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Summary Two methods for measuring nitrogen fixation, the so-called A value method and the so-called isotope dilution or substrate labelling method are shown to be both unifiable and yield independent.  相似文献   

We analysed the stable isotope composition of emitted N2O in a one-year field experiment (June 1998 to April 1999) in unfertilized controls, and after adding nitrogen by applying slurry or mineral N (calcium ammonium nitrate). Emitted N2O was analysed every 2–4 weeks, with additional daily sampling for 10 days after each fertilizer application. In supplementary soil incubations, the isotopic composition of N2O was measured under defined conditions, favouring either denitrification or nitrification. Soil incubated for 48 h under conditions favouring nitrification emitted very little N2O (0.024 mol gdw –1) and still produced N2O from denitrification. Under denitrifying incubation conditions, much more N2O was formed (0.91 mol gdw –1 after 48 h). The isotope ratios of N2O emitted from denitrification stabilized at 15N = –40.8 ± 5.7 and 18O = 2.7 ± 6.3. In the field experiment, the N2O isotope data showed no clear seasonal trends or treatment effects. Annual means weighted by time and emission rate were 15N = –8.6 and 18O = 34.7 after slurry application, 15N = –4.6 and 18O = 24.0 after mineral fertilizer application and 15N = –6.4 and 18O = 35.6 in the control plots, respectively. So, in all treatments the emitted N2O was 15N-depleted compared to ambient air N2O (15N = 11.4 ± 11.6, 18O = 36.9 ± 10.7). Isotope analyses of the emitted N2O under field conditions per se allowed no unequivocal identification of the main N2O producing process. However, additional data on soil conditions and from laboratory experiments point to denitrification as the predominant N2O source. We concluded (1) that the isotope ratios of N2O emitted from the field soil were not only influenced by the source processes, but also by microbial reduction of N2O to N2 and (2) that N2O emission rates had to exceed 3.4 mol N2O m–2 h–1 to obtain reliable N2O isotope data.  相似文献   

Human opioid receptor (OR), a G-protein-coupled receptor, has been modeled using the helix axes as revealed by the crystallographic structure of bacteriorhodopsin and ligand binding profiles of single-point mutants of OR. The model revealed feasibility of existence of a second disulfide bridge between the transmembrane helices (TMHs) 6 and 7, Cys273-Cys303. A common binding site has been suggested for high-affinity selective agonists DPDPE, DPLPE, DTLET, BW373U86 and antagonist Naltrindole. Docking calculations have shown that the amino group of the ligands forms a hydrogen bond with the imidazole ring of His301 (TMH7) rather than with Asp128 (TMH3) and is not a cation counterpart of this highly conserved aspartyl residue. All the findings and the model shed light on the putative structure and functioning of opioid receptors and can be used for designing further mutagenesis experiments.  相似文献   

