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Retroviral vectors displaying functional antibody fragments.   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
We have made retrovirus particles displaying a functional antibody fragment. We fused the gene encoding an antibody fragment directed against a hapten with that encoding the viral envelope protein (Pr80env) of the ecotropic Moloney murine leukemia virus. The fusion gene was co-expressed in ecotropic retroviral packaging cells with a retroviral plasmid carrying the neomycin phosphotransferase gene (neo), and retroviral particles with specific hapten binding activities were recovered. Furthermore the hapten-binding particles were able to transfer the neo gene and the antibody-envelope fusion gene to mouse fibroblasts. In principle, the display of antibody fragments on the surface of recombinant retroviral particles could be used to target virus to cells for gene delivery, or to retain the virus in target tissues.  相似文献   

Recently, we constructed retroviral vector particles derived from spleen necrosis virus (SNV) that display a single-chain antibody (scA) on the viral surface. By transient transfection protocols, we showed that such particles are competent for infection and cell type specific. Efficient infection was dependent on the presence of wild-type envelope, although wild-type SNV was not infectious on target cells (T.-H. T. Chu and R. Dornburg, J. Virol. 69:2659-2663, 1995; T.-H. T. Chu, I. Martinez, W. C. Sheay, and R. Dornburg, Gene Ther. 1:292-299, 1994). In this study, stable packaging lines were constructed and detailed biological and biochemical studies were performed. Chimeric scA-envelope fusion proteins were expressed as efficiently as wild-type envelope and were stable over a period of at least 6 h. Only a fully functional wild-type envelope could act as a helper for efficient virus penetration. The ratio of wild-type envelope protein to chimeric envelope protein appears to determine the efficiency of infection. Virus titers of targeting vectors obtained from stable packaging lines were as high as 10(4) CFU/ml. A 25-fold concentration of vector virus stocks resulted in a 200-fold increase in virus titers (up to 10(6) CFU/ml). These data indicate that an inhibitor of infection was (at least partially) removed by the concentration protocol. Our data show that this technology has several variables for further improvements and, therefore, has the potential to become a powerful tool for cell-type-specific in vivo human gene therapy.  相似文献   

Retroviral vector system for the study of cDNA gene formation.   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
A retroviral vector system was developed to study the retrotransposition of RNAs lacking all cis-acting sequences required for normal retroviral replication. Our experiments indicate that such RNAs can be encapsidated in retroviral proteins, reverse transcribed, and integrated to form functional cDNA genes in infected cells. The frequency of this process, however, was approximately 8 orders of magnitude less than that of normal retroviral replication. The efficiency was limited at each step in this process. Investigation of seven cDNA genes by Southern blot analysis revealed that all of them were truncated at either the 3' or the 5' end or both. These truncations are not seen with natural cDNA genes and raise the question of retroviral involvement in their formation.  相似文献   

Human artificial chromosome (HAC)-based vectors represent an alternative technology for gene delivery and expression with a potential to overcome the problems caused by the use of viral-based vectors. The recently developed alphoidtetO-HAC has an advantage over other HAC vectors because it can be easily eliminated from cells by inactivation of the HAC kinetochore via binding of tTS chromatin modifiers to its centromeric tetO sequences. This provides unique control for phenotypes induced by genes loaded into the alphoidtetO-HAC. However, inactivation of the HAC kinetochore requires transfection of cells by a retrovirus vector, a step that is potentially mutagenic. Here, we describe an approach to re-engineering the alphoidtetO-HAC that allows verification of phenotypic changes attributed to expression of genes from the HAC without a transfection step. In the new HAC vector, a tTS-EYFP cassette is inserted into a gene-loading site along with a gene of interest. Expression of the tTS generates a self-regulating fluctuating heterochromatin on the alphoidtetO-HAC that induces fast silencing of the genes on the HAC without significant effects on HAC segregation. This silencing of the HAC-encoded genes can be readily recovered by adding doxycycline. The newly modified alphoidtetO-HAC-based system has multiple applications in gene function studies.  相似文献   

