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The arrangement of primate β-related globin genes has been determined by restriction endonuclease mapping of genomic DNA from species ranging from prosimians to man. The arrangement of the entire ?γγδβ-globin gene cluster in the gorilla and the yellow baboon is indistinguishable from that of man. Restriction site differences between these species are consistent with a surprisingly low overall rate of intergenic DNA sequence divergence of approximately 1% in 5 million years. A new world monkey (owl monkey) has a single γ-globin gene, suggesting that the Gγ-Aγ-globin gene duplication in man is ancient, and occurred about 20 to 40 million years ago. The β-globin gene cluster in the brown lemur, a prosimian, is remarkably short (about 20,000 base-pairs) and contains single ?-, γ- and β-globin genes. The γ- and β-globin genes in this animal are separated by a curious gene containing the 3′ end of a β-globin gene preceded by sequences related to the 5′ end of the ?-globin gene.  相似文献   

A physical map of the DNA regions flanking the rabbit β-globin gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A.J. Jeffreys  R.A. Flavell 《Cell》1977,12(2):429-439

The 2-microglobulin (2m) is a protein found in the serum in a free form and on the cell surface in a form noncovalently associated with the chain of the class I major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) molecules. In mammals, the 2m-encoding gene (B2m) is found on a chromosome different from the Mhc proper. We have isolated and characterized the B2m gene of the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio, family Cyprinidae. We obtained both cDNA and genomic clones of the Brre-B2m gene. The cDNA clones contained the entire coding sequence, the entire 3 untranslated (UT) region, and at least part of the 5UT region. The genomic clone contained the entire Brre-B2m gene. The coding sequence specifies 97 amino acid residues of the mature protein so that the zebrafish 2m is two residues shorter than human and one residue shorter than cattle, fowl, or turkey 2m (codons at positions 85 and 86 have been deleted in the Brre-B2m. gene). The amino acid and nucleotide sequence similarities between zebrafish and human 2m (B2m) are 45% and 59%, respectively. Approximately 24% of the positions are invariant and an additional 9% show only conservative substitutions in comparisons which include all known 2m sequences (fish, avian, and mammalian). Most of the conserved positions are in the strands (some 47% of the -strand positions are conserved in the three vertebrate classes). The Brre-B2m gene consists of four exons separated by three introns. All of the introns are considerably shorter than the corresponding introns in the mammalian B2m genes. The coding sequences of the cDNA and the genomic clones are almost identical but the sequences of the 3'UT regions differ at 1.7% of the sites, suggesting that the genes borne by these clones might have diverged at least 0.7 million years (my) ago. In contrast to the human B2m gene, the Brre-B2m gene shows no bias in the distribution of the CpG dinucleotides: the dinucleotides are distributed evenly along the entire available sequence. The haploid genome of the zebrafish contains only one copy of the B2m gene.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers L05383 (B2M) and L05384 (B2RG). Correspondence to: J. Klein.  相似文献   

The mechanism responsible for developmental stage-specific regulation of γ-globin gene expression involves DNA methylation. Previous results have shown that the γ-globin promoter is nearly fully demethylated during fetal liver erythroid differentiation and partially demethylated during adult bone marrow erythroid differentiation. The hypothesis that 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), a known intermediate in DNA demethylation pathways, is involved in demethylation of the γ-globin gene promoter during erythroid differentiation was investigated by analyzing levels of 5-methylcytosine (5mC) and 5hmC at a CCGG site within the 5′ γ-globin gene promoter region in FACS-purified cells from baboon bone marrow and fetal liver enriched for different stages of erythroid differentiation. Our results show that 5mC and 5hmC levels at the γ-globin promoter are dynamically modulated during erythroid differentiation with peak levels of 5hmC preceding and/or coinciding with demethylation. The Tet2 and Tet3 dioxygenases that catalyze formation of 5hmC are expressed during early stages of erythroid differentiation and Tet3 expression increases as differentiation proceeds. In baboon CD34+ bone marrow-derived erythroid progenitor cell cultures, γ-globin expression was positively correlated with 5hmC and negatively correlated with 5mC at the γ-globin promoter. Supplementation of culture media with Vitamin C, a cofactor of the Tet dioxygenases, reduced γ-globin promoter DNA methylation and increased γ-globin expression when added alone and in an additive manner in combination with either DNA methyltransferase or LSD1 inhibitors. These results strongly support the hypothesis that the Tet-mediated 5hmC pathway is involved in developmental stage-specific regulation of γ-globin expression by mediating demethylation of the γ-globin promoter.  相似文献   

