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全球癌症发病形势严峻,发病率与死亡率呈持续上升趋势。近年来抗肿瘤创新药物的激增以及研发进程的强劲表现持续推动抗肿瘤 药物市场的快速发展。报告采用文献调研、数据库检索、数据统计与分析等定性定量情报研究方法,从药物数量、研发阶段、研发公司、 适应证、作用机制、技术类型、销售情况等角度对全球抗肿瘤药物的研发情况进行多角度、多层次的分析,旨在为我国抗肿瘤药物的研发 提供参考。  相似文献   

罕见病是指发病率极低的疾病。目前全球约有8000多种罕见病。罕见病的有效防治是建设"健康中国"的重要组成部分。本文分析了全球罕见病领域研究态势及药物研发概况。结果表明,受政策和技术推动,罕见病领域研究呈快速增长趋势;研究热点主要包括罕见病突变基因的鉴定与治疗;技术开发重点主要包括罕见病药物研发、基因治疗病毒载体开发、罕见病诊断与管理系统构建;以肌萎缩性侧索硬化和多系统萎缩为代表的神经系统罕见病及以镰状细胞病为代表的血液系统罕见病是重要的研究对象;药物研发方面,截至2020年12月28日,已有880个药物上市,还有大量药物处于临床前阶段。往往一项罕见病技术和药物的开发可推广至多种疾病甚至常见病的治疗。随着政策支持和基因编辑等新兴技术的发展,将有越来越多的罕见病可以实现早诊断、早干预甚至被治愈,患者生活质量有望得到提升。  相似文献   

抗体在疾病的诊断、治疗和预防方面发挥着重要作用。随着2019新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)感染引起的肺炎不断传播,如何研发针对该病毒的抗体迫在眉睫。基于IncoPat数据库的专利信息和Cortellis数据库的药物信息,采用定量分析与定性调研相结合的方法,从申请趋势、技术分布、国家/地区分布、机构分布以及市场现状等维度对人冠状病毒抗体领域的专利进行态势分析。结果表明美国是专利技术拥有量最大的国家,中国是专利保护的重点国家。中国科学院等3家国内机构进入全球前十位。人冠状病毒抗体产品研发主要以SARS和MERS为主,部分MERS抗体已进入临床阶段。研究结果为2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)的相关抗体研发提供数据参考与决策支撑。  相似文献   

治疗性抗体作为一种具有独特优势的生物靶向治疗药物,已成为目前全球药物研发的热点。截止到2013年2月,已有34个治疗性抗体获得美国FDA批准上市,用于各种疾病的治疗。据统计,目前有多达350余种抗体产品正处于临床试验阶段,其中29个已进入III期临床试验。开发抗体新靶点和新适应证,研究和设计更为安全有效的新型抗体分子及抗体组合疗法,寻找生物标记指导抗体对病人的有效治疗,是当前和今后一段时期内该领域发展的主要方向。本文将综述国际抗体药物研发现状和发展趋势,并对国内抗体药物现状及发展策略予以简要陈述。  相似文献   

近年来,表观遗传学机制在肿瘤的形成和治疗、干细胞分化等诸多领域扮演着越来越重要的角色,逐渐成为全球的研究热点。基于表观遗传学机制研究的生物医药技术与产品研发已经进入到崭新的发展时期,极具市场潜力。结合表观遗传学市场2014~2015年的数据,分别对该领域的技术发展方向、市场规模、产品类型、市场分布进行概述,主要剖析了表观遗传学市场的药物研发现状,并进行相关的趋势分析与研究判断。  相似文献   

单克隆抗体药物以其独特的作用机制及高效性,在恶性肿瘤和自身免疫疾病的治疗中发挥了不可估量的重要作用,成为全球的研发热点。基于科睿唯安旗下的Cortellis数据库,采用定量分析和专家智慧相结合的方法,从总体研发和商业化现状、主要国家/地区、技术和种类、靶点及作用机制、市场份额、产品交易多个维度展现出全球单克隆抗体药物的研发和商业化全景。分析结果显示:全球已上市的单克隆抗体药物有133个,其中已上市的人源化单克隆抗体药物占已上市的单克隆抗体药物总数的37. 6%。作用靶点主要集中在HER、TNF、CD20、PD-1/L1、VEGF以及CD3,其中作为HER2酪氨酸激酶受体抑制剂的药物数量最多。美国在单克隆抗体药物研发和商业化方面遥遥领先,中国在研和上市的单抗隆抗体药物总数排名第二,但中国上市的单抗隆抗体药物数量仅8个。2017年销售额高于10亿美元的单克隆抗体药物有22个。全球单克隆抗体药物的交易数量共有1 408次,药物开发与商业化许可是最主要的交易方式。未来,单克隆抗体药物的发展趋势将朝着新靶点、新适应症和新用药方案的方向发展,将会产生更多"重磅炸弹药物"。  相似文献   

