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Prior intrauterine position influences body weight in male and female mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In two longitudinal studies, intrauterine location of male and female Rockland-Swiss mice relative to fetuses of the same and opposite sex dramatically influenced body weight. In one study, body weight of males and females that were located in utero between two female fetuses (OM animals) or between two male fetuses (2M animals) was assessed from birth to the time of weaning (25 days of age). The body weights of 2M females were indistinguishable from those of OM and 2M males on all but a few of the 25 postnatal days of life. Also, 2M females were significantly heavier than OM females from Postnatal Day 6 onward, and 2M males weighed significantly more than OM males from Postnatal Day 19 onward. In a second study, food intake and body weight of animals from different intrauterine locations were examined from 25 to 120 days of age. Regardless of prior intrauterine position, males were always heavier than females. However, prior in utero location modulated body weight in that 2M females were significantly heavier than OM females and 2M males were reliably heavier than OM males. Intrauterine position effects were observed in the absence of any appreciable influence of this variable on levels of food intake. Taken together, the results suggest that prior in utero location may influence metabolic set points involved in the regulation of body weight and fat storage.  相似文献   

When choosing a mate, women are thought to face a trade-off between genetic and parental quality. Recent research suggests that this trade-off is influenced by environmental factors such as pathogen prevalence and resource scarcity, which affect the relative value of genetic and parental quality to offspring fitness. To further investigate these findings, the current study primed 60 women with pathogen prevalence, resource scarcity or an irrelevant threat, before administering a forced trade-off task that assessed mate preferences for traits thought to be indicative of genetic or parental quality. Women primed with pathogen prevalence revealed greater preferences for traits indicative of genetic quality at the expense of traits indicative of parental quality. The reverse was found for women primed with resource scarcity. These findings suggest that environmental factors may directly influence women's mate preferences owing to evolved plasticity, such that mate preferences are flexible in response to environmental factors.  相似文献   

The patterns of oestrous cycles were examined in new strains of mice exhibiting a high (SHN) and a low (SLN) mammary tumour incidence. These mice originated from the same stock of Swiss albino mice. At the age of 3-4 months, SHN mice showed much longer cycles with continual dioestrous periods than SLN mice. The average lengths of cycles and dioestrous periods were, respectively, 8.3 +/- 0.3 and 6.0 +/- 0.4 days in SHN mice and 4.6 +/- 0.1 and 2.5 +/- 0.1 days in SLN mice. Furthermore, the distinct alteration in the patterns of cycles from SHN to SLN type was associated with complete reduction in mammary tumour incidence in highly inbred C3H/He female mice maintained by brother X sister mating with no selection for mammary tumourigenesis. The relation between the pattern of oestrous cycles and mammary tumourigenesis is discussed from the viewpoint of the endogenous hormonal milieu and the responsiveness of target organs.  相似文献   

It was demonstrated that mice treated with urine from pregnant or lactating females experienced longer periods of oestrus than did mice treated with water or urine from singly caged females. Application of urine by means of perforated capsules placed in the cage of the test mouse showed that the factor(s) responsible for the longer periods of oestrus was an airborne pheromone. The females experiencing longer oestrous periods ovulated (ova in oviducts), became pregnant and gave birth.  相似文献   

Historically, the brain has been viewed as protected from the infiltration of peripheral hematopoietic cells by the blood-brain barrier. However, numerous immune cell types have been found in the central nervous system (CNS). Mast cells, granulocytic immune cells, are found in the CNS of birds and mammals and their numbers and location are influenced by both extrinsic and intrinsic factors, including reproductive behavior and endocrine status. The present study used female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) to investigate the interactions between brain mast cells and stimuli associated with estrus induction. Unlike spontaneous ovulators such as rats and mice, female prairie voles are induced into estrus by chemosensory stimuli present in conspecific male urine. Prior to estrus induction, female voles have undetectable concentrations of estrogen that rise rapidly following exposure to a male or male urine. In the first experiment, we examined whether mast cells may be influenced by estrus induction. Female voles exposed to conspecific male urine had increased numbers of mast cells in the main olfactory bulbs and epithalamus (medial habenula), but not the thalamus or median eminence, relative to control groups. Next, to determine if this mast cell increase was the result of elevated estrogen concentrations, female voles were injected with estradiol or vehicle and brain mast cell numbers analyzed. No differences in brain mast cell numbers were observed between estradiol-injected and control females in any brain area investigated. Together, these results lend further support to the contention that mast cell numbers and/or distribution can be influenced by reproductively relevant stimuli and underscore the utility of this vole model for delineating the function of brain mast cells.  相似文献   

