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Summary Hydroxylamine, a potent oxidizing agent used to reverse carbethoxylation of histidine by diethylpyrocarbonate, activated Cl-dependent K flux (KCl cotransport) of low K sheep red blood cells almost sixfold. When KCl cotransport was already stimulated by N-ethylmaleimide, hydroxylamine caused an additional twofold activation suggesting modification of sites different from those thiol alkylated. This conclusion was supported by the finding that hydroxylamine additively augmented also the diamide-induced KCl flux (Lauf, P.K. 1988.J. Membrane Biol. 101:179–188) with dithiothreitol fully reversing the diamide but not the hydroxylamine effect. Stimulation of KCl cotransport by hydroxylamine was completely inhibited by treatment with diethylpyrocarbonate also known to prevent KCl cotransport stimulation by N-ethylmaleimide, both effects being independent of the order of addition. Hence, although the effect of carbethoxy modification on KCl flux cannot be reversed by hydroxylamine and thus excludes histidine as the target for diethylpyrocarbonate, our finding reveals an important chemical determinant of KCl cotransport stimulation by both hydroxylamine oxidation and thiol group alkylation.  相似文献   

Ouabain-resistant (OR), C1- -dependent K+ (K+C1-) transport measured by Rb+ influx in isosmotic and anisosmotic media was stimulated by the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 and EGTA (ethylene-glycol-tetracetic acid) in low K+ (LK) but not in high K+ (HK) sheep red cells. Increasing external Ca2+ concentrations, [Ca2+]o, from about 10(-7) to 10(-3)M in presence of A23187 and in absence of EGTA inhibited OR Rb+ influx, in LK red cells osmotically shrunken or swollen as well as treated with the thiol reagent N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). Hence the volume- and the NEM-stimulated K+C1- transport system in LK cells can be experimentally modulated by cellular Ca2+ or other Me2+, which may interact with sites on the K+C1- transporter under the control of membrane sulfhydryl (SH) groups.  相似文献   

Summary The sulfhydryl (SH) reagent iodoacetamide (IAAM) inhibits stimulation of Cl-dependent K transport in low K (LK) sheep red cells by another SH reagent, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), without itself activating this transport pathway (J. Membrane Biol., 1983,73:257–261). We now report that IAAM alone, acting with a kinetic slower than NEM, sharply reduced the capability of the Cl-dependent K transport system to regulate its activity in response to cell volume changes. This effect of IAAM did not depend on the cell volume maintained during chemical treatment, a fact ruling out that the reactivity of the SH groups with IAAM was a function of the volume-dependent turnover rate of the transporter. On the other hand, the prevention of the NEM-stimulatory effect on Cl-dependent K transport was found to be volume-dependent since 1) the rate with which IAAM blocked the subsequent NEM action was twice as fast in cells swollen in 250 mOsm as opposed to cells shrunken in 370 mOsm media, and 2) the dose response of the IAAM effect was different in swollen and shrunken cells. The action of IAAM with or without subsequent treatment with NEM seemed to be independent of cellular ATP which is required for full expression of the stimulatory modification of Cl-dependent K transport by NEM (Am. J. Physiol., 1983,245:C445–C448). Clusters of SH groups on the Cl-dependent K transporter apparently react differently with IAAM and NEM when separately applied but, used in combination, reflect a complex volume-dependent effect that may reveal a volume-sensing component of the transport molecule.  相似文献   

