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Uba6 is a homolog of the ubiquitin-activating enzyme, Uba1, and activates two ubiquitin-like proteins (UBLs), ubiquitin and FAT10. In this study, biochemical and biophysical experiments were performed to understand the mechanisms of how Uba6 recognizes two distinct UBLs and catalyzes their activation and transfer. Uba6 is shown to undergo a three-step activation process and form a ternary complex with both UBLs, similar to what has been observed for Uba1. The catalytic mechanism of Uba6 is further supported by inhibition studies using a mechanism-based E1 inhibitor, Compound 1, which forms covalent adducts with both ubiquitin and FAT10. In addition, pre-steady state kinetic analysis revealed that the rates of UBL-adenylate (step 1) and thioester (step 2) formation are similar between ubiquitin and FAT10. However, distinct kinetic behaviors were also observed for ubiquitin and FAT10. FAT10 binds Uba6 with much higher affinity than ubiquitin while demonstrating lower catalytic activity in both ATP-PP(i) exchange and E1-E2 transthiolation assays. Also, Compound 1 is less potent with FAT10 as the UBL compared with ubiquitin in ATP-PP(i) exchange assays, and both a slow rate of covalent adduct formation and weak adduct binding to Uba6 contribute to the diminished potency observed for FAT10. Together with expression level analysis in IM-9 cells, this study sheds light on the potential role of cytokine-induced FAT10 expression in regulating Uba6 pathways.  相似文献   

E1 enzymes activate ubiquitin or ubiquitin-like proteins (Ubl) via an adenylate intermediate and initiate the enzymatic cascade of Ubl conjugation to target proteins or lipids. Ubiquitin-fold modifier 1 (Ufm1) is activated by the E1 enzyme Uba5, and this pathway is proposed to play an important role in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response. However, the mechanisms of Ufm1 activation by Uba5 and subsequent transfer to the conjugating enzyme (E2), Ufc1, have not been studied in detail. In this work, we found that Uba5 activated Ufm1 via a two-step mechanism and formed a binary covalent complex of Uba5∼Ufm1 thioester. This feature contrasts with the three-step mechanism and ternary complex formation in ubiquitin-activating enzyme Uba1. Uba5 displayed random ordered binding with Ufm1 and ATP, and its ATP-pyrophosphate (PPi) exchange activity was inhibited by both AMP and PPi. Ufm1 activation and Uba5∼Ufm1 thioester formation were stimulated in the presence of Ufc1. Furthermore, binding of ATP to Uba5∼Ufm1 thioester was required for efficient transfer of Ufm1 from Uba5 to Ufc1 via transthiolation. Consistent with the two-step activation mechanism, the mechanism-based pan-E1 inhibitor, adenosine 5′-sulfamate (ADS), reacted with the Uba5∼Ufm1 thioester and formed a covalent, tight-binding Ufm1-ADS adduct in the active site of Uba5, which prevented further substrate binding or catalysis. ADS was also shown to inhibit the Uba5 conjugation pathway in the HCT116 cells through formation of the Ufm1-ADS adduct. This suggests that further development of more selective Uba5 inhibitors could be useful in interrogating the roles of the Uba5 pathway in cells.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) zymogen from Streptomyces mobaraense has been determined at 1.9-Å resolution using the molecular replacement method based on the crystal structure of the mature MTGase. The overall structure of this zymogen is similar to that of the mature form, consisting of a single disk-like domain with a deep active cleft at the edge of the molecule. A major portion of the prosequence (45 additional amino acid residues at the N terminus of the mature transglutaminase) folds into an L-shaped structure, consisting of an extended N-terminal segment linked with a one-turn short helix and a long α-helix. Two key residues in the short helix of the prosequence, Tyr-12 and Tyr-16, are located on top of the catalytic triad (Cys-110, Asp-301, and His-320) to block access of the substrate acyl donors and acceptors. Biochemical characterization of the mature MTGase, using N-α-benzyloxycarbonyl-l-glutaminylglycine as a substrate, revealed apparent Km and kcat/Km values of 52.66 mm and 40.42 mm−1 min−1, respectively. Inhibition studies using the partial prosequence SYAETYR and homologous sequence SQAETYR showed a noncompetitive inhibition mechanism with IC50 values of 0.75 and 0.65 mm, respectively, but no cross-linking product formation. Nevertheless, the prosequence homologous oligopeptide SQAETQR, with Tyr-12 and Tyr-16 each replaced with Gln, exhibited inhibitory activity with the formation of the SQAETQR-monodansylcadaverine fluorophore cross-linking product (SQAETQR-C-DNS). MALDI-TOF tandem MS analysis of SQAETQR-C-DNS revealed molecular masses corresponding to those of NSQAETQC-C-DNS and C-DNS-NQRC sequences, suggesting the incorporation of C-DNS onto the C-terminal Gln residue of the prosequence homologous oligopeptide. These results support the putative functional roles of both Tyr residues in substrate binding and inhibition.  相似文献   