The map of restriction sites including and surrounding the δ- and β-globin genes has been established for three Ferrara β°-thalassaemic subjects. The fragments obtained using nine restriction enzymes do not show any differences from normal DNA. Among others, restriction enzymes giving short fragments at the 5′ and 3′ ends of the β-globin structural gene have been employed. The results obtained for the thalassaemic DNA are identical to those for control DNA, thus excluding the presence of extensive deletions in or adjacent to the coding regions of the β-globin gene in Ferrara β°-thalassaemia.  相似文献   

Three pairs of oligonucleotide primers based on partial DNA and amino acid sequences were used in a combination of PCR experiments to amplify the -globin gene of the bivalve mollusc Anadara trapezia. The sequence of 2,139 by presented contains the whole of the -globin gene with the exception of the 5 flanking sequence. This gene possesses the three-exon-and-two-intron gene structure typical of vertebrate globin genes but the lengths of the introns (762 by and 690 bp, respectively) are only approximately half the size of those present in a -variant gene previously characterized from this organism. The encoded amino acid sequence shows two changes when compared to the previously published amino acid sequence. Correspondence to: A.G. Mackinlay  相似文献   

Xanthophylls are oxygenated carotenoids that perform critical roles in plants. -carotene hydroxylases (-hydroxylases) add hydroxyl groups to the -rings of carotenes and have been cloned from several bacteria and plants, including Arabidopsis. The lut1 mutation of Arabidopsis disrupts -ring hydroxylation and has been suggested to identify a related carotene hydroxylase that functions specifically on -ring structures. We have used library screening and genomics-based approaches to isolate a second -hydroxylase genomic clone and its corresponding cDNA from Arabidopsis. The encoded protein is 70% identical to the previously reported Arabidopsis -hydroxylase 1. Phylogenetic analysis indicates a common origin for the two proteins, however, their different chromosomal locations, intron positions and intron sizes suggest their duplication is not recent. Although both hydroxylases are expressed in all Arabidopsis tissues analyzed, -hydroxylase 1 mRNA is always present at higher levels. Both cDNAs encode proteins that efficiently hydroxylate the C-3 position of -ring containing carotenes and are only weakly active towards -ring containing carotenes. Neither -hydroxylase cDNA maps to the LUT1 locus, and the genomic region encompassing the LUT1 locus does not contain a third related hydroxylase. These data indicate that the LUT1 locus encodes a protein necessary for -ring hydroxylation but unrelated to -hydroxylases at the level of amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

In man, the gene for hydroxyacyl glutathione hydrolase (HAGH; glyoxalase II) is closely linked to the α-globin locus (HBα) on Chromosome 16. HAGH polymorphism in the mouse has now enabled the mapping of the murine homologue. Deletion mapping, congenic strain studies, and characterization of 41 recombinant inbred strains establish that the mouseHagh locus lies very close to the α-globin pseudogene (Hba-ps4) in the vicinity of the major histocompatibility locus (H-2) on chromosome 17. Several other loci have been identified previously that are also closely linked to the human α-globin locus but near the α-globin pseudogeneHba-ps4 in the mouse. These linkage relationships suggest that during the evolution of mice a translocation occurred that subdivided the α-globin locus, leaving one inactive α-globin gene still associated with theHagh locus and linked sequences, while moving and inserting the active α-globin locus and all distal sequences into an internal location on another autosome, the predecessor to mouse chromosome 11.  相似文献   

