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The success of recent spacecraft from the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. has given us a wealth of new data about the planets in our solar system. We can now develop a much better rationale for the reasons that abundant life is only found on our planet. Mars, smaller and more distant from the Sun, may nevertheless hold clues to the early development of Earth's atmosphere. The origin of life on Mars early in that planet's history cannot be ruled out. Titan offers a contemporary example of extremely primitive conditions, where chemical reactions resembling those that preceded the development of life on Earth may be occurring today. Venus and Jupiter illustrate the need for a planet to be the right size and the right distance from the sun if chemical evolution leading to the origin of life is to occur.  相似文献   

Most experimental work on the origin of life has focused on either characterizing the chemical synthesis of particular biochemicals and their precursors or on designing simple chemical systems that manifest life-like properties such as self-propagation or adaptive evolution. Here we propose a new class of experiments, analogous to artificial ecosystem selection, where we select for spontaneously forming self-propagating chemical assemblages in the lab and then seek evidence of a response to that selection as a key indicator that life-like chemical systems have arisen. Since surfaces and surface metabolism likely played an important role in the origin of life, a key experimental challenge is to find conditions that foster nucleation and spread of chemical consortia on surfaces. We propose high-throughput screening of a diverse set of conditions in order to identify combinations of “food,” energy sources, and mineral surfaces that foster the emergence of surface-associated chemical consortia that are capable of adaptive evolution. Identification of such systems would greatly advance our understanding of the emergence of self-propagating entities and the onset of adaptive evolution during the origin of life.  相似文献   

早期地球的环境变化和生命的化学进化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生命起源是当代最大的科学疑谜之一,也是历来人类普遍关注的一个焦点。在地球上最早的生物出现之前,有机物经历了漫长而复杂的化学进化过程,称为生命的化学进化。地球上生命的化学进化与非生物部分的早期演化过程,是密切地相互关联、相互作用并相互制约的。文章着重阐述与生命的化学关系最为密切的冥古宙和太古宙的地球演化历史,指出这两个阶段所形成的还原性原始大气和古海洋条件在生命的化学进行中起了极其重要的作用,并且从宇宙形成、太阳系演化和地球环境早期演化的角度,探讨地球生命的化学进化历程;以地球形成初期发生了一系列复杂的有机化学反应过程,由无机分子生成生物小分子,再进一步生成生物大分子,直至最后产生原始细胞。此外,文章评述当前国际上最流行的生命化学进化学说,对早期地球的化学进化是发生在地球表面的原始海洋、粘土矿物、火山喷发等,或是来源于地球之外的宇宙空间进行了综合的阐述。  相似文献   

Crucial crises in biology: life in the deep biosphere.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The origin and evolution of life on Earth are the result of a series of crises that have taken place on the planet over about 4500 millions of years since it originated. Biopoiesis (origin of life), ecopoiesis (origin of ecosystems) and the first ecosystems (stromatolites and microbial mats), as well as eukaryopoiesis (origin of nucleated cells) are revised. The paper then focuses on the study of the deep biosphere, describing ecosystems never found before, which are independent of solar radiation and have changed previous assumptions about the requirements of life; even the concept of biosphere, as Vernadsky defined it, has increased its scope. Since the discovery, in 1987, of bacteria growing in the crevices of rocks at 500 m deep, in boreholes drilled near the Savanna River, Aiken, South Carolina, other bacteria have been found in the deep subsurface reaching depths of about 3 km (e.g., in the Columbia River Basalt Group, near Richland, Washington state), in an anaerobic, hot, high-pressure environment. Some kinds of microorganisms can thrive at such depths, living in many cases a geochemical existence, by using very specialized metabolisms, which depend on the local environments. The existence of organisms independent from photosynthetic production is the most outstanding, novel feature of the deep biosphere. Living beings might not need other energy and chemical sources than those which occur in the development of all planetary bodies. Life, therefore, could even be an ineluctable outcome of planetary evolution and, as a corollary, a natural continuation of the usual development of physical phenomena in the universe.  相似文献   