Employing 125I-polyubiquitin chain formation as a functional readout of ligase activity, biochemical and biophysical evidence demonstrates that catalytically active E6-associated protein (E6AP)/UBE3A is an oligomer. Based on an extant structure previously discounted as an artifact of crystal packing forces, we propose that the fully active form of E6AP is a trimer, analysis of which reveals a buried surface of 7508 Å2 and radially symmetric interacting residues that are conserved within the Hect (homologous to E6AP C terminus) ligase superfamily. An absolutely conserved interaction between Phe727 and a hydrophobic pocket present on the adjacent subunit is critical for trimer stabilization because mutation disrupts the oligomer and decreases kcat 62-fold but fails to affect E2∼ubiquitin binding or subsequent formation of the Hect domain Cys820∼ubiquitin thioester catalytic intermediate. Exogenous N-acetylphenylalanylamide reversibly antagonizes Phe727-dependent trimer formation and catalytic activity (Ki = 12 mm), as does a conserved α-helical peptide corresponding to residues 474–490 of E6AP isoform 1 (Ki = 22 μm) reported to bind the hydrophobic pocket of other Hect ligases, presumably blocking Phe727 intercalation and trimer formation. Conversely, oncogenic human papillomavirus-16/18 E6 protein significantly enhances E6AP catalytic activity by promoting trimer formation (Kactivation = 1.5 nm) through the ability of E6 to form homodimers. Recombinant E6 protein additionally rescues the kcat defect of the Phe727 mutation and that of a specific loss-of-function Angelman syndrome mutation that promotes trimer destabilization. The present findings codify otherwise disparate observations regarding the mechanism of E6AP and related Hect ligases in addition to suggesting therapeutic approaches for modulating ligase activity.  相似文献   

Sphingosine kinase 1 (SK1) catalyzes the conversion of sphingosine to the bioactive lipid sphingosine 1-phosphate. We have previously demonstrated that FTY720 and (S)-FTY720 vinylphosphonate are novel inhibitors of SK1 activity. Here, we show that (S)-FTY720 vinylphosphonate binds to a putative allosteric site in SK1 contingent on formation of the enzyme-sphingosine complex. We report that SK1 is an oligomeric protein (minimally a dimer) containing noncooperative catalytic sites and that the allosteric site exerts an autoinhibition of the catalytic site. A model is proposed in which (S)-FTY720 vinylphosphonate binding to and stabilization of the allosteric site might enhance the autoinhibitory effect on SK1 activity. Further evidence for the existence of allosteric site(s) in SK1 was demonstrated by data showing that two new FTY720 analogues (a conjugate of sphingosine with a fluorophore and (S)-FTY720 regioisomer) increased SK1 activity, suggesting relief of autoinhibition of SK1 activity. Comparisons with the SK1 inhibitor, SKi or siRNA knockdown of SK1 indicated that (S)-FTY720 vinylphosphonate and FTY720 behave as typical SK1 inhibitors in preventing sphingosine 1-phosphate-stimulated rearrangement of actin in MCF-7 cells. These findings are discussed in relation to the anticancer properties of SK1 inhibitors.  相似文献   

