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Fruit size and shape are two major factors determining yield, quality and consumer acceptability for many crops. Like most traits important to agriculture, both are quantitatively inherited. Despite their economic importance none of the genes controlling either of these traits have been cloned, and little is known about the control of the size and shape of domesticated fruit. Tomato represents a model fruit-bearing domesticated species characterized by a wide morphological diversity of fruits. The many genetic and genomic tools available for this crop can be used to unraveal the molecular bases of the developmental stages which presumably influence fruit architecture, size and shape. The goal of this review is to summarize data from the tomato QTL studies conducted over the past 15 years, which together allow the identification of the major QTLs responsible for fruit domestication in tomato. These results provide the starting point for the isolation of the genes involved in fruit-size/shape determination in tomato and potentially other fruit-bearing plants. Received: 21 January 1999 / Accepted: 12 March 1999  相似文献   

Variation in fruit morphology is a prevalent characteristic among cultivated tomato. The genetic and developmental mechanisms underlying similarities and differences in shape between the fruit of two elongated tomato varieties were investigated. Fruit from two F2 populations constructed from either Solanum lycopersicum cv. Howard German or cv. Banana Legs crossed with S. pimpinellifolium accession LA1589, and one BC1 population constructed with S. lycopersicum Howard German as the recurrent parent, were analysed for shape by using a new software program Tomato Analyzer. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling 15 individual shape attributes were mapped by both single and multitrait composite interval mapping in each population. In addition, principal components analysis and canonical discriminant analysis were conducted on these shape attributes to determine the greatest sources of variation among and between the populations. Individual principal components and canonical variates were subjected to QTL analysis to map regions of the genome influencing fruit shape in the cultivars. Common and unique regions, as well as previously known and novel QTLs, underlying fruit morphology in tomato were identified. Four major loci were found to control multiple fruit shape traits, principal components, and canonical variates in the populations. In addition, QTLs associated with the principal components better revealed regions of the genome that varied among populations than did the QTL associated with canonical variates. The QTL identified can be compared across additional populations of tomato and other fruit-bearing crop species.  相似文献   

In two previous quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping studies conducted inLycopersicon esculentum x L. pimpinellifolium BC1 and BC2 populations we had localized a major QTL for fruit shape,fs8.1, to a ca. 20 cM interval on the short arm of chromosome 8, flanked by markers TG176 and CT92. At this QTL the allele from the wild species reduces the length of fruit, giving round-shaped fruit. In order to define more precisely the location offs8.1, near-isogenic lines (NILs) segregating for the region of interest were developed. The results from substitution mapping show that no recombination occurred betweenfs8.1 and the marker CD40 in 322 meioses. The gene action forfs8.1 was determined in a BC4F3 population to be partial dominance. The main effect offs8.1 is exerted on fruit length while fruit diameter is not significantly affected. A highly significant correlation (r=0.89;P<0.01) was found between fruit shape and ovary shape indicating that thefs8.1 gene product acts early in ovary development (preanthesis). Implications for the evolution of fruit shape and the feasibility of map-based cloning of this QTL are discussed.  相似文献   

ABA-deficiency results in reduced plant and fruit size in tomato   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abscisic acid (ABA) deficient mutants, such as notabilis and flacca, have helped elucidating the role of ABA during plant development and stress responses in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). However, these mutants have only moderately decreased ABA levels. Here we report on plant and fruit development in the more strongly ABA-deficient notabilis/flacca (not/flc) double mutant. We observed that plant growth, leaf-surface area, drought-induced wilting and ABA-related gene expression in the different genotypes were strongly correlated with the ABA levels and thus most strongly affected in the not/flc double mutants. These mutants also had reduced fruit size that was caused by an overall smaller cell size. Lower ABA levels in fruits did not correlate with changes in auxin levels, but were accompanied by higher ethylene evolution rates. This suggests that in a wild-type background ABA stimulates cell enlargement during tomato fruit growth via a negative effect on ethylene synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary An experimental design is presented for estimating genetic parameters using a family structure with clonally replicated individuals. This experimental design provides a technique to quantify genetic variation in a population, with partial separation of additive, dominance and epistatic gene action. Our method is offered as an alternative to techniques for estimating epistatic gene action that require several generations and/or inbreeding. Such methods are not particularly useful for long-lived perennials with long generation cycles. An example of the analysis is given with a forest tree species, Populus deltoides Bartr., and parameter estimates are presented for traits measured over 8 years.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that plant allelochemicals can have profound effects on the performance of associated species, such that plants with a history of co-existence with “chemical neighbour” plants perform better in their presence compared to naïve plants. This has cast new light on the complexity of plant–plant interactions and plant communities and has led to debates on whether plant communities are more co-evolved than traditionally thought. In order to determine whether plants may indeed evolve in response to other plants’ allelochemicals it is crucial to determine the presence of genetic variation for performance under the influence of specific allelochemicals and show that natural selection indeed operates on this variation. We studied the effect of the monoterpene carvacrol—a dominant compound in the essential oil of Thymus pulegioides—on three associated plant species originating from sites where thyme is either present or absent. We found the presence of genetic variation in both naïve and experienced populations for performance under the influence of the allelochemical but the response varied among naïve and experienced plant. Plants from experienced populations performed better than naïve plants on carvacrol soil and contained significantly more seed families with an adaptive response to carvacrol than naïve populations. This suggests that the presence of T. pulegioides can act as a selective agent on associated species, by favouring genotypes which perform best in the presence of its allelochemicals. The response to the thyme allelochemical varied from negative to neutral to positive among the species. The different responses within a species suggest that plant–plant interactions can evolve; this has implications for community dynamics and stability.  相似文献   

