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As a first step toward developing the genetic potential of extremely thermophilic archaebacteria, mutant strains of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius were selected by plating cells directly on solid medium containing one of several growth inhibitors. Three spontaneous resistance phenotypes were observed (5-fluorouracil resistance, novobiocin resistance, and L-ethionine resistance), each at a different average frequency. Characterization of representative strains showed each of the three mutant phenotypes to provide a potentially useful genetic marker.  相似文献   

Viruses of the extremely thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Viruses of Sulfolobus are highly unusual in their morphology, and genome structure and sequence. Certain characteristics of the replication strategies of these viruses and the virus-host interactions suggest relationships with eukaryal and bacterial viruses, and the primeval existence of common ancestors. Moreover, studying these viruses led to the discovery of archaeal promoters and has provided tools for the development of the molecular genetics of these organisms. The Sulfolobus viruses contain unique regulatory features and structures that undoubtedly hold surprises for researchers in the future.  相似文献   

Thermophilic organisms from each of the three phylogenetic domains (Bacteria, Archaea, and Eucarya) acquired thermotolerance after heat shock. Bacillus caldolyticus grown at 60 degrees C and heat shocked at 69 degrees C for 10 min showed thermotolerance at 74 degrees C, Sulfolobus shibatae grown at 70 degrees C and heat shocked at 88 degrees C for 60 min showed thermotolerance at 95 degrees C, and Thermomyces lanuginosus grown at 50 degrees C and heat shocked at 55 degrees C for 60 min showed thermotolerance at 58 degrees C. Determinations of protein synthesis during heat shock revealed differences in the dominant heat shock proteins for each species. For B. caldolyticus, a 70-kDa protein dominated while for S. shibatae, a 55-kDa protein dominated and for T. lanuginosus, 31- to 33-kDa proteins dominated. Reagents that disrupted normal protein synthesis during heat shock prevented the enhanced thermotolerance.  相似文献   

This minireview summarizes what is known about genetic elements in the archaeal crenarchaeotal genus Sulfolobus, including recent work on viruses, cryptic plasmids, a novel type of virus satellite plasmids or satellite viruses, and conjugative plasmids (CPs), mostly from our laboratory. It does not discuss IS elements and transposons. Received: January 22, 1998 / Accepted: February 16, 1998  相似文献   

A proteinase was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from crude extracts of the thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus. Molecular mass values assessed by SDS-PAGE and gel filtration were 54 and 118 kDa, respectively, which points to a dimeric structure of the molecule. An isoelectric point of 5.6 was also determined. The enzyme behaved as a chymotrypsin-like serine proteinase, as shown by the inhibitory effects exerted by phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride, 3,4-dichloroisocoumarin, tosylphenylalaninechloromethyl ketone and chymostatin. Consistently with the inhibition pattern, the enzyme cleaved chromogenic substrates at the carboxyl side of aromatic or bulky aliphatic amino acids; however, it effectively attacked only a small number of such substrates, thus, displaying a specificity much narrower than and clearly different from that of chymotrypsin. This was confirmed by its inability to digest a set of natural substrate proteins, as well as insulin chains A and B; only after alkylation casein was degraded to some extent. Proteinase activity was significantly stimulated by Mn2+ which acted as a mixed-type nonessential activator. The enzyme also displayed a broad pH optimum in the range 6.5-8.0. Furthermore, it was completely stable up to 90 degrees C; above this temperature it underwent first-order thermal inactivation with half-lives ranging from 342 min (92 degrees C) to 7 min (101 degrees C). At 50 degrees C it could withstand 6 M urea and, to some extent, different organic solvents; however, at 95 degrees C it was extensively inactivated by all of these compounds. None of the chemical physical properties of the enzyme, including amino-acid analysis, provided evidence of a possible relation to other well-known microbial serine proteinases.  相似文献   

