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Genomic copy number variations (CNVs) are considered as a significant source of genetic diversity and widely involved in gene expression and regulatory mechanism, genetic disorders and disease risk, susceptibility to certain diseases and conditions, and resistance to medical drugs. Many studies have targeted the identification, profiling, analysis, and associations of genetic CNVs. We propose herein two new fuzzy methods, taht is, one based on the fuzzy inference from the pre-processed input, and another based on fuzzy C-means clustering. Our solutions present a higher true positive rate and a lower false negative with no false positive, efficient performance and consumption of least resources.  相似文献   

Many microdeletion and contiguous gene-deletion syndromes include mental retardation as a clinical feature. We have developed MultiFISH, a FISH assay using several probes to simultaneously screen for multiple microdeletion syndromes in patients who present with unexplained devleopmental delay and/or mental retardation. This screening tool can be used to determine whether a particular microdeletion syndrome is involved in the etiology of these clinical phenotypes. In this pilot study we combined probes for the commonly deleted regions of Prader-Willi, Angelman, Williams, Smith-Magenis, and DiGeorge/velocardiofacial syndromes in a single hybridization. The probes were differentially labeled, allowing multicolor detection, and 200 individual samples were screened in a blinded fashion. For all patients found by MultiFISH to have deletions, the deletions were originally identified and/or later confirmed by use of single-probe FISH analysis in our diagnostic cytogenetics laboratory. One patient, who was referred for developmental delay and was shown to have a normal G-banded karyotype, was identified by MultiFISH as having a micro-deletion at the DiGeorge/velocardiofacial commonly deleted region. Forty-six of the 200 total samples were tested for microdeletions by use of single FISH probes in the diagnostic laboratory. Ten of these cases were found to have deletions, and all deletions were subsequently detected by use of MultiFISH screen performed in a blinded fashion. Additionally, for all 200 patients tested by use of MultiFISH, no false-positive deletion results were observed. We demonstrate the ability of this technique to scan for and to identify microdeletions in a proportion of patients whose routine karyotype appears normal yet who are mentally retarded and/or developmentally delayed.  相似文献   

Whilst the majority of inherited diseases have been found to be caused by single base substitutions, small insertions or deletions (<1Kb), a significant proportion of genetic variability is due to copy number variation (CNV). The possible role of CNV in monogenic and complex diseases has recently attracted considerable interest. However, until the development of whole genome, oligonucleotide micro-arrays, designed specifically to detect the presence of copy number variation, it was not easy to screen an individual for the presence of unknown deletions or duplications with sizes below the level of sensitivity of optical microscopy (3-5 Mb). Now that currently available oligonucleotide micro-arrays have in excess of a million probes, the problem of copy number analysis has moved from one of data production to that of data analysis. We have developed CNViewer, to identify copy number variation that co-segregates with a disease phenotype in small nuclear families, from genome-wide oligonucleotide micro-array data. This freely available program should constitute a useful addition to the diagnostic armamentarium of clinical geneticists.  相似文献   

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders. Both inherited and acquired factors contribute to its multifactorial pathogenesis. A genetic predisposition plays a major role in the aetiology of the common idiopathic generalized epilepsies. Susceptibility genes for two syndromes of idiopathic generalized epilepsies, the benign familial neonatal convulsions and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, have been assigned to the chromosomal regions 20q13 (EBN1), 8q24 (EBN2) and 6p21 (EJM1). Positional cloning of the mutations causing these traits will help to elucidate the molecular pathways of epileptogenesis and will imply a classification on a neurobiological basis. Insights into the underlying impairment of neuronal excitability should provide new concepts for the development of rational treatment strategies.  相似文献   



Recent advances in sequencing technologies have enabled generation of large-scale genome sequencing data. These data can be used to characterize a variety of genomic features, including the DNA copy number profile of a cancer genome. A robust and reliable method for screening chromosomal alterations would allow a detailed characterization of the cancer genome with unprecedented accuracy.  相似文献   



Somatic mosaicism denotes the presence of genetically distinct populations of somatic cells in one individual who has developed from a single fertilised oocyte. Mosaicism may result from a mutation that occurs during postzygotic development and is propagated to only a subset of the adult cells. Our aim was to investigate both somatic mosaicism for copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (cn-LOH) events and DNA copy number variations (CNVs) in fully differentiated tissues.


