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The N-end rule degradation pathway states that the half-life of a protein is determined by the nature of its N-terminal residue. In Escherichia coli the adaptor protein ClpS directly interacts with destabilizing N-terminal residues and transfers them to the ClpA/ClpP proteolytic complex for degradation. The crucial role of ClpS in N-end rule degradation is currently under debate, since ClpA/ClpP was shown to process selected N-terminal degrons harbouring destabilizing residues in the absence of ClpS. Here, we investigated the contribution of ClpS to N-end rule degradation by two approaches. First, we performed a systematic mutagenesis of selected N-degron model substrates, demonstrating that ClpS but not ClpA specifically senses the nature of N-terminal residues. Second, we identified two natural N-end rule substrates of E. coli : Dps and PATase (YgjG). The in vivo degradation of both proteins strictly relied on ClpS, thereby establishing the function of ClpS as the essential discriminator of the E. coli N-end rule pathway.  相似文献   

Upon infection of mammalian cells, Listeria monocytogenes lyses the phagosome and enters the cytosol, where it secretes proteins necessary for its intracellular growth cycle. Consequently, bacterial proteins exposed to the cytosol are potential targets for degradation by host cytosolic proteases. One pathway for degradation of host cytosolic proteins, the N-end rule pathway, involves recognition of the N-terminal amino acid and is mediated by the proteasome. However, very few natural N-end rule substrates have been identified. We have examined the L. monocytogenes ActA protein as a potential target for this pathway. ActA is an essential determinant of L. monocytogenes pathogenesis that is required to induce actin-based motility and cell-to-cell spread. We show that the half-life of a secreted form of ActA can be altered in the mammalian cytosol by changing the N-terminal amino acid. Moreover, the introduction of a destabilizing N-terminus into the functional, surface-bound form of ActA results in a small-plaque phenotype in L2 cells, which is partially reversible by an inhibitor of the proteasome. These results indicate that the L. monocytogenes ActA protein is a natural N-end rule substrate, and that optimal function of ActA in mediating cell-to-cell spread is dependent upon its intracellular turnover rate.  相似文献   

Poliovirus (PV) modifies membrane-trafficking machinery in host cells for its viral RNA replication. To date, ARF1, ACBD3, BIG1/BIG2, GBF1, RTN3, and PI4KB have been identified as host factors of enterovirus (EV), including PV, involved in membrane traffic. In this study, we performed small interfering RNA (siRNA) screening targeting membrane-trafficking genes for host factors required for PV replication. We identified valosin-containing protein (VCP/p97) as a host factor of PV replication required after viral protein synthesis, and its ATPase activity was essential for PV replication. VCP colocalized with viral proteins 2BC/2C and 3AB/3B in PV-infected cells and showed an interaction with 2BC and 3AB but not with 2C and 3A. Knockdown of VCP did not suppress the replication of coxsackievirus B3 or Aichi virus. A VCP-knockdown-resistant PV mutant had an A4881G (a mutation of E253G in 2C) mutation, which is known as a determinant of a secretion inhibition-negative phenotype. However, knockdown of VCP did not affect the inhibition of cellular protein secretion caused by overexpression of each individual viral protein. These results suggested that VCP is a host factor required for viral RNA replication of PV among membrane-trafficking proteins and provides a novel link between cellular protein secretion and viral RNA replication.  相似文献   