The Moon and the Earth were bombarded heavily by planetesimals and asteroids that were capable of interfering with chemical evolution and the origin of life. In this paper, we explore the frequency of giant terrestrial impacts able to stop prebiotic chemistry in the probable regions of chemical evolution. The limited time available between impacts disruptive to prebiotic chemistry at the time of the oldest evidence of life suggests the need for a rapid process for chemical evolution of life. The classical hypothesis for the origin of life through the slow accumulation of prebiotic reactants in the primordial soup in the entire ocean may not be consistent with constraints imposed by the impact history of Earth. On the other hand, rapid chemical evolution in cloud systems and lakes or other shallow evaporating water bodies would have been possible because reactants could have been concentrated and polymerized rapidly in this environment. Thus, life probably could have originated near the surface between frequent surface sterilizing impacts. There may not have been continuity of life depending on sunlight because there is evidence that life, existing as early as 3.8 Gyr ago, may have been destroyed by giant impacts. The first such organisms on Earth where probably not the ancestors of present life.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, the common school of thought has split into two, so that the problem of the origin of life is tackled in the framework of either the 'replication first' paradigm or the 'metabolism first' scenario. The first paradigm suggests that the life started from the spontaneous emergence of the first, supposedly RNA-based 'replicators' and considers in much detail their further evolution in the so-called 'RNA world'. The alternative hypothesis of 'metabolism first' derives the life from increasingly complex autocatalytic chemical cycles. In this work, we emphasize the role of selection during the pre-biological stages of evolution and focus on the constraints that are imposed by physical, chemical, and biological laws. We try to demonstrate that the 'replication first' and 'metabolism first' hypotheses complement, rather than contradict, each other. We suggest that life on Earth has started from a 'metabolism-driven replication'; the suggested scenario might serve as a consensus scheme in the framework of which the molecular details of origin of life can be further elaborated. The key feature of the scenario is the participation of the UV irradiation both as driving and selecting forces during the earlier stages of evolution.  相似文献   

Biology uses essentially 20 amino acids for its coded protein enzymes, representing a very small subset of the structurally possible set. Most models of the origin of life suggest organisms developed from environmentally available organic compounds. A variety of amino acids are easily produced under conditions which were believed to have existed on the primitive Earth or in the early solar nebula. The types of amino acids produced depend on the conditions which prevailed at the time of synthesis, which remain controversial. The selection of the biological set is likely due to chemical and early biological evolution acting on the environmentally available compounds based on their chemical properties. Once life arose, selection would have proceeded based on the functional utility of amino acids coupled with their accessibility by primitive metabolism and their compatibility with other biochemical processes. Some possible mechanisms by which the modern set of 20 amino acids was selected starting from prebiotic chemistry are discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of the history of scientific ideas on the origin of life, after Darwin's theory of evolution brought the problem into focus, is discussed. 19th-century theories in the mainstream of historical development already included some notion of chemical evolution. These theories were limited, however, by their reliance on a protoplasmic view of life, according to which the protoplasmic substance combines all vital properties.It was only when this holistic concept of protoplasm was abandoned that a clear distinction between different vital functions such as metabolism and replication was made. This led to two schools of thought in the origin of life field, one inspired by biochemistry and one by genetics.Oparin's theory, which was rooted in the metabolic traditions of biochemistry, provided a model which has had a lasting impact in methodological terms and which helped to transform the field from a largely theoretical one to an area of active research. Genetically based theories, on the other hand, had a delayed impact in this respect, because of long-lasting uncertainty regarding the structural basis of gene function.  相似文献   

The development of mainstream research on the origin of life as an outcome of Darwinian evolution is discussed. It is argued that prebiotic evolution and the origin of life should not be excluded from the syllabus and should be part of classes on biological evolution, and that the transition from non-living to living matter is best understood when seen as part of evolutionary biology. The wide acceptance of evolutionary approaches to the study of the emergence of life in European and Latin American countries is discussed.  相似文献   

