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The nuclear pore complex: a jack of all trades?   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

The death of cholinergic neurons in the cerebral cortex and certain subcortical regions is linked to irreversible dementia relevant to AD (Alzheimer's disease). Although multiple studies have shown that expression of a FAD (familial AD)-linked APP (amyloid β precursor protein) or a PS (presenilin) mutant, but not that of wild-type APP or PS, induced neuronal death by activating intracellular death signals, it remains to be addressed how these signals are interrelated and what the key molecule involved in this process is. In the present study, we show that the PS1-mediated (or possibly the PS2-mediated) signal is essential for the APP-mediated death in a γ-secretase-independent manner and vice versa. MOCA (modifier of cell adhesion), which was originally identified as being a PS- and Rac1-binding protein, is a common downstream constituent of these neuronal death signals. Detailed molecular analysis indicates that MOCA is a key molecule of the AD-relevant neuronal death signals that links the PS-mediated death signal with the APP-mediated death signal at a point between Rac1 [or Cdc42 (cell division cycle 42)] and ASK1 (apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1).  相似文献   

Peroxisomal enzymes are synthesized in the cytoplasm and imported post-translationally across the peroxisome membrane. Unlike other organelles with a sealed membrane, peroxisomes can import folded enzymes, and they seem to lack intraperoxisomal chaperones. Here, we propose a mechanistic model for the early steps in peroxisomal-matrix-enzyme import, which might help to explain the unusual features of this process.  相似文献   

Before man hunted the large baleen whales to near extinction by the end of the nineteenth century, Arctic ecosystems were strongly influenced by these large predators. Their main prey were zooplankton, among which the calanoid copepod species of the genus Calanus, long considered key elements of polar marine ecosystems, are particularly abundant. These herbivorous zooplankters display a range of adaptations to the highly seasonal environments of the polar oceans, most notably extensive energy reserves and seasonal migrations to deep waters where the non-feeding season is spent in diapause. Classical work in marine ecology has suggested that slow growth, long lifespan and large body size in zooplankton are specific adaptations to life in cold waters with short and unpredictable feeding seasons. Here, we challenge this understanding and, by using an analogy from the evolutionary and contemporary history of the avocado, argue that predation pressure by the now nearly extinct baleen whales was an important driving force in the evolution of life history diversity in the Arctic Calanus complex.  相似文献   

There is growing concern in many parts of the world that fertility of dairy cattle is reducing as milk yields increase. Stress could be one important cause. As an example, fertility is lower after caesarian operations. Delayed uterine involution after dystocia is associated with abnormal ovarian cyclicity and prolonged intervals to the next pregnancy. There is a greater reduction in fertility as the clinical conditions of lameness, milk fever or mastitis worsen. Changes in social groupings greatly increase the number of inseminations required per pregnancy. Transport reduces the number of CL after superovulation, and can interfere with pregnancy rates after estrous synchronization. Embryos collected from heat-stressed donors are less viable and have delayed trophoblast function. Human-animal interactions influence stress-responses in cattle--the behavior of stockman and embryo transfer personnel could affect success. Putting aside financial aspects, exposure of an animal to avoidable stress compromises welfare, whether application of biotechnology is involved or not. The fact that stressors can be deleterious to such an important function as reproduction, emphasizes that stress is very important and should be minimized whenever possible.  相似文献   

The lectin from Canavalia ensiformis (Concanavalin-A, ConA), one of the most abundant lectins known, enables one to mimic biological lectin/carbohydrate interactions that regulate extracellular matrix protein recognition. As such, ConA is known to induce membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) which expression is increased in brain cancer. Given that MT1-MMP correlated to high expression of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 in gliomas with increasing histological grade, we specifically assessed the early proinflammatory cellular signaling processes triggered by ConA in the regulation of COX-2. We found that treatment with ConA or direct overexpression of a recombinant MT1-MMP resulted in the induction of COX-2 expression. This increase in COX-2 was correlated with a concomitant decrease in phosphorylated AKT suggestive of cell death induction, and was independent of MT1-MMP’s catalytic function. ConA- and MT1-MMP-mediated intracellular signaling of COX-2 was also confirmed in wild-type and in Nuclear Factor-kappaB (NF-κB) p65−/− mutant mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF), but was abrogated in NF-κB1 (p50)−/− and in I kappaB kinase (IKK) γ−/− mutant MEF cells. Collectively, our results highlight an IKK/NF-κB-dependent pathway linking MT1-MMP-mediated intracellular signaling to the induction of COX-2. That signaling pathway could account for the inflammatory balance responsible for the therapy resistance phenotype of glioblastoma cells, and prompts for the design of new therapeutic strategies that target cell surface carbohydrate structures and MT1-MMP-mediated signaling. Concise summary Concanavalin-A (ConA) mimics biological lectin/carbohydrate interactions that regulate the proinflammatory phenotype of cancer cells through yet undefined signaling. Here we highlight an IKK/NF-κB-dependent pathway linking MT1-MMP-mediated intracellular signaling to the induction of cyclooxygenase-2, and that could be responsible for the therapy resistance phenotype of glioblastoma cells.  相似文献   