Abnormal protein accumulation and cell death with cytoplasmic vacuoles are hallmarks of several neurodegenerative disorders. We previously identified p97/valosin-containing protein (VCP), an AAA ATPase with two conserved ATPase domains (D1 and D2), as an interacting partner of the Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) protein with expanded polyglutamines that causes Machado-Joseph disease. To reveal its pathophysiological roles in neuronal cells, we focused on its ATPase activity. We constructed and characterized PC12 cells expressing wild-type p97/VCP and p97(K524A), a D2 domain mutant. The expression level, localization, and complex formation of both proteins were indistinguishable, but the ATPase activity of p97(K524A) was much lower than that of the wild type. p97(K524A) induced cytoplasmic vacuoles that stained with an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) marker, and accumulation of polyubiquitinated proteins in the nuclear and membrane but not cytoplasmic fractions was observed, together with the elevation of ER stress markers. These results show that p97/VCP is essential for degrading membrane-associated ubiquitinated proteins and that profound deficits in its ATPase activity severely affect ER quality control, leading to abnormal ER expansion and cell death. Excessive accumulation of misfolded proteins may inactivate p97/VCP in several neurodegenerative disorders, eventually leading to the neurodegenerations.  相似文献   

Selenoproteins are candidate mediators of selenium-dependent protection against tumorigenesis and inflammation in the gut. Expression and roles of only a limited number of intestinal selenoproteins have been described so far. Selenoprotein S (SelS) has been linked to various inflammatory diseases and is suggested to be involved in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis regulation and antioxidative protection in a cell-type-dependent manner, but its protein expression, regulation, and function in the gut are not known. We here analyzed the expression and localization of SelS in the healthy and inflamed gut and studied its regulation and function in intestinal epithelial cell lines. SelS was expressed in the intestinal epithelium of the small and large intestine and colocalized with markers of Paneth cells and macrophages. It was upregulated in inflamed ileal tissue from Crohn's disease patients and in two models of experimental colitis in mice. We detected SelS in colorectal cell lines, where it colocalized with the ER marker calnexin. SelS protein expression was unaffected by enterocytic differentiation but increased in response to selenium supplementation and after treatment with the ER stress inducer tunicamycin. On the other hand, depletion of SelS in LS174T, HT29, and Caco-2 cells by RNA interference did not cause or modulate ER stress and had no effect on hydrogen peroxide-induced cell death. In summary, we introduce SelS as a novel marker of Paneth cells and intestinal ER stress. Although it is upregulated in Crohn's disease, its role in disease etiology remains to be established.  相似文献   

The expression of the ischemia-responsive protein (irp94) was enhanced by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress inducing drugs such as brefeldin A (BFA), calcium ionophor A23187, dithiothreitol (DTT) and tunicamycin in fisher rat thyroid epithelial cell line (FRTL-5 cells). In particular, irp94 mRNA expression was increased dose dependently by tunicamycin, and there was increased irp94 expression when the cells were incubated with the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) together.  相似文献   

In the present study, we microinjected fluorescently labelled liver bovine ACBP (acyl-CoA-binding protein) [FACI-50 (fluorescent acyl-CoA indicator-50)] into HeLa and BMGE (bovine mammary gland epithelial) cell lines to characterize the localization and dynamics of ACBP in living cells. Results showed that ACBP targeted to the ER (endoplasmic reticulum) and Golgi in a ligand-binding-dependent manner. A variant Y28F/K32A-FACI-50, which is unable to bind acyl-CoA, did no longer show association with the ER and became segregated from the Golgi, as analysed by intensity correlation calculations. Depletion of fatty acids from cells by addition of FAFBSA (fatty-acid-free BSA) significantly decreased FACI-50 association with the Golgi, whereas fatty acid overloading increased Golgi association, strongly supporting that ACBP associates with the Golgi in a ligand-dependent manner. FRAP (fluorescence recovery after photobleaching) showed that the fatty-acid-induced targeting of FACI-50 to the Golgi resulted in a 5-fold reduction in FACI-50 mobility. We suggest that ACBP is targeted to the ER and Golgi in a ligand-binding-dependent manner in living cells and propose that ACBP may be involved in vesicular trafficking.  相似文献   