The heat shock protein CIpB (HSP100) is a member of the diverse group of Clp polypeptides that function as molecular chaperones and/or regulators of energy-dependent proteolysis. A single-copy gene coding for a ClpB homolog was cloned and sequenced from the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942. The predicted polypeptide sequence was most similar to sequences of cytosolic ClpB from bacteria and higher plants (i.e., 70 to 75%). Inactivation of clpB in Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942 resulted in no significant differences from the wild-type phenotype under optimal growth conditions. In the wild type, two forms of ClpB were induced during temperature shifts from 37 to 47.5 or 50 degrees C, one of 92 kDa, which matched the predicted size, and another smaller protein of 78 kDa. Both proteins were absent in the delta clpB strain. The level of induction of the two ClpB forms in the wild type increased with increasingly higher temperatures, while the level of the constitutive ClpC protein remained unchanged. In the delta clpB strain, however, the ClpC content almost doubled during the heating period, presumably to compensate for the loss of ClpB activity. Photosynthetic measurements at 47.5 and 50 degrees C showed that the null mutant was no more susceptible to thermal inactivation than the wild type. Using photosynthesis as a metabolic indicator, an assay was developed for Synechococcus spp. to determine the importance of ClpB for acquired thermotolerance. Complete inactivation of photosynthetic oxygen evolution occurred in both the wild type and the delta clpB strain when they were shifted from 37 directly to 55 degrees C for 10 min. By preexposing the cells at 50 degrees C for 1.5 h, however, a significant level of photosynthesis was retained in the wild type but not in the mutant after the treatment at 55 degrees C for 10 min. Cell survival determinations confirmed that the loss of ClpB synthesis caused a fivefold reduction in the ability of Synechococcus cells to develop thermotolerance. These results clearly show that induction of ClpB at high temperatures is vital for sustained thermotolerance in Synechococcus spp., the first such example for either a photosynthetic or a prokaryotic organism.  相似文献   

Abstract 3-Isopropylmalate dehydrogenase was purified (about 2000-fold) to homogeneity for the first time from an archaebacterium, Sulfolobus sp. strain 7. The enzyme showed an apparent molecular mass of about 110 kDa by gel filtration and a single 36-kDa polypeptide band on SDS-PAGE, suggesting tri- or tetrameric structure. The p I value was 6.9. The N-terminal amino acid sequence was similar to enzymes from other sources. The enzyme activity was greatly stimulated by the presence of Mn2+, Cd2+, Mg2+, or Co2+. In contrast to 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase from other sources, monovalent cations such as K2+ and Na2+ were neither essential for activity nor stability of the protein. The enzyme was extraordinarily thermostable.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetics and Genomics - Within the chromosome of the archaebacterium Sulfolobus sp. B12, a 7.4 kb region was identified which displayed extensive sequence similarities to the 15.5 kb...  相似文献   

A new extremely thermophilic rod-shaped archaebacterium was found in the samples from hot springs and soil of the Uzon caldera (SW of Kamchatka pen.). Cells are rods from 1 to 20 m in length and 0.3 to 0.4 m in width, sometimes branching or with spherical protrusions on the ends. The cell wall consists of two layers: an internal one with distinct hexagonal structure and the outer one with less clear structure and variable thickness. Cells are non-motile and have no flagella. The new organism grows anaerobically by fermenting peptides, concurrently reducing elemental sulfur to H2S. Fermentation products are acetate, isobutyrate, isovalerate. The G+C content of the DNA is 56.5 mol. %. A new species Thermoproteus uzoniensis is described. Type strain is isolate Z-605, DSM 5262.  相似文献   

The chemical structures of the two modified folates present in Thermococcus litoralis were established. These compounds, each containing a core structure of 1-[4-[[1-(2-amino-7-methyl- 4-oxo-6-pteridinyl)-ethyl]amino]phenyl]-1-deoxy-[1-alpha-D- ribofuranosyl]-ribitol, were characterized. The five position of the ribose in this core structure was beta-linked to the C-1 of a poly-beta (1-->4)N-acetylglucosamine having a chain length of four or five N-acetylglucosamine residues. Thus, these compounds are N-acetylglucosamine homologs of the modified folates found in Pyrococcus furiosus.  相似文献   

