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BK polyomavirus (BKPyV) is a member of a family of potentially oncogenic viruses, whose reactivation can cause severe pathological conditions in transplant patients, leading to graft rejection. As with many non-enveloped viruses, it is assumed that virus release occurs through lysis of the host cell. We now show the first evidence for a non-lytic release pathway for BKPyV and that this pathway can be blocked by the anion channel inhibitor DIDS. Our data show a dose-dependent effect of DIDS on the release of BKPyV virions. We also observed an accumulation of viral capsids in large LAMP-1-positive acidic organelles within the cytoplasm of cells upon DIDS treatment, suggesting potential late endosome or lysosome-related compartments are involved in non-lytic BKPyV release. These data highlight a novel mechanism by which polyomaviruses can be released from infected cells in an active and non-lytic manner, and that anion homeostasis regulation is important in this pathway.  相似文献   

JC polyomavirus (JCPyV) is the causative agent of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system in immunocompromised patients. Archetype JCPyV circulates in the human population. There have been several reports of archetype JCPyV replication in cultured cells, in which propagation was not enough to produce high titers of archetype JCPyV. In this study, we carried out cultivation of the transfected cells with archetype JCPyV DNA MY for more than 2 months to establish COS‐7 cells (designated COS‐JC cells) persistently producing archetype JCPyV. Moreover, JCPyV derived from COS‐JC cells was characterized by analyzing the viral propagation, size of the viral genome, amount of viral DNA, production of viral protein, and structure of the non‐coding control region (NCCR). Southern blotting using a digoxigenin‐labeled JCPyV probe showed two different sizes of the JCPyV genome in COS‐JC cells. For molecular cloning, four of five clones showed a decrease in the size of complete JCPyV genome. Especially, clone No. 10 was generated the large deletion within the Large T antigen. On the other hand, the archetype structure of the NCCR was maintained in COS‐JC cells, although a few point mutations occurred. Quantitative PCR analysis of viral DNA in COS‐JC cells indicated that a high copy number of archetype JCPyV DNA was replicated in COS‐JC cells. These findings suggest that COS‐JC cells could efficiently propagate archetype JCPyV MY and offer a useful tool to study persistent infection of archetype JCPyV in a kidney‐derived system.

The dye, oxonol-V (bis(3-phenyl-5-oxoisoxazol-4-yl)pentamethine oxonol), can be used to estimate the transmembrane potential of chromaffin granules. The potentials result either from a resting-state Donnan equilibrium (inside negative at pH 6.6) or from an ATP-driven proton pump. The fluorescence and absorption changes generated by ATP addition depended on the pH of the medium and the dye-to-vesicle ratio. Energization resulted in an increase in the number of oxonol-V binding sites, the new binding sites having the same dissociation constant. The rate of dye association was higher with resting than with energized chromaffin granules. The absorption change was associated with a red shift whereas the fluorescence change involved a quenching due to the increase in dye concentration on the membrane. The absorption and fluorescence changes varied linearly with the transmembrane potential difference when the interior potential was positive relative to the medium.  相似文献   

JC polyomavirus (JCPyV) is the causative agent of the demyelinating disease of the central nervous system known as progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), which occurs in immunocompromised patients. Moreover, patients treated with natalizumab for multiple sclerosis or Crohn disease can develop PML, which is then termed natalizumab‐related PML. Because few drugs are currently available for treating PML, many antiviral agents are being investigated. It has been demonstrated that the topoisomerase I inhibitors topotecan and β‐lapachone have inhibitory effects on JCPyV replication in IMR‐32 cells. However, both of these drugs have marginal inhibitory effects on virus propagation in JC1 cells according to RT‐PCR analysis. In the present study, the inhibitory effect of another topoisomerase I inhibitor, 7‐ethy‐10‐[4‐(1‐piperidino)‐1‐piperidino] carbonyloxy camptothecin (CPT11), was assessed by investigating viral replication, propagation, and viral protein 1 (VP1) production in cultured cells. JCPyV replication was assayed using real‐time PCR combined with Dpn I treatment in IMR‐32 cells transfected with JCPyV DNA. It was found that JCPyV replicates less in IMR‐32 cells treated with CPT11 than in untreated cells. Moreover, CPT11 treatment of JCI cells persistently infected with JCPyV led to a dose‐dependent reduction in JCPyV DNA and VP1 production. Additionally, the inhibitory effect of CPT11 was found to be stronger than those of topotecan and β‐lapachone. These findings suggest that CPT11 may be a potential anti‐JCPyV agent that could be used to treat PML.

