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Female primates can emit vocalizations associated with mating that can function as honest signals of fertility. Here, we investigated the role of mating calls and visual signals in female geladas (Theropithecus gelada). Because females have a central role in the gelada society and seem to solicit sexual interactions, we answered whether they emit vocalizations in conjunction with gazing to increase mating success probability. Before and during copulations, females can emit pre-copulation calls and copulation calls. For the first time, we identified a new female vocalization emitted at the final stage of copulations (end-copulation call), possibly marking the occurrence of ejaculation. We found that longer pre-copulation call sequences were followed by both prolonged copulations and the presence of end-copulation calls, thus suggesting that females use pre-copulation calls to ensure successful copula completion. Moreover, we found that different combinations of female vocal types and gazing had different effects on male vocal behavior and motivation to complete the copula. The analysis of the vocal and visual signals revealed a complex inter-sexual multimodal chattering with the leading role of females in the signal exchange. Such chattering, led by females, modulates male sexual arousal, thus increasing the probability of the copula success.  相似文献   

Recently, much effort has been devoted to the elucidation of the neuro-endocrine mechanisms regulating the biosynthesis and emission of sex pheromones in the Lepidoptera. The available data indicate that the hormonal mechanisms involved vary considerably among species. For example, compelling evidence that juvenile hormones (JH) play a role in the control of sex pheromone production has been presented only for the armyworm moth, Pseudaletia unipuncta. In this species, females that are allatectomized at emergence neither produce nor release pheromone, but both activities are restored following replacement therapy with synthetic JH. However, injection of synthetic JH into neck-ligated females does not induce pheromone biosynthesis, whereas treatment with either a brain homogenate or synthetic PBAN results in a rise in the pheromone titer. These results indicate that the role played by JH is an indirect one and that the tropic factor is a PBAN-like substance. Studies on in vitro JH biosynthesis by isolated corpora allata of P. unipuncta have shown that the low JH output observed early in the life of adult females coincides with the absence of both calling behavior and pheromone production. The subsequent increase in the rates of JH biosynthesis correlates with the onset of pheromone production and release. We have therefore proposed that JH titers must pass a threshold level before the circadian release of PBAN and calling behavior can begin. Furthermore, recent experiments suggest that the continuous presence of JH is necessary for calling behavior to be maintained once initiated. Lastly, we present data suggesting a role for JH or JH acids in the receptivity of P. unipuncta males to the female sex pheromone. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Drosophilid mating behavior: the behaviour of decapitated females   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Abstract.  The production and allocation of sperm among successive mates during a male's life largely determine its fitness. The sperm production pattern and sperm allocation to females is studied in Trichogramma evanescens , a short-lived egg parasitoid of several lepidopteran species. At emergence, virgin males have an average of 1607 ± 249 sperm stored in the seminal vesicles and no further production occurs during adult life. These males are able to mate with at least 20 females in rapid succession. During the first 10 matings, the males transfer approximately 100 sperm each time and then transfer fewer and fewer sperm per mating. The number of sperm stored in spermathecae of successively mated females remains relatively constant for the first 10 females, and decreases slowly for the subsequent females. The relationship between male reproductive strategy and some life-history traits are discussed.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(6):1874-1879
Older cockroach, Diploptera punctata, males (28 days old) transferred more sperm and larger spermatophores to females than 8-or 14-day-old males. In one male: one female behavioural tests, no significant correlations were found between either how rapidly males initiated courtship with females (response time), or intensity or duration of courtship, and the number of sperm or size of spermatophore subsequently transferred. Eight-day males were slower to initiate courtship than 28-day males. There was no significant differences in the duration of courtship for 8-, 14- and 28-day males, even though the mean duration of courtship was more than twice, as long for 8-day males compared with 14- and 28-day males. In competitive mating tests with one female and three males, one of each age, 28-day males were significantly more successful than 8- and 14-day males. It is concluded that the greater success of 28-day males is due to differences in male behaviour rather than to female discrimination.  相似文献   

We consider mating strategies for females who search for males sequentially during a season of limited length. We show that the best strategy rejects a given male type if encountered before a time‐threshold but accepts him after. For frequency‐independent benefits, we obtain the optimal time‐thresholds explicitly for both discrete and continuous distributions of males, and allow for mistakes being made in assessing the correct male type. When the benefits are indirect (genes for the offspring) and the population is under frequency‐dependent ecological selection, the benefits depend on the mating strategy of other females as well. This case is particularly relevant to speciation models that seek to explore the stability of reproductive isolation by assortative mating under frequency‐dependent ecological selection. We show that the indirect benefits are to be quantified by the reproductive values of couples, and describe how the evolutionarily stable time‐thresholds can be found. We conclude with an example based on the Levene model, in which we analyze the evolutionarily stable assortative mating strategies and the strength of reproductive isolation provided by them.  相似文献   

