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The behavioural and physiological responses of the synovigenic parasitoid, Dinarmus basalis (Rond.) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), were investigated whilst the wasps were submitted to conflicting oviposition stimuli: an environment which induced them to restrict egg-laying and a physiological factor, egg-load pressure, which induced them to lay eggs. When individual females depleted patches containing hosts parasitized 24 h or 72 h beforehand, they laid preferentially on unparasitized hosts and the number of eggs laid decreased significantly. Although they remained for several days in such patches, egg-load pressure did not lead them to modify their strategy (i.e. to accept all the available hosts including the already parasitized ones). In this synovigenic species, the oviposition constraint resulted in the retention of oocytes. Dissection and histological observation showed that the unlaid eggs are resorbed, a reproductive regulatory process which has seldom previously been reported in the presence of unparasitized hosts. This physiological response was induced by the mere presence of the parasitized hosts rather than their density. The females’ response was also influenced by the presence of conspecifics. They still avoided laying on parasitized hosts but the number of eggs laid daily became comparable to that observed in patches containing only unparasitized hosts. Thus, D. basalis females adapted their strategy in response to their environment, in which the most significant factor seemed to be the quality of the hosts provided, and their physiology. The originality and the importance of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Parasitoid sex ratios are influenced by mating systems, whether complete inbreeding, partial inbreeding, complete inbreeding avoidance, or production of all-male broods by unmated females. Population genetic theory demonstrates that inbreeding is possible in haplodiploids because the purging of deleterious and lethal mutations through haploid males reduces inbreeding depression. However, this purging does not act quickly for deleterious mutations or female-limited traits (e.g., fecundity, host searching, sex ratio). The relationship between sex ratio, inbreeding, and inbreeding depression has not been explored in depth in parasitoids. The gregarious egg parasitoid, Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, collected from Riverside, CA (USA) produced a female-biased sex ratio of 0.24 (proportion of males). Six generations of sibling mating in the laboratory uncovered considerable inbreeding depression (∼ 20%) in fecundity and sex ratio. A population genetic study (based upon allozymes) showed the population was inbred (F it = 0.246), which corresponds to 56.6% sib-mating. However, average relatedness among females emerging from the same host egg was only 0.646, which is less than expected (0.75) if ovipositing females mate randomly. This lower relatedness could arise from inbreeding avoidance, multiple mating by females, or superparasitism. A review of the literature in general shows relatively low inbreeding depression in haplodiploid species, but indicates that inbreeding depression can be as high as that found in Drosophila. Finally, mating systems and inbreeding depression are thought to evolve in concert (in plants), but similar dynamic models of the joint evolution of sex ratio, mating systems, and inbreeding depression have not been developed for parasitoid wasps. Received: November 13, 1998 /Accepted: January 8, 1999  相似文献   

