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The purpose of this study is to analyze the clinical experience and the effect of human amniotic membrane transplantation on pterygium excision and bullous keratopathy. From January 1999 to January 2001 at University Hospital "Sestre milosrdnice" amniotic membrane transplantation was performed consecutively in 21 eyes: 11 eyes with bullous keratopathy and 10 with recurrent pterygia. In the group with bullous keratopathy epithelization took place in 19.6 days in 72.7% and the reduction of pain was satisfactory. Recurrence rate in group with recurrent pterygia was 20%. Based on the presented results it could be concluded that amniotic membrane transplantation can be considered as an effective alternative for treating severe ocular surface diseases and as an alternative for penetrating keratoplasty if there is a lack of grafts.  相似文献   

Chronic ocular surface disorders, which can result in severe functional impairment, have been viewed for decades as untreatable diseases. In 1995, the reintroduction of amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT), either alone or associated with limbal stem cell transplantation, has offered new hope of using tissue and cell therapy strategies to repair ocular surface disorders. Amniotic membrane (AM) has been found to exert its effects by acting as a substrate for the growth of ocular surface epithelia, by suppressing inflammation and scarring and by serving as an anti-microbial barrier. Moreover, AM has recently been used as a substrate for ex vivo expansion of corneal epithelial cells for ocular surface reconstruction. Notwithstanding the substantial agreement among Authors regarding its clinical efficacy, there are still many uncertainties regarding the fate of grafted AM and consequently the mechanisms through which it exerts its long-term effects. Further studies including controlled clinical trials with numerous cases are required to understand which ocular surface conditions are certain to benefit from AM transplantation and how its mechanical properties interact with the mediators produced to favor ocular surface reconstruction.  相似文献   

It has been shown that amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) improves healing of the epithelium defects as it serves as a basement membrane for endothelial cells growth, prevents inflammatory cell infiltration and reduces apoptosis in keratocytes. Having in mind the healing properties of AM we investigated the efficacy of AMT in persistent epithelial defect (PED) on the corneal graft. 80 corneal grafts were prospectively followed up for presence of PED 10 months after surgery. PED was detected in 12 cases (15%) having surgery for: rejected graft (n = 4), keratoconus (n = 3), keratoconus following PK on a second eye (n = 3), corneal perforation (n = 1) and Stevens-Johnson keratopathy (n = 1). Epithelial defect (ED) developed 14 +/- 7 days after surgery in 10 cases and 1.5 month in other two. All patients were primarily conservatively treated with subconjuctival steroids and artificial tears for 10 days and systemic steroid therapy if needed after, until the period of 2 weeks. 4 patients were healed. Since ED was unresponsive to all previous treatments for more than 2 weeks, one layer of AM was placed on the corneal lesion in 5 patients, and in 3 cases of deep PED several layers of AM were placed. Healing of the defect was obtained in 7/8 (87.5%) eyes. In 1 patient second AM transplantation was necessary. Mean epithelization time was 2 weeks (range 1-3 weeks) in monolayer and 3 weeks (range 2-4 weeks) for multilayer cases. 5 out of 8 patients retained the same best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) while 3/8 patients improved their vision more than 2 lines. Preoperative corneal thickness of 255 +/- 40 mm increased to 455 +/- 90 mm. AM transplantation facilitates healing of corneal epithelium. PED on the corneal graft unresponsive to conventional treatment can be effectively cured when covered with one or more amniotic membrane layers.  相似文献   

