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During cell line development for an IgG1 antibody candidate (mAb1), a C-terminal extension was identified in 2 product candidate clones expressed in CHO-K1 cell line. The extension was initially observed as the presence of anomalous new peaks in these clones after analysis by cation exchange chromatography (CEX-HPLC) and reduced capillary electrophoresis (rCE-SDS). Reduced mass analysis of these CHO-K1 clones revealed that a larger than expected mass was present on a sub-population of the heavy chain species, which could not be explained by any known chemical or post-translational modifications. It was suspected that this additional mass on the heavy chain was due to the presence of an additional amino acid sequence. To identify the suspected additional sequence, de novo sequencing in combination with proteomic searching was performed against translated DNA vectors for the heavy chain and light chain. Peptides unique to the clones containing the extension were identified matching short sequences (corresponding to 9 and 35 amino acids, respectively) from 2 non-coding sections of the light chain vector construct. After investigation, this extension was observed to be due to the re-arrangement of the DNA construct, with the addition of amino acids derived from the light chain vector non-translated sequence to the C-terminus of the heavy chain. This observation showed the power of proteomic mass spectrometric techniques to identify an unexpected antibody sequence variant using de novo sequencing combined with database searching, and allowed for rapid identification of the root cause for new peaks in the cation exchange and rCE-SDS assays.  相似文献   

During cell line development for an IgG1 antibody candidate (mAb1), a C-terminal extension was identified in 2 product candidate clones expressed in CHO-K1 cell line. The extension was initially observed as the presence of anomalous new peaks in these clones after analysis by cation exchange chromatography (CEX-HPLC) and reduced capillary electrophoresis (rCE-SDS). Reduced mass analysis of these CHO-K1 clones revealed that a larger than expected mass was present on a sub-population of the heavy chain species, which could not be explained by any known chemical or post-translational modifications. It was suspected that this additional mass on the heavy chain was due to the presence of an additional amino acid sequence. To identify the suspected additional sequence, de novo sequencing in combination with proteomic searching was performed against translated DNA vectors for the heavy chain and light chain. Peptides unique to the clones containing the extension were identified matching short sequences (corresponding to 9 and 35 amino acids, respectively) from 2 non-coding sections of the light chain vector construct. After investigation, this extension was observed to be due to the re-arrangement of the DNA construct, with the addition of amino acids derived from the light chain vector non-translated sequence to the C-terminus of the heavy chain. This observation showed the power of proteomic mass spectrometric techniques to identify an unexpected antibody sequence variant using de novo sequencing combined with database searching, and allowed for rapid identification of the root cause for new peaks in the cation exchange and rCE-SDS assays.  相似文献   

Recombinant E. coli clones expressing a 50-kDa poly-histidine tail tagged antibody fragment against botulinum toxin (bt-Fab) were initially screened for yield and binding affinity. One clone was selected for bioprocess development. The selected bt-Fab vector was induced by addition of IPTG and the protein was targeted to the periplasm by inclusion of a pelB leader sequence. A histidine6 affinity ligand at the heavy chain C-terminus facilitated single-step purification by immobilized metal-affinity chromatography (IMAC). Notably, the effects of post-induction temperature on bt-Fab expression and downstream purification were evaluated. Our results demonstrated that fermentation conditions interfered with purification on the IMAC column at 37°C. Protease analysis by gelatin polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (GPAGE) indicated the presence of a membrane-bound ∼39 kDa protease activity shortly after induction. The appearance of the protease activity was inversely correlated with the bt-Fab yield. The protease was purified and was shown to degrade bt-Fab. A simple kinetic model was developed describing temporal regulation of protease and bt-Fab degradation. Partially degraded bt-Fab was unrecoverable by IMAC, presumably due to the loss of the His6 affinity ligand. The amount of purified bt-Fab obtained per liter of fermentation broth was typically ∼1 mg. Received 18 August 1997/ Accepted in revised form 4 October 1998  相似文献   

