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In this study morphological variation and the potential for competition to affect biomass and seedling selection of the families of five populations of Rumex acetosella L. sampled along a successional old-field gradient have been investigated. Seeds from 25 families were submitted to four competitive regimes: no competition (one plant per pot), medium competition (two plants/ pot taking plants from the same population), high within-population competition (four individuals from the same population in a pot) and high between-population competition (four individuals from two different populations in a pot). Eight traits were analysed after 3 months of growth for variation among families within populations. A significant difference among families within the two older populations was recorded for sexual biomass and related components. High sensitivity of these traits to density was observed in all populations except the youngest, suggesting specialization to particular environmental conditions in late successional populations, and a good adaptive capacity to buffer environmental variation in the pioneer population. Little significant interaction between competitive regimes and families within populations was found, i.e. genotypes within each population showed little variation in their response to environmental variation. Genotypic variance decreased with increasing competitive conditions for the majority of the traits. However, the percentage of variance in sexual reproduction explained by family was stable among treatments. Tradeoffs between vegetative reproduction and sexual reproduction were recorded at the population level along the successional gradient, with increasing competitive conditions. As succession proceeds, we observed a decrease in sexual reproduction and an increase in vegetative reproduction. At the family level, correlation among traits were similar when plants were grown in the absence of competition and at high density, with a significant negative correlation between sexual reproduction and vegetative reproduction. For both sprout number and sexual biomass, the performance of families grown under all the treatments was positively correlated. Together these results indicate allocational constraints on the reproductive biology of R. acetosella that may be favoured by natural selection and have influenced population differentiation along the successional gradient. However, they also revealed that the potential exists for evolutionary specialization through plasticity, in response to variation in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Axillary buds of the dioecious plant Rumex acetosella L. were isolated and cultured in vitro. The callus tissue which developed at the basal parts of the explants displayed a high capacity for shoot formation. This morphogenetic pattern was predominant on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2% sucrose, 2.2 mgl-1 benzylaminopurine and 0.17 mgl-1 indole-3-acetic acid. Somatic embryogenesis was induced when the osmolality of the medium was increased by adding 6% sucrose instead of 2%, or hexitols in addition to 2% sucrose. Most of the embryogenic calli were formed on the basal parts of leaf laminae and bracts. Development and maturation was strongly promoted by transferring the tissue to a solid or liquid medium lacking benzylaminopurine and indole-3-acetic acid and supplemented with 10 mgl-1 gibberellic acid. The embryos germinated and developed into normal rosette plants when transferred to vermiculite moistened with hormone-free, half-strength MS salt solution. The histology of successive embryogenic stages is presented.  相似文献   

Vegetative growth patterns ofRumex acetosella L. were investigated both in experimental conditions and in the field. Plants originating from geographically and ecologically contrasting areas expressed significant differentiation in height, weight, and leaf production, even at early stages. The plants belonging to subsp.angiocarpus grew thaller than other plants. The differences among populations grown in a uniform environment provide evidence for genetic differentiation in morphology. Plants in natural populations were considerably lighter than experimental plants, which intensively produced a large number of rosette leaves. These differences can be attributed to substantial phenotypic plasticity. When the correlation structure among the growth traits was analyzed, seed weight and early plant size appeared to influence future plant size.  相似文献   

The content of endogenous cytokinins has been analysed in leaf and inflorescence extracts of male and female R. acetosella plants, using gas chromatography. Plant parts were extracted at four stages of development: leaves of juvenile plants, leaves of adult plants at the time of flower initiation and in full bloom, and upper internodes of the inflorescence stalks. Cytokinins with characteristics similar to isopentenyl adenine and adenosin, zeatin, zeatin riboside, and a bound form of zeatin, were all found in the extracts. The total amount of cytokinins was higher in female than in male plants during all these stages.Reprint requests  相似文献   

Callus cultures were established from dioecious plant species Rumex acetosella and R. acetosa, using cotyledons, hypocotyls and stem tips of aseptically germinated seedlings as primary explants. Cultures were also established from male and female R. acetosella adult plants, starting from vegetative lateral buds. Cell division was induced using a high 2,4-D concentration, while bud induction and multiplication were stimulated on a medium with high BAP/IAA ratio. Cotyledon fragments of both species produced only rhizogenic calli. Hypocotyl-derived calli of R. acetosella produced buds, while those of R. acetosa showed no bud forming response under these conditions. Bud multiplication occurred in stem tip cultures of both species and in lateral bud cultures of R. acetosella. Calli derived from male plants produced more buds than those from female. Shoots were easily rooted using IBA, and plantlets were effectively transferred to soil. Flowering was not induced in culture. The sex of regenerated male and female plants was not altered by the culture conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Relative growth rate in radish is not influenced by initial seed weight.  相似文献   