The morphological change of cellular apoptosis initiates from the change of membrane roughness. In order to identify cellular apoptosis in its early stage, atomic force microscope was adapted to reveal the change of membrane roughness in unprecedented details, providing an image in nanometer-scaled resolution. The mouse monocyte/macrophage cell line RAW 264.7 was the subject studied and subjected to apoptotic induction by hydrogen peroxide. A finding of the qualitative correlation between cell membrane roughness and oxidative stress level is disclosed stating that roughness is increasing with the increasing level of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Single spherical bilayer membranes of the Pagano-Thompson type (Pagano, R. and Thompson, T.E. (1967) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 144, 666–669), formed from monooleyl phosphate and cholesterol dissolved in CHCl3/CH3OH/n-decane, were subjected to a fast impedance analysis of high precision. Dielectric behavior of the whole system, as monitored from outside the spherical membrane, was sensitive to changes in the membrane state from the thick colored to the thin black state. With a spherical membrane 2–3 mm in diameter formed in the sample cavity containing 0.12 ml 10 mM NaCl, the former state was characterized by a dielectric dispersion having dielectric increment (Δ?) of some 102 and characteristic frequency (?c) around 106 Hz, while the latter had Δ? ? 105and ?c ? 103Hz. Complex plane plots for both dispersions traced semicircles, indicating that the present system may be unequivocally analyzed to yield spherical radius and membrane capacity (Cm) on the basis of a well-established dielectric theory. Cm for the thin membranes has thus been determined to be 0.54 μF · cm?2, in excellent agreement with a separate determination on planar membranes. The applicability of the present type of spherical membranes under dielectric monitoring to the study of membrane fusion or of exocytosis is suggested.  相似文献   

Swine vascular smooth muscle cells were exposed to homologous low-density or high-density lipoprotein fractions for 24 h. Total cell membranes were isolated from the post-nuclear supernatant of the cell homogenates, fractionated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation and characterized by enzyme assays. The membrane fraction with the lowest density was enriched in plasma membrane marker enzymes. Cholesterol analysis showed that cells exposed to low-density lipoprotein had higher cholesterol-to-protein ratios in total cells, total cell membranes and individual membrane fractions than had the cells exposed to high-density lipoproteins. Cholesterol-to-phospholipid ratios of the plasma membrane-enriched fraction from cells exposed to low-density lipoprotein were higher than the same membrane fraction of cells exposed to high-density lipoprotein. Studies with iodinated lipoproteins showed that these compositional changes could not be due to lipoprotein contamination. Membrane microviscosity was determined by fluorescence depolarization with diphenylhexatriene and the microviscosity of the plasma membrane-enriched fraction was different in the cells exposed to the two different lipoprotein fractions. This difference in membrane microviscosity was significant only when the medium cholesterol content was 40 μg per ml or greater; cells exposed to low-density lipoprotein gave membranes with higher microviscosity.These results demonstrate that the properties of vascular smooth muscle cell membranes are influenced by exposure of the cells to homologous lipoprotein fractions.  相似文献   

