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A series of mouse monoclonal antibodies reacting with human T cells of the helper/inducer subclass, OKT4, 4A, 4B, 4C, and 4D, have been reported. Using double-fluorescent staining and complement-mediated depletion, it was shown that the antigen(s) recognized by OKT4, 4A, 4B, 4C, and 4D antibodies are present on the same cell. Using FITC-labeled OKT4, 4A, 4B, 4C and 4D, a lack of competition between the antibodies for their epitopes was shown. Immunoprecipitation of the antigen recognized by each antibody yielded a molecule of approximately 60,000-62,000 Da. Sequential precipitation with several antibodies resulted in a minimum of additional precipitated antigen following removal of the first antigen. Capping of cell surface antigen with OKT4, followed by staining with OKT4, 4A, 4B, 4C, or 4D, indicated that the epitopes for all five antibodies co-cap. A sandwich ELISA assay using OKT4 and the other antibodies showed that molecules binding to OKT4A, 4B, 4C, and 4D also bound OKT4. It can therefore be concluded that monoclonal antibodies OKT4, 4A, 4B, 4C, and 4D recognize distinct epitopes present on a molecule of approximately 60-62,000 Da on human helper/inducer T cells.  相似文献   

Postnatal T-suppressor cells have been detected in a number of experimental systems. They have been shown to inhibit humoral responses, proliferation in a mixed-lymphocyte reaction and the induction of killer cells. The suppressor function observed in the postnatal mouse does not appear to be antigen specific and its ontogeny may be influenced by other cell types and by serum factors such as α-fetoprotein. We have detected a nonadherent, radioresistant splenic T cell present in neonatal mice ranging in age from 1 to 9 days which can nonspecifically suppress killer cell induction. This suppressor cell must be cultured in vitro in order to function, but it does not require alloantigen to be induced. Adult spleen cells tested in the same system yield antigen-specific T-cell suppression. Our results suggest that the nonspecific suppressor detectable in 1- to 9-day-old mice disappears in adult life, and is replaced by antigen-specific suppressors. The biological role of these suppressors is discussed.  相似文献   

The immune complexes formed by human growth hormone or human chorionic somatomammotropin and various monoclonal antibodies have been studied by gel filtration and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two of the monoclonal antibodies gave rise to complexes with molecular weights suggesting an antigen:antibody 1:1 ratio. When both antibodies were simultaneously incubated with human growth hormone the ratio estimated for the new complex was 1:2, indicating the existence of two nonoverlapping epitopes in the antigen. The other monoclonal antibodies exhibited a more intricate behavior: incubated separately with human growth hormone they gave rise to both types of the aforementioned complexes. A similar phenomenon could be demonstrated with human chorionic somatomammotropin. The study of the immunoreactivity of a synthetic peptide indicates that the involved epitopes are localized within the region limited by amino acid residues 44 and 128 of human growth hormone.  相似文献   

The immunological cross-reactivities of three conformationally specific monoclonal antibodies to distinct epitopes on human plasminogen toward plasminogens purified from 14 additional species have been examined. Antibody 10-F-1, which is produced against an epitope on the kringle 4 region of human plasminogen, shows a high degree (greater than 80%) of cross-reactivity against baboon, goat, monkey, ovine, and rabbit plasminogens; more limited (20-50%) cross-reactivity against bovine, equine, goose, guinea pig, mouse, rat, and porcine plasminogens; and little comparable cross-reactivity against canine and chicken plasminogens. Antibody 10-H-2, generated to an epitope of the kringles 1-3 region of human plasminogen, shows extensive cross-reactivity (72%) only toward monkey plasminogen, more limited (22-35%) cross-reactivity toward equine and rabbit plasminogens, and much less cross-reactivity toward any other of the above plasminogens. Antibody 10-V-1, also produced against an epitope on the kringle 1-3 region of human plasminogen, which is distinct from the 10-H-2 epitope, shows extensive cross-reactivity (72-100%) with baboon, monkey, and rabbit plasminogens; more limited cross-reactivity with equine (48%) and mouse (28%) plasminogens; and a low level of such reactivity with the remaining plasminogens. These studies show that the extent of interspecies cross-reactivity of various plasminogens greatly depends upon the epitope in question. The K4 region of these molecules appears more extensively conserved than the K1-3 region, at least in regard to the particular epitopes examined in this study.  相似文献   