Objective: To define the best conditions foramniotic membrane preparation, storage and banking in its use for cornealreconstruction.Methods: Amniotic membrane pieces were prepared understerile conditions from placentas selected on the basis of donor medical andsocial history, serology, microbiological tests and histology. The pieces werekept at –140 °C but before grafting they werethawed and stored at 4 °C in RPMI medium, to have apreparation usable within 72 h. This procedure was validatedby testing its therapeutic effectiveness in 25 patients 13 of which had cornealulcers of various origin, 3 had sequelae of herpes simplex keratitis, 3 bandkeratopathy and 6 corneal stem cell deficiency due to chemical or thermalburns.Results: The preparation showed appreciableanti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In the absence of corneal stem celldeficiency a stable re-epithelialisation was achieved in 15 out of 19 patients.When the limbus was lesioned, the amniotic membrane decreased vascularizationand increased the number of corneal epithelial cells only in 1 of the 6patients. No adverse reactions attributable to the tissue were recorded.Conclusions: A ready-to-use amniotic membrane preparationstored at 4 °C after cryopreservation has been tested incorneal reconstruction. Like the amniotic membrane thawed immediately beforegrafting, this preparation displayed full therapeutic effect in epithelialdefects with stromal ulceration but without severe limbal stem cell deficiency.In two years banking activity 463 pieces of the preparation were successfullydistributed to 90 Italian hospitals.  相似文献   

Cornea reparative regeneration when in various pathological states needs creating certain conditions to intensify the potential of regional stem cells mitotic activity. Aims of the Research. To find out the degree of the epithelium AM preservation after preliminary processing and conservation by means of dehydration over silica gel with further sterilization; to study the effectiveness of clinical treatment of AM conserved in the surroundings with vital ability epithelium and AM dried over silica gel. Materials and methods. There was carried out an investigation of 18 samples of native amnion treated with antibiotics and 18 total surface amnion samples conserved by drying over silica gel and then sterilized by gamma rays. Clinical experiments were carried out on patients with severe chemical and thermal burns – 18 people (21 eyes). After the burn trauma all the patients underwent the standard procedure of necrectomy, the covering of the eyeball with amniotic membrane dried over silica gel. Conclusion. The drying out of the amniotic membrane over silica gel on frames without being fixed on nitrocellulose paper makes the process of the amniotic membrane conservation simpler and makes it possible to preserve its unique biological qualities. The effectiveness of the regeneration of epithelium tissue of the eyeball surface with amniotic membrane dried over silica gel without the vital capacity cells of the epithelium layer is analogous to the regeneration of epithelium cells with amniotic membrane with vital capacity cells. With eye burns AM coverage hinders the formation of rough conjunctiva cicatrix, provides a favorable out-of-cell matrix substrate for epithelium migration and leads to quicker regeneration of one's own epithelium, makes further visual rehabilitation simpler. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Cornea reparative regeneration when in various pathological states needs creating certain conditions to intensify the potential of regional stem cells mitotic activity. AIMS OF THE RESEARCH: To find out the degree of the epithelium AM preservation after preliminary processing and conservation by means of dehydration over silica gel with further sterilization; to study the effectiveness of clinical treatment of AM conserved in the surroundings with vital ability epithelium and AM dried over silica gel. MATERIALS AND METHODS: There was carried out an investigation of 18 samples of native amnion treated with antibiotics and 18 total surface amnion samples conserved by drying over silica gel and then sterilized by gamma rays. Clinical experiments were carried out on patients with severe chemical and thermal burns--18 people (21 eyes). After the burn trauma all the patients underwent the standard procedure of necrectomy, the covering of the eyeball with amniotic membrane dried over silica gel. CONCLUSION: The drying out of the amniotic membrane over silica gel on frames without being fixed on nitrocellulose paper makes the process of the amniotic membrane conservation simpler and makes it possible to preserve its unique biological qualities. The effectiveness of the regeneration of epithelium tissue of the eyeball surface with amniotic membrane dried over silica gel without the vital capacity cells of the epithelium layer is analogous to the regeneration of epithelium cells with amniotic membrane with vital capacity cells. With eye burns AM coverage hinders the formation of rough conjunctiva cicatrix, provides a favorable out-of-cell matrix substrate for epithelium migration and leads to quicker regeneration of one's own epithelium, makes further visual rehabilitation simpler.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite improved surgical techniques and the use of new medication, healing of corneal and conjunctival defects cannot always be achieved. In this connection the clinical use of human amnion, produced by different techniques, has represented a successful alternative for the past ten years. The purpose of the present investigation was the development of a clinically secure, therapeutically efficient, and easy-to-handle (transport, storage, application) allogenic amnion transplant. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A new method for an amnion preparation, which contains a sterilisation process in peracetic acid and a drying process in a laminar flow cabinet, was developed as an alternative to previous techniques described in the literature. Amnion transplantation was used to treat 41 patients, 36 of them with corneal ulcer. Further indications for amnion transplantation were symblepharon, descemetocele, as well as dehiscence of conjunctiva after cerclage. RESULTS: Seventy-three percent of cases showed postoperative improvement evidenced by constant vision, while 15 percent showed decreased vision. CONCLUSIONS: The study confirms the observations of previous investigators who consider amnion transplantation an efficient therapeutic method for a multitude of eye diseases. The new method described in this report, guarantees patients' safety by using a validated new sterilisation process against infections that can be transmitted by human tissue. At present this method constitutes the only process available in Germany, and is approved by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Products (BfArM) for the manufacture of human amnion transplants as a finished medical product.  相似文献   

