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The effects of myiasis caused byBlepharipa pratensis (Meigen) on the pathogenicity of 3 dosages (1.00×104 PIB, 3.75×104 PIB and 7.50×104 PIB) of nucleopolyhedrosis virus (NPV) in stage V ofLymantria dispar (L.) were tested. When fed only NPV, 44% of the larvae fed the low dosage died, 67% of the larvae fed the mid-level dosage died, and 73% of those fed the high-level dosage died. At the low dosage, mortality was significantly lower than at the other dosages. The presence of the parasite significantly increased mortality due to NPV; 65% of the larvae fed the low dosage died, 77% of the larvae fed the mid-level dosage died, and 80% of the larvae fed the high-level dosage died. For biological control, the combination of NPV and parasite would increase mortality, but at the expense of the parasite.
Résumé L'effet du parasitisme parBlepharipa pratensis sur la pathogénie de 3 doses (1.00×104 PIB, 3,75×104 PIB et 7,50×104 PIB) du virus de la polyédrie nucléaire (VPN) chez le 5ème stade deLymantria dispar a été étudié. Nourries avec seulement la dose faible du VPN, 44% des larves ont succombé, 67% sont mortes de la dose moyenne et 73% des larves de la dose forte. La différence de mortalité obtenue avec la dose faible était significative par rapport à la mortalité obtenue avec les 2 autres doses. La présence du parasite a augmenté significativement la mortalité par virose; avec la dose faible cette mortalité a atteint 65%, 77% avec la dose moyenne et 80% avec la dose forte. Pour la lutte biologique, la combinaison du virus avec le parasite augmenterait la mortalité, mais aux dépens du parasite.

M. W. Brown 《BioControl》1984,29(3):249-265
Literature onOoencyrtus kuvanae (Howard) from throughout the world is reviewed. References from Asia, Japan, Europe, Africa, and North America, covering the years 1900–1983, are included. The information is divided into the following subject areas: taxonomy, host range, distribution and introductions, biology and life history, host suitability, behavior and spatial distribution, effectiveness, and population dynamics. Suggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

The entomopathogensSerratia marcescens Bizio and nucleopolyhedrosis virus were each fed alone and in combination with the parasiteBlepharipa pratensis (Meigen) to 4th-instar gypsy moth,Lymantria dispar, (L.) larvae. At LD30 for NPV, the presence of the parasite enhanced polyhedrosis about 30%, but the total number of gypsy moth larvae and pupae killed (85%) was not significantly different from the number killed by the parasite alone (93%). When the parasite was combined withS. marcencens, a strain nonpathogenic inL. dispar, total mortality was not significantly different from that in insects exposed only to the parasite (89 and 86%, respectively), but parasite survival was reduced about 12%. However, deaths not attributable to the parasite could not be ascribed to the bacterium either.  相似文献   

A. Schopf 《BioControl》1991,36(4):593-604
The endoparasitic development ofG. liparidis was examined in 3 different host stages of gypsy moth larvae. Hatching ofG. liparidis-larvae occurred 3 to 5 days after oviposition in hosts parasitized during their premoulting period, and after 5 to 7 days in those parasitized in the 3rd midinstar state. The parasites generally moulted to the 2nd larval instar between the 11th and 13th day in the first group, and between the 13th and 15th day in the latter, when they had reached a volume of 0.04–0.05 mm3. The positive correlation between host ecdysis and the ecdysis of 1st stadium larvae to L2 suggested that host moulting influenced the development of the parasitoid larvae. Emergence from the host larvae occurred at 20°C after 27 days on average, and coincided with the parasites moulting to the 3rd instar. Five to 7 days after spinning their cocoons near the developmentally arrested host larva, the male, and 1 to 2 days later the female wasps eclosed. Due to the variation in the number of parasites per host, no difference was observed between the hosts parasitized at various stages; however, a tendency for later parasitized hosts to contain more parasite larvae was evident. The nutritional conditions of the moth parental generation influenced both host and parasite development. On the other hand no influence of host age was observed on emergence dates of larvae and wasps.   相似文献   

