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Fundamental theoretical aspects of bacterial chemotaxis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary Membrane transport models are usually expressed on the basis of chemical kinetics. The states of a transporter are related by rate constants, and the time-dependent changes of these states are given by linear differential equations of first order. To calculate the time-dependent transport equation, it is necessary to solve a system of differential equations which does not have a general analytical solution if there are more than five states. Since transport measurements in a complex system rarely provide all the time constants because some of them are too rapid, it is more appropriate to obtain approximate analytical solutions, assuming that there are fast and slow reaction steps. The states of the fast steps are related by equilibrium constants, thus permitting the elimination of their differential equations and leaving only those for the slow steps. With a system having only two slow steps, a single differential equation is obtained and the state equations have a single relaxation. Initial conditions for the slow reactions are determined after the perturbation which redistribute the states related by fast reactions. Current and zero-trans uptake equations are calculated. Curve fitting programs can be used to implement the general procedure and obtain the model parameters.  相似文献   

In this paper, a generalized simplest equation method is proposed to seek exact solutions of nonlinear evolution equations (NLEEs). In the method, we chose a solution expression with a variable coefficient and a variable coefficient ordinary differential auxiliary equation. This method can yield a Bäcklund transformation between NLEEs and a related constraint equation. By dealing with the constraint equation, we can derive infinite number of exact solutions for NLEEs. These solutions include the traveling wave solutions, non-traveling wave solutions, multi-soliton solutions, rational solutions, and other types of solutions. As applications, we obtained wide classes of exact solutions for the Boussinesq-Burgers equation by using the generalized simplest equation method.  相似文献   

This is the continuation of part I, which was published in the September, 1963, issue ofThe Bulletin. Section 5 treats the special case in which the left absorbing barrier recedes to −∞, leaving essentially only one barrier at a finite distance Λ (>0) from the origin. The eigenfunctions are now parabolic cylinder functions. The limiting cases Λ→+∞ and Λ→0 are also considered. Though meaningless for practical applications to our problem, they are of interest, mathematically, because the Green’s function for the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation assumes a particularly simple form. In section 6 we study, by means of an example, how the “force of mortality” may vary with time before attaining its final asymptotic value. Section7, still dealing with only one absorbing barrier, shows that our results for “strong homeostasis” are identical with those derived by Chandrasekhar for the escape of particles through a potential barrier in the limiting case of quasi-static flow. Precise conditions are given for the validity of both the quasi-static and the Smoluchowski approximations to the Fokker-Planck equation. Finally, in section 8, a brief mention is made of Gevrey’s method for the solution of parabolic partial differential equations.  相似文献   

A novel method is proposed for calculating nonequilibrium fluctuations of the mean occupation numbers of the electron shells in the radiative-collisional average-ion models of multicharged plasma kinetics. For the class of Slater ionic models, equations are derived for the mean occupation numbers of the electron shells and their fluctuations in the Fokker-Planck approximation. To calculate the fluctuations, the Fokker-Planck equation is linearized in the vicinity of the steady-state nonequilibrium solution to the kinetic equations (linear noise approximation). The method proposed allows one to take into account both the nonequilibrium correlations of the occupation-number fluctuations and the thermodynamically equilibrium statistical correlations related to the Coulomb interaction among bound electrons. The relation among the coefficients in the Fokker-Planck equation for the occupation-number fluctuations of the electron shells is discussed based on the fluctuation-dissipative theorem.  相似文献   

The paper introduces a basic mathematical form, which is characteristic of a number of linear one-dimensional diffusion equations with coefficients being represented as simple polynomials in the spatial coordinate. A number of particular diffusion equations are introduced and their corresponding exact mathematical solutions are obtained.  相似文献   

A stochastic model for the population regulated by logistic growth and spreading in a given region of two-or three-dimensional space has been introduced. For many-species population the interactions among the species have also been icorporated in this model. From the random variables that describe stochastic processes of a Wiener type the space-dependent random population densities have been formed and shown to satisfy the Langevin equations. The Fokker-Planck equation corresponding to these Langevin equations has been approximately solved for the transition probability of the population spreading and it has been found that such approximate expressions of the transition probability depend on the solutions of the deterministic equations of the diffusion model with logistic growth and interactions. Also, the stationary or equilibrium solutions of the Fokker-Planck equation together with the special discussion on the pattern of single-species population spreading have been made.  相似文献   

