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To explore the role of catecholamine release in the pathogenesis of exercise-induced asthma, we had seven asthmatic and seven normal subjects undergo three hourly exercise challenges that were matched for inspired air temperature, minute ventilation, and relative work loads. Pulmonary mechanics and plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine were measured before, at end exercise, and serially after each challenge. There were no differences in the pattern of sympathoadrenal response of asthmatic and normal subjects, and both groups released sufficient quantities of epinephrine and norepinephrine into the peripheral circulation to allow these compounds to function as circulating hormones. As the catecholamines rose with repetitive exercise, progressive bronchodilation occurred in the asthmatics at the end of the work load, thus decreasing the apparent magnitude of the obstructive response. In addition to their effects on airway smooth muscle, the alpha-adrenergic actions of both catecholamines may have reduced airway wall hyperemia and edema. These data demonstrate that asthmatics do not have a defect in catecholamine release during exercise and that the physiological expression of exercise-induced asthma can be modulated by the sympathoadrenal epiphenomena that are associated with physical exertion.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular responses to breath-holding (BH) during short-lasting supramaximal exercise (415 W) on a cycle ergometer were investigated in 15 healthy male subjects. The arterial oxygen saturation, heart rate (HR), endtidal PO2 and PCO2 were continuously monitored. Firstly, 15 subjects performed exercise during BH, preceded by air breathing (air-BH test), and secondly, exercise without BH. Then 9 of the subjects performed the same procedure as in the air-BH test, except that all subjects breathed 100% O2 for 1 min before apnoea (O2-BH test). In 2 of these subjects, the systemic arterial blood pressure was continuously measured via a catheter in the radial artery and plasma catecholamine concentration [CA] was also measured both during the air-BH and the O2-BH tests. In the later period of the air-BH test, the high HR level became progressively depressed. This response, however, was absent in the O2-BH test. There was a late increase in the arterial blood pressure in both tests, and both tests produced hypercapnia. Only the air-BH test resulted in hypoxia, substantial hypertension and HR-depression. The increase in plasma CA was similar in both tests. The marked HR-depression demonstrated here is ascribed mainly to activation of the peripheral arterial chemoreceptors by asphyxia, and partially to baroreceptor activity due to elevated blood pressure.  相似文献   

The variability of the cardiac rhythm was studied in males with different initial respiratory rates. At rest and during voluntarily controlled breathing, subjects with medium respiratory rates were found to have a less variable heart rate than their counterparts with low or high respiratory rates.  相似文献   

Isnard, Richard, Philippe Lechat, Hanna Kalotka, HafidaChikr, Serge Fitoussi, Joseph Salloum, Jean-Louis Golmard, Daniel Thomas, and Michel Komajda. Muscular blood flow response to submaximal leg exercise in normal subjects and in patients with heartfailure. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(6):2571-2579, 1996.Blood flow to working skeletal muscle is usuallyreduced during exercise in patients with congestive heart failure. Anintrinsic impairment of skeletal muscle vasodilatory capacity has beensuspected as a mechanism of this muscle underperfusion during maximalexercise, but its role during submaximal exercise remains unclear.Therefore, we studied by transcutaneous Doppler ultrasonography thearterial blood flow in the common femoral artery at rest and during asubmaximal bicycle exercise in 12 normal subjects and in 30 patientswith heart failure. Leg blood flow was lower in patientsthan in control subjects at rest [0.29 ± 0.14 (SD) vs. 0.45 ± 0.14 l/min, P < 0.01], at absolute powers and at the same relative power (2.17 ± 1.06 vs. 4.39 ± 1.4 l/min, P < 0.001). Because mean arterial pressure was maintained, leg vascularresistance was higher in patients than in control subjects at rest (407 ± 187 vs. 247 ± 71 mmHg · l1 · min,P < 0.01) and at thesame relative power (73 ± 49 vs. 31 ± 13 mmHg · l1 · min,P < 0.01) but not at absolutepowers. Although the magnitude of increase in leg blood flow correctedfor power was similar in both groups (31 ± 10 vs. 34 ± 10 ml · min1 · W1),the magnitude of decrease of leg vascular resistance corrected forpower was higher in patients than in control subjects (5.9 ± 3.3 vs. 1.9 ± 0.94 mmHg · l1 · min · W1,P < 0.001). These results suggestthat the ability of skeletal muscle vascular resistance to decrease isnot impaired and that intrinsic vascular abnormalities do not limitvasodilator response to submaximal exercise in patients with heartfailure.