Decay processes in an ecosystem can be thought of as a continuum beginning with the input of plant litter and leading to the formation of soil organic matter. As an example of this continuum, we review a 77-month study of the decay of red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) needle litter. We tracked the changes in C chemistry and the N pool in red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) needle litter during the 77-month period using standard chemical techniques and stable isotope, analyses of C and N.Mass loss is best described by a two-phase model: an initial phase of constant mass loss and a phase of very slow loss dominated by degradation of lignocellulose (acid soluble sugars plus acid insoluble C compounds). As the decaying litter enters the second phase, the ratio of lignin to lignin and cellulose (the lignocellulose index, LCI) approaches 0.7. Thereafter, the LCI increases only slightly throughout the decay continuum indicating that acid insoluble materials (lignin) dominate decay in the latter part of the continuum.Nitrogen dynamics are also best described by a two-phase model: a phase of N net immobilization followed by a phase of N net mineralization. Small changes in C and N isotopic composition were observed during litter decay. Larger changes were observed with depth in the soil profile.An understanding of factors that control lignin degradation is key to predicting the patterns of mass loss and N dynamics late in decay. The hypothesis that labile C is needed for lignin degradation must be evaluated and the sources of this C must be identified. Also, the hypothesis that the availability of inorganic N slows lignin decay must be evaluated in soil systems.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of SO 4 2- in bulk precipitation, canopy throughfall, seepage water at three different soil depths, stream water, and groundwater was monitored in two forested catchments in the Black Forest (Germany) between November 1989 and February 1992. Isotope measurements on aqueous sulfate were complemented by 34S-analyses on SO2 in the air, total sulfur and inorganic sulfate in the soil, and bedrock sulfur, in order to identify sources and biogeochemical processes affecting S cycling in catchments with base poor, siliceous bedrock. Stable S isotope data indicated that atmospheric deposition and not mineral weathering is the major source of S in both catchments since 34S-values for sulfate in the soil, in seepage water, and in stream water were generally found to be similar to the mean 34S-values of precipitation SO 4 2- (+2.1. However, 18O-values of seepage water SO 4 2- at 30 cm and especially at 80 cm depth were depleted by several per mil with respect to those of the atmospheric deposition (+7.5 to +13.5. This indicates that in both catchments a considerable proportion of the seepage water SO 4 2- is derived from mineralization of carbon-bonded soil S and must therefore have cycled through the organic soil S pool. 34S-values for different S compounds in the solid soil were found to differ markedly depending on S fraction and soil depth. Since atmospheric S deposition with rather constant 34S-values was identified as the dominant S source in both catchments, this is interpreted as a result ofin situ isotope fractionation rather than admixture of isotopically different S. The differences between the 34S-values of seepage water and soil sulfate and those of organic soil S compounds are consistent with a model in which SO 4 2- uptake by vegetation and soil microorganisms favours34SO 4 2- slightly, whereas during mineralization of organic soil S to aqueous SOSO 4 2- ,32S reacts preferentially. However, the data provide evidence for negligible isotope fractionation during physico-chemical S transformations such as adsorption/desorption in aerated forest soils.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde accumulation ratios ([14CH2O]i/[14CH2O]o) as high as 12-fold were measured in anaerobic, CH3OH-energized, whole cell suspensions of the ribulose monophosphate (RuMP)-type methylotrophic strain T15. Uptake kinetics were extremely rapid, enabling the attainment of equilibrium in only 10–30 s. Transport appears to be energy-dependent and associated with the protonmotive force (pmf). Anaerobic incubation with 5 M carbonyl p-(trifluoromethoxy)-phenylhydrazone (FCCP) led to 70%–90% reduction of the accumulation ratio. Though not as pronounced, diminished uptake was also observed in the presence of 140 M nigericin, 161 M valinomycin and 90 mM KSCN, commensurate with their effects on pmf. Accumulation of CH2O as a function of external pH followed a trend more similar to that of pmf than either pH or . Preventing energization by incubation with 100 M N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) led to nearly 80% inhibition of CH2O transport. Over short time periods it was possible to chase accumulated 14CH2O from previously loaded cells by collapsing pmf; however, this technique also indicated that significant 14CH2O incorporation began to occur within 3 min.Abbreviations FCCP Carbonyl cyanide p-(trifluoromethyoxy)-phenylhydrazone - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - RuMP ribulose monophosphate - TPP+ tetra[U-14C]phenylphosphonium - pmf protonmotive force  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial changes in 13C and 15N of seston (mainly phytoplankton) and isotopic relationship between seston and the lake anchovy (Coilia ectenes) were studied in the large eutrophic freshwater Lake Chaohu in China. Much of the spatial and temporal variation in 13C of lake anchovies was explained by variation in seston, indicating a strong link between pelagic primary production and higher order consumers. Because the lake is shallow, there were no significant differences in 13C and 15N of seston between surface and overlying waters. Spatially, the relatively high 13C and 15N of seston in the western part of the lake might be due to high levels of anthropogenically derived N and C introduced from the surrounding cities through sewage drainage systems. The trophic position of the lake anchovy in the food web of Lake Chaohu was estimated to be 2.9–4.1 (3.5 ± 0.4), which agrees well with the previous stomach content analysis suggesting that the lake anchovy fed both on zooplankton and small planktivorous fishes.  相似文献   

