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Hugh J. MacIsaac 《Oecologia》1996,105(4):484-492
The zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha was introduced to North America during the mid-1980s, and is now a dominant member of many benthic communities in the lower Great Lakes. In this study, I explored the abundance, biomass, size structure and settlement of Dreissena inhabiting rocks along a wave-swept disturbance gradient near Middle Sister Island in western Lake Erie. Ten rocks were collected from quadrats at six sites along each of three transect lines oriented perpendicular to shore. Occurrence, abundance and biomass of Dreissena on smaller, movable rocks were positively associated with rock distance from shore (lake depth) and with rock area; rocks at nearshore sites supported little, if any, Dreissena, whereas those at offshore sites were heavily colonized. Mussel size distributions also differed in relation to shore distance. Large mussels (19 mm) were underrepresented or absent on rocks collected at nearshore sites, but were overrepresented at offshore locations (37 m). Settlement of larval mussels on settling pads was positively correlated with distance offshore and with time of exposure, though settlement was substantial even at a nearshore (10 m) location. Area-adjusted mussel dry mass increased more rapidly with distance offshore on large than on small rocks. Large rocks also required more force to displace and were significantly less likely to be disturbed when transplanted at the study site. Results from this study indicate that occurrence, abundance and size structure of Dreissena in nearshore waters of Lake Erie correspond with the frequency of habitat disturbance, though other factors including food limitation and larval supply may also contribute to these patterns. These patterns complement studies that established the significance of physical disturbance in other aquatic systems. 相似文献
1. Recent increases in phytoplankton biomass and the recurrence of cyanobacterial blooms in western Lake Erie, concomitant with a shift from a community dominated by zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) to one dominated by quagga mussels (D. bugensis), led us to test for differences in ammonia‐nitrogen and phosphate‐phosphorus excretion rates of these two species of invasive molluscs. 2. We found significant differences in excretion rate both between size classes within a taxon and between taxa, with zebra mussels generally having greater nutrient excretion rates than quagga mussels. Combining measured excretion rates with measurements of mussel soft‐tissue dry weight and shell length, we developed nutrient excretion equations allowing estimation of nutrient excretion by dreissenids. 3. Comparing dreissenid ammonia and phosphate excretion with that of the crustacean zooplankton, we demonstrated that the mussels add to nitrogen and phosphorus remineralisation, shortening nitrogen and phosphorus turnover times, and, importantly, modify the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles in Lake Erie. The increased nutrient flux from dreissenids may facilitate phytoplankton growth and cyanobacterial blooms in well‐mixed and/or shallow areas of western Lake Erie. 相似文献
We conducted a factorial experiment, in outdoor mesocosms, on the effects of zebra mussels and water column mixing (i.e., turbulence) on the diet, growth, and survival of larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Significant (P<0.05) larval mortality occurred by the end of the experiment with the highest mortality (90%) occurring in the presence of both turbulence and zebra mussels, whereas mortality was 37% in treatment with turbulence and 17% and 18% in the zebra mussels treatment, and the control, respectively. The size of individual fish was significantly different among treatments at the end of the experiment and was inversely related to survival. Levels of trophic resources (i.e., phyto and zooplankton) varied among treatments and were treatment specific. Turbulent mixing facilitated removal of phytoplankton by zebra mussels by making the entire water column of the tanks available to these benthic filter feeders. Early in the experiment (Day = 0 to 14) the physical process of turbulent mixing likely caused a reduction in standing stocks of zooplankton. The interactive effect of turbulence and mussels reduced copepod and rotifer stocks, through physical processes and through filtration by zebra mussels, relative to the turbulence treatment. The reductions in the number of total zooplankton in the turbulent mixing mesocosms and the further reduction of rotifer and copepod in the turbulence and mussels treatment coincided with a period of increased reliance of larval fathead minnows on these prey. Estimates of consumption from bioenergetics modeling and measured prey standing stocks indicated caloric resources of suitable prey in turbulence treatments during the early weeks of the experiment were insufficient to prevent starvation. Early mortality in the turbulence and mussels treatment likely released surviving fish from intense intraspecific competition and resulted in higher individual growth rates. A combination of high abundance of zebra mussels in an environment with a well-mixed water column can have significant effects on larval fish survival and growth. 相似文献