N-glyco-occupancy and afucoslyation level are two important quality attributes associated with N-glycosylation of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). We report here a fast mass spectrometry-based workflow for quantification of N-glycan site-occupancy and afucoslyation level of mAbs with improved throughput, precision, sensitivity and robustness. This method uses the deglycosylation after the first GlcNAc and inter-chain reduction of the mAbs, followed by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis. The entire process can be completed within one hour, which provides a rapid quantitation of N-glyco-occupancy and afucosylation to support high-throughput cell line selection and process development for mAb biopharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

In order to overproduce biofungicides agents by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BLB371, a suitable culture medium was optimized using response surface methodology. Plackett-Burman design and central composite design were employed for experimental design and analysis of the results. Peptone, sucrose, and yeast extract were found to significantly influence antifungal activity production and their optimal concentrations were, respectively, 20 g/L, 25 g/L, and 4.5 g/L. The corresponding biofungicide production was 250 AU/mL, corresponding to 56% improvement in antifungal components production over a previously used medium (160 AU/mL). Moreover, our results indicated that a deficiency of the minerals CuSO(4), FeCl(3) · 6H(2)O, Na(2)MoO(4), KI, ZnSO(4) · 7H(2)O, H(3)BO(3), and C(6)H(8)O(7) in the optimized culture medium was not crucial for biofungicides production by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BLB371, which is interesting from a practical point of view, particularly for low-cost production and use of the biofungicide for the control of agricultural fungal pests.  相似文献   

Shiga-like toxin 1 (SLTx), produced by enterohemorrhagic strains of Escherichia coli (EHEC), belongs to a family of structurally and functionally related AB(5) protein toxins that are associated with human disease. EHEC infection often gives rise to hemolytic colitis, while toxin-induced kidney damage is one of the major causes of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and acute renal failure in children. As such, an understanding and analysis of the noncovalent interactions that maintain the quaternary structure of this toxin are fundamentally important since such interactions have significant biochemical and medical implications. This paper reports on the analysis of the noncovalent homopentameric complex of Shiga-like toxin B chain (SLTx-B(5)) using electrospray ionization (ESI) triple-quadrupole (QqQ) mass spectrometry (MS) and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and the analysis of the noncovalent hexameric holotoxin (SLTx-AB(5)) using ESI time-of-flight (TOF) MS. The triple-quadrupole analysis revealed highly charged monomer ions dissociate from the multiprotein complex to form dimer, trimer, and tetramer product ions, which were also seen to further dissociate. The ESI-TOFMS analysis of SLTx-AB(5) revealed the complex remained intact and was observed in the gas phase over a range of pHs. Theses findings demonstrate that the gas-phase structure observed for both the holotoxin and the isoloated B chains correlates well with the structures reported to exist in the solution phase for these proteins. Such analysis provides a rapid screening technique for assessing the noncovalent structure of this family of proteins and other structurally related toxins.  相似文献   

Blakeslea trispora (+) MTCC, Blakeslea trispora NRRL 2895 (+), Blakeslea trispora NRRL 2896 (-) as well as intraspecific mating of both the strain types have been studied for optimum production of beta-carotene. Intraspecific mating of both the strain types increased the yield of beta-carotene to a considerable level (98+/-2mg/l) as compared to wild strains. Effect of different media components such as carbon, nitrogen, and sulphates, and that of process variables such as pH and inoculum size on beta-carotene production by Blakeslea trispora in shake flask culture was investigated. One factor at-a-time method was employed for the optimization of media components. Response surface methodology (RSM) was further used to determine the optimum values of process variables for maximum beta-carotene production. The fit of the quadratic model was found to be significant. A significant increase in beta-carotene production (139+/-1mg/l) was achieved using RSM.  相似文献   


Bioethanol production from agro-industrial residues is gaining attention because of the limited production of starch grains and sugarcane, and food–fuel conflict. The aim of the present study is to maximize the bioethanol production using cassava bagasse as a feedstock. Enzymatic liquefaction, by α-amylase, followed by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF), using glucoamylase and Zymomonas mobilis MTCC 2427, was investigated for bioethanol production from cassava bagasse. The factors influencing ethanol production process were identified and screened for significant factors using Plackett–Burman design. The significant factors (cassava bagasse concentration (10–50?g/L), concentration of α-amylase (5–25% (v/v), and temperature of fermentation (27–37?°C)) were optimized by employing Box–Behnken design and genetic algorithm. The maximum ethanol concentrations of 25.594?g/L and 25.910?g/L were obtained from Box–Behnken design and genetic algorithm, respectively, under optimum conditions. Thus, the study provides valuable insights in utilizing the cost-effective industrial residue, cassava bagasse, for the bioethanol production.  相似文献   

