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非洲爪蟾的孵化液对卵黄膜和二甲基酷蛋白具有降妥活性。用非洲爪蟾孵化酶的特异性抗GST-UV.2抗体进行Western杂交的结果表明,孵化液中出现一种分子量为60kD的大组分,有时也会出现一种分子量为40kD的小组分。  相似文献   

非洲爪蟾两种卵化酶分子对卵黄膜作用机制的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
樊廷俊 《动物学报》2000,46(3):308-313
在分离纯化非洲爪蟾孵化酶时,得到了60KD和40KD两种分子,用卵化酶的特异性抗GST-UVS.2抗体进行Western杂交的结果证明二者均为孵化酶分子。60kD分子很不稳定,在纯化过程中极易降解活性40KD分子可能是由60KD分子经过降解或自身降解丢失了两个CUB重复区而形成的,而CUB重复区很可能在对受精膜分子结构的修饰或改造中具有重要作用,在进一步验证其蛋白酶活性和生物活性时,发现二者几乎具  相似文献   

本文以GST-UVS.2抗体和卵黄膜为检测手段,采用凝胶过滤和离子交换等方法将非洲爪蟾(Xenopuslaevis)孵化酶纯化了90倍以上,并研究了其酶活性和生化特性。实验发现,孵化酶分子量为60kD,有很强的蛋白酶活性和卵黄膜溶解活性;它很不稳定,在纯化时极易降解为40kD分子,40kD分子没有卵黄膜溶解活性,但仍有很强的蛋白酶活性。40kD分子很可能只代表60kD分子中的蛋白酶功能区,而丢失了两个CUB重复区。孵化酶对EDTA和金属离子非常敏感、又为p-APMSF等胰蛋白酶抑制剂所强烈抑制,表明它是属于胰蛋白酶类型的一种金属蛋白酶。其特异性MCA-底物为Boc-Leu-Gly-Arg-MCA。  相似文献   

以UVS.2为探针从第25期非洲爪蟾胚胎头背部的cDNA文库中筛选出了一个1.8kb的孵化酶基因(xhe),其转录产物最早出现于第17期胚胎的头背部,在第30期转录量达到高峰,随后便逐渐减少。该基因含有编码514个氨基酸的一个开框阅读框架,含有信号肽和原酶序列。所推测出的成熟蛋白有425个氨基酸,包括位于N一端的含有200个氨基酸的金属蛋白酶序列和位于C端的两个各110个氨基酸的CUB重复区。而UVS.2只代表该基因C端大约3/4的部分。同时还发现该酶分子量为60kDa,是一种胰蛋白酶类型的金属蛋白酶。它很不稳定,在纯化过程中极易降解为40kDa分子。60kDa分子具有很强的卵黄膜溶解活性和蛋白酶活性。其中CUB重复区很可能在介导卵黄膜和40kDa分子中起着重要作用,而40kDa分子很可能是在纯化操作过程中,由60kDa分子发生降解或自身降解丢失了两个CUB重复区而形成的,它只是60kDa分子中的一个金属蛋白酶主功能区,所以它没有卵黄膜溶解活性,尽管仍具有很强的蛋白酶活性。  相似文献   

非洲爪蟾孵化酶的纯化及其部分化特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以GST-VUS.2抗体和卵黄膜为检测手段,采用凝胶过滤和离子交换等方面将非洲爪蟾(Xenopus laevis)孵化酶纯化了90倍以上,并研究了其酶活性和生化特性。实现发现,孵化酶分子量为60kD,有很强的蛋白酶活性和卵黄膜溶解活性;它很不稳定,在纯化时极易降解为40kD分子,40kD分子没有卵黄膜溶解活性,但仍有很强的蛋白酶活性。40kD分子中能只代表60kD分子中的蛋白酶功能区,而丢失了  相似文献   

详细观察和描述了非洲爪蟾Xenopus laevis眼的发生和发育变化过程,并分别对各发育时期视网膜的厚度进行了定量分析.非洲爪蟾眼的发牛开始于眼原基的形成,进而形成视泡;晶状体的发生是在视杯外壁增厚的同时诱导覆盖其上的胚胎外胚层内层增厚,形成预定晶状体板;在视网膜和晶状体共同诱导下,预定角膜上皮变为透明的角膜.在视杯出现之前,预定RPE的厚度由厚变薄,NR层不断地增厚直至结构功能完善.  相似文献   

孙慧斌 《动物学报》1993,39(2):221-221
随着分子发育生物学的发展,非洲爪蟾(Xenopus laevis)作为发育生物学,尤其是胚胎诱导、分化机制研究的重要实验材料,受到人们的重视。作者建立的非洲爪蟾囊胚(分期8)和神经胚(分期14)两个不同发育时期胚胎的cDNA文库,为进一步筛选有关的发育基因创造了条件。  相似文献   

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性选择理论认为,雄性性信号的真实度是雌性根据雄性表型质量进行配偶选择的前提。而维持这种真实度的机制普遍被认为是基于障碍原理,即性信号的表达必须付出与身体质量关联的存活代价,性信号与存活代价在个体内呈负的权衡关系,在个体间呈正相关关系。已有研究表明,免疫能力是表达性信号潜在的存活代价。但免疫代价在维持无尾两栖类语音性信号真实度中的作用尚不清楚。以非洲爪蟾为研究对象,在能量限制条件下采用灭活的大肠杆菌激活其免疫系统,测定鸣叫时长及相关繁殖行为表现,检验免疫能力与语音性信号表达间是否存在生理权衡。结果表明,免疫激活和能量限制对非洲爪蟾鸣叫时长和趋声行为都无影响;温度变化对鸣叫时长有显著作用。这些结果提示:非洲爪蟾语音性信号表达和免疫能力间不存在生理权衡,免疫代价不是非洲爪蟾语音性信号真实度的维持机制。  相似文献   