The red blood cells of lambs, genotypically low potassium type, undergo a transition from high potassium to low potassium cell type from parturition onwards. This involves gradual changes in cell ion content, sodium pump activity, and ouabain binding. In the present study we investigated the properties of fetal red blood cells from 30 days prepartum using the chronically cannulated pregnant ewe preparation. We demonstrate that intracellular sodium increases and potassium decreases from -30 days onwards. Sodium pump activity monitored either by tracer potassium influx or ouabain binding is markedly higher in the early fetal samples examined and declines fourfold during the final month in utero. Unlike the maternal low potassium cells the early fetal red cells are refractory in terms of sodium pump stimulation by anti-L, the antibody in fact consistently inhibiting the pump. Finally, we have investigated the volume sensitivity and development of the ouabain-insensitive potassium fluxes in these cells and found that both fetal and maternal cells show a marked chloride-dependent, volume-sensitive passive potassium flux. We conclude that the decrease in active sodium transport between fetal red cells and adult low potassium cells is achieved partly by a reduction in the density of sodium pumps per cell, and then later by the introduction into the circulation of cells with Lp-antigen-modified sodium pumps.  相似文献   

The sulfhydryl (SH) oxidant diamide activated in a concentration-dependent manner ouabain-resistant (OR), Cl-dependent K flux in both low potassium (LK) and high potassium (HK) sheep red cells as determined from the rate of zero-trans K efflux into media with Cl or Cl replaced by NO3 or methane sulfonate (CH3SO3). Diamide did not alter the OR Na efflux into choline Cl. The diamide effect on K efflux appeared after 80% of cellular glutathione (GSH) was oxidized to GSSG, its disulfide. The stimulation of K efflux was completely reversed during metabolic restitution of GSH, a process that depended on the length of exposure to and the concentration of diamide. The action of diamide on both the K:Cl transporter and GSH was also fully reversed by the reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT). Diamide apparently oxidized the same SH groups alkylated by N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) (Lauf, P.K. 1983. J. Membrane Biol. 73:237-246). Like NEM, diamide activated K:Cl transport several-fold more in LK cells than in HK cells, and the effect on LK cells was partially inhibited by anti-L1, the allo-antibody known to inhibit OR K fluxes.  相似文献   

Reticulocytes, isolated by centrifugal elutriation from massively bled sheep and identified by cytometric techniques, were analyzed with respect to their cation transport properties. In sheep with genetically high K+ (HK) or low K+ (LK) red cells, two reticulocyte types were distinguished by conventional or fluorescence-staining techniques 5-6 days after hemorrhage: Large reticulocytes as part of a newly formed macrocytic (M) erythrocyte population, and small reticulocytes present among the adult red cell population (volume population III of normal sheep blood, Valet et al., 1978). Although cellular reticulin disappeared within a few days, the M-cell population persisted throughout weeks in the peripheral circulation permitting a transport study of in vivo maturation. At all times, M cells of LK sheep had lower K+ and higher Na+ contents than M cells of HK sheep. Regardless of the sheep genotypes, M cells apparently reduced their volume during their first days in circulation; however, throughout the observation period, they did not attain that characteristic for adult red cells. Both ouabain-sensitive K+ pump and ouabain-insensitive K+ leak fluxes were elevated in M cells of both HK and LK sheep. The increased K+ pump flux was mainly due to higher K+ pump turnover rather than to the modestly increased number of pumps as measured by [3H]ouabain binding. In contrast, small reticulocytes enriched from separated volume population III cells by a Percoll-density gradient exhibited transport parameters close to their prospective mature HK or LK red cells. The data support the concept that the M cells derived from emergency reticulocytes while the small reticulocytes represented precursors of normal red cell maturation. The Na+ and K+ composition found in M cells of HK and LK sheep, respectively, suggest development of the LK steady state at or prior to the reticulocyte state, a finding consistent with that of Lee and Kirk (1982) on low K+ dog red cells.  相似文献   