Synchronous spawning in a recently established population of the zebra mussel,Dreissena polymorpha,in western Lake Erie,USA 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Seasonal patterns of reproduction in a newly established population of Dreissena polymorpha are described for a site in the western basin of Lake Erie. Reproduction was monitored by histological examination of gonads, analysis of shell length-dry weight relationships, and following abundance of planktonic and settling larvae. Patterns of planktonic larval abundance and settling showed a distinct bimodal pattern in July and August, but conflicted with histological and length-dry weight data that showed spawning was a brief, highly synchronous event occurring in late August. Differences between histological data and abundance of larvae in the plankton can be explained as resulting from drift of larvae from disjunct populations of D. polymorpha which spawned earlier, into the study area. Veliger larvae were present in the plankton at low densities throughout the warm months before and after periods of peak abundances. The presence of these larvae can be explained by a combination of asynchronous spawning among local populations and postponed settlement by planktonic larvae. 相似文献
G.L. Mackie 《Hydrobiologia》1991,219(1):251-268
The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, is a new exotic species that was introduced into the Great Lakes as early as the fall of 1985. It differs markedly from native species of bivalves in its: (i) shell form; (ii) mode of life; (iii) reproductive potential; (iv) larval life cycle; (v) population dynamics; (vi) distribution, (vii) dispersal mechanisms; (viii) physiology; (ix) potential impact on the ecosystem; and (x) impact on society and the economy. In body form, it has an anterior umbone, a flat ventral surface with permanent aperature for the byssal apparatus and a shape that together make the animal well adapted for life on a hard surface. The shell has a zebra-stripe pattern, a heteromyarian muscle condition and lacks hinge teeth which make it easily identifiable from native bivalves. The zebra mussel is strongly byssate and has an epifaunal mode of life not seen in native bivalves. The species is dioecious and has external fertilization, the eggs developing into pelagic veligers which remains planktonic for approximately 4 weeks. Gametogenesis begins in late winter to early spring, veligers appear in the water column in late May to early June and disappear in mid to late October in Lake St. Clair. Adults live for about 2 years and have very rapid growth rates. Maximum shell lengths average 2.3 to 2.5 cm. Standing crops as high as 200 000 m-2 are present in the 1-m depths of the Ontario shores. Infestations may be interfering with the normal metabolism of native unionid clams and there is potential of the unionid clam populations being reduced or even eliminated from Lake St. Clair. 相似文献
Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha): a new perspective for water quality management 总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3
In the evaluation of the role of lake restoration programmesin situ measurements of the filtration rate of the freshwater musselDreissena polymorpha have been performed in Lake Wolderwijd, The Netherlands. The filtration rate mainly depends on the suspended matter content
of the water, and shows an inverse exponential relationship with this factor. The filtration activity is temperature indifferent
between approx. 5 and 20 °C. At low temperatures the filtration rate drops abruptly, at high temperatures gradual inhibition
occurs. The filtration rate shows a sigmoidal relation with the length of the mussel. The largestD. polymorpha have a diminished filtration rate compared to animals of smaller size. This might be a degenerative feature of the oldest
mussels. In Lake Wolderwijd a population density of 675 per m2 is required to compensate phytoplankton growth by grazing. Manipulation of the size of the population can be executed by
adding suitable substrates for the mussel. 相似文献
Impending extinctions of North American freshwater mussels (Unionoida) following the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) invasion 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
ANTHONY RICCIARDI RICHARD J. NEVES & JOSEPH B. RASMUSSEN 《The Journal of animal ecology》1998,67(4):613-619
1. Freshwater mussels (Order Unionoida) are the most imperiled faunal group in North America; 60% of described species are considered endangered or threatened, and 12% are presumed extinct. Widespread habitat degradation (including pollution, siltation, river channelization and impoundment) has been the primary cause of extinction during this century, but a new stress was added in the last decade by the introduction of the Eurasian zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha , a biofouling organism that smothers the shells of other molluscs and competes with other suspension feeders for food. Since the early 1990s, it has been spreading throughout the Mississippi River basin, which contains the largest number of endemic freshwater mussels in the world. In this report, we use an exponential decay model based on data from other invaded habitats to predict the long-term impact of D. polymorpha on mussel species richness in the basin.
2. In North American lakes and rivers that support high densities (>3000 m−2 ) of D. polymorpha , native mussel populations are extirpated within 4–8 years following invasion. Significant local declines in native mussel populations in the Illinois and Ohio rivers, concomitant with the establishment of dense populations of D. polymorpha , suggest that induced mortality is occurring in the Mississippi River basin.