A highly active inorganic pyrophosphatase was purified to electrophoretical homogeneity from the cytosol of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius strain 7, an extremely thermoacidophilic archaebacterium. The enzyme has an apparent molecular mass of 80 kDa as estimated by gel permeation chromatography, and showed a 21-kDa polypeptide on SDS-PAGE, suggesting that the archaebacterial enzyme is similar to most of the eubacterial pyrophosphatases rather than eukaryotic ones. The pI = 5.1. The enzyme showed relatively high content of Pro and low content of Ser plus Thr. The optimal pH was 6.5 (at 56 degrees C). From the Arrhenius plot an activation energy of 11.2 kcal/mol was obtained between 37-95 degrees C. The specific activity was 617 mumol Pi release min-1 mg-1 at 56 degrees C. The S. acidocaldarius pyrophosphatase was extremely stable. Complete activity remained after incubation at 100 degrees C for 10 min. No dissociation into subunit or unfolding of polypeptide chain occurred in the presence of 8 M urea. Experiments using guanidine-HCl suggested that the transition between a native tetrameric state and an unfolded state is completely reversible, and essentially independent of any additional factors such as divalent metal cation or dithiothreitol.  相似文献   

Two extremely thermophilic archaebacteria, strains OG-1 and SM-2, were isolated from newly discovered deep-sea hydrothermal vent areas in the western Pacific ocean. These strains were cocci, obligately anaerobic Archaea about 0.7–2 μm in diameter. Optimum growth conditions for OG-1 and SM-2 were at 85–90°C (range 60–100°C), pH 6 (range pH 4–8), a NaCl concentration of 3% (range 1–5%), and a nutrient concentration (tryptone plus yeast extract) of 0.2% (range 0.005–5%). Elemental sulfur stimulated the growth rate fourfold. Ammonium slightly stimulated growth. Both tryptone and yeast extract allowed growth as sole carbon sources; these isolates were not able to utilize or grow exclusively on sucrose, glucose, maltose, succinate, pyruvate, propionate, acetate, or free amino acids. OG-1 showed the fastest growth rate within the genus Thermococcus. Growth was inhibited by rifampicin. The DNA G+C content was 52 mol%. Sequencing of their 16S rDNA gene fragment indicated that these isolates belonged to the genus Thermococcus. OG-1 and SM-2 were different than the described Thermococcus species. We propose that OG-1 belongs to a new species: Thermococcus peptonophilus. Received: 8 March 1995 / Accepted: 24 May 1995  相似文献   

A carboxypeptidase was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from the thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus. Molecular masses assessed by SDS/PAGE and gel filtration were 42 kDa and 170 kDa, respectively, which points to a tetrameric structure for the molecule. An isoelectric point of 5.9 was also determined. The enzyme was proven to be a metalloprotease, as shown by the inhibitory effects exerted by EDTA and o-phenanthroline; furthermore, dialysis against EDTA led to a complete loss of activity, which could be restored by addition of Zn2+ in the micromolar range, and, to a lesser extent, by Co2+. The enzyme was endowed with a broad substrate specificity, as shown by its ability to release basic, acidic and aromatic amino acids from the respective benzoylglycylated and benzyloxycarbonylated amino acids. An esterase activity of the carboxypeptidase was also demonstrated on different esterified amino acids and dipeptides blocked at the N-terminus. The enzyme displayed broad pH optima ranging over 5.5-7.0, or 5.5-9.0, when using an acidic or a basic benzyloxycarbonylated amino acid, respectively. With regard to thermostability, it was proven to be completely stable on incubation for 15 min at 85 degrees C. Furthermore, thanks to its relatively low activation energy, i.e. 31.0 kJ/mol, it was still significantly active at room temperature. At 40 degrees C, the enzyme could withstand 0.1% SDS and different organic solvents: particularly ethanol up to 99%. Amino acid and N-terminal sequence analyses did not evidence any similarity to carboxypeptidases A nor thermolysin. A weak similarity was only found with bovine carboxypeptidase B.  相似文献   