We studied panels of tissue samples (11–12 tissues per individual) from four autopsy subjects using high-resolution Illumina HumanOmniExpress-12 BeadChips to reveal the presence of possible intra-individual tissue-specific cn-LOH and CNV patterns.We detected five mosaic cn-LOH regions >5 Mb in some tissue samples in three out of four individuals. We also detected three CNVs that affected only a portion of the tissues studied in one out of four individuals. These three somatic CNVs range from 123 to 796 kb and are also found in the general population. An attempt was made to explain the succession of genomic events that led to the observed somatic genetic mosaicism under the assumption that the specific mosaic patterns of CNV and cn-LOH changes reflect their formation during the postzygotic embryonic development of germinal layers and organ systems.


Our results give further support to the idea that somatic mosaicism for CNVs, and also cn-LOHs, is a common phenomenon in phenotypically normal humans. Thus, the examination of only a single tissue might not provide enough information to diagnose potentially deleterious CNVs within an individual. During routine CNV and cn-LOH analysis, DNA derived from a buccal swab can be used in addition to blood DNA to get information about the CNV/cn-LOH content in tissues of both mesodermal and ectodermal origin. Currently, the real frequency and possible phenotypic consequences of both CNVs and cn-LOHs that display somatic mosaicism remain largely unknown. To answer these questions, future studies should involve larger cohorts of individuals and a range of tissues.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1916-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Neuroblastoma, the most common solid tumour in early childhood, is characterized by very frequent chromosomal copy number variations (CNVs). While chromosome 2p amplification, 17q gain, 1p and 11q deletion in human neuroblastoma tissues are well-known, the exact frequencies and boundaries of the chromosomal CNVs have not been delineated. We analysed the publicly available single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array data which were originally generated by the Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments (TARGET) initiative, defined the frequencies and boundaries of chromosomes 2p11.2 – 2p25.3 amplification, 17q11.1-17q25.3 gain, 1p13.3-1p36.33 deletion and 11q13.3-11q25 deletion in neuroblastoma tissues, and identified chromosome 7q14.1 (Chr7:38254795-38346971) and chromosome 14q11.2 (Chr14:21637401-22024617) deletion in blood and bone marrow samples from neuroblastoma patients, but not in tumour tissues. Kaplan Meier analysis showed that double deletion of Chr7q14.1 and Chr14q11.2 correlated with poor prognosis in MYCN gene amplified neuroblastoma patients. In conclusion, the oncogenes amplified or gained and tumour suppressor genes deleted within the boundaries of chromosomal CNVs in tumour tissues should be studied for their roles in tumourigenesis and as therapeutic targets. Focal deletions of Chr7q14.1 and Chr14q11.2 together in blood and bone marrow samples from neuroblastoma patients can be used as a marker for poorer prognosis and more aggressive therapies.  相似文献   

Recent results obtained in various crops indicate that real-time PCR could be a powerful tool for the detection and characterization of transgene locus structures. The determination of transgenic locus number through real-time PCR overcomes the problems linked to phenotypic segregation analysis (i.e. lack of detectable expression even when the transgenes are present) and can analyse hundreds of samples in a day, making it an efficient method for estimating gene copy number. Despite these advantages, many authors speak of “estimating” copy number by real-time PCR, and this is because the detection of a precise number of transgene depends on how well real-time PCR performs.  相似文献   

