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The mimp1 element previously identified in the ascomycete fungus Fusarium oxysporum has hallmarks of miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs): short size, terminal inverted repeats (TIRs), structural homogeneity, and a stable secondary structure. Since mimp1 has no coding capacity, its mobilization requires a transposase-encoding element. On the basis of the similarity of TIRs and target-site preference with the autonomous Tc1-like element impala, together with a correlated distribution of both elements among the Fusarium genus, we investigated the ability of mimp1 to jump upon expression of the impala transposase provided in trans. Under these conditions, we present evidence that mimp1 transposes by a cut-and-paste mechanism into TA dinucleotides, which are duplicated upon insertion. Our results also show that mimp1 reinserts very frequently in genic regions for at least one-third of the cases. We also show that the mimp1/impala double-component system is fully functional in the heterologous species F. graminearum, allowing the development of a highly efficient tool for gene tagging in filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

Horizontally acquired genetic information in bacterial chromosomes accumulates in blocks termed genomic islands. Tn7‐like transposons form genomic islands at a programmed insertion site in bacterial chromosomes, attTn7. Transposition involves five transposon‐encoded genes (tnsABCDE) including an atypical heteromeric transposase. One transposase subunit, TnsB, is from the large family of bacterial transposases, the second, TnsA, is related to endonucleases. A regulator protein, TnsC, functions with different target site selecting proteins to recognize different targets. TnsD directs transposition into attTn7, while TnsE encourages horizontal transmission by targeting mobile plasmids. Recent work suggests that distantly related elements with heteromeric transposases exist with alternate targeting pathways that also facilitate the formation of genomic islands. Tn6230 and related elements can be found at a single position in a gene of unknown function (yhiN) in various bacteria as well as in mobile plasmids. Another group we term Tn6022‐like elements form pathogenicity islands in the Acinetobacter baumannii comM gene. We find that Tn6022‐like elements also appear to have an uncharacterized mechanism for provoking internal transposition and deletion events that serve as a conduit for evolving new elements. As a group, heteromeric transposase elements utilize diverse target site selection mechanisms adapted to the spread and rearrangement of genomic islands.  相似文献   

We have studied a nuclear family containing a single child with severe beta-thalassemia intermedia, a Greek-Cypriot mother with hematological findings of beta-thalassemia trait, and a Polish father who is hematologically normal. Since both the child and her father were heterozygous for a DNA polymorphism within the beta-globin gene, it was possible to clone and sequence the beta-globin gene identical by descent from both the child and her father. A nonsense mutation in codon 121 (GAA----TAA) was found in the beta-globin gene of the child, while the same gene from her father lacked this mutation and was normal. This mutation has not been previously observed among over 200 beta-thalassemia genes characterized in Caucasians. Since the mutation eliminates an EcoRI site in the beta-globin gene, we could show that the mutation is not present in genomic DNA of the father. To rule out germinal mosaicism, sperm DNA of the father was also digested with EcoRI, and the mutant EcoRI fragment was not observed under conditions that would detect the mutation if it were present in at least 2% of sperm cells. Routine HLA and blood group testing supported stated paternity. In addition, studies with 17 DNA probes that detect multiple allele polymorphisms increased the probability of stated paternity to at least 10(8):1. These data provide evidence that the G----T change in codon 121 of the beta-globin gene in the child is the result of a spontaneous mutation that occurred during spermatogenesis in a paternal germ cell.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular ataxia, nma, is a new autosomal recessive mutation that arose spontaneously in CBA/J inbred mice at The Jackson Laboratory. The mutation, now maintained on the B6C3FeF1 hybrid background, when homozygous, causes small size, uncoordinated gait, dysmetria, dystonia, general weakness, and death shortly after weaning. No biochemical or morphological abnormalities have been detected. We used an intercross between the B6C3FeF1 mutant and CAST/Ei to map the nma mutation to the proximal end of Chr 12. The most likely gene order places the mutation between D12Mit270 and D12Mit54, non-recombinant with D12Mit2 in 96 tested meioses. Received: 27 March 2000 / Accepted: 17 May 2000  相似文献   

We analyzed the nature of spontaneous mutations at the autosomal locus coding for adenine phosphoribosyltransferase in the human colorectal carcinoma cell line SW620 to establish whether distinctive mutational pathways exist that might underlie the more complex genome rearrangements arising in tumor cells. Point mutations occur at a low rate in aprt hemizygotes derived from SW620, largely as a result of base substitutions at G.C base pairs to yield transversions and transitions. However, a novel pathway is evident in the form of multiple dispersed mutations in which two errors, separated by as much as 1,800 bp, fall in the same mutant gene. Such mutations could be the result of error-prone DNA synthesis occurring during normal replication or during long-patch excision-repair of spontaneously arising DNA lesions. This process could also contribute to the chromosomal instability evident in these tumor cells.  相似文献   

