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Pharmacy-grade exogenous lung surfactant preparations of bovine and porcine origin, dispersed in physiological electrolyte solution have been studied. The organization and dynamics at the air/water interface at physiological temperature was analysed by neutron reflection. The results show that a well-defined surface phase is formed, consisting of a multilayer structure of lipid/protein bilayers alternating with aqueous layers, with a repetition period of about 70 Å and correlation depths of 3 to > 25 bilayers, depending on electrolyte composition and time. The experimental surfactant concentration of 0.15% (w/w) is far below that used in therapeutic application of exogenous surfactants and it is therefore likely that similar multilayer structures are also formed at the alveolar surface in the clinical situation during surfactant substitution therapy. Lung surfactant preparations in dry form swell in aqueous solution towards a limit of about 60% (w/w) of water, forming a lamellar liquid-crystalline phase above about 34 °C, which disperses into lamellar bodies at higher water concentrations. The lamellar spacings in the surface multilayers at the air/water interface are smaller than those in the saturated limit even though they are in contact with much greater water concentrations. The surface multilayers are laterally disordered in a way that is consistent with fragments of Lα-phase lamellae. The near surface layers of the multilayer structure have a significant protein content (only SP-B and SP-C are present in the preparations). The results demonstrate that a multilayer structure can be formed in exogenous surfactant even at very low concentrations and indicate that multilayers need to be incorporated into present interpretations of in vitro studies of similar lung surfactant preparations, which are largely based on monolayer models.  相似文献   

The use of enzymes in laundry and dish detergent products is growing. Such tendency implies dedicated studies to understand surfactant‐enzyme interactions. The interactions between surfactants and enzymes and their impact on the catalytic efficiency represent a central problem and were here evaluated using circular dichroism, dynamic light scattering, and enzyme activity determinations. This work focuses on this key issue by evaluating the role of the ethyleneoxide (EO) groups of anionic surfactants on the structure and activity of a commercial lipase, and by focusing on the protein/surfactant interactions at a molecular level. The conformational changes and enzymatic activity of the protein were evaluated in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS also denoted as SLE0S) and of sodium lauryl ether sulfate with two EO units (SLE2S). The results strongly suggest that the presence of EO units in the surfactant polar headgroup determines the stability and the activity of the enzyme. While SDS promotes enzyme denaturation and consequent loss of activity, SLE2S preserves the enzyme structure and activity. The data further highlights that the electrostatic interactions among the protein groups are changed by the presence of the adsorbed anionic surfactants being such absorption mainly driven by hydrophobic interactions. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:1276–1282, 2016  相似文献   

以海洋微生物溶菌酶(ⅧL)为研究对象,分别检验几种表面剂对MBL活性的影响,着重研究烷基多苷(APG)对其活性的影响。结果表明,APG与阳离子烷基多苷(矾PG)分别提高MBL相对酶活性为21%,15%,SDS降低该酶活性约为15%,Tween20和Tween80对MBL活性的影响不明显。MBL含量大于5.0mg/mL时,对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄、白色念珠球菌有抑菌作用。0.5%~1.5%的APG无明显抑菌作用。将5.0mg/mMBL与1.0mg/mLAPG复配后(简称CEP),发现APG能明显增强MBL抑菌作用,CEP具有较好地杀菌作用;CEP在54℃培养箱中放置14d后,其杀菌率保持不变,说明CEP的杀菌性能的稳定性良好。  相似文献   

The synthesis of three phosphoglycerols is described, one of which contains the previously unknown phosphonoglycerol headgroup. The surface tension-lowering capabilities of synthetic lung surfactant mixtures containing the PG analogs were measured on the pulsating bubble surfactometer and compared to known controls. The PG-containing mixtures exhibited superior surface tension-lowering properties indicating the significant potential of these analogs as components in synthetic exogenous lung surfactants.  相似文献   

