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Experiments are described which indicate that the annual vernalizationrequirement of the basal shoots of the Chrysanthemum is dueto annual devernalization of these shoots as the main axis growsup and flowers. Plants sprayed with varying concentrations ofmaleic hydrazide were arrested in their growth for considerableperiods, but this enforced ‘dormancy’ did not affecttheir vernalization status. This makes it appear unlikely thatmere suppression of growth through apical dominance of the mainshoot is the cause of this de vernalization of basal shoots.Fully or partly vernalized plants heated to 40° C. for upto 30 hours did not become dc-vernalized. Heat treatment at35° C. for as long as 30 days also failed to achieve completedc-vernalization, but here flowering was delayed by periodsequivalent to the time spent at high temperature. However, atthe end of the heat treatment progress towards flowering wasresumed at the normal rate. Complete dc-vernalization can bebrought about by prolonged exposure to low intensity illumination.This treatment appears to be effective right up to the stagewhen the first morphological changes leading to inflorescenceformation take place. These results are discussed in relationto similar experiments on the de-vernalization of rye and Hyoscyamusniger.  相似文献   

  1. Experiments are described which indicate that a temporary exposureto low temperature (vernalization) hastens inflorescence budinitiation in the Chrysanthemum, as measured by the time tothe macroscopic appearance of the bud and also by the numberof leaves produced. This effect is found in both long-and short-dayconditions.
  2. In the absence of vernalization plants kept inshort day assumea diageotropic growth habit and remain vegetativefor long periods,frequently for much more than one year. Unvernalizedlong-dayplants also remain vegetative but have a normal geotropicreaction.
  3. While the day-length effect is less important forinflorescencebud initiation, the opening and further developmentof budsformed in long day depend normally on subsequent day-lengthtreatment.
  4. A vernalization period of only three weeks appearsto be fullyadequate.
  5. The low-temperature treatment may begiven discontinuously,and evidence to hand appears to indicatethat it is more effectiveif given during the dark phase thanduring the light phase.Hence de-vernalization by temperaturesof about 20–25°C. does not appear to take place.
  6. There is evidence that little or none of the stimulus is carriedover from one year to another.
  7. The results are discussed inrelation to the auxin metabolismof the plant and also withregard to the absence in the literatureof previous mentionof the cold requirement.
The author is indebted to Professor F. G. Gregory and to Mr.F. J. Richards for their stimulating interest and helpful suggestionsin the course of this work, and to Dr. M. Holdsworth for providinghim with the results of earlier unpublished work. Messrs. H. Woolman Ltd. kindly supplied some of the plant materialused.  相似文献   

The ability of rats of different ages to survive exposure to anoxia was correlated with rates of high energy phosphate consumption (metabolic rates) of the fore-brain. Fetal rats at term, delivered by hysterotomy following maternal decapitation, survived in nitrogen at 37°C twice as long as 1-day-old neo-nates, 5 times longer than 7-day-old rats, and 45 times longer than adults. During ischemia induced by decapitation, the cerebral concentrations of the labile energy reserves (ATP, ADP, P-creatine, glucose and glycogen) and of lactate were determined in fetuses, 1- and 7-day post-natal animals. From the changes, the cerebral energy use rates were calculated to be 1·57 mmol/kg/min in fetuses, 1·33 mmol/kg/min in 1-day-olds and 2·58 mmol/kg/min in 7-day-olds. Maximal rates of lactate accumulation during ischemia, as a measure of glycolytic capacity, were comparable in fetuses and neonates, but were about twice as great in 7-day-old rats. It is concluded that in post-natal animals survival in anoxia and cerebral energy consumption are inversely, and nearly quantitatively, related. However, the reduced cerebral energy requirement cannot entirely account for the greater anoxic resistance of fetuses.  相似文献   

Simultaneous quantitative analyses have been made of the endogenouslevels of auxin- and gibberellin like substances, growth inhibitors,and auxin-oxidizing enzyme activity in the cold-requiring Chrysanthemummorifolium cv. Sunbeam subjected to different daylength, lightintensity and temperature regimes known to affect flowering.While little hormone or enzyme activity was found in extractsfrom unvernalized plants, a striking rise in auxin-oxidizingenzyme activity occurred rapidly after the end of cold treatment.Increased auxin activity was also recorded shortly after vernalization.At 28 °C both enzyme and auxin activity declined over aperiod of 3–4 weeks; at 20 °C this response was delayed.Gibberellin activity at 28 °C rose steeply about 2 weeksfrom vernalization and declined several weeks later; at 20 °Ca similar response was less marked. Low light intensity treatment,which may have increased endogenous auxin levels, or exogenousauxin application reduced gibberellin-like substance levelsand cause d devernalization.Phosphon D treatment also loweredgibberellin levels and prevented flowering. An extract fromvernalized plants containing gibberellin-like substances intensifiedthe flowering of partially vernalized test plants. Persistenceof high auxin activity in vernalized plants on long days wasassociated with failure to form normal flower buds. Stem elongationrates correlated in general with levels of endogenous auxin-and gibberellin-like substances. Significant amounts of an abscisin-likeinhibitor were found in extracts of flower buds. The mechanismof natural devernalization is discussed in relation to theseobservations.  相似文献   