The characteristics of carnosine (β-alanyl-l-histidine) transport have been studied using purified brush-border membrane vesicles from mouse small intestine. Uptake curves did not exhibit any overshoot phenomena, and were similar under Na+, K+ or choline+ gradient conditions (extravesicular > intravesicular). However, uptake of histidine showed an overshoot phenomenon in the presence of a Na+-gradient. There was no detectable hydrolysis of carnosine during 15 min of incubation with membrane vesicles under conditions used for transport experiments. Analysis of intravesicular contents further showed the complete absence of the constituent free amino acids of carnosine, and indicates that intact carnosine is transported. Studies on the effect of concentration on peptide uptake revealed that transport occurred by a saturable process conforming to Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a Km of 9.6 ± 1.4 mM and a Vmax of 2.9 ± 0.2 nmol / mg protein per 0.4 min. Uptake of carnosine was inhibited by both di- and tripeptides with a maximum inhibition of 68% by glycyl-l-leucyltyrosine. These results clearly demonstrate that carnosine is transported intact by a carrier-mediated, Na+-independent process.  相似文献   

Cholesterol is an important constituent of cellular membranes playing a fundamental role in many biological processes. This sterol affects membrane permeability, lateral lipid organization, signal transduction and membrane trafficking. Intracellular sterol transport modes and pathways as well as the regulation of sterol metabolism and disposition in various tissues are areas of intense research. Progress is intimately linked to development and use of appropriate analogs, which closely mimic the properties of cholesterol while allowing to be detected by spectroscopic or microscopic methods. This review provides an overview of various fluorescent sterols used in membrane biophysics and cell biology including analogs of cholesterol and cholesteryl esters. Attention is paid to the natural fluorescent sterol dehydroergosterol (DHE). A survey of the many applications of DHE in biological research is presented. Special emphasis is on recent developments in fluorescence microscopy instrumentation to visualize DHE as an intrinsically fluorescent analog of cholesterol in living cells.  相似文献   


A dedicated network of cellular factors ensures that proteins translocated into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are folded correctly before they exit this compartment en route to other cellular destinations or for secretion. When proteins misfold, selective ER-resident enzymes and chaperones are recruited to rectify the protein-misfolding problem in order to maintain cellular proteostasis. However, when a protein becomes terminally misfolded, it is ejected into the cytosol and degraded by the proteasome via a pathway called ER-associated degradation (ERAD). Strikingly, toxins and viruses can hijack elements of the ERAD pathway to access the host cytosol and cause infection. This review focuses on emerging data illuminating the molecular mechanisms by which these toxic agents co-opt the ER-to-cytosol translocation process to cause disease.  相似文献   

Reovirus serotype 3 Dearing (T3D) has shown potential as a novel cancer therapy. To support the increasing demand for reovirus, a two-stage perfusion mode scheme is proposed for cell growth and reovirus production. Mouse L-929 cells were used as the host for reovirus infection due to their ability to grow well in suspension culture. Several L-929 cell growth and reovirus infection characteristics were investigated and optimized in spinner flask batch cultures. For the growth of L-929 cells, a balanced nutrient-fortification of SMEM medium increased the maximum cell density by 30%, compared to normal SMEM; however, ammonia and lactate accumulations were found to inhibit further cell growth. For the production of reovirus, approximately 90% increase in viral yield resulted when the infection temperature was reduced from 37 to 33 degrees C. Infectious reovirus particles were shown to be stable in conditioned medium at 37 and 33 degrees C. The final virus titer was dependent on the multiplicity of infection (MOI) and the host cell density at the time of infection. A combination of an MOI of 0.1 pfu/cell and an initial host cell density of 1.0 x 10(6) cells/mL in fortified medium resulted in a maximum virus titer of (4.59 +/- 0.16) x 10(9) pfu/mL and a specific yield of (2.34 +/- 0.08) x 10(3) pfu/cell. At an optimal harvest time of the infection process, 99% of the virus was associated with the cellular debris. Finally, the presence of 5.0 mM ammonia in the culture medium was shown to seriously inhibit the reovirus yield, whereas lactate concentrations up to 20 mM had no effect.  相似文献   