3. A comparison of species loss at various sites before and after invasion indicates that D. polymorpha has accelerated regional extinction rates of North American freshwater mussels by 10-fold. If this trend persists, the regional extinction rate for Mississippi basin species will be 12% per decade. Over 60 endemic mussels in the Mississippi River basin are threatened with global extinction by the combined impacts of the D. polymorpha invasion and environmental degradation. 相似文献
2. In North American lakes and rivers that support high densities (>3000 m
3. A comparison of species loss at various sites before and after invasion indicates that D. polymorpha has accelerated regional extinction rates of North American freshwater mussels by 10-fold. If this trend persists, the regional extinction rate for Mississippi basin species will be 12% per decade. Over 60 endemic mussels in the Mississippi River basin are threatened with global extinction by the combined impacts of the D. polymorpha invasion and environmental degradation. 相似文献
Don W. Schloesser Kenneth A. Krieger Jan J. H. Ciborowski Lynda D. Corkum 《Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery (Formerly Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health)》2000,8(2):125-141
Burrowing mayflies of the genus Hexagenia spp. were widely distributed (ca. 80% of sites) and abundant (ca. 160 nymphs/m2) in the western basin of Lake Erie of the Laurentian Great Lakes in 1929–1930, prior to a period of anoxia in the mid 1950s. Nymphs were absent or rare in the basin between 1961 and 1973–1975. In 1979–1991, nymphs were infrequently found (13–46% of sites) in low abundance (3–40 nymphs/m2) near shore (<7.5 km from shore), but were absent or rare offshore (0–7% of sites at 0–1 nymphs/m2). Increased abundance occurred offshore between 1991 (0% of sites) and 1993 (52% of sites at 7/m2). Annual sampling, beginning in 1995, indicates that nymphs increased in both nearshore and offshore waters. By 1997, nymphs were found throughout the lake (88% of sites) at a mean density 40-fold greater (392/m2) than that observed in 1993 (11/m2). In 1998, the distribution of nymphs remained the same as 1997 (88% of sites) but density declined 3-fold (392 to 134/m2). These data indicate that mayflies have recolonized sediments of western Lake Erie and that their abundance may be similar to levels observed before their disappearance in the mid 1950s. However, prior to the mid 1950s, densities were greater in offshore than nearshore waters, but between 1979 and 1998 greater densities occurred near shore than offshore. In addition, there were two areas in the 1990s where low densities consistently occurred. Therefore, recovery of nymphs in western Lake Erie may not have been complete in 1998. At present we do not know the cause for the sudden recolonization of nymphs in large portions of western Lake Erie. Undoubtedly, pollution-abatement programs contributed to improved conditions that would have ultimately led to mayfly recovery in the future. However, the explosive growth of the exotic zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, undoubtedly diverted plankton foods to bottom substrates which could have increased the speed at which Hexagenia spp. nymphs recolonized sediments in western Lake Erie in the 1990s. 相似文献
Summary Studies of predation by roach (Rutilus rutilus) on zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in a large, eutrophic lake showed that there was a clearly marked size threshold ( 160 mm SL) above which roach began to feed on mussels. Roach preying on various sizes of mussels selected them in proportions different from their abundance and accessibility in the habitat. The mean size of mussels ingested by roach of 220 mm and larger, which fed predominantly on Dreissena, closely followed the pattern expected for a constant ratio of mean prey size to mean predator mouth size = 0.59. To explain the size selection we applied an optimal foraging approach, based on the ability of different-sized fish to crush (cost) mussels of different sizes, and hence crushing resistance, and energy contents (benefit). We found that fish smaller than 160 mm, which showed no inclination to eat Dreissena, would only be able to take small mussels with a very high cost/benefit ratio. The real switch to Dreissena would be expected in fish of 230–240 mm that could take most of their prey from highly profitable, numerous, and easily accessible size classes while keeping the mean prey size at the optimal level relative to mean predator mouth size. 相似文献
The effect of seasonal variation in selective feeding by zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) on phytoplankton community composition 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
1. To investigate the impact of zebra mussels ( Dreissena polymorpha ) on phytoplankton community composition, temporal variability in selective feeding by the mussels was determined from April to November 2005 in a natural lake using Delayed Fluorescence (DF) excitation spectroscopy.
2. Selective grazing by zebra mussels varied in relation to seasonal phytoplankton dynamics; mussels showed a consistent preference for cryptophytes and avoidance of chlorophytes and cyanobacteria. Diatoms, chrysophytes and dinoflagellates responded differentially to zebra mussel grazing depending on their size. Analysis of excreted products of the zebra mussels revealed that in addition to chlorophytes and cyanobacteria, phytoplankton >50 μ m and very small phytoplankton (≤7 μ m) were largely expelled in pseudofaeces.