Summary Natural carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios were measured in different compartments (needles and twigs of different ages and crown positions, litter, understorey vegetation, roots and soils of different horizons) on 5 plots of a healthy and on 8 plots of a declining Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forest in the Fichtelgebirge (NE Bavaria, Germany), which has recently been described in detail (Oren et al. 1988a; Schulze et al. 1989). The 13C values of needles did not differ between sites or change consistently with needle age, but did decrease from the sun-to the shade-crown. This result confirms earlier conclusions from gas exchange measurements that gaseous air pollutants did no long-lasting damage in an area where such damage was expected. Twigs (13C between-25.3 and-27.8) were significantly less depleted in 13C than needles (13C between-27.3 and-29.1), and 13C in twigs increased consistently with age. The 15N values of needles ranged between-2.5 and-4.1 and varied according to stand and age. In young needles 15N decreased with needle age, but remained constant or increased in needles that were 2 or 3 years old. Needles from the healthy site were more depleted in 15N than those from the declining site. The difference between sites was greater in old needles than in young ones. This differentiation presumably reflects an earlier onset of nitrogen reallocation in needles of the declining stand. 15N values in twigs were more negative than in needles (-3.5 to-5.2) and showed age- and stand-dependent trends that were similar to the needles. 15N values of roots and soil samples increased at both stands with soil depth from-3.5 in the organic layer to +4 in the mineral soil. The 15N values of roots from the mineral soil were different from those of twigs and needles. Roots from the shallower organic layer had values similar to twigs and needles. Thus, the bulk of the assimilated nitrogen was presumably taken up by the roots from the organic layer. The problem of separation of ammonium or nitrate use by roots from different soil horizons is discussed.  相似文献   

Data from tagging studies and stable isotope ratio analyses (18O and 13C) in otoliths of tagged Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, provided unique information about halibut distribution and area migration. The 18O values of otoliths of individual halibut tagged in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska ranged from –0.5 to +1.0 VPDB (Vienna Peedee belemnite) in the first few years, but gradually increased to 2.0–2.5 VPDB when these tagged fish were recaptured as adults in waters off British Columbia. Similar isotopic variations were found in 13C. Comparison of isotopic composition from the age-1 halibut (i.e., aragonite samples taken from the first annulus of otoliths) and the adult (ages 8) indicated that the ocean conditions between the Bering Sea and the northeast Pacific were markedly different over the tagging period, but the area boundaries between the Gulf of Alaska and British Columbia were not clear. We concluded that stable isotopic records in otoliths of tagged Pacific halibut were informative and particularly useful for details of subsequent movement of halibut between release and recovery.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of fertilizer application, especially the effects of fertigation and types of fertilizer (inorganic and organic) on yields and 15N and 13C values of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Saturn). Fertigation is a method in which an appropriate diluted liquid fertilizer is applied to the plants each time they are drip-irrigated. We developed a method of organic fertigation using corn steep liquor (CSL) as the liquid fertilizer, because it is an industrial byproduct of cornstarch manufacture and can be used very effectively. We compared fruit yield, mineral content, 15N value, and 13C value of tomatoes grown under three different fertilizer treatments, basal dressing: basal dressing with granular chemical fertilizer; inorganic fertigation: fertigation with liquid chemical fertilizer; and organic fertigation: fertigaion with CSL. Mineral contents of tomatoes grown with basal dressing were generally lower than those grown under either fertigation treatment. These results indicated that yields and mineral contents were influenced more by the method of fertilizer application than by whether the fertilizers were inorganic or organic. There were, however, significant differences in the 15N values of tomato fruits grown under different types of fertilizer applications, especially between inorganic and organic fertilizers. The 15N value of the chemical fertilizer used for basal dressing was 0.81 ± 0.45{}, that of the chemical fertilizer for fertigation was 0.00 ± 0.04{}, and that of CSL was 8.50 ± 0.71{}. The 15N values of the soils reflected the 15N values of the fertilizers. Moreover, the 15N values of the fruits corresponded to the 15N values of the applied fertilizers. The 15N values were 3.18 ± 1.34{} in the fruits grown with a basal dressing of chemical fertilizer, 0.30 ± 0.61 in those grown under inorganic fertigation, and 7.09 ± 0.68 in those grown under organic fertigation. On the other hand, although the 13C values in the soil also reflected the 13C values of the applied fertilizers, there was no significant difference in the 13C values of fruits among the different treatments. In conclusion, because the 15N values of fertilizers correlated well with those of the fruits, it may be possible to use 15N values as an indicator of organic products.  相似文献   

