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哺乳动物线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA)位于线粒体.当细胞中mtDNA发生突变时,就会出现野生型与突变型mtDNA的共存.这种情况被称为mtDNA异质性.从mtDNA异质性的形成到在表型上引起相应的病变是一个复杂的过程.mtDNA异质性是如何形成和其在特异组织的增殖复制,mtDNA异质性的变化对个体的影响,如何提高mtDNA突变负荷检测的精度和灵敏度都是近些年的研究热点.本文对mtDNA异质性的检测、遗传、组织特异性以及其相关的疾病等方面进行了阐述.  相似文献   

刘芳  张兰 《实验生物学报》2002,35(3):243-247
To create human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-transferred cells as cell model of mitochondria defects-related diseases, platelet of normal young and old subjects were isolated as donor of mtDNA, then fused with mtDNA-depleted cells (rho0 cells) under induction of PEG1500. Auxtrophy test, cytochrome c oxidase activity assay and PCR amplification of mtDNA were done to confirm the transferring of mtDNA. Cell clones were visible in the medium 10 to 15 days after fusion, which grew well in medium lacking uridine, had positive COX activity and contained objective fragment of mtDNA by PCR, opposite to rho0 cells. Transferring of mtDNA to rho0 cells was identified, and mtDNA-transferred cell models were successfully created.  相似文献   

人类线粒体DNA变异的检测方法和思路   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于线粒体DNA(mtDNA)的研究对于人群源流迁移、线粒体相关疾病病因的探讨和法医鉴定等具有重意义,就检测人线粒体突变的一些常用方法,如RFLP、SSO和控制区测序等作一小结和归纳,并重点介绍目前mtDNA突变的筛选方法和思路,另外,还总结了近年来对人mtDNA方面的研究结果,对世界人群中主要单倍型类群(haplogroup)特征变异位点和相应的酶切检测引物作了归纳。  相似文献   

线粒体是存在于绝大多数真核细胞内的一种基本的重要的细胞器,其具有相对独立的遗传系统。线粒体基因在真核生物具有高保守性,线粒体DNA(mtDNA)已被广泛应用于发病机理、临床诊断、遗传变异、生物进化等多方面的研究。1981年,Anderson用氯化铯密度梯度分离得到线粒体DNA(mtDNA),进行了全序列分析。此后,mtDNA的研究日益得到重视。已有的mtDNA提取方法概括起来可分为密度梯度离心法、酶消化法、柱层析法、氯化铯超速离心法、碱变性法和改进高盐沉淀法等,通过对以上方法的比较,发现改进高盐沉淀法具有简便、经济、易重复等优点。  相似文献   

线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA mtDNA)的异质性自从被发现以来,一直被遗传学、进化学、发育遗传学以及法医遗传学、分子生物学领域所重视。由于线粒体异质性的存在,使得很多涉及疾病、进化、系统发育线粒体基因组与核基因组的相互作用关系、线粒体DNA复制机制以及法医学运用线粒体DNA进行实际案件评估的问题变得复杂化。此外线粒体DNA异质性的发生原因以及对线粒体异质性的检测方法标准化问题还没有一个统一的答案。针对线粒体DNA异质性带来的种种问题,近年来国内外取得了不少研究进展。  相似文献   

ASimpleProcedureforPreparationmtDNAinYeastJinJianlingGaoDongSunZhongdong(MicrobiologyDepartment,ShandongUniversity,Jinan250100)目前,制备酵母mtDNA的常用方法大致有两类:一是先提取混合DNA(核DNA+mtDNA),再通过CsCI密度梯度离心或柱层析法分离纯化mtDNA(’,’,”’;二是先通过蔗糖不连续梯度超离心法分离纯化线粒体,再从线粒体中提取mtDNA”’。这些方法虽然能够得到纯度较高的mtDNA,但超离心法需要配套设备(超速离心机等),柱层析法对样品的回收浓缩比较复杂。本文报道的制备mtDNA的方法,不需…  相似文献   

线粒体 DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)是线粒体内最重要的遗传物质。mtDNA 突变普 遍存在,突变型 mtDNA 与野生型 mtDNA 共存的现象被称为 mtDNA 异质性。mtDNA 异质性与衰老和多种疾病密切相关。mtDNA异质性特性、mtDNA 异质性与衰老和疾病相关性以及线粒体疾病的治疗等都是近年来遗传学研究的热点。本文从 mtDNA 异质性的动态变化、组织特异性、mtDNA 异质性与疾病以及线粒体疾病的治疗等方面对 mtDNA 异质性进行综述。  相似文献   