According to life-history theory age-dependent investments into reproduction are thought to co-vary with survival and growth of animals. In polygynous species, in which size is an important determinant of reproductive success, male reproduction via alternative mating tactics at young age are consequently expected to be the less frequent in species with higher survival. We tested this hypothesis in male Alpine ibex (Capra ibex), a highly sexually dimorphic mountain ungulate whose males have been reported to exhibit extremely high adult survival rates. Using data from two offspring cohorts in a population in the Swiss Alps, the effects of age, dominance and mating tactic on the likelihood of paternity were inferred within a Bayesian framework. In accordance with our hypothesis, reproductive success in male Alpine ibex was heavily biased towards older, dominant males that monopolized access to receptive females by adopting the ‘tending’ tactic, while success among young, subordinate males via the sneaking tactic ‘coursing’ was in general low and rare. In addition, we detected a high reproductive skew in male Alpine ibex, suggesting a large opportunity for selection. Compared with other ungulates with higher mortality rates, reproduction among young male Alpine ibex was much lower and more sporadic. Consistent with that, further examinations on the species level indicated that in polygynous ungulates the significance of early reproduction appears to decrease with increasing survival. Overall, this study supports the theory that survival prospects of males modulate the investments into reproduction via alternative mating tactics early in life. In the case of male Alpine ibex, the results indicate that their life-history strategy targets for long life, slow and prolonged growth and late reproduction.  相似文献   

Male calls of the katydid Neoconocephalus triops exhibit substantial developmental plasticity in two parameters: (i) calls of winter males are continuous and lack the verse structure of summer calls and (ii) at equal temperatures, summer males produce calls with a substantially higher pulse rate than winter males. We raised female N. triops under conditions that reliably induced either summer or winter phenotype and tested their preferences for the call parameters that differ between summer and winter males.Neither generation was selective for the presence of verses, but females had strong preferences for pulse rates: only a narrow range of pulse rates was attractive. The attractive ranges did not differ between summer and winter females. Both male pulse rate and female preference for pulse rate changed with ambient temperature, but female preference changed more than the male calls.As a result, the summer call was attractive only at 25 degrees C, whereas the slower winter call was attractive only at 20 degrees C. Thus, developmental plasticity of male calls compensates for differences in temperature dependency between calls and preferences and enables the communication system to function in heterogeneous environments. The potential role of call plasticity during the invasion of new habitats is discussed.  相似文献   

J. Alcock    W. J. Bailey 《Journal of Zoology》1995,237(3):337-352
Males of the Australian whistling moth Hecatesia exultans produce ultrasonic acoustical signals while perched on low vegetation. Some males call more or less continuously for several hours during midday with individuals occupying the same general calling area for up to several weeks. The nearest neighbour of calling males is typically 15 to 25m distant, at the outer edge of the estimated range at which neighbours can detect each other's ultrasonic signals. Calling male intruders occasionally enter an occupied territory, resulting in aerial clashes with nearly continuous signalling by both combatants. Males respond to playback of taped signals by flying toward the speaker and sometimes by calling while perched on or near the speaker. Females sometimes visit calling males, with copulation following very soon after the female alights on vegetation near the male's perch. Males increase the rate of sound production by about 11% when presented with moving pinned specimens or paper models of conspecifics. These observations and experiments indicate that males use ultrasound as long-distance communication signals designed to attract sexually receptive females and to establish territorial residency in competition with other males.  相似文献   

The animals used in the experiment consisted of 411 aged (parous), and 171 maiden ewes (18 months old) and 17 rams. In total 357 observations were made during mating (272 on parous and 85 on maiden ewes). The average mating time for the parous ewes was 58.26 s, and for the maidens 97.0 s. The difference was highly significant (P < 0.01). Mean numbers of mounts per ejaculation for parous and maiden ewes were 2.17 and 2.53 respectively. The difference was highly significant (P < 0.01) and was caused, among other factors, by the reluctant standing attitude of maiden ewes. The results confirm that difficulties exist in the serving fo maiden ewes.The reproduction indices were calculated on the basis of service during the first oestrus in the mating season. The pregnancy rate was 56.45% for older ewes and 54.04% for maidens, the difference being not significant. The lambing rate was 113.3% and 110.3% for parous and maiden ewes respectively, the difference being statistically insignificant. The absence of divergence of reproduction indices between the two groups suggests that the difficulty in serving maiden ewes is due to their lack of reproductive experience which does not influence their reproductive capacity.  相似文献   