This review treats some examples of electrogenic transport across the outer plasmamembrane (plasmalemma) of plant cells. The selection includes primary active uniport by membrane ATPases (e.g., the proton pump), secondary active transport of hexoses by proton-dependent cotransport, and passive uniport of amines. Primacy is given to the presentation of electrophysiological data and to the discussion of voltage-dependence of the transport mechanisms.Lecture from the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik at Konstanz  相似文献   

The spectral and metabolic properties of Rhodamine 123, a fluorescent cationic dye used to label mitochondria in living cells, were investigated in suspensions of isolated rat-liver mitochondria. A red shift of Rhodamine 123 absorbance and fluorescence occurred following mitochondrial energization. Fluorescence quenching of as much as 75% also occurred. The red shift and quenching varied linearly with the potassium diffusion potential, but did not respond to ΔpH. These energy-linked changes were accompanied by dye uptake into the matrix space. Concentration ratios, in-to-out, approached 4000:1. A large fraction of internalized dye was bound. At concentrations higher than those needed to record these spectral changes, Rhodamine 123 inhibited ADP-stimulated (State 3) respiration of mitochondria (Ki = 12 μM) and ATPase activity of inverted inner membrane vesicles (Ki = 126 μM) and partially purified F1-ATPase (Ki = 177 μM). The smaller Ki for coupled mitochondria was accounted for by energy-dependent Rhodamine 123 uptake into the matrix. Above about 20 nmol/mg protein (10 μM), Rhodamine 123 caused rapid swelling of energized mitochondria. Effects on electron-transfer reactions and coupling were small or negligible even at the highest Rhodamine 123 concentrations employed. Δψ-dependent Rhodamine 123 uptake together with Rhodamine 123 binding account for the intense fluorescent staining of mitochondria in living cells. Inhibition of mitochondria ATPase likely accounts for the cytotoxicity of Rhodamine 123. At concentrations which do not inhibit mitochondrial function, Rhodamine 123 is a sensitive and specific probe of Δψ in isolated mitochondria.  相似文献   

JC polyomavirus (JCPyV) causes progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a fatal demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, in immunocompromised patients. Because no drugs have been approved for treating PML, many antiviral agents are currently being investigated for this purpose. The inhibitory effects of the topoisomerase I inhibitors topotecan and β‐lapachone were assessed by investigating viral replication, propagation and viral protein 1 (VP1) production in cultured cells. JCPyV replication was assayed using the human neuroblastoma cell line IMR‐32 transfected with the JCPyV plasmid and RT‐ PCR combined with Dpn I treatment. Dpn I digests the input plasmid DNA containing methylated adenosine, but not newly replicated JCPyV DNA, in IMR‐32 cells. It was found that JCPyV replicates less in IMR‐32 cells treated with topotecan or β‐lapachone than in untreated cells. Moreover, drug treatment of JCI cells, which are IMR‐32 cells persistently infected with JCPyV, led to a reduction in the amount of JCPyV DNA and population of VP1‐positive cells. These results demonstrate that topotecan and β‐lapachone affects JCPyV propagation in human neuroblastoma cell lines, suggesting that topotecan and β‐lapachone could potentially be used to treat PML.  相似文献   

The applicability of 9-aminoacridine as a probe of the surface potential of yeast cells is examined. Yeast cells are found to quench the fluorescence of the dye and it is shown that this quenching is caused by a decrease in the dye concentration in the bulk aqueous phase. Consistent with predictions of the Gouy-Chapman theory the dye is displaced from the surface of the yeast cells by addition of salts, the effectiveness of the salts being related to the valency of the cation: C3+ > C2+ > C1+. It is shown that 9-aminoacridine is predominantly bound by the plasma membrane of the cells. Only a minor part of the binding occurs in the cell wall, in line with the finding that enzymic removal does not significantly affect the binding of the dye to the cells. A single relationship for the distribution ratio of the dye between cells and medium with the ζ potential of the cells is found, irrespective of the way the ζ potential is changed, either by varying the pH or the Ca2+ concentration. It is argued that the electrostatic potentials probed by the dye are much higher than the corresponding ζ potentials and are of the same order of magnitude of the presumed discrete charge potentials experienced by cation transporters in the plasma membrane. It is concluded that 9-aminoacridine may be applied as a convenient and almost quantitative probe of the surface potential that effects the kinetics of ion uptake by the yeast cells.  相似文献   

