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Understanding the relative contributions of the shape of a sensory organ and the arrangement of receptors to the overall performance of the organ has long been a challenge for sensory biologists. We tackled this issue using the wind-sensing system of crickets, the cerci, two conical abdominal appendages covered with arrays of filiform hairs. Scanning electron microscopy coupled with 3D reconstruction methods were used for mapping of all cercal filiform hairs. The hairs are arranged according to their diameter in a way that avoids collisions with neighbours during hair deflection: long hairs are regularly spaced, whereas short hairs are both randomly and densely distributed. Particle image velocimetry showed that the variation in diameter of the cercus along its length modifies the pattern of fluid velocities. Hairs are subject to higher air flow amplitudes at the base than at the apex of the cercus. The relative importance of interactions between receptors and the air flow around the organ may explain the performance of the cricket's cercal system: it is characterised by a high density of statistically non-interacting short hairs located at the base of the cercus where sensitivity to air currents is the highest.  相似文献   

Stegosaurian dinosaurs have a quadrupedal stance, short forelimbs, short necks, and are generally considered to be low browsers. A new stegosaur, Miragaia longicollum gen. et sp. nov., from the Late Jurassic of Portugal, has a neck comprising at least 17 cervical vertebrae. This is eight additional cervical vertebrae when compared with the ancestral condition seen in basal ornithischians such as Scutellosaurus. Miragaia has a higher cervical count than most of the iconically long-necked sauropod dinosaurs. Long neck length has been achieved by ‘cervicalization’ of anterior dorsal vertebrae and probable lengthening of centra. All these anatomical features are evolutionarily convergent with those exhibited in the necks of sauropod dinosaurs. Miragaia longicollum is based upon a partial articulated skeleton, and includes the only known cranial remains from any European stegosaur. A well-resolved phylogeny supports a new clade that unites Miragaia and Dacentrurus as the sister group to Stegosaurus; this new topology challenges the common view of Dacentrurus as a basal stegosaur.  相似文献   

The ‘division of labour’ model of eye evolution is elaborated here. We propose that the evolution of complex, multicellular animal eyes started from a single, multi-functional cell type that existed in metazoan ancestors. This ancient cell type had at least three functions: light detection via a photoreceptive organelle, light shading by means of pigment granules and steering through locomotor cilia. Located around the circumference of swimming ciliated zooplankton larvae, these ancient cells were able to mediate phototaxis in the absence of a nervous system. This precursor then diversified, by cell-type functional segregation, into sister cell types that specialized in different subfunctions, evolving into separate photoreceptor cells, shading pigment cells (SPCs) or ciliated locomotor cells. Photoreceptor sensory cells and ciliated locomotor cells remained interconnected by newly evolving axons, giving rise to an early axonal circuit. In some evolutionary lines, residual functions prevailed in the specialized cell types that mirror the ancient multi-functionality, for instance, SPCs expressing an opsin as well as possessing rhabdomer-like microvilli, vestigial cilia and an axon. Functional segregation of cell types in eye evolution also explains the emergence of more elaborate photosensory–motor axonal circuits, with interneurons relaying the visual information.  相似文献   

Friedman R  Hughes AL 《Immunogenetics》2002,53(10-11):964-974
The mechanisms of innate immunity in vertebrates show certain overall resemblances to immune mechanisms of insects. Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain these resemblances. (1) According to the evolutionary continuity hypothesis, innate immune mechanisms evolved in the common ancestor of vertebrates and insects and have been conserved since that time. (2) In the independent-evolution hypothesis, the mechanisms of innate immunity in vertebrates evolved independently from invertebrate immune mechanisms. Phylogenetic analysis of five gene families (Pelle, Rel, IkappaB, Toll, and TRAF) whose members are involved in NF-kappaB signaling in vertebrates and insects were used to decide between these hypotheses. The phylogenies of the Rel and TRAF families strongly supported independent evolution of immune functions in vertebrates and invertebrates, and, except for a possible case in the Pelle family, orthologous molecules having immune functions in both vertebrates and invertebrates were not found. The results suggest that NF-kappaB represents an ancient, generalized signaling system that has been co-opted for immune system roles independently in vertebrate and insect lineages.  相似文献   

