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MANN  D. G. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(4):573-581
The development and final morphology of the valve in raphe-bearingdiatoms exhibit a cryptic lateral polarity, and hence two typesof frustule can be distinguished. In the cis type both valveshave the same orientation; in the trans type they have oppositeorientations. Examination of a variety of taxa suggests thatin all dividing raphid diatoms, both new valves have the sameorientation and so only three types of division are possible:cis; cis + cis, cis trans + trans, trans; cis+trans. The possessionof different combinations of these explains the observed ratiosof cis: trans in different taxa, viz all cis; 1: 2 cis: trans;and roughly 1: 1 cis: trans. The implications of the resultsfor diatom systematics are examined, with special referenceto Navicula Bory. Diatom systematic, diatom valve morphogenesis, cell symmetry, raphe structure  相似文献   

Mixed fluorescence/bright field microscopy of Rhododendron pollentubes in the first 72 h after germination reveals a lens-shapedgenerative cell which divides to give two associated spermswithin the original cell boundary. The generative cell is closelyassociated with the vegetative nucleus which precedes it in92 per cent of pollen tubes. Three-dimensional reconstruction from serial thin sections ofa pollen tube fixed 24 h after germination shows that the associationbetween the generative cell and vegetative nucleus is extremelycomplex. Elongated tails of the generative cell physically enfoldthe vegetative nucleus and penetrate into enclaves within it.The association has been clarified by use of the periodic acid-phosphotungsticacid-chromic acid technique to enhance electron contrast ofthe plasma membranes surrounding the generative cell. In thisbicellular system, the male germ unit association is apparentlyinitiated after pollen maturity but prior to generative celldivision. Pollen tube, generative cell, male germ unit, plasma membrane, vegetative nucleus, Rhododendron, Ericaceae  相似文献   

Generative cell division in tricellular pollen grains of Sambucusnigra L. (Caprifoliaceae) has been examined with light and electronmicroscopy. During division the generative cell is located inthe centre of the pollen grain, near to the nucleus of a surroundingvegetative cell. Conventional mitosis of the generative cellis followed by cytokinesis through centrifugal cell plate formation.Two sister sperm cells remain in spatial contact with each otherand are surrounded, as formerly their progenitor cell was, bythe vegetative cell. From the changes of shape of the generativecell during division and of the sperm cells it may be assumedthat the space between these cells and the vegetative one containsa labile, non-rigid, wall material. No plastids have been observedin the generative cell and its mitochondria appear to be unequallydistributed between the two future sperm cells during division. Sambucus nigra L., generative cell division, pollen, sperm cell association  相似文献   

A modified technique, FITC-tubulin immunofluorescence and DAPI localization to demonstrate simultaneously both the generative cell (GC) and the vegetative nucleus (VN) in the pollen tube under ultra-violet excitation, was developed sucessfully. During the germination of the pollen tube of Amaryllis vittata Ait. the GC and the VN, either being the first one, entered the tube within the first 1—2 h from the pollen grain. However, before the time of GC division, the VN was always positioned distally near the tip of the tube. In case when the GC entered the tube first, then the VN must have a positional shift in order to pass over the GC. The detail processes of positional shift between the GC and the VN were observed. Three basic processes were demonstrated: 1. The anterior end of the VN first reached the vicinity of the posterior attenuated extension of the GC about 2 h following germination forming a temporal physical association. Sometimes their both ends could be inserted into one another for certain extent. 2. The whole VN moved forward and contacted in parallel with the GC until they became twisted together and 3. The VN passed over the GC and greatly elongted lengthwise. Its posterior part became inserted into the anterior end of the GC. The behavior of positional shift between the VN and the GC in the pollen tube seems to be an adjustment of their diameters to fit the narrow tube. A conclusion may be drawn that the rate of movement between the VN and the GC was apparently different during the passage through the tube. Such difference may presumably be accompanied by the independent motive mechanism and structural difference between the VN and GC themselves, which provide their motive force for movement in the tube.  相似文献   