微生态药物在许多复杂性和慢性疾病中显示出极大的潜力,逐渐成为国际制药行业的新趋势。基于科睿唯安旗下的Cortellis数据库,采用定量分析和专家智慧相结合的方法,从总体研发现状、主要国家/地区、主要适应症、重点企业研发管线、重点在研药物、商业化交易多个维度展现全球微生态药物的研发和商业化全景。分析结果显示:全球共有142个在研微生态药物,其中49个药物处于临床阶段。美国在微生态药物研发和商业化方面遥遥领先,其数量占在研药物总量的70%。在研药物的适应症主要集中于炎症性肠病、艰难梭菌感染、溃疡性结肠炎等肠道感染性疾病。4D pharma公司的在研药物数量最多,微生态药物重点研发企业均建立起核心技术平台。处于临床3期的微生态药物共有7个,全球微生态药物商业化交易共有303起,最大的交易金额是27.8亿美元。未来,微生态药物有望在更难被人类征服的肿瘤和神经系统疾病方面取得突破性进展。  相似文献   

抗体药物以其独特的作用机制和靶向性强、特异性好等优点,在恶性肿瘤、自身免疫性疾病、感染类疾病的诊断和治疗中发挥着越来越重要的作用,成为国际创新药物研发的热点。新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情发生以来,国内外多家研究机构和企业正在加快推进新冠病毒(SARS-CoV-2)抗体药物的开发。在此情势下,认真分析抗体药物现状和趋势,梳理国内外新冠病毒抗体药物研究进展,明确我国当前抗体药物创新的机遇、挑战和建议,对加快我国药物自主创新研发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

自 2015 年初,美国总统奥巴马在国情咨文中提出了“精准医学计划”,精准医学迅速成为全球医学界热议和关注的焦点。精准医 学改变了人们对于疾病,特别是肿瘤的药物开发、临床试验和治疗策略的认识和工作模式。2016 年美国通过的《21 世纪治愈法案》进一 步强化了精准医学在药物开发中的作用。重点介绍精准医学在肿瘤药物研发领域引起的变革与发展情况,并就精准医学的现状和前景作深 入探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,细胞药物的研究受到了国内外重视。特别是干细胞药物,已成为世界各国竞相研究的热点领域,但各国的干细胞药物绝大多数仍处于研究阶段,全球真正上市的干细胞药物很少。目前正在研发的干细胞药物主要集中在治疗慢性疾病(关节炎、糖尿病和癌症等)和心脏相关疾病(心肌梗死、心脏衰竭等)。一些传统体细胞药物(软骨细胞、心肌细胞、胰岛细胞等)和免疫细胞药物已在临床应用。  相似文献   

Most pharmaceutical research carried out today is focused on the treatment and management of the lifestyle diseases of the developed world. Diseases that affect mainly poor people are neglected in research advancements in treatment because they cannot generate large financial returns on research and development costs. Benefit sharing arrangements for the use of indigenous resources and genetic research could only marginally address this gap in research and development in diseases that affect the poor. Benefit sharing as a strategy is conceptually problematic, even if one, as we do, agrees that impoverished indigenous communities should not be exploited and that they should be assisted in improving their living conditions. The accepted concept of intellectual property protection envisages clearly defined originators and owners of knowledge, whereas the concept of community membership is fluid and indigenous knowledge is, by its very nature, open, with the originator(s) lost in the mists of time. The delineation of 'community' presents serious conceptual and practical difficulties as few communities form discrete, easily discernable groups, and most have problematic leadership structures. Benefit sharing is no substitute for governments' responsibility to uplift impoverished communities. Benefit sharing arrangements may be fraught with difficulties but considerations of respect and equity demand that prior informed consent and consultation around commercialisation of knowledge take place with the source community and their government.  相似文献   

Chronic diseases, particularly malignancies and immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs), are a challenging frontier for clinical diagnosis and treatment, as well as for biomedical research. Current treatment regimens are frequently insufficient and thus new treatment strategies are needed. Novel therapies for disabling such diseases should provide improvements with respect to safety, efficacy and cost. To fulfill these three key criteria, recent research efforts have focused on the development of 'smart drugs'. This review highlights some examples of the rapidly expanding possibilities that current biotechnology has to offer in the development of novel therapeutic strategies for complex diseases such as IMIDs. Special attention is given to advances in, and limitations of, controlled and targeted gene product application in inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Role of IL-15 in immune-mediated and infectious diseases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IL-15 has a broad spectrum of biological activities. It is crucial for the development, proliferation, survival and differentiation of multiple cells from both innate and adaptive immune systems. However, IL-15 up-regulation has a central role in the development of several autoimmune or chronic inflammatory disorders. Therefore, targeting IL-15 or its receptor may have a valuable impact on the treatment of immune-mediated diseases. On the other hand, in some infectious diseases, IL-15 production is compromised but IL-15 given exogenously can potentially enhance immune responses to pathogens. Here, we discuss the current understanding of IL-15 role in immune-mediated and infectious diseases as well as its therapeutic use.  相似文献   