The phosphoinositide 3-kinase/AKT signaling pathway plays a key role in cancer cell growth, survival, and angiogenesis. Phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) acts at a focal point in this pathway immediately downstream of phosphoinositide 3-kinase and PTEN, where it phosphorylates numerous AGC kinases. The PDK1 kinase domain has at least three ligand-binding sites: the ATP-binding pocket, the peptide substrate-binding site, and a groove in the N-terminal lobe that binds the C-terminal hydrophobic motif of its kinase substrates. Based on the unique PDK1 substrate recognition system, ultrahigh throughput TR-FRET and Alphascreen® screening assays were developed using a biotinylated version of the PDK1-tide substrate containing the activation loop of AKT fused to a pseudo-activated hydrophobic motif peptide. Using full-length PDK1, Km values were determined as 5.6 μm for ATP and 40 nm for the fusion peptide, revealing 50-fold higher affinity compared with the classical AKT(Thr-308)-tide. Kinetic and biophysical studies confirmed the PDK1 catalytic mechanism as a rapid equilibrium random bireactant reaction. Following an ultrahigh throughput screen of a large library, 2,000 compounds were selected from the reconfirmed hits by computational analysis with a focus on novel scaffolds. ATP-competitive hits were deconvoluted by dose-response studies at 1× and 10× Km concentrations of ATP, and specificity of binding was assessed in thermal shift assay. Inhibition studies using fusion PDK1-tide1 substrate versus AKT(Thr-308)-tide and kinase selectivity profiling revealed a novel selective alkaloid scaffold that evidently binds to the PDK1-interacting fragment pocket. Molecular modeling suggests a structural paradigm for the design of inhibitory versus activating allosteric ligands of PDK1.  相似文献   

The GES-2 β-lactamase is a class A carbapenemase, the emergence of which in clinically important bacterial pathogens is a disconcerting development as the enzyme confers resistance to carbapenem antibiotics. Tazobactam is a clinically used inhibitor of class A β-lactamases, which inhibits the GES-2 enzyme effectively, restoring susceptibility to β-lactam antibiotics. We have investigated the details of the mechanism of inhibition of the GES-2 enzyme by tazobactam. By the use of UV spectrometry, mass spectroscopy, and x-ray crystallography, we have documented and identified the involvement of a total of seven distinct GES-2·tazobactam complexes and one product of the hydrolysis of tazobactam that contribute to the inhibition profile. The x-ray structures for the GES-2 enzyme are for both the native (1.45 Å) and the inhibited complex with tazobactam (1.65 Å). This is the first such structure of a carbapenemase in complex with a clinically important β-lactam inhibitor, shedding light on the structural implications for the inhibition process.  相似文献   

Initial rates of E1-catalyzed E2 transthiolation have been used as a reporter function to probe the mechanism of 125I-ubiquitin transfer between activation and ligation half-reactions of ubiquitin conjugation. A functional survey of 11 representative human E2 paralogs reveals similar Km for binding to human Uba1 ternary complex (Km(ave)=121±72 nm) and kcat for ubiquitin transfer (kcat(ave)=4.0±1.2 s(-1)), suggesting that they possess a conserved binding site and transition state geometry and that they compete for charging through differences in intracellular concentration. Sequence analysis and mutagenesis localize this binding motif to three basic residues within Helix 1 of the E2 core domain, confirmed by transthiolation kinetics. Partial conservation of the motif among E2 paralogs not recognized by Uba1 suggests that another factor(s) account for the absolute specificity of cognate E2 binding. Truncation of the Uba1 carboxyl-terminal β-grasp domain reduces cognate Ubc2b binding by 31-fold and kcat by 3.5×10(4)-fold, indicating contributions to E2 binding and transition state stabilization. Truncation of the paralogous domain from the Nedd8 activating enzyme has negligible effect on cognate Ubc12 transthiolation but abrogates E2 specificity toward non-cognate carrier proteins. Exchange of the β-grasp domains between ubiquitin and Nedd8 activating enzymes fails to reverse the effect of truncation. Thus, the conserved Helix 1 binding motif and the β-grasp domain direct general E2 binding, whereas the latter additionally serves as a specificity filter to exclude charging of non-cognate E2 paralogs in order to maintain the fidelity of downstream signaling.  相似文献   