The hobo transposable element contains a polymorphic microsatellite sequence located in its coding region, the TPE repeats. Previous surveys of natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster have detected at least seven different hobo transposons. These natural populations are geographically structured with regard to TPE polymorphism, and a scenario has been proposed for the invasion process. Natural populations have recently been completely invaded by hobo elements with three TPE repeats. New elements then appeared by mutation, triggering a new stage of invasion by other elements. Since TPE polymorphism appeared over a short period of time, we focused on estimating the mutation rate of these TPE repeats. We used transgenic lines harboring three TPE and/or five TPE hobo elements that had been evolving for at least 16 generations to search for a new TPE repeat polymorphism. We detected three mutants, with four, seven, and eight TPE repeats, respectively. The estimated mutation rate of the TPE repeats is therefore higher than that of neutral microsatellites in D. melanogaster (4.2 x 10-4 versus 6.5 x 10-6). The role of the transposition mechanism and the particular structure of the TPE repeats of the hobo element in this increase in the mutation rate are discussed.  相似文献   

Lu F  Craig NL 《The EMBO journal》2000,19(13):3446-3457
Tn7 transposition has been hypothesized to require a heteromeric transposase formed by two Tn7-encoded proteins, TnsA and TnsB, and accessory proteins that activate the transposase when they are associated with an appropriate target DNA. This study investigates the mechanism of Tn7 transposase activation by isolation and analysis of transposase gain-of-function mutants that are active in the absence of these accessory proteins. This work shows directly that TnsA and TnsB are essential and sufficient components of the Tn7 transposase and also provides insight into the signals that activate the transposase. We also describe a protein-protein interaction between TnsA and TnsC, a regulatory accessory protein, that is likely to be critical for transposase activation.  相似文献   

Transposition in plants: a molecular model   总被引:47,自引:14,他引:33       下载免费PDF全文
A molecular model for transposition of plant transposable elements is described. This process may occur via excision and re-integration of the element. Excision generates DNA sequence diversity which suggests the participation of DNA repair enzymes in the healing of the donor molecule.  相似文献   

转座酶的人工改造与修饰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周倩倩  周明兵 《生物工程学报》2014,30(10):1504-1514
转座子是基因组中能发生移动和自主复制的DNA片段,随着人们在分子水平上对转座子结构和功能认识的不断深化,许多转座子已被改造为遗传分析的工具应用于基因功能分析、基因转化和基因治疗。然而,天然转座子的转座能力不高是转座子的开发和利用的主要障碍,近几年来,科学家们运用生物信息学和蛋白质工程相结合的方法来构建活性的转座酶,通过氨基酸优化的方法获得自然界不存在的超活性的转座酶,显著地提高了转座子的转座效率,应用于植物转基因和基因标签技术;另一方面,通过蛋白质融合技术构建转座酶嵌合体,改造转座子插入特性,实现其插入位点的人工调控,应用于基因治疗。  相似文献   

Mutations in an organism’s genome can arise spontaneously, that is, in the absence of exogenous stress and prior to selection. Mutations are often neutral or deleterious to individual fitness but can also provide genetic diversity driving evolution. Mutagenesis in bacteria contributes to the already serious and growing problem of antibiotic resistance. However, the negative impacts of spontaneous mutagenesis on human health are not limited to bacterial antibiotic resistance. Spontaneous mutations also underlie tumorigenesis and evolution of drug resistance. To better understand the causes of genetic change and how they may be manipulated in order to curb antibiotic resistance or the development of cancer, we must acquire a mechanistic understanding of the major sources of mutagenesis. Bacterial systems are particularly well-suited to studying mutagenesis because of their fast growth rate and the panoply of available experimental tools, but efforts to understand mutagenic mechanisms can be complicated by the experimental system employed. Here, we review our current understanding of mutagenic mechanisms in bacteria and describe the methods used to study mutagenesis in bacterial systems.  相似文献   