The hepatitis B virus precore protein is closely related to the nucleocapsid core protein but is processed distinctly in the cell and plays a different role in the viral cycle. Precore is addressed to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) through a signal peptide, and the form present in the ER is the P22 protein. P22 is then cleaved in its C-terminal part to be secreted as HBe antigen. In addition, a cytosolic form of 22 kDa less characterized has been observed. Precore gene was shown to be implicated in viral persistence, but until now, the actual protein species involved has not been determined. Our work focuses on the cytosolic form of precore. Using human cells expressing precore and a convenient fractionation assay, we demonstrated that the cytosolic form is identical to the ER form and retrotransported in the cytoplasm through the ER-associated degradation pathway. This cellular machinery translocates misfolded proteins to the cytoplasm, where they are ubiquitinated on lysine residues and degraded by proteasome. We showed that precore escapes proteasome due to its low lysine content and accumulates in the cytosol. The role of this retrotransport was investigated. In the presence of precore, we found a specific redistribution of the Grp78/BiP chaperone protein to cytosol and demonstrated a specific interaction between precore and Grp78/BiP. Altogether, these data support the idea that the hepatitis B virus develops a strategy to take advantage of the ER-associated degradation pathway, allowing distinct subcellular localization and probably distinct roles for the viral precore protein.  相似文献   

Endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) is an essential quality control process whereby misfolded proteins are exported from the endoplasmic reticulum and degraded by the proteasome in the cytosol. The ATPase p97 acts as an essential component of this process by providing the force needed for retrotranslocation and by serving as a processing station for the substrate once in the cytosol. Proteins containing the ubiquitin regulatory X (UBX) ubiquitin-like domain function as adaptors for p97 through their direct binding with the amino terminus of the ATPase. We demonstrate that the UBX protein SAKS1 is able to act as an adaptor for p97 that negatively modulates ERAD. This requires the ability of SAKS1 to bind both polyubiquitin and p97. Moreover, the association between SAKS1 and p97 is positively regulated by polyubiquitin binding of the UBX protein. SAKS1 also negatively impacts the p97-dependent processing required for degradation of a cytosolic, non-ERAD, substrate. We find SAKS1 is able to protect polyubiquitin from the activity of deubiquitinases, such as ataxin-3, that are necessary for efficient ERAD. Thus, SAKS1 inhibits protein degradation mediated by p97 complexes in the cytosol with a component of the mechanism being the ability to shield polyubiquitin chains from ubiquitin-processing factors.  相似文献   

SG2NA belongs to a three-member striatin subfamily of WD40 repeat superfamily of proteins. It has multiple protein-protein interaction domains involved in assembling supramolecular signaling complexes. Earlier, we had demonstrated that there are at least five variants of SG2NA generated by alternative splicing, intron retention, and RNA editing. Such versatile and dynamic mode of regulation implicates it in tissue development. In order to shed light on its role in cell physiology, total proteome analysis was performed in NIH3T3 cells depleted of 78 kDa SG2NA, the only isoform expressing therein. A number of ER stress markers were among those modulated after knockdown of SG2NA. In cells treated with the ER stressors thapsigargin and tunicamycin, expression of SG2NA was increased at both mRNA and protein levels. The increased level of SG2NA was primarily in the mitochondria and the microsomes. A mouse injected with thapsigargin also had an increase in SG2NA in the liver but not in the brain. Cell cycle analysis suggested that while loss of SG2NA reduces the level of cyclin D1 and retains a population of cells in the G1 phase, concurrent ER stress facilitates their exit from G1 and traverse through subsequent phases with concomitant cell death. Thus, SG2NA is a component of intrinsic regulatory pathways that maintains ER homeostasis.  相似文献   