3. The zebra mussel is a selective filter-feeder that alters its feeding behaviour in relation to phytoplankton composition to capture and ingest high quality phytoplankton, especially when phytoplankton occur in preferred size ranges. Flexibility of zebra mussel feeding behaviour and variation in susceptibility among phytoplankton groups to mussel ingestion indicate that invading zebra mussels could alter phytoplankton community composition of lakes and have important ecosystem consequences. 相似文献
2. Selective grazing by zebra mussels varied in relation to seasonal phytoplankton dynamics; mussels showed a consistent preference for cryptophytes and avoidance of chlorophytes and cyanobacteria. Diatoms, chrysophytes and dinoflagellates responded differentially to zebra mussel grazing depending on their size. Analysis of excreted products of the zebra mussels revealed that in addition to chlorophytes and cyanobacteria, phytoplankton >50 μ m and very small phytoplankton (≤7 μ m) were largely expelled in pseudofaeces.
3. The zebra mussel is a selective filter-feeder that alters its feeding behaviour in relation to phytoplankton composition to capture and ingest high quality phytoplankton, especially when phytoplankton occur in preferred size ranges. Flexibility of zebra mussel feeding behaviour and variation in susceptibility among phytoplankton groups to mussel ingestion indicate that invading zebra mussels could alter phytoplankton community composition of lakes and have important ecosystem consequences. 相似文献
David Bruce Conn Sarah E. Simpson Dan Minchin Frances E. Lucy 《Biological invasions》2008,10(2):149-156
Samples of Dreissena polymorpha were collected at several sites along the River Shannon navigation in Ireland, to determine the occurrence and distribution
of their obligate host-specific commensalistic ciliate, Conchophthirus acuminatus, in this newly invaded region. Mussels collected by various methods were fixed immediately in 75% ethanol, in which they
were later dissected under a stereoscopic microscope, beginning with thorough flushing of the mantle cavity and removal of
the gills. One ml of sediment flushed from the mantle cavity and dissection residue of each mussel was examined under a compound
light microscope using brightfield, phase-contrast, and differential-interference-contrast optics. Of 180 mussels examined,
125 (69.44%) harbored C. acuminatus. The ciliates were invariably well fixed and easily identifiable in all preparations. Mean sampling intensity for infected
mussels was 8.47 ciliates per ml of sediment. Both prevalence and sampling intensity varied between sites, but no pattern
was discernible. The present results are consistent with other reports of C. acuminatus being the most widespread and abundant symbiont of D. polymorpha throughout Europe, often occurring where no other symbionts occur. Its occurrence in Ireland indicates introduction of the
mussels as adults, since planktonic veliger larvae are not known to harbor ciliates. Following similar reasoning, it is possible
that the earlier North American invasion by D. polymorpha included only veligers, since C. acuminatus has not been found on that continent. Using these simple and quick methods, the ciliates could be easily identified and counted
to give general comparative data among sites regarding intensity and prevalence. Thus, this method has promise for future
efforts to obtain basic information rapidly in newly invaded systems. 相似文献
Alicia Pérez-Fuentetaja Mark D. Clapsadl Donald Einhouse Paul R. Bowser Rodman G. Getchell W. Theodore Lee 《Hydrobiologia》2006,563(1):189-200
Avian and fish botulism outbreaks have been recorded since 1999 in eastern Lake Erie. These outbreaks are caused by Clostridium botulinum type E, a toxin-producing bacteria that is found in anoxic substrates rich in organic material. We studied the environmental
conditions present in eastern Lake Erie during 2002, a year when several botulism outbreaks were observed. We also tested
for the presence of C. botulinum type E in lake sediments. Samples were taken at six stations from two sites of different depths in the Dunkirk (New York,
USA) area. The depth of the sampling sites influenced physico-chemical and biological processes in the sediments. We used
the quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) to quantify the levels of C. botulinum type E in the samples. Sediment samples contained a patchy distribution of type E spore concentrations (from not detectable
to 5520 DNA copies/mg). Samples of benthic invertebrates tested positive for C. botulinum type E spores in tissues (Gammarus 2028 DNA copies/mg, oligochaetes 428 DNA copies/mg, chironomids 148 DNA copies/mg and dreissenid mussels 715 DNA copies/mg).