In a survey at 5 sites in southern Romania for parasites of pupalLymantric dispar (L.), 8 species were recovered: 3Tachinidae (Dip.); Blepharipa pratensis (Meigen),Parasetigena silvestris (Robineau-Desvoidy), andExorista larvarum (L.); 1Chalcididae (Hym.); Brachymeria intermedia (Nees); 4Ichneumonidae (Hym.); Theronia atalantae atalantae (Poda),Coccygomimus instigator (F.),C. turionellae turionellae (L.), andEphialtes compunctor compunctor (L.). This was the 1 st reported recovery ofE. c. compunctor from L.dispar. Overall parasitism was low, and it is unlikely that additional surveys in this area will yield new parasites for introduction into the U.S.
Résumé Cinq localités dans le sud de la Roumanie ont été prospectées pour recenser les parasites des nymphes deLymantria dispar (L.). Huit espèces de parasites ont été obtenues:Blepharipa pratensis (Meigen),Parasetigena silvestris (Robineau-Desvoidy),Exorista larvarum (L.),Brachymeria intermedia (Nees),Theronia atalantae atalantae (Poda),Coccygomimus instigator (F.),C. turionellae turionellae (L.), etEphialtes compunctor compunctor. Cette dernière espèce étant nouvelle surL. dispar. Le parasitisme total étant très bas, les auteurs en déduisent que des prospections supplémentaires dans cette région ont peu de chance d'être valables en vue de l'introduction aux états-Unis de nouvelles espèces contreL. dispar.

A 2-year study was conducted on the distribution of parasitoids of gypsy moth,Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lep.: Lymantriidae), in mesic and adjacent higher elevation transition and xeric forest habitats in Vermont (U.S.A.). In both years, overall parasitism ranged from 12–18% in each habitat. When analyzed according to the life stage at which the host was collected, parasitism rates of greater than 40% were obtained among the late instars.Parasetigena silvestris (Robineau-Desvoidy) andPhobocampe disparis (Viereck) were recovered most commonly from the mesic habitat, andCotesia melanoscelus (Ratzeburg) andBlepharipa pratensis (= Sturmia scutellata) (Meigen) were most common in collections from the xeric area. Parasitism byCompsilura concinnata (Meigen) occurred at similar levels in all three habitats, and this species was responsible for the highest parasitism rates on the site, reaching 40% among the late instars in 1985. Percent parasitism byC. concinnata increased three-four-fold from 1984 to 1985, while parasitism by other species declined.  相似文献   

ImmatureLymantria dispar L. were collected from 6 geographically distinct populations over 2 years to determine correlations between parasitoid and disease incidences. Incidence of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus disease (NPV) was found to be positively correlated with incidences of the parasitoidsApanteles melanoscelus (Ratzeburg) andParasetigena silvestris (Robineau-Desvoidy).  相似文献   

Marjorie A. Hoy 《BioControl》1975,20(3):261-268
Hybrids ofApanteles melanoscelus (Ratzeburg) were produced from colonies originating from France, Yugoslavia, and Connecticut. All strains, as well as freshly collected “wild” Connecticut parasitoids of the same species were evaluated in the laboratory for developmental rate, host attack rate, and sex ratios. Development was significantly slower in all the laboratory strains compared to the progeny of forest collected Connecticut females. Progeny production was greater (almost 2X) for the “wild” females and the French-Yugoslavian-Connecticut hybrid than for the laboratory Connecticut strain. The proportion of females collected from the “wild” (Connecticut) strain was higher than that observed in any laboratory strain. A field test was conducted using the triple hybrid in 3 release plots with ca. 6000A. melanoscelus cocoons released per plot in central Connecticut, U.S.A. Weekly collections of gypsy moth larvae showed that the % parasitism was significantly higher in release plots than in the 3 check plots. These results suggest the value of inundative releases ofA. melanoscelus for reduction of sparse gypsy moth populations, but they did not show that hybridization of these strains produced a more effective parasitoid under forest conditions.  相似文献   