细胞分化是生物生长发育的重要过程, 受到一系列信号的精确调控。植物特有的转录因子HD-Zip III在细胞分化中发挥了重要作用。该文对HD-Zip III基因类型和结构特点进行了简要介绍, 重点论述了HD-Zip III在胚胎形态发生、顶端分生组织形成、叶极性建立和维管组织分化等发育过程中的作用, 系统总结了HD-Zip III基因在不同层次受到的调控, 探讨了该家族基因与陆生维管植物进化的关系。  相似文献   

It has been reported that in species of Plumbaginaceae, Chenopodiaceae,Cruciferae and Amaryllidaceae a ‘male germ unit’is formed in which the two male gametes remain inter-connected,with one of the pair linked intimately to the vegetative nucleus.In two species the unit has been shown to remain intact in thepollen tube, and some accounts imply that it is polarized inits movement, the vegetative nucleus leading in the tube. Evidence given in this paper indicates that such a unit is unlikelyto be present in Helleborus foetidus L. (Ranunculaceae). Applicationof an optical sectioning technique has shown that at no timeis there a persistent linkage between the generative cell andthe vegetative nucleus in unhydrated, hydrated and germinatingpollen, nor is one present in the early pollen tube. Furthermore,no inter-connections between the two entities were seen in protoplastsfrom living, hydrated and incipiently germinating grains isolatedmechanically in an osmotically balancing medium. Following germination,the vegetative nucleus leaves the grain in advance of the generativecell in most instances, but in the samples examined the generativecell led in about 30 per cent of the tubes. Assembling a polarisedmale germ unit in these circumstances would require (a) theformation of an inter-connection between the vegetative nucleusand the generative cell or one of the gametes derived from itduring passage through the tube, and (b) where the generativecell initially leads in the tube, an exchange in relative positions.It is considered improbable that these conditions could consistentlybe met. Mature, incipiently germinating pollen of H. foetidus releasesa fibrillar component when extruded into suitable media. Websor clusters of fibrils are commonly seen to be associated withboth the vegetative nucleus and the generative cell. The possibilitythat the fibrils are composed of aggregates of microfilamentsis considered. Helleborus foetidus L., pollen germination, generative cell, vegetative nucleus, male germ unit  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of centrifugation on sporepolarity, asymmetric cell division, and rhizoid differentiationin the sensitive fern Onoclea sensibilis L. Centrifugation at10000 g for 30 min produces a random orientation of spores withstratification of the cell contents. After centrifugation atmost early stages of development, the nucleus retains its normalpattern of migration from the centre of the ellipsoidal sporeto the proximal face and then to an end of the spore, withoutregard to the orientation of stratification. This indicatesthat the polarity of the spore is stable to centrifugation.As long as the nucleus migrates to an end of the spore and asymmetriccell division occurs, the small cell differentiates into a rhizoid.The arrangement of large cytoplasmic organelles appears to haveno influence on nuclear migration, asymmetric cell division,or rhizoid differentiation. The only period during developmentwhen centrifugation blocks asymmetric cell division is immediatelypreceding and during mitosis and cytokinesis. Spores centrifugedat this stage do not complete nuclear migration, and symmetriccell division results, with neither cell differentiating intoa rhizoid. The source of the stable polarity of the spore isdiscussed. cell polarity, rhizoid differentiation, centrifugation, Onoclea sensibilis L., sensitive fern, fern spores  相似文献   

MANN  D. G. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(2):295-302
Navicula bacillum frustules, like those of many other naviculoiddiatoms, exist in two forms, cis and trans, which occur in theratio 1 cis: 2 trans. During interphase the protoplast bearsa constant relation to the orientation of the hypovalve, suchthat the nucleus lies on the same side as the first-formed halfof the hypovalve. Immediately before mitosis the plastid andnucleus migrate around the cell until the nucleus lies on theopposite side from its interphase position, where it then divides.After cytokinesis the new valves form with their primary halveson the same side as the recently divided nuclei. This and the180° rotation of the protoplast during the cell cycle explainthe 1 cis: 2 trans ratio. Navicula bacillum Ehrenb., cell symmetry, diatom systematics, plastid structure, protoplast rotation  相似文献   