McBratney S  Winey M 《Genetics》2002,162(2):567-578
Mutation of either the yeast MPS2 or the NDC1 gene leads to identical spindle pole body (SPB) duplication defects: The newly formed SPB is improperly inserted into the nuclear envelope (NE), preventing the cell from forming a bipolar mitotic spindle. We have previously shown that both MPS2 and NDC1 encode integral membrane proteins localized at the SPB. Here we show that CUE1, previously known to have a role in coupling ubiquitin conjugation to ER degradation, is an unusual dosage suppressor of mutations in MPS2 and NDC1. Cue1p has been shown to recruit the soluble ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, Ubc7p, to the cytoplasmic face of the ER membrane where it can ubiquitinate its substrates and target them for degradation by the proteasome. Both mps2-1 and ndc1-1 are also suppressed by disruption of UBC7 or its partner, UBC6. The Mps2-1p mutant protein level is markedly reduced compared to wild-type Mps2p, and deletion of CUE1 restores the level of Mps2-1p to nearly wild-type levels. Our data indicate that Mps2p may be targeted for degradation by the ER quality control pathway.  相似文献   

Dai RM  Li CC 《Nature cell biology》2001,3(8):740-744
The ubiquitin-proteasome (Ub-Pr) degradation pathway regulates many cellular activities, but how ubiquitinated substrates are targeted to the proteasome is not understood. We have shown previously that valosin-containing protein (VCP) physically and functionally targets the ubiquitinated nuclear factor kappaB inhibitor, IkappaBalpha to the proteasome for degradation. VCP is an abundant and a highly conserved member of the AAA (ATPases associated with a variety of cellular activities) family. Besides acting as a chaperone in membrane fusions, VCP has been shown to have a role in a number of seemingly unrelated cellular activities. Here we report that loss of VCP function results in an inhibition of Ub-Pr-mediated degradation and an accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins. VCP associates with ubiquitinated proteins through the direct binding of its amino-terminal domain to the multi-ubiquitin chains of substrates. Furthermore, its N-terminal domain is required in Ub-Pr-mediated degradation. We conclude that VCP is a multi-ubiquitin chain-targeting factor that is required in the degradation of many Ub-Pr pathway substrates, and provide a common mechanism that underlies many of the functions of VCP.  相似文献   

Excessive demands on the protein-folding capacity of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cause irremediable ER stress and contribute to cell loss in a number of cell degenerative diseases, including type 2 diabetes and neurodegeneration. The signals communicating catastrophic ER damage to the mitochondrial apoptotic machinery remain poorly understood. We used a biochemical approach to purify a cytosolic activity induced by ER stress that causes release of cytochrome c from isolated mitochondria. We discovered that the principal component of the purified pro-apoptotic activity is the proto-oncoprotein CRK (CT10-regulated kinase), an adaptor protein with no known catalytic activity. Crk(-/-) cells are strongly resistant to ER-stress-induced apoptosis. Moreover, CRK is cleaved in response to ER stress to generate an amino-terminal M(r)~14K fragment with greatly enhanced cytotoxic potential. We identified a putative BH3 (BCL2 homology 3) domain within this N-terminal CRK fragment, which sensitizes isolated mitochondria to cytochrome c release and when mutated significantly reduces the apoptotic activity of CRK in vivo. Together these results identify CRK as a pro-apoptotic protein that signals irremediable ER stress to the mitochondrial execution machinery.  相似文献   

The N-end rule relates the in vivo half-life of a protein to the identity of its N-terminal residue. We used an expression-cloning screen to search for mouse proteins that are degraded by the ubiquitin/proteasome-dependent N-end rule pathway in a reticulocyte lysate. One substrate thus identified was RGS4, a member of the RGS family of GTPase-activating proteins that down-regulate specific G proteins. A determinant of the RGS4 degradation signal (degron) was located at the N terminus of RGS4, because converting cysteine 2 to either glycine, alanine, or valine completely stabilized RGS4. Radiochemical sequencing indicated that the N-terminal methionine of the lysate-produced RGS4 was replaced with arginine. Since N-terminal arginine is a destabilizing residue not encoded by RGS4 mRNA, we conclude that the degron of RGS4 is generated through the removal of N-terminal methionine and enzymatic arginylation of the resulting N-terminal cysteine. RGS16, another member of the RGS family, was also found to be an N-end rule substrate. RGS4 that was transiently expressed in mouse L cells was short-lived in these cells. However, the targeting of RGS4 for degradation in this in vivo setting involved primarily another degron, because N-terminal variants of RGS4 that were stable in reticulocyte lysate remained unstable in L cells.  相似文献   