Parasitic protists are a major cause of diarrhoeal illnesses in humans globally. Collectively, enteric pathogens exceed all other forms of infectious disease, in terms of their estimated global prevalence and socioeconomic impact. They have a disproportionately high impact on children in impoverished communities, leading to acute (diarrhoea, vomiting, dehydration and death) and chronic disease (malabsorption, malnutrition, physical and cognitive stunting and predisposition to chronic, non-communicable disease) consequences. However, historically, investment in research and disease control measures has been disproportionately poor, leading to their current classification as neglected pathogens. A sound understanding of their biology is essential in underpinning detection, treatment and control efforts. One major tool in rapidly improving our knowledge of these parasites is the use of biological systems, including ‘omic’ technologies. In recent years, these tools have shown significant success when applied to enteric protists. This review summarises much of this knowledge and highlights the significant remaining knowledge gaps. A major focus of the present review was to provide a perspective on a way forward to address these gaps using advanced biotechnologies.  相似文献   

Darwin’s contributions to evolutionary biology are well known, but his contributions to genetics are much less known. His main contribution was the collection of a tremendous amount of genetic data, and an attempt to provide a theoretical framework for its interpretation. Darwin clearly described almost all genetic phenomena of fundamental importance, such as prepotency (Mendelian inheritance), bud variation (mutation), heterosis, reversion (atavism), graft hybridization (Michurinian inheritance), sex-limited inheritance, the direct action of the male element on the female (xenia and telegony), the effect of use and disuse, the inheritance of acquired characters (Lamarckian inheritance), and many other observations pertaining to variation, heredity and development. To explain all these observations, Darwin formulated a developmental theory of heredity — Pangenesis — which not only greatly influenced many subsequent theories, but also is supported by recent evidence.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), the causative agent of Johne's disease (JD) in animals, has also been linked with Crohn's disease in human beings. Lack of indigenous diagnostics and vaccine hampered control of JD in India. Designing effective control strategies require thorough understanding of the etiological agent at phenotypic and molecular levels. On the basis of cultural phenotypes and IS1311 PCR-REA typing, MAP strains have been genotyped as ‘Cattle type’, ‘Sheep type’ and ‘Bison type’. Information exists on genetic differences and comparative evolution of ‘Cattle type’ and ‘Sheep type’ strains after divergence from M. avium; however, emphasis has been little on ‘Bison type’ strains. Recently, a new ‘Indian Bison type’ genotype has been reported as principal strain infecting different animal species and human beings in India. The study analyzed few genetic markers to have inferences on the molecular evolution of native MAP isolates belonging to ‘Bison type’ genotype. Results pointed towards recent evolution of ‘Bison type’ genotype.  相似文献   

Summary The genusSternopygus, believed to reflect ancestral traits of gymnotiform electric fish, is closely related to the more modern genusEigenmannia (Mago-Leccia 1978; Fink and Fink 1981).Sternopygus is the only known genus of electric fish that does not perform a jamming avoidance response (JAR) to minimize the potentially detrimental effects of signal interference between discharging neighbors (Bullock et al. 1972, 1975), and its ability to electrolocate objects is rather immune to jamming (Matsubara and Heiligenberg 1978).By studying the responses of midbrain neurons to stimulus regimes effective in eliciting the JAR inEigenmannia, we found thatSternopygus has neurons capable of discriminating the sign of the difference frequency between interfering electric organ discharges (EODs). These sign-selective neurons, which are believed to be important elements in the control of the JAR inEigenmannia, may, therefore, fulfill a more general function in the detection of moving objects and conspecifics but could potentially be assembled for the evolution of a JAR inSternopygus. The relative immunity to jamming in this genus may result, in part, from a stronger reliance upon the ampullary electrosensory system which operates in the DC and low-frequency range, outside the EOD spectrum of these fish.Abbreviations AM amplitude modulation - Df frequency difference - EOD electric organ discharge - JAR jamming avoidance response  相似文献   


Intuitively, a community composed of ecologically dissimilar taxa is more diverse than a community composed of more similar taxa. However, since traditional diversity indices such as Shannon's entropy or Simpson's diversity are computed solely from the relative abundances of a given species assemblage, they cannot account for ecological differences between species. There have been recent developments regarding the use of quadratic entropy, a diversity index that incorporates both species relative abundances and a measure of the pairwise ecological differences between species. In this paper we firstly show that under some specific circumstances quadratic entropy can be additively decomposed into α- β- and γ-diversities, a property that renders it a desirable measure of diversity in the ecological practice. Next, we suggest a quick and simple method for obtaining a standardized version of quadratic entropy that may allow an easier interpretation of the resulting diversity values.  相似文献   