Although previous studies have shown that GATA1 is required for mast cell differentiation, the effects of the complete ablation of GATA1 in mast cells have not been examined. Using conditional Gata1 knockout mice (Gata1/y), we demonstrate here that the complete ablation of GATA1 has a minimal effect on the number and distribution of peripheral tissue mast cells in adult mice. The Gata1/y bone marrow cells were capable of differentiating into mast cells ex vivo. Microarray analyses showed that the repression of GATA1 in bone marrow mast cells (BMMCs) has a small impact on the mast cell-specific gene expression in most cases. Interestingly, however, the expression levels of mast cell tryptases in the mouse chromosome 17A3.3 were uniformly reduced in the GATA1 knockdown cells, and GATA1 was found to bind to a 500-bp region at the 5′ end of this locus. Revealing a sharp contrast to that observed in the Gata1-null BMMCs, GATA2 deficiency resulted in a significant loss of the c-Kit+ FcεRIα+ mast cell fraction and a reduced expression of several mast cell-specific genes. Collectively, GATA2 plays a more important role than GATA1 in the regulation of most mast cell-specific genes, while GATA1 might play specific roles in mast cell functions.  相似文献   

The organization of cells, emerging from cell–cell interactions, can give rise to collective properties. These properties are adaptive when together cells can face environmental challenges that they separately cannot. One particular challenge that is important for microorganisms is migration. In this study, we show how flagellum-independent migration is driven by the division of labor of two cell types that appear during Bacillus subtilis sliding motility. Cell collectives organize themselves into bundles (called “van Gogh bundles”) of tightly aligned cell chains that form filamentous loops at the colony edge. We show, by time-course microscopy, that these loops migrate by pushing themselves away from the colony. The formation of van Gogh bundles depends critically on the synergistic interaction of surfactin-producing and matrix-producing cells. We propose that surfactin-producing cells reduce the friction between cells and their substrate, thereby facilitating matrix-producing cells to form bundles. The folding properties of these bundles determine the rate of colony expansion. Our study illustrates how the simple organization of cells within a community can yield a strong ecological advantage. This is a key factor underlying the diverse origins of multicellularity.  相似文献   

The present study of the formation of the generative and vegetative cells in wheat has demonstrated some cytological details at the ultrastructural level. The phragmoplast formed in telophase of the first microsporic mitosis extended centrifugally until it connected with the intine of the pollen grain. A new cell wall was then formed to separate the generative and the vegetative cells. By unequal cytokinesis the former is small and the latter large. In early developmental stage of male gametophyte, the organelles in the cytoplasm of the generaVive cell and the vegetative cells are similar, including mitochondria, dictyosomes, rough endoplasmic retieulum, free and clustered ribosomes and plastids, but microtubules were observed only in the early cytokinesis stage. In the further developmental stage of the male gemetophyte, the generative cell gradually detached from the intine of pollen grain and grew inward to the cytoplasm of the vegetation cell. When the generative cell became round and free in the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell, the wall materials between plasma membranes of the cytoplasm of the generative and the vegetative cells disappeared completely, so that it was a naked cell with a double-layer membrane at this time. The heterogeneity between both cells was then very conspiceous. The organelles in the cytoplasm of the generative cell have hardly any changed besides the degeneration of plastids, but in vegetative cytoplasm the mitochondria and plastids increased dramatically both in number and size. The rapid deposition of starch in the plastids of the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell made the most conspicuous feature of the vegetative cell in mature pollen grain. The significance of the presence of a temporary cell wall in generative cell and heterogeneity between generative and vegetative cells are discussed.  相似文献   

ROLINSON  ANN E. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(5):939-945
The cell-doubling times in the shoot apical regions of 4-dayold rice plants have been measured using colchicine-inducedmetaphase accumulation. Plants were grown submerged at a constantillumination of 10 000 lx and constant temperature of 30°C.Colchicine was applied by adding the drug to the surroundingwater which therefore involved no other disturbance of the apexor the plant. The cells of the summit region were found to bemultiplying eight times slower than those of the flanks.  相似文献   

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