Outside the nutrition community the effects of diet on immune-mediated diseases and experimental outcomes have not been appreciated. Investigators that study immune-mediated diseases and/or the microbiome have overlooked the potential of diet to impact disease phenotype. We aimed to determine the effects of diet on the bacterial microbiota and immune-mediated diseases. Three different laboratory diets were fed to wild-type mice for 2 weeks and resulted in three distinct susceptibilities to dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colitis. Examination of the fecal microbiota demonstrated a diet-mediated effect on the bacteria found there. Broad-spectrum antibiotics disturbed the gut microbiome and partially eliminated the diet-mediated changes in DSS susceptibility. Dietary changes 2 days after DSS treatment were protective and suggested that the diet-mediated effect occurred quickly. There were no diet-mediated effects on DSS susceptibility in germ-free mice. In addition, the diet-mediated effects were evident in a gastrointestinal infection model (Citrobacter rodentium) and in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Taken together, our study demonstrates a dominant effect of diet on immune-mediated diseases that act rapidly by changing the microbiota. These findings highlight the potential of using dietary manipulation to control the microbiome and prevent/treat immune-mediated disease.  相似文献   

单抗药物以靶向性强、特异性高、副反应小等优势在癌症、自身免疫性疾病等治疗领域取得了快速发展,成为医药行业增速最快的 细分领域。报告采用文献调研、数据库检索、数据统计与分析等定性定量研究方法,从竞争优势、应用领域、给药剂型、产业现状、成长 路径等角度对国内外单抗药物领域进行多角度、多层次的分析,旨在为相关医药企业明确发展方向、确定产品研发思路及制定市场策略提 供参考。  相似文献   

单抗药物以靶向性强、特异性高、副反应小等优势在癌症、自身免疫性疾病等治疗领域取得了快速发展,成为医药行业增速最快的 细分领域。报告采用文献调研、数据库检索、数据统计与分析等定性定量研究方法,从竞争优势、应用领域、给药剂型、产业现状、成长 路径等角度对国内外单抗药物领域进行多角度、多层次的分析,旨在为相关医药企业明确发展方向、确定产品研发思路及制定市场策略提 供参考。  相似文献   

基因工程药物研制过程中相关问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以DNA重组技术为核心的现代生物技术是国际上优先发展的高技术领域之一。以基因工程技术为核心的生物药物已形成一个高新技术产业。利益驱使很多科研单位和企业投入大量资金到基因工程药物的开发中来。在基因工程制药选题立项时应首先考虑产品市场风险、研制过程中的技术风险和国家政策法规的修改所带来的风险;其次,在药学研究、临床前药理药效研究、临床研究、资料申报的具体过程中,要根据产品的具体特性确定好实验方案、工作计划和合作单位,并按药品注册管理办法的要求作好每一阶段的具体工作。就基因工程药物研究过程中的实际问题阐述了一些经验,希望对业内同仁有所帮助。  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies suggest a relationship between blood lipids and immune-mediated diseases, but the nature of these associations is not well understood. We used genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to investigate shared single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between blood lipids and immune-mediated diseases. We analyzed data from GWAS (n~200,000 individuals), applying new False Discovery Rate (FDR) methods, to investigate genetic overlap between blood lipid levels [triglycerides (TG), low density lipoproteins (LDL), high density lipoproteins (HDL)] and a selection of archetypal immune-mediated diseases (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, psoriasis and sarcoidosis). We found significant polygenic pleiotropy between the blood lipids and all the investigated immune-mediated diseases. We discovered several shared risk loci between the immune-mediated diseases and TG (n = 88), LDL (n = 87) and HDL (n = 52). Three-way analyses differentiated the pattern of pleiotropy among the immune-mediated diseases. The new pleiotropic loci increased the number of functional gene network nodes representing blood lipid loci by 40%. Pathway analyses implicated several novel shared mechanisms for immune pathogenesis and lipid biology, including glycosphingolipid synthesis (e.g. FUT2) and intestinal host-microbe interactions (e.g. ATG16L1). We demonstrate a shared genetic basis for blood lipids and immune-mediated diseases independent of environmental factors. Our findings provide novel mechanistic insights into dyslipidemia and immune-mediated diseases and may have implications for therapeutic trials involving lipid-lowering and anti-inflammatory agents.  相似文献   

Globalization, political upheavals, and Western economic struggles have caused a geographical reprioritization in the realm of drug development and human clinical research. Regulatory and cost hurdles as well as a saturation of research sites and subjects in Western countries have forced the pharmaceutical industry to place an unprecedented level of importance on emerging markets, injecting Western corporate initiatives into cultures historically and socially isolated from Western‐centric value systems. One of the greatest recipients of this onslaught of Western business and research practices is the Russian Federation. Namely, market forces are dictating a focused research initiative in the traditional emerging markets, but this focus may be at the expense of individual and societal dignity.  相似文献   

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