Protein kinase activation, via autophosphorylation of the activation loop, is a common regulatory mechanism in phosphorylation-dependent signaling cascades. Despite the prevalence of this reaction and its importance in biological regulation, the molecular mechanisms of autophosphorylation are poorly understood. In this study, we developed a kinetic approach to distinguish quantitatively between cis- and trans-pathways in an autocatalytic reaction. Using this method, we have undertaken a detailed kinetic analysis for the autoactivation mechanism of p21-activated protein kinase 2 (PAK2). PAK2 is regulated in vivo and in vitro by small GTP-binding proteins, Cdc42 and Rac. Full activation of PAK2 requires autophosphorylation of the conserved threonine, Thr(402), in the activation loop of its catalytic kinase domain. Analyses of the time courses of substrate reaction during PAK2 autoactivation suggest that autophosphorylation of Thr(402) in PAK2 obeys a two-step mechanism of cis initiation, followed by trans amplification. The unphosphorylated PAK2 undergoes an intramolecular (cis) autophosphorylation on Thr(402) to produce phosphorylated PAK2, and this newly formed active PAK2 then phosphorylates other PAK2 molecules at Thr(402) in an intermolecular (trans) manner. Based on the kinetic equation derived, all microscopic kinetic constants for the cis and trans autophosphorylation have been estimated quantitatively. The advantage of the new method is not only its usefulness in the study of fast activation reactions, but its convenience in the study of substrate effects on modification reaction. It would be particularly useful when the regulatory mechanism of the autophosphorylation reaction toward certain enzymes is being assessed.  相似文献   

Phenol sulfotransferases (SULTs), which normally bind 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate as the donor substrate, are inhibited by CoA and its thioesters. Here, we report that inhibition of bovine SULT1A1 by CoA is time-dependent at neutral pH under non-reducing conditions. The rates of inactivation by CoA indicate an initial reversible SULT:CoA complex with a dissociation constant of 5.7 microM and an inactivation rate constant of 0.07 min(-1). Titrations with CoA and prolonged incubations reveal that inactivation of the dimeric enzyme is stoichiometric, consistent with the observation of complete conversion of the protein to a slightly decreased electrophoretic mobility. Both activity and normal electrophoretic migration are restored by 2-mercaptoethanol. Mutagenesis demonstrated that Cys168 is the site of CoA adduction, and a consistent model was constructed that reveals a new SULT molecular dynamic. Cysteine reaction kinetics with Ellman's reagent revealed a PAPS-induced structural change consistent with the model that accounts for binding of CoA.  相似文献   

The transfer of ubiquitin (Ub) to a substrate protein requires a cascade of E1 activating, E2 conjugating, and E3 ligating enzymes. E3 Ub ligases containing U-box and RING domains bind both E2~Ub conjugates and substrates to facilitate transfer of the Ub molecule. Although the overall mode of action of E3 ligases is well established, many of the mechanistic details that determine the outcome of ubiquitination are poorly understood. CHIP (carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein) is a U-box E3 ligase that serves as a co-chaperone to heat shock proteins and is critical for the regulation of unfolded proteins in the cytosol. We have performed a systematic analysis of the interactions of CHIP with E2 conjugating enzymes and found that only a subset bind and function. Moreover, some E2 enzymes function in pairs to create products that neither create individually. Characterization of the products of these reactions showed that different E2 enzymes produce different ubiquitination products, i.e. that E2 determines the outcome of Ub transfer. Site-directed mutagenesis on the E2 enzymes Ube2D1 and Ube2L3 (UbcH5a and UbcH7) established that an SPA motif in loop 7 of E2 is required for binding to CHIP but is not sufficient for activation of the E2~Ub conjugate and consequent ubiquitination activity. These data support the proposal that the E2 SPA motif provides specificity for binding to CHIP, whereas activation of the E2~Ub conjugate is derived from other molecular determinants.  相似文献   