A sequence of six experiments using wild stock house mouse (Mus domesticus) tested the effects of intermittent stimulation with either the urinary chemosignal released by grouped female mice or social contact from grouped females on the age of first vaginal oestrus in young females. Weanling female mice were exposed to bedding soiled by grouped females or cages containing grouped females for 15 min periods, then removed for a prescribed period, and placed again in a cage with soiled bedding or grouped females. The nature of the exposure to the puberty delaying effect, the number of total exposures each day, the total length of exposure to the stimulus, and the total time period over which the exposures occurred were varied. None of the treatment regimes employed here with soiled bedding from grouped females resulted in delays in the onset of first oestrus in test females. Young females exposed to grouped females for 6 or 8 exposures in a 4 h period, 6 or 8 exposures in an 8 h period, or 8 exposures in a 12 h period were significantly delayed in attaining puberty relative to control females that were exposed to cages containing clean bedding. These results are in contrast to earlier findings involving chemosignals that accelerate first oestrus wherein young females exhibited the capacity to accumulate the exposures to the urinary chemosignals from males, females in oestrus and pregnant or lactating females. Direct exposure to the grouped females on an intermittent basis can provide stimulation that is cummulative and results in delays in the onset of first oestrus.  相似文献   

Studies in C57BL/6J, DBA/2J and C3H/HeJ mice and in two F1 hybrid strains (B6D2F1 and B6C3HF1) 2-5 months old revealed marked genotypic differences among inbred strains. C57 mice had three times as many regular (3-6 days) cycles as DBA and C3H mice, due largely to fewer pseudopregnant-like (7-14 day) cycles. C57 had longer regular cycles than DBA and C3H mice. Although the frequencies of regular cycles of DBA and C3H mice were similar, the cycles of C3H mice were shorter than those of DBA mice. The results indicated that the genetic determinants of the frequency of regular cycles differ from those specifying cycle length. Frequency of regular cycles of F1 hybrids was either intermediate between the parent strains (B6D2F1) or similar to the C57 strain (B6C3HF1), suggesting that regular cycle frequency shows additive genetic variation in the former crosses, but mostly dominant variance in the latter background. Regular cycles were either shorter than in both parent strains (B6D2F1) or similar to one of them (B6C3HF1), indicating heterosis and dominance for genes specifying short cycles. Although the lack of reciprocal crosses meant that maternal effects and possible genomic imprinting effects could not be assessed, these results reveal marked genetic influences on cycle length and frequency and suggest that some of the genes specifying these two traits differ.  相似文献   

The ability of urine from female mice to delay puberty in test females was directly related to the density and duration of grouping of females. When females were removed from group housing their urine lost its ability to delay puberty within 10 days. No interactive effects were observed between duration and density of grouping on the onset of pheromone release after grouping or on the persistence of pheromone release after re-isolation. Urine from grouped females lost its ability to delay puberty in test females after 7 days of exposure to air.  相似文献   

The maximum activities of some dehydrogenases and enzymes involved in substrate cycles are increased in both liver and muscle of obese mice. This suggests that endocrine control rather than maximum capacity of the activities of enzymes constituting such cycles is impaired in obese mice.  相似文献   

The reactivity to estradiol of thymic cells from female mice representing different stages of sexual maturation was investigated. It was found that estradiol administered in pharmacological doses can evoke in thymuses of ovariectomized mice changes imitating those observed during puberty with the reactivity to estradiol changing along with the process of sexual maturation. It is most likely that the changes of reactivity are due to extragonadal factors.  相似文献   

In female mice, Mus domesticus, reunion with a same-sex conspecific is associated with intense ultrasonic vocalization. We examined whether the palatability of a familiar food eaten by a demonstrator mouse and the motivational state of the conspecific observer could modulate the number of ultrasonic calls uttered during female-female interaction in NMRI mice. A pilot study indicated that these calls were uttered almost exclusively by the observer member of the pair. Observers were either food deprived or not deprived and demonstrators were offered either no food, a palatable diet or an unpalatable diet. We monitored both the number of ultrasounds (range 65-75 kHz) uttered and a series of behavioural parameters during the first 3 min of social interaction after 24 h of separation. Observers investigated the nose area of demonstrators fed on the unpalatable diet more than the same area of demonstrators not given food. No differences were found in demonstrators' behaviour. Ultrasonic calls were given immediately after female-female reunion and were affected by both the motivational state of the observer and the salience of the information carried by the conspecific. These results suggest that the motivational state of the observer affects ultrasonic calling towards a demonstrator conspecific. Nondeprived animals produced more calls towards demonstrators fed on palatable food, whereas food-deprived subjects vocalized more to fed conspecifics, independently of the palatability of the food eaten by the demonstrator. We suggest that ultrasonic vocalization in female mice can facilitate proximity with a conspecific and the number of these calls is modulated by the salience of the information carried by the companion. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Abstract Aggressive behaviours of female Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) were studied in the laboratory. These behaviours included 'approach', a seemingly intentional movement of a fly to another fly, 'lunge', a dash at another fly, and 'wings erect', a brief erection of wings toward another fly. These behaviours were influenced by social experience and food resources. First, event frequencies of aggressive behaviours were higher in flies that had been held in isolation than in those that had been held in crowded conditions. This difference was the result of the social experience of attacking flies and not that of attacked flies. Second, flies showed aggressive behaviours more frequently when they were on food containing yeast colonies than when they were on food without yeast colonies. Third, flies conditioned to a food solution containing live yeast prior to observation showed lower frequency of aggressive behaviours than flies conditioned to a boiled food solution. Development of aggressive behaviours became apparent one day after eclosion.  相似文献   