生物信息学作为一门新兴学科,已经应用到生命科学、临床医药、工农业等方面。白细胞介素-6(IL-6)是机体重要的免疫因子,但在两栖类中未见报道。采用生物信息学方法对两栖类模式动物非洲爪蟾IL-6进行分析。以人IL-6基因对非洲爪蟾数据库进行搜索、分析,并采用RT-PCR方法对所得序列进行验证。结果表明,非洲爪蟾IL-6基因位于scaffold_52基因架上,具有保守的IL-6家族基序。采用生物信息新方法进行不同物种的免疫基因挖掘、克隆,是一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

A simple procedure is described for removing the jelly and vitelline membrane of Xenopus laevis embryos. The method is based on the observation that incubation of the embryos in the mixed solution of trypsin and sodium thioglycolate at pH 8.0 causes effective dissolution of these structures. This solution is equally effective in this respect on the embryos at different developmental stages. Normal development is obtained from all of the denuded neurulae and from many of the denuded earlier embryos. Some chemical properties of the jelly and the vitelline membrane of Xenopus laevis are discussed based upon these observations.  相似文献   

Embryos of Xenopus laevis at stage 6 were labeled with 14CO2 for 4 hr and then allowed to develop under nonradioactive conditions until they reached stage 9, 10, 11 or 12. RNA was extracted and electrophoresed on a polyacrylamide-agarose gel. From the pattern of newly synthesized RNAs, the incorporation into 18S and 28S ribosomal RNAs was measured. At the same time, the specific radioactivity of nucleoside triphosphates in the acid-soluble fraction was determined. On the basis of the results obtained, the absolute amounts of the RNAs synthesized were calculated. The results show that the synthesis of the ribosomal RNAs begins, or is at least markedly activated, around stage 10. Moreover, cytological examination has shown that cells with nucleolated nuclei appeared between stages 9 and 10 and increased thereafter.
Thus, from the results of these studies along two different lines, it can safely be concluded that the initiation of 18S and 28S RNA synthesis takes place around stage 10.  相似文献   

用膜片箝方法,在标定的爪蟾胚胎脊髓胆碱能神经细胞膜上记录钙离子单通道电流。结果显示,在静息膜电位时钙通道即有开放活动。根据通道的电导及动力学等特性,我们将其分为两种类型:NS 型钙通道,斜率电导7.5pS,静息膜电位时平均开放时间0.58ms,其活动受牵张膜片的影响;NL 型钙通道,斜率电导16.7pS,静息膜电位时二级平均开放时间分别是2ms 和19.3ms。鉴于它们在膜静息以及负电位相的显著活动,我们推测这两类钙通道可能参与神经元静息膜电位时钙依赖的细胞活动过程。  相似文献   

Recently metamorphosed female Xenopus laevis toads were injected with tritiated thymidine. Animals were kept at 20°C and were sacrificed 1–23 days after isotope injection. Radio-autographs of squash preparations of the ovaries were made. The progress of labeled germ cell nuclei was followed to obtain information on the time course of early meiosis and extra-chromosomal DNA synthesis. Premeiotic S was estimated to take not more than 7 days. Leptotene takes 4 days, zygotene takes 5 days, and pachytene was estimated to be completed in about 18 days. The major period of amplification of the extrachromosomal DNA occurs in pachytene and takes about 13 days. A low level of synthesis was observed before and after this period, in zygotene and late pachytene-early diplotene, extending the total time for extrachromosomal DNA synthesis during meiosis to about 18 days. These data allowed the calculation to be made that one round of replication of the amplified DNA takes between 1.2 and 3.0 days. It was also found that in both oogonial and premeiotic interphases, the nucleolus-associated DNA shows asynchronous (probably late) labeling with respect to the chromosomes.  相似文献   

The changing external features of Xenopus laevis embryos were examined from the first cleavage through the late gastrula as a means to develop quantitative criteria for the determination of stages for this period. During blastulation, the cell number along arcs centered on the animal or vegetal pole and representing one-sixth of a meridian - called the MCNo. - can be used as such a criterion. During gastrulation, the width of the blastopore divided by the diameter of the whole embryo can be used as such a criterion.  相似文献   

The localization and segregation of maternal RNA's during early cleavage of Xenopus laevis embryos were studied. Blastomeres and hemispheres of eggs and early embryos were separated manually and the amounts of ribosomal RNA and poly(A) +RNA extracted from each blastomere and hemisphere were determined by optical density measurement and by 3H-poly(U) hybridization, respectively. It was found that both kinds of the maternal RNA's were more abundant (two-thirds of the total) in the animal hemisphere (cells), while they were evenly distributed between the dorsal and ventral halves. This pattern of localization remained unchanged from the egg to the blastula stage, indicating that these maternal RNA's were segregated into blastomeres quite simply by cell division. Gel electrophoresis showed that the size distributions of poly(A) +RNA and poly(A) sequences obtained from different blastomeres of 8-cell embryos did not differ greatly. It was also found that cytoplasmic polyadenylation of maternal RNA, which occurs during early cleavage and blastulation, took place equally in all regions of the cleaving embryos, suggesting no regional difference in the localization of maternally inherited nonpolyadenylated RNA. These observations are discussed in relation to previous findings on differences along the animal-vegetal and dorsal-ventral axes of the early amphibian embryo.  相似文献   

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