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Protozoan communities in chalk streams   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This study assessed the individual effects of three mayflies (Paraleptophlebia sp., Ephemerella subvaria McDunnough and Epeorus sp.) and one caddisfly (Psilotreta sp.) on periphyton communities associated with clay tiles and leaves. Algal densities were estimated for leaf discs and tiles from experimental chambers (with individual grazers) and control chambers (i.e., no grazers). Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of leaf discs and tiles also were taken for all mayfly grazing experiments. Densities of algae on leaf discs were two to five times lower than on tiles. Mouthpart morphology influenced how different insects grazed the periphyton community. Paraleptophlebia had typical collector-gatherer mouthparts and had no effect on diatom densities associated with leaves whereas diatom densities on grazed tiles were higher than densities on tiles from control chambers. Epeorus had brusher mouthparts and had little impact on diatom densities regardless of substratum type. The other two grazers had the blade-like mandibles of a scraper. Psilotreta did not reduce the numerical abundance of diatoms on either substratum, but did alter community structure by significantly reducing densities of stalked Gomphonema olivaceum and large species of Navicula and Nitzschia; densities of smaller diatoms (Achnanthes spp) increased. However, E. subvaria reduced densities of most algal species regardless of size on both substrata and also significantly altered community structure. SEMs of substrata grazed by mayflies showed reductions in fungal hyphae on all grazed leaf discs, decreases in filamentous algal forms on grazed tiles, and greatly shortened stalks of G. olivaceum (Paraleptophlebia only). Thus, periphyton communities are different on leaves versus tiles and grazers with different mouthpart morphologies have varying effects on both algal and heterotrophic microbial community structure.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to survey ciliated intestinal protozoa of the black rhinoceros ( Diceros bicornis michaeli ) and white rhinoceros ( Ceratotherium simum simum ) in Kenyan National Parks. Faecal samples from 28 rhinoceroses that were chemically immobilized for translocation were opportunistically collected. Presence of ciliates was assessed using faecal floatation and sedimentation techniques. The ciliates were identified using cellular morphological features. Ophryoscoleciidae, Cycloposthiidae and Blepharocrythiidae were the three ciliate families represented. Ophryoscoleciidae had nine genera, Cycloposthiidae six genera and Blepharocorythiidae 1 genus. The dominant ciliate genus in all the rhinoceroses that were sampled was entodinium . It was found that the nutrient composition of the diet influences the diversity and numbers of intestinal ciliates, which in turn regulates the nutrient available to the animal. This interplay of nutrient composition of diet, ciliate diversity and nutritional benefits to the host has been used as an index to assess the nutritional state of ruminants. Because of the occurrence of rumenal ciliates in the hindgut fermentative chamber of the rhinoceros, such an index can be used to guide the formulation of feed mixtures for rhinoceros in captivity and remote nutritional assessments of rhinoceros both in free-range and in captivity.  相似文献   

1. Lake Fryxell, situated in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, offers the opportunity to study microbial loop processes in the absence of crustacean zooplankton and other higher organisms. This is the first study of Lake Fryxell to provide detailed temporal and vertical variations of microbial loop organisms.
2. Protozoan communities are concentrated around the chemocline (9–10 m) in Lake Fryxell. Phototrophic nanoflagellates (PNAN), heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN) and ciliates formed deep maxima of 14 580, 694 and 58 cells mL−1 respectively. Although abundance and biomass at the chemocline was high, diversity of protozoa was low, Plagiocampa accounting for> 80% of the total ciliate biomass.
3. In the mixolimnion (4.5–8 m), protozoa were less abundant, but more diverse, with 24 ciliate morphotypes being identified within this region of the water column. Inter-annual variability of protozoan biomass and abundance was greater in the mixolimnion than at the chemocline due to more variable nutrient and prey concentrations.
4. Physicochemical gradients in Lake Fryxell were very stable because the perennial ice cover reduced wind driven currents. As a consequence, ciliate species occurred in distinct depth strata, Monodinium being most abundant directly beneath the ice cover, Askenasia having maximum abundance at 8 m and Plagiocampa dominating ciliate biomass at the chemocline. The lack of vertical mixing reduced seasonal successions of PNAN and ciliate species. Three cryptophyte species dominated the PNAN community at all times (>79% of total biomass).  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the impact of protozoan grazing on the population dynamics of a multispecies bacterial biofilm community. METHODS AND RESULTS: Grazing by Acanthamoeba castellanii and the ciliate Colpoda maupasi upon biofilm and planktonic communities, composed of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Staphylococcus epidermidis was investigated. Biofilms were formed using glass coverslips, held in a carousel device, as substrata for biofilm formation or in glass flow cells. The predatory effects of the amoeba were generally confined to the biofilm, where grazing rates corresponded to losses from the biofilm equivalent to ca 30,000 biofilm cells cm(-2) h(-1), with the amoeba becoming an integral part of the community. C. maupasi reduced the thickness of mature multispecies biofilms at steady-state from 500 to <200 microm. CONCLUSIONS: We report that the presence of the protozoa A. castellanii and C. maupasi markedly influence population dynamics within defined biofilm communities. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The current study dispels the popular opinion that biofilms are protected against predation by protozoa. A. castellanii clearly has the capacity to graze mixed biofilm communities and to become integrally associated with them, whereas the ciliate C. maupasi reduced biofilm thickness by up to 60%.  相似文献   

