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Seven field releases of Trichogramma ostriniae and T. nubilale (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) were made separately and in combination in a sweet corn field to compare the level of parasitism in sentinel eggs of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). The results indicate that the levels of egg parasitism among different release dates differed mainly because of changes in weather and plant architecture within the season. The level of egg parasitism by releasing T. ostriniae alone was found to be 15% higher than that by releasing T. nubilale alone, and 20% higher than by releasing the combination of the two species. Further analyses using the logistic regression model for independent and correlated data indicated T. ostriniae to be more efficient at discovering host egg masses and to have higher levels of egg parasitism than T. nubilale. Mutual interference between T. ostriniae and T. nubilale was the main factor for the lower level of egg parasitism when T. ostriniae and T. nubilale were released together. The results suggest that T. ostriniae is the better candidate for augmentative releases for control of the European corn borer, and the two species should not be released into a corn field at the same time.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to evaluate the influence of ancestral adult feeding by European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), on larval survival in the field and neonate movement behavior in laboratory. Larval survival was higher when either the grandparental or parental generation had fed, but the feeding sites of the surviving larvae were not affected by ancestral feeding condition. This is the first evidence that grandparental feeding could influence larval survival in the field. Larval movement was observed in the laboratory. Silking speed of neonates was faster when either grandparents or parents had fed, while walking speed was faster only when parents had fed. No broad-sense genetic correlation was found between silking speed and walking speed. Broad-sense heritability among feeding histories were not significant for silking speed, but was significantly greater than zero for walking speed when grandparents fed and parents did not. These intergenerational effects could induce complex population dynamics in this species.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were made to determine the capacity of Trichogramma dendrolimi to parasitize eggs of Ostrinia furnacalis, as affected by the rearing host species, substrate of host eggs, host age, original locality of host populations, and cold storage of host eggs. Wasps reared from eggs of Antheraea pernyi showed parasitic capacity on eggs of O. furnacalis on average twice as high as that of the wasps reared from eggs of Corcyra cephalonica. When the age of O. furnacalis eggs at 26 °C increased from 0–6 h to 18–24 h, the proportion of wasps that successfully parasitized host eggs, the number of host eggs parasitized, and the rate of parasitization all decreased by >50%. The number of O. furnacalis eggs parasitized per female T. dendrolimi increased with the number of host eggs available, and reached 22.9 in a 24 h period. However, the parasitic capacity of female T. dendrolimi on eggs of O. furnacalis laid on plant leaves was similar to that of O. furnacalis eggs laid on wax paper. Levels of parasitism of O. furnacalis eggs from two widely separated localities, i.e. Changchun (43.50° N, 125.20° E) and Hangzhou (30.18° N, 120.07° E), were similar. Cold storage of O. furnacalis eggs at 4 °C for 5 days did not affect parasitization. Results obtained in this study indicate that although O. furnacalis is a less preferred and less suitable host than many other hosts, such as Dendrolimus punctatus, Actias selene ningpoane, Philosamia cynthia, A. pernyi, C. cephalonica, within the host-species range of T. dendrolimi, the parasitoid has the potential to achieve 50–60% or even higher rates of parasitization of O. furnacalis eggs in corn fields under suitable conditions, and could be used in the biological control of the pest.  相似文献   