Administration of a small dose of prednisone markedly reduced (1) the PHA-induced expression of Ia antigens by T cells, (2) the stimulatory activity of Ia antigen-bearing T cells in autologous and allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLRs), and (3) the proliferative response of T cells stimulated with autologous PHA-activated T cells or autologous or allogeneic non-T cells. The inhibitory effects of prednisone are reversible and are not detectable on T cells isolated from blood drawn 24 hr following prednisone administration. The kinetics of the prednisone-mediated inhibition of MLRs with autologous PHA-T cells is different from that of MLRs with autologous non-T cells. These data in conjunction with the information available in the literature suggest that the mechanisms underlying these two types of autologous MLRs are different.  相似文献   

Eleven hybridoma clones which secrete monoclonal antibodies against purified rat liver alcohol dehydrogenase (EC were isolated. Antibodies (R-1-R-11) were identified by their ability to bind to immobilized pure alcohol dehydrogenase in an enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay, in which antibody R-9 showed the highest binding capacity. Except for R-1 and R-7, all antibodies inhibited catalytic activity of the enzyme isolated from inbred (Fischer-344) or outbred (Sprague-Dawley) strains (R-11 greater than R-9 greater than R-4 greater than R-6 greater than R-10 greater than R-8 greater than R-2 = R-3 = R-5). The inhibition of enzyme activity by antibodies was noncompetitive for ethanol and NAD+, and was dependent on antibody concentration and incubation time. Antibodies R-4, R-9, and R-11 were most effective when enzyme activity was assayed below pH 7.7-7.8, a condition thought to protonate the enzyme's active center. These three antibodies did not inhibit horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase activity, indicating their species specificity. Such antibodies will be useful to delineate structural and functional roles of rat liver alcohol dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies to different antigenic forms of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor-kinase from human A-431 cells have been produced, and their properties have been characterized and compared. Biochemically active receptor-kinase purified by affinity chromatography was employed as one type of antigen. Denatured receptor-kinase prepared by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis of the affinity-purified receptor was used as the second type of antigen. Animals immunized with either type of antigen produced antibody capable of immunoprecipitating the receptor-kinase molecule. Antibodies produced in response to the biochemically active antigenic form of the receptor-kinase are capable of blocking 125I-EGF binding to the receptor and inhibited EGF-stimulated biological responses. These antisera are not species specific in their ability to inhibit growth-factor binding to the EGF receptor of various mammalian cells. However, these rabbit antisera were unable to inhibit 125I-EGF binding to rabbit cells. Although antisera produced in response to the denatured receptor-kinase molecule are not able to block 125I-EGF binding or EGF-stimulated biological responses, they are particularly efficient for the immunoprecipitation of solubilized 125I-EGF:receptor complexes. None of the antisera contain antibodies capable of interfering with basal receptor-kinase phosphorylation activity. Although each of the antisera immunoprecipitated this kinase activity, none of the antisera contained antibody which served as a phosphorylation substrate for the EGF receptor-kinase in contrast to the immunoglobulins present antisera to the src gene product of the Rous sarcoma virus.  相似文献   

Distinct classes of human T-cell activation antigens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The characterization of three groups of antigens expressed by activated human T lymphocytes and detected by monoclonal antibodies is reported. Antigens defined by OKT19, OKT21, and OKT22 do not appear on in vitro activated T cells until increases in DNA synthesis become apparent and are not detected on most Interleukin 2 (IL-2)-independent cell lines and normal peripheral blood lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes. Cell surface molecules reactive with the monoclonal antibodies OKT23 and OKT24 are displayed prior to any notable increase in DNA synthesis and are present on IL-2 independent cell lines, irrespective of lineage. T23 and T24 do not appear on peripheral blood cells and their distribution more closely resembles that of the T9 antigen (the receptor for transferrin) than antigens of the other groups. The third group of antigens, T14 and T20, have been classified as "early" antigens relative to DNA synthesis. They are expressed by distinct populations of normal lymphoid cells as well as by some IL-2-independent cell lines. Display of each group of activation antigens on T lymphocytes can be induced by either phytohemagglutinin, purified protein derivative from tuberculin, or allogeneic non-T cells, is not restricted to the OKT4+ or OKT8+ subsets, and is predominant on cells exhibiting the light-scattering properties of blast cells. The relative lack of expression of these antigens among normal peripheral blood cells make them attractive candidates for identifying changes in the status of immune activation.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies directed against human cancer cells were prepared by the murine hybridoma technique. These antibodies detect Lewis blood group antigens as determined by indirect solid-phase radioimmunoassay, hapten inhibition studies, and chromatogram binding assay. One monoclonal antibody is specific for the Lea terminal carbohydrate of Gal beta 1----3Glc NAc(4----1 alpha Fuc) beta 1----3LacCer. Five monoclonal antibodies react with the Leb terminal carbohydrate sequence of Fuc alpha 1----2Gal beta 1----3GlcNAc(4----1 alpha Fuc) beta 1----3LacCer, and four of these antibodies are highly specific for this glycolipid and do not react with other similar di- and monofucosylated glycolipids. One of the anti-Leb antibodies cross-reacts with blood group H glycolipid and has binding properties similar to those of the previously described antibody NS-10-17 [M. Brockhaus, J. L. Magnani, M. Blaszczyk, Z. Steplewski, H. Koprowski, K.-A. Karlsson, G. Larson, and V. Ginsburg (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 13223-13225]. Two antibodies react with both the Lea and Leb antigens, though both bind preferentially to Leb.  相似文献   