Analysis of heart rate variation (HRV) has become a popular noninvasive tool for assessing the activities of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). HRV analysis is based on the concept that fast fluctuations may specifically reflect changes of sympathetic and vagal activity. It shows that the structure generating the signal is not simply linear, but also involves nonlinear contributions. Linear parameters, Power spectral indice (LF/HF) is calculated with nonlinear indices Poincare plot geometry(SD1,SD2), Approximate Entropy (ApEn), Largest Lyapunov Exponent (LLE) and Detrended Fluctuation Analysis(DFA). The results show that, with aging the heart rate variability decreases. In this work, the ranges of all linear and nonlinear parameters for four age group normal subjects are presented with an accuracy of more than 89%.  相似文献   

Tantucci, C., P. Bottini, M. L. Dottorini, E. Puxeddu, G. Casucci, L. Scionti, and C. A. Sorbini. Ventilatory response toexercise in diabetic subjects with autonomic neuropathy.J. Appl. Physiol. 81(5):1978-1986, 1996.We have used diabetic autonomic neuropathy as amodel of chronic pulmonary denervation to study the ventilatoryresponse to incremental exercise in 20 diabetic subjects, 10 with(Dan+) and 10 without (Dan) autonomic dysfunction, and in 10 normal control subjects. Although both Dan+ and Dan subjectsachieved lower O2 consumption andCO2 production(CO2) thancontrol subjects at peak of exercise, they attained similar values ofeither minute ventilation(E) oradjusted ventilation (E/maximalvoluntary ventilation). The increment of respiratory rate withincreasing adjusted ventilation was much higher in Dan+ than inDan and control subjects (P < 0.05). The slope of the linearE/CO2relationship was 0.032 ± 0.002, 0.027 ± 0.001 (P < 0.05), and 0.025 ± 0.001 (P < 0.001) ml/min inDan+, Dan, and control subjects, respectively. Bothneuromuscular and ventilatory outputs in relation to increasingCO2 were progressivelyhigher in Dan+ than in Dan and control subjects. At peak ofexercise, end-tidal PCO2 was muchlower in Dan+ (35.9 ± 1.6 Torr) than in Dan (42.1 ± 1.7 Torr; P < 0.02) and control (42.1 ± 0.9 Torr; P < 0.005) subjects.We conclude that pulmonary autonomic denervation affects ventilatoryresponse to stressful exercise by excessively increasing respiratoryrate and alveolar ventilation. Reduced neural inhibitory modulationfrom sympathetic pulmonary afferents and/or increasedchemosensitivity may be responsible for the higher inspiratoryoutput.


In order to investigate some characteristics of physical fitness in children, we measured the heart rate of 1069 kindergarten children (aged 4-6 years) and 20 adults during treadmill running. After analyzing the data we obtained the following results: heart rate before, during, and after the running tended to diminish with the increase in age of the subjects in both men/boys and women/girls. The relationship of the heart rates before running and the maximum heart rates during in 25 m run, standing long jump, and softball throw, showed a significant level of 5-0.1% in both boys/men and girls/women. The heart rates of children before, during and after running were higher than those of adults. The rate of increase in heart rate was higher in adults, while more rapid recovery of heart rate was observed in children, when compared to adults.  相似文献   

Occlusion plethysmographic recordings were obtained on 26 subjects prior to and immediately following repeated venous occlusions. A simple method of approximating the curve shape by 2 straight lines is described. The results indicate that, following an initial occlusion, the height of subsequent curves is reduced and the angulation between the 2 lines approximating the curves changes in a way that indicates that the principal mechanism is venous shunting. The degree of shunting was quantified by taking the relative percentage change in shape of the 2 lines approximating the curve, i.e., the percentage shunt. Venous shunting is shown to be much more marked after hand exercise than at rest in normal subjects and in those with heart failure or hypertension.  相似文献   

The current predation threat of domestic horses is generally low, and horses do not know predators' frightening cues. We studied whether horses still recognise predation threats. The aim of the study was to analyse the emotional response of purebred Arabian horses (Arabian) and Polish Konik horses (Konik) to an Arabian panther (Panthera pardus nimr) (panther) growl and a grey wolf (Canis lupus) (wolf) howl. Panther vocalisation was known to Arabian ancestors, whereas ancestors of Konik knew wolf vocalisation. The response to the howls of golden jackals (Canis aureus) (jackal), which did not prey on equids, was also studied comparatively. Two groups of 10 adult horses of each breed were subject to predator sounds of one predator daily for 5 min during a turn out on pasture. The test was performed for 18 days in total. The sound of each predator was interchangeably featured from one loudspeaker for 3 days followed by four loudspeakers simultaneously to imitate a group of predators for 3 days. The horses' emotional agitation in response to the sounds was measured based on the parameters of heart rate variability (HRV) using telemetric devices. The results showed that the predators' sounds were identified by horses as stressful or neutral. Horses generally retained their anti-predator responses even in the current habitat, which typically lacks predation cues. The results are not always coherent and may demonstrate that the response is somewhat attenuated. The wolf howl elicited a stronger response in Koniks. The panther growl more strongly influenced Arabians, whereas the jackal howl minimally elicited an agitation in the horses. The differentiated response of the two horse breeds to the three predator species suggests that the response is an innate adaptation to the predation risk in the habitat of the breed ancestors. This response occurs regardless of the emotional arousal specific to a breed, and the frightening cue is not the sound per se but the possible attack of predators. Horses display a type of understanding of the sound meaning. Their HRV response seems to be adequate for the threat signalised by the sound.  相似文献   