The liver stands in a unique position between the gastrointestinal tract and systemic venous system. Its constant exposure to food antigens, bacterial products and potential pathogens through the mesenteric circulation, requires the liver to maintain tolerogenic capabilities while preserving the means to mount effective immune responses. The liver has the unique ability amongst solid organs, to activate na?ve CD8+ T lymphocytes in an antigen-specific manner. However, this activation can be inefficient and lead to apoptosis. This phenomenon is believed to be involved in both, the development of oral tolerance and the induction of tolerance in liver allografts. The liver is the target of both autoimmune diseases and of chronic viral infections and its unique tolerogenic environment has frequently been suggested as a factor in the development of these diseases. A better grasp of the liver's unique immunological processes would lead to a better understanding of immune tolerance mechanisms and their role in the development of autoimmune diseases and chronic viral infections.  相似文献   

We discuss the usefulness of the concept of Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV), which describes the expected state of mature vegetation in the absence of human intervention. We argue that it is impossible to model PNV because of (i) the methodological problems associated to its definition and (ii) the issues related to the ecosystems dynamics.We conclude that the approach to characterizing PNV is unrealistic and provides scenarios with limited predictive power. In places with a long‐term human history, interpretations of PNV need to be very cautious, and explicit acknowledgement made of the limitations inherent in available data.  相似文献   

Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) transmit intercellular signals that control many cellular events including proliferation, differentiation and cell survival. Ligand-bound RTKs regulate a complex network of intracellular signalling pathways. However, activation of just one of these pathways, which involves Ras and MAP kinase, is both necessary and sufficient to mediate the diverse developmental effects of several invertebrate RTKs. This article discusses these findings, which suggest that RTK-induced activation of MAP kinase in invertebrates acts as a simple developmental switch in multiple cell types, and considers the evidence that the Ras-MAP-kinase pathway also plays a similar role in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Gunasekaran K  Ma B  Nussinov R 《Proteins》2004,57(3):433-443
Allostery involves coupling of conformational changes between two widely separated binding sites. The common view holds that allosteric proteins are symmetric oligomers, with each subunit existing in "at least" two conformational states with a different affinity for ligands. Recent observations such as the allosteric behavior of myoglobin, a classical example of a nonallosteric protein, call into question the existing allosteric dogma. Here we argue that all (nonfibrous) proteins are potentially allosteric. Allostery is a consequence of re-distributions of protein conformational ensembles. In a nonallosteric protein, the binding site shape may not show a concerted second-site change and enzyme kinetics may not reflect an allosteric transition. Nevertheless, appropriate ligands, point mutations, or external conditions may facilitate a population shift, leading a presumably nonallosteric protein to behave allosterically. In principle, practically any potential drug binding to the protein surface can alter the conformational redistribution. The question is its effectiveness in the redistribution of the ensemble, affecting the protein binding sites and its function. Here, we review experimental observations validating this view of protein allostery.  相似文献   

In two landmark articles, Hanahan and Weinberg synthesized into one conceptual framework 'the hallmarks of cancer', a massive amount of information describing the characteristics of a cancer cell. Although this is neither the intention nor the belief of the authors, hallmarks are often interpreted as applying to a canonic cancer cell, or equally to all cells within a cancer. In this article, we clarify the separate concepts of causes, oncogenic events, signal transduction programs, and hallmarks to show that there is no unimodal relation between these concepts but a complex network of interrelations that vary in different cells, between cells, and at different times in any given cell. We consider cancer as an evolving, dynamic, and heterogeneous system, explaining, at least in part, the difficulty of treating cancer and supporting the use of simultaneous, multitarget therapies.  相似文献   

Is the membrane attack complex of complement an enzyme?   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Summary Recent studies on the functional activities of the membrane attack complex of complement, C5b-9, are reviewed. A new speculative hypothesis has been advanced to account for the ability of complement to mediate lysis of various targets. This hypothesis has three major elements: 1) that the membrane attack complex is an enzyme; 2) that the substrate for this putative enzyme is a membrane constituent; 3) that the substrate specificity of the putative enzyme is dependent on the species source of individual complement components within the C5b-9 complex.Abbreviations E = sheep red cells - A = rabbit IgM anti-Forssman antibody - Hu or hu = human - GP or gp = guinea pig  相似文献   

Evidence has accumulated in recent years supporting the hypothesis that both facial and bodily physical attractiveness in humans are certifications of developmental and hormonal health. Such evidence indicates that physical attractiveness is an honest or Zahavian signal of phenotypic and genetic quality. The hypothesis that physical beauty connotes health was first proposed by Westermarck and was discussed later by Ellis and Symons. It has been suggested that facial attractiveness in women is a deceptive signal of youth, unrelated to phenotypic and genetic quality. This sensory-bias or super-stimulus hypothesis is not supported by this study of men’s ratings of the attractiveness of photographs of 92 nude women. Independent ratings of photographs of faces, fronts with faces covered, and backs of the same women are significantly, positively correlated. The correlation between the ratings of different photos implies that women’s faces and external bodies comprise a single ornament of honest mate value, apparently constructed during puberty by estrogen and also probably by developmental adaptations for symmetry. Thus, women’s physical attractiveness in face and body honestly signal hormonal and perhaps developmental health.  相似文献   

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