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Helicase I has been purified to greater than 95% homogeneity from an F+ strain of Escherichia coli, and characterized as a single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase and a helicase. The duplex DNA unwinding reaction requires a region of ssDNA for enzyme binding and concomitant nucleoside 5'-triphosphate hydrolysis. All eight predominant nucleoside 5'-triphosphates can satisfy this requirement. Unwinding is unidirectional in the 5' to 3' direction. The length of duplex DNA unwound is independent of protein concentration suggesting that the unwinding reaction is highly processive. Kinetic analysis of the unwinding reaction indicates that the enzyme turns over very slowly from one DNA substrate molecule to another. The ATP hydrolysis reaction is continuous when circular partial duplex DNA substrates are used as DNA effectors. When linear partial duplex substrates are used ATP hydrolysis is barely detectable, although the kinetics of the unwinding reaction on linear partial duplex substrates are identical to those observed using a circular partial duplex DNA substrate. This suggests that ATP hydrolysis fuels continuous translocation of helicase I on circular single-stranded DNA while on linear single stranded DNA the enzyme translocates to the end of the DNA molecule where it must slowly dissociate from the substrate molecule and/or slowly associate with a new substrate molecule, thus resulting in a very low rate of ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Helicases unwind dsDNA during replication, repair and recombination in an ATP-dependent reaction. The mechanism for helicase activity can be studied using oligonucleotide substrates to measure formation of single-stranded (ss) DNA from double-stranded (ds) DNA. This assay provides an 'all-or-nothing' readout because partially unwound intermediates are not detected. We have determined conditions under which an intermediate in the reaction cycle of Dda helicase can be detected by trapping a partially unwound substrate. The appearance of this intermediate supports a model in which each ssDNA product interacts with the helicase after unwinding has occurred. Kinetic analysis indicates that the intermediate appears during a slow step in the reaction cycle that is flanked by faster steps for unwinding. These observations demonstrate a complex mechanism containing nonuniform steps for a monomeric helicase. The potential biological significance of such a mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

The gene product of F tral is a bifunctional protein which nicks and unwinds the F plasmid during conjugal DNA transfer. Further biochemical characterization of the Tral protein reveals that it has a second, much lower, Km for ATP hydrolysis, in addition to that previously identified. Measurement of the single-stranded DNA-stimulated ATPase rate indicates that there is co-operative interaction between the enzyme monomers for maximal activity. Furthermore, 18O-exchange experiments indicate that Tral protein hydrolyses ATP with, at most, a low-level reversal of the hydrolytic step during each turnover.  相似文献   

The gene for Escherichia coli rep helicase (rep protein) was subcloned in a pBR plasmid and the protein overproduced in cells transformed with the hybrid DNA. The effect of purified enzyme on strand unwinding and DNA replication was investigated by electron microscopy. The templates used were partial duplexes of viral DNA from bacteriophage fd::Tn5 and reannealed DNA from bacteriophage Mu. The experiments with the two DNA species show DNA unwinding uncoupled from replication. The single-stranded phage fd::Tn5 DNA with the inverted repeat of transposon Tn5 could be completely replicated in the presence of the E. coli enzymes rep helicase, DNA binding protein I, RNA polymerase and DNA polymerase III holoenzyme. A block in the unwinding step increases secondary initiation events in single-stranded parts of the template, as DNA polymerase III holoenzyme cannot switch across the stem structure of the transposon.  相似文献   

DNA helicase I was purified in large quantity from Escherichia coli cells harboring a plasmid that carries the gene encoding helicase I--the traI gene of the F sex factor--cloned in a high copy number vector. Electron microscopic studies on the purified material reveal new properties of the enzyme protein.  相似文献   

The RNA helicase/protease NS3 plays a central role in the RNA replication of hepatitis C virus (HCV), a cytoplasmic RNA virus that represents a major worldwide health problem. NS3 is, therefore, an important drug target in the effort to combat HCV. Most work has focused on the protease, rather than the helicase, activities of the enzyme. In order to further characterize NS3 helicase activity, we evaluated individual stages of duplex unwinding by NS3 alone and in complex with cofactor NS4A. Despite a putative replicative role in RNA unwinding, we found that NS3 alone is a surprisingly poor helicase on RNA, but that RNA activity is promoted by cofactor NS4A. In contrast, NS3 alone is a highly processive helicase on DNA. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that this robust DNA helicase activity is not vestigial and may have specifically evolved in HCV. Given that HCV has no replicative DNA intermediate, these findings suggest that NS3 may have the capacity to affect host DNA.  相似文献   