The microfauna of adhered biofilms treating a simulated petrochemical plant wastewater was investigated in relation to the organic loading and the toxicity. Experiments in a six-compartment laboratory rotating biological reactor were performed at organic loadings of 0.99, 1.38 and 1.97g/l.day. The concentration of organic compounds in the artificial wastewater (phenol, acetophenone and styrene), toxicity of the wastewater, number of representative types of microfauna, their biomass and species diversity were monitored along the reactor. During this study 25 species were identified and attributed to seven classes of the three types Sarcomastigophora, Ciliophora and Nemathelminthes. Eight species from 18 ciliates have been reported in the literature as being commonly found inhabitants of aerobic wastewater treatment plants. An inverse relationship between the number of microfauna representatives and the organic loading was found. The presence of the most common species was related to the reactor operating conditions. A correlation between the toxicity of the wastewater measured by the Paramecium express-test and the distribution and abundance of microfauna was established. This express-test made it possible to predict the biological quality of the biofilm of activated sludge. Therefore, it is recommended as one of the control parameters to monitor systems of biological wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

The ribbon-like macronucleus of Euplotes eurystomus pinches in half amitotically at each cell division. Several hours before the actual division two lightly staining duplication bands (reorganization bands) appear at the ends of the nucleus and approach each other slowly, finally meeting near the middle. Distal to the bands, that is, in regions through which the bands have already passed, the concentration of DNA (Feulgen) and "histone" (alkaline fast green) is greater than in the central zone. These facts suggest the hypothesis that DNA-histone synthesis takes place in a sequential fashion starting at the tips of the nucleus and proceeding to the middle. That this hypothesis is correct is shown by autoradiographic and photometric observations. Tritium-labelled thymidine is incorporated only in a limited region immediately distal to the bands. The average amount of Feulgen dye bound by the nucleus rises as the duplication bands approach each other, and is double the presynthesis value by the time the bands meet. A similar rise in the alkaline fast green dye is seen in duplicating nuclei, although no completely post-synthesis values were obtained in this study. The quantitative data are consistent with the assumption that the macronucleus contains a number of DNA-histone "units," presumably chromosomes, each of which duplicates once and only once.  相似文献   

Protozoan communities around roots with different types of ectomycorrhizae were distinct. These protozoan communities differed both qualitatively and quantitatively with the host (Pinus ponderosa, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Picea sitchensis, Tsuga heterophylla and Abies grandis) and the ectomycorrhizal fungal species. Based on the species identified and the numbers of individuals of each species, six communities of protozoa were found associated with specific ectomycorrhizae. Previous researchers have shown that mycorrhizal colonization of roots alters the amounts and types of exudates produced by roots, which in turn alters the bacterial community present. Most likely, mycorrhizal colonization of roots influences the protozoan community around roots by controlling the bacterial community. However, the protozoan community may in turn influence the successional dynamics of ectomycorrhizal fungi on different host root systems by a variety of mechanisms. These mechanisms could include: (1) preying upon individuals and perhaps removing particular species of bacteria from the mycorrhizosphere; and (2) controlling nitrogen mineralization in the rhizosphere. Further work needs to be performed to determine the interaction between these quadrate (plant-bacteria-fungi-protozoa) associations.  相似文献   

原生动物是水生生态系统中的重要组成部分,具有重要的生态功能。为揭示拒马河北京段的生态现状,作者于2004年3–11月对拒马河北京段9个采样点的原生动物群落进行了调查。共鉴定出原生动物310种,其中鞭毛虫134种(包括植鞭毛虫96种,动鞭毛虫38种),肉足类64种,纤毛虫112种。原生动物种类数较多的目有:眼虫目(39种)、动基体目(25种)、团鞭毛虫目(21种)、金滴虫目(21种)、下毛目(18种)、盾纤目(17种)、膜口目(15种)。优势种为卵形隐藻(Cryptomonasovata),次优势种为珍珠映毛虫(Cinetochilummargaritaceum)。9个采样点原生动物群落的Jaccard相似性系数介于0.4569和0.5950之间。通过对原生动物群落结构及营养功能类群的分析并与其他水域的资料相比较,认为目前拒马河北京段营养水平应介于贫营养和中营养之间。  相似文献   