Torgny Näsholm 《Oecologia》1994,99(3-4):290-296
The concentrations of arginine, protein and total nitrogen (N) and the abundance of15N were measured in 3-and 4-year-old needles of Scots pine trees fertilized with either 0 (C), 36 (N1) or 73 (N2) kg N ha-1 year-1 annually for 22 years (average doses of N). Remaining green needles and needles that were shed were compared and removal of N from total, protein and arginine pools was calculated. Earlier investigations had shown that high arginine concentrations are found in needles of trees that have an excessive N supply (Näsholm and Ericsson 1990). This study aimed to elucidate the fate of the accumulated arginine during needle senescence. It was speculated that a low removal of arginine during senescence would implicate that the primary function of arginine is in N detoxification and not in N storage. Moreover, litter quality would be altered if needles are shed with high concentrations of arginine and this might affect the turnover of N in forest ecosystems. In remaining green needles, the concentration of total N increased with increasing N supply. Protein N concentrations were higher in fertilized trees, but did not differ between the two N treatments. Arginine N was low in C and N1 trees but high in N2 trees. Senescent needles from C and N1 trees had about equal total N concentrations while in N2 trees this concentration was significantly higher. Protein N in senescent needles did not differ between treatments. Arginine N, however, was less than 0.1 mg g–1 dw in C and N1 trees but was higher than 1.5 mg g–1 dw in N2 trees. Removal of N was highest in N1 trees followed by C trees while N2 trees removed least N from senescing needles. The high concentration of total N in senescent needles from N2 trees was to a great extent explained by a high arginine concentration.The 15N value of remaining, green needles was higher (less negative) in N2 trees than in C and N1 trees. The same pattern was found for senescent needles. Comparisons of 15N values between remaining, green and senescent needles within each treatment showed a significant increase in 15N for all treatments during senescence possibly indicating losses of N as NH3 (g) from needles during senescence. It is concluded that arginine, accumulated in response to high N supply, is retranslocated only to a small extent during needle senescence. The ecological and physiological implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