Protein localization within cells regulates accessibility for interactions with co-factors and substrates. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) BiP co-factor ERdj4 is up-regulated by ER stress and has been implicated in ER-associated degradation (ERAD) of multiple unfolded secretory proteins. Several other ERdj family members tend to interact selectively with nascent proteins, presumably because those ERdj proteins associate with the Sec61 translocon that facilitates entry of nascent proteins into the ER. How ERdj4 selects and targets terminally misfolded proteins for destruction remains poorly understood. In this study, we determined properties of ERdj4 that might aid in this function. ERdj4 was reported to retain its signal sequence and to be resistant to mild detergent extraction, suggesting that it was an integral membrane protein. However, live cell photobleaching analyses of GFP-tagged ERdj4 revealed that the protein exhibits diffusion coefficients uncommonly high for an ER integral membrane protein and more similar to the mobility of a soluble luminal protein. Biochemical characterization established that the ERdj4 signal sequence is cleaved to yield a soluble protein. Importantly, we found that both endogenous and overexpressed ERdj4 associate with the integral membrane protein, Derlin-1. Our findings now directly link ERdj4 to the ERAD machinery and suggest a model in which ERjd4 could help recruit clients from throughout the ER to ERAD sites.  相似文献   

alpha-Chain of T-cell receptor (TCR) is a typical ERAD (ER-associated degradation) substrate degraded in the absence of other TCR subunits. Depletion of derlin 1 fails to induce accumulation of alphaTCR despite inducing accumulation of alpha1-antitrypsin, another ERAD substrate. Furthermore, while depletion of VCP does not affect levels of alpha1-antitrypsin, it induces an increase in levels of alphaTCR. RNAi of VCP induces preferential accumulation of alphaTCR with less mannose residues, suggesting its retention within the ER. Mass spectrometric analysis of cellular N-linked glycans revealed that depletion of VCP decreases the level of high-mannose glycoproteins, increases the levels of truncated low-mannose glycoproteins and induces changes in the abundance of complex glycans assembled in post-ER compartments. Since proteasome inhibition was unable to mimic those changes, they cannot be regarded as a simple consequence of inhibited ERAD but represent a complex effect of VCP on the function of the ER.  相似文献   

We used immunocytochemical and fluorescence assays to investigate the subcellular location of the protein encoded by Down syndrome critical region gene 2 (DSCR2) in transfected cells. It was previously suggested that DSCR2 is located in the plasma membrane as an integral membrane protein. Interestingly, we observed this protein in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of cells. We also studied whether the truncated forms of DSCR2 showed different subcellular distributions. Our observations indicate that DSCR2 probably is not inserted into the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum since the fragments lacking the predicted transmembrane (TM) helices remained associated with the ER. Our analyses suggest that, although DSCR2 is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum, it is not an integral membrane protein and it is maintained on the cytoplasmic side of the ER by indirect interaction with the ER membrane or with another protein.  相似文献   

To eliminate misfolded proteins that accumulate in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) the cell mainly relies on ubiquitin-proteasome dependent ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). Proteolysis of ERAD substrates by the proteasome requires their ubiquitylation and retro-translocation from the ER to the cytoplasm. Here we describe a high molecular mass protein complex associated with the ER membrane, which facilitates ERAD. It contains the ubiquitin domain protein (UDP) HERP, the ubiquitin protein ligase HRD1, as well as the retro-translocation factors p97, Derlin-1 and VIMP. Our data on the structural arrangement of these ERAD proteins suggest that p97 interacts directly with membrane-resident components of the complex including Derlin-1 and HRD1, while HERP binds directly to HRD1. We propose that ubiquitylation, as well as retro-translocation of proteins from the ER are performed by this modular protein complex, which permits the close coordination of these consecutive steps within ERAD.  相似文献   

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