N,N-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) is a classical inhibitor of the F0F1-ATP synthase (F0F1), which covalently binds to the highly conserved carboxylic acid of the proteolipid subunit (c subunit) in F0. Although it is well known that DCCD modification of the c subunit blocks proton translocation in F0 and the coupled ATP hydrolysis activity of F1, how DCCD inhibits the rotary dynamics of F0F1 remains elusive. Here, we carried out single-molecule rotation assays to characterize the DCCD inhibition of Escherichia coli F0F1. Upon the injection of DCCD, rotations irreversibly terminated with first order reaction kinetics, suggesting that the incorporation of a single DCCD moiety is sufficient to block the rotary catalysis of the F0F1. Individual molecules terminated at different angles relative to the three catalytic angles of F1, suggesting that DCCD randomly reacts with one of the 10 c subunits. DCCD-inhibited F0F1 sometimes showed transient activation; molecules abruptly rotated and stopped after one revolution at the original termination angle, suggesting that hindrance by the DCCD moiety is released due to thermal fluctuation. To explore the mechanical activation of DCCD-inhibited molecules, we perturbed inhibited molecules using magnetic tweezers. The probability of transient activation increased upon a forward forcible rotation. Interestingly, during the termination F0F1, showed multiple positional shifts, which implies that F1 stochastically changes the angular position of its rotor upon a catalytic reaction. This effect could be caused by balancing the angular positions of the F1 and the F0 rotors, which are connected via elastic elements.  相似文献   

We report the synthesis of fluorescently labeled ubiquitin (Ub) and its use for following ubiquitin transfer to various proteins. Using Oregon green (Og) succinimidyl ester, we prepared a population of Ub mainly labeled by a single Og molecule; greater than 95% of the Og label is associated with Lys 6 of Ub. We demonstrate that Og-Ub is efficiently accepted by Ub-utilizing enzymes, such as the human ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1). We used this fluorescent substrate to follow the steady-state kinetics of human E1-catalyzed Ub-transfer to the ubiquitin-carrier enzyme Ubc4. In this reaction, E1 uses three substrates: ATP, Ubc4, and Ub. The steady-state kinetics of Og-Ub utilization by E1 is presented. We have also used analytical ultracentrifugation methods to establish that E1 is monomeric under our assay condition (low salt) as well as under physiological condition (150 mM NaCl).  相似文献   

In the current study, capillary electrophoresis (CE)-based enzyme assay for characterization and inhibition study of bovine carbonic anhydrase II (bCA II) was developed. The developed method is the first CE assay for carbonic anhydrase (CA). The method was optimized in order to get short analysis time, minimal sample volume consumption, and high resolution of substrate and product. The CE conditions were optimized as follows: fused-silica capillary (30 cm effective length × 75 μm i.d.), pressure injection for 5 s, 20 mM sodium borate buffer (pH 9.0), constant voltage of 15 kV, constant capillary temperature of 25 °C, and detection at 260 nm. For precise measurements, uridine was used as an internal standard during optimization of the CE methods. The limits of detection and quantification for p-nitrophenyl acetate (p-NPA) were 3.01 and 9.12 μM, respectively, whereas for p-nitrophenolate they were 2.05 and 6.22 μM, respectively. The performance of the developed method was confirmed by determination of kinetic parameters (i.e., Km and Vmax of bCA for p-NPA); the inhibition constant (Ki) was determined for furosemide, a standard inhibitor of CA. The new method proved to be fast and efficient, and it can be used for the investigation of inhibitors of all isoforms of CAs.  相似文献   