European corn borer larvae, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) that have completed development on Event 176 Bt corn hybrids have survived exposure to sublethal doses of the Cry1Ab Bt toxin or are exploiting plant tissues that do not express the toxin. To evaluate the impact of such exposure, diapausing larvae were collected from Event 176 and conventional hybrids and compared for rates of pupation, parasitism, fitness (pupal weight, longevity, and fecundity) and susceptibility to the Cry1Ab toxin. Larvae completing development on Event 176 corn exhibited approximately 10% higher survival rates and correspondingly lower parasitism rates than larvae completing development on conventional hybrids. No significant differences were detected in pupal weight, fecundity, longevity or susceptibility to the Cry1Ab Bt toxin. These results indicate that survival on Event 176 corn are not adversely affect fitness and does not cause increased tolerance to the Cry1Ab toxin in subsequent generations.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to identify a trait that changes quickly during Trichogramma mass rearing, and that could therefore be used to monitor stock deterioration. Quality deterioration in mass reared Trichogramma wasps was evaluated by examining host acceptance behaviour of Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) on the target host Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). We compared three replicate lines (designated ‘E’) reared in the laboratory on the factitious host Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) for 27 generations, a line ‘O’ reared in the laboratory on O. nubilalis for 24 generations, and a line ‘F’ reared in the laboratory on O. nubilalis for only two generations. All lines were initiated from field collections of O. nubilalis egg masses. We also evaluated natal host effects by rearing each line on E. kuehniella as well as on O. nubilalis for the last generation prior to testing. The percentage of wasps accepting the O. nubilalis egg mass was significantly higher for the E lines (69.6%) than for the F line (46.5%), while wasps of the O line showed intermediate (57.4%) acceptance. Thus, wasps laboratory reared on E. kuehniella performed better than wasps which had recently been collected in the field. Wasps of the O line showed extended probing behaviour compared to the other lines. Lines did not differ in the duration from the first host contact to the beginning of the drilling, probing or trembling behaviour. Natal host (E. kuehniella or O. nubilalis) did not affect acceptance of the target host O. nubilalis. Even though there is some evidence of adaptation to laboratory rearing conditions, we found no indication for quality deterioration in terms of acceptance behaviour of the target host O. nubilalis when T. brassicae was mass reared on the factitious host E. kuehniella.  相似文献   

The ability of non‐crop plants to support complete development of insect pests is an important factor for determining the impact of those plants on resistance management programs for transgenic crops. We assessed the effect of one physical factor, plant stem diameter, on the ability of plants to support full development of the European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), the target pest of transgenic Bt‐corn. In the field, European corn borer larvae were significantly more likely to tunnel and survive in plants with larger stem diameters. Larvae were 40× more likely to survive on corn, the largest plant tested, compared to many of the smaller plants. In the laboratory, larvae were more likely to survive in and less likely to abandon the largest diet‐filled artificial stems that varied only in stem diameter. In conditions simulating those that an ECB larvae would encounter upon abandoning a host, larvae survived up to three weeks and were able to locate corn as a new host with a significantly higher frequency than would be expected if they were foraging randomly. These results indicate that the probability of ECB larval survival to maturity on a plant other than corn is relatively low and thus these smaller stemmed non‐corn plants may not make a substantial contribution to the pool of susceptible adults. Conversely, since more mature larvae are not as susceptible as neonates, any larvae that partially develop on non‐corn plants and subsequently colonize Bt‐corn may not be exposed to a lethal dose of the toxin. Since some proportion of the individuals that survive could be partially resistant heterozygotes the presence of non‐corn host plants could facilitate the development of resistant ECB populations.  相似文献   

Cold storage of Trichogramma ostriniae reared on Sitotroga cerealella eggs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Efficient storage of the biological controlagent Trichogramma ostriniae couldimprove current parasitoid production methodsby making the system more flexible andefficient. Initial studies compared emergencerates of T. ostriniae reared onSitotroga cerealella eggs held at 6 °C, 9 °C, 12 °C,15 °C, and 24 °C for up to 8 weeks after parasitism.At 15 °C, emergence occurred in <2 weeks.Emeregence was >80% for parasitized eggsstored at 9 °C and 12 °C for 4 and 6 weeksrespectively. Storage at 6 °C caused asignificant decline in emergence after 2 weeks. Subsequent trials focused on fitness of storedT. ostriniae. Percentage of emergedfemales parasitizing eggs, female longevity,and fecundity were quantified after storage.The percentage of females successfullyparasitizing O. nubilalis eggs wasgreatest for the 9 °C four-week treatment(100%). Compared to 24 °C controls, storage at12 °C for 6 weeks or at 9 °C for 8 weeks reduced thepercentage of females parasitizing. Longevityof females held in cold storage was generallyless than that of controls. Rates of parasitismby stored Trichogramma was generallysimilar to controls after 2 to 4 weeks' storageat 9 °C and 12 °C but declined with storage longerthan 4 weeks. Emergence of progeny of cold-storedfemales was lower than controls for alltreatments. The percentage of female progenyfrom cold stored females was comparable tocontrols up to 4 weeks of storage.  相似文献   