Small heat shock proteins (HSPs) have been shown to confer thermotolerance in many organisms. Here, we demonstrate that small HSPs (sHSPs) can also be involved in development of thermotolerance in Pisolithus sp. In heat shock response, Pisolithus isolate RV82 synthesized proteins of molecular mass 28, 26 and 15–18 kDa. These group of proteins are synthesized when mycelial mass are exposed to heat shock temperature (42 °C) for short period (30 min) and incubated back at 28 °C, the optimal temperature for growth. Our results show sHSPs are an important biochemical alteration in ectomycorrhizal fungi under thermal stress.  相似文献   

An extremely thermophilic, obligately anaerobic, sulphur-metabolizing archaebacterium of the order Thermococcales, previously isolated from a thermal pool at Kuirau Park, Rotorua, New Zealand, partially described, and designated isolate ANI, Thermococcales was further characteized. The isolate was a regular coccus of 0.5–2.0 mm in diameter, was strictly anaerobic, chemoorganotrophic, and fermentative. Peptone, yeast extract, or casein served as carbon and nitrogen source, and a variety of amino acids and glucose, but not organic acids, carbohydrates, or other sugars supported growth in the presence of peptone (0.1%). Major metabolic end products were H2, sulphide, acetate, isobutyrate, and isovalerate/2-methylbutyrate. Isolate ANI had a temperature optimum of 75–80°C, a pH optimum of 7.4, and a sodium chloride concentration optimum of 50mM. No growth was observed in the absence of sodium chloride (or lithium chloride) and sulphur (or cystine or oxidized glutathione).  相似文献   

An intracellular aminopeptidase (EC 3.4.11.-) was purified from the extreme thermophilic archaebacterium, Sulfolobus solfataricus. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was about 320,000, as calculated by gel-filtration studies, and a subunit Mr of 80,000 was estimated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The temperature optimum of the enzyme was at 75 degrees C and the pH optimum was found to be 6.5. The aminopeptidase was highly active against the chromogenic substrates L-Leu-p-NA and L-Ala-p-NA. The enzyme was inhibited by EDTA, but the activity could be partially restored by removal of the EDTA and incubation with Co2+ or Mn2+. Bestatin, a typical inhibitor of aminopeptidase, fully inhibited the enzyme activity, but inhibitors of serine proteinases had no effect. Beside a high thermostability, the enzyme showed a remarkable stability against 6 M urea, organic solvents and acetonitrile.  相似文献   

A soluble maltase (alpha-glucosidase) with an apparent subunit mass of 80 kDa was purified to homogeneity from Sulfolobus solfataricus. The enzyme liberates glucose from maltose and malto-oligomers. Maximal activity was observed at 105 degrees C, with half-lives of 11 h (85 degrees C), 3.0 h (95 degrees C), and 2.75 h (100 degrees C). The enzyme was generally resistant to proteolysis and denaturants including aliphatic alcohols. n-Propanol treatment at 85 degrees C increased both Km and Vmax for maltose hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The carboxylesterase (serine esterase, EC from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius was purified 940-fold to homogeneity by an improved purification procedure with a yield of 57%. In the presence of alcohols the enzyme catalyses the transfer of the substrate acyl group to alcohols in parallel to hydrolysis. The results show the existence of an alcohol-binding site and a competitive partitioning of the acyl-enzyme intermediate between water and alcohols. Aniline acts also as a nucleophilic acceptor for the acyl group. On the basis of titration with diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate, a number of four active centres is determined for the tetrameric carboxylesterase. The sequence of 20 amino acid residues at the esterase N-terminus and the amino acid composition are reported.  相似文献   

A DNA-dependent DNA polymerase was obtained in homogenous form from the thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus. The enzyme, purified 706-fold, has a molecular mass of about 110000 daltons as determined by gel filtration and by glycerol gradient centrifugation. It requires Mg++ for its activity and has a pH optimum of 7.7. The activity is sharply dependent on the ionic strength. The enzyme is thermostable; its properties and activity requirements were characterized. The features of this enzyme are compared to those of other DNA polymerases isolated either from prokaryotes or eukaryotes.  相似文献   

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