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红霉素基因工程研究进展   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
红霉素是一类广谱大环内酯类抗生素 ,在临床上具有广泛的应用。近 10年来用基因工程方法对红霉素结构改造已经取得了很大的进展。通过基因工程不仅可以改造红霉素内酯环环的大小、环的骨架和环的侧链 ,而且可以对后修饰的羟基、糖基和甲基进行改造。迄今用基因工程方法合成的新的大环内酯环结构已超过 10 0种 ,所合成的各种红霉素类似物也有数十种 ,且经过基因改造的红霉素类似物都具有生物活性。但基因工程产物产量都普遍降低 ,抑菌活性也不理想 ,因此未来红霉素基因工程研究的重点应加强产量和高活性结构筛选的研究。  相似文献   

从基因重组技术问世以来,对红霉素(大环内酯类抗生素)生物合成的生物化学和基因学的研究到目前已经累积了大量的研究结果。就这2个领域中对红霉素生物合成的研究历史、研究现状和研究前景(组合生物合成)作以简要的介绍。  相似文献   

白介素6与肿瘤相关性的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白介紊-6(interleukin 6,IL-6)是一种由多种细胞产生的多功能细胞因子,在免疫应答、急性期反应、造血调节中起重要作用.最近研究发现IL-6与肿瘤的发生发展、预后及治疗密切相关.本文主要介绍IL-6的结构、生物学功能、及其与肿瘤的关系.探讨其在肿瘤发生发展中的作用机制及在肿瘤的早期诊断,预后和治疗方面的应用前景.  相似文献   

红霉素是十四元大环内酯类抗生素,具有广泛的医药价值和巨大的新药开发潜力。红霉素的主要成分红霉素A由丙酰辅酶A和甲基丙二酰辅酶A作为前体通过聚酮合酶合成大环内酯骨架,再经羟基化、糖基化、甲基化等一系列修饰合成。根据红霉素A的生物合成路线,我们从前体喂养途径、糖基化和甲基化优化等方面,简要综述近年来利用前体代谢工程手段提高红霉素产量的研究进展。  相似文献   

恶性肿瘤的侵袭转移机制是当今肿瘤学研究的热点之一,多形性胶质母细胞瘤(glioblastoma multiforme,GBM)死亡率居高不下的主要原因在于其在脑内发生广泛的浸润,GBM的侵袭是一个受多因素调控、多种基因参与的多步骤、多阶段、连续复杂的主动过程,很多机制还不十分清楚.但是,近年来许多学者通过C6胶质瘤模型对GBM的研究表明.一些黏附分子、蛋白酶及细胞因子等参与C6胶质瘤的侵袭.本文就目前C6胶质瘤侵袭机制的研究进展进行综述.  相似文献   

【背景】高效实现D-氨基酸的生物合成一直是人们关注的热点。内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶(meso-diaminopimelate dehydrogenase,DAPDH)能够直接催化2-酮酸和氨合成D-氨基酸。【目的】提高DAPDH对烷基取代2-酮酸的催化活力,并解释其催化机制。【方法】以来源于嗜热共生杆菌(Symbiobacteriumthermophilum)的内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶(StDAPDH)为模板,在前期结构分析结合被选择位点突变结果的基础上,确定对H227位进行定点饱和突变,并以D-丙氨酸、D-2-氨基丁酸、D-正缬氨酸、D-谷氨酸为底物进行筛选。【结果】获得突变体H227Q和H227N。突变体H227Q对丙酮酸、2-氧代丁酸、2-氧代戊酸、2-酮戊二酸的比活力比野生型分别提高了10.9、11.5、8.6和7.6倍。动力学参数表明,突变体H227Q同时提高了酶对底物的亲和力及催化常数,使其对丙酮酸的催化效率(k_(cat)/K_m)相较于野生型提高了9.4倍。利用分子模拟技术分析突变体H227Q与产物氨基酸之间的相互作用表明,227位的谷氨酰胺通过与氨基酸的羧酸形成氢键,使得氨基酸产物Cα上的氢和辅酶烟酰胺环C4原子之间的距离缩短。【结论】利用定向进化技术提高DAPDH对烷基取代2-酮酸的催化活力,有助于开发新型的高效生物催化剂,这些工作也为下一步继续进行更具挑战性的D-氨基酸研究提供了基础。  相似文献   

李语丽于军  宋述慧 《遗传》2013,35(12):1340-1351
RNA酶促共价修饰研究, 尤其是m6A(6-甲基腺嘌呤), 是RNA生物学研究的一个新兴领域。m6A是真核生物mRNA内部序列中最常见的一种转录后修饰形式, 由包含3个独立组分的复合物mRNA: m6A甲基转移酶催化生成。最新研究发现肥胖相关蛋白FTO可以脱掉m6A上的甲基, 表明该甲基化过程是可逆的。抑制或敲除m6A甲基转移酶会引起重要的表型变化, 但是由于过去的检测方法受限, m6A确切的作用机制目前为止还不甚清楚。二代测序技术结合免疫沉淀方法为大规模检测m6A修饰并研究其作用机制提供了可能。文章主要综述了m6A的发现史、生成机制、组织和基因组分布、检测方法、生物学功能等及其最新研究进展, 并通过比较3种IP-seq技术和数据分析的异同及优缺点, 对m6A这种RNA表观修饰研究中尚未解决的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