Principal components analysis (PCA) from inshore stations indicated that a decrease in dissolved oxygen, pH and redox potential
near the sediment was associated to an increase in specific conductance and the type E toxin gene in sediments. We also found
that C. botulinum type E spores are present in sediments at different depths and at different times through the ice-free season. 相似文献
N. Billington 《Journal of fish biology》1993,43(6):941-943
Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of yellow perch ( Perca flavescens ) mitochondrial DNA from a Lake Erie population revealed seven variants in 22 fish (nucleon diversity 0.481). These fish were collected from an area where previous studies using allozymes had failed to reveal any genetic variation. 相似文献
Karatayev AY Burlakova LE Molloy DP Volkova LK Volosyuk VV 《Journal of invertebrate pathology》2002,79(2):80-85
This study, conducted in the Dnieper-Bug Canal in Belarus, is the first to monitor the seasonal (June-November) dynamics of infection with the parasitic ciliate Ophryoglena sp. in a zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) population. Mean population prevalence and intensity of infection varied, respectively, from 11 to 62% and from 0.9 to 24.1 ciliates/mussel. Mean prevalence was highly correlated with mussel length in mussels <20 mm (R(2)=0.97) and was lower in larger mussels. Mean infection intensity in mussels 1-25 mm long was similarly correlated with their size (R=0.98), reached a maximum in the 20-25 mm size-class, and then sharply decreased, thus providing evidence, albeit limited, that high intensity of infection might be lethal. Transinfection of zebra mussels by Ophryoglena sp. was achieved in the laboratory-a first for a protozoan parasite of D. polymorpha; from an initial complete lack of infection, mean prevalence and intensity rose, respectively, to 86.7% and 8.3 ciliates/mussel. 相似文献
Freshwater fouling invertebrate zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) harbor a diverse population of microorganisms in the Great Lakes of North America. Among the indigenous microorganisms, selective species are opportunistic pathogens to zebra mussels. Pathogenicity to zebra mussels by opportunistic bacteria isolated from the mussels was investigated in this study. Among the more than 30 bacteria isolated from temperature-stressed mussels, Aeromonas media, A. veronii, A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, and Shewanella putrefaciens are virulent pathogens to juvenile zebra mussels. Inoculation of a bacterial concentration of A. media, A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and S. putrefaciens at 107 cells per zebra mussel resulted in 100% mortality within 5 days, and only 64.9% for A. veronii. In contrast, mortality was less than 12.3% following inoculation of a sterile phosphate buffer solution as a control. In addition, mortality was dependent on the size of the pathogen population used in inoculation and the incubation temperature, indicating the close relationship between the bacterial population and subsequent death. On the mussel tissue, a dense microbial population was evident from the moribund mussels viewed with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Opportunistic bacteria invaded and destroyed the D. polymorpha tissue after 7 days of incubation when the bacterial inoculation was larger than 105 per zebra mussel. Our results suggest that mussels are reservoirs of opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms to aquatic organisms and humans and a better understanding of the microbial ecology of the mussels will provide insights to the possible health hazards from these microorganisms. 相似文献
Michiel H. S. Kraak Fred Kuipers Hans Schoon Chris J. de Groot Wim Admiraal 《Hydrobiologia》1994,294(1):13-16
The effects of contaminated river water on the filtration rate of zebra mussels from a clean reference site were studied. After a 48-h exposure period to filtered water from the rivers Rhine, Meuse and Amstel (The Netherlands), the filtration rate was measured. It was demonstrated that water from contaminated locations inhibited the filtration rate. Inhibition was higher during low water levels in the rivers Rhine and Meuse than during high water levels, suggesting that contaminants are diluted during high water levels. It is concluded that the shortterm filtration assay with D. polymorpha can be used for assessing water quality. 相似文献
Colonization by the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, was quantified for five dragonfly species that differed in size and larval habits in a Michigan lake. Both larger size and
a non-burrowing habit independently increased susceptibility to colonization. In 2005, over 50% of the final instars of the
sprawlers Didymops transversa and Hagenius brevistylus were colonized, as well as younger instars. Rarely colonized were Progomphus obscurus and Dromogomphus spinosus, whose larvae burrow under sand, and the sprawler Epitheca princeps, whose final instars were lightly covered with sand. Hagenius larvae that had been preyed upon carried more mussels than those dying of other causes. More generally, mussel attachment
decreased the probability that sprawlers left the water to emerge, the distance that some species traveled before emerging,
and the ability of an overturned sprawler to right itself. On average, final instars of Didymops and Hagenius remaining in the water carried three times as many mussels as individuals known to emerge. Compared to uncolonized individuals,
Epitheca and Progomphus with mussels emerged closer to the water line. Among colonized Didymops, the distance traveled on land before emerging decreased with increasing mussel load. Of the colonized Didymops that could right themselves, righting time increased with mussel load. Because the two common species of sprawlers were disproportionately
colonized, and mussel attachment decreased their chances of emerging, our results suggest that D. polymorpha has the potential to affect the community structure of this guild of aquatic and terrestrial predators.
