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Cell-cell interactions are important for several cell fate decisions during C. elegans development. Two genes, lin-12 and glp-1, encode similar predicted transmembrane proteins that are members of a potentially ubiquitous family of proteins that may mediate intercellular communication.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling systems play important roles in the generation of cell and tissue polarity during development. We describe a Wnt signaling system that acts in a new way to orient the polarity of an epidermal cell division in C. elegans. In this system, the EGL-20/Wnt signal acts in a permissive fashion to polarize the asymmetric division of a cell called V5. EGL-20 regulates this polarization by counteracting lateral signals from neighboring cells that would otherwise reverse the polarity of the V5 cell division. Our findings indicate that this lateral signaling pathway also involves Wnt pathway components. Overexpression of EGL-20 disrupts both the asymmetry and polarity of lateral epidermal cell divisions all along the anteroposterior (A/P) body axis. Together our findings suggest that multiple, inter-related Wnt signaling systems may act together to polarize asymmetric cell divisions in this tissue.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which the diverse functional identities of neurons are generated are poorly understood. C. elegans responds to thermal and chemical stimuli using 12 types of sensory neurons. The Otx/otd homolog ttx-1 specifies the identities of the AFD thermosensory neurons. We show here that ceh-36 and ceh-37, the remaining two Otx-like genes in the C. elegans genome, specify the identities of AWC, ASE, and AWB chemosensory neurons, defining a role for this gene family in sensory neuron specification. All C. elegans Otx genes and rat Otx1 can substitute for ceh-37 and ceh-36, but only ceh-37 functionally substitutes for ttx-1. Functional substitution in the AWB neurons is mediated by activation of the same downstream target lim-4 by different Otx genes. Misexpression experiments indicate that although the specific identity adopted upon expression of an Otx gene may be constrained by the cellular context, individual Otx genes preferentially promote distinct neuronal identities.  相似文献   

The C. elegans vulva is patterned by epidermal growth factor (EGF) activation of Ras to control 1° fate, and 1° fate induces antagonistic Notch-dependent 2° fate. Furthermore, a spatial EGF gradient, in addition to inducing 1° fate, directly contributes to 2° fate via an unknown pathway. We find that in addition to its canonical effector, Raf, vulval Ras utilizes an exchange factor for the Ral small GTPase (RalGEF), such that Ras-RalGEF-Ral antagonizes Ras-Raf pro-1° fate activity. Consistent with its restricted expression pattern, Ral participates in EGF pro-2° activity. Thus, we have delineated a Ras effector-switching mechanism whereby position within the morphogen gradient dictates that Ras effector usage is switched to RalGEF from Raf to promote 2° instead of 1° fate. Our observations define the utility of Ras effector switching during normal development and may provide a possible mechanistic basis for cell and cancer-type differences in effector dependency and activation.  相似文献   

Andersen EC  Saffer AM  Horvitz HR 《Genetics》2008,179(4):2001-2012
Many mutations cause obvious abnormalities only when combined with other mutations. Such synthetic interactions can be the result of redundant gene functions. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the synthetic multivulva (synMuv) genes have been grouped into multiple classes that redundantly inhibit vulval cell fates. Animals with one or more mutations of the same class undergo wild-type vulval development, whereas animals with mutations of any two classes have a multivulva phenotype. By varying temperature and genetic background, we determined that mutations in most synMuv genes within a single synMuv class enhance each other. However, in a few cases no enhancement was observed. For example, mutations that affect an Mi2 homolog and a histone methyltransferase are of the same class and do not show enhancement. We suggest that such sets of genes function together in vivo and in at least some cases encode proteins that interact physically. The approach of genetic enhancement can be applied more broadly to identify potential protein complexes as well as redundant processes or pathways. Many synMuv genes are evolutionarily conserved, and the genetic relationships we have identified might define the functions not only of synMuv genes in C. elegans but also of their homologs in other organisms.  相似文献   