Duggal  Arti  Dumas  M.T.  Jeng  R.S.  Hubbes  M. 《Mycopathologia》1997,140(1):35-49
Eighteen isolates representing six Fusarium species from diverse hosts and geographical origins were evaluated to determine ribosomal DNA variation using polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphisms. No length variation was observed for amplified 18S and 28S regions. However, amplification of the ITS region showed one isolate, a F. oxysporum, to be about 120 bp larger than the remaining 17. Restriction digestions in the 18S region revealed polymorphisms within species of F. oxysporum and F. solani. An amplified variable stretch of the 28S gene showed restriction site differences between F. avenecum, F. sambucinum and F. sporotrichioides. A large degree of polymorphism was observed both between and within species in the ITS region. Therefore, entire sequences of the ITS and the 5.8S subunit were obtained for 17 of the 18 isolates. These sequences, along with those from eight additional isolates, were analysed using PAUP to assess the occurrence of DNA sequence divergence within the ITS region. The lack of correlation between molecular-based relationships and species affinities inferred from morphology for some isolates indicates that species designation can be unreliable using morphological data alone. Possible reasons for the discordance of the sequence and morphological data are discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

K. C. Burns  J. L. Dalen 《Oikos》2002,96(3):463-469
The color of vertebrate-dispersed fruits has been a source of inquiry for over 150 years, yet the ecological and evolutionary processes responsible for fruit color diversity remain elusive. We tested the hypothesis that fruit color varies temporally, to maximize conspicuousness against seasonal changes in foliage coloration, in a bird-dispersed plant community in western North America. Field observations showed that while red fruits predominate during summer periods of green foliage coloration, black fruits are produced during flushes of red-orange foliage coloration in autumn. Although two species did not conform to this pattern, one produced its own contrasting background color, via colored bracts. We conducted experimental manipulations of both fruit color and the color of artificial backgrounds to test whether both factors had a synergistic effect on fruit removal rates. Interactions between fruit and background color explained most of the variation in experimental fruit removal rates. Although red fruits were removed rapidly on green backgrounds, preference for black fruits on red-orange backgrounds was less pronounced. Consequently, the temporal pattern in fruit color appears to result from elevated fruit conspicuousness against seasonal changes in foliage coloration. Support for this hypothesis suggests a temporal connection between fruit color diversity, foliage color contrasts and avian color preferences.  相似文献   

It is increasingly important in life sciences that many cell-scale and tissue-scale measurements are quantified from confocal microscope images. However, extracting and analyzing large-scale confocal image data sets represents a major bottleneck for researchers. To aid this process, CellSeT software has been developed, which utilizes tissue-scale structure to help segment individual cells. We provide examples of how the CellSeT software can be used to quantify fluorescence of hormone-responsive nuclear reporters, determine membrane protein polarity, extract cell and tissue geometry for use in later modeling, and take many additional biologically relevant measures using an extensible plug-in toolset. Application of CellSeT promises to remove subjectivity from the resulting data sets and facilitate higher-throughput, quantitative approaches to plant cell research.  相似文献   