Ordano M  Ornelas JF 《Oecologia》2004,140(3):495-505
Animal-pollinated angiosperm plants that respond positively to nectar removal by replenishment invest energy that can entail a reproductive cost. We investigated whether or not nectar removal stimulates replenishment in two hummingbird-pollinated bromeliad species. Nectar replenishment rates were also assessed by removing nectar from manually pollinated flowers because pollination events might be used as signals to save energy by preventing allocation to post-pollination nectar production. Then we synthesized the current understanding of nectar removal effects by reviewing existing published studies with a meta-analysis. The magnitude and significance of estimated nectar removal effects and factors associated with variation in size and direction of nectar removal effects were elucidated with the meta-analysis. We found that both Tillandsia species strongly respond to repeated nectar removal by producing >3 times additional nectar. Nectar secretion patterns were not altered by pollination (stigmatic pollen deposition) and we found no evidence of nectar reabsorption. Although the effect size varied widely across systems and/or environmental conditions, the meta-analysis showed that nectar removal had overall a positive effect on nectar replenishment (mainly among species inhabiting wet tropical habitats such as Tillandsia), and a negative effect on the secretion of additional sugar, suggesting that those plants are resource limited and conservative in the secretion of additional sugar.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Urbanization is one of the most extreme and rapidly growing anthropogenic pressures on the natural world. It is linked to significant impacts on biodiversity and disruptions to ecological processes in remnant vegetation. We investigated the richness and abundance of wasps in a highly fragmented urban landscape in Sydney, Australia, comparing assemblages in small urban remnants to edges and interiors of continuous areas of vegetation. We detected no difference in wasp abundance or species richness between remnant types indicating that communities are highly resilient to the effects of urbanization at this scale. However, Chao 2 estimates of predicted species richness indicate that edge sites would support a greater richness and abundance of species compared to small and interior sites. Although families were represented evenly across the sites, interior and edge sites supported more species within families. Wasp composition was significantly affected by the temporal variation and trap location (arboreal or ground), particularly at the family level demonstrating high species turnover and discrimination in vertical space. These sampling effects and temporal inconsistencies highlight the hazards of relying on one-off snapshot surveys and uncorrected datasets for assessments of diversity and responses to urban landscapes. The strong resilience of wasp communities to urbanization when assessed at coarse scales indicates that responses at finer spatial and taxonomic scales are critical to understanding the maintenance of ecosystem function in highly modified landscapes.  相似文献   

The widespread evolution of gregarious development in parasitoidwasps presents a theoretical challenge because the conditionsunder which larval tolerance can spread in an intolerant populationare very stringent (the individual fitness of larvae developingtogether must increase with clutch size). Recent empirical workhas suggested that gregarious development can arise throughthe loss of larval mobility rather than through the gain oftolerant behavior. Using analytical genetic models, we exploredwhether decreased mobility presents a less stringent route togregariousness than the gain of tolerance. Reduced mobilitycan spread under a wide range of conditions. The critical conditionfor the spread of immobility is much less stringent than thatfor larval tolerance. In contrast with previous models of tolerance,the criterion for the spread of a rare immobility allele isindependent of any bias in the sex ratio and the likelihoodof single sex broods. Superparasitism increases the stringencyof the criterion for the spread of immobility, whereas doublekilling relaxes the criterion. Tolerance can subsequently replaceimmobility if there is any cost to the retention of fightingability. Our results suggest that asymmetric larval mobilitymay explain many instances of the evolution of gregarious development.  相似文献   

Pollinator behavior influences plant reproduction in many ways. A traditional measure of pollination, the number of visits received, may be a poor predictor of plant reproductive success, particularly when there are trade-offs between visit quantity and components of visit quality. For example, the duration of pollinator visits may be negatively correlated with the number of visits received by a flower. We tested for a trade-off between the number of bumblebee visits and the duration of those visits in an experimental population of snapdragons (Antirrhinummajus: Scrophulariaceae). The duration of a bumblebee visit to a flower increased significantly with the time interval since the flower had last been visited. Over the lifetime of a flower the correlation between the total number and average duration of visits received by a flower was weakly negative. However, at the whole-plant level the correlation was positive: plants whose flowers received more visits also received visits of longer duration. Factors affecting the relationship between quantity and duration of pollinator visits to flowers also were investigated. Two factors weakened the negative dependence of average visit duration on number of visits received by individual snapdragon flowers: (1) the correlation between the total number of visits to a flower and the average interval between visits was only −0.53, as visits to individual flowers were not very evenly spaced over time, and (2) newly opened flowers received fewer and shorter visits than older flowers. Comparing whole plants, nectar production per flower varied dramatically across individuals, a probable explanation for the positive correlation between visit number and average duration per flower observed at the plant level. The potential for a trade-off between these two components of pollinator service exists when visit duration depends on reward quantity; whether the trade-off is realized will depend on variation in nectar production and on whether pollinators forage systematically. Received: 3 October 1997 / Accepted: 16 June 1998  相似文献   