A Haemophilus influenzae strain carrying a competence-enhancing mutation (sxy-1) was selected by transformation of a mutagenized culture in exponential growth at low cell density, where spontaneous competence is very rare. Under these conditions, sxy-1 cells spontaneously transformed 100 to 1,000 times more efficiently than wild-type cells. Moreover, sxy-1 cells responded to all known competence-inducing treatments with further increases in transformation frequency. At high cell densities, sxy-1 cells spontaneously developed the level of competence reached by wild-type cells only after maximal induction by transfer to starvation medium. The sxy-1 mutation appears to act early in the sequence of events leading to competence; it increased the competence of cells carrying the early-acting transformation-defective (Tfo-) mutation tfo-98 by as large a factor as it did the competence of wild-type cells, but it had no effect when combined with another early-acting Tfo- mutation (tfo-87) or with the late-acting Tfo- mutation rec-2.  相似文献   

A DNA methyl-binding column was used to isolate genomic fragments enriched for DNA-methylation from Aspergillus parasiticus. One of the isolated sequences presented 67% identity at the protein level with the transposase from the transposable element Tan1 of Aspergillus niger var. awamori, and was found to be present in at least 20 copies in the Aspergillus oryzae database. Analysis of four copies showed evidence of C:G to T:A transitions in at least 98.2% of the mutations found over a 1,032-1,180 bp region spanning a large part of the transposase sequence. Using copy specific primers three sequences were amplified from a different strain of A. oryzae and a similar pattern of C:G to T:A transitions was found. These transitions are similar to those observed in RIP, in Neurospora crassa, where cytosine-methylation is believed to be involved. Using methylation-sensitive Southern blotting, no evidence of methylation was found in the transposase sequences in these two A. oryzae strains as well as one A. parasiticus and one Aspergillus flavus strain.  相似文献   

To estimate the efficacy of mechanisms which may prevent or repair thermal damage to DNA in thermophilic archaea, a quantitative assay of forward mutation at extremely high temperature was developed for Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, based on the selection of pyrimidine-requiring mutants resistant to 5-fluoro-orotic acid. Maximum-likelihood analysis of spontaneous mutant distributions in wild-type cultures yielded maximal estimates of (2.8 +/- 0.7) x 10(-7) and (1.5 +/- 0.6) x 10(-7) mutational events per cell per division cycle for the pyrE and pyrF loci, respectively. To our knowledge, these results provide the first accurate measurement of the genetic fidelity maintained by archaea that populate geothermal environments. The measured rates of forward mutation at the pyrE and pyrF loci in S. acidocaldarius are close to corresponding rates reported for protein-encoding genes of Escherichia coli. The normal rate of spontaneous mutation in E. coli at 37 degrees C is known to require the functioning of several enzyme systems that repair spontaneous damage in DNA. Our results provide indirect evidence that S. acidocaldarius has cellular mechanisms, as yet unidentified, which effectively compensate for the higher chemical instability of DNA at the temperatures and pHs that prevail within growing Sulfolobus cells.  相似文献   

Summary The rate of mutation at which the gene for haemophilia appears in the population of London is estimated at about once in 50,000 human life cycles. There are probably two distinct allelomorphs at the same locus, the milder type arising less frequently by mutation than the severe type. I have to thank Dr Julia Bell and Dr C. V. Green for most generously placing at my disposal data collected on behalf of the Medical Research Council and the Research Committee of the American Medical Association.  相似文献   

Senescence-Accelerated Mouse (SAM) strains are used as animal models for gerontological research. Here, we report that the SAMR1 strain, which shows a high sensitivity to toxicity of the parasiticide ivermectin, has a spontaneous retroviral insertional mutation in the ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 1A (Abcb1a) gene. This mutation is identical to that found in Crl:CF1-Abcb1a mice, which are also highly sensitive to ivermectin due to the mutation. The mutant Abcb1a allele was found in SAMR4, SAMR5, SAMP1, SAMP6, SAMP7, and SAMP9, but not in SAMP3, SAMP8, SAMP10, SAMP11, and other outbred and inbred strains, including 129/SvJ strains. These results impart both caution and promise in the use of SAM strains in studies of biological processes in which P-glycoprotein participates.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage Mu is characterized by a phenomenon similar to the transposition immunity of TnA: the frequency of transposition of Mu or mini-Mu into plasmids containing certain phage sequences is reduced by two orders of magnitude. In order to lend transposition immunity to Mu, the recipient replicon must contain a sequence of phage DNA including a 5.1 kb early region from the c-end of Mu. The product of the kil (or cim) gene takes part in establishing the immunity. The transposition immunity of Mu is connected with the disturbance of cointegrate formation.  相似文献   

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