Isolated limbal epithelial stem cells (LESCs) were cultured with or without a 3T3 murine fibroblast feeder-layer (FL) in 4 different culture media on culture plates or on denuded human amniotic membrane (AM) support and fibrin gel support: (1) control medium supplemented with fetal bovine serum; (2) control medium supplemented with the synthetic serum “XerumFree? XF205” (XF); (3) CnT-20 medium supplemented with “XerumFree? XF205” (CnT-XF) and (4) CnT-20 medium supplemented with human AB serum (CnT-AB). The three xenogeneic media were compared to standard condition (control + FL) and parameters assessed included cell morphology, proliferative potential, number of passages, assessment of clonogenic and abortive colonies, life span, ?Np63α expression and epithelial morphology on AM. During serial cultivation of LESCs, most of the tested xeno-free media supported similar numbers of cell passages, total colony number, cumulative cell doublings (CCD) rates and expression of ?Np63α compared to control. The conditions cultivated with a FL showed a non-statistically significant higher number of cell passages and CCD rates before senescence when compared to the same conditions cultured without FL. Except for the control medium, only XF medium enabled the growth of cells on AM. The expression of ?Np63α was comparable in all the cultures grown onto AM, when compared to the controls on fibrin gel. In conclusion, the xeno-free media enabled LESC culture both on plastic and on denuded human AM. Despite the analyses were carried out in a statistically low number of samples and need re-assessment in a larger cohort, our results suggest that the production of a completely xeno-free LESC graft could be beneficial for future clinical applications.  相似文献   

Many researchers have employed cryopreserved amniotic membrane (CAM) in the treatment of a severely damaged cornea, using corneal epithelial cells cultured on an amniotic membrane (AM). In this study, two Teflon rings were made for culturing the cells on the LAM and CAM, and were then used to support the AM, which is referred to in this paper as an Ahn’s AM supporter. The primary corneal epithelial cells were obtained from the limbus, using an explantation method. The corneal epithelium could be reconstructed by culturing the third-passage corneal epithelial cells on the AM. A lyophilized amniotic membrane (LAM) has a higher rate of graft take, a longer shelf life, is easier to store, and safer, due to gamma irradiation, than a CAM. The corneal epithelium reconstructed on the LAM and CAM, supported by the two-Teflon rings, was similar to normal corneal epithelium. However, the advantages of the LAM over that of the CAM make the former more useful. The reconstruction model of the corneal epithelium, using AM, is considered as a goodin vitro model for transplantation of cornel epithelium into patients with a severely damaged cornea.  相似文献   