Handling editor: R. Bailey 相似文献
Nancy C. Tuchman Romi L. Burks Christopher A. Call John Smarrelli 《Freshwater Biology》2004,49(2):191-198
1. Zebra mussels aggregate to form dense colonies where, depending on the flow rate, individuals in different vertical locations within the colony may experience restricted food availability. 2. Using 32P‐labelled Chlamydomonas angulosa, we found ingestion rates of individual mussels located at the surface to exceed those in the bottom of a 6 cm thick colony by up to 75%. 3. Higher velocities (10 and 20 cm s?1) increased algal delivery to the colony's middle layer (2–4 cm depth), subsequently increasing ingestion rates to equal those in the surface layer, while increasing ingestion only for the smallest mussels in the bottom (4–6 cm). 4. At all vertical locations within the colonies, smaller mussels showed higher ingestion rates per unit mass than larger mussels, particularly at higher flow rates. 相似文献
Bioprocessing of polluted suspended matter from the water column by the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Measurements of pseudofaeces production of Dreissena polymorpha were carried out with the aim of developing a biological filter at the freshwater inlet of Lake Volkerak-Zoommeer, the Netherlands. Bioprocessing of polluted suspended matter by suspended cultures of D. polymorpha occurs by filtration and sedimentation of the suspended matter as pseudofaeces. The measurements were conducted under semi-natural conditions.Pseudofaeces production was mainly determined by the dry matter content of the water; the relation is linear. Temperature was of much less importance. This agrees with earlier investigations of the filtration rate of D. polymorpha. Even at the lowest temperature measured during the experiments (6.4 °C) no large decrease in activity was observed. The relation of pseudofaeces production with shell length was sigmoid in shape, in accordance with measurements of the filtration rate.The pseudofaeces produced was slightly more polluted than suspended matter, partly due to a finer grainsize. D. polymorpha from Lake IJsselmeer exposed for 217 days at the intended location of the filter showed bioaccumulation of toxicants, especially organic pollutants and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (up to 10-fold accumulation). The required number of D. polymorpha in the biological filter to treat the waterflow of 14 m3 s–1 entering Lake Volkerak-Zoommeer is 1.24 * 109. The purification efficiency of the filter, the reduction of the amount of toxicants, partly depends on the binding properties of the toxicants and is highest for those strongly bound to suspended matter. 相似文献
Darius Daunys Petras Zemlys Sergej Olenin Anastasija Zaiko Christian Ferrarin 《Helgoland Marine Research》2006,60(2):113-120
The role of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha in redistribution of total particulate material (TPM) between the water column and bottom sediment was estimated using the TPM budget for a mussel bed in the Curonian lagoon, the Baltic Sea. Seasonal clearance rates were derived from the TPM budget assuming two resuspension scenarios: no resuspension and full resuspension of biodeposits. Estimated clearance rates for both scenarios were compared with the rates calculated from the population clearance rate model. Seasonal clearance rates estimated using the population model (1.1 and 11.8 l g−1 SFDW day−1) fitted well into the interval of seasonal clearance rates calculated from TPM budgets assuming no resuspension of biodeposits (3.2 and 21.4 l g SFDW−1 day−1). In the scenario with biodeposits resuspension clearance rates were much higher (57.4 and 148.9 g SFDW−1 day−1). The ratio of clearance to residence time was highly dependent on the fate of biodeposits. Therefore its use in interpretation of the species impact on TPM was limited. An alternative measure based on the ratio of the amount of TPM biodeposited to TPM transported into the bed was used. It was found that zebra mussels are able to deposit between 10 and 30% of the incoming TPM, and the amount of biodeposited material was correlated with water residence time. Results indicate that the impact of zebra mussels on TPM in the lagoon is small relative to the high transport rates of TPM over the bed. However, annual biosedimentation rate (~590 g m−2) in the mussel bed was higher than physical deposition rate (~380 g m−2) in accumulation areas devoid of large suspension feeders. We suggest that a local impact due to enhanced availability of organic material to other trophic groups of associated benthic organisms may be more significant than effects on TPM pathways at an ecosystem scale. 相似文献