RING E3 ligases are proteins that must selectively recruit an E2-conjugating enzyme and facilitate ubiquitin transfer to a substrate. It is not clear how a RING E3 ligase differentiates a naked E2 enzyme from the E2∼ubiquitin-conjugated form or how this is altered upon ubiquitin transfer. RING-box protein 1 (Rbx1/ROC1) is a key protein found in the Skp1/Cullin-1/F-box (SCF) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex that functions with the E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme CDC34. The solution structure of Rbx1/ROC1 revealed a globular RING domain (residues 40–108) stabilized by three structural zinc ions (root mean square deviation 0.30 ± 0.04 Å) along with a disordered N terminus (residues 12–39). Titration data showed that Rbx1/ROC1 preferentially recruits CDC34 in its ubiquitin-conjugated form and favors this interaction by 50-fold compared with unconjugated CDC34. Furthermore, NMR and biochemical assays identified residues in helix α2 of Rbx1/ROC1 that are essential for binding and activating CDC34∼ubiquitin for ubiquitylation. Taken together, this work provides the first direct structural and biochemical evidence showing that polyubiquitylation by the RING E3 ligase Rbx1/ROC1 requires the preferential recruitment of an E2∼ubiquitin complex and subsequent release of the unconjugated E2 protein upon ubiquitin transfer to a substrate or ubiquitin chain.  相似文献   

In aqueous acetate buffer, hydrogen peroxide and hydrazine reduce the bridging superoxide in [(en)(dien)CoIII(O2)CoIII(en)(dien)](ClO4)5 (1) to the corresponding hydroperoxo complex [(en)(dien)CoIII(μ-O2H)CoIII(en)(dien)]5+ (2). In the presence of excess [H2O2] and [N2H5+] over [1], both the reactions obeyed first-order kinetics and exhibited inverse proton dependence. Protonation of 1 at equilibrium generates [(en)(dien)CoIII(μ-O2H)CoIII(en)(dien)]6+ (1H), the conjugate acid from 1, which appears to be a kinetic dead-end and that accounts for the observed inverse proton dependence on rate. Reaction rates significantly decrease with increasing proportion of D2O replacing H2O in the solvent and an H-atom transfer (HAT) from the reducing species to the bridging superoxide in 1 seems reasonable at the rate step.  相似文献   

E1 ubiquitin-activating enzymes (UBAs) are large multidomain proteins that catalyze formation of a thioester bond between the terminal carboxylate of a ubiquitin or ubiquitin-like modifier (UBL) and a conserved cysteine in an E2 protein, producing reactive ubiquityl units for subsequent ligation to substrate lysines. Two important E1 reaction intermediates have been identified: a ubiquityl-adenylate phosphoester and a ubiquityl-enzyme thioester. However, the mechanism of thioester bond formation and its subsequent transfer to an E2 enzyme remains poorly understood. We have determined the crystal structure of the human UFM1 (ubiquitin-fold modifier 1) E1-activating enzyme UBA5, bound to ATP, revealing a structure that shares similarities with both large canonical E1 enzymes and smaller ancestral E1-like enzymes. In contrast to other E1 active site cysteines, which are in a variably sized domain that is separate and flexible relative to the adenylation domain, the catalytic cysteine of UBA5 (Cys250) is part of the adenylation domain in an α-helical motif. The novel position of the UBA5 catalytic cysteine and conformational changes associated with ATP binding provides insight into the possible mechanisms through which the ubiquityl-enzyme thioester is formed. These studies reveal structural features that further our understanding of the UBA5 enzyme reaction mechanism and provide insight into the evolution of ubiquitin activation.  相似文献   

Aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) catalyzes the bioactivation of nitroglycerin (glyceryl trinitrate, GTN) in blood vessels, resulting in vasodilation by nitric oxide (NO) or a related species. Because the mechanism of this reaction is still unclear we determined the three-dimensional structures of wild-type (WT) ALDH2 and of a triple mutant of the protein that exhibits low denitration activity (E268Q/C301S/C303S) in complex with GTN. The structure of the triple mutant showed that GTN binds to the active site via polar contacts to the oxyanion hole and to residues 268 and 301 as well as by van der Waals interactions to hydrophobic residues of the catalytic pocket. The structure of the GTN-soaked wild-type protein revealed a thionitrate adduct to Cys-302 as the first reaction intermediate, which was also found by mass spectrometry (MS) experiments. In addition, the MS data identified sulfinic acid as the irreversibly inactivated enzyme species. Assuming that the structures of the triple mutant and wild-type ALDH2 reflect binding of GTN to the catalytic site and the first reaction step, respectively, superposition of the two structures indicates that denitration of GTN is initiated by nucleophilic attack of Cys-302 at one of the terminal nitrate groups, resulting in formation of the observed thionitrate intermediate and release of 1,2-glyceryl dinitrate. Our results shed light on the molecular mechanism of the GTN denitration reaction and provide useful information on the structural requirements for high affinity binding of organic nitrates to the catalytic site of ALDH2.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications by ubiquitin-like proteins are among the most important mechanisms for regulating a wide variety of cellular functions. In these modifications an E1 enzyme activates each ubiquitin-like protein (Ubl) by adenylation of the Ubl C-terminal COOH group and then forms a thioester bond with the adenylated C-terminal COOH group of the Ubl. Previous x-ray crystallography studies revealed a conserved zinc motif in the SUMO and NEDD8 E1; however, the function of this Zn2+ motif is unclear. In this study, using quantitative ATP:PPi isotope exchange assays in combination with site-directed mutagenesis, we show that the conserved Zn2+ motif in the SUMO E1 is important for SUMO adenylation and is critical for the E1 pseudo-ordered substrate binding mechanism. Furthermore, Zn2+ motif mutants showed significantly reduced kcat values for ATP:PPi isotope exchange assays, suggesting that the Zn2+ motif is important in binding and preventing SUMO adenylate from dissociating from E1 before formation of the thioester conjugate. Because the Zn2+ motif is located in a cross-over loop that is known to have conformational flexibility, the results described here suggest that this cross-over loop interacts with Ubl in the multistep, dynamic process of Ubl activation by E1s.  相似文献   

Biotin carboxylase (BC) activity is shared among biotin-dependent carboxylases and catalyzes the Mg-ATP-dependent carboxylation of biotin using bicarbonate as the CO2 donor. BC has been studied extensively over the years by structural, kinetic, and mutagenesis analyses. Here we report three new crystal structures of Escherichia coli BC at up to 1.9 Å resolution, complexed with different ligands. Two structures are wild-type BC in complex with two ADP molecules and two Ca2+ ions or two ADP molecules and one Mg2+ ion. One ADP molecule is in the position normally taken by the ATP substrate, whereas the other ADP molecule occupies the binding sites of bicarbonate and biotin. One Ca2+ ion and the Mg2+ ion are associated with the ADP molecule in the active site, and the other Ca2+ ion is coordinated by Glu-87, Glu-288, and Asn-290. Our kinetic studies confirm that ATP shows substrate inhibition and that this inhibition is competitive against bicarbonate. The third structure is on the R16E mutant in complex with bicarbonate and Mg-ADP. Arg-16 is located near the dimer interface. The R16E mutant has only a 2-fold loss in catalytic activity compared with the wild-type enzyme. Analytical ultracentrifugation experiments showed that the mutation significantly destabilized the dimer, although the presence of substrates can induce dimer formation. The binding modes of bicarbonate and Mg-ADP are essentially the same as those to the wild-type enzyme. However, the mutation greatly disrupted the dimer interface and caused a large re-organization of the dimer. The structures of these new complexes have implications for the catalysis by BC.  相似文献   

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