△6-脂肪酸脱氢酶的分子生物学研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
包括γ-亚麻酸在内的多不饱和脂肪酸由于在人类健康中的重要作用而成为有价值的产品,目前市场上对γ-亚麻酸的需求持续增长,然而当前来源难以满足市场的需求,寻找合适的替代来源将有助于解决这一问题。△^6-脂肪酸脱氢酶是多不饱和脂肪酸合成途径中的限速酶,这里从△^6-脂肪酸脱氢酶的基因克隆、结构和功能的研究、系统进化和基因工程应用等方面探讨了△^6-脂肪酸脱氢酶的研究进展。  相似文献   

2型糖尿病(T2DM)已成为全世界危害人类健康的主要疾病,且患病率逐年增加.虽然T2DM确切的发病机制尚未完全阐明,但越来越多的证据提示T2DM的发生同炎症密切相关.IL-6是参与炎症反应的重要的细胞因子,研究发现IL-6在T2DM及其并发症的发生发展中起重要的作用.通过阻断炎症因子及其受体的抗炎治疗明显降低糖尿病的发生率或延迟其发展.这将有望给T2DM的防治提供新途径,为临床早发现及治疗提供更多的科学依据.  相似文献   

葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶是植物戊糖磷酸途径中的一个关键性调控酶。其主要生理功能是产生供生物合成需要的NADPH及一些中间产物;此外还参与各种生物和非生物胁迫的应答反应。文中主要从葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶同工酶与调节机制等方面探讨了其生物学功能,再从胁迫耐受、基因克隆、酶的缺失和替代等方面的研究进行综述,并对已发表的高等植物中的G6PDH氨基酸序列进行聚类分析,为今后该酶的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The susceptibility of 224 Streptococcus pyogenes isolates obtained from children in Japan from 1981 to 1997 to treatment with erythromycin was determined by the agar dilution method. A total of 17 isolates belonging to serotype M12T12 were resistant (MICs>1 microg/ml). Fourteen of the 17 resistant strains obtained from 1982 to 1985 harbored ermB and showed an identical pulsed-field gel electrophoresis pattern, indicating the spread of a single clone. Two ermTR-containing isolates were obtained in 1983. mefA gene was found in a strain obtained in 1994 in the present study, although this gene is predominantly associated with recent erythromycin resistance among S. pyogenes strains in many countries.  相似文献   

红霉素生物合成的分子生物学   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
近年来,国外对大环内酯类抗生素生物合成和基因工程的研究非常迅速,不仅认识了许多抗生素生物合成的过程,而且利用基因工程技术改造抗生素生物合成基因,合成了100多种非天然的“天然”抗生素。抗生素生物合成的分子生物学是抗生素基因工程的基础。本全面介绍了五厌内酯类抗生素的代表-红霉素生物合成分子生物学的历史、现状及发展趋势。  相似文献   

大环内酯类抗生素自上市以来一直用于治疗呼吸系统等疾病,但随着该类药物的广泛应用,耐药菌日益增多。为此,研究者们一直致力于半合成大环内酯类抗生素的研究,希望开发出对耐药菌有效、抗菌谱广的半合成衍生物。综述近年来对大环内酯9 位羰基结构修饰的研究进展,并着重介绍一些活性较好的化合物。  相似文献   