We report the application of pulsed oxidative labeling for deciphering the folding mechanism of a membrane protein. SDS-denatured bacteriorhodopsin (BR) was refolded by mixing with bicelles in the presence of free retinal. At various time points (20 ms to 1 day), the protein was exposed to a microsecond ·OH pulse that induces oxidative modifications at solvent-accessible methionine side chains. The extent of labeling was determined by mass spectrometry. These measurements were complemented by stopped-flow spectroscopy. Major time-dependent changes in solvent accessibility were detected for M20 (helix A) and M118 (helix D). Our kinetic data indicate a sequential folding mechanism, consistent with models previously suggested by others on the basis of optical data. Yet, ·OH labeling provides additional structural insights. An initial folding intermediate I(1) gets populated within 20 ms, concomitantly with formation of helix A. Subsequent structural consolidation leads to a transient species I(2). Noncovalent retinal binding to I(2) induces folding of helix D, thereby generating an intermediate I(R). In the absence of retinal, the latter transition does not take place. Hence, formation of helix D depends on retinal binding, whereas this is not the case for helix A. As the cofactor settles deeper into its binding pocket, a final transient species I(R) is generated. This intermediate converts into native BR within minutes by formation of the retinal-K216 Schiff base linkage. The combination of pulsed covalent labeling and optical spectroscopy employed here should also be suitable for exploring the folding mechanisms of other membrane proteins.  相似文献   

This study shows that state-of-the-art liquid chromatography (LC) and mass spectrometry (MS) can be used for rapid verification of identity and characterization of sequence variants and posttranslational modifications (PTMs) for antibody products. A candidate biosimilar IgG1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) was compared in detail to a commercially available innovator product. Intact protein mass, primary sequence, PTMs, and the micro-differences between the two mAbs were identified and quantified simultaneously. Although very similar in terms of sequences and modifications, a mass difference observed by LC-MS intact mass measurements indicated that they were not identical. Peptide mapping, performed with data independent acquisition LC-MS using an alternating low and elevated collision energy scan mode (LC-MSE), located the mass difference between the biosimilar and the innovator to a two amino acid residue variance in the heavy chain sequences. The peptide mapping technique was also used to comprehensively catalogue and compare the differences in PTMs of the biosimilar and innovator mAbs. Comprehensive glycosylation profiling confirmed that the proportion of individual glycans was different between the biosimilar and the innovator, although the number and identity of glycans were the same. These results demonstrate that the combination of accurate intact mass measurement, released glycan profiling, and LC-MSE peptide mapping provides a set of routine tools that can be used to comprehensively compare a candidate biosimilar and an innovator mAb.  相似文献   

This study shows that state-of-the-art liquid chromatography (LC) and mass spectrometry (MS) can be used for rapid verification of identity and characterization of sequence variants and posttranslational modifications (PTMs) for antibody products. A candidate biosimilar IgG1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) was compared in detail to a commercially available innovator product. Intact protein mass, primary sequence, PTMs and the micro-differences between the two mAbs were identified and quantified simultaneously. Although very similar in terms of sequences and modifications, a mass difference observed by LC-MS intact mass measurements indicated that they were not identical. Peptide mapping, performed with data independent acquisition LC-MS using an alternating low and elevated collision energy scan mode (LC-MSE), located the mass difference between the biosimilar and the innovator to a two amino acid residue variance in the heavy chain sequences. The peptide mapping technique was also used to comprehensively catalogue and compare the differences in PTMs of the biosimilar and innovator mAbs. Comprehensive glycosylation profiling confirmed that the proportion of individual glycans was different between the biosimilar and the innovator, although the number and identity of glycans were the same. These results demonstrate that the combination of accurate intact mass measurement, released glycan profiling and LC-MSE peptide mapping provides a set of routine tools that can be used to comprehensively compare a candidate biosimilar and an innovator mAb.Key words: biosimilar mAb, innovator mAb, molecular similarity, sequence variants, posttranslational modifications, N-linked glycosylation, chemical degradations, micro-heterogeneities, characterization, intact protein mass measurement, peptide mapping, glycan profiling, LC-MS, LC-fluorescence, MALDI MS  相似文献   