This study focused on two hydrophobic fractions (HF-A and HF-B) isolated from porcine lung surfactant (LS) that had similar phospholipid composition, but HF-A consisted of the hydrophobic LS specific proteins (SP-B and SP-C), in contrast to HF-B. Monolayers spread in a Langmuir trough were formed at the air/water interface of both fractions and the rate of adsorption-desorption and the respreading potential of the LS constituents was studied during six consecutive compression/decompression cycles of the monolayers. By drawing a comparison between the behavior of HF-A and HF-B monolayers on the subphase of 150 mm NaCl, either with or without additional Ca2+, we estimated the role of hydrophobic LS proteins and Ca2+ ions for LS surface activity. The results demonstrated much higher ability of the HF-A sample, compared to HF-B, to maintain lower surface tension (γ) during monolayer compression and its better respreading capacity during decompression. For instance, at a surface concentration corresponding to 80 Å2 per phospholipid molecule, the HF-A monolayers showed a much lower γ max value (surface tension at 100% of the trough area), being ca. 31.0 mN/m, compared to the HF-B monolayers (γ max? 62.0 mN/m). The surface tension after compression to 20% of the initial area (γ min) reached ca. 7.0 and 19.0 mN/m in the HF-A and HF-B monolayers, respectively. Better respreading of the HF-A monolayers compared to the HF-B monolayers was due to the faster adsorption and spreading of LS phospholipids during decompression, facilitated by the hydrophobic proteins. As the phospholipid composition of both fractions was similar, we showed that the hydrophobic surfactant proteins were responsible also for the prevention of the irreversible loss of material from the surface during monolayer compression/decompression. The effects observed demonstrated also that the hydrophobic surfactant proteins were the stronger determinant, compared with Ca2+ ions, for the surface tension decrease and respreading of the monolayers during film compression/decompression. For instance, when the HF-A monolayers were spread on a subphase with an additional 5 mm Ca2+ ion content, no significant changes were detected in the γ min and γ max values between the first and sixth cycle, compared to the monolayers spread on a subphase of 150 mm NaCl only. However, in the absence of positively charged SP-B and SP-C (HF-B sample) in highly compressed monolayers, Ca2+ ions were able to cause the effects shown by SP-B and SP-C, although to a less extent. The role of the electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions is discussed for the better respreading of LS components in the presence of LS proteins and Ca2+ ions.  相似文献   

Chitosan, a cationic polysaccharide, has been found to improve the surface activity of lung surfactant extracts in the presence of various inhibitors. It has been proposed that chitosan binds to anionic lipids (e.g. phosphatidyl glycerols) in lung surfactants, producing stable lipid films at the air-water interface. This binding also reverses the net charge of the surfactant aggregates, from negative to positive. Unfortunately, positively charged aggregates may adsorb or interact with the negatively charged epithelial tissue, leading to poor surfactant performance. To address this issue an anionic polysaccharide, dextran sulfate (dexS), was used as a secondary coating to reverse the charge of chitosan-lung surfactant extracts without affecting the surface activity of the preparation. The dynamic surface tension and zeta potential of bovine lipid extract surfactant (BLES) containing chitosan chloride (chiCl) and dexS were evaluated as a function of dexS concentration. These studies were conducted in the absence and presence of sodium bicarbonate buffer, and in the absence and presence of bovine serum used as model inhibitor. It was determined that using an appropriate concentration of dexS, especially at physiological pH, it is possible to restore the negative charge of the surfactant aggregates, and retain their surface activity, even in the presence of bovine serum. High concentrations of dexS affect the binding of chiCl to BLES, and the surface activity of the preparation.  相似文献   

Disruption of the rest–activity rhythm in patients with lung cancer can accelerate cancer progression and affect survival. Rest–activity rhythm changes with age. Therefore, we investigated the effects of rest–activity rhythm and age on patients’ survival. A total of 84 patients with lung cancer were recruited, then separated into two groups; younger patients aged under 65 years or elderly patients aged 65 and over. The dichotomy index (I < O) was used to estimate the rest–activity rhythm measured through the actigraphy motion detector. Cox proportional hazards models were adopted to investigate the effects of different variables on the patients’ survival. After adjusting for confounding, the risk of earlier mortality in the younger patients with disrupted I < O were 2.52 (95%CI = 1.09–5.82) times higher than that in the younger patients with robust I < O (= 0.03), the risk of earlier mortality in the elderly patients with disrupted I < O was 4.08 (95%CI = 1.91–8.68) times higher than that in the elderly patients with robust I < O (< 0.001). Therefore, age and I < O influence the survival period of patients with lung cancer. Moreover, disrupted I < O has a substantial influence on elderly patients. In conclusion, aging and disrupted rest–activity rhythm negatively and jointly influenced the survival period of the patients with lung cancer and significantly increased their death risk.  相似文献   