The Lulo or naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.) and the tree tomato or tamarillo (Solanum betaceum Cav. Sendt.) are both Andean tropical fruit species with high nutritional value and the potential for becoming premium products in local and export markets. Herein, we present a report on the genetic characterization of 62 accessions of lulos (n = 32) and tree tomatoes (n = 30) through the use of PCR-based markers developed from single-copy conserved orthologous genes (COSII) in other Solanaceae (Asterid) species. We successfully PCR amplified a set of these markers for lulos (34 out of 46 initially tested) and tree tomatoes (26 out of 41) for molecular studies. Six polymorphic COSII markers were found in lulo with a total of 47 alleles and five polymorphic markers in tree tomato with a total of 39 alleles in the two populations. Further genetic analyses indicated a high population structure (with F(ST) > 0.90), which may be a result of low migration between populations, adaptation to various niches and the number of markers evaluated. We propose COSII markers as sound tools for molecular studies, conservation and the breeding of these two fruit species.  相似文献   

萼片是番茄花和果实的重要组成部分,影响着果实的商品性。本试验以40份不同类型番茄为材料,对萼片发育过程、形态描述指标及形态多样性进行研究。结果表明,番茄萼片属于宿萼,其形态随着花和果实的发育而变化,表现为闭合、微开、展开、收合、微开、变形到定形,定形萼片呈现包被、基平、上翘、直立和上卷5种状态;对定形萼片7个形态性状观测表明,变异系数由大到小依次为萼片卷曲度(84.43%)、萼片面积(45.54%)、上翘度(40.93%)、形状系数(36.05%)、萼片长(35.02%)、萼片厚(29.46%)和萼片宽(24.61%)。相关性分析表明,萼片长、萼片宽、萼片厚和萼片面积四者之间均极显著正相关;萼片形状系数(萼片长/萼片宽)与萼片长极显著正相关,而与萼片宽无显著相关关系;萼片卷曲度和上翘度之间极显著正相关,而与其他5个性状没有显著相关关系。主成分分析表明,由萼片长、萼片宽、萼片厚和萼片面积代表的大小性状(PC1),由形状系数代表的形状性状(PC2),以及由卷曲度和上翘度代表的形态性状(PC3)3个主成分对萼片形态变异的累计贡献率达87.50%;用形态性状指标对定形的5种类型萼片形态进行了描述。  相似文献   

Summary The effect of P nutrition on the growth of tomato plants in peat was examined. Initially, plants received an adequate supply of P and then received either nil, 0.78 or 2.34 kg superphosphate per m3 in combination with either 50 g N/ml (N1) or 300 g N/ml (N2) as ammonium nitrate in a liquid feed. Vegetative growth was restricted in the lower P treatmentsi.e. inhibited shoot growth, reduced duration of leaf expansion phase, thinner stems and reduced vegetative dry wt. Plants receiving N2 showed a greater restriction in growth compared with N1 plants when the P supply was limiting. P deficiency disrupted protein metabolism in the leaves, in that soluble leaf protein was reduced and trichloroacetic acid-soluble N accumulated. Flower development was accelerated by low P applications but the final numbers of flowers and the fruit-setting efficiency were reduced. Lowering the N supply reduced the fruit yield by 36 per cent while an intermediate P level reduced yields by about 15 per cent. Maximum fruit yields and good vegetative growth occurred when plants contained 0.4 per cent P or above in the mature leaves, and this value was achieved by adding the highest level (2.34 kg/m3) of superphosphate to the peat.  相似文献   

Tomato and pepper are two Solanaceous fruit crops that display an enormous diversity in fruit morphology. In this review, we will present an overview of the history of tomato and pepper and discuss key plant traits that were specifically selected during domestication of the two species. The traits discussed are fruit weight, shape, colour, ripening, pungency and plant architecture. We will review these characteristics as well as the genetic loci or genes that control these features, questioning whether mutations at orthologous loci occurred independently in these two species or whether unique plant and fruit features resulted in selection at different genes.  相似文献   