RecQ family helicases play a key role in chromosome maintenance. Despite extensive biochemical, biophysical, and structural studies, the mechanism by which helicase unwinds double-stranded DNA remains to be elucidated. Using a wide array of biochemical and biophysical approaches, we have previously shown that the Escherichia coli RecQ helicase functions as a monomer. In this study, we have further characterized the kinetic mechanism of the RecQ-catalyzed unwinding of duplex DNA using the fluorometric stopped-flow method based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Our results show that RecQ helicase binds preferentially to 3'-flanking duplex DNA. Under the pre-steady-state conditions, the burst amplitude reveals a 1:1 ratio between RecQ and DNA substrate, suggesting that an active monomeric form of RecQ helicase is involved in the catalysis. Under the single-turnover conditions, the RecQ-catalyzed unwinding is independent of the 3'-tail length, indicating that functional interactions between RecQ molecules are not implicated in the DNA unwinding. It was further determined that RecQ unwinds DNA rapidly with a step size of 4 bp and a rate of approximately 21 steps/s. These kinetic results not only further support our previous conclusion that E. coli RecQ functions as a monomer but also suggest that some of the Superfamily 2 helicases may function through an "inchworm" mechanism.  相似文献   

TraI (DNA helicase I) is an Escherichia coli F plasmid-encoded protein required for bacterial conjugative DNA transfer. The protein is a sequence-specific DNA transesterase that provides the site- and strand-specific nick required to initiate DNA strand transfer and a 5' to 3' DNA helicase that unwinds the F plasmid to provide the single-stranded DNA that is transferred from donor to recipient. Sequence comparisons with other transesterases and helicases suggest that these activities reside in the N- and C-terminal regions of TraI, respectively. Computer-assisted secondary structure probability analysis identified a potential interdomain region spanning residues 304-309. Proteins encoded by segments of traI, whose N or C terminus either flanked or coincided with this region, were purified and assessed for catalytic activity. Amino acids 1-306 contain the transesterase activity, whereas amino acids 309-1504 contain the helicase activity. The C-terminal 252 amino acids of the 1756-amino acid TraI protein are not required for either helicase or transesterase activity. Protein and nucleic acid sequence similarity searches indicate that the occurrence of both transesterase- and helicase-associated motifs in a conjugative DNA transfer initiator protein is rare. Only two examples (other than R100 plasmid TraI) were found: R388 plasmid TrwC and R46 plasmid (pKM101) TraH, belonging to the IncW and IncN groups of broad host range conjugative plasmids, respectively. The most significant structural difference between these proteins and TraI is that TraI contains an additional region of approximately 650 residues between the transesterase domain and the helicase-associated motifs. This region is required for helicase activity.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli dam adenine-N6 methyltransferase modifies DNA at GATC sequences. It is involved in post-replicative mismatch repair, control of DNA replication and gene regulation. We show that E. coli dam acts as a functional monomer and methylates only one strand of the DNA in each binding event. The preferred way of ternary complex assembly is that the enzyme first binds to DNA and then to S-adenosylmethionine. The enzyme methylates an oligonucleotide containing two dam sites and a 879 bp PCR product with four sites in a fully processive reaction. On lambda-DNA comprising 48,502 bp and 116 dam sites, E. coli dam scans 3000 dam sites per binding event in a random walk, that on average leads to a processive methylation of 55 sites. Processive methylation of DNA considerably accelerates DNA methylation. The highly processive mechanism of E. coli dam could explain why small amounts of E. coli dam are able to maintain the methylation state of dam sites during DNA replication. Furthermore, our data support the general rule that solitary DNA methyltransferase modify DNA processively whereas methyltransferases belonging to a restriction-modification system show a distributive mechanism, because processive methylation of DNA would interfere with the biological function of restriction-modification systems.  相似文献   

The oligomeric state of Superfamily I DNA helicases is the subject of considerable and ongoing debate. While models based on crystal structures imply that a single helicase core domain is sufficient for DNA unwinding activity, biochemical data from several related enzymes suggest that a higher order oligomeric species is required. In this work we characterize the helicase activity of the AddAB helicase-nuclease, which is involved in the repair of double-stranded DNA breaks in Bacillus subtilis. We show that the enzyme is functional as a heterodimer of the AddA and AddB subunits, that it is a rapid and processive DNA helicase, and that it catalyses DNA unwinding using one single-stranded DNA motor of 3' → 5' polarity located in the AddA subunit. The AddB subunit contains a second putative ATP-binding pocket, but this does not contribute to the observed helicase activity and may instead be involved in the recognition of recombination hotspot sequences.  相似文献   