A female-produced sex pheromone in these chalcid parasitoids serves to aid mate recognition by the male. InBrachymeria lasus (Walker) male response to the pheromone remains constant with increasing male age, but pheromone activity declines with age in females. The active space of the pheromone is approximately 3 cm; at greater distances males do not respond and continue random movements. The site of pheromone production in these species remains undefined, although the thorax elicited greatest male courtship response, and the Dufour's gland area the highest % of male sensory responses.
Résumé Une phéromone sexuelle produite par la femelle de ces chalcidiens parasites est utilisée pour aider à l'accouplement du male. ChezBrachymeria lasus (Walker) la réponse du male à la phéromone reste constante avec le viellissement de celui-ci, mais l'activité de la phéromone diminue avec l'age de la femelle. La zone d'action de la phéromone est d'environ 3 cm, à des distances plus grandes les males ne répondent plus et poursuivent leurs déplacements au hasard. Le lieu de production de la phéromone de ces espèces est encore indéterminé, mais le thorax détermine la plus forte réponse copulatoire du male et la région de la glande de Dufour provoque le plus fort % de réponses sensorielles du male.

Research supported by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, and by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources through the School of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin, Madison.  相似文献   

Artificial and modified natural hosts were exposed to females of the gypsy moth [Lymantria dispar (L.)] hyperparasite,Eurytoma appendigaster (Swederus), to investigate its host recognition behavior on the primary host, which are cocooned larvae of the gypsy moth parasite,Cotesia melanoscela (Ratzeburg). Material(s) which caused drilling behavior by the hyperparasite on host cocoons were extracted with both polar and non-polar solvents. However, cocoons washed with large volumes of solvent still caused substantial drilling activities by females, suggesting that additional cues may be important. Results suggest that host recognition in this hyperparasite involves a variety of host characteristics.   相似文献   

Incidence of parasites ofLymantria obfuscata Walker [Lymantriidae: Lepidoptera] was studied in Kashmir during 1983 and 1984. The only egg parasite reared wasAnastatus kashmirensis Mathur parasitising between 4.49 to 11.92 percent of eggs. From 15 study sites as many as 10475 larvae of different stages and pupae were collected and reared in laboratory.Exorista rossica [Tachinidae: Diptera] was recorded to parasitize upto 8.42 per cent of larvae compared to 0.89 percent byCompsilura sp.Tetrastichus sp. [Eulophidae: Hymenoptera] was observed to be most dominant of the 6 pupal parasites, accounting for 33.41 percent of the measured parasitism, followed byPimpla sp. [Ichneumonidae: Hymenoptera] andTheronia atalantae atalantae [Ichneumonidae: Hymenoptera] which parasitized 6.84 and 4.03 per cent of pupae respectively.Brachymeria intermedia Nees [Chalcididae: Hymenoptera] was recorded to parasitize upto 2.98 per cent whereasBrachymeria lasus Walker recorded for the first time in Kashmir was found to parasitize up to 2.01 per cent, but was not widely distributed in the State.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies showed that 1st-instarBonnetia comta (Fallén) maggots (planidia) had a significant impact (P<0.05) on mortality of all black cutworm (BCW),Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel), instars, either by killing 1st- and 2nd-instar BCWs 2.3 to 9.7 days after parasitization or by producing a puparium from older host instars. Diet consumption and utilization by BCW larvae parasitized byB. comta as 4th instars were similar to those of nonparasitized larvae until 1 to 2 days before the parasitoid emerged. In a 2-year host exposure study in Iowa, it was found thatB. comta primarily parasitized released BCWs in June through September and did not seem to play a role in controlling the damaging 1st generation of BCW larvae. Techniques were developed to produce and store large numbers ofB. comta planidia.Bonnetia comta deposited large numbers of planidia on filter paper treated with a fecal supernatant. These planidia could be stored on filter paper in a covered Petri dish at 4.4°C for 5 days with minimal mortality. Preliminary field data show that planidia placed around corn seedlings infested with 4th-instar BCW larvae do parasitize the pest and reduce the hosts cutting potential.  相似文献   