 A variety of spatial patterns are formed chemotactically by the bacteria Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. We focus in this paper on patterns formed by E. coli and S. typhimurium in liquid medium experiments. The dynamics of the bacteria, nutrient and chemoattractant are modeled mathematically and give rise to a nonlinear partial differential equation system. We present a simple and intuitively revealing analysis of the patterns generated by our model. Patterns arise from disturbances to a spatially uniform solution state. A linear analysis gives rise to a second order ordinary differential equation for the amplitude of each mode present in the initial disturbance. An exact solution to this equation can be obtained, but a more intuitive understanding of the solutions can be obtained by considering the rate of growth of individual modes over small time intervals. Received: 10 March 1998 / Revised version: 7 June 1998  相似文献   

The chaotic nature of the atmospheric dynamics has stimulated the applications of methods and ideas derived from statistical dynamics. For instance, ensemble systems are used to make weather predictions recently extensive, which are designed to sample the phase space around the initial condition. Such an approach has been shown to improve substantially the usefulness of the forecasts since it allows forecasters to issue probabilistic forecasts. These works have modified the dominant paradigm of the interpretation of the evolution of atmospheric flows (and oceanic motions to some extent) attributing more importance to the probability distribution of the variables of interest rather than to a single representation. The ensemble experiments can be considered as crude attempts to estimate the evolution of the probability distribution of the climate variables, which turn out to be the only physical quantity relevant to practice. However, little work has been done on a direct modeling of the probability evolution itself. In this paper it is shown that it is possible to write the evolution of the probability distribution as a functional integral of the same kind introduced by Feynman in quantum mechanics, using some of the methods and results developed in statistical physics. The approach allows obtaining a formal solution to the Fokker-Planck equation corresponding to the Langevin-like equation of motion with noise. The method is very general and provides a framework generalizable to red noise, as well as to delaying differential equations, and even field equations, i.e., partial differential equations with noise, for example, general circulation models with noise. These concepts will be applied to an example taken from a simple ENSO model.  相似文献   

A system of ordinary differential equations, designed to model the counterflow system in the renal medulla, is studied. An existence theorem for solutions of the model equations is obtained. An exact solution of the system is obtained in the limiting case of infinite water permeability. If there is diffusion in the core, evaluation of the exact solution leads to multiple stable solutions of the model equations. One solution has a large concentration ratio, which tends to a finite asymptotic limit as the pump strength tends to infinity.  相似文献   

For precise boundary conditions of biological relevance, it is proved that the steadily propagating plane-wave solution to the Fisher equation requires the unique (eigenvalue) velocity of advance 2(Df)1/2, whereD is the diffusivity of the mutant species andf is the frequency of selection in favor of the mutant. This rigorous result shows that a so-called “wrong equation”, i.e. one which differs from Fisher's by a term that is seemingly inconsequential for certain initial conditions, cannot be employed readily to obtain approximate solutions to Fisher's, for the two equations will often have qualitatively different manifolds of exact solutions. It is noted that the Fisher equation itself may be inappropriate in certain biological contexts owing to the manifest instability of the lowerconcentration uniform equilibrium state (UES). Depicting the persistence of a mutantdeficient spatial pocket, an exact steady-state solution to the Fisher equation is presented. As an alternative and perhaps more faithful model equation for the propagation of certain species properties through a homogeneous population, we consider a reaction-diffusion equation that features a cubic-polynomial rate expression in the species concentration, with two stable UES and one intermediate unstable UES. This equation admits a remarkably simple exact analytical solution to the steadily propagating plane-wave eigenvalue problem. In the latter solution, the sign of the eigenvelocity is such that the wave propagates to yield the “preferred” stable UES (namely, the one further removed from the unstable intermediate UES) at all spatial points ast→∞. The cubic-polynomial equation also admits an exact steady-state solution for a mutant-deficient or mutant-isolated spatial pocket. Finally, the perpetuating growth of a mutant population from an arbitrary localized initial distribution, a mathematical problem analogous to that for ignition in laminar flame theory, is studied by applying differential inequality analysis, and rigorous sufficient conditions for extinction are derived here.  相似文献   

Sandra Hasstedt   《Bio Systems》1978,10(4):319-328
This paper uses the theory of Markov processes to derive stochastic models for a single open biochemical system at st?ady state under 3 sets of assumptions. The system is a one substrate, one product reaction. Each set of assumptions results in a separate solution for the probability functions. A system of linear equations in the probability function as well as an equivalent differential equation in its generating function are derived. The assumption of no flux leads to the first (exact) solution of the linear equations. The form agrees with that of the closed systems. Making assumptions that simplify the system to model active transport results in the second (exact) solution to the linear equations. Assuming the presence of a large number of molecules in the system facilitates obtaining the third (approximate) solution to the differential equations.  相似文献   