We have examined the plasticity of the antigen-combining site of a high-affinity antibody. In phage-displayed Fab libraries, selected CDR positions and one FR position of the humanized anti-Her2 antibody hu4D5 were substituted with all 20 amino acids. Antigen-binding selections were used to enrich for high-affinity variants, and a large number of sequences were obtained prior to convergence of the selected pool to a small set of clones. As expected, sequence variability of the antigen-binding site is overall diminished compared to known IgG sequences; however, certain positions retain much higher variability than others. The sequence variability map of the hu4D5 binding site is compared with a map derived from previous alanine-scanning of the antibody. Affinities of soluble Fab fragments for antigen confirm that multiple variants were selected with high affinity for antigen, including one variant with a single point mutation that was about threefold improved in affinity compared to the parental hu4D5. Interestingly, this mutation is one of the most radical in terms of changing side-chain chemistry (Trp for Asp) and occurs at the most plastic site as calculated by the Wu-Kabat variability coefficient. Thus variability mapping yields information about the antibody-antigen interaction that is useful and complementary to that obtained by alanine scanning mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Shotgun scanning combinatorial mutagenesis was used to study the antigen-binding site of Fab2C4, a humanized monoclonal antibody fragment that binds to the extracellular domain of the human oncogene product ErbB2. Essentially all the residues in the Fab2C4 complementarity determining regions (CDRs) were alanine-scanned using phage-displayed libraries that preferentially allowed side-chains to vary as the wild-type or alanine. A separate homolog-scan was performed using libraries that allowed side-chains to vary only as the wild-type or a similar amino acid residue. Following binding selections to isolate functional clones, DNA sequencing was used to determine the wild-type/mutant ratios at each varied position, and these ratios were used to assess the contributions of each side-chain to antigen binding. The alanine-scan revealed that most of the side-chains that contribute to antigen binding are located in the heavy chain, and the Fab2C4 three-dimensional structure revealed that these residues fall into two groups. The first group consists of solvent-exposed residues which likely make energetically favorable contacts with the antigen and thus comprise the functional-binding epitope. The second group consists of buried residues with side-chains that pack against other CDR residues and apparently act as scaffolding to maintain the functional epitope in a binding-competent conformation. The homolog-scan involved subtle mutations, and as a result, only a subset of the side-chains that were intolerant to alanine substitutions were also intolerant to homologous substitutions. In particular, the 610 A2 functional epitope surface revealed by alanine-scanning shrunk to only 369 A2 when mapped with homologous substitutions, suggesting that this smaller subset of side-chains may be involved in more precise contacts with the antigen. The results validate shotgun scanning as a rapid and accurate method for determining the functional contributions of individual side-chains involved in protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Retroviral vector gene expression in F9 embryonal carcinoma cells.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
When F9 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells are infected with retroviral vectors, the efficiency of expression of selectable genes is considerably lower than that in mouse fibroblasts infected with the same retroviral vectors. In this study, several retroviral vectors with regulatory sequences placed immediately 5' to a selectable gene were constructed, packaged, and used to infect mouse fibroblasts and F9 EC cells. With selection as an assay, there was a hierarchy of relative expression in F9 cells compared with that in mouse fibroblasts. These internally placed regulatory sequences are the source of the mRNAs detected in F9 EC cells, while both retroviral long-terminal-repeat promoters and internal promoters are the source of steady-state mRNAs in mouse fibroblasts. This effect was observable with both the internally placed herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase promoter and the Moloney murine leukemia virus promoter.  相似文献   

A fusion between a selectable multidrug resistance (MDR1) cDNA and an adenosine deaminase (ADA) cDNA concomitantly confers multidrug resistance and ADA activity on transfected cells. We have produced a Harvey murine sarcoma virus-derived, replication-defective, recombinant retrovirus to transduce this chimeric MDR-ADA gene efficiently into a great variety of cells. Infection with the MDR-ADA retrovirus conferred the multidrug resistance phenotype on drug-sensitive cells, therefore allowing selection in the presence of colchicine. Colchicine-resistant cells synthesized large amounts of a membrane-associated 210-kDa MDR-ADA fusion protein that preserved both MDR and ADA functional activities. To monitor expression of the chimeric gene in vivo, Kirsten virus-transformed NIH cells were infected with the MDR-ADA retrovirus, and after drug-selection, injected into athymic nude mice. Tumors developed that contained the bifunctionally active MDR-ADA fusion protein. When these mouse tumor cells were placed in tissue culture without the selecting drug, they did not lose the bifunctionally active MDR-ADA fusion protein. The replication-defective, recombinant MDR-ADA retrovirus should be useful to stably introduce the chimeric MDR-ADA gene into a variety of cell types for biological experiments in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

利用抗原结合多肽嫁接抗体技术制备抗hCG单域抗体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)的结合多肽的基础上应用嫁接抗体技术制备抗hCG单域抗体,简化单域抗体制备过程,提高多肽生化稳定性。利用单域抗体通用骨架(cAbBCII10),以hCG结合多肽取代互补决定区CDR1或CDR3,合成cAb BCII10嫁接抗体全基因序列并与sfGFP基因序列融合后,插入到带有His标签的原核表达载体pET30a(+)中,成功构建了pET30a-(His6)-cAbBCII10-CDR1/hCGBP1-sfGFP与pET30a-(His6)-cAbBCII10-CDR3/hCGBP3-sfGFP融合蛋白表达质粒。将重组质粒转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),用IPTG诱导表达融合蛋白,得到高表达量的可溶性融合蛋白。利用Ni-NTA亲和柱纯化得到纯蛋白,应用SDS-PAGE鉴定纯化的蛋白为正确表达的目标蛋白。通过抗原抗体结合实验,发现hCG结合多肽嫁接到单域抗体通用骨架的互补决定区CDR1或CDR3后都有抗原结合活性,具有相似的抗体滴度,且嫁接到CDR3后的抗原结合活性比CDR1要高(2–3倍)。嫁接抗体基本保留了所用单域抗体框架较为稳定的生化特性,具有一定的热稳定性和较好的碱耐受性,同时,所接入的hCG结合片段对hCG具有较特异的结合活性,为进一步优化抗原结合多肽嫁接抗体技术制备抗hCG单域抗体提供了可靠的实验基础  相似文献   