J. Kugler  Y. Nitzan 《BioControl》1977,22(1):93-105
The tachinid flyClausicella suturata Rondani is a solitary parasite ofEctomyelois ceratoniae (Zeller). It was grown under laboratory conditions (26±0.5°C, 55±5% R.H.) and the host-parasite relationships were studied. The different stages of the parasite were briefly described. The eggs are deposited on the carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.,Caesalpiniaceae) pods, near the openings of the host's tunnels and hatch immediately. The Ist instar maggot is directed by the web fibers of the host towards the caterpillar which is hidden in the carob pod. The parasites develop normally only in 4th and 5th instar caterpillars. The parasitized caterpillar spins its cocoon inside the carob pod before being killed by the parasite. The fully grown maggot leaves the host and pupates inside its cocoon. Adult longevity is dependent upon the presence of carbohydrate in the diet. Maximal male and female longevity (50% survival of 21 and 17.5 days respectively) was reached on a carbohydrate diet and water, at 26°C and 55% R.H. Newly emerged females readily mate with one or two-day old males. The average fecundity of a female is 202 eggs, deposited during 13.6 days, after an incubation period of 6.9 days. Superparasitism is common in nature but only one maggot is successful in completing its development.  相似文献   

Rearing and release procedures forCotesia melanoscela (Ratzeburg) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), an early-season parasitoid ofLymantria dispar (L.), were evaluated in 1995 and 1996 at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, Maryland, USA. Mass rearing procedures were developed during the winter/spring of 1995/1996 to produce diapausingC. melanoscela cocoons for experimentation. Program efficiency as measured by percent adult emergence was estimated to be 84% with a measured sex ratio of 48:52 M:F, at an estimated cost per 1 000 cocoons of U.S. $5.26 for materials and a labor requirement of approximately 6 hours. A host larvae:female parasitoid ratio of 100:1 was found to be most efficient in terms of number of parasitoid cocoons produced per female parasitoid, but a ratio of 100:2 was most efficient in terms of number of cocoons per rearing cup. OverwinteringC. melanoscela cocoons under natural conditions for 25 weeks (November placements) before expectedL. dispar egg hatch (mid-April) resulted in excellent synchrony with host egg hatch. Alternatively, holdingC. melanoscela cocoons in cold storage for 23 or more weeks at 5°C resulted in adult parasitoid emergence beginning 10 days after removal from cold storage, and proper timing of removal would result in similar synchrony of adult emergence with host egg hatch. These alternative release strategies give managers increased program flexibility.  相似文献   

Heliothis armigera (Hübner) is a major pest of several crops especially tomato and pulses in India. Indigenous natural enemies likeCarcelia illota Curr.,Campoletis chlorideae Uchida,Trichogramma chilonis Ishii andHexamermis sp are unable to exert adequate control ofH. armigera in tomato. Field trials were conducted with 2 exotic parasites,Trichogramma brasiliensis (Ashmead) andEucelatoria bryani Sabrosky in tomato fields around Bangalore. Both the parasites were recovered fromH. armigera in tomato fields. Field parasitism inH. armigera byT. brasiliensis ranged from 34.6 to 51.3%. WithE. bryani, the parasitism ranged from 0.0 to 8.0%.  相似文献   