Gene copy number variation (CNV) has been associated with phenotypic variability in animals and plants, but a genomewide understanding of their impacts on phenotypes is largely restricted to human and agricultural systems. As such, CNVs have rarely been considered in investigations of the genomic architecture of adaptation in wild species. Here, we report on the genetic mapping of gene CNVs in white spruce, which lacks a contiguous assembly of its large genome (~20 Gb), and their relationships with adaptive phenotypic variation. We detected 3,911 gene CNVs including de novo structural variations using comparative genome hybridization on arrays (aCGH) in a large progeny set. We inferred the heterozygosity at CNV loci within parents by comparing haploid and diploid tissues and genetically mapped 82 gene CNVs. Our analysis showed that CNVs were distributed over 10 linkage groups and identified four CNV hotspots that we predict to occur in other species of the Pinaceae. Significant relationships were found between 29 of the gene CNVs and adaptive traits based on regression analyses with timings of bud set and bud flush, and height growth, suggesting a role for CNVs in climate adaptation. The importance of CNVs in adaptive evolution of white spruce was also indicated by functional gene annotations and the clustering of 31% of the mapped adaptive gene CNVs in CNV hotspots. Taken together, these results illustrate the feasibility of studying CNVs in undomesticated species and represent a major step towards a better understanding of the roles of CNVs in adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Yu M 《Life sciences》2011,89(3-4):65-71
Mitochondria are key organelles in eukaryotic cells principally responsible for multiple cellular functions. In addition to a plethora of somatic mutations as well as polymorphic sequence variations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), the identification of increased or reduced mtDNA copy number has been increasingly reported in a broad range of primary human cancers, underscoring that accumulation of mtDNA content alterations may be a pivotal factor in eliciting persistent mitochondrial deficient activities and eventually contributing to cancer pathogenesis and progression. However, the detailed roles of altered mtDNA amount in driving the tumorigenic process remain largely unknown. This review outlines mtDNA content changes present in various types of common human malignancies and briefly describes the possible causes and their potential connections to the carcinogenic process. The present state of our knowledge regarding how altered mtDNA quantitative levels could be utilized as a diagnostic biomarker for identifying genetically predisposed population that should undergo intensive screening and early surveillance program is also discussed. Taken together, these findings strongly indicate that mtDNA copy number alterations may exert a crucial role in the pathogenic mechanisms of tumor development. Continued insights into the functional significance of altered mtDNA quantities in the etiology of human cancers will hopefully help in establishing novel potential targets for anti-tumor drugs and intervention therapies.  相似文献   

In the past few years high throughput methods for assessment of DNA copy number alterations have witnessed rapid progress. Both 'in house' developed BAC, cDNA, oligonucleotide and commercial arrays are now available and widely applied in the study of the human genome, particularly in the context of disease. Cancer cells are known to exhibit DNA losses, gains and amplifications affecting tumor suppressor genes and proto-oncogenes. Moreover, these patterns of genomic imbalances may be associated with particular tumor types or subtypes and may have prognostic value. Here we summarize recent array CGH findings in neuroblastoma, a pediatric tumor of the sympathetic nervous system. A total of 176 primary tumors and 53 cell lines have been analyzed on different platforms. Through these studies the genomic content and boundaries of deletions, gains and amplifications were characterized with unprecedented accuracy. Furthermore, in conjunction with cytogenetic findings, array CGH allows the mapping of breakpoints of unbalanced translocations at a very high resolution.  相似文献   

The clinical implementation of array comparative genomic hybridization has revolutionized the diagnosis of patients with syndromic or nonsyndromic mental retardation. Multiple studies of hundreds of patients with idiopathic mental retardation, and normal karyotype and/or subtelomeric testing using genome-wide microarray platforms with approximately 2000 to >30,000 (tiling-path) interrogating BAC/PAC probes have detected chromosome abnormalities in up to 17% of cases. Surprisingly, some of the pathogenic changes are mosaic and not detectable in conventional karyotyping. Commercially available genome-wide microarrays with >300,000 synthesized oligonucleotide probes enable higher resolution and sensitivity and will probably replace the BAC/PAC arrays in clinical laboratories.  相似文献   