We investigated clonal traits in the dioecious herb Rumex acetosella to characterize sexual dimorphism in clonal forms and to correlate below-ground clonal patterns and above-ground ramet distributions. We recorded creeping root length, branching patterns, ramet and clump (caespitose ramets from the same position on the root) sprouting patterns, and biomass allocations in three females and males. We also estimated the patch size of flowering ramets within a quadrat. No sexual dimorphism was detected in the frequencies of branches and flowering ramets per root length. Male plants allocated proportionally more biomass to below-ground organs. Total root length did not differ between the sexes. Females sprouted more clumps with fewer flowering ramets per root length than males, which sprouted fewer clumps with more flowering ramets, which meant that clump sprouting patterns were phalanx-like in females and guerrilla-like in males. Flowering ramets were aggregately distributed in both females and males and patch sizes were similar between sexes, indicating that the spreader propagations were not found in the guerrilla-like males. We assumed that sexual dimorphism occurred in response to physiological integration for higher reproductive effort in females.  相似文献   

Summary Within the first few weeks after seedling emergence, Agropyron desertorum, a more competitive tussock grass, had a much higher mean relative growth rate (RGR) than Agropyron spicatum, a very similar, but less competitive species. However, beyond the early seedling stage, the two grasses had a remarkably similar whole-plant RGR in hydroponic culture and aboveground RGR in glasshouse soil, if root temperatures were above approximately 12°C. At soil temperatures between 5 and 12°C, A. desertorum exhibited a 66% greater aboveground RGR than A. spicatum (P<0.05). Both species responded similarly to warming soil temperatures. In the field, however, tiller growth rates were generally similar. Neither species showed marked tiller elongation until a couple of weeks after snowmelt, by which time soil temperatures, at least to a depth of 10 cm, were above 12°C for a significant portion of the day. Aboveground biomass accumulation over a three-year period indicated that both grasses had similar potential growth rates whereas Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana, a common neighbor planted in the same plots, had a much greater potential growth rate. The greater competitive ability of adult A. desertorum, as compared to A. spicatum, cannot be attributed to appreciable differences in potential growth rates.  相似文献   

Frank J. Messina 《Oecologia》1991,85(3):447-455
Summary Populations of the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus differ genetically in several traits that mediate intraspecific competition. This study examined competitive interactions between larvae from two strains that differed in their propensity to oviposit on occupied hosts. In a strain (S) where females avoided laying >1 egg/seed, larvae were highly competitive; if two larvae entered a small host simultaneously, only one adult emerged. In a strain (I) whose females were sloppier in their egg-laying decisions, more than half of the seeds bearing two larvae yielded two adults. If seeds contained one larva from each strain, only one adult emerged per seed, and 70% of these adults belonged to the more competitive S strain. A larva's probability of emergence could be increased if it entered the seed before its competitor. A two-day headstart was needed merely for I larvae to compete equally with S larvae. Competition also affected development time and adult weight, but its effect was highly strain- and sex-specific. Adult life-history traits also differed substantially between strains. Compared to I beetles, S beetles exhibited decreased longevity, lower fecundity, a truncated period of oviposition, and larger egg and body size. Fecundity was linearly related to body size in the I strain, but was largely independent of size in the S strain. When faced with a shortage of hosts, S females (whose progeny are highly competitive) withheld eggs and died without depositing 40% of their lifetime supply. In contrast, the fecundity of I females was independent of seed availability. Comparisons with previous studies suggest that both highly uniform egg-laying and strong interference among larvae may be a consequence of chronic association with a relatively small host. Results from the larval competition experiments were used as parameter estimates for a simple, game-theoretic model that postulates interference vs. exploitative strategies. Fitness comparisons suggest that a strategy employing interference competition cannot be invaded by a more exploitative form of competition in a small host.  相似文献   

Populations ofRumex acetosa andR. acetosella were studied during two growth seasons. The ramet sex ratios ofR. acetosa were always female-biased. InR. acetosella the sex ratios expressed more variation but were mostly female-biased. In both species the sex ratios commonly varied between subpopulations reflecting a partial spatial segregation of the sexes. No marked differences between sexes in vegetative vigour were detected in either species. Interactions between sex ratios, various soil characteristics and population densities were determined. Possible mechanisms for causing biased sex ratios and partial spatial segregation of the sexes are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The interaction between grazing by Gastrophysa viridula and interspecific plant competition was investigated for Rumex obtusifolius growing in the field. During an eight-month growing season non-competing R. obtusifolius grew larger than competing plants although herbivore loads (beetle productivity per unit leaf area) were similar for competing and non-competing plants. However, grazing significantly reduced the growth of R. obtusifolius only in competing plants thus demonstrating a synergism between plant competition and invertebrate herbivory. The relevance of these findings for the distribution of plant species is discussed.  相似文献   

