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根据美国药物研究与生产商协会( PhRMA) 发布的相关报告和新药数据库中的数据,对2013 年至今进入Ⅲ期临床试验或递交新药申请(NDA)/ 生物制剂许可申请(BLA)的用于治疗糖尿病及其相关疾病的65 种候选新药的临床研发情况进行综述。将这些候选新药分为非胰岛素类、胰岛素类和复方制剂类抗糖尿病药,并重点对递交NDA/BLA 或已获得批准的抗糖尿病新药开发进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

2014年的新药批准和上市年终报告显示医药行业的活跃性持续保持在高位。截至2014年12月23日,共有55个新药和生物制 品首次上市。此外,29个重要的延伸性新药(新处方、新复方或已上市药物的新适应证)也在2014年首次上市。在这些新上市的药物中, 最多的是抗感染药物,有11个新药和生物制品。它们大多用于多药耐药菌引发的感染或丙肝的治疗。美国再一次成为这些新上市药物最青 睐的市场,该国是2014年半数以上新上市药物的首选地区。不过,日本在2014年开发上市新药的能力显著增强,多年来首次超越欧盟。 另一重要成果是:2014年上市的新药和生物制品中有15个获得罕见病用药资格,5个获得突破性治疗药物资格,还有3个获得合格传染 病产品(QIDP)资格。另外,2014年还有19个产品首度获批,将于2015年年初上市。  相似文献   

2014的新药批准和上市年终报告显示医药行业的活跃性持续保持在高位。截至2014年12月23日,共有55个新药和生物制品 首次上市。此外,29个重要的延伸性新药(新处方、新复方或已上市药物的新适应证)也在2014年上市。在这些新上市的药物中,最多 的是抗感染药物,有11个新药和生物制品。它们大多用于多药耐药菌引发的感染或丙肝的治疗。美国再一次成为这些新上市药物最青睐的 市场,该国是2014年半数以上新上市药物的首选地区。不过,日本在2014年开发上市新药的能力显著增强,多年来首次超越欧盟。另一 重要成果是:2014年上市的新药和生物制品中有15个获得罕见病用药资格,5个获得突破性治疗药物资格,以及3个获得合格传染病产 品(QIDP)资格。另外,2014年还有19个产品首度获批,将于2015年初上市。  相似文献   

2014的新药批准和上市年终报告显示医药行业的活跃性持续保持在高位。截至2014年12月23日,共有55个新药和生物制品 首次上市。此外,29个重要的延伸性新药(新处方、新复方或已上市药物的新适应证)也在2014年上市。在这些新上市的药物中,最多 的是抗感染药物,有11个新药和生物制品。它们大多用于多药耐药菌引发的感染或丙肝的治疗。美国再一次成为这些新上市药物最青睐的 市场,该国是2014年半数以上新上市药物的首选地区。不过,日本在2014年开发上市新药的能力显著增强,多年来首次超越欧盟。另一 重要成果是:2014年上市的新药和生物制品中有15个获得罕见病用药资格,5个获得突破性治疗药物资格,以及3个获得合格传染病产 品(QIDP)资格。另外,2014年还有19个产品首度获批,将于2015年初上市。  相似文献   

Palbociclib 是 2015 年 2 月 3 日获美国食品药品监督管理局加速批准的乳腺癌新药,联合来曲唑作为以内分泌治疗为基础的初 始方案,用于治疗绝经期女性雌激素受体阳性(ER+)、人表皮生长因子受体 2 阴性(HER2-)的绝经期女性晚期乳腺癌。Palbociclib 是首个口服、靶向性 CDK4/6 抑制剂,阻止细胞周期从生长期(G1 期)到 DNA 复制期(S1 期)的转变,从而抑制肿瘤增殖,其上市为 晚期乳腺癌患者提供了新的治疗选择。介绍 palbociclib 的化学合成、临床前药理学研究、临床研究及专利保护情况等 , 为抗乳腺癌新药 研发提供参考。  相似文献   

2005年5月11日,科技部在北京举行新闻发布会,宣布我国新药研制获得重大进展:治疗急性心肌梗塞的溶栓药“注射用重组葡激酶”和癌症治疗药“重组人源化抗人表皮生长因子受体单克隆抗体”先后进入规模化生产阶段。  相似文献   