The Microgastrinae are a hugely diverse subfamily of endoparasitoid wasps of lepidopteran caterpillars. They are important in agriculture as biological control agents and play a significant ecological role in the regulation of caterpillar populations. Whilst the group has been the focus of intensive rearing and DNA barcoding studies in the Northern Hemisphere, the Australian fauna has received little attention. In total, 99 species have been described from or have been introduced into Australia, but the real species diversity for the region is clearly much larger than this. In this study, museum ethanol samples and recent field collections were mined for hundreds of specimens of microgastrine wasps, which were then barcoded for the COI region, ITS2 ribosomal spacer and the wingless nuclear genes, using a pooled sequencing approach on an Illumina Miseq system. Full COI sequences were obtained for 525 individuals which, when combined with 162 publicly available sequences, represented 417 haplotypes, and a total of 236 species were delimited using a consensus approach. By more than doubling the number of known microgastrine wasp species in Australia, our study highlights the value of DNA barcoding in the context of employing high‐throughput sequencing methods of bulk ethanol museum collections for biodiversity assessment.  相似文献   

Nectar-carbohydrate production and composition were investigated by high-performance liquid chromatography and enzymology in nine species from five tribes of the Brassicaceae. In six species (Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., Brassica napus L., B. rapa L., Lobularia maritima (L.) Desv., Raphanus sativus L., Sinapis arvensis L.) that produced nectar from both lateral nectaries (associated with the short stamens) and median nectaries (outside the long stamens), on average 95% of the total nectar carbohydrate was collected from the lateral ones. Nectar from these glands possessed a higher glucose/fructose ratio (usually 1.0–1.2) than that from the median nectaries (0.2–0.9) within the same flower. Comparatively little sucrose was detected in any nectar samples except from Matthiola bicornus (Sibth. et Sm.) DC., which possessed lateral nectaries only and produced a sucrose-dominant exudate. The anatomy of the nectarial tissue in nectar-secreting flowers of six species, Hesperis matronalis L., L. maritima, M. bicornus, R. sativus, S. arvensis, and Sisymbrium loeselii L., was studied by light and scanning-electron microscopy. Phloem alone supplied the nectaries. However, in accordance with their overall nectar-carbohydrate production, the lateral glands received relatively rich quantities of phloem that penetrated far into the glandular tissue, whereas median glands were supplied with phloem that often barely innervated them. All nectarial tissue possessed modified stomata (with the exception of the median glands of S. loeselii, which did not produce nectar); further evidence was gathered to indicate that these structures do not regulate nectar flow by guard-cell movements. The numbers of modified stomata per gland showed no relation to nectar-carbohydrate production. Taken together, the data on nectar biochemistry and nectary anatomy indicate the existence of two distinct nectary types in those Brassicacean species that possess both lateral and median nectaries, regardless of whether nectarial tissue is united around the entire receptacle or not. It is proposed that the term “nectarium” be used to represent collectively the multiple nectaries that can be found in individual flowers. Received: 21 July 1997 / Accepted: 19 September 1997  相似文献   

研究了下列害虫和寄生天敌种类对大豆植株中提取的某些挥发性次生化合物及其不同组合混合相的触角电位反应: 1)豆蚜Aphis craccivora Koch和麦长管蚜Macrosiphum avenae (Fabricius);2)为害大豆植株的大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsumura和不为害大豆植株的豆蚜二者所共有的寄生天敌豆柄瘤蚜茧蜂Lysiphlebus fabarum Marshall; 3)不为害大豆植株的麦长管蚜的寄生天敌燕麦蚜茧蜂Aphidius picipes Nees。结果表明,与大豆植株相关联的大豆蚜和不相关联的豆蚜所共有的天敌——豆柄瘤蚜茧蜂,对大豆植株的挥发性次生化合物及其混合相反应敏感,而与大豆植株不相关联的豆蚜、麦长管蚜及其寄生天敌——燕麦蚜茧蜂,对大豆植株的挥发性次生化合物及其混合相反应不敏感。再次证明,植物挥发性次生化合物在害虫及其寄生天敌搜寻寄主的过程中起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