An ecological hypothesis concerning the relative importance of factors governing the success of Oxalis acetosella on mesic upland forest sites in southern Finland was formulated and tested statistically by means of a multivariate linear model. The data consisted of a stratified random sample of 40 plots with biological measurements and associated observations on environmental variables. The covariance matrix between the incorporated variables was computed and the model parameters were estimated using the method of maximum likelihood provided by the computer programme LISREL V. The results supported the hypothesis based on previous observations and experiments: Oxalis acetosella benefits from a high nutrient level of the soil, but is decisively dependent on the shelter provided by the tree stand. When both spruce stands and well-lit pine stands on mesic and relatively rich forest sites were considered simultaneously, only a weak correlation was found between light availability and site fertility. Accordingly, the presumed value of Oxalis acetosella as an indicator of site fertility appears to be questionable. The adequacy of linear modelling in an ecological context is discussed. The kind of models applied in this study have only a limited application range in non-experimental ecological research. However, linear modelling may contribute to solving particular ecological problems in cases where short environmental gradients are considered so that nonlinearity is not a dominant feature.  相似文献   

In this study we tested for trade-offs between the benefit arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi provide for hosts and their competitive ability in host roots, and whether this potential trade-off shifts in the presence of a plant stress (herbivory). We used three species of AM fungi previously determined to vary in host growth promotion and spore production in association with host plants. We found that these AM fungal species competed for root space, and the best competitor, Scutellospora calospora, was the worst mutualist. In addition, the worst competitor, Glomus white, was the best mutualist. Competition proved to have stronger effects on fungal infection patterns than herbivory, and competitive dominance was not altered by herbivory. We found a similar pattern in a previous test of competition among AM fungi, and we discuss the implications of these results for the persistence of the mutualism and feedbacks between AM fungi and their plant hosts.  相似文献   

Molecular markers associated with seed weight in two soybean populations   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Seed weight (SW) is a component of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., seed yield, as well as an important trait for food-type soybeans. Two soybean populations, 120 F4-derived lines of YoungxPI416937 (Pop1) and 111 F2-derived lines of PI97100xCoker 237 (Pop2), were mapped with RFLP makers to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conditioning SW across environments and populations. The genetic map of Pop1 consisted of 155 loci covering 973 cM, whereas Pop2 involved 153 loci and covered 1600 cM of map distance. For Pop1, the phenotypic data were collected from Plains, GA., Windblow, N.C., and Plymouth, N.C., in 1994. For Pop2, data were collected from Athens, GA., in 1994 and 1995, and Blackville, S.C., in 1995. Based on single-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA), seven and nine independent loci were associated with SW in Pop1 and Pop2, respectively. Together the loci explained 73% of the variability in SW in Pop1 and 74% in Pop2. Transgressive segregation occurred among the progeny in both populations. The marker loci associated with SW were highly consistent across environments and years. Two QTLs on linkage group (LG) F and K were located at similar genomic regions in both populations. The high consistency of QTLs across environments indicates that effective marker-assisted selection is feasible for soybean SW.  相似文献   

Although herbivory often reduces the reproduction of attacked trees, few studies have examined how naturally occurring insect-resistant and susceptible trees differ in their reproduction, nor have these effects been experimentally examined through long-term herbivore removals. In addition, few studies have examined the effects of herbivory on the quality of seeds produced and the implications of reduced seed quality on seedling establishment. We evaluated the impact of chronic herbivory by the stem-boring moth, Dioryctria albovittella, on cone and seed production of the pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) during two mast years. Three patterns emerged. First, moth herbivory was associated with reductions in cone production, viable seed production and seed mass. Specifically, pinyons susceptible to moth attack had 93–95% lower cone production, and surviving cones produced 31–37% fewer viable seeds, resulting in a 96–97% reduction in whole tree viable seed production. In addition, surviving seeds from susceptible trees had 18% lower mass than resistant trees. Second, long-term experimental removal of the herbivore resulted in increased rates of cone and seed production and quality, indicating that moth herbivory was the driver of these reductions. Third, seed size was positively associated with seed germination and seedling biomass and height, suggesting that trees suffering chronic herbivory produce poorer quality offspring. Thus, the resistance traits of pinyons can affect the quality of offspring, which in turn may affect subsequent seedling establishment and population dynamics.  相似文献   