Plant vacuoles play essential roles in many physiological processes, particularly in mineral nutrition, turgor provision and cellular signalling. The vacuolar membrane, the tonoplast, contains many membrane transporters that are critical in the execution of these processes. However, although increasing knowledge is available about the identity of proteins involved in these processes very little is known about the regulation of tonoplast transporters. By studying the phosphoproteome of tonoplast-enriched membranes, we identified 66 phosphorylation sites on 58 membrane proteins. Amongst these, 31 sites were identified in 28 membrane transporters of various families including tonoplast anion transporters of the CLC family, potassium transporters of the KUP family, tonoplast sugar transporters and ABC transporters. In a number of cases, the detected sites were well conserved across isoforms of one family pointing to common mechanisms of regulation. In other cases, isoform-unique sites were present, suggesting regulatory mechanisms tailored to the function of individual proteins. These results provide the basis for future studies to elucidate the mechanistic regulation of tonoplast membrane transporters.  相似文献   

of whole cells of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum was estimated under varying conditions using an electrode sensitive to the lipophilic cation tetraphenylphosphonium chloride (TPP+). Since was found to be extremely sensitive to air, a special reaction vessel was developed to maintain strict anaerobiosis. The cells took up TPP+ under energization by H2 and CO2 thus allowing to calculate the from the distribution of TPP+ inside and outside the cells. The unspecific uptake of deenergized cells was around 10% of the total uptake of energized cells. TPP+ itself slightly diminished the , but had no effect on the formation of methane. Typical values of were in the range of-150 to-200 mV. showed a quantitative dependence on both the electron donor H2 and the electron acceptor CO2. NaCl stimulated the extent of the , whereas KCl slightly diminished it. Valinomycin resulted in a linear decline of , whereas the methane production rate was only slightly affected. In contrast, monensin reduced both methanogenesis and .Abbreviations pmf proton motive force - membrane potential - TPP+ tetraphenylphosphonium (chloride salt) - TPMP+ triphenylmethylphosphonium (chloride salt, if not otherwise indicated) - d.w. dry weight - t d doubling time - PVC polyvinylchloride  相似文献   

Summary Clusters of luminal dense bodies, limited by a triple-layered membrane, were found in all follicle lumina in thyroid glands of mice. After thyroxine treatment the number of luminal dense bodies increased, especially in the periphery of the lumen, where the intraluminal bodies often displayed a striking resemblance to microvilli. In hyperplastic goiters, obtained by feeding mice with propylthiouracil, luminal dense bodies were replaced by intraluminal vesicles. During goiter involution the vesicles were gradually replaced by luminal dense bodies; the presence of intermediate forms suggests that vesicles and dense bodies are basically the same formations. Luminal dense bodies were observed in colloid droplets indicating their removal by endocytosis. As demonstrated by electron-microscopic cytochemistry, luminal dense bodies contain a membranebound peroxidase, and electron-microscopic autoradiography after administration of 125I indicate that they possess an iodinating capacity.Our observations on mouse thyroid glands suggest that the luminal dense bodies, which appear as vesicles in hyperplastic glands, are formed by shedding of the apical plasma membrane of the follicle cell. The shedding process might be of importance for the turnover of plasma-membrane material.This study was supported by Grant No. 12X-537 from the Swedish Medical Research Council.  相似文献   

Displacement current on purple membrane fragments oriented in a suspension   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The displacement current is measured in a suspension of electric field-oriented purple membranes isolated from Halobacterium halobium, the photocycle being driven by a light flash. A simple quantitative theory of the method is presented and used to evaluate the distances the protons move during their way through the bacteriorhodopsin molecules. A lower limit of the velocity of proton movement is also given.  相似文献   

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