Comparative sequencing studies among a wide range of taxonomic groups, including fungi, provide the overall pattern that reproductive genes evolve more rapidly than other genes, and this divergence is believed to be important in the establishment of reproductive barriers between species. In this study, we investigated the molecular evolution of the pheromone receptor genes pre-1 and pre-2 of strains belonging to 12 and 13 heterothallic taxa, respectively, of the model genus Neurospora. Furthermore, we examined the regulatory pattern of both pheromone precursor and receptor genes during sexual crosses of Neurospora crassa and Neurospora intermedia, for which reinforcement of interspecific reproductive barriers in sympatry previously has been documented. We conclude that the part encoding the C-terminal intracellular domain of pre-1 and pre-2 genes evolves rapidly. Both stochastic and directional processes drive this divergence; both genes contain neutrally evolving codons, and in addition, pre-1 contains codons evolving under positive selection, whereas in pre-2 we found highly variable regions with numerous repeats encoding glycine, threonine, or aspartic acid. In addition, we found regulatory changes of the pheromone and receptor genes during crosses between N. crassa and N. intermedia with different reproductive success. Gene expression levels are higher in the interspecific sympatric crosses with low reproductive success than in their intraspecific and/or allopatric equivalents, both at the stage of initial communication and contact and later at postfertilization stages. Taken together, our data indicate that pheromones and receptors are important key players during reproductive isolation between Neurospora species, and this study provides a general framework for future studies on the role of reproductive proteins for reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

The mating behaviour and reproductive success of male Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) were studied in relation to the female sexual cycles, which were monitored from the plasma profiles of gonadotropins and ovarian hormones. Based on observations of the mating behaviour during four successive mating seasons and paternity identification by DNA fingerprinting in 35 out of 37 offspring born in the subsequent birth seasons, the correlations between (1) male dominance rank and timing of mating, and (2) male dominance rank and reproductive success were examined. The results may be summarized as follows. (1) The number of copulations with ejaculation by any male was positively correlated with the male dominance rank, but not with the identified numbers of offspring fathered by each male. (2) Males could not choose ovulatory females as mating partners: the number of copulations with ejaculation with females during ovulatory weeks was not related to the male's rank. Monopolized copulations in consortship were mostly observed between high-ranking males and non-lactating parous females after conception. (3) Paternity testing showed that the male copulating most frequently with a female was not the identified father in 11 out of 15 cases. Prediction of the fathers of offspring was difficult even from the number of copulations occurring at around the estimated time of ovulation. An adaptive explanation of these correlations is discussed.  相似文献   

Pheromonal communication plays a key role in the sociosexual behavior of rodents. The coadaptation between pheromones and chemosensory systems has been well illustrated in insects but poorly investigated in rodents and other mammals. We aimed to investigate whether coadaptation between male pheromones and female reception might have occurred in brown rats Rattus norvegicus. We recently reported that major urinary protein (MUP) pheromones are associated with male mating success in a brown rat subspecies, R. n. humiliatus (Rnh). Here, we discovered that MUPs were less polymorphic and occurred at much lower concentrations in males of a parapatric subspecies, R. n. caraco (Rnc), than in Rnh males, and found no association between pheromones and paternity success. Moreover, the observation of Rnc males that experienced chronic dyadic encounters and established dominance–submission relationships revealed that the dominant males achieved greater mating success than the subordinate males, but their MUP levels did not differ by social status. These findings suggest that male mating success in Rnc rats is related to social rank rather than to pheromone levels and that low concentration of MUPs might not be a reliable signal for mate choice in Rnc rats, which is different from the findings obtained in Rnh rats. In addition, compared with Rnh females, Rnc females exhibited reduced expression of pheromone receptor genes, and a lower number of vomeronasal receptor neurons were activated by MUP pheromones, which imply that the female chemosensory reception of pheromones might be structurally and functionally coadapted with male pheromone signals in brown rats.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The virgin female tobacco hawk moth, Manduca sexta, flies during the early scotophase in an LD 16:8 cycle at 24C then begins 'calling' within 2h. Mating lasts 3–4 h. Oviposition occurs in the succeeding scotophases if a tobacco plant is present. The switch from virgin 'calling' behaviour to mated ovipositional behaviour is mediated by the presence of sperm and/or associated testicular fluids in the bursa copulatrix. The corpora allata, which are necessary for egg maturation in this species, are activated via the NCC I and II around the time of eclosion. Feeding increases the activity of the corpora allata in the virgin female (as judged by the number of eggs matured in 4 days) but mating brings about a further stimulation of the activity of the corpora allata. The stretching of the bursa copulatrix by the insertion of the spermatophore during mating is probably the trigger for this response. Continued neural input from the bursa copulatrix to the brain is necessary to maintain the increased activity of the corpora allata.  相似文献   