Filella I  Peñuelas J 《Oecologia》2003,137(1):51-61
We studied the interspecific and intraspecific variation in the development of water stress and in the use of different water and nitrogen sources during the spring (wet season) and summer (dry season) in a shrub community in NE Spain. We measured shoot water potentials, stable deuterium isotopic composition (D) of xylem sap, leaf mass per area, leaf N and C concentrations, gas exchange, leaf 13C, and leaf 15N of the dominant species (Quercus coccifera, Arbutus unedo, Pistacia lentiscus, Erica multiflora, Globularia alypum). The D, the 13C and the shoot water potential values showed diurnal, seasonal, intraspecific and interspecific variation in the source and use of water. There was also seasonal, intraspecific and interspecific variation in the foliar 15N and N concentrations. In summer, some species (A. unedo, P. lentiscus and E. multiflora) presented significantly different D values in morning and afternoon measurements likely indicating that they used different sources of water during the day, and a dual root system in these species. We conjecture that dew may be one of these water sources. Species predawn water potential was negatively correlated with species xylem water D. There was also a positive correlation between 13C and D in P. lentiscus, species for which we took additional samples from nearby sites. These results suggest that the access to water from greater depths allowed the maintenance of more favourable plant water supply. Multivariate principal component analysis based on the studied hydrological and isotope variables clearly separated the seasons (wet spring and dry summer) and the species. The species resulted separated according to their evolutionary history (Pre-Mediterranean and Mediterranean) and the associated root and functional traits. These results show water (and nitrogen) partitioning among coexisting species of the same functional type (Mediterranean woody shrubs). They also show the great intraspecific plasticity of responses to resource availability.  相似文献   

Summary Growth and carbon allocation of a cool season tussock grass, Agropyron desertorum, following defoliation of newly initiated tillers in the autumn of 1988 and 1989 were investigated. Tiller density and mortality, reproductive shoot density, root density, biomass, individual tiller weight, carbon allocation, and soil water depletion were used to evaluate the response of A. desertorum to autumn grazing. Tiller recruitment was lower in the autumn-defoliated treatment in both years compared with the control because of the cessation of tiller development following autumn defoliation. Autumn defoliation also significantly reduced the movement of 13C to the roots in 1988 but not in 1989. Soils were cooler and drier in 1989. Other plant growth measurements and soil water depletion rates were not different between treatments. Autumn defoliation in 1988 did not influence tiller recruitment in the following autumn. Two consecutive years of autumn defoliation did not affect tiller overwinter mortality or peak standing crop in 1990.  相似文献   

Summary. We observed here that acute proline (Pro) administration provoked a decrease (32%) of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in cerebral cortex and an increase (22%) of butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) activity in the serum of 29-day-old rats. In contrast, chronic administration of Pro did not alter AChE or BuChE activities. Furthermore, pretreatment of rats with vitamins E and C combined or alone, N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester or melatonin prevented the reduction of AChE activity caused by acute Pro administration, suggesting the participation of oxidative stress in such effects.  相似文献   

Guo  S.  Brück  H.  Sattelmacher  B. 《Plant and Soil》2002,239(2):267-275
In order to investigate the effect of N form on dry matter (DM) formation and water uptake rate, French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. `Sotaxa') plants were grown with a split-root system. Three treatments were compared: sole nitrate (NO 3) supply (NN), sole ammonium (NH+ 4) supply (AA) and spatially separated supply of NO 3 and NH+ 4 (NA). The pH of the nutrient solutions was kept constant at 6.3 using a pH-stat system. 9 days after onset of the treatments, NN plants had higher root (36%) and shoot dry matter (11%) than AA plants. N form drastically influenced partitioning of assimilates: in the NA treatment, the root half exposed to NO 3 revealed a 170% higher DM than the root half exposed to NH+ 4. N form affected stable carbon-isotope discrimination () of leaf tissue. In leaves of plants which were supplied with NH+ 4 (AA; NA) was significantly more negative (–29.4, –29.6) than in NN treatment (–28.2). We explain this effect by differences in stomatal conductance. We suppose that the significantly less negative of root tissue under NH+ 4 supply is most probably related to higher PEP-case activity. The water uptake rate was higher in NN than in AA grown plants. This effect was found in both, short- and long-term experiments. In case of NA plants, the water uptake in the root part being exposed to NO 3 was 104% higher than in those receiving NH+ 4. At least in the case of the NA treatment we can exclude shoot growth effects as being responsible for differences in water uptake. We therefore assume that differences in root hydraulic conductivity are responsible for the observed effects.  相似文献   