Knowing how floral visitors forage efficiently among flowers is important to understanding plant-pollinator interactions. When bees search for rewarding flowers, they use several visual cues to detect the available floral resources. In addition to these cues, bees can recognize scent marks, which are olfactory cues left on flowers foraged by previous visitors. This behavior is well known in social bees, such as honeybees and bumblebees. Although solitary bees do not need to give information about which flowers were foraged to conspecifics, several pieces of evidence have indicated the use of scent marks. However, it is unknown whether the behavior is widely used in many different bee species. We investigated whether four different solitary bees, Colletes patellatus (Colletidae), Andrena prostomias (Andrenidae), Osmia orientalis (Megachilidae), and Tetralonia mitsukurii (Apidae), can recognize flowers that have been foraged previously by visitors within 3 min. All four bees showed rejection responses to flowers foraged by conspecifics. However, our results showed that responses to foraged flowers varied among bee species. The tendency of A. prostomias and T. mitsukurii to reject the foraged flowers was pronounced, while in C. patellatus and O. orientalis it was weak. In both A. prostomias and T. mitsukurii, the rejection rate of flowers foraged by conspecifics decreased as the time lag after the last visit increased. Both bees visited the flowers from which pollen or nectar had been artificially removed. We suggest that A. prostomias and T. mitsukurii would recognize scent marks left by previous visitors, while the other two bees would not recognize them so strongly. It is likely that the decision to use scent marks is dependent either on the richness of resources or on the complexity of floral structure.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of plant responses to dark septate root endophytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
? Dark septate endophytes (DSE) frequently colonize roots in the natural environment, but the effects of these fungi on plants are obscure, with previous studies indicating negative, neutral or positive effects on plant performance. ? In order to reach a consensus for how DSE influence plant performance, meta-analyses were performed on data from 18 research articles, in which plants had been inoculated with DSE in sterile substrates. ? Negative effects of DSE on plant performance were not recorded. Positive effects were identified on total, shoot and root biomass, and on shoot nitrogen (N) and phosphorus contents, with increases of 26-103% in these parameters for plants inoculated with DSE, relative to uninoculated controls. Inoculation increased total, shoot and root biomass by 52-138% when plants had not been supplied with additional inorganic N, or when all, or the majority, of N was supplied in organic form. Inoculation with the DSE Phialocephala fortinii was found to increase shoot and root biomass, shoot P concentration and shoot N content by 44-116%, relative to uninoculated controls. ? The analyses here suggest that DSE enhance plant performance under controlled conditions, particularly when all, or the majority, of N is available in organic form.  相似文献   

以分布于秦岭的金花忍冬(Lonicera chrysantha Turcz.)、忍冬(L.japonica Thunb.)、葱皮忍冬(L.ferdinandii Franch.)和金银忍冬(L.maackii(Rupr.)Maxim.)为对象,通过定位观察、人工授粉实验、人为设置实验斑块的方法对忍冬属4种植物的开花生物学特性、繁育系统、花色变化现象、传粉过程进行了研究。结果表明,4种植物的单花花期、花部特征存在差异。人工授粉实验显示,4种植物均存在一定的花粉限制,自交不亲和。除葱皮忍冬外,其余3种植物随着花色由白变黄,花粉和花蜜报酬减少、雌雄生殖能力逐渐降低;葱皮忍冬花变色后花蜜量变化不显著,且仍保留较强的雌性生殖能力。变色花的保留被认为是植物的一种生殖策略,通过增大植物的花展示来扩大自身的吸引力,以吸引更多远距传粉者访花。人为控制白、黄花不同数量比的实验结果表明,大多数传粉者偏向访问白花(变色前的花),且白花提供的报酬量和黄花(变色后的花)数量显著影响传粉者的访花频率,即当花蜜量减少或黄花数量增多时,传粉者访花频率随之降低。因此,我们认为忍冬属4种植物的花色变化可能除了增大植物对远距传粉者的吸引力外,对近距传粉者的访花行为也可能具有一定的影响。当传粉者接近植株时,变色后的花可能暗示其花蜜(花粉)报酬已经发生变化,并驱使昆虫离开并飞向同株或异株植物新开放的报酬丰富的白花,这既有利于提高传粉者的觅食效率,又能降低植物同株异花授粉的几率,对忍冬属植物及传粉者都具有重要意义,是植物长期与授粉昆虫相互适应的反映。  相似文献   

