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Brood-farm veterinarians were surveyed and theriogenology records were examined to obtain information on the natural outcome of rectally-diagnosed twin pregnancies. Four of the veterinarians estimated that 50% of mares with twin embryos had single foals. In the analyses of palpation records, 31 53 (58%) of the diagnosed twin pregnancies terminated in birth of one foal. However, the loss of one embryo without the loss of the other occurred significantly more often before day 40-42 (30 53 ; 57%) than after day 40-42 (1 16 ; 6%). Of the remaining 15 mares with diagnosed twins at day 40-42, 5 had two foals and 10 had no foals. The methods used for intervention when twins were diagnosed were unsatisfactory. Complete termination of pregnancy with a prostaglandin or an intrauterine flushing resulted in failure to reestablish a singleton pregnancy during the operational breeding season in 10 11 mares. Attempts to eliminate one embryo resulted in loss of both in 6 7 mares. The results indicated that, at the present time, nonintervention should be given more consideration as a method of handling twin pregnancies.  相似文献   

Obesity is one of the most common health problems, and is recognized worldwide as an "escalating epidemic." For the establishment of an obesity-prevention strategy in Japan, it is important to assess the association between obesity and cardiovascular risk factors. Therefore, we conducted anthropometric measures of obesity and investigated the association of obesity with cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia among community-dwelling men (N=85) and women (N=173) aged 40 years and older. Height, weight, and waist circumference (WC) were measured, and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Subjects with a BMI> or =25 kg/m(2) were considered obese (BMI obesity), while men with a WC> or =85 cm and women with a WC> or =90 cm were classified as obese (WC obesity). In the present study, we defined 'obesity' as a BMI> or =25 kg/m(2) or a WC> or =85 cm for men, and a BMI> or =25 kg/m(2) or a WC> or =90 cm for women. The results of an age- and sex-adjusted logistic regression analysis indicated that BMI obesity was associated with dyslipidemia (p=0.04), WC obesity was associated with dyslipidemia (p=0.07), and 'obesity' was associated with diabetes (p=0.06) and dyslipidemia (p=0.01). These results emphasize the importance of preventing obesity in Japan. Therefore, healthcare professionals should measure BMI and WC in order to enhance their assessment of cardiovascular risk.  相似文献   

Between November 1979 and April 1984, 790 consecutive pregnant women who considered themselves as having a "normal" pregnancy were followed in private practice from 9 weeks'' gestation until 6 weeks post partum. The women had no pre-existing disease or problem classified as a risk to the pregnancy at the time of their first visit, had a singleton pregnancy and gave birth at Notre-Dame Hospital, Montreal. Maternal complications occurred during the course of pregnancy in 181 women (23%). Complications were mostly related to obstetric conditions (10%), such as preterm labour, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and antepartum hemorrhage, or to medical conditions (12%), the most prevalent of which was hypertension (77% of medical conditions). Neonatal complications occurred in 183 infants (23%). The corrected perinatal death rate was 2.5 per 1000. Prematurity, IUGR and dysmaturity/postmaturity accounted for nearly half of the complications. Hyperbilirubinemia occurred in 7% of the cases. Among women without any maternal complications during pregnancy, the frequency rate of neonatal complications was 19%, compared with 23% among the entire group of 790 women. Our results suggest that the absence of maternal complications does not protect the infant from a neonatal complication. Further refinement is needed to identify markers of obstetric, medical and neonatal complications in pregnancies with no risk factors.  相似文献   