Visual deprivation is a classical tool to study the plasticity of visual cortical connections. After eyelid closure in young animals (monocular deprivation, MD), visual cortical neurons become dominated by the open eye, a phenomenon known as ocular dominance (OD) plasticity . It is commonly held that the molecular mediators of OD plasticity are cortically derived and that the retina is immune to the effects of MD . Recently, it has been reported that visual deprivation induces neurochemical, structural, and functional changes in the retina , but whether these retinal changes contribute to the effects of MD in the cortex is unknown. Here, we provide evidence that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) produced in the retina influences OD plasticity. We found a reduction of BDNF expression in the deprived retina of young rats. We compensated this BDNF imbalance between the two eyes by either injecting exogenous BDNF in the deprived eye or reducing endogenous BDNF expression in the nondeprived eye. Both treatments were effective in counteracting the OD shift induced by MD. Retinal BDNF could also influence OD distribution in normal animals. These results show for the first time that OD plasticity is modulated by BDNF produced in the retina.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the clinical outcomes of autologous cultivated oral mucosal epithelial transplantation (COMET) on human amniotic membrane (AM) for corneal limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD). In this prospective, noncomparative case series, 20 eyes (18 patients) with bilateral severe ocular surface disease were chosen to undergo COMET on human AM. The primary outcome was clinical success, and the secondary outcomes were the best-corrected visual acuity difference, corneal opacification, symblepharon formation, and complications. The mean patient age was 48.2 ± 15.5 years. The mean follow-up time was 31.9 ± 12.1 months (range 8–50 months). All except one eye exhibited complete epithelialization within the first postoperative week. A successful clinical outcome, defined as a stable ocular surface without epithelial defects, a clear cornea without fibrovascular tissue invasion at the pupillary area, and no or mild ocular surface inflammation, was obtained in 15 of 20 eyes (75 %). The clinical success rate at 1 year was 79.3 %, and that at 4 years (end of follow-up) was 70.5 %. Fourteen of 20 (70 %) eyes exhibited improvement in visual acuity after COMET, and some required subsequent cataract surgery (2 eyes), penetrating keratoplasty (3 eyes), or keratoprosthesis implantation (1 eye). Preoperative symblepharon was eliminated in most eyes (8 of 13, 61.5 %) after COMET combined with eyelid reconstruction when needed. The only complication was corneal perforation (1 eye) induced by a severe eyelid abnormality; treatment with a tectonic corneal graft was successful. COMET can successfully restore ocular surface damage in most eyes with corneal LSCD.  相似文献   

The Dkk family of secreted cysteine-rich proteins regulates Wnt/beta-catenin signaling by interacting with the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5/6. Here, we show that Dkk2-mediated repression of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway is essential to promote differentiation of the corneal epithelial progenitor cells into a non-keratinizing stratified epithelium. Complete transformation of the corneal epithelium into a stratified epithelium that expresses epidermal-specific differentiation markers and develops appendages such as hair follicles is achieved in the absence of the Dkk2 gene function. We show that Dkk2 is a key regulator of the corneal versus epidermal fate of the ocular surface epithelium.  相似文献   

Amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) is an effective treatment for ocular surface reconstruction; however, the mechanisms through which amniotic membrane (AM) exerts its effects as well as its fate after transplantation have not been entirely elucidated and have been investigated only in part. We evaluate the integration of AM in the host cornea in five patients who underwent AMT as the result of Bowen's disease, band keratopathy, radio- or cryotherapy-induced keratopathy, chemical burn or post-herpetic deep corneal ulcer with descemetocele. Due to persistent opacification in four cases and a progressing tumor in one case, penetrating keratoplasty (PK) and enucleation were performed as early as 2 months and up to 20 months after AMT. The corneas were analyzed histopathologically. To evaluate AM remnants, corneas were stained with periodic acid Schiff's reaction (PAS), Alcian blue, and Gomory and Masson trichrome; immunostaining including collagens III and IV antibodies was also performed. None of the corneas showed remnants of AM. In all cases, we observed discontinuity of Bowman's membrane. In three cases, the corneal epithelium was completely restored, ranging from three to six cell layers. In the other two cases, we detected an intense inflammatory reaction with rich neovascularization; the epithelial surface of the central cornea was completely restored, while at the periphery of the cornea goblet mucus-producing cells were present. Although clinically useful in all cases, restoration of a stable corneal epithelium through AMT is limited by the extent and severity of limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD). The lack of histologically documented AM remnants in our cases seems to explain the efficacy of AMT more through its biological properties than through its mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Amniotic membrane (AM) is the innermost, multilayered part of the placenta. When harvested, processed and stored properly, its properties, stemming from AM biological composition, make it a useful tissue for ophthalmic surgery. AM was shown to have several beneficial effects: it promotes epithelization, has antimicrobial effects, decreases inflammation, fibrosis and neovascularization. Many case reports and case series as well as practical experience (e.g. reconstruction of conjunctival and corneal defects, treatment of corneal ulcers) demonstrated the beneficial effect of AM for different ophthalmological indications. The combination of the above mentioned beneficial effects and reasonable mechanical properties are also the reason why AM is used as a substrate for ex vivo expansion of epithelial progenitor cells. Recently, amnion-derived cells, which also have stem cell characteristics, have been proposed as potential contributors to cell-based treatment of ocular surface disease. However, the use of AM remains one of the least standardized methods in ophthalmic surgery. In this review, the various properties of AM and its current clinical use in ophthalmology in Slovenia are discussed.  相似文献   