Within five species of parasitoid wasps of the families Pteromalidae ( Morodora armata Gahan, Muscidifurax zaraptor K. & L., Nasonia vitripennis (Walker)), Bethylidae ( Goniozus legneri Gordh), and Tiphiidae ( Myzinum quinquecinctum (Fabricius)), we found significant positive correlations between female body size and both the number and the size of the mature oocytes present in the ovaries. These data are discussed with reference to current clutch size and egg size models and biological information available on these species.  相似文献   

  • 1 Diachasmimorpha krausii is a braconid parasitoid of larval tephritid fruit flies, which feed cryptically within host fruit. At the ovipositor probing stage, the wasp cannot discriminate between hosts that are physiologically suitable or unsuitable for offspring development and must use other cues to locate suitable hosts.
  • 2 To identify the cues used by the parasitoid to find suitable hosts, we offered, to free flying wasps, different combinations of three fruit fly species (Bactrocera tryoni, Bactrocera cacuminata, Bactrocera cucumis), different life stages of those flies (adults and larvae) and different host plants (Solanum lycopersicon, Solanum mauritianum, Cucurbita pepo). In the laboratory, the wasp will readily oviposit into larvae of all three flies but successfully develops only in B. tryoni. Bactrocera tryoni commonly infests S. lycopersicon (tomato), rarely S. mauritianum (wild tobacco) but never C. pepo (zucchini). The latter two plant species are common hosts for B. cacuminata and B. cucumis, respectively.
  • 3 The parasitoid showed little or no response to uninfested plants of any of the test species. The presence of adult B. tryoni, however, increased parasitoid residency time on uninfested tomato.
  • 4 When the three fruit types were all infested with larvae, parasitoid response was strongest to tomato, regardless of whether the larvae were physiologically suitable or unsuitable for offspring development. By contrast, zucchini was rarely visited by the wasp, even when infested with B. tryoni larvae.
  • 5 Wild tobacco was infrequently visited when infested with B. cacuminata larvae but was more frequently visited, with greater parasitoid residency time and probing, when adult flies (either B. cacuminata or B. tryoni) were also present.
  • 6 We conclude that herbivore‐induced, nonspecific host fruit wound volatiles were the major cue used by foraging D. krausii. Although positive orientation to infested host plants is well known from previous studies on opiine braconids, the failure of the wasp to orientate to some plants even when infested with physiologically suitable larvae, and the secondary role played by adult fruit flies in wasp host searching, are newly‐identified mechanisms that may aid parasitoid host location in environments where both physiologically suitable and unsuitable hosts occur.