Animals assess food availability in their environment by sensory perception and respond to the absence of food by changing hormone and neurotransmitter signals. However, it is largely unknown how the absence of food is perceived at the level of functional neurocircuitry. In Caenorhabditis elegans, octopamine is released from the RIC neurons in the absence of food and activates the cyclic AMP response element binding protein in the cholinergic SIA neurons. In contrast, dopamine is released from dopaminergic neurons only in the presence of food. Here, we show that dopamine suppresses octopamine signalling through two D2‐like dopamine receptors and the G protein Gi/o. The D2‐like receptors work in both the octopaminergic neurons and the octopamine‐responding SIA neurons, suggesting that dopamine suppresses octopamine release as well as octopamine‐mediated downstream signalling. Our results show that C. elegans detects the absence of food by using a small neural circuit composed of three neuron types in which octopaminergic signalling is activated by the cessation of dopamine signalling.  相似文献   

The C. elegans male tail is being studied as a model to understand how genes specify the form of multicellular animals. Morphogenesis of the specialized male copulatory organ takes place in the last larval stages during male development. Genetic analysis is facilitated because the structure is not necessary for male viability or for strain propagation. Analysis of developmental mutants, isolated in several functional and morphological screens, has begun to reveal how fates of cells are determined in the cell lineages, and how the specification of cell fates affects the morphology of the structure. Cytological studies in wild type and in mutants have been used to study the mechanism of pattern formation in the tail peripheral nervous system. The ultimate goal is to define the entire pathway leading to the male copulatory organ.  相似文献   

beta-Catenin signaling determines the proximal-distal axis of the C. elegans gonad by promoting distal fate in asymmetrically dividing somatic gonad precursor cells (SGPs). Impaired function of the Wnt effector POP-1/TCF, its coactivator SYS-1/beta-catenin, and of upstream components including beta-catenin WRM-1 causes all SGP daughters to adopt the proximal fate. Consequently, no distal tip cells (DTCs) that would lead differentiation of gonad arms form in the affected hermaphrodites. Here, we show that deficiency of the nuclear receptor NHR-25 has the opposite effect: extra DTCs develop instead of proximal cells. NHR-25 knockdown restores DTC formation and fertility in pop-1 and sys-1 mutants, suggesting that a balance between NHR-25 and beta-catenin pathway activities is required to establish both proximal and distal fates. This balance relies on direct crossregulation between NHR-25 and the distinct beta-catenin proteins WRM-1 and SYS-1. The nuclear receptor-beta-catenin interaction may be an ancient mechanism of cell-fate decision.  相似文献   

Although sexual dimorphism is ubiquitous in animals, the means by which sex determination mechanisms trigger specific modifications to shared structures is not well understood. In C. elegans, tail tip morphology is highly dimorphic: whereas hermaphrodites have a whip-like, tapered tail tip, the male tail is blunt-ended and round. Here we show that the male-specific cell fusion and retraction that generate the adult tail are controlled by the previously undescribed doublesex-related DM gene dmd-3, with a secondary contribution from the paralogous gene mab-3. In dmd-3 mutants, cell fusion and retraction in the male tail tip are severely defective, while in mab-3; dmd-3 double mutants, these processes are completely absent. Conversely, expression of dmd-3 in the hermaphrodite tail tip is sufficient to trigger fusion and retraction. The master sexual regulator tra-1 normally represses dmd-3 expression in the hermaphrodite tail tip, accounting for the sexual specificity of tail tip morphogenesis. Temporal cues control the timing of tail remodeling in males by regulating dmd-3 expression, and Wnt signaling promotes this process by maintaining and enhancing dmd-3 expression in the tail tip. Downstream, dmd-3 and mab-3 regulate effectors of morphogenesis including the cell fusion gene eff-1. Together, our results reveal a regulatory network for male tail morphogenesis in which dmd-3 and mab-3 together occupy the central node. These findings indicate that an important conserved function of DM genes is to link the general sex determination hierarchy to specific effectors of differentiation and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Lints R  Jia L  Kim K  Li C  Emmons SW 《Developmental biology》2004,269(1):137-151
The fan and rays of the C. elegans male tail constitute a compound sensory organ essential for mating. Within this organ, the individual sensilla, known as rays, have unique identities. We show that ray identities are patterned by a selector gene mechanism in a manner similar to other serially homologous axial structures. One selector gene that promotes the identities of a subset of the rays is the Hox gene egl-5. Within EGL-5-expressing rays, further patterning is provided by a Pax-6 homolog and a signal of the TGFβ family. These genes and pathway coordinately specify multiple ray properties affecting all three terminal ray cell types. These properties include complex patterns of FMRFamide-like (FaRP) neuropeptides, serotonin (5HT) and dopamine expression, and ray morphology. Differences in these differentiated characteristics give each sensillum a unique identity and potentially endow the compound ray organ with a higher-order information gathering capacity.  相似文献   

