantaneous, complete and long-lasting microtubule interphasic network disassembly in mouse primary oocytes, correlated with the irreversible inhibition of meiosis reinitiation This inhibition is bypassed by dithiothreitol (DTT) while thiosalicylic acid, an analog of TMS, does induce neither microtubules depolymerisation nor inhibition of reinitiation and resumption of meiosis. This strongly suggests that the dramatic and pleiotropic inhibitory effect of TMS is specifically related to its sulfhydryl group oxidising activity of critical molecules among which tubulin. In contrast to DTT, okadaic acid (OA), known to bypass the inhibitory effect of drugs interfering with protein kinase activities, induces a late chromatin condensation and GVBD in TMS-pulsed oocytes as compared to the control situation, with no significant concomitant microtubule assembly. These cytological features are suggested to be indirectly induced by a late MAPK activation and confirm that a very early thiol oxidation induced by TMS exerts a much more dramatic effect on resumption of meiosis than any pharmacological manipulation of protein kinase activities leading to activation of MPF. Finally, taxol was shown to promote tubulin polymerisation even when microtubules were irreversibly disassembled by thiol oxidation but fails to restore the ability to undergo maturation.  相似文献   

C. J. Hogan 《Protoplasma》1987,138(2-3):126-136
Summary A monoclonal antibody to higher plant tubulin was used to trace microtubule (MT) structures by immunofluorescence throughout mitosis and meiosis in two angiosperms,Lycopersicon esculentum andOrnithogalum virens. Root tip cells showed stage specific MT patterns typical of higher plant cells. These included parallel cortical interphase arrays oriented perpendicular to the long axis of the cell, preprophase band MTs in late interphase through prophase, barrelshaped spindles, and finally phragmoplasts. Pollen mother cell divisions exhibited randomly oriented cortical MT arrays in prophase I, pointed spindles during karyokinesis, and elongate phragmoplasts. A preprophase band was not observed in either meiotic division. MT initiation sites were seen as broad zones associated with the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of F-actin in the phragmoplast/cell plate complex of formaldehyde-fixedAllium root cells was visualized with rhodaminephalloidin (RP). Increased RP fluorescence appears in late anaphase in a broad zone between separating chromosomes. The fluorescence is mostly amorphous in appearance and does not resemble the distinct actin fibers seen in interphase cells. The actin becomes more concentrated near the midplane by telophase and takes the form of a relatively bright layer of fluorescence adjacent to the forming cell plate. This distribution differs markedly from that of phragmoplast microtubules (MTs) which extend back from the plate toward the daughter nuclei. F-actin continues to accumulate in new parts of the expanding phragmoplast, while RP fluorescence gradually decreases near older portions of the plate. It disappears completely near the new wall in most interphase cells. Treatment of root tips with cytochalasin B or D before fixation markedly reduces RP fluorescence, but phragmoplast MTs remain. Colchicine or oryzalin treatment leads to the disappearance of both phragmoplast actin and MTs. The possible function of actin in the phragmoplast/cell plate complex is discussed.Abbreviations CB cytochalasin B - CD cytochalasin D - CIPC isopropyl N-(3-chlorophenyl-)carbamate - DIC differential interference contrast - MT microtubule - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PM plasmalemma - RP rhodamine-phalloidin  相似文献   

R. C. Brown  B. E. Lemmon 《Protoplasma》1991,165(1-3):155-166
Summary Cytokinesis in microsporocytes of moth orchids is unusual in that it occurs simultaneously after meiosis, the cytoplasm does not infurrow in the division planes, and cell plates are deposited in association with centrifugal expansion of phragmoplasts. Microtubules radiating from the nuclear envelopes appear to be of fundamental importance in establishment of division planes. Primary interzonal spindles develop between sister nuclei and interaction of radial microtubules triggers development of secondary interzonal spindles between non-sister nuclei. From three to six or more phragmoplasts, depending upon the arrangement of nuclei in the coenocyte, develop from these postmeiotic arrays. The phragmoplasts consist of co-aligned microtubules and F-actin organized into bundles that are broad proximal to the mid-plane and taper distally. Ultrastructure of the phragmoplast/cell plate reveals that abundant ER is associated with vesicle aggregation and coalescence. Cell plates are deposited in association with phragmoplasts as they expand centrifugally to join the parental wall and/or fuse with one another in the interior of the cell.Abbreviations CLSM confocal laser scanning microscope/microscopy - FITC flnorescein isothiocyanate - PPB preprophase band of microtubules - TEM transmission electron microscope/microscopy  相似文献   