2012年美国批准新药42个,欧洲批准28个,均超过T2011年。其中,美国批准的新药数量是近十年来最多的一次。 按疾病分类,美国批准最多的是癌症治疗药,其次是代谢与内分泌治疗药。  相似文献   

HCV全长NS3基因表达及在抗体检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)是引起非甲非乙型肝炎的主要病原因子.被HCV感染的病例中,超过50%以上会引起持续性感染、慢性肝炎,最终可能引起肝硬化和肝细胞癌[1].HCV严重威胁人类健康,但目前对丙肝患者尚缺乏有效的治疗手段,因此,严格把好血源关,提高对丙肝患者检出的灵敏度,是阻止丙肝血源传播的有效手段.  相似文献   

20 0 3年美国共有 35个新药获得FDA批准投入使用。这 35个新药中包括 2 1个新分子实体 (Newmolecularentities,NMEs)和 14个新生物制剂。NEMs按疗效分类 ,主要有抗感染药物 6个 (占 2 8 5 7% ) ,肿瘤治疗及辅助用药 5个 (占2 3 18% ) ,其他类药物共 10个 (占 4 7 6 2 % )。根据FDA对疗效类别的分类 ,共有优先推荐类 (P类 ) 9个和与已上市药物疗效基本相似类 (S类 ) 12个 ,其中包括 3个罕见药物 (O类 ) ,见下表。表  2 0 0 3年美国FDA批准的新药新药通用名称 (商品名 )研发企业主要适应证批准日期 (日 /月 )疗效类别抗感染类药物Ata…  相似文献   

正2009年12月,美国食品药品管理局(FDA)批准Osiris公司生产的人异基因骨髓间充质干细胞产品Prochymal上市,这是世界上第一个干细胞新药。随后,澳大利亚、加拿大、韩国、意大利、新西兰、日本(商品名为Tem Cell)等国都有干细胞新药上市或批准应用,用于治疗儿童急性移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)、复杂性克罗恩病并发肛瘘、急性心肌梗死(AMI)、退行性关节炎、骨损伤、膝关节软骨损伤以及成人患者因物理或化学灼伤而引起的中重度角膜缘  相似文献   

The synthesis, structure-activity relationship (SAR) data, and further optimization of the metabolic stability and pharmacokinetic (PK) properties for a previously disclosed class of cyclopropyl-fused indolobenzazepine HCV NS5B polymerase inhibitors are described. These efforts led to the discovery of BMS-961955 as a viable contingency backup to beclabuvir which was recently approved in Japan for the treatment of HCV as part of a three drug, single pill combination marketed as XimencyTM.  相似文献   

For many years, the standard of treatment for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection was a combination of pegylated interferon alpha (Peg-IFN-α) and ribavirin for 24–48 weeks. This treatment regimen results in a sustained virologic response (SVR) rate in about 50 % of cases. The failure of IFN-α-based therapy to eliminate HCV is a result of multiple factors including a suboptimal treatment regimen, severity of HCV-related diseases, host factors and viral factors. In recent years, advances in HCV cell culture have contributed to a better understanding of the viral life cycle, which has led to the development of a number of direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) that target specific key components of viral replication, such as HCV NS3/4A, HCV NS5A, and HCV NS5B proteins. To date, several new drugs have been approved for the treatment of HCV infection. Application of DAAs with IFN-based or IFN-free regimens has increased the SVR rate up to >90 % and has allowed treatment duration to be shortened to 12–24 weeks. The impact of HCV proteins in response to IFN-based and IFN-free therapies has been described in many reports. This review summarizes and updates knowledge on molecular mechanisms of HCV proteins involved in anti-IFN activity as well as examining amino acid variations and mutations in several regions of HCV proteins associated with the response to IFN-based therapy and pattern of resistance associated amino acid variants (RAV) to antiviral agents.  相似文献   