Feathers of today's birds are constructed of beta (β)-keratins, structural proteins of the epidermis that are found solely in reptiles and birds. Discoveries of "feathered dinosaurs" continue to stimulate interest in the evolutionary origin of feathers, but few studies have attempted to link the molecular evolution of their major structural proteins (β-keratins) to the appearance of feathers in the fossil record. Using molecular dating methods, we show that before the appearance of Anchiornis (~155 Million years ago (Ma)) the basal β-keratins of birds began diverging from their archosaurian ancestor ~216?Ma. However, the subfamily of feather β-keratins, as found in living birds, did not begin diverging until ~143?Ma. Thus, the pennaceous feathers on Anchiornis, while being constructed of avian β-keratins, most likely did not contain the feather β-keratins found in the feathers of modern birds. Our results demonstrate that the evolutionary origin of feathers does not coincide with the molecular evolution of the feather β-keratins found in modern birds. More likely, during the Late Jurassic, the epidermal structures that appeared on organisms in the lineage leading to birds, including early forms of feathers, were constructed of avian β-keratins other than those found in the feathers of modern birds. Recent biophysical studies of the β-keratins in feathers support the view that the appearance of the subfamily of feather β-keratins altered the biophysical nature of the feather establishing its role in powered flight.  相似文献   

Exciting evidence from diverse fields, including physiology, evolutionary biology, palaeontology, geosciences and molecular genetics, is providing an increasingly secure basis for robustly formulating and evaluating hypotheses concerning the role of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO(2)) in the evolution of photosynthetic eukaryotes. Such studies span over a billion years of evolutionary change, from the origins of eukaryotic algae through to the evolution of our present-day terrestrial floras, and have relevance for plant and ecosystem responses to future global CO(2) increases. The papers in this issue reflect the breadth and depth of approaches being adopted to address this issue. They reveal new discoveries pointing to deep evidence for the role of CO(2) in shaping evolutionary changes in plants and ecosystems, and establish an exciting cross-disciplinary research agenda for uncovering new insights into feedbacks between biology and the Earth system.  相似文献   

The great whales (baleen and sperm whales), through their massive size and wide distribution, influence ecosystem and carbon dynamics. Whales directly store carbon in their biomass and contribute to carbon export through sinking carcasses. Whale excreta may stimulate phytoplankton growth and capture atmospheric CO2; such indirect pathways represent the greatest potential for whale-carbon sequestration but are poorly understood. We quantify the carbon values of whales while recognizing the numerous ecosystem, cultural, and moral motivations to protect them. We also propose a framework to quantify the economic value of whale carbon as populations change over time. Finally, we suggest research to address key unknowns (e.g., bioavailability of whale-derived nutrients to phytoplankton, species- and region-specific variability in whale carbon contributions).  相似文献   

Summary An analysis is made of the applicability of the recently published profiles of relationship method for establishing evolutionary relatedness among proteins by using the distantly related proinsulin and neurotoxin protein se-quences as a test object. The method is based on a simultaneous group analysis of both the frequency of acceptance of mutations and their genetic code inter-changeability. Regularities in the patterns of the profiles, which reflect decreased similarity with the passage of time, are established for typical cases of closely related, distantly related and unrelated proteins. This makes it possible to distinguish distantly related from unrelated proteins without extensive statistical randomization procedures. New evidence is stated in favour of a previously suggested definition of interchangeability which does not consider the third base in the codon. The applicability of the profiles of relationship method is examined on the distant relationship between proinsulin and the snake and scorpion neurotoxins which has been established previously by means of conventional approaches.  相似文献   

‘Strophodontoid’ brachiopods represented the majority of strophomenide brachiopods in the Silurian and Devonian periods. They are characterized by denticles developed along the hinge line. The evolution of denticles correlated with the disappearance of dental plates and teeth and were already present when the clade originated in the Late Ordovician. Specimens of Eostropheodonta parvicostellata from the Kuanyinchiao Bed (early–middle Hirnantian, uppermost Ordovician) in the Hetaoba Section, Meitan, Guizhou Province, South China, display clear fossil population variation, during a process of loss of dental plates and the development of denticles. Three phenotypes of E. parvicostellata are recognized in a single fossil bed, likely heralding a speciation process. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) based on five key characters of genera of the Family Leptostrophiidae shows a much wider morphospace for Silurian genera than for those in the Devonian. Phylogenetic analysis of the Family Leptostrophiidae supports the NMDS analysis and mostly tracks their geological history. The fossil population differentiation in E. parvicostellata discovered between the two phases of the Late Ordovician mass extinction event (LOME) linked to a major glaciation, suggests a Hirnantian origination of the ‘strophodontoid’ morphology, and links microevolutionary change to a macroevolutionary event.  相似文献   

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