A group of 59 twin pregnant women who gave birth at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Central Clinical Hospital of Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw in the years 2005-2006. The patients have been divided into four groups: spontaneous twin pregnant women (n=16), twin pregnant women after in- vitro fertilization (IVF) (n=11), twin pregnant women after in-vitro fertilization with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) (n=29) and twin pregnant women after ICSI and transfer of frozen embryos (n=3). In one case intrauterine death of one of twins in the 34th week of gestation has been noticed. The cause of the death was umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. The gestation was ended with cesarean section and Apgar score of the second twin was 8 in the fifth minute. In one case there was an urgent indication for a cesarean delivery of children with a very low birth weight (because of intrauterine infection, preterm labor in progress) and in three cases at least one of twins with a low birth weight. Among the group 19 women (32%) have given birth prematurely. The Apgar score in the first, third and fifth minute has been statistically significant and inversely proportional dependent only on the gestational age. There were no differences in birth weight among study groups regardless the way of conception. Only two spontaneous twin pregnant patients have had a vaginal labor. By the remaining 57 patients there has been an elective cesarean section in thirty five cases and there has been an urgent indication for cesarean section in twenty two cases.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to establish the optimal values of the body mass index (BMI) which would indicate the most favourable preservation of the bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. The material consists of the data of 369 healthy women aged between 40 and 88 years (mean age 67.84, SD = 6.70) inhabitants of Wroc?aw, which were followed up between 2001 and 2006. The absolute measure of bone mineral density (BMD) of the femoral neck was assessed using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), expressed in g/(100 mm2) and was transformed to T-score values. According to the value of BMI, the women were divided into eight groups, the reference group with value between 18.0 and 21.9 kg/m2 and seven other groups beginning with the value 22.0 with a 2-point interval. Postmenopausal status was defined according to the occurrence of menstruation within the last 360 days. The women with osteopenia and osteoporosis were pooled together and comprised the risk group, whereas the other women comprised the normal group (T-score values above −1.0). The adjusted odds ratio showed the highest value for intervals between 24.0 and 25.9 units of BMI, and the lowest value for interval 26.0–27.9 units of BMI. The Youden index showed the lowest value in the 26.0–27.9 BMI kg/m2 interval. For our sample the optimal value of BMI, with the lowest risk of osteopenia and/or osteoporosis was the value of 26.9 kg/m2. A further increase of BMI does not result in a favourable effect on the bones, it rather intensifies negative phenomena in the body resulting in the onset of many diseases.  相似文献   

The centromere separation sequence of 5 old women (mean age 80.4 years), and 5 old men (mean age 75.5 years) was determined. Five young females (mean age 26.0 years) and 5 young males (mean age 27.4 years) served as controls. In each case 50 randomly selected lymphocyte mitoses were analysed microscopically and from photographs. In the groups of the young controls and aged men, the centromere separation sequence was clearly non-random and corresponded to the "normal sequence" observed in several earlier studies. In aged women chromosomes X, 8 and 10 divided earlier, while chromosomes 2, 3, 5 and 18 somewhat later than usual, but the individual and averaged patterns did not conspicuously differ from the "normal sequence". The premature centromere division (PCD) of X was not correlated with X-aneuploidy, and seemed not to correspond to the "long acentric fragment" often described in old females.  相似文献   