Trade-offs between the benefits of current reproduction and the costs to future reproduction and survival are widely recognized. However, such trade-offs might only be detected when resources become limited to the point where investment in one activity jeopardizes investment in others. The resolution of the trade-off between reproduction and self-maintenance is mediated by hormones such as glucocorticoids which direct behaviour and physiology towards self-maintenance under stressful situations. We investigated this trade-off in male and female barn owls in relation to the degree of heritable melanin-based coloration, a trait that reflects the ability to cope with various sources of stress in nestlings. We increased circulating corticosterone in breeding adults by implanting a corticosterone-releasing-pellet, using birds implanted with a placebo-pellet as controls. In males, elevated corticosterone reduced the activity (i.e. reduced home-range size and distance covered within the home-range) independently of coloration, while we could not detect any effect on hunting efficiency. The effect of experimentally elevated corticosterone on female behaviour was correlated with their melanin-based coloration. Corticosterone (cort-) induced an increase in brooding behaviour in small-spotted females, while this hormone had no detectable effect in large-spotted females. Cort-females with small eumelanic spots showed the normal body-mass loss during the early nestling period, while large spotted cort-females did not lose body mass. This indicates that corticosterone induced a shift towards self-maintenance in males independently on their plumage, whereas in females this shift was observed only in large-spotted females.  相似文献   

In cases where sexual cannibalism represents a sexual conflict, we should expect to find male traits that reduce the risk of cannibalism. In fact, a wide variety of such traits have been proposed, including elaborate courtship displays, cautious approach behaviours, and opportunistic mating whilst a female is feeding. However, there is very little direct evidence that these behaviours actually reduce the risk of sexual cannibalism for males, and the evidence that does exist comes mainly from spider studies. In this study of Pseudomantis albofimbriata praying mantids we found evidence of various male behaviours that reduced the risk of sexual cannibalism. Most males attempted to avoid detection entirely and others moved in a slow and stealthy manner. We also observed five cases of opportunistic mating, but saw no evidence of any male courtship routine. It seems that mounting from the rear of a female or slowly approaching her from the front, allows many males to go unnoticed and, therefore, substantially reduces the risk of sexual cannibalism in this mating system. Interestingly, we could not identify any female traits that males use to assess the risk of sexual cannibalism. It may be that P. albofimbriata males use alternative means to assess these risks. The presence of these behavioural strategies by males suggests a net cost of being consumed, and that sexual cannibalism is likely to be a female strategy in this system.  相似文献   

Females of the damselfly Ischnura ramburi exhibit a simple genetic colour dimorphism in which one form is cryptic (heteromorph), and the other closely resembles the more conspicuously colourful males (andromorph). Andromorphs also mimic male behaviour in interactions with males. Consequently they copulate half as often as do heteromorphs, which may give them a frequency-dependent selective advantage. Assuming that females need only mate once, excessive copulations, which average 3 h in duration, waste time for heteromorphs and may expose them to increased predation. The peculiar biology and mating behaviour of ischnurans provides a possible evolutionary context for this mimicry. The polymorphism is probably balanced by a frequency-independent selective disadvantage suffered by the more conspicuous andromorphs, through increased predation.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of delayed mating on the copulation duration, female fertility, fecundity, egg fertility, longevity and the number days alive after mating of females of diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella, were studied. When male mating was delayed, the female fertility, fecundity, egg fertility, longevity and number days alive after mating of DBM decreased, and there was a negative correlation between the age of the moth with those variables except copulation duration. When female mating was delayed, the female fertility, fecundity, percent egg fertility and number days alive after mating of DBM also decreased, but the longevity increased, which also showed a negative relationship between the age of the moth with the variables except copulation duration and longevity. When both males and females delayed mating, the female fertility and fecundity decreased; egg fertility was affected marginally, and the longevity of females increased. The moth age was negatively correlated with those variables.  相似文献   

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