Aims: To overproduce erythromycin C, B or D and evaluate the effect of disruption of tailoring genes eryK and eryG in an industrial erythromycin producer. Methods and Results: The tailoring genes eryG and eryK were inactivated individually or simultaneously by targeted gene disruption in an industrial strain Saccharopolyspora erythraea HL3168 E3, resulting in the overproduction of erythromycin C (2·48 g l?1), B (1·70 g l?1) or D (2·15 g l?1) in the mutant strain QL‐G, QL‐K or QL‐KG, respectively. Analysis of the erythromycin congeners throughout the fermentation indicated that, at the end of fermentation, comparatively large amount of erythromycin D (0·67 g l?1) was accumulated in QL‐G, whereas only small amount of erythromycin D (0·10 g l?1) was produced in QL‐K. Conclusions: Inactivation of tailoring genes eryG and eryK in the high producer did not affect the biosynthesis of erythromycin. However, erythromycin D could be more efficiently methylated by EryG than be hydroxylated by EryK. Significance and Impact of the Study: Development of the mutant strains provides a method for the economical large‐scale production of potent lead compounds. The information about the accumulation and conversion of erythromycins in the industrial strains may contribute to further improving erythromycin production.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Cell lines of Acanthamoeba castellanii resistant to erythromycin (EryR), chloramphenicol (CapR), and oligomycin (OliR) have been isolated. These may be the first such mutants for A. castellanii. These mutants have been phenotypically stable for 2 years, surviving storage and vegetative multiplication in the absence of drugs. Resistance was specific for each drug, but double mutants (e.g. EryRCapR) were obtained by stepwise selection. Mutant frequencies were determined in multiwell plates; <10 colony forming units (CFU/105 amebas were observed in wild-type populations 12 days after incubation in 500 μg Ery/ml, 2.5 mg Cap/ml, or 15 μg Oli/ml. After 30 days, averages of 100 CFU/105 amebas were observed in Ery and Cap, whereas, frequencies for Oli remained unchanged. Frequencies for EryR and CapR were consistent with rates of recovery from these drugs in batch cultures. We were unable to obtain spontaneous mutants resistant to cycloheximide, emetine, 5-fluorodeoxyuridine, or ethidium bromide. EryR, CapR and OliR could be mitochondrial mutants.  相似文献   

通过应用核素法测定糖尿病胃瘫大鼠的胃排空 ,建立了糖尿病胃瘫大鼠的模型 ;据此模型观察了小剂量红霉素 (3mg kg)对糖尿病胃瘫大鼠液相胃排空的影响。结果显示该药能够显著减小其胃排空的一小时残留率 (R1H) [(6 3%± 6 .8% )vs.(36 %± 3.8% ) ];但此作用具有显著个体差异 ,根据所设标准分成红霉素有效组 (E组 )和无效组 (F组 )后 ,发现两组疗效具有显著差异。应用受体相关基因芯片初步筛选了这两组大鼠胃窦组织的差异表达基因。结果筛选出 10条差异表达基因 ,其中对多巴胺受体D3和神经肽Y受体Y5基因进行了RT PCR半定量验证 ,结果与芯片一致 ,即D3和Y5基因在E组中的表达水平显著高于F组 [D3受体 :(0 .2 6± 0 .0 4 )vs.(0 .16± 0 .0 4 ) ;Y5受体 :(0 .94± 0 .10 )vs .(0 .6 8± 0 .0 9) ],而与正常对照组和阴性对照组间未见明显差异。结果表明 :小剂量红霉素可以改善糖尿病胃瘫大鼠的胃排空 ,其疗效有明显的个体差异 ;红霉素有效组多巴胺受体D3(DRD3)和神经肽受体Y5 (NPYY5 )表达水平显著高于红霉素无效组。提示这两种受体可能与红霉素促动力作用的易感性相关。  相似文献   

We characterized the effects of classical erythromycin resistance mutations in ribosomal proteins L4 and L22 of the large ribosomal subunit on the kinetics of erythromycin binding. Our data are consistent with a mechanism in which the macrolide erythromycin enters and exits the ribosome through the nascent peptide exit tunnel, and suggest that these mutations both impair passive transport through the tunnel and distort the erythromycin‐binding site. The growth‐inhibitory action of erythromycin was characterized for bacterial populations with wild‐type and L22‐mutated ribosomes in drug efflux pump deficient and proficient backgrounds. The L22 mutation conferred reduced erythromycin susceptibility in the drug efflux pump proficient, but not deficient, background. This ‘masking’ of drug resistance by pump deficiency was reproduced by modelling with input data from our biochemical experiments. We discuss the general principles behind the phenomenon of drug resistance ‘masking’, and highlight its potential importance for slowing down the evolution of drug resistance among pathogens.  相似文献   

Panaxydol is a naturally occurring non-peptidyl small molecule isolated from the lipophilic fractions of Panax notoginseng, a well-known Chinese traditional medicine. Previous studies have shown that panaxydol inhibited the growth of various kinds of malignant cell lines. To date, there has been no report concerning the effect of panaxydol on cell growth inhibition in glioma cells. In this paper, we examined panaxydol's antiproliferation and proapoptotic effects on rat C6 glioma cells and investigated its mechanism. Cell growth inhibition of panaxydol was determined by MTT reduction assay. Apoptosis of cells was measured by both Hoechst 33258 staining and Annexin V analysis. It was found that panaxydol markedly inhibited proliferation of C6 cells in a dose-dependent manner with ID(50) of 40 microM. The cell apoptosis was observed at 48 h in the presence of panaxydol. In concert with these findings, Western blot analysis showed a decreased expression of bcl-2 and increased levels of Bax and caspase-3 in C6 cells treated by panaxydol. In conclusion, panaxydol has profound effects on growth and apoptosis of C6 cells, suggesting that panaxydol may be a potential candidate for the treatment of malignant gliomas.  相似文献   

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