Metabolomics is a growing research field where new protocols are rapidly developed and new applications discovered. Common applications include biomarker discovery and elucidation of drug metabolism. However, the development of such protocols rarely includes a systematic optimization followed by validation with real samples. Here a GC/MS-based protocol using methoximation followed by silylation with N-tert-butyldimethylsilyl-N-methyltrifluoroacetamide (MTBSTFA) for analysis of blood plasma metabolites is thoroughly developed and optimized from derivatization to detection with statistical design of experiments (DOE). Validation was performed with blood plasma samples and proved the methodology to be efficient, rapid and reliable with a total of 51 analyses performed in 24 h, with linear responses, low detection limits and good precision. The obtained chromatograms were much cleaner, due to the absence of glucose overloading, and the data was found to drift less with MTBSTFA derivatisation than with MTBSTFA derivatisation.  相似文献   

Oxidation of methionine (Met) residues is one of several chemical degradation pathways for recombinant IgG1 antibodies. Studies using several methodologies have indicated that Met oxidation in the constant IgG1 domains affects in vitro interaction with human neonatal Fc (huFcRn) receptor, which is important for antibody half-life. Here, a completely new approach to investigating the effect of oxidative stress conditions has been applied. Quantitative ultra-performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (MS) peptide mapping, classical surface plasmon resonance and the recently developed FcRn column chromatography were combined with the new fast-growing approach of native MS as a near native state protein complex analysis in solution. Optimized mass spectrometric voltage and pressure conditions were applied to stabilize antibody/huFcRn receptor complexes in the gas phase for subsequent native MS experiments with oxidized IgG1 material. This approach demonstrated a linear correlation between quantitative native MS and IgG-FcRn functional analysis.

In our study, oxidation of the heavy chain Met-265 resulted in a stepwise reduction of mAb3/huFcRn receptor complex formation. Remarkably, a quantitative effect of the heavy chain Met-265 oxidation on relative binding capacity was only detected for doubly oxidized IgG1, whereas IgG1 with only one oxidized heavy chain Met-265 was not found to significantly affect IgG1 binding to huFcRn. Thus, mono-oxidized IgG1 heavy chain Met-265 most likely does not represent a critical quality attribute for pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   

Rapid identification of DNA-binding proteins by mass spectrometry.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We report a protocol for the rapid identification of DNA-binding proteins. Immobilized DNA probes harboring a specific sequence motif are incubated with cell or nuclear extract. Proteins are analyzed directly off the solid support by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The determined molecular masses are often sufficient for identification. If not, the proteins are subjected to mass spectrometric peptide mapping followed by database searches. Apart from protein identification, the protocol also yields information on posttranslational modifications. The protocol was validated by the identification of known prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA-binding proteins, and its use provided evidence that poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase exhibits DNA sequence-specific binding to DNA.  相似文献   

Using a combination of nanoflow-electrospray ionization and time-of-flight mass spectrometry we have analyzed the oligomeric state of the recombinant V antigen from Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague. The mass spectrometry results show that at pH 6.8 the V antigen in solution exists predominantly as a dimer and a weakly associated tetramer. A monoclonal antibody 7.3, raised against the V antigen, gave rise to mass spectra containing a series of well-resolved charge states at m/z 6000. After addition of aliquots of solution containing V antigen in substoichiometric and molar equivalents, the spectra revealed that two molecules of the V antigen bind to the antibody. Collision-induced dissociation of the antibody-antigen complex results in the selective release of the dimer from the complex supporting the proposed 1:2 antibody:antigen stoichiometry. Control experiments with the recombinant F1 antigen, also from Yersinia pestis, establish that the antibody is specific for the V antigen because no complex with F1 was detected even in the presence of a 10-fold molar excess of F1 antigen. More generally this work demonstrates a rapid means of assessing antigen subunit interactions as well as the stoichiometry and specificity of binding in antibody-antigen complexes.  相似文献   