Bertin N 《Annals of botany》2005,95(3):439-447
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: To better understand the regulation of fruit growth in response to environmental factors, the effects of temperature and plant fruit load on cell number, cell size and DNA endoreduplication were analysed. METHODS: Plants were grown at 20/20 degrees C, 25/25 degrees C and 25/20 degrees C day/night temperatures, and inflorescences were pruned to two ('2F') or five ('5F') flowers. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Despite a lower fruit growth rate at 20/20 degrees C, temperature did not affect final fruit size because of the compensation between cell number and size. The higher cell number at 20/20 degrees C (9.0 x 10(6) against 7.9 x 10(6) at 25/25 degrees C and 7.7 x 10(6) at 25/20 degrees C) resulted from an extended period of cell division, and the smaller cell size was due to a shorter period of expansion rather than a lower expansion rate. By contrast, the lower fruit growth rate and size of 5F fruits compared with 2F fruits resulted from the slow down of cell expansion, whereas the number of cells was hardly affected in the proximal fruit. However, within the inflorescence the decreasing gradient of fruit size from proximal to distal fruits was due to a decrease in cell number with similar cell size. Fruit size variations within each treatment were always positively correlated to variations in cell number, but not in cell size. Negative correlations between cell size and cell number suggested that cells of tomato pericarp can be seen as a population of competing sinks. Mean ploidy was slightly delayed and reduced in 5F fruits compared with 2F fruits. It was highest at 25/25 degrees C and lowest at 25/20 degrees C. Treatments did not affect ploidy and cell size in similar ways, but within each treatment, positive correlations existed between mean ploidy and cell size, though significant only in the 2F-25/20 treatment.  相似文献   



Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) consumption has been one of the most common causes of produce-associated salmonellosis in the United States. Contamination may originate from animal waste, insects, soil or water. Current guidelines for fresh tomato production recommend the use of potable water for applications coming in direct contact with the fruit, but due to high demand, water from other sources is frequently used. We sought to describe the overall bacterial diversity on the surface of tomato fruit and the effect of two different water sources (ground and surface water) when used for direct crop applications by generating a 454-pyrosequencing 16S rRNA dataset of these different environments. This study represents the first in depth characterization of bacterial communities in the tomato fruit surface and the water sources commonly used in commercial vegetable production.  相似文献   

The locus sun on the short arm of tomato chromosome 7 controls morphology of the fruit. Alleles from wild relatives impart a round shape, while alleles from certain cultivated varieties impart an oval shape typical of roma-type tomatoes. We fine mapped the locus in two populations and investigated the genome organization of the region spanning and flanking sun. The first high-resolution genetic map of the sun locus was constructed using a nearly isogenic F(2) population derived from a cross between Lycopersicon pennellii introgression line IL7-4 and L. esculentum cv Sun1642. The mapping combined with results from pachytene FISH experiments demonstrated that the top of chromosome 7 is inverted in L. pennellii accession LA716. sun was located close to the chromosomal breakpoint and within the inversion, thereby precluding map-based cloning of the gene using this population. The fruit-shape locus was subsequently fine mapped in a population derived from a cross between L. esculentum Sun1642 and L. pimpinellifolium LA1589. Chromosome walking using clones identified from several large genomic insert libraries resulted in two noncontiguous contigs flanking sun. Fiber-FISH analysis showed that distance between the two contigs measured 68 kb in L. esculentum Sun1642 and 38 kb in L. pimpinellifolium LA1589, respectively. The sun locus mapped between the two contigs, suggesting that allelic variation at this locus may be due to an insertion/deletion event. The results demonstrate that sun is located in a highly dynamic region of the tomato genome.  相似文献   

We have shown that a major QTL for fruit weight (fw2.2) maps to the same position on chromosome 2 in the green-fruited wild tomato species, Lycopersicon pennellii and in the red-fruited wild tomato species, L. pimpinellifolium. An introgression line F2 derived from L. esculentum (tomato) x L. pennellii and a backcross 1 (BC1) population derived from L. esculentum x L. pimpinellifolium both place fw2.2 near TG91 and TG167 on chromosome 2 of the tomato highdensity linkage map. fw2.2 accounts for 30% and 47% of the total phenotypic variance in the L. pimpinellifolium and L. pennellii populations, respectively, indicating that this is a major QTL controlling fruit weight in both species. Partial dominance (d/a of 0.44) was observed for the L. pennellii allele of fw 2.2 as compared with the L. esculentum allele. A QTL with very similar phenotypic affects and gene action has also been identified and mapped to the same chromosomal region in other wild tomato accessions: L. cheesmanii and L. pimpinellifolium. Together, these data suggest that fw2.2 represents an orthologous QTL (i.e., derived by speciation as opposed to duplication) common to most, if not all, wild tomato species. High-resolution mapping may ultimately lead to the cloning of this key locus controlling fruit development in tomato.  相似文献   

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