Lung surfactant (LS) is an extra-cellular lipid-protein system responsible for maintaining low surface tension in the lung and alveolar stability. Serum proteins cause dysfunction of this material, e.g. in adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). BLES is a clinically used LS consisting of most of the lipids and associated proteins from bovine lung lavage. Aqueous phases of BLES at 30% and 70% hydration, with and without 5% by weight of bovine serum albumin (BSA), calculated on the amount of lipids, were studied using X-ray diffraction during cooling from 42 to 5 degrees C. The diffraction curves are consistent with a transition from a lamellar liquid crystalline phase to a gel phase transition at cooling in the interval 30-20 degrees C. The long-spacings correspond to a reduction of the bilayer thickness during this transition. The wide-angle region shows a peak at 4.1 A below 25 degrees C, which is characteristic of the hexagonal chain packing of the gel phase. The perturbation of the bilayers by the presence of BSA seems to induce a significant decrease of the bilayer thickness. Calculations on the observed limits of swelling (taking place in the range 50-60%) indicate that BSA is closely associated with the BLES bilayers, probably due to electrostatic interaction with the cationic surfactant proteins SP-B and SP-C. This study show that the LS lipid structural organizations are extremely susceptible to small amounts of serum albumin, which may have implications in surfactant related lung disease and clinical applications of surfactant therapy.  相似文献   

A comparative study of lung surfactant associated proteins was undertaken to determine which mammalian species would best serve as models for investigating alterations of the human lung surfactant system. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of purified surfactants in the presence of dithiothreitol revealed that surfactant invariably contains at least one peptide with molecular weight of 30 000–40 000. In the absence of disulfide reducing agents, the above peptides were in the form of high molecular-weight proteins (> 400 kDa) in primates and cat, whereas in dog, rat and rabbit, the protein was a 72 kDa dimer. The 30–40 kDa peptide subunits were isolated from human, rat and dog surfactants and found to contain four or five residues of hydroxyproline. Antisera to either the human 34 kDa peptide or high-molecular-weight proteins reacted with the high-molecular-weight bands, the 34 kDa subunit and at least six intermediate disulfide-linked forms separated from purified human surfactant by electrophoresis under nonreducing conditions. Following electrophoresis in the presence of dithiothreitol, both antisera detected the 34 kDa peptide as well as other peptides ranging in molecular weight from 23 000 to 160 000. The isolated 34 kDa peptide readily reaggregated into disulfide-linked forms including 68 and 100 kDa complexes which were not reduced by 40 mM dithiothreitol. We conclude that the 34 kDa surfactant-associated peptide forms a complex system of monomeric and multimeric proteins, which varies among the species and could conceivably vary in distribution during lung development or disease.  相似文献   

Synthesis methods and initial surface property characterizations are reported for two sulfur-containing phosphonolipids related structurally to dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), the major lung surfactant glycerophospholipid. Sulfur linkages in these compounds affect molecular interactions relative to ester linkages, and are structurally resistant to cleavage by phospholipases. The SO2-linked analog synthesized here had increased adsorption and improved film respreading compared to DPPC, while reaching very low surface tensions (1 mN/m) in cycled interfacial films on both the Wilhelmy balance and the pulsating bubble surfactometer. This compound appears to have potential utility as a component in future phospholipase-resistant synthetic exogenous surfactants for treating clinical forms of inflammatory lung injury.  相似文献   