Summary Cortical microtubule arrays in the radish root hair were analyzed from reconstructions of serial ultra-thin sections in order to test extant hypotheses concerning the role of microtubules in the deposition of oriented microfibrils of cellulose. Passing away from the tip, root hairs exhibit a transition from random to oriented deposition of microfibrils at approximately 25 m. Along the root hair, passing back from the tip, the microtubules: a) increase in number to a plateau at 25 m; b) change their length profiles from approximately 60% less than 1 m long in the hair tip to approximately 40% less than 1 m long at 60 m; c) maintain a constant pattern of angular deviation from the long axis, which is similar to the deviation pattern of the oriented wall fibrils; d) maintain a constant (approximately 70% of tubules) close (within 50 nm) proximity to the plasma membrane (PM); e) maintain a low (approximately 20%) degree of inter-microtubule proximity (i.e., within 50 nm of one another); f) show evidence for some variable long range (>50 nm) association. Fixation with glutaraldehyde in a complete microtubule polymerization medium (MTPM), or pretreatment with cytochalasin B cause an approximate twofold increase in 1. the proportion of long microtubules in the tip region and 2. microtubules within 50 nm of one another. Fixation in incomplete MTPM (without GTP) produces results similar to phosphate buffer controls. Alternative explanations for these results are examined. A new hypothesis accounting for microtubule involvement in oriented microfibril deposition is described.  相似文献   

Summary InSaprolegnia, kinetochore microtubules persist throughout the mitotic nuclear cycle but, whilst present at leptotene, they disappear coincidently with the formation of synaptonemal complexes at pachytene and reform at metaphase I. In some other fungi chromosomal segregation is random in meiosis and non-random in mitosis. The attachment of chromosomes to persistent kinetochore microtubules in mitosis, but not meiosis, inSaprolegnia provides a plausible explanation for such behaviour. At metaphase I each bivalent is connected to the spindle by 2 laterally paired kinetochore microtubules whereas at metaphase II (as in mitosis) each univalent bears only one kinetochore microtubule, thus showing that all kinetochores are fully active at all stages of meiosis.  相似文献   

R. C. Brown  B. E. Lemmon 《Protoplasma》1985,127(1-2):101-109
Summary An ultrastructural investigation of the monoplastidic microsporocytes ofSelaginella arenicola revealed a unique cytoskeletal array that predicts the future division plane before nuclear division takes place. By midprophase of the first meiotic division, the single plastid has divided once and the two plastids lie on opposite sides of the nucleus which is elongated in the plane of the incipient metaphase I spindle. A cytoplasmic structure, the procytokinetic plate (PCP), predicts the division plane of of both plastid and cytoplasm. The PCP consists of a distinct concentration of vesicles lying in the future division plane and an elaborate system of microtubules aligned parallel to the long axis of plastids and nucleus. Microtubules of the axially aligned system appear to terminate in clusters of vesicles in the central zone of the PCP. The PCP with axially aligned microtubules is as predictive of the division plane in these meiotic cells as is the girdling preprophase band of microtubules in mitotic cells.  相似文献   

Monopolar spindles in pollen mother cells of cereal wide F1 hybrids are described; details of the formation of anastral spindles are discussed.  相似文献   