Evolution and the origin of life are separate, if connected, topics, but they are frequently conflated??especially by creationists. Regarding the natural origin of life as ??the soft underbelly?? of evolution, creationists argue that it is impossible, improbable, or insusceptible to scientific investigation. Underlying their arguments is the hope that the failure of scientific research on the origin of life is evidence for a supernatural account. It is crucial for teachers to understand the nature of science in order to be able to explain why appeals to the supernatural are out of place in explaining the origin of life and why scientific research on the origin of life is not intrinsically a threat to faith.  相似文献   

This study is part of an extensive research program on pheromones aiming to analyze in depth and on a wide scale man's olfaction and its ability to distinguish pheromone-like substances either of male and female origin, as well as the evolution of such ability at different physiological stages during his life. Olfaction tests were conducted on a group of 1318 school children (aged 6 to 14) by mean of “Biologically relevant” substances. Younger males and females showed the same responses to Pirroline Isovalerianate Butyrate and to Androstandiol in an high percentage of cases. Response variability gradually increases with aging and this could be explained assuming that sensitivity to biological smells keeps up with their emission or, even more, with hormone development which originates them. Hormone research is currently being carried on in order to prove such assumption.  相似文献   

Calcium - how and why?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Calcium is among the most commonly used ions, in a multitude of biological functions, so much so that it is impossible to imagine life without calcium. In this article I have attempted to address the question as to how calcium has achieved this status with a brief mention of the history of calcium research in biology. It appears that during the origin and early evolution of life the Ca2+ ion was given a unique opportunity to be used in several biological processes because of its unusual physical and chemical properties.  相似文献   

薛成  李波卡  雷天宇  山红艳  孔宏智 《生物多样性》2022,30(10):22460-22560
生物多样性的起源与进化是生命科学领域最重要的科学问题之一。多组学数据的积累和相关分析技术的发展, 极大地推动了人们对生物多样性起源与进化的理解和研究, 使得阐明生物进化事件发生的过程与机制成为可能。值此《生物多样性》创刊30周年之际, 本文简要回顾生物多样性起源与进化相关研究在近年来取得的重要研究进展, 以期帮助读者了解该研究方向的发展现状。过去10年中, 生物多样性起源与进化相关研究在生命之树重建、生物多样性时空分布格局、物种概念、物种形成与适应性进化以及新性状起源与多样化等方面取得了许多重要进展, 并在此基础上厘清了许多分类单元间的系统发育关系、揭示了生物多样性分布格局的部分历史成因、提出了新的物种概念和物种形成模型、阐明了新性状和新功能发生的部分分子机制。我们认为, 更精准地重建生命之树、深入挖掘基因组数据以及多学科交叉融合将是今后生物多样性研究的主要趋势。  相似文献   

It is believed that ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun participated in events related to the chemical evolution and birth of life on the primitive Earth. Although UV radiation would be also a driving force for the biological evolution of life on Earth, life space of the primitive living organisms would be limited in the UV-shielded place such as in the water at an early stage of the evolution of life. After the formation of stratospheric ozone layer through the production of oxygen by photoautotroph, living organisms were able to expand their domain from water to land. As a result, now, many kinds of living organisms containing human beings are flourishing on the ground. In the near future, increased transmission of harmful solar UV radiation may reach the Earth's surface due to stratospheric ozone layer depletion. In order to learn more about the biological effects of solar UV radiation with or without interruption by the ozone layer, the utilization of an Exposed Facility on the International Space Station is required. Experiments proposed for this facility would provide a tool for the scientific investigation of processes involved in the birth and evolution of life on Earth, and could also demonstrate the importance of protecting the Earth's future environment from future ozone layer depletion.  相似文献   