A sequence of 17 experiments was used to test the effects of intermittent stimulation with urinary chemosignals on the age of puberty in young female mice. The three chemosignals tested all accelerate the age of sexual maturation: urine from adult males, urine from females in estrus, and urine from females that are pregnant or lactating. The basic technique involved presenting the prepubertal females with 'Nestlets' on which the urine was placed. The 'Nestlets' were placed in the cages of the test females for a 15-min period, removed for a variable period, and then replaced in the cage for 15 min. In this manner it was possible to vary the number of exposures, the total length of exposure, and the total time period over which the exposures occurred. Control procedures, involving exposures of young females to cotton squares with water rather than urine placed upon them, resulted in no alterations in puberty relative to untreated females. For mice exposed to the urine-treated cotton squares, acceleration of puberty occurred with less total stimulus-exposure time when the stimulus was presented in short exposures over a number of hours than in previous investigations when the exposure to the urinary chemosignal occurred in a single block of time of one or two hours. For each of the three acceleratory chemosignals, there was a diminution of acceleratory effect when the ratio of total stimulus-exposure time to total exposure time grew smaller. This diminution was more pronounced for urine from pregnant or lactating females than for urine from males or from females in estrus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Testosterone-dependent olfactory signals emitted by male are well known to accelerate female puberty in mice (Vandenbergh effect). However, it remains unclear whether these chemosignals also influence adult expression of male-directed odor preference. Therefore, we exposed female mice to intact or castrated male bedding (vs clean bedding as control) during the peripubertal period (postnatal day (PD) 21–38) and measured male-directed odor preference in adulthood. At PD45 or PD60, females exposed to intact male odors, and thus showing puberty acceleration, preferred to investigate odors from intact males over females or castrated males. Females exposed to castrated male odors did not show puberty acceleration but preferred male (intact or castrated) over female odors. Finally, control females did not show any odor preference when tested at PD45, although a preference for male odors emerged later (PD60). In a second experiment, females that were exposed to intact male odors after pubertal transition (PD36–53) also preferred intact male over castrated male odors. In conclusion, our results indicate that peripubertal exposure to male odors induced early expression of male-directed odor preference regardless of puberty-accelerating effect and that induction of male-directed odor preference is not specific to the peripubertal period.  相似文献   

It was recently reported that the circadian clock machinery controls plasma levels of factor (F) VII, the serine protease triggering blood coagulation. Here, by exploiting the mouse model, this study showed that variations of photoperiod (i.e., winter or summer conditions or simulated chronic jetlag conditions) have a strong impact on plasma FVII activity levels. Under conditions mimicking summer or winter photoperiods, FVII activity showed a clear 24 h rhythmicity. Interestingly, mean daily FVII activity levels were significantly reduced in mice exposed to summer photoperiods. Behavioral activity rhythms under both photoperiods were synchronized to LD cycles, and the amount of activity per 24 h was comparable. The authors also investigated the influence of chronic jetlag (CJL) on the FVII activity rhythms, which can be easily mimicked in mice through continuous abrupt shifts in the lighting schedule. The exposure of mice to simulated CJL of either consecutive westward or consecutive westward and eastward flights for 15 days did not abolish the behavioral activity rhythms but was associated with a period significantly different from 24 h. Intriguingly, both types of CJL exerted a strong influence on FVII activity rhythms, which were virtually suppressed. Moreover, the mean daily FVII activity was significantly lower in the CJL than in the winter photoperiod condition. Taken together, these findings in mice provide novel insights into the modulation of FVII activity levels, which might have implications for human pathophysiology.  相似文献   

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