Whereas with advancing age, peak heart rate (HR) and cardiac index (CI) are clearly reduced, peak stroke index (SI) may decrease, remain constant or even increase. The aim of this study was to describe the patterns of HR, SI, CI, arteriovenous difference in oxygen concentration (C a-vO2), mean arterial pressure (MAP), systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI), stroke work index (SWI) and mean systolic ejection rate index (MSERI) in two age groups (A: 20–30 years, n = 20; B: 50–60 years n = 20. After determination of pulmonary function, an incremental bicycle exercise test was performed, with standard gas-exchange measurements and SI assessment using electrical impedance cardiography. The following age-related changes were found: similar submaximal HR response to exercise in both groups and a higher peak HR in A than in B[185 (SD 9) vs 167 (SD 14) beats · min−1, P < 0.0005]; increase in SI with exercise up to 60–90 W and subsequent stabilization in both groups. As SI decreased towards the end of exercise in B, a higher peak SI was found in A [57.5 (SD 14.0) vs 43.6 (SD 7.7) ml · m−2, P < 0.0005]; similar submaximal CI response to exercise, higher peak CI in A [10.6 (SD 2.5) vs 7.2 (SD 1.3) l · min−1 · m−2, P < 0.0005]; no differences in C a-vO2 during exercise; higher MAP at all levels of exercise in B; higher SVRI at all levels of exercise in B; lower SWI in B after recovery; higher MSERI at all levels of exercise in A. The decrease in SI with advancing age would seem to be related to a decrease in myocardial contractility, which can no longer be compensated for by an increase in preload (as during submaximal exercise). Increases in systemic blood pressure may also compromise ventricular function but would seem to be of minor importance. Accepted: 24 September 1996  相似文献   

Peptide histidine valine (PHV) is a 42 amino acid polypeptide closely related to the neuropeptides VIP, PHI and PHM. We have performed a placebo-controlled, double-blind study to assess the hypothesis that the cardiovascular response to PHV infusion may be mediated via the sympathetic nervous system. Four subjects received atenolol or matched placebo 90 min prior to a controlled incremental infusion of PHV, with monitoring of heart rate, blood pressure and skin temperature. Following placebo all subjects showed a dose-related increase in heart rate and skin temperature with no effect on blood pressure during PHV infusion. beta-Blockade had no effect on skin temperature response. Pre-treatment with atenolol reduced the resting blood pressure and the maximum heart rate achieved, but did not affect the percentage increase in heart rate during PHV infusion. This suggests that the action of PHV does not involve beta-receptors. The lack of effect of PHV infusion on blood pressure, despite tachycardia and marked cutaneous vasodilatation, implies that PHV has a different effect on the resistance vessels from that of other peptides such as VIP.  相似文献   

The responses to sublingual nifedipine (20 mg) and placebo were compared in normal subjects during two studies on cycle ergometer [progressive exercise and constant work-load exercise at approximately 60% of maximal O2 consumption (VO2max)]. The use of nifedipine did not modify maximal power, ventilation (VE), VO2, and heart rate (HR) at the end of the multistage progressive exercise (30-W increments every 3 min). Over the 45 min of the constant-load exercise and the ensuing 30-min recovery we observed with nifedipine compared with placebo 1) no differences in VO2, VE, respiratory exchange ratio, and systolic arterial blood pressure; 2) a higher HR (P less than 0.001) and lower diastolic arterial blood pressure (P less than 0.01); 3) a greater and more prolonged rise in norepinephrine (P less than 0.01) and growth hormone (P less than 0.001); 4) no significant differences in epinephrine and insulin and a lesser increase in glucagon during recovery (P less than 0.01); and 5) a lesser fall in blood glucose (P less than 0.01) and greater increase in acetoacetate (P less than 0.001), beta-hydroxybutyrate (P less than 0.05), and blood lactate (P less than 0.001). Our data do not support the hypothesis that nifedipine reduces hormonal secretions in vivo and are best explained by an enhanced secretion of catecholamines compensating for the primary vasodilator effect of nifedipine.  相似文献   

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