This study examines the speed of nodulation of 20 strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv phaseoli, and relates this trait to the competitive performance of these strains with Phaseolus vulgaris L. At 25/20°C day/night temperature, and with 107 cells applied per growth pouch, there was a strong positive correlation between the speed of nodulation and the competitiveness of strains with the nod + fix reference strain UMR 1116. Strains UMR 1084, 1125, 1165, 1173 and 1384 combined good competitive performance with extensive nodulation in the uppermost root regions. When inoculant levels in the RTM studies were reduced to 103 cells per pouch no correlation between the apparent competitiveness of strains and their speed in nodulation was evident, presumably because cells had to undergo multiplication before infection. Nodulation was also delayed when growth temperatures were raised to 31/26°C, but a correlation was still evident between competitive performance and nodulation in the region 0.1 to 5.0 mm below the RTM at the time of inoculation. From these results speed of nodulation can be used to estimate the competitive potential of Rhizobium strains, but only under carefully regulated conditions. The effects of inoculation level and temperature on the relationship between speed of nodulation and strain competitiveness could explain the inconsistent results obtained in earlier studies on this topic.Journal paper No. 16962, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA  相似文献   

Glushakova  A. M.  Chernov  I. Yu. 《Microbiology》2004,73(2):184-188
Analysis of an epiphytic yeast population on the leaves of the evergreen common wood sorrel Oxalis acetosella L. throughout a year showed that the density and the species composition of this population underwent regular seasonal changes. There were almost no yeasts on the young spring leaves. However, the yeast population on the mature leaves tended to increase in the autumn, reaching a maximum after the formation of continuous snow cover. Then the yeast population on the leaves tended to decrease, reaching a minimum in the spring. The species diversity of the yeasts was maximum in the autumn. The population of the epiphytic yeast species Cystofilobasidium capitatum, Rhodotorula fujisanensis, Leucosporium scottii, and Cryptococcus flavus peaked in the autumn. On the other hand, the population of the widespread epiphytic species Cryptococcus laurentii on the wood sorrel leaves peaked in January. The relative abundance of the red-pigmented phytobionts Rhodotorula glutinis and Sporobolomyces roseus virtually did not change throughout the year. The relative abundance of the euribiotic species Cryptococcus albidus showed irregular monthly variations. The data obtained show that the epiphytic microbial population of various plants can be comprehensively studied only by analyzing this population throughout the vegetative period of the plants.  相似文献   

Murray  K. G.  Winnett-Murray  K.  Cromie  E. A.  Minor  M.  Meyers  E. 《Plant Ecology》1993,107(1):217-226
We investigated the role of seed packaging (division of total seed volume among individual seeds) and fruit color in determining feeding preferences of American Robins (Turdus migratorius). Experiments were conducted using artificial fruits with either 8 small plastic beads or a single large one with equivalent volume. Other fruit characters were held constant. As predicted, large seeds were voided rapidly by regurgitation, resulting in higher pulp consumption rates for large-seeded fruits than for small-seeded ones, whose seeds were passed through the gut. Most birds apparently used this difference in profitability as a choice criterion: four of seven preferred large-seeded fruits. That three individuals did not do so suggests that birds may differ in their ability to perceive minor differences in fruit profitability, or to use them as choice criteria. Pulp color was also important: blue fruits were preferred by all seven birds. This preference was surprising, since Robins commonly feed on red fruits in the field.  相似文献   

Selective pressures on seed size could vary among the different stages of plant life cycles, so no simple relation could explain a priori its evolution. Here, we determined the relationships between seed size and two fitness components—seed dispersal and survival from predation—in a bird-dispersed tree, Crataegus monogyna. We interpret these relationships in relation to the patterns of mass allocation to fruit and seed components. Selection patterns were assessed at two levels (1) selection pressures on the parent tree; comparing seed dispersal efficiency among individual plants and (2) selection pressures at the individual seed level; comparing seed size variation (i) before and after dispersal, and (ii) before and after postdispersal seed predation. Dispersal efficiency (percentage of seed crop dispersed) was positively correlated with fruit mass and fruit width. Differences in crop size did not offset this effect, and larger seeds were overrepresented in the seed rain relative to the seed pool before dispersal. However, the advantage of larger seeds during the dispersal stage was cancelled later by an opposite selection pressure exerted by seed predators. As a result, smaller seeds had a higher probability of surviving postdispersal seed predation, establishing an evolutionary conflict imposed by the need for dispersal and the danger of being predated. Birds and rodents preferentially selected highly profitable fruits and seeds in terms of the relative proportion of their components. Larger fruits had a higher pulp to seed proportion than smaller ones, and all seeds had the same proportion of coat relative to the embryo-plus-endosperm fraction. Hence, although predator pressures were stronger than disperser ones, larger seeds invested proportionally less in structural defense than in dispersal.  相似文献   

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