Potassium chloride is the major salt recycled in most insect secretory systems. Ion and water reabsorption occur in the rectum by active transport of Cl- and largely passive movement of K+. Both these processes are stimulated several fold by a neuropeptide hormone acting via cyclic AMP (cAMP). This Cl- transport process was investigated by using intracellular ion-sensitive microelectrodes, radiotracer flux measurements, voltage clamping, ion substitutions and inhibitors. the mucosal entry step for Cl- is energy-requiring and highly-selective, and is stimulated directly by cAMP and luminal K+. Under some experimental conditions, measured electrochemical potentials for cations across the mucosal membrane are too small to drive C;- entry by NaCl or KCl cotransport mechanisms; moreover, net 36Cl- flux is independent of the apical Na+ potential. Similarly no evidence for a HCO3- -Cl- exchange was obtained. We conclude that Cl- transport in locust gut is different from mechanisms currently proposed for vertebrate tissues.  相似文献   

This study examines the routes by which Mg2+ leaves cultured ovine ruminal epithelial cells (REC). Mg2+-loaded (6 mM) REC were incubated in completely Mg2+-free solutions with varying Na+ concentrations, and the Mg2+ extrusion rate was calculated from the increase of the Mg2+ concentration in the incubation medium determined with the aid of the fluorescent probe mag-fura 2 (Na+ salt). In other experiments, REC were also studied for the intracellular free Mg2+ concentration ([Mg2+]i; using mag-fura 2), the intracellular Na+ concentration (using Na+-binding benzofuran isophthalate), the intracellular cAMP concentration ([cAMP]i; using an enzyme-linked immunoassay), and Na+/Mg2+ exchanger existence [using a monoclonal antibody (mAb) raised against the porcine red blood cell Na+/Mg2+ exchanger]. Mg2+-loaded REC show a Mg2+ efflux that was strictly dependent on extracellular Na+. The Mg2+ extrusion rate increased from 0.018+/-0.009 in a Na+-free medium to 0.73+/-0.3 mM.l cells-1.min-1 in a 145 mM Na+ medium and relates to extracellular Na+ concentration ([Na+]e) according to a typical saturation kinetic (Km value for [Na+]e=24 mM; maximal velocity=11 mM.l cells-1.min-1). Mg2+ efflux was reduced by imipramine (48%) and increased after application of dibutyryl-cAMP (55%) or PGE2 (17%). These effects are completely abolished in Na+-free media. Furthermore, an elevation of [cAMP]i led to an [Mg2+]i decrease that amounted to 375+/-105 microM. The anti-Na+/Mg2+ exchanger mAb inhibits Mg2+ extrusion; moreover, it detects a specific 70-kDa immunoreactive band in protein lysates of ovine REC. The data clearly demonstrate that a Na+/Mg2+ exchanger is existent in the cell membrane of REC. The transport protein is the main pathway (97%) for Mg2+ extrusion and can be assumed to play a considerable role in the process of Mg2+ absorption as well as the maintenance of the cellular Mg2+ homeodynamics.  相似文献   

The transport of uridine into rat renal brush-border membrane vesicles was investigated using an inhibitor-stop filtration method. Uridine was not metabolized under these conditions. The rapid efflux of intravesicular uridine was prevented by adding 1 mM phloridzin to the ice-cold stop solution. In the presence of inwardly directed gradients of either Na+ or K+, zero-trans uridine uptake exhibited a transient overshoot phenomenon indicating active transport. The overshoot was much more pronounced with Na+ than K+ and it was not observed when either Na+ or K+ was at equilibrium across the membrane. The K+-induced overshoot was not due to the presence of a membrane potential alone, as an inwardly directed gradient of choline chloride failed to produce it. The amplitude of the overshoot was increased by raising either the Na+ or K+ concentration outside the membrane or by using more lipophilic anions (reactive order was NO3- greater than SCN- greater than Cl- greater than SO4(2-). Zero-trans efflux studies showed that the uridine transport is bidirectional. Li+ could substitute poorly for Na+ but not at all for K+. Stoichiometries of 1:1 and greater than 1:1 were observed for Na+: uridine and K+: uridine coupling, respectively. A preliminary analysis of the interactions between Na+ and K+ for uridine uptake showed complex interactions which can best be explained by the involvement of two different systems for nucleoside transport in the rat renal brush-border membrane, one requiring Na+ and the other K+ as transport coupler.  相似文献   