The efficiency ofTrichogramma brassicae inundative releases in biological control of the European corn borerOstrinia nubilalis was analyzed in seven plots of 504 plants, each situated in a corn field naturally infested by the European corn borer. Different strategies ofTrichogramma releases were defined on the seven plots. These inundative releases were concluded to be highly efficient even on plots where there were either no parasitoid release or only one parasitoid release at the beginning of the egg mass laying period.  相似文献   

The titres of free amino acids present in the haemolymph of diapausing larvae of the southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella and the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, were examined. High titres of serine were found in the haemolymph of both species. Serine may serve as a storage form of compounds that are required for the synthesis of uric acid and other purines. The high titres of proline found in the haemolymph of O. nubilalis during the fall and winter may contribute to the freezing tolerance of this species. Alanine accumulated in the haemolymph of both species during the winter.  相似文献   

The ability of non-crop plants to support complete development of insect pests is an important factor for determining the impact of those plants on resistance management programs for transgenic crops. We assessed the effect of one physical factor, plant stem diameter, on the ability of plants to support full development of the European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), the target pest of transgenic Bt-corn. In the field, European corn borer larvae were significantly more likely to tunnel and survive in plants with larger stem diameters. Larvae were 40× more likely to survive on corn, the largest plant tested, compared to many of the smaller plants. In the laboratory, larvae were more likely to survive in and less likely to abandon the largest diet-filled artificial stems that varied only in stem diameter. In conditions simulating those that an ECB larvae would encounter upon abandoning a host, larvae survived up to three weeks and were able to locate corn as a new host with a significantly higher frequency than would be expected if they were foraging randomly. These results indicate that the probability of ECB larval survival to maturity on a plant other than corn is relatively low and thus these smaller stemmed non-corn plants may not make a substantial contribution to the pool of susceptible adults. Conversely, since more mature larvae are not as susceptible as neonates, any larvae that partially develop on non-corn plants and subsequently colonize Bt-corn may not be exposed to a lethal dose of the toxin. Since some proportion of the individuals that survive could be partially resistant heterozygotes the presence of non-corn host plants could facilitate the development of resistant ECB populations.  相似文献   

Three isolates of Beauveria bassiana were evaluated under laboratory conditions for pathogenicity against the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis. Dose-mortality regressions and nonparametric statistical analyses revealed significant differences in pathogenicity between isolates and across O. nubilalis instars. First instars were found to be the most susceptible of the five larval stages. Little difference was noted for instars 2, 3, and 5 within any of the three B. bassiana isolates. Fourth instar larvae were found to be the most tolerant in all cases.  相似文献   

Abstract. To test the relative importance of genetic and environmental factors in host preferences of Trichogramma maidis Pint. & Voeg., a polyphagous parasitoid, the oviposition behaviour was analysed on two host species: Anagasta kuehniella used for mass rearing) and Ostrinia nubilalis a target pest). Females were compared according to the species on which they had been reared, and to that on which they had an oviposition experience. To quantify an oviposition sequence, the most frequent behavioural succession was established for each experimental situation, individual sequences were then compared with this standard one to count the number of additional behaviours. An affinity coefficient positively related to host acceptance was then calculated from these additional behaviours. A preference for O.nubilalis versus A kuehniella appeared, but rearing on A. kuehniella enhanced the level of spontaneous affinity for this unnatural host. These initial preferences were modified by an oviposition experience: the affinity for a given host was higher after an oviposition on the same species, which suggests a female's ability to learn. This learning ability was higher on the non-preferred host, which led to an equivalent final parasitic performance on both hosts. Moreover, the learning ability was specific to a given host, since the oviposition on a given species did not provide any improvement in the level of affinity for the other species.  相似文献   