Direct-acting antiviral inhibitors have revolutionized the treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infected patients. Herein is described the discovery of velpatasvir (VEL, GS-5816), a potent pan-genotypic HCV NS5A inhibitor that is a component of the only approved pan-genotypic single-tablet regimens (STRs) for the cure of HCV infection. VEL combined with sofosbuvir (SOF) is Epclusa®, an STR with 98% cure-rates for genotype 1–6 HCV infected patients. Addition of the pan-genotypic HCV NS3/4A protease inhibitor voxilaprevir to SOF/VEL is the STR Vosevi®, which affords 97% cure-rates for genotype 1–6 HCV patients who have previously failed another treatment regimen.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of liver disease, but therapeutic options are limited and there are no prevention strategies. Viral entry is the first step of infection and requires the cooperative interaction of several host cell factors. Using a functional RNAi kinase screen, we identified epidermal growth factor receptor and ephrin receptor A2 as host cofactors for HCV entry. Blocking receptor kinase activity by approved inhibitors broadly impaired infection by all major HCV genotypes and viral escape variants in cell culture and in a human liver chimeric mouse model in vivo. The identified receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) mediate HCV entry by regulating CD81-claudin-1 co-receptor associations and viral glycoprotein-dependent membrane fusion. These results identify RTKs as previously unknown HCV entry cofactors and show that tyrosine kinase inhibitors have substantial antiviral activity. Inhibition of RTK function may constitute a new approach for prevention and treatment of HCV infection.  相似文献   



The treatment of hepatitis C (HCV) infections has significantly changed in the past few years due to the introduction of direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs). DAAs could improve the sustained virological response compared to pegylated interferon with ribavirin (PR). However, there has been no evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that directly compare the efficacy among the different regimens of DAAs.


Therefore, we performed a systematic review and network meta-analysis aiming to compare the treatment efficacy between different DAA regimens for treatment naïve HCV genotype 1.


Medline and Scopus were searched up to 25th May 2015. RCTs investigating the efficacy of second generation DAA regimens for treatment naïve HCV genotype 1 were eligible for the review. Due to the lower efficacy and more side effects of first generation DAAs, this review included only second generation DAAs approved by the US or EU Food and Drug Administration, that comprised of simeprevir (SMV), sofosbuvir (SOF), daclatasvir (DCV), ledipasvir (LDV), and paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir plus dasabuvir (PrOD). Primary outcomes were sustained virological response at weeks 12 (SVR12) and 24 (SVR24) after the end of treatment and adverse drug events (i.e. serious adverse events, anemia, and fatigue). Efficacy of all treatment regimens were compared by applying a multivariate random effect meta-analysis. Incidence rates of SVR12 and SVR24, and adverse drug events of each treatment regimen were pooled using ‘pmeta’ command in STATA program.


Overall, 869 studies were reviewed and 16 studies were eligible for this study. Compared with the PR regimen, SOF plus PR, SMV plus PR, and DVC plus PR regimens yielded significantly higher probability of having SVR24 with pooled risk ratios (RR) of 1.98 (95% CI 1.24, 3.14), 1.46 (95% CI: 1.22, 1.75), and 1.68 (95% CI: 1.14, 2.46), respectively. Pooled incidence rates of SVR12 and SVR24 in all treatment regimens without PR, i.e. SOF plus LDV with/without ribavirin, SOF plus SMV with/without ribavirin, SOF plus DCV with/without ribavirin, and PrOD with/without ribavirin, (pooled incidence of SVR12 ranging from 93% to 100%, and pooled incidence of SVR24 ranging from 89% to 96%) were much higher than the pooled incidence rates of SVR12 (51%) and SVR24 (48%) in PR alone. In comparing SOF plus LDV with ribavirin and SOF plus LDV without ribavirin, the chance of having SVR12 was not significantly different between these two regimens, with the pooled RR of 0.99 (95% CI: 0.97, 1.01). Regarding adverse drug events, risk of serious adverse drug events, anemia and fatigue were relatively higher in treatment regimens with PR than the treatment regimens without PR. The main limitation of our study is that a subgroup analysis according to dosages and duration of treatment could not be performed. Therefore, the dose and duration of recommended treatment have been suggested in range and not in definite value.