Aim:  To improve phenylalanine ammonia lyase (E.C.4·3·1·5-PAL) activity in recombinant Escherichia coli . Some methods for enrichment of PAL activity in recombinant E. coli JM109 were described. In an effort to create a rich enzyme source these methods would lead to improvements in the production of l -phenylalanine.
Methods and Results:  The possibilities of enriching PAL activity in recombinant E . coli was investigated by using individual and combinations of amino acids, organic solvents and surfactants. PAL activity was induced by adding combination of l -phenylalanine and l -tyrosine, activities as high as 64·3 U g−1of cells were obtained and enzyme activity was enriched by over 3·5-fold in comparison with the control. Permeabilization with cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide or the acetone significantly enriched cellular PAL activity, which improved over 8·2- and 9·0-fold compared with the control, as high as 148·5 and 164·5 U g−1of cells respectively.
Conclusion:  These efforts may provide some effective methods for enhancing l -phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  These approaches for manipulating recombinant E . coli in an effort to create a rich enzyme source would serve as a biotechnologically important protocol for production of l -phenylalanine.  相似文献   

Growth of regenerating lung lobes is preceded by an increase of the activity of L-ornithine decarboxylase (ODC). Mechanical factors play a role in determining both the growth rate and enhancement of activity of ODC in regenerating lung lobes. Hormonal regulation also appears of importance as shown by the increased ODC activity in a transplanted lobe.  相似文献   

Different methods for the preparation of active lipoxygenase (LOX) extracts from apples were compared. Highest activities were obtained using a 0.25 M phosphate buffer (pH 7) containing 1% Triton X-100 and 10?2 M metabisulphite as extraction solvent. LOX activity during storage was investigated in the core, flesh, and peel. Activity was always highest in the core and peel. On storage, activity was increased in each part of the fruit but especially in the core and peel. Increase in LOX preceded the browning of the core. LOX may be responsible for the browning and may be concerned in the induction of superficial scald.  相似文献   

The effects of streptozotocin-induced diabetes and of starvation on the lysyl oxidase activity of rat lung were investigated. Enzyme activity was elevated 2–3 fold in the lungs of streptozotocin-diabetic rats. In contrast, starvation of rats produced a rapid loss of lung lysyl oxidase activity, with levels approximating 25% of control values after 48–72 h of starvation. Enzyme activity was essentially fully restored to control values upon refeeding the 48-h starved animals for 3 h. These studies demonstrate the responsiveness of lysyl oxidase to these physiological states and suggest a component, enzymatic basis of change in lung function known to occur in the diabetic state.  相似文献   

The solubilization and mineralization of (14)C-phenanthrene in soil-water systems was examined with several commercially available surface-active agents, viz., an alkyl ethoxylate C(12)E(4); two alkylphenol ethoxylate surfactants: C(8)PE(9.5) and C(9)PE(10.5); two sorbitan ethoxylate surfactants: the sorbitan monolaurate (Tween 20) and the sorbitan monooleate (Tween 80); two pairs of nonionic ethoxylate surfactant mixtures: C(12)E(4)/C(12)E(23) at a 1:1 ratio, and C(12-15)E(3)/C(12-15)E(9) at a 1:3 ratio; and two surfactants possessing relatively high critical micelle concentration (CMC) values and low aggregation numbers: CHAPS and octyglucoside. Surface tension experiments were performed to evaluate surfactant sorption onto soil and the surfactant doses required to attain the CMC in the soil-water systems. Surfactant solubilization of (14)C-phenanthrene commenced with the onset of micellization. The addition of surface-active agents was observed not to be beneficial to the microbial mineralization of phenanthrene in the soil-water systems and, for supra-CMC surfactant doses, phenanthrene mineralization was completely inhibited for all the surfactants tested. A comparison of solubilization, surface tension, and mineralization data confirms that the inhibitory effect on microbial degradation of phenanthrene is related to the CMC of the surfactant in the presence of soil. Additional tests demonstrated the recovery of mineralization upon dilution of surfactant concentration to sub-CMC levels, and a relatively high exit rate for phenanthrene from micelles. These tests suggest that the inhibitory effect is probably related to a reversible physiological surfactant micelle-bacteria interaction, possibly through partial complexing or release of membrane material with disrupting membrane lamellar structure. This study indicates that nonionic surfactant solubilization of sorbed hydrophobic organic compounds from soil may not be beneficial for the concomitant enhancement of soil bioremediation. Additional work is needed to address physicochemical processes for bioavailability enhancement, and effects of solubilizing agents on microorganisms for remediation and treatment of hydrophobic organic compounds and nonaqueous phase liquids. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of optic nerve transsection on proteolytic degradation of axonally transported proteins in the superior colliculus of the rabbit was studied. Proteolysis of labeled proteins was determined in vitro in small pieces of the superior colliculus. Within 2 hours after sectioning the optic nerve there was a decreased degradation of slowly transported labeled proteins in the nerve terminals in the superior colliculus.Special Issue dedicated to Prof. Holger Hydén.  相似文献   