1. Temporal and spatial variation in planktonic abundance, biomass and composition were determined in Lake Hoare (McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica) over two summer seasons (1996–97 and 1997–98). 2. Phototrophic nanoflagellates (PNAN) dominated planktonic biomass, with a mean monthly biomass ranging between 27.3 and 40.4 μg C L?1. The deep chlorophyll maximum was mainly composed of cryptophytes (>87% of total PNAN biomass) and varied in depth between 6 and 12 m. 3. Maximum bacterial concentration was 11.8 × 105 cells mL?1. Bacterial abundance showed relatively little temporal variation, with the exception of a drop in numbers that occurred in late November of both years studied. 4. Ciliates were the most successful heterotrophic protozoan group, with a mean monthly biomass (1.2–3.2 μg C L?1) being typically at least double that of heterotrophic nanoflagellate (HNAN) biomass (0.1–0.7 μg C L?1). 5. Microbial processes within this lake appear to be dominated by bottom up control. The relative importance of allochthonous inputs into the lake (from the ice‐cover and stream flow) and autochthonous recycling (by microzooplankton regeneration) are considered. 6. Results from a horizontal transect indicate that the permanence of the main sample hole may have enhanced planktonic biomass over a relatively small spatial scale.  相似文献   

A. W. Bark 《Hydrobiologia》1981,85(3):239-255
An investigation into the spatial and temporal distribution of protozoa in Esthwaite Water, a small eutrophic lake in the English Lake District, was carried out from mid-June until late September, 1977, during the period of summer stratification. Quantitative analyses of planktonic protozoan populations were performed on water samples collected at 1 m intervals throughout the water column and individual depth-time distribution profiles were constructed for the major ciliate species. Population density and species succession of the benthic protozoa was also studied.  相似文献   

Freshwater protozoa are poorly characterized in river ecosystems. We report here the richness of the protozoan biotas in relation to environmental gradients from an ecosystematic survey of a large, coastal plain river. Communities were collected from natural and artificial substrates concurrent with water chemistry analysis at 11 sites along the Flint River and Lake Blackshear impoundment. Community similarity, the distribution of collected taxa in functional feeding groups, and the relation of communities to environmental gradients were evaluated. Two principal compenents determined from water chemistry data showed important downstream gradients of decreasing water hardness and increasing nutrient levels. Taxonomic richness was high; 200 to 450 taxa were collected depending on season and collecting technique. Artificial substrates provided the richest collections. Bactivorous species were the vast majority of all taxa collected. Community composition showed an orderly transition from upstream to downstream, and photosynthetic forms were enhanced at nutrient enriched sites. Communities were strongly influenced by increasing nutrient levels. Protozoan community analysis showed that microbial community composition reflects human influences on river ecosystems. Since microbial species exploit detrital resources and respond sensitively to human influences, they can provide important information regarding ecosystem conditions.  相似文献   

We studied the composition, distribution and dynamics of ciliated protozoan communities as well as their relationships with the physical-chemical characteristics of their environment in the River Henares (Central Spain).A total of 67 species belonging to 54 genera were identified. Thirty-four species were subjected to statistical treatment using absence-presence data. Principal component analysis reduced the number of variables to two factors which accounted for 84.73% of total variance. The first axis grouped non-conservative variables, which strongly depended on biological activity. This axis was identified with nutrient status and pollution level. In contrast, the second factor included conservative variables, poorly influenced by the activity of organisms. This axis was identified with the water mineral content. From the arrangement of different species of ciliates with regard to these two factors, and using non-hierarchic cluster analysis, we established three different groups with respect to each factor.The saprobiological characterization of the different sampling points indicated that three different stretches can be distinguished in all seasons, and we propose some tentative relationshps between chemical and biological variables which characterize the different levels of saprobity in this river.  相似文献   