Efficient and cost-effective screening for DNA sequence changes, both small mutations and copy number variations (CNVs), is a crucial aspect for routine genetic diagnostics as well as for basic research. In this study we present a development and evaluation of comparative-high resolution melting (C-HRM), a new approach for the simultaneous screening of small DNA changes and gene CNVs. In contrast to other methods, relative quantification in C-HRM is based on the results obtained during the melting process and calculations of the melting peak height ratio in the multiplex reaction. Validation of the method was conducted on DNA samples from 50 individuals from Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) families, 50 probands diagnosed with familial adenomatous polyposis and a control group of 36 women and 36 men. The results of analyses conducted on fragments of the DMD and APC genes correspond completely (100 %) with the results of previous studies. C-HRM sensitivity in CNV detection was assessed through the analysis of mixed DNA samples with different proportions of a deletion carrier and wild type control. The results are presented as a linear regression with R 2 of 0.9974 and imply the capability of the method to detect mosaics. C-HRM is an attractive and powerful alternative to other methods of point mutations and CNV detection with 100 % accuracy in our studied group.  相似文献   



Copy number variations (CNVs) of chromosomal region 22q11.2 are associated with a subset of patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). Accurate and efficient detection of CNV is important for genetic analysis of CHD. The aim of the study was to introduce a novel approach named CNVplex®, a high-throughput analysis technique designed for efficient detection of chromosomal CNVs, and to explore the prevalence of sub-chromosomal imbalances in 22q11.2 loci in patients with CHD from a single institute.


We developed a novel technique, CNVplex®, for high-throughput detection of sub-chromosomal copy number aberrations. Modified from the multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) method, it introduced a lengthening ligation system and four universal primer sets, which simplified the synthesis of probes and significantly improved the flexibility of the experiment. We used 110 samples, which were extensively characterized with chromosomal microarray analysis and MLPA, to validate the performance of the newly developed method. Furthermore, CNVplex® was used to screen for sub-chromosomal imbalances in 22q11.2 loci in 818 CHD patients consecutively enrolled from Shanghai Children’s Medical Center. In the methodology development phase, CNVplex® detected all copy number aberrations that were previously identified with both chromosomal microarray analysis and MLPA, demonstrating 100% sensitivity and specificity. In the validation phase, 22q11.2 deletion and 22q11.2 duplication were detected in 39 and 1 of 818 patients with CHD by CNVplex®, respectively. Our data demonstrated that the frequency of 22q11.2 deletion varied among sub-groups of CHD patients. Notably, 22q11.2 deletion was more commonly observed in cases with conotruncal defect (CTD) than in cases with non-CTD (P < 0.001). With higher resolution and more probes against selected chromosomal loci, CNVplex® also identified several individuals with small CNVs and alterations in other chromosomes.


CNVplex® is sensitive and specific in its detection of CNVs, and it is an alternative to MLPA for batch screening of pathogenetic CNVs in known genomic loci.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1590-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Low copy repeats (LCRs) are stretches of duplicated DNA that are more than 1 kb in size and share a sequence similarity that exceeds 90%. Non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) between highly similar LCRs has been implicated in numerous genomic disorders. This study aimed at defining the impact of LCRs on the generation of balanced and unbalanced chromosomal rearrangements in mentally retarded patients. A cohort of 22 patients, preselected for the presence of submicroscopic imbalances, was analysed using submegabase resolution tiling path array CGH and the results were compared with a set of 41 patients with balanced translocations and breakpoints that were mapped to the BAC level by FISH. Our data indicate an accumulation of LCRs at breakpoints of both balanced and unbalanced rearrangements. LCRs with high sequence similarity in both breakpoint regions, suggesting NAHR as the most likely cause of rearrangement, were observed in 6/22 patients with chromosomal imbalances, but not in any of the balanced translocation cases studied. In case of chromosomal imbalances, the likelihood of NAHR seems to be inversely related to the size of the aberration. Our data also suggest the presence of additional mechanisms coinciding with or dependent on the presence of LCRs that may induce an increased instability at these chromosomal sites.  相似文献   

Idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) syndromes represent about 30% of all epilepsies. They have strong, but elusive, genetic components and sex-specific seizure expression. Multiple linkage and population association studies have connected the bromodomain-containing gene BRD2 to forms of IGE. In mice, a null mutation at the homologous Brd2 locus results in embryonic lethality while heterozygous Brd2+/- mice are viable and overtly normal. However, using the flurothyl model, we now show, that compared to the Brd2+/+ littermates, Brd2+/- males have a decreased clonic, and females a decreased tonic-clonic, seizure threshold. Additionally, long-term EEG/video recordings captured spontaneous seizures in three out of five recorded Brd2+/- female mice. Anatomical analysis of specific regions of the brain further revealed significant differences in Brd2+/- vs +/+ mice. Specifically, there were decreases in the numbers of GABAergic (parvalbumin- or GAD67-immunopositive) neurons along the basal ganglia pathway, i.e., in the neocortex and striatum of Brd2+/- mice, compared to Brd2+/+ mice. There were also fewer GABAergic neurons in the substantia nigra reticulata (SNR), yet there was a minor, possibly compensatory increase in the GABA producing enzyme GAD67 in these SNR cells. Further, GAD67 expression in the superior colliculus and ventral medial thalamic nucleus, the main SNR outputs, was significantly decreased in Brd2+/- mice, further supporting GABA downregulation. Our data show that the non-channel-encoding, developmentally critical Brd2 gene is associated with i) sex-specific increases in seizure susceptibility, ii) the development of spontaneous seizures, and iii) seizure-related anatomical changes in the GABA system, supporting BRD2's involvement in human IGE.  相似文献   

Quantitative dot hybridization was used to estimate the rDNA copy number in brain tissues of five inbred mouse strains (AKR/JY, NZB/B1OrlY, CBA/CaLacY, 101/HY, and 129/JY), which were obtained from the collection of the Research Center of Biomedical Technologies (Y). In each strain, 9-12 mice aged 1-2 months were examined. The rDNA copy number per diploid genome in strains AKR (range 105-181, mean +/- SD 136 +/- 27) and NZB (129-169, 148 +/- 12) was significantly lower than in strains CBA (172-267, 209 +/- 31), 101 (179-270, 217 +/- 30), and 129 (215-310, 264 +/- 33). Mice of strain NZB were relatively homogeneous in this trait (CV = 8.1%). Strains AKR, CBA, 101, and 129 displayed significant between-group differences, CV varying from 12.5 to 19.9%. The same DNA specimens were digested with MspI or HpaII and used to estimate the extent of methylation of the 28S rDNA region. Regardless of the strain, all mice could be classed into two groups. One group (20 mice) had a methylated fraction accounting for less than 8% of rDNA and included all nine mice of strain NZB, seven out of nine mice of strain 101, and three out of ten mice of strain 129. In the other group (29 mice), the methylated fraction varied from 18 to 38%. A possible role of methylation and the genome dosage of ribosomal genes in phenotypic variation (quantitative trait variation) of inbred mouse strains is discussed.  相似文献   

We present alternative and improved protocols for in situ analysis of single copy genes in prokaryotes. Primed in situ amplification (PRINS) and cycle PRINS were used to detect, via the incorporation of a fluorescein labelled nucleotide, the presence of specific genes carried on both high and low copy number plasmids in individual cells of Escherichia coli and a marine bacterium, SW5. The optimised protocols described enabled a significant reduction in non-specific signals whilst maintaining high fluorescent activity via labelled nucleotide incorporation. In addition, nucleic acids were amplified linearly and were retained within the permeabilised microbial cells. These methods provide considerable advances in sensitivity, specificity and reliability compared to current protocols for bacterial in situ nucleic acid amplification.  相似文献   

Genetic studies in polyploid plants rely heavily on the collection of data from dominant marker loci. A dominant marker locus is a locus for which only the presence or absence of an observable (dominant) allele is recorded. Before these marker loci can be used for genetic exploration, the number of copies of a dominant allele carried by a parent (copy number) must be determined for each marker locus. Copy number in polyploids is estimated using a hypothesis testing procedure. The performance of this estimation procedure has never been evaluated. In this paper, I quantify whether the highly sought after single-copy markers can be accurately identified, if the performance of the estimation procedure improves with increasing sample size, and whether the estimation procedure is capable of accurately estimating the copy number of high copy markers. I found that the probability of incorrectly estimating copy number is quite low and that more data can actually reduce the accuracy of the estimation procedure when the testing assumptions are violated. Fortunately, when a significant result is obtained, it is almost always correct. The challenge often is in obtaining a significant result.  相似文献   

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