The prognostic value of peripheral blood non-MHC-restricted cytotoxicity against the myeloid leukaemic line K562 in lung cancer patients was studied. At the time of diagnosis and before operation, 57 patients with lung cancer were tested for cytotoxicity and subsequently followed for up to 4 years. In addition, 145 lung cancer patients, 30 patients with non-neoplastic lung diseases and 76 healthy donors were tested for cytotoxicity without the follow-up, in order to correlate the stage of lung cancer and the growth rate of tumours to the level of non-MHC-restricted cytotoxicity. On average, lung cancer patients had similar non-MHC-restricted cytotoxicity to the controls. However, patients with stage II–IV diseases showed an impaired activity, stages III and IV differing significantly from the controls. This result shows that the decline in natural killer (NK) activity is associated with tumour burden. Patients with slowly growing neoplasms had stronger cytotoxic activity than patients with fast or moderately progressing disease. In the follow-up study, the whole material of 57 patients showed only a slight correlation between cytotoxicity and survival: 42% of the patients with strong activity survived for more than 2.5 years, whereas 6% of the patients with weak activity did so. In stage I patients there was no correlation between cytotoxicity and survival, nor was there a correlation in patients with stages II–IV of the disease. Hence, in our group of patients the determination of cytotoxicity preoperatively yielded no prognostic information beyound that already available from staging. However, those stage II–IV patients that survived for 1 year or more after the diagnosis and cytotoxicity tests, showed a significant correlation between cytotoxicity and survival.  相似文献   

The effect of various surfactants on both the solubilization of the carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase, AtCCD1, from cell lysates and the enzymatic activity in an aqueous micellar system was investigated. Solubilization with sodium cholate more than doubled the specific activity. Lag phases were observed when Tween surfactants were used for substrate delivery and were dependent on the surfactant and enzyme modification. In contrast to His6- and GST-tagged AtCCD1, unmodified AtCCD1 showed a 45% increased maximum rate in the Tween 20 system compared to Triton X-100 based reference system. The results emphasize the importance of engineering the interface for the in vitro application of this enzyme family.  相似文献   

We aimed to evaluate the effects of intra-amniotic surfactant administration on alveolar lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio, density of type II pneumocytes, and fetal lung function in preterm merino sheep. Pregnant ewes at 119 days gestation either received 200 mg intra-amniotic surfactant (n=4) or saline solution (n=4). After 24 h, the lambs were delivered by hysterotomy and mechanically ventilated. Lecithin/sphingomyelin ratios in alveolar fluid, inflating pressure–volume relationships, and type II pneumocyte counts in histological specimens were compared among the groups. All of the lambs completed the protocol. Mean lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio increased significantly in amniotic (p=0.03) and alveolar fluid (p=0.03) samples of surfactant-treated animals. Lung function in terms of pressure–volume curves did not differ between two groups. Type II pneumocyte density tended to be higher (p=0.057) after intra-amniotic surfactant administration. Single-dose treatment with intra-amniotic surfactant seems to improve amniotic and alveolar lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio questionably by increasing alveolar type II cells. Pressure–volume relationships from inflation of the lungs might be unaltered with intra-amniotic surfactant treatment.  相似文献   

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