Spatially implicit metapopulation models with discrete patch-size structure and host-macroparasite models which distinguish hosts by their parasite loads lead to infinite systems of ordinary differential equations. In several papers, a this-related theory will be developed in sufficient generality to cover these applications. In this paper the linear foundations are laid. They are of own interest as they apply to continuous-time population growth processes (Markov chains). Conditions are derived that the solutions of an infinite linear system of differential equations, known as Kolmogorov’s differential equations, induce a C 0-semigroup on an appropriate sequence space allowing for first moments. We derive estimates for the growth bound and the essential growth bound and study the asymptotic behavior. Our results will be illustrated for birth and death processes with immigration and catastrophes. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Summary For a general multiple loop feedback inhibition system in which the end product can inhibit any or all of the intermediate reactions it is shown that biologically significant behaviour is always confined to a bounded region of reaction space containing a unique equilibrium. By explicit construction of a Liapunov function for the general n dimensional differential equation it is shown that some values of reaction parameters cause the concentration vector to approach the equilibrium asymptotically for all physically realizable initial conditions. As the parameter values change, periodic solutions can appear within the bounded region. Some information about these periodic solutions can be obtained from the Hopf bifurcation theorem. Alternatively, if specific parameter values are known a numerical method can be used to find periodic solutions and determine their stability by locating a zero of the displacement map. The single loop Goodwin oscillator is analysed in detail. The methods are then used to treat an oscillator with two feedback loops and it is found that oscillations are possible even if both Hill coefficients are equal to one.  相似文献   

Many mathematical models for physical and biological problems have been and will be built in the form of differential equations or systems of such equations. With the advent of digital computers one has been able to find (approximate) solutions for equations that used to be intractable. Many of the mathematical techniques used in this area amount to replacing the given differential equations by appropriate difference equations, so that extensive research has been done into how to choose appropriate difference equations whose solutions are “good” approximations to the solutions of the given differential equations. The present paper investigates a different, although related problem. For many physical and biological phenomena the “continuum” type of thinking, that is at the basis of any differential equation, is not natural to the phenomenon, but rather constitutes an approximation to a basically discrete situation: in much work of this type the “infinitesimal step lengths” handled in the reasoning which leads up to the differential equation, are not really thought of as infinitesimally small, but as finite; yet, in the last stage of such reasoning, where the differential equation rises from the differentials, these “infinitesimal” step lengths are allowed to go to zero: that is where the above-mentioned approximation comes in. Under this kind of circumstances, it seems more natural tobuild themodel as adiscrete difference equation (recurrence relation) from the start, without going through the painful, doubly approximative process of first, during the modeling stage, finding a differential equation to approximate a basically discrete situation, and then, for numerical computing purposes, approximating that differential equation by a difference scheme. The paper pursues this idea for some simple examples, where the old differential equation, though approximative in principle, had been at least qualitatively successful in describing certain phenomena, and shows that this idea, though plausible and sound in itself, does encounter some difficulties. The reason is that each differential equation, as it is set up in the way familiar to theoretical physicists and biologists, does correspond to a plethora of discrete difference equations, all of which in the limit (as step length→0) yield the same differential equation, but whose solutions, for not too small step length, are often widely different, some of them being quite irregular. The disturbing thing is that all these difference equations seem to adequately represent the same (physical or biological) reasoning as the differential equation in question. So, in order to choose the “right” difference equation, one may need to draw upon more detailed (physical or) biological considerations. All this does not say that one should not prefer discrete models for phenomena that seem to call for them; but only that their pursuit may require additional (physical or) biological refinement and insight. The paper also investigates some mathematical problems related to the fact of many difference equations being associated with one differential equation.  相似文献   

If in a multiflux system theith flux is given by the integral equation, , the corresponding equation in the Laplace transforms is Γ i = Σ j W ij Γ j +M i -the entire system having the matrix formulaion, [I−W]Γ=M. The general solution of this equation and its physical interpretation are discussed. Explicit solutions are given for the general mammillary and catenary systems and for some capillary exchange problems. The theory is applied to the integrated from of the fundamental continuity equation to give equations for total quantity of material in the various “compartments.” If the compartments are uniformly mixed, the integral equation treatment is shown to be mathematically equivalent to the usual differential equation formulation.  相似文献   

It is shown that in a system containingn types of mutually noninteracting binding sites, the association constants are then roots of annth order polynomial while the maximum binding capacities can be evaluated by solving a set ofn simultaneous linear equations. Thenth order polynomial and the system ofn linear equations are defined in terms of 2n intermediate coefficients, the coefficients being themselves evaluated by substituting 2n sets of appropriate experimental data into an auxiliary system of 2n linear equations. The existence and uniqueness of the solutions are established.  相似文献   

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