M Han  P W Sternberg 《Cell》1990,63(5):921-931
Genetic analysis previously suggested that the let-60 gene controls the switch between vulval and hypodermal cell fates during C. elegans vulval induction. We have cloned the let-60 gene, and shown that it encodes a gene product identical in 84% of its first 164 amino acids to ras gene products from other vertebrate and invertebrate species. This conservation suggests that the let-60 product contains all the biochemical functions of ras proteins. Extrachromosomal arrays of let-60 ras DNA cause cell-type misspecification (extra vulval fates) phenotypically opposite to that caused by let-60 ras loss-of-function mutations (no vulval fates), and suppress the vulvaless phenotype of mutations in two other genes necessary for vulval induction. Thus, the level and pattern of let-60 ras expression may be under strict regulation; increase in let-60 ras activity bypasses or reduces the need for upstream genes in the vulval induction pathway.  相似文献   

LIM homeobox family members regulate a variety of cell fate choices during animal development. In C. elegans, mutations in the LIM homeobox gene lin-11 have previously been shown to alter the cell division pattern of a subset of the 2 degrees lineage vulval cells. We demonstrate multiple functions of lin-11 during vulval development. We examined the fate of vulval cells in lin-11 mutant animals using five cellular markers and found that lin-11 is necessary for the patterning of both 1 degrees and 2 degrees lineage cells. In the absence of lin-11 function, vulval cells fail to acquire correct identity and inappropriately fuse with each other. The expression pattern of lin-11 reveals dynamic changes during development. Using a temporally controlled overexpression system, we show that lin-11 is initially required in vulval cells for establishing the correct invagination pattern. This process involves asymmetric expression of lin-11 in the 2 degrees lineage cells. Using a conditional RNAi approach, we show that lin-11 regulates vulval morphogenesis. Finally, we show that LDB-1, a NLI/Ldb1/CLIM2 family member, interacts physically with LIN-11, and is necessary for vulval morphogenesis. Together, these findings demonstrate that temporal regulation of lin-11 is crucial for the wild-type vulval patterning.  相似文献   

The lin-12 locus specifies cell fates in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
We describe two classes of mutations in the lin-12 locus of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Ten semidominant mutations (lin-12[d]) appear to elevate the level of lin-12 activity. Thirty-two recessive alleles (lin-12[0]), including two amber mutations, appear to eliminate gene activity. The lin-12(d) and lin-12(0) mutations result in reciprocal homeotic transformations in the fates of defined cells in several different tissues. Gene dosage studies suggest that a high level of lin-12 activity specifies one cell fate and a low level specifies an alternative fate. Temperature-shift experiments indicate that lin-12 acts at the time cell fate is determined in wild type. We propose that lin-12 functions as a binary switch to control decisions between alternative cell fates during C. elegans development.  相似文献   

P W Sternberg  H R Horvitz 《Cell》1989,58(4):679-693
Each of the six C. elegans vulval precursor cells (VPCs) has three potential fates (1 degree, 2 degrees, or 3 degrees). The fate of each VPC depends on two types of signals: a graded inductive signal that acts at a distance and a short-range lateral signal among the VPCs. We describe interactions among mutations that cause different misspecifications of VPC fates. Particular combinations of mutations cause all six VPCs to have a single fate independent of their positions. Our results suggest that specification of the three VPC fates is accomplished by two binary decisions, each effected by one of the two signaling pathways. The gene lin-12 acts in the lateral signaling pathway and specifies 2 degrees. The "vulvaless" and "multivulva" genes act in the inductive signaling pathway and specify 1 degree independently of lin-12 and 2 degrees via lin-12. We describe a model for the regulatory circuitry underlying VPC determination that includes a role for lin-12 in both autocrine and paracrine VPC signaling.  相似文献   

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