Larvae and pupae ofLymantria dispar (L.) were collected periodically from infestations on Linden trees at Nieborów near Skierniewice and at Alexandrowa, south of Poznan, Poland during May–July 1975. The following parasites were recovered:Braconidae: Apanteles liparidis (Bouché),A. melanoscelus (Ratzeburg),A. porthetriae Muesebeck,Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael);Ichneumonidae: Coccygomimus instigator (F.),Hyposoter tricoloripes (Viereck),Phobocampe n. sp.,P. disparis (Viereck);Tachinidae: Blepharipa pratensis (Meigen),Blondelia nigripes (Fallén),Carcelia separata (Rondani),Compsilura concinnata (Meigen),Parasetigena silvestris (Robineau-Desvoidy),Palexorista sp. Similar but less extensive collections were made of larvae ofOrgyia antiqua (L.). These yieldedApanteles sp.,A. melanoscelus, Tramosema rostrale (Brischke),Meloborus sp.,B. nigripes andP. silvestris; larvae ofLeucoma salicis (L.) yieldedA. melanoscelus andMeteorus versicolor (Wesmael). OnlyBlondelia sp. was recovered from the few larvae ofPorthesia similis (Fuessly) collected.
Résumé Des chenilles et des chrysalides deLymantria dispar (L.) ont été ramassées périodiquement en Pologne de mai à juillet 1975 dans les peuplements de tilleuls infestés, à Nieboróv près de Skierniewice et à Alexandrowa, au sud de Poznan. Les parasites obtenus ont été les suivants: lesBraconidae: Apanteles liparidis (Bouché),A. melanoscelus (Ratzeburg),A. porthetriae Muesebeck,Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael); lesIchneumonidae: Coccygomimus instigator (F.),Hyposoter tricoloripes (Viereck),Phobocampe n. sp.,P. disparis (Viereck); lesTachinidae: Blepharipa pratensis (Meigen),Blondelia nigripes (Fallén),Carcelia separata (Rondani),Compsilura concinnata (Meigen),Parasetigena silvestris (Robineau-Desvoidy), etPalexorista sp. Des collectes du même type mais moins importantes de chenilles d’Orgyia antiqua (L.) ont permis d’obtenir les parasites suivants:Apanteles sp.,A. melanoscelus. Tranosema rostrale (Brischke),Meloborus sp.,B. nigripes, etP. silvestris. Des chenilles deLeucoma salicis (L.) ont donnéA. melanoscelus etMeteorus versicolor (Wesmael). SeulBlondelia sp. a été obtenu à partir de quelques chenilles dePorthesia similis (Fuessly).

A maximum number of 6 parasitoid progeny are produced byBrachymeria intermedia (Nees) females, in a 24 h period, even when more than 6 hosts are available. The number of progeny produced by ovipositing females kept at a high temperature or high light intensity is greater than that of females kept at low temperatures or low light intensity. Host size and age of female parasitoids affect the sex ratio or progeny. Parasitism of small pupal hosts results in the production of a greater proportion of male progeny. Increasing maternal age appears to increase the proportion of males.  相似文献   

A kairomone in the frass and vomitus of larvae ofAgrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) triggered larviposition activity in its habitual parasitoidBonnetia comta (Fallen) (Diptera: Tachinidae). Laboratory bioassays showed that no measurable differences existed in the larviposition-stimulating activity of frass fromA. ipsilon larvae reared on 3 different food sources. In other tests, corn seedlings damaged by late-instar larvae ofA. ipsilon elicited strong larviposition activity inB. comta; other corn seedlings damaged with a razor blade did not elicit strong activity. Frass aged for 8-days was only slightly less effective at releasing a larviposition response when compared to fresh frass.B. comta was not stimulated to larviposit by oven dried frass or an India ink dot the color and shape of a fresh pellet from a host larva. The host habitat location and host finding process forB. comta and other tachinid species that deposit free-living maggots is discussed.  相似文献   