生命起源开始于从化学进化进入生物进化.然而,在原始细胞出现之前,已存在一个有蛋白质、核酸等生命要素的过渡期.那么,生命起源的历程究竞从何处开始?对这个未解之迹,进行了讨论.首先,从化学进化到生物进化要实现3个相变,即:从随机的有机化学反应相变为定向代谢途径;从消旋体环境相变为生物手性环境:从化学混沌状态相变为生命耗散结构.通过比较分析发现,由于前生命化学时期出现了丙酮酸.它的独特性质导致了这3种相变同步发生,其中起驱动作用的是定向代谢途径.它起源于以丙酮酸为基质的逆向糖酵解(糖生成途径).  相似文献   

THE EARLY SOLAR SYSTEM   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Life arose on an early Earth which was the product of the conditions present, and processes operating, during formation of the solar system. The formation and early state of the solar system are reviewed in order to better understand the nature of the early Earth, and to constrain the conditions present during the origin and early evolution of life on this planet.  相似文献   

Many investigators have concluded that the level of solar ultraviolet radiation (200–300 nm) reaching the surface was a key parameter in the origin and evolution of life on Earth. The level of solar ultraviolet radiation between 200 and 300 nm is controlled primarily by molecular absorption by ozone, whose presence is trongly coupled to the level of molecular oxygen. In this paper, we present a series of calculations of the solar ultraviolet radiation reaching the surface for oxygen levels ranging from 10–4 present atmospheric level to the present level. The solar spectrum between 200 and 300 mn has been divided into 34 spectral intervals. For each spectral interval, we have calculated the solar ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's surface by considering the attenuation of the incoming beam due to ozone and oxygen absorption. A one-dimensional photochemical model of the atmosphere was used for these calculations.  相似文献   

To re-enact the long way to the origin of life with today's chemical methods, many steps have to be investigated in the light of a primordial scenario deduced from geochemical research. After the formation of our planet and its atmosphere, prebiotic chemical evolution started its course with the formation of the first building blocks for the formation of biomolecules. In the case of proteins, those building blocks were amino acids that had to be formed in the primitive atmosphere, and then had to react to peptides and proteins as the main pillar of first life. In this paper, we describe the processes in the primordial atmosphere according to contemporary geochemical knowledge leading to the synthesis of amino acids until the formation of homochiral peptides, and, thus, show a plausible pathway towards the origin of life.  相似文献   

prebiotic phosphorus chemistry reconsidered   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The available evidence indicates that the origin of life on Earth certainly occurred earlier than 3.5 billion years ago and perhaps substantially earlier. The time available for the chemical evolution which must have preceded this event is more difficult to estimate. Both endogenic and exogenic contributions to chemical evolution have been considered; i.e., from chemical reactions in a primitive atmosphere, or by introduction in the interiors of comets and/or meteorites. It is argued, however, that the phosphorus chemistry of Earth's earliest hydrosphere, whether primarily exogenic or endogenic in origin, was most likely dominated by compounds less oxidized than phosphoric acid and its esters. A scenario is presented for the early production of a suite of reactive phosphonic acid derivatives, the properties of which may have foreshadowed the later appearance of biophosphates.  相似文献   

The research on the origin of life, as such, seems to have reached an impasse as a clear and universal scientific definition of life is probably impossible. On the contrary, the research on the origin of evolution may provide a clue. But it is necessary to identify the minimum requirements that allowed evolution to emerge on early Earth. The classical approach, the ‘RNA world hypothesis’ is one way, but an alternative based on nonlinear dynamics dealing with far-from-equilibrium self-organization and dissipative structures can also be proposed. The conditions on early Earth, near deep-sea hydrothermal sites, were favorable to the emergence of dissipative structures such as vesicles with bilayer membranes composed of a mixture of amphiphilic and hydrophobic molecules. Experimentally these vesicles are able to self-reproduce but not to evolve. A plausible scenario for the emergence of a positive feedback process giving them the capability of evolving on early Earth is suggested. The possibilities offered by such a process are described in regard to specific characteristics of extant biological organisms and leads for future research in the field are suggested.  相似文献   

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