The cytotoxicity of an influenza-specific T-cell clone of BALB/c mouse origin for an H-2 compatible, virus-infected target is greatly inhibited by a monoclonal antibody which binds to mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) determinants, but was originally prepared against MHC antigens of the Brown Norway (BN) rat. The inhibition is still observed after absorption of the antibody with lymphoid cells from Lewis, but not from BN or Lewis. l N rats. It thus seems that the site blocked by this monoclonal antibody, which interacts with MHC antigens from a number of animal species, is at least close to a determinant on the MHC glycoprotein that is involved in T-cell recognition. This reagent may be useful for comparative analysis of the phylogeny of MHC-restricted T-cell responses in different species.  相似文献   

We have used antibody and complement-mediated cell killing, fluorescence-activated cell sorting and tissue culture to study the development of rat oligodendrocytes. We show that (1) three ligands that bind to the majority of CNS neurons (the monoclonal antibodies A4 and A2B5 and tetanus toxin) also bind to immature oligodendrocytes and to precursor cells in 14-day embryonic rat brain that develop into oligodendrocytes in vitro; and (2) precursor cells in 17- to 18-day embryonic rat optic nerve can develop into oligodendrocytes in vitro in the absence of living neurons.  相似文献   

Studies were performed to characterize the human peripheral blood non-T cells forming colonies in semisolid cultures stimulated with Staph protein A (SpA). Negative selection experiments revealed that colony precursors largely consisted of cells bearing Fc receptors, complement receptors (CR), surface immunoglobulin (sIg), and Ia-like antigens. Most colony precursors expressed sIgM and sIgD, but not sIgG. Also, colony-forming cells were shown to be distinct from non-T cells proliferating in SpA-stimulated liquid cultures as evidenced by the greater sensitivity of colony precursors to anti-K,λ, or -Ia plus complement depletion. Two distinct categories of colony-forming cells could be distinguished by the expression of CR. CR-positive cells were responsible for greater than 85% of the colonies formed in the absence of optimal T cell numbers. Although under identical conditions CR? cells demonstrated minimal colony growth, the addition of optimal T cell numbers significantly augmented colony responses. Thus, colony precursors express surface markers characteristic of B cells relatively advanced in the developmental pathway. However, less advanced cells are capable of colony growth in the presence of optimal T cell numbers.  相似文献   

Human MAF-C (macrophage-activation factor for cytotoxicity)-producing hybridoma H2-E3-5 was prepared by somatic cell fusion of PHA-activated peripheral blood lymphocytes with emetine/actinomycin D-treated cloned human acute lymphatic leukemia cells (CEM). The following activities were assayed: (1) macrophage-migration-inhibitory factor (MIF), (2) macrophage-activation factor for glucose consumption (MAF-G), (3) macrophage-activation factor for O2-formation (MAF-O), and (4) macrophage-activation factor for cytotoxicity (MAF-C). After anion-exchange chromatography, MAF-C activity could be distinguished from MIF and MAF-O activities. It is shown that MAF-C is not the same as MAF-G from the culture supernatants of CEM 11, a parent cell line of H2-E3-5. Furthermore, MAF-C from H2-E3-5 culture supernatants activated differentiated macrophages but not monocytes.  相似文献   