Intercropping with flowering herbaceous plants increases parasitoid survivorship, fecundity and retention and pest suppression in agroecosystems. Few studies, however, have examined the compatibility of parasitoid morphology and foraging ability with floral architecture. This study shows that floral architecture influences the selection of floral host resources used to provide nutrients to parasitoids in cropping systems. Parasitoid foraging performance was evaluated using real and artificial flowers which varied in degree of nectar accessibility for two eulophid parasitoids, Edovum puttleri Grissell and Pediobius foveolatus Crawford. Comparisons were made of searching performance on artificial flowers with nectars that were either scented (made from 1:1 honey-water solution) or scentless (made from 1 m sucrose solution) and differences in head widths were compared with corolla apertures. Our results showed a disparity in the ability of E. puttleri and P. foveolatus to gain access to nectar from particular types of floral architectures. E. puttleri fed efficiently only from flowers with exposed nectaries while P. foveolatus foraged efficiently from flowers having either exposed nectaries or nectaries partially obstructed by petals and stamens. Neither wasp species could forage on flowers with cup- or tube-shaped corollas because their heads are wider than the floral apertures. E. puttleri's foraging performance decreased as nectar inaccessibility increased in the artificial flowers, while P. foveolatus' foraging performance was uniform among the different artificial flowers. This indicates that E. puttleri has less propensity to search small openings for nectar than does P. foveolatus. The foraging success of both E. puttleri and P. foveolatus on artificial flowers was lower when 1 M sucrose solution was used as an artificial nectar rather than honey-water solution, indicating that the wasps were stimulated and attracted by the nectar odor. Our systematic evaluation of floral architecture with respect to parasitoid foraging ability has enabled us to predict which types of flowers would serve as suitable floral host plants for parasitoids in the field. That is, only flowers with nectaries that are completely exposed would function as suitable floral host plants for E. puttleri, while P. foveolatus could forage on flowers with either exposed or partially exposed nectaries. Examples of potentially suitable floral hosts suggested from our study include dill (Anethum graveolens L.) and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare L.) for both E. puttleri and P. foveolatus and coriander (Coriandrum sativa L.) for P. foveolatus.  相似文献   

Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and global mean temperature are expected to be significantly higher by the end of the 21st century. Elevated CO2 (eCO2) and higher temperature each affect plant physiology and growth, but their interactive effects have not been reviewed statistically with respect to higher chronic mean temperatures and abrupt heat stress. In this meta-analysis, we examined the effect of CO2 on the physiology and growth of plants subjected to different temperature treatments. The CO2 treatments were categorized into ambient (<400 ppm) or elevated (>560 ppm) levels, while temperature treatments were categorized into ambient temperature (AT), elevated temperature (ET; AT + 1.4–6°C), or heat stress (HS; AT + >8°C). Plant species were grouped according to photosynthetic pathways (C3, C4), functional types (legumes, non-legumes), growth forms (herbaceous, woody), and economic purposes (crop, non-crop). eCO2 enhanced net photosynthesis at AT, ET, and HS in C3 species (especially at the HS level), but in C4 species, it had no effect at AT, a positive effect at ET, and a negative effect at HS. The positive effect of eCO2 on net photosynthesis was greater for legumes than for non-legumes at HS, for non-crops than crops at ET, and for woody than herbaceous species at ET and HS. Total (W T) and above- (W AG) and below-ground (W BG) biomass were increased by eCO2 for most species groups at all temperatures, except for C4 species and W BG of legumes at HS. Hence, eCO2 × heat effects on growth were often not explained by effects on net photosynthesis. Overall, the results show that eCO2 effects on plant physiology and growth vary under different temperature regimes, among functional groups and photosynthetic pathways, and among response variables. These findings have important implications for biomass accumulation and ecosystem functioning in the future when the CO2 level is higher and climate extremes, such as heat waves, become more frequent.  相似文献   

Plant volatiles have been demonstrated to play an important role in regulating the behavior of Cotesia plutellae, a major larval parasitoid of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella, but little is currently known about the function of each volatile and their mixtures. We selected 13 volatiles of the DBM host plant, a cruciferous vegetable, to study the electroantennogram (EAG) and behavioral responses of C. plutellae. EAG responses to each of the compounds generally increased with concentration. Strong EAG responses were to 100 μL/mL of trans‐2‐hexenal, benzaldehyde, nonanal and cis‐3‐hexenol, and 10 μL/mL of trans‐2‐hexenal and benzaldehyde with the strongest response provoked by trans‐2‐hexenal at 100 μL/mL. In the Y‐tube olfactometer, C. plutellae, was significantly attracted by 1 μL/mL of trans‐2‐hexenal and benzaldehyde. β‐caryophyllene, cis‐3‐hexenol or trans‐2‐hexenal significantly attracted C. plutellae at 10 μL/mL, while nonanal, benzyl alcohol, cis‐3‐hexenol or benzyl cyanide at 100 μL/mL significantly attracted C. plutellae. Trans‐2‐hexenal significantly repelled C. plutellae at 100 μL/mL. EAG of C. plutellae showed strong responses to all mixtures made of five various compounds with mixtures 3 (trans‐2‐hexenal, benzaldehyde, nonanal, cis‐3‐hexenol, benzyl cyanide, farnesene, eucalyptol) and 4 (trans‐2‐hexenal, benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol, (R)‐(+)‐limonene, β‐ionone, farnesene, eucalyptol) significantly attracting C. plutellae. These findings demonstrate that the behavior of C. plutellae can be affected either by individual compounds or mixtures of plant volatiles, suggesting a potential of using plant volatiles to improve the efficiency of this parasitoid for biocontrol of P. xylostella.  相似文献   