The electroantennogram (EAG) response of male moths of the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) to their two pheromone components, (Z)- and (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetates, were studied. The EAG amplitude of the fast initial phase was approximately proportional to the antennal length. Local EAG responses were obtained along the length of the antenna with multiple electrodes. Response-interaction studies indicated a unique spread of the EAG response in a proximal direction in the antenna. A possible mechanism of the EAG summation was considered. The EAG response characteristic was similar for both (Z)- and (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate along the length of the antenna.  相似文献   

The in vivo incubation period of Beauveria bassiana mycosis of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, was found to vary in response to temperature of incubation, level of initial exposure (dose), and the age of the host larvae. Incubation temperature was found to be the dominant factor affecting disease development within each of the host instars examined, while dose produced significant effects only in the early instars. A nonlinear regression model was used to construct three-dimensional stimulus-response surfaces for each host instar. This model has provided reasonable predictions of the disease incubation period when used within the temperature regimes found throughout New York State.  相似文献   

The ecdysteroid titres of last-instar prediapausing, diapausing and nondiapausing larvae of Ostrinia nubilalis were determined by radioimmunoassay. In the nondiapause larvae a major peak of ecdysteroid activity preceded pupation by 24 h and continued through the pupal ecdysis. This peak was correlated with head and thorax critical periods as well as with changes in behaviour and physiology marking the transition from feeding larva to prepupa. Nondiapause larvae also displayed a rise in ecdysteroid titre during the feeding phase of development. This rise was approx one tenth that of the major peak and lasted 32 h. It was not correlated with any overt changes in larval physiology or behaviour. The diapause ecdysteroid profile was distinctive in that the levels measured were all lower than the lowest of the nondiapause curve. No peaks were observed in the diapause titres. Prepupal changes such as spinning and the cessation of feeding were not correlated with any increase in ecdysteroid levels. During diapause termination, under a long-day photoperiod, no increases in ecdysteroid titre were observed for the first 10 days. After 12 days individuals began to show ecdysteroids above the diapause levels. Pupation started after 16 long days.  相似文献   

Trichogramma evanescens West. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) and Copidosoma desantisi Annecke & Mynhardt (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) are potential parasitoids of the potato tuber moth (PTM), Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in Egypt. Discrimination of a parasitized host from an unparasitized host would prevent wasting of time, eggs and reduce competition with conspecifics or heterospecifics. Therefore, we evaluated interspecific host discrimination, multiparasitism and intrinsic competition between the two wasp species. In a choice test, females of T. evanescens showed high interspecific host discrimination only when they were offered 2-day-old C. desantisi parasitized and unparasitized PTM eggs. In contrast, C. desantisi showed high host discrimination and preferred unparasitized eggs to PTM eggs harboring 2-h- or 2-day-old T. evanescens’ eggs. We also evaluated the effect of different introduction sequences on the efficacy of the two wasps. Dissection data indicated that the two parasitoids had a negative impact on each other. There was a significant reduction in the total number of deposited eggs as well as total number of parasitized hosts by each parasitoid. Regarding the rearing experiment, the total number of T. evanescens-induced black eggs or C. desantisi formed mummies in combined treatments was significantly lower than in single parasitoid treatments (control). Moreover, C. desantisi was inferior and did not develop from any multiparasitized host regardless of oviposition order. It was suggested that combined release of the two wasps would not elevate rate of parasitism over that of single parasitoid treatments and competition between them would reduce their efficacy.  相似文献   

Females of the parasitoid wasp Trichogramma turkestanica Meyer (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) generally host feed after ovipositing on the first egg of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) they encounter. We measured the impact of host feeding on the fecundity and longevity of females, in absence of host or food, and on the fitness of their progeny. We also determined if the frequency of host feeding is influenced by the humidity level at which T. turkestanica females developed. Host feeding increased egg production by 70% but decreased female longevity. This impact of host feeding on the longevity of females is probably due to the allocation of carbohydrates to egg production at the expense of somatic maintenance. Humidity did not influence the occurrence or duration of host feeding. The size of individuals developing in eggs on which females host fed was smaller, indicating that their fitness was affected.  相似文献   