In vitro gene transfer using human papillomavirus-like particles.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Recombinant papillomavirus-like particles have recently been shown to be highly effective for the prevention of papillomavirus infections and associated tumors, and a virus-like particle-based vaccine against the most prevalent HPV causing genital infection in humans will be developed in the near future. Another use of these virus-like particles may lie in gene therapy and DNA immunization. We report here that human papillomavirus-like particles composed of the major capsid protein (L1) of HPV-16 are able to package unrelated plasmid DNA in vitro and then to deliver this foreign DNA to eukaryotic cells with the subsequent expression of the encoded gene. The results indicate higher gene transfer than with DNA alone or with liposome. Virus-like particles are a very promising vehicle for delivering genetic material into target cells. Moreover, the preparation of the gene transfer vehicle is relatively easy.  相似文献   

To study the nature of antibody-antigen interactions, we have determined the variable gene sequences of the anti-cytochrome c immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) monoclonal antibody E8, and obtained diffraction-quality crystals of the E8 antigen-binding fragment (Fab), both free and bound to its antigen, horse cytochrome c. The FabE8 crystals belong to space group P21 with unit cell dimensions of a = 45.0 A, b = 85.1 A, c = 63.3 A and beta = 105.5 degrees, have one FabE8 molecule per asymmetric unit and diffract to at least 2.1 A resolution. Crystals of the FabE8-cytochrome c complex belong to space group P212121 with unit cell dimensions of a = 84.3 A, b = 73.3 A and c = 94.9 A, accommodate one complex per asymmetric unit and diffract to 2.4 A resolution. In the nucleotide-derived amino acid sequences, the light-chain variable domain (VL) but not the heavy-chain variable domain (VH) of E8 is nearly identical to that of the anti-lysozyme antibody D1.3, differing by only five amino acid residues. Only one of these interacts with lysozyme in the D1.3-lysozyme crystal structure. Six negative and four positive charges in the VH complementarity determining regions of E8 complement four positive and three negative charges in the E8 epitope on cytochrome c. These data suggest that only a subset of the residues in an antibody-protein interface may be critical for binding and that the VH may play a dominant role in antigenic recognition.  相似文献   

Amphotropic retrovirus vector system for human cell gene transfer.   总被引:37,自引:7,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
Retroviral vectors have been constructed for gene transfer in mammalian and avian cells, however most retroviral vector systems are complicated by the spread of a replication-competent helper virus. This problem has been circumvented by segregating the viral genome into cis- and trans-acting components. By establishing helper cell lines that produce the trans-acting viral gene products, one can propagate the cis-acting component in them and harvest defective viral particles that contain only the cis-acting component. The cis-acting component can provide a useful vehicle for the highly efficient transfer of genes into target cells. The defective vector systems described to date, however, are restricted in host range to murine, avian, rat, and dog cells. We describe a helper-free vector system based entirely on an amphotropic murine virus with a wide mammalian host range, including the ability to carry out efficient gene transfer into human cells. We also describe a double mutation constructed in the trans-acting genome which reduces the frequency of replication-competent recombinant viruses to undetectable levels.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors have been shown to direct stable gene transfer and expression in hepatocytes, which makes them attractive tools for treatment of inherited disorders such as hemophilia B. While substantial levels of coagulation factor IX (F.IX) have been achieved using AAV serotype 2 vectors, use of a serotype 5 vector further improves transduction efficiency and levels of F.IX transgene expression by 3- to 10-fold. In addition, the AAV-5 vector transduces a higher proportion of hepatocytes ( approximately 15%). The subpopulations of hepatocytes transduced with either vector widely overlap, with the AAV-5 vector transducing additional hepatocytes and showing a wider area of transgene expression throughout the liver parenchyma.  相似文献   

The ideal gene-therapy vector for treating genetic disorders should deliver intact therapeutic genes and their essential regulatory elements into the specific "safe genomic site" and realize long-term, self-regulatory expression. For beta-thalassemia gene therapy, viral vectors have been broadly used, but the accompanying insertional mutation and immunogenicity remain problematic. Hence, we aimed to develop new non-viral vectors that are efficient and safe in treating diseases. As previous studies have demonstrated that physiological expression of beta-globin genes requires both a 5' locus control region and 3' specific elements, we constructed a new human chromosome-derived targeting vector to transfer the intact beta-globin gene cluster into K562 cells. The whole beta-globin gene cluster was precisely integrated into the target site and expressed in a self-regulatory pattern. The results proved that the human chromosome-derived vector was specifically targeted to the human genome and this could provide a novel platform for further gene therapy research.  相似文献   

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