We present the results of a survey for natural enemies of eggs of the gypsy moth,Lymantria dispar (L.)(Lep.: Lymantriidae), in central Pennsylvania, along with a review of the world literature on the natural enemies of gypsy moth eggs. In Pennsylvania, the parasites wereOoencyrtus kuvanae (Howard)(Hym.: Encyrtidae) (by far the most abundant),Dibrachys cavus (Walker)(Hym.: Pteromalidae), andPediobius sp.(Hym.: Eulophidae). The predators were primarily ants(Hym.: Formicidae), but other predators included beetle larvae(Col.: Cantharidae, Dermestidae, Trogositidae), lacewing larvae(Neur.: Chrysopidae), bugs(Hem.: Pentatomidae), and mites(Acari). The parasiteO. kuvanae was in turn preyed upon by spiders(Araneida) and aPhymata sp.(Hem.: Phymatidae). Total predation of gypsy moth eggs averaged 11%, occurring at a constant rate of ca 0.6% per week throughout the summer and autumn. The greatest predation occurred nearer the ground with no differences among either aspect on the tree or tree species on which the egg mass was located. A negative association was discovered betweenO. kuvanae andD. cavus, but not betweenO. kuvanae andPediobius sp. Throughout the world, gypsy moth egg parasites and hyperparasites have been recorded from 6 different hymenopterous families; egg predators have been found in 13 families representing 5 orders of arthropods. Vertebrate predators of gypsy moth eggs are in 6 families of birds and 3 families of mammals.
Résumé Nous présentons ici les résultats d'une enquête sur les ennemis naturels des œufs deLymantria dispar (L.)(Lep. Lymantriidae) dans la Pennsylvanie centrale, ainsi qu'une revue de la littérature sur les ennemis naturels des œufs deL. dispar. L'ennemi naturel le plus abondant estOoencyrtus kuvanae (Howard)(Hym. Encyrtidae); parmi les autres parasites en Pennsylvanie, on compteDibrachys cavus (Walker)(Hym. Pteromalidae) et une espèce dePediobius (Hym. Eulophidae). Les prédateurs des œufs sont principalement des fourmis(Hym. Formicidae), des larves de coléoptères(Col.: Cantharidae, Dermestidae, Trogositidae), des larves d'hémérobe(Neu. Chrysopidae), des punaises(Hem. Pentatomidae) et des acariens(Acari). Des araignées(Araneida) et une espèce dePhymata (Hem. Phymatidae) sont également prédateurs deO. kuwanae. La perte totale des œufs du disparate est en moyenne de 11%, selon un taux constant d'environ 0,6% par semaine pendant l'été et l'automne, la prédation la plus importante a lieu près du sol, sans qu'il y ait de relation avec l'orientation des œufs sur l'arbre, ou l'espèce d'arbre sur lequel se trouvent les œufs. Une association négative a été découverte entreO. kuwanae etD. cavus, mais pas entreo. kuwanae etPediobius. Dans le monde les parasites d'œufs deL. dispar et les hyperparasites ont été signalés de 6 familles d'hyménoptères, les prédateurs d'œufs ont été trouvés dans 13 familles de 5 ordres d'arthropodes. Les vertébrés prédateurs des œufs appartiennent à 6 familles d'oiseaux et 3 familles de mammifères.

This work was supported under Regional Project NE-84 (revised), “Behavior and Interrelationships of the Gypsy Moth, its Natural'Enemies and Insecticides”, and conducted under Experiment Station Project No. 2044. Authorized for publication as paper no. 6306 in the Journal Series of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Lixophaga diatraeae (Townsend) parasitized 20 to 78% ofDiatraea saccharalis (F) larval populations within 3 weeks after release. The flies (4 to 6 days old) did not migrate from the release area, but the progeny dispersed as much as 3 km into adjacent untreated areas within 5 generations. Progeny dispersal, apparently during the prelarviposition period, resulted in 100% parasitization ofD. saccharalis larvae in some plots. In 2 of the 3 tests, the host population decreased after the releases. Percentage damaged internodes increased with distance from the release site.
Résumé Des lachers de la mouche parasite, appelée vulgairement mouche de Cuba, dans les champs de anne, en Floride, ont limité les populations du foreur de la canne. La tachinaire a parasité 20 à 78% des foreurs. En outre, la descendance des parasites a été retrouvée à plus de 3 km des points de lacher. Les dégats aux cannes à sucre furent moindres dans les champs où les lachers ont été effectués que dans les champs voisins.

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