This study assessed the meaning of just‐about‐right (JAR) categories when used with a 5‐point intensity scale. The panelists comprised both consumer and in‐house respondents. The JAR categories have various meanings as perceived by the respondents: “prefer product,”“very good,”“I like the product,”“like it very much,”“highly favorable,”“high acceptability,”“desirable like the product,”“best for the situation” and “correct.” Thus, the JAR meanings invoke preference and acceptability. This article presents two additional analyses to help the product tested. One method of analysis divides below‐JAR deviation from the above‐JAR deviation, with standard statistical procedures applied in each data set. The second method introduces the signal‐to‐noise ratio statistic for analyzing the relation of JAR to overall liking. Both analytic methods provide new ways to look at the JAR data, especially with respect to hedonics and product improvement.  相似文献   

Measurements of leaf initiation, appearance, and expansion arepresented for winter wheat and spring barley crops. For winterwheat, these processes occurred during periods of several weekswhen fluctuating temperatures influenced process rates. Analysisof these measurements was facilitated by plotting variablesagainst the time integral of temperature above an appropriatebase temperature (O °C), here called thermal time with unitsof °C d. Leaf primordial number and appearance stage increasedlinearly with thermal time for both winter wheat and springbarley which initiated 12 and 9 leaves respectively. When plottedagainst thermal time 90% of laminar and leaf length growth and80% of laminar width growth was satisfactorily described bya straight line for both species. This enabled an average extensionrate and duration of linear growth to be defined for each leaf.When expressed in thermal time, wheat leaves had a similar durationof linear growth (210 °C d; s.d. 30 °C d) with insolationexerting a negligible influence. The first seven barley leaveshad a shorter duration of linear growth (151 °C d; s.d.8 °C d). For wheat, final leaf length and laminar widthincreased with leaf number and were not apparently associatedwith changes in apical development stage. Changes of barleyleaf dimensions with leaf number were more complex.  相似文献   

Acclimation refers to reversible, nongenetic changes in phenotype that are induced by specific environmental conditions. Acclimation is generally assumed to improve function in the environment that induces it (the beneficial acclimation hypothesis). In this study, we experimentally tested this assumption by measuring relative fitness of the bacterium Escherichia coli acclimated to different thermal environments. The beneficial acclimation hypothesis predicts that bacteria acclimated to the temperature of competition should have greater fitness than do bacteria acclimated to any other temperature. The benefit predicted by the hypothesis was found in only seven of 12 comparisons; in the other comparisons, either no statistically demonstrable benefit was observed or a detrimental effect of acclimation was demonstrated. For example, in a lineage evolutionarily adapted to 37°C, bacteria acclimated to 37°C have a higher fitness at 32°C than do bacteria acclimated to 32°C, a result exactly contrary to prediction; acclimation to 27°C or 40°C prior to competition at those temperatures confers no benefit over 37°C acclimated forms. Consequently, the beneficial acclimation hypothesis must be rejected as a general prediction of the inevitable result of phenotypic adjustments associated with new environments. However, the hypothesis is supported in many instances when the acclimation and competition temperatures coincide with the historical temperature at which the bacterial populations have evolved. For example, when the evolutionary temperature of the population was 37°C, bacteria acclimated to 37°C had superior fitness at 37°C to those acclimated to 32°C; similarly, bacteria evolutionarily adapted to 32°C had a higher fitness during competition at 32°C than they did when acclimated to 37°C. The more surprising results are that when the bacteria are acclimated to their historical evolutionary temperature, they are frequently competitively superior even at other temperatures. For example, bacteria that have evolved at either 20°C or 32°C and are acclimated to their respective evolutionary temperatures have a greater fitness at 37°C than when they are acclimated to 37°C. Thus, acclimation to evolutionary temperature may, as a correlated consequence, enhance performance not only in the evolutionary environment, but also in a variety of other thermal environments.  相似文献   

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