Biofilms represent a metabolically active and structurally complex component of freshwater ecosystems. Ephemeral prairie streams are hydrologically harsh and prone to frequent perturbation. Elucidating both functional and structural community changes over time within prairie streams provides a general understanding of microbial responses to environmental disturbance. We examined microbial succession of biofilm communities at three sites in a third‐order stream at Konza Prairie over a 2‐ to 64‐day period. Microbial abundance (bacterial abundance, chlorophyll a concentrations) increased and never plateaued during the experiment. Net primary productivity (net balance of oxygen consumption and production) of the developing biofilms did not differ statistically from zero until 64 days suggesting a balance of the use of autochthonous and allochthonous energy sources until late succession. Bacterial communities (MiSeq analyses of the V4 region of 16S rRNA) established quickly. Bacterial richness, diversity and evenness were high after 2 days and increased over time. Several dominant bacterial phyla (Beta‐, Alphaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Gemmatimonadetes, Acidobacteria, Chloroflexi) and genera (Luteolibacter, Flavobacterium, Gemmatimonas, Hydrogenophaga) differed in relative abundance over space and time. Bacterial community composition differed across both space and successional time. Pairwise comparisons of phylogenetic turnover in bacterial community composition indicated that early‐stage succession (≤16 days) was driven by stochastic processes, whereas later stages were driven by deterministic selection regardless of site. Our data suggest that microbial biofilms predictably develop both functionally and structurally indicating distinct successional trajectories of bacterial communities in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Early in eukaryotic evolution, the cell has evolved a considerable inventory of proteins engaged in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, not only to avoid toxic effects but beyond that to exploit the signaling capacity of Ca2+ by small changes in local concentration. Among protozoa, the ciliate Paramecium may now be one of the best analyzed models. Ciliary activity and exo‐/endocytosis are governed by Ca2+, the latter by Ca2+ mobilization from alveolar sacs and a superimposed store‐operated Ca2+‐influx. Paramecium cells possess plasma membrane‐ and endoplasmic reticulum‐resident Ca2+‐ATPases/pumps (PMCA, SERCA), a variety of Ca2+ influx channels, including mechanosensitive and voltage‐dependent channels in the plasma membrane, furthermore a plethora of Ca2+‐release channels (CRC) of the inositol 1,4,5‐trisphosphate and ryanodine receptor type in different compartments, notably the contractile vacuole complex and the alveolar sacs, as well as in vesicles participating in vesicular trafficking. Additional types of CRC probably also occur but they have not been identified at a molecular level as yet, as is the equivalent of synaptotagmin as a Ca2+ sensor for exocytosis. Among established targets and sensors of Ca2+ in Paramecium are calmodulin, calcineurin, as well as Ca2+/calmodulin‐dependent protein kinases, all with multiple functions. Thus, basic elements of Ca2+ signaling are available for Paramecium.  相似文献   

真核生物的线粒体一般具有一定的典型的结构和功能。然而,在单细胞的寄生原生动物中却不断发现从数量、结构到功能均与典型线粒体明显不同的线粒体,表现出线粒体的巨大可塑性和丰富的多样性。该文对寄生原生动物中这些多样的线粒体进行了概述,并对形成这种多样性的根本原因,即这些生物对寄生生活微氧或无氧环境线粒体所发生的种种适应性进化进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

本文记述了在甘南高原沼泽湿地中鉴定到的6种土壤纤毛虫,这些种类分别为:野生假膜虫(Notohymena selvatica)、布若雷亚尼瓦拉虫(Wallackia bujoreani)、水藓宽口虫(Steinia sphagnicola)、埃托拟突口虫(Condylostomides etoschensis)、粘游仆虫(Euplotes muscicola)和斯坦赭虫(Blepharisma steini),其中,野生假膜虫、布若雷亚尼瓦拉虫和水藓宽口虫这3种为中国土壤纤毛虫新纪录种。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Rumen Contents obtained from 28 domesticated cattle ( Bos taurus L.) slaughtered at abatoirs near Izmir, Turkey were surveyed for ciliate protozoa. Protozoa are known to make an appreciable contribution to ruminal fiber digestion in many different geographical areas; however, little if any Information is available on their occurrence in Turkish cattle. As a result of our survey, 13 genera including 52 species were identified. Nine of the species were further divided into 36 forma. The average ciliate density in our cattle (52.44 X 104/ml) was higher than that of Turkish domestic sheep and other domestic cattle reported previously from different geographical areas. Entodinium basoglui, Entodinium williamsi f. williamsi, E. williamsi f. turcicum, E. dalli f. rudidorsospinatum, Entodinium imai, Entodinium oektemae, Eudiplodinium dehorityi, Epidinium graini, Ophryoscolex purkynjei f. bifidobicinctus , and Ophryoscolex purkynjei f. bifidoquadricinctus have previously been reported from Turkey and appear to be endemic. All of the remaining species represent a new host record for domestic Turkish cattle. This study also reports for the second time the presence of Entodinium constrictum in herbivorous mammals, and is the first record of its occurrence in domesticated cattle.  相似文献   

The abundance, composition and seasonal distribution of planktonic protozoans and physical and chemical variables such as temperature, dissolved oxygen content, pH, and chlorophyll a concentration were analyzed monthly from February 1985 to January 1986 in eutrophic Rio Grande Reservoir. Analyses were performed on water samples collected at the surface and bottom (0.5 m above the sediment) in three stations, and individual distribution profiles were constructed for the major species. Dominant protozoan taxa included Codonella cratera, Coleps amphacantus, Coleps hirtus, Halteria grandinella, Mesodinium pulex, Tintinnidium sp., Urotricha spp., Vorticella spp., and Difflugia sp.. The distribution of some species was probably related to temperature and dissolved oxygen content.  相似文献   

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