An IgG1 monoclonal antibody, termed ACM-1, has been shown to react with rabbit T cells, but not Ig+ cells or macrophages. This antibody appears to recognize the same epitope as the previously described 9AE10 antibody and, together with 9AE10, has been used to obtain highly pure and fully functional T- and B-cell populations. However, the relevant epitope does not appear to be homologous to rodent Thy-1 since quantitative absorptions failed to show reactivity with rabbit brain. Furthermore, attempts to obtain in vivo T-cell depletion resulted in larger decreases in white blood cells than would be expected for simple T-cell removal. In vitro assays on enriched neutrophil preparations revealed that 80-95% of these cells were reactive with ACM-1 and 9AE10. Thus, it appears that in the rabbit, T cells and neutrophils share a major epitope.  相似文献   

The effects of monoclonal antibody to the T200 antigen on murine mixed-lymphocyte cultures (MLC) and on the generation of alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are investigated. Addition of monoclonal anti-T200 without complement to MLC results in a late suppression of the proliferative response preceded in some cases by an early enhancement. These modulations require the presence of allogeneic stimulator cells; no effects are seen when antibody is added to responders alone. A similar effect is seen on the generation of CTL. Compared to controls without antibody, cultures carried out in the presence of anti-T200 show reduced levels of cytotoxicity measured against allogeneic targets by Day 5. The kinetics of the suppressive effects differ from those seen with anti-Lyt-2, and no suppressive effects are seen with monoclonal antibodies to other cell surface molecules.  相似文献   

The effect of phorbol esters on the stimulation of testosterone production in response to LH was studied in mouse Leydig cells incubated in vitro. The tumor promoting phorbol esters, Phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate and Phorbol-12-13-didecanoate at nanomolar concentrations effectively inhibited testosterone production by Leydig cells in response to stimulation by LH, whereas non-tumor promoting phorbol esters were ineffective. When the cells were stimulated by 8Br-cAMP, instead of LH, the testosterone production was stimulated similarly as in the presence of LH, but phorbol esters were without any effect. This suggests that the tumor promoting phorbol esters may act in the Leydig cells by suppressing the stimulation of cAMP production in response to hormonal activation and/or by interfering with the hormone-receptor interaction.  相似文献   

Subcutaneous transplantation of the syngeneic P815 mastocytoma in DBA/2J mice induced an activation of splenic T cells which resulted in a hyperresponsiveness of the tumor-bearing animal to the unrelated antigens pneumococcal polysaccharide (Pn) and sheep red blood cells (SRBC). These tumor-activated T cells appeared to increase the plaque-forming cell (PFC) potential of suboptimal numbers of spleen cells, caused normal spleen cells to express increased numbers of PFC, and produced lymphokine(s) which also increased PFC responses of normal splenocytes. The tumor-activated T cells responsible for stimulating normal splenocytes in an in vitro antibody response were shown to be Ly+2- cells. The activity of the tumor-activated T-cell supernatants was not genetically restricted and required additional Ly1 T cells in order to induce rigorously clean B cells to produce antibody. The T cells capable of stimulating non-specific antibody responses were also capable of slowing tumor growth when injected with tumor cells in normal recipient mice. These results suggest that T cells activated by tumor antigens release immunostimulatory lymphokines and, at the same time, are capable of leading to inhibition of tumor growth.  相似文献   

Lymph and supernatants derived from efferent lymphocytes leaving the popliteal lymph nodes of sheep responding to human red cells or dinitrophenylated bovine serum albumin were examined for the presence of T-cell growth factor (TCGF). Efferent cells from normal sheep, but not from antigen-stimulated sheep, were found to release low levels of TCGF when incubated in medium for 12 hr in the absence of any exogenous stimulus. High levels of TCGF were found in normal lymph and also in immune lymph collected from sheep during the first 6 hr of immune responses. There were no detectable levels of TCGF in lymph collected later in the response. The lymphokine appeared to be a single molecular species of 10,000–20,000 molecular weight as assessed by exclusion chromatography. Efferent cells expressing receptors for TCGF were found in efferent lymph during the first 12 hr of the response. The results demonstrate for the first time that TCGF is produced in vivo and that asynchrony exists between TCGF production and expression of receptors for TCGF on efferent cells released by the stimulated node. Based on the known kinetics of previously reported synergistic factors, mitogenic factors, and T-cell-replacing factors in sheep efferent lymph and their physical characteristics it was concluded that the TCGF detected in lymph is distinct from these factors.  相似文献   

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