Helicases are thought to function as oligomers (generally dimers or hexamers). Here we demonstrate that although Escherichia coli DNA helicase II (UvrD) is capable of dimerization as evidenced by a positive interaction in the yeast two-hybrid system, gel filtration chromatography, and equilibrium sedimentation ultracentrifugation (Kd = 3.4 microM), the protein is active in vivo and in vitro as a monomer. A mutant lacking the C-terminal 40 amino acids (UvrDDelta40C) failed to dimerize and yet was as active as the wild-type protein in ATP hydrolysis and helicase assays. In addition, the uvrDDelta40C allele fully complemented the loss of helicase II in both methyl-directed mismatch repair and excision repair of pyrimidine dimers. Biochemical inhibition experiments using wild-type UvrD and inactive UvrD point mutants provided further evidence for a functional monomer. This investigation provides the first direct demonstration of an active monomeric helicase, and a model for DNA unwinding by a monomer is presented.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli dnaB replication protein is a DNA helicase   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
Genetic and biochemical analyses indicate that the Escherichia coli dnaB replication protein functions in the propagation of replication forks in the bacterial chromosome. We have found that the dnaB protein is a DNA helicase that is capable of unwinding extensive stretches of double-stranded DNA. We constructed a partially duplex DNA substrate, containing two preformed forks of single-stranded DNA, which was used to characterize this helicase activity. The dnaB helicase depends on the presence of a hydrolyzable ribonucleoside triphosphate, is maximally stimulated by a combination of E. coli single-stranded DNA-binding protein and E. coli primase, is inhibited by antibody directed against dnaB protein, and is inhibited by prior coating of the single-stranded regions of the helicase substrate with the E. coli single-stranded DNA-binding protein. It was determined that the dnaB protein moves 5' to 3' along single-stranded DNA, apparently in a processive fashion. To invade the duplex portion of the helicase substrate, the dnaB protein requires a 3'-terminal extension of single-stranded DNA in the strand to which it is not bound. Under optimal conditions at 30 degrees C, greater than 1 kilobase pair of duplex DNA can be unwound within 30 s. Based on these findings and other available data, we propose that the dnaB protein is the primary replicative helicase of E. coli and that it actively and processively migrates along the lagging strand template, serving both to unwind the DNA duplex in advance of the leading strand and to potentiate synthesis by the bacterial primase of RNA primers for the nascent (Okazaki) fragments of the lagging strand.  相似文献   

The effect of two structural elements of a replication DNA fork substrate, the length of the 3' arm of the fork and the stability of the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) part, on the kinetics of the dsDNA unwinding by the Escherichia coli hexameric helicase DnaB protein has been examined under single turnover conditions using the rapid quench-flow technique. The length of the 3' arm of the replication fork, i.e. the number of nucleotides in the arm, is a major structural factor that controls the unwinding rate and processivity of the helicase. The data show the existence of an optimal length of the 3' arm where there is the highest unwinding rate and processivity, indicating that during the unwinding process, the helicase transiently interacts with the 3' arm at a specific distance on the arm with respect to the duplex part of the DNA. Moreover, the area on the enzyme that engages in interactions has also a discrete size. For DNA substrates with the 3' arm containing 14, or less, nucleotide residues, the DnaB helicase becomes a completely distributive enzyme. However, the 3' arm is not a "specific activating cofactor" in the unwinding reaction. Rather, the 3' arm plays a role as a mechanical fulcrum for the enzyme, necessary to provide support for the advancing large helicase molecule on the opposite strand of the DNA. Binding of ATP is necessary to engage the 3' arm with the DnaB helicase, but it does not change the initial distribution of complexes of the enzyme with the DNA fork substrate. Stability of the dsDNA has a significant effect on the unwinding rate and processivity. The unwinding rate constant is a decreasing linear function of the fractional content of GC base-pairs in the dsDNA, indicating that the activation of the unwinding step is proportional to the stability of the nucleic acid.  相似文献   

Three mutants producing thermosensitive DNA-dependent Adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) I were screened from a collection of temperature-sensitive mutants of Escherichia coli K12. ATPase I purified to near homogeneity from one of the mutants (JE11000) possesses both thermosensitive DNA-dependent ATPase and DNA helicase activities. We have shown that ATPase I is encoded by the uvrD gene as first suggested by Oeda et al. (1982): (i) the thermosensitive ATPase I mutation present in JE11040 lies in or very close to the uvrD gene, (ii) ATPase I activity is absent in uvrD210, uvrD156, and uvrD252 mutants. Thus the thermosensitive mutations correspond to new uvrD mutations. However, the mutation present in JE11040 confers neither UV sensitivity nor mutator phenotype at high temperature. Evidence is presented that the mutant ATPase I is stabilized in vivo at 42 degrees C.  相似文献   