This study is based on 3,098 once‐married women in Abderdeen, Scotland, who had a total of 10,825 pregnancies, which resulted in wastages of 285 infant deaths, 173 stillbirths, 712 involuntary abortions, and 200 voluntary terminations. Wastage varies by pregnancy number, particularly after the third pregnancy. There is, however, a selective factor operating here in that women who have a wastage are more likely to continue on to the next higher pregnancy number, and those who have a wastage at one pregnancy number are more likely to have a wastage at the next pregnancy outcome also. Wastage tends to be cumulative. Women who enter the reproductive cycle at the younger ages have a larger number of pregnancies and a higher wastage rate than women who postpone their first pregnancy until the older ages. Women who experience a wastage at any given pregnancy number are not only more likely to have another pregnancy, but they do so over a shorter time interval than those whose last pregnancy resulted in a live birth. Except for terminations, wastage is highest among women who closely space their pregnancy  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: To investigate the obstetrical and perinatal impact of oocyte donation, a cohort of women who conceived after OD was compared with a matched control group of women who became pregnant through in vitro fertilisation with autologous oocytes (AO). METHODS: A matched-pair analysis has been performed at the Centre for Reproductive Medicine of the UZ Brussel, Dutch speaking Free University of Brussel. A total of 410 pregnancies resulted in birth beyond 20 weeks of gestation occurring over a period of 10 years, including 205 oocyte donation pregnancies and 205 ICSI pregnancies with autologous oocytes (AO). Patients in the OD group were matched on a one-to-one basis with the AO group in terms of age, ethnicity, parity and plurality. Matched groups were compared using paired t-tests for continuous variables and McNemar test for categorical variables. A conditional logistic regression analyses was performed adjusting for paternal age, age of the oocyte donor, number of embryos transferred, and singleton/twin pregnancy. RESULTS: Oocyte donation was associated with an increased risk of pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) (matched OR: 1.502 CI: 1.024-2.204), and first trimester bleeding (matched OR: 1.493 CI: 1.036-2.15). No differences were observed between the two matched groups with regard to gestational age, mean birth weight and length, head circumference and Apgar scores. CONCLUSIONS: Oocyte donation is associated with an increased risk for PIH and first trimester bleeding independent of the recipients? age, parity and plurality, and independent of the age of the donor or the partner. However, oocyte donation has no impact on the overall perinatal outcome.  相似文献   

Data concerning pregnancy in women with Cushing's disease treated by gamma-knife (GK) are scanty. We present and discuss the course and outcome of five pregnancies in two women with Cushing's disease (CD), the first of whom was treated only by GK, and the second one treated by surgery, GK and ketoconazole. In the first patient, pregnancy was uneventful and full-term. During gestation, plasma ACTH, serum cortisol and 24-h urinary free cortisol (UFC) levels were steady, and always in the normal range for healthy non-pregnant individuals. The newborn was healthy and normal-weight. In the second woman, two pregnancies, occurring 3 years after GK and few months after ketoconazole withdrawal, were interrupted by spontaneous abortion or placental disruption despite normal cortisol levels. This patient became again pregnant 3 years later and delivered vaginally a healthy full-term infant. Seven months after the delivery, the patient became pregnant again and at the 39th week of gestation delivered vaginally a healthy male. Hypoprolactinemia and/or central hypothyroidism occurred in both cases. In women with CD treated by GK, pregnancy can occur. However, pregnancy is at risk even when ACTH and cortisol levels are normalized by treatment. After GK, evaluation of pituitary function is mandatory due to the risk of hypopituitarism.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To characterise the pregnant homeless population booking and delivering at St Mary''s Hospital, London, and ascertain whether their obstetric outcome was adversely affected by their homeless condition. DESIGN--Retrospective comparison of demographic characteristics of 185 homeless women booking for delivery with those of housed women booking in the same period and with the population of North West Thames region; comparison of obstetric performance of homeless women with subgroup of the housed population (group matched for age, parity, and ethnic origin). SETTING--Consultant obstetric unit, St Mary''s Hospital, London. SUBJECTS--All women booking between April 1987 and March 1988 who subsequently had a registrable birth. MAIN RESULTS--185 (8%) Of the 2308 women studied were homeless. Compared with the housed population, they had a larger proportion of young women, women of high parity, and Indo-Pakistani women and a smaller proportion of primiparas. Homeless women booked later and had had more previous obstetric problems than housed women. Pregnancy outcome (assessed by birth weight and prematurity rates) was worse than that of both women housed locally and the regional population. Antenatal attendance, complications, intrapartum performance, and perinatal outcome of homeless women did not differ from those in the control group. CONCLUSIONS--This study has been unable to show any significant differences in the outcome of pregnancy in homeless women that can be directly attributed to living in bed and breakfast accommodation, but these women have sociodemographic characteristics and obstetric risk factors that contribute to a poorer outcome in pregnancy than for the general population.  相似文献   

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