Wei JN  Kang L 《Chemical senses》2006,31(5):467-477
In the present study, Y-tube olfactometric assays demonstrated that headspace volatile extracts collected from leaf miner-damaged, or artificially damaged, bean plants were more attractive to naive females of the parasitoid insect Opius dissitus than those collected from healthy plants. Headspace extracts from both Liriomyza huidobrensis and Liriomyza sativae second-instar larvae-damaged beans were analyzed by coupled gas chromatography-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD). Of nine EAD-active volatiles identified, (3E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene, (3Z)-hexenyl acetate, (syn)-2-methylpropanal oxime, and (syn)-2-methylbutanal oxime were the most abundant compounds that evoked significant electroantennogram (EAG) responses. Compounds (3Z)-hexen-1-ol, (anti)-2-methylbutanal oxime, linalool, beta-caryophyllene, and (3E,7E)-4,8,12-trimethyl-1,3,7,11-tridecatetraene also elicited clear EAG responses but were present in smaller amounts. Choice experiments in a Y-tube olfactometer indicated that synthetic versions of (3Z)-hexen-1-ol, 2-methylpropanal oxime, 2-methylbutanal oxime, 3-methylbutanal oxime, linalool, (E,E)-alpha-farnesene, and (3E,7E)-4,8,12-trimethyl-1,3,7,11-tridecatetraene were attractive individually, while (3Z)-hexenyl acetate and (3E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene were unattractive at concentrations similar to those obtained from the headspace collection. Moreover, a blend of nine EAD-active volatiles was significantly more attractive relative to hexane (solvent). A mixture of oximes, tereponids, and green leaf volatiles may facilitate host location by female O. dissitus.  相似文献   

Honey bees forage for pollen and nectar. Sugar is an important stimulus for foraging and a major source of energy for honey bees. Any differential response of bees to different concentrations of sugary nectar can affect their foraging. The sugar responsiveness of Apis species (Apis dorsata, Apis florea, and Apis cerana) was determined in comparison to that of Apis mellifera by evaluating the proboscis extension response (PER) with eight serial concentrations (0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 M) of sucrose, glucose and fructose. Nectar foragers of bee species (A. dorsata, A. florea, A. cerana, and A. mellifera) exhibited an equal response for sucrose, glucose, and fructose, with no significant differences in their PER at all tested concentrations of these sugars within the same species. The inter-species comparison between Apis species revealed the differential responsiveness to the different concentrations of sugars, and the lowest concentration at which a response occurs was considered as the response threshold of these bee species for sugar solutions. A. mellifera presented significantly higher responsiveness than A. dorsata to low concentrations (0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, and 0.1 M) of sucrose, glucose and fructose. A. mellifera displayed a significantly higher response to water than A. dorsata. A. florea and A. mellifera presented no significant difference in their responsiveness to sucrose, glucose, and fructose at all tested concentrations, and their water responsiveness was also significantly at par but relatively higher in A. mellifera than in A. florea. Likewise, the responsiveness of A. cerana and A. mellifera to different concentrations of sucrose, glucose and fructose was significantly at par with no difference in their water responsiveness. This study represents preliminary research comparing the response of different honey bee species to three sugar types at different concentrations. The results imply that the native species are all better adapted than A. mellifera under local climate conditions.  相似文献   

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