The diapause biology of the European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübn.), is described based on natural and controlled environment studies of feral and lab-reared ECB's in North Carolina (NC). The diapause response is described as a function of photophase (h of light/day) as well as a function of larval age (instar) at onset of diapause-inducing conditions. A critical photophase of 14.4 h and a critical mean larval instar of 3.3 is found in the lab studies and supported by three years of insectary studies. Seven years of black light trapping of ECB moths in Goldsboro, NC, revealed the likelihood of up to four moth flights/year.Information about the diapause biology of this insect is used to explain both the number of flights and the relative magnitude of the final moth flights. On average, the majority of ECB lineages pass through three generations/year with early maturing ECB's producing a significant and predictable fourth generation. The timing and magnitude of the fourth flight can be partly explained on the basis of the critical photophase and the timing and age structure of previous ECB generations. In most years, the fourth flight is smaller than the third due to the majority of the fourth generation's predisposition towards diapause. However, in at least one case (1977), the fourth flight was unusually large and could be predicted by slight temporal shifts in the previous three flights resulting in the majority of the fourth generation larvae averting diapause. The value of the ECB-diapause interaction as a model system for the explanation and prediction of dynamic phenological events is discussed.
Résumé La diapause d'O. nubilalis Hubn. est décrite d'après des études en conditions naturelles et programmées de souches sauvages ou élevées au laboratoire en Caroline du Nord. La diapause est décrite comme une fonction de la photophase (heures de jour/24 heures) et du stade larvaire au début des conditions inductrices de la diapause. Une photophase critique de 14,4 h et un stade critique larvaire de 3,3 ont été établis au laboratoire après 3 ans d'études en insectarium. 7 ans de piégeage à la lumière noire à Goldsboro, ont montré la vraisemblance de l'existence de 4 vols par an. Les données sur la diapause de cet insecte sont utilisées pour expliquer tant le nombre de vols que l'importance relative des derniers vols. En moyenne, la majorité des lignées ont 3 générations par an, O. nubilalis précoces produisant une quatrième génération conséquente et prédictible. La data et l'importance du 4ème vol peuvent être partiellement expliquées d'après la photophase critique, et la data et la structure en âge des générations précédentes. La plupart des années, le 4ème vol est moins important que le 3ème par suite de la prédisposition à la diapause de la majorité de la 4ème génération. Cependant, dans un cas au moins, en 1977, le 4ème était anormalement important et pouvait être prédit par de faibles changements temporels dans les 3 précédents vols, détournant de la diapause la majorité des chenilles de 4ème génération. La discussion porte sur la valeur du modèle fourni par la diapause de O. nubilalis pour expliquer et prédire la dynamique des évéments phénologiques.

Abstract. The response specificity of males of two races, and hybrids, of the European corn borer moth, to a large series of doses/ratios of E- and Z11-14:OAc, was determined in a sustained-flight tunnel. For both races an area of peak response was determined, which included the natural ratio eliciting peak levels of source contact, and other treatments eliciting response profiles over the behavioural sequence not significantly different from the peak. Consistent with studies on other moth species response specificity was controlled by two threshold effects, one affecting locking-on to odour plumes of lower doses and off-ratios containing lower proportions of the E or Z isomer than the natural blend, and the other resulting in arrestment of upwind flight to higher doses and off-ratios containing higher proportions of the E or Z isomer man the natural blend. A comparison of the size of the areas of peak response showed that males of the univoltine Z race (UZ) using a 3:97 E:Z mix displayed greater specificity and sensitivity than did males of the bivoltine E race (BE) responding to a 99:1 E:Z pheromone mix. At doses higher than those eliciting peak response (<100 μg) response specificity was lower for both races, but especially for the BE race, with increased levels of upwind flight and source contact occurring to off-ratios. Finally, consistent with a previous behaviour/genetic study on this species, F1 hybrid males displayed peak levels of source contact not only to their natural isomer ratio (65:35 E:Z), but also to an expanded range of doses of ratios ranging from 2% to 98% E.  相似文献   

Summary A substance immunologically related to mammalian insulin was demonstrated by immunofluorescence in one of five types of neurosecretory cells in the protocerebrum of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis. This A2 cell type contains a secretory material stainable with paraldehyde fuchsin.E.R.A. CNRS n° 850  相似文献   

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