Amniotic membrane (AM) is frequently used in ophthalmologic surgery for rapid ocular surface reconstruction. Sometimes it may create a major problem with associated infections after biofilm formation over the membrane. To overcome this problem, AM was coated with the antimicrobial peptide clavanin A. The antifungal activity of clavanin A in the native and self-assembled form was determined against the common ocular surface pathogens Candida albicans, Aspergillus fumigatus, Alternaria sp. and Fusarium sp. Biofilm formation over the coated surface was significantly reduced in comparison with the uncoated membrane. The coated membrane revealed effectiveness in terms of biocompatibility, cell attachment colonization when tested in non-cancerous 3T3 and human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 cell lines. Clavanin A-coated AM also exhibited excellent physical, morphological and antifungal characteristics, indicating potential applicability for ocular surface infection control.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential value of different epithelial cell culture systems as in vitro models for studying corneal permeability. Transformed human corneal epithelial (HCE-T) cells and Statens Serum Institut rabbit corneal (SIRC) cells were cultured on permeable filters. SkinEthic human corneal epithelium (S-HCE) and Clonetics human corneal epithelium (C-HCE) were received as ready-to-use systems. Excised rabbit corneas (ERCs) and human corneas (EHCs) were mounted in Ussing chambers, and used as references. Barrier properties were assessed by measuring transepithelial electrical resistance, and by determining the apparent permeability of markers with different physico-chemical properties, namely, fluorescein, sodium salt; propranolol hydrochloride; moxaverine hydrochloride; timolol hydrogenmaleate; and rhodamine 123. SIRC cells and the S-HCE failed to develop epithelial barrier properties, and hence were unable to distinguish between the permeation markers. Barrier function and the power to differentiate compound permeabilities were evident with HCE-T cells, and were even more pronounced in the case of C-HCE, corresponding very well with data from ERCs and EHCs. A net secretion of rhodamine 123 was not observed with any of the models, suggesting that P-glycoprotein or similar efflux systems have no significant effects on corneal permeability. Currently available corneal epithelial cell culture systems show differences in epithelial barrier function. Systems lacking functional cell-cell contacts are of limited value for assessing corneal permeability, and should be critically evaluated for other purposes.  相似文献   

The use of amniotic membrane (AM) is a widespread clinical practice for eye surgeries and the treatment of an increasing number of ocular surface pathologies. Here we describe the AM collection methods and donor selection criteria adopted by our tissue bank to distribute 5349 amniotic membrane patches over the last 12 years for the treatment of several ocular pathologies. Specific quality control measures are described and the long term results attained using the reported procedure are presented. A case of AM utilized to treat severe ocular ulceration is also described as an example of AM transplantation. Collective data for the total amniotic membrane patches deployed to treat various ocular diseases are discussed and success rates for AM transplantations are reported. An extensive follow-up is illustrated. The results suggest that the procedures and protocols used by the Treviso Tissue Bank Foundation and Veneto Eye Bank Foundation for collection, preservation, distribution and follow-up are of an optimal standard. Accordingly, the authors conclude that the safety and efficiency of the proposed procedure for the therapeutic use of AM to treat various ocular pathologies are reproducible, with additional evidence favoring the use of AM as an alternative to conventional medical treatment for certain ocular conditions.  相似文献   

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