The transient increase in cation permeability observed in duck red cells incubated with norepinephrine has been shown to be a linked, bidirectional, co-transport of sodium plus potassium. This pathway, sensitive to loop diuretics such as furosemide, was found to have a [Na + K] stoichiometry of 1:1 under all conditions tested. Net sodium efflux was inhibited by increasing external potassium, and net potassium efflux was inhibited by increasing external sodium. Thus, the movement of either cation is coupled to, and can be driven by, the gradient of its co-ion. There is no evidence of trans stimulation of co- transport by either cation. The system also has a specific anion requirement satisfied only by chloride or bromide. Shifting the membrane potential by varying either external chloride (at constant internal chloride) or external potassium (at constant internal potassium in the presence of valinomycin and DIDs [4,4'-diisothiocyano- 2,2'-disulfonic acid stilbene]), has no effect on nor-epinephrine- stimulated net sodium transport. Thus, this co-transport system is unaffected by membrane potential and is therefore electrically neutral. Finally, under the latter conditions-when Em was held constant near EK and chloride was not at equilibrium-net sodium extrusion against a substantial electrochemical gradient could be produced by lowering external chloride at high internal concentrations, thereby demonstrating that the anion gradient can also drive co-transport. We conclude, therefore, that chloride participates directly in the co- transport of [Na + K + 2Cl].  相似文献   

K+-dependent Na+-Ca2+ exchangers (NCKXs) play an important role in Ca2+ homeostasis in many tissues. NCKX proteins are bi-directional plasma membrane Ca2+-transporters which utilize the inward Na+ and outward K+ gradients to move Ca2+ ions into and out of the cytosol (4Na+:1Ca2+ + 1 K+). In this study, we carried out scanning mutagenesis of all the residues of the highly conserved α-1 and α-2 repeats of NCKX2 to identify residues important for K+ transport. These structural elements are thought to be critical for cation transport. Using fluorescent intracellular Ca2+-indicating dyes, we measured the K+ dependence of transport carried out by wildtype or mutant NCKX2 proteins expressed in HEK293 cells and analyzed shifts in the apparent binding affinity (Km) of mutant proteins in comparison with the wildtype exchanger. Of the 93 residue substitutions tested, 34 were found to show a significant shift in the external K+ ion dependence of which 16 showed an increased affinity to K+ ions and 18 showed a decreased affinity and hence are believed to be important for K+ ion binding and transport. We also identified 8 residue substitutions that resulted in a partial loss of K+ dependence. Our biochemical data provide strong support for the cation binding sites identified in a homology model of NCKX2 based on crystal structures reported for distantly related archaeal Na+-Ca2+ exchanger NCX_Mj. In addition, we compare our results here with our previous studies that report on residues important for Ca2+ and Na+ binding. Supported by CIHR MOP-81327.  相似文献   

The effects of variations of the NAD+/NADH quotient on the uptake of 86Rb by human red cells loaded by non-disruptive means with the chelator Benz2 and different amounts of 45Ca has been examined. The NAD+/NADH quotient was modified by the addition of pyruvate and/or lactate or xylitol. It was found that the uptake of 86Rb at a given intracellular Ca2+ concentration was faster in the reduced state (lactate or xylitol added). Metabolic changes were associated with variations of the redox state. However, glycolitic intermediates did not significantly modify the apparent affinity for Ca2+ of the Ca2+-dependent K+ channel in one-step inside-out vesicles prepared from the erythrocyte membrane. Taken together, these results suggest that modifications of the cytoplasmic redox potential could modulate the sensitivity to Ca2+ of the Ca2+-dependent K+ channel in the human red cells under physiological conditions. This conclusion is consistent with previous findings in inside-out vesicles of human erythrocytes using artificial electron donors.  相似文献   

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