Antibody fragmentation in the hinge region and other regions, and the impact of pH on the level and pattern of antibody fragmentation were investigated by reversed-phase (RP) liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Extensive fragmentation was observed in the hinge and in regions other than the hinge of a recombinant monoclonal antibody that was incubated in buffers of various pH at 40 degrees C for 10 weeks. Peptide bonds that were susceptible to hydrolysis were located mainly around the domain-domain interfaces close to or in the loop structures. The sites as well as the level of peptide bond hydrolysis were affected by the buffer pH. In agreement with previous findings when only the hinge region fragmentation was monitored, pH 6 was optimal for slowing down antibody fragmentation in regions other than the hinge. It also demonstrated that analysis by RPLC-MS provided a better assessment of the susceptible regions of recombinant monoclonal antibodies than size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) followed by fraction collection and mass spectrometry identification.  相似文献   

To improve dextransucrase production from Leuconostocmesenteroides NRRL B-640 culture medium was screened and optimized using the statistical design techniques of Plackett-Burman and response surface methodology (RSM). Plackett-Burman design with six variables viz. sucrose, yeast extract, K2HPO4, peptone, beef extract and Tween 80 was performed to screen the nutrients that were significantly affecting dextransucrase production. The variables sucrose, K2HPO4, yeast extract and beef extract showed above 90% confidence levels for dextransucrase production and were considered as significant factors for optimization using response surface methodology. 2(4)-central composite design was used for RSM optimization. The experimental results were fitted to a second-order polynomial model which gave a coefficient of determination R2=0.95. The optimized composition of 30g/l sucrose, 18.9g/l yeast extract, 19.4g/l K2HPO4 and 15g/l beef extract gave an experimental value of dextransucrase activity of 10.7U/ml which corresponded well with the predicted value of 10.9U/ml by the model.  相似文献   

Computational and statistical analysis of protein mass spectrometry data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High-throughput proteomics experiments involving tandem mass spectrometry produce large volumes of complex data that require sophisticated computational analyses. As such, the field offers many challenges for computational biologists. In this article, we briefly introduce some of the core computational and statistical problems in the field and then describe a variety of outstanding problems that readers of PLoS Computational Biology might be able to help solve.  相似文献   

Human immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) contains 12 domains, and each has an intrachain disulfide bond that connects the two layers of antiparallel β-sheets. These intrachain disulfide bonds are shielded from solvents under native conditions. Therefore, accessibility of the disulfide bonds to reduction under conditions that unfold antibody has the potential to be a good indicator of the thermodynamic stability of each domain. The stability of a recombinant monoclonal antibody at the domain level was investigated using a novel method involving reduction of the disulfide bonds in the presence of increasing amounts of guanidine hydrochloride and alkylation with [12C]iodoacetic acid, which was followed by reduction of the remaining disulfide bonds and alkylation with [13C]iodoacetic acid. The percentage of modification by [12C]iodoacetic acid of each cysteine residue was calculated using mass spectra of the cysteine-containing tryptic peptides and used to follow the unfolding of each domain. It demonstrated that the CH2 domain was the least stable domain of the antibody, whereas the CH3 domain was the most stable domain of the antibody. Other domains showed intermediate resistance to the denaturant concentration, similar to the overall unfolding transition monitored by the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence wavelength shift.  相似文献   

The Fv fragment of a monoclonal antibody, 7E2 (IgG1, κ, murine), which is directed against the integral membrane protein cytochrome c oxidase (EC from Paracoccus denitrificans, was cloned and produced in Escherichia coli. Crystals suitable for highresolution X-ray analysis were obtained by microdialysis under low salt conditions. The crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group P212121 with unit cell dimensions of a = 51.51 Å, b = 56.15 Å, c = 99.86 Å (1 Å = 0.1 nm) and contain one F v fragment per asymmetric unit. Using synchrotron radiation diffraction data were collected up to 1.28 Å resolution. This high resolution is very unusual for a heterodimeric protein. The crystals should open the way for refining not only the atomic positions, but also for obtaining information about internal dynamics. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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