Summary DNA analysis of the - and -globin gene clusters has revealed substantial variability between individuals and populations. As well as restriction enzyme site and length polymorphisms, variation in gene copy number and type is observed. Because of this extensive polymorphism DNA analysis offers a highly informative method of studying genetic affinities between human populations. Haplotypes, consisting of a set of restriction enzyme polymorphisms distributed along the cluster, have been developed for both loci. Analysis of the molecular basis of numerous -thalassaemia alleles has revealed, in general, different sets of mutations in different populations, indicating that these postdate the racial divergence. Recent microepidemiological studies on the distribution of -thalassaemia support the hypothesis that this condition, like the {ie16-1}, has been selected because it confers protection against malaria. Population-specific DNA polymorphisms at these and other loci promise to be of considerable value to genetic anthropology.  相似文献   

In this study, a β-glucosidase coding gene (bgl) of the zygomycete fungus Rhizomucor miehei has been cloned and characterized. The gene comprises a total of 2,826 bp including the coding sequence of a 717 amino acids length putative protein and 10 introns dispersed in the whole coding region. The putative N-and C-terminal catalytic domains (aa 68 to aa 274 and aa 358–601, respectively) were identified; the two domains are connected with a 84-amino-acids linker. The catalytic region showed an extensive sequence homology with other fungal β-glucosidases classified as family 3 glycoside hydrolases. The isolated Rhizomucor gene was expressed in the related fungus Mucor circinelloides. Transformant Mucor strains maintained the introduced plasmid in an autoreplicative manner and showed significantly higher cellobiase activity than the recipient strain.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced the human 1-globin gene. The nucleotide sequence and organization of the human 1 gene (exons, introns, promoter, and polyadenylation signals) are similar to those reported for the orangutan 1-globin gene. If these genes are functional, the sequences of their 1-globin chains would differ by only one amino acid residue (at position 137).This research was supported by USPHS Research Grants HLB-05168 and HLB-15158. This is contribution No. 1085 from the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta.  相似文献   

Secondary embryogenesis from rapeseed microspore-derived embryos (MDEs) was studied in three Brassica napus L. cultivars Global, PF704 and Option. The best results in terms of secondary embryogenesis percentage obtained in cultures of Global and PF704 MDEs (75.88 and 65.97 %, respectively) and PF704 produced the highest number of secondary embryos per each primary embryo (14.91 ± 2.18). After optimization of physical parameters, rapeseed hypocotyls of MDEs were bombarded with microcarriers coated with a plasmid containing GUS reporter gene. The highest levels of transient GUS expression were obtained using bombardment with gold particles of 1.6 μm, at helium pressure of 9.3 MPa, a bombardment distance of 9 cm, chamber vacuum pressure of 7.1 × 10−6 kPa and single bombardment in bombardment medium containing 0.4 M mannitol.  相似文献   

DNA polymorphisms in the 1--globin gene region in nine Asian macaques(Macaca fuscata, M. mulatta, M. nemestrina, M. cyclopis, M. fascicularis, M. arctoides, M. radiata, M. maura, andM. assamensis) were examined using several restriction endonucleases and the human 1, IVS2, and IVS2 probes. TheBamHI site 3 to the -globin gene was polymorphic inM. fuscata andM. mulatta, while the HincII site and the EcoRI site in the 1-globin gene region was highly polymorphic inM. fuscata andM. mulatta, respectively. These polymorphic sites also seem to be present in other Asian macaques. The present study of the polymorphism at theBamHI site 3 to the -globin gene in Asian macaques supports, at the nuclear DNA level, the idea that thefascicularis group includingM. fuscata, M. mulatta, M. cyclopis, andM. fascicularis is different from other Asian macaque groups.This study was supported in part by the Cooperation Research Program of the Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University.  相似文献   

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