The development of nuclear vacuoles during meiosis in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vacuoles formed by the invagination of the inner membrane of the nuclear envelope have been observed during meiotic prophase in a wide range of plants. In the angiosperm Lycopersicon their formation was found to coincide with the completion of synaptonemal complex formation, and this timing is analogous to that observed during this stage in the silkworm Bombyx. The implications of this activity in relation to the process of chromosome movement are discussed. In the gymnosperm Pinus, the heterosporous fern Marsilea and homosporous ferns Pteridium and Dryopteris the formation of nuclear vacuoles begins much earlier, coinciding with the condensation of chromatin during leptotene. They enlarge and become more elaborate as meiosis proceeds, and may eventually become detached from the nuclear envelope. It is therefore thought unlikely that theyfulfil functions connected with chromosome movement in the manner proposed for the silkworm and the tomato. During diplotene/diakinesis they contain electron-opaque granules and fibrils, and the possible origin and significance of this material is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The organizational changes of the microtubules of isolated generative cells of Allemanda neriifolia during division were followed using anti--tubulin and immunofluorescence microscopy. Generative cells were isolated from the pollen tubes after osmotic shock treatment. Immediately after isolation most of the cells remain either in early or late prophase. The shape of the cell changes from spindle to spheroidal. In early prophase the nuclear membrane of the cell appears intact and the cytoplasm full of reticulate microtubules of different shapes and thicknesses. Later, the nuclear membrane breaks up. After the nuclear membrane has broken up, the chromosomes scatter into the cytoplasm and mix with the microtubules. When cells enter metaphase, spindle microtubules form. Afterwards, in anaphase, sister chromatids separate and the spindle disappears. A new array of longitudinally oriented cage microtubules appears. As the cells enter early telophase, the cage microtubules disappear and an array of interpolar microtubules begins to form. Later, in some telophase cells the interpolar microtubules become highly elongated, but in others they soon disappear and become replaced by a thick band(s) (or sheet(s)) of microtubules in the midplane between the two clusters of chromosomes and the cell shape reverts back to spheroidal. In culture no phragmoplast junctions appear in any of the late telophase cells although they are present under the in situ condition (i.e. in pollen tubes).  相似文献   

R. C. Brown  B. E. Lemmon 《Protoplasma》1989,152(2-3):136-147
Summary The large megasporocytes ofIsoetes provide an exceptional system for studying microtubule dynamics in monoplastidic meiosis where plastid polarity assures coordination of plastid and nuclear division by the intimate association of MTOCs with plastids. Division and migration of the plastid in prophase establishes the tetrahedrally arranged cytoplasmic domains of the future spore tetrad and the four plastid-MTOCs serve as focal points of a unique quadripolar microtubule system (QMS). The QMS is a dynamic structure which functions in plastid deployment and contributes directly to development of both first and second division spindles. The nucleation of microtubules at discrete plastid-MTOCs is compared with centrosomal nucleation of microtubules in animal cells where growth of microtubules involves dynamic instability.Abbreviations AMS axial microtubule system - MTOC microtubule organizing center - N nucleus - QMS quadripolar microtubule system - P plastid - PPB preprophase band of microtubules  相似文献   

Summary To assess the relative roles of cortical actin and microtubule re-orientation in the establishment of new cell polarity, we have examined the kinetics of cortical actin re-orientation around a wedge-shaped wound in pea roots. Cortical actin re-orients from a transverse alignment to an approximately longitudinal orientation between 5 and 24h after wounding, that is, after the re-alignment of microtubules, which is known to occur before 5h post-wounding. F-actin in root cortical cells does not appear to be necessary for the establishment of new cell polarity around wounds, since normal MT re-alignment, and new planes of cell division are still established around a wound in cytochalasin treated roots. The cytochalasin treatment appeared to totally disrupt cortical and cytoplasmic F-actin in cells of the root cortex. However, in the apparent absence of F-actin in these cells, the rate of wound-induced cell division, but not cell expansion, is slower, and we suggest that an effect on the phragmosomal actin is involved. Finally, we demonstrate that new cell polarity around a wound is not established if microtubules are disrupted by the herbicide oryzalin, but after re-establishment of these arrays following a wash-out of the drug, the typical new planes of cell expansion are observed. We conclude that microtubules play a critical role in establishing and maintaining cell polarity in this system, and that cortical F-actin has a minor and presently unclear function in these processes.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenyl-indole - DMSO dimethylsulphoxide - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-(-aminoethyleter)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - MBS m-maleido-benzoyl N-hydroxysuccinimide ester - MSB microtubule stabilizing buffer - MT microtubule - PIPES 1,4-piperazine-dietha-nesulphonic acid - PPB pre-prophase band - Rh-ph rhodamine phalloidin  相似文献   

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