Both DAA plus PR and dual DAA regimens should be included in the first line drug for treatment naïve HCV genotype 1 because of the significant clinical benefits over PR alone. However, due to high drug costs, an economic evaluation should be conducted in order to assess the value of the investment when making coverage decisions.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus(HCV)is a leading cause of liver disease worldwide.Although several HCV protease/polymerase inhibitors were recently approved by U.S.FDA,the combination of antivirals targeting multiple processes of HCV lifecycle would optimize anti-HCV therapy and against potential drug-resistanee.Viral entry is an essential target step for antiviral development,but FDA-approved HCV entry inhibitor remains exclusive.Here we identify serotonin 2A receptor(5-HT2aR)is a HCV entry factor amendable to therapeutic intervention by a chemical biology strategy.The silencing of 5-HT2aR and clinically available 5-HT2aR antagonist suppress cell culture-derived HCV(HCVcc)in different liver cells and primary human hepatocytes at late endocytosis process.The mechanism is related to regulate the correct plasma membrane localization of claudin 1(CLDN1).Moreover,phenoxybenzamine(PBZ),an FDAapproved 5-HT2aR antagonist,inhibits all major HCV genotypes in vitro and displays synergy in combination with clinical used anti-HCV drugs.The impact of PBZ on HCV genotype 2a is documented in immune-competent humanized transgenic mice.Our results not only expand the understanding of HCV entry,but also present a promising target for the invention of HCV entry inhibitor.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a leading cause of liver disease worldwide. With ~170 million individuals infected and current interferon-based treatment having toxic side effects and marginal efficacy, more effective antivirals are crucially needed. Although HCV protease inhibitors were just approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), optimal HCV therapy, analogous to HIV therapy, will probably require a combination of antivirals targeting multiple aspects of the viral lifecycle. Viral entry represents a potential multifaceted target for antiviral intervention; however, to date, FDA-approved inhibitors of HCV cell entry are unavailable. Here we show that the cellular Niemann-Pick C1-like 1 (NPC1L1) cholesterol uptake receptor is an HCV entry factor amendable to therapeutic intervention. Specifically, NPC1L1 expression is necessary for HCV infection, as silencing or antibody-mediated blocking of NPC1L1 impairs cell culture-derived HCV (HCVcc) infection initiation. In addition, the clinically available FDA-approved NPC1L1 antagonist ezetimibe potently blocks HCV uptake in vitro via a virion cholesterol-dependent step before virion-cell membrane fusion. Moreover, ezetimibe inhibits infection by all major HCV genotypes in vitro and in vivo delays the establishment of HCV genotype 1b infection in mice with human liver grafts. Thus, we have not only identified NPC1L1 as an HCV cell entry factor but also discovered a new antiviral target and potential therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infects 200 million individuals worldwide. Although several FDA approved drugs targeting the HCV serine protease and polymerase have shown promising results, there is a need for better drugs that are effective in treating a broader range of HCV genotypes and subtypes without being used in combination with interferon and/or ribavirin. Recently, two crystal structures of the core of the HCV E2 protein (E2c) have been determined, providing structural information that can now be used to target the E2 protein and develop drugs that disrupt the early stages of HCV infection by blocking E2’s interaction with different host factors. Using the E2c structure as a template, we have created a structural model of the E2 protein core (residues 421–645) that contains the three amino acid segments that are not present in either structure. Computational docking of a diverse library of 1,715 small molecules to this model led to the identification of a set of 34 ligands predicted to bind near conserved amino acid residues involved in the HCV E2: CD81 interaction. Surface plasmon resonance detection was used to screen the ligand set for binding to recombinant E2 protein, and the best binders were subsequently tested to identify compounds that inhibit the infection of Huh-7 cells by HCV. One compound, 281816, blocked E2 binding to CD81 and inhibited HCV infection in a genotype-independent manner with IC50’s ranging from 2.2 µM to 4.6 µM. 281816 blocked the early and late steps of cell-free HCV entry and also abrogated the cell-to-cell transmission of HCV. Collectively the results obtained with this new structural model of E2c suggest the development of small molecule inhibitors such as 281816 that target E2 and disrupt its interaction with CD81 may provide a new paradigm for HCV treatment.  相似文献   

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