Wang  Guoying  Li  Chunjian  Zhang  Fusuo 《Plant and Soil》2003,256(1):169-178
NH4 +-N can have inhibitory effects on plant growth. However, the mechanisms of these inhibitory effects are still poorly understood. In this study, effects of different N forms and a combination of ammonium + 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BA, a synthetic cytokinin) on growth, transpiration, uptake and flow of water and potassium in 88-days-old tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. K 326) plants were studied over a period of 12 days. Plants were supplied with equal amounts of N in different forms: NO3 , NH4NO3, NH4 + or NH4 ++6-BA (foliar spraying every 2 days after onset of the treatments). For determining flows and partitioning upper, middle and lower strata of three leaves each were analysed. During the 12 days study period, 50% replacement of NO3 -N by NH4 +-N (NH4NO3) did not change growth, transpiration, uptake and flow of water and K+ compared with the NO3 -N treatment. However, NH4 +-N as the sole N-source caused: (i) a substantial decrease in dry weight gain to 42% and 46% of the NO3 -N and NH4NO3 treatments, respectively; (ii) a marked reduction in transpiration rate, due to reduced stomatal conductance, illustrated by more negative leaf carbon-isotope discrimination (13C) compared with the NO3 treatment, especially in upper leaves; (iii) a strong reduction both in total water uptake, and in the rate of water uptake by roots, likely due to a decrease in root hydraulic conductivity; (iv) a marked reduction of K+ uptake to 10%. Under NH4 + nutrition the middle leaves accumulated 143%, and together with upper leaves 206% and the stem 227% of the K+ currently taken up, indicating massive mobilisation of K+ from lower leaves and even the roots. Phloem retranslocation of K+ from the shoot and cycling through the root contributed 67% to the xylem transport of K+, and this was 2.2 times more than concurrent uptake. Foliar 6-BA application could not suppress or reverse the inhibitory effects on growth, transpiration, uptake and flow of water and ions (K+) caused by NH4 +-N treatment, although positive effects by 6-BA application were observed, even when 6-BA (10–8 M) was supplied in nutrient solution daily with watering. Possible roles of cytokinin to regulate growth and development of NH4 +-fed plants are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Evidence for the origin and dating of crop weed communities composed of summer annuals is to be found in palaeobotanical and archaeological data. There is archaeological evidence that around the middle of the first millennium BC fields were taken into permanent cultivation, even on the poorer soils.Fertilization with lime and manure and Plaggenwirtschaft were evidently involved in this early agriculture. In this paper the idea is put forward that Plaggenwirtschaft resulted in a sudden increase in the number of weed species brought together in cornfields and that this practise led to the very first beginning of our modern weed communities.Translated into English by Drs. C. van Driel-Murray.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases II () and III() are the only nuclear DNA polymerases known to possess an intrinsic 3 5 exonuclease in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have investigated the spontaneous mutator phenotypes of DNA polymerase and 3 5 exonuclease-deficient mutants, pol3-01 and pol2-4, respectively. pol3-01 and pol2-4 increased spontaneous mutation rates by factors of the order of 102 and 101, respectively, measured as URA3 forward mutation and his7-2 reversion. Surprisingly, a double mutant pol2-4 pol3-01 haploid was inviable. This was probably due to accumulation of unedited errors, since a pol2-4/pol2-4 pol3-01/pol3-01 diploid was viable, with the spontaneous his7-2 reversion rate increased by about 2 × 103-fold. Analysis of mutation rates of double mutants indicated that the 3 5 exonucleases of DNA polymerases and can act competitively and that, like the 3 5 exonuclease of DNA polymerase the 3 5 exonuclease of DNA polymerase acts in series with the PMS1 mismatch correction system. Mutational spectra at a URA3 gene placed in both orientations near to a defined replication origin provided evidence that the 3 5 exonucleases of DNA polymerases and act on opposite DNA strands, but were in sufficient to distinguish conclusively between different models of DNA replication.  相似文献   

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