Kinetics of the double-stranded (ds) DNA unwinding by the Escherichia coli replicative helicase DnaB protein has been examined under single-turnover conditions using the chemical quench-flow technique. The unwinding reaction proceeds through an initial conformational transition followed by the unwinding catalytic steps and the release of the single-stranded (ss) DNA. Analyses of the reaction as a function of the number of base-pairs in the dsDNA reveal that the number of catalytic steps is not strictly proportional to the length of the dsDNA. As the helicase approaches the end of the substrate, the remaining approximately 11 bp of the DNA melts without catalytic participation of the enzyme. The kinetic step-size of the DnaB helicase, i.e. the number of the base-pairs unwound in a single catalytic step is only 1.4(+/- 0.2). The low value of the step-size indicates that the helicase unwinds a single base-pair in a single catalytic step. Thus, the DnaB helicase unzips the dsDNA in a reverse process to the zipping mechanism of the non-enzymatic double helix formation. The protein is a fast helicase that at 25 degrees C unwinds approximately 291 bp/s, much faster than previously thought, and the unwinding rate can be much higher at higher temperatures. However, the ATP-state of the enzyme has an increased dissociation rate, resulting in only a moderate unwinding processivity, P = 0.89(+/- 0.03), little dependent on the temperature. The conformational transition of the DnaB helicase-DNA complex, preceding the unwinding, is an intrinsic transition of the enzyme from the stationary conformation to the ATP-state of the helicase.  相似文献   

Mycobacterial UvrD2 is a DNA-dependent ATPase with 3' to 5' helicase activity. UvrD2 is an atypical helicase, insofar as its N-terminal ATPase domain resembles the superfamily I helicases UvrD/PcrA, yet it has a C-terminal HRDC domain, which is a feature of RecQ-type superfamily II helicases. The ATPase and HRDC domains are connected by a CxxC-(14)-CxxC tetracysteine module that defines a new clade of UvrD2-like bacterial helicases found only in Actinomycetales. By characterizing truncated versions of Mycobacterium smegmatis UvrD2, we show that whereas the HRDC domain is not required for ATPase or helicase activities in vitro, deletion of the tetracysteine module abolishes duplex unwinding while preserving ATP hydrolysis. Replacing each of the CxxC motifs with a double-alanine variant AxxA had no effect on duplex unwinding, signifying that the domain module, not the cysteines, is crucial for function. The helicase activity of a truncated UvrD2 lacking the tetracysteine and HRDC domains was restored by the DNA-binding protein Ku, a component of the mycobacterial NHEJ system and a cofactor for DNA unwinding by the paralogous mycobacterial helicase UvrD1. Our findings indicate that coupling of ATP hydrolysis to duplex unwinding can be achieved by protein domains acting in cis or trans. Attempts to disrupt the M. smegmatis uvrD2 gene were unsuccessful unless a second copy of uvrD2 was present elsewhere in the chromosome, indicating that UvrD2 is essential for growth of M. smegmatis.  相似文献   

A DNA helicase activity gel was developed based on the assumption that DNA helicases could unwind double-stranded DNA in a polyacrylamide matrix. The production of single-stranded DNA was detected by staining the activity gel with acridine orange and visualizing the gel under long-wave UV light. The products of DNA helicase activities appeared as red bands within a green fluorescent background. A novel DNA helicase, called helicase IV, was detected in crude extracts of Escherichia coli with the use of the helicases activity gel assay. The new DNA helicase was purified to near homogeneity. The chromatographic properties and the sequence of its 11 amino-terminal residues proved that helicase IV was distinct from all of the previously described DNA helicases from E. coli.  相似文献   

T7 phage DNA eroded with lambda exonuclease (to create 3'-protruding strands) or exonuclease III (to create 5'-protruding strands) was treated under unwinding assay conditions with DNA helicase II. Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (of Escherichia coli or phage T4) was added to disentangle the denatured DNA and the complexes were examined in the electron microscope. DNA helicase II complexes filtered through a gel column before assay retain the ability to generate forks suggesting that DNA helicase II unwinds in a preformed complex by translocating along the bound DNA strand. The enzyme initiates preferentially at the ends of the lambda-exonuclease-treated duplexes and is found at a fork on the initially protruding strand. It also initiates at the ends of the exonuclease-III-treated duplexes where, as with approximately 5% of the forks traceable back to a single-stranded gap, it is found on the initially recessed strand. The results are consistent with the view that DNA helicase II unwinds in the 3'-5' direction relative to the bound strand. They also confirm that the enzyme can initiate at the end of a fully base-paired strand. At a fork, DNA helicase II is bound as a tract of molecules of approximately 110 nm in length. Tracts of enzyme assemble from non-cooperatively bound molecules in the presence of ATP. During unwinding, DNA helicase II apparently can translocate to the displaced strand which conceivably can deplete the leading strand of the enzyme. Continued adsorption of enzyme to DNA might replenish forks arrested by strand switch of the unwinding enzyme.  相似文献   

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