一种改进的动物线粒体DNA提取方法   总被引:91,自引:11,他引:80  
王文  施立明 《动物学研究》1993,14(2):197-198
线粒体DNA(mtDNA)已被广泛用于动物群体遗传学和进化生物学的研究,并取得了许多有意义的结果。有效的mtDNA提取方法无疑是开展这方面研究的前提。关于动物mtDNA的提取方法,国内外已有不少报导。概括起来,可分为:1)氯化铯超速离心法,2)柱层析法,3)DNase法,4)碱变性法。本文报道了一种改进的碱变性提取法,与其它方法相比,具有应用范围广、简便、经济等优点。  相似文献   

线粒体DNA突变与肿瘤发生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
线粒体是哺乳动物细胞内唯一含有核外遗传物质的细胞器。由于其自身的特征以及所处的环境等因素,较之于nDNA,mtDNA更容易受到损伤因子的攻击。mtDNA突变,mtDNA片段整合入核基因组等可能与肿瘤的发生以及肿瘤表型的产生有较为密切的关系。深入研究线粒体及其基因组的结构和表达调控,探讨核质关系,对于阐明细胞癌变的机制可能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

小麦线粒体DNA的高效提取方法   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
李文强  张改生  汪奎  牛娜  潘栋梁 《遗传》2007,29(6):771-775
以小麦黄化苗为材料, 通过简单差速离心、DNaseⅠ处理得到无核DNA杂质的线粒体, 用SDS和蛋白酶K裂解线粒体, 经酚/氯仿抽提除去蛋白, 并用RNase A消化而得到单纯线粒体DNA(mtDNA)。对所提取的mtDNA进行紫外吸收光度分析, A260/A280 平均为1.92, A260/A230 平均为2.09, 平均每克黄化苗可提取mtDNA 26.85 mg; 并对mtDNA进行琼脂糖凝胶电泳和RAPD扩增, 均得到清晰的电泳图谱。结果表明: 此提取方法得到的mtDNA, 不但产率高、结构完整, 而且能有效去除核DNA、RNA和蛋白质等杂质, 获得高质量的mtDNA用于PCR反应和各种遗传学分析。研究还发现, 通过调整线粒体裂解温度(先50℃裂解1 h, 再37℃裂解1 h), 亦可大幅度提高mtDNA的产率。  相似文献   

五种鲟鱼线粒体控制区异质性和系统发育分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用保守引物得到五种鲟鱼的线粒体DNA(mtDNA)控制区(D-loop)全长,长度在795~813 bp。序列中包括了CBS(conserved sequence block)和TAS(termination-associated sequence)区域。利用最大似然法、最大简约法和贝叶斯法构建了系统发育树,发育树分成两枝,呈现明显的生物地理分布。分析表明,现有的鳇属鱼类不是单系群起源。五种鲟鱼D-loop序列都存在长度和数目不等串联重复序列,长度在78~82 bp之间,重复序列拷贝数在4~6次不等,因此造成了mtDNA广泛的异质性现象。不同种类的重复序列单元十分相似,达氏鳇和史氏鲟重复序列单元相似度为82.93%,西伯利亚鲟和俄罗斯鲟重复序列单元相似度为90.59%。在串联重复序列后是一段不完全重复序列。通过与已有同种的重复序列比对发现不同鲟鱼重复序列相同,不同地理区域相同物种的重复序列可能发生过分子内重组。这些表明重复序列在鲟鱼进化上具有相关意义,推测重复序列可能产生在种分化前,重组发生在种分化后。  相似文献   

More than 150 pathogenic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations associated with a range of illnesses have been described in humans. These mutations are carried by one in 400 people and their inheritance is exclusively maternal. Currently there is no method to prevent mtDNA diseases, which highlights the need for strategies to predict their transmission. Here we outline the scientific background and unique difficulties in understanding the transmission of mtDNA diseases, explaining why their management has lagged so far behind the genetics revolution. Moreover, both current and future management options, including cytoplasmic and nuclear transfer, are also discussed.  相似文献   

食源性病毒及其检测方法*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
食源性病毒是指以食物为载体,导致人类发生疾病的病毒。按照病毒的不同来源,食源性病毒可分为肠道食源性病毒和人畜共患的食源性病毒两大类,肠道食源性病毒包括以粪便直接或间接污染食物,通过粪口途径使病毒传播给人类的病毒;人畜共患的食源性病毒是指一些人畜共患,以畜禽产品为载体传播的病毒。本阐述了食源性病毒的种类、生物学特性、流行病学特征、研究现状,阐明了近年来以PCR为基础的分子生物学检测方法及存在的问题,提出了食源性病毒今后进一步研究的发展方向及实际应用前景。  相似文献   

Physarum polycephalum. The conformation of Physarum mtDNA is currently thought to be circular. The inheritance of its mtDNA depends on the multiallelic mating type loci, matA. In a cross with ordinary matA combinations, the strain that has the higher matA status transmits its mtDNA to the progeny (uniparental inheritance). The mF plasmid promotes the fusion of mitochondria in the zygote and during sporulation. When it exists in a strain with a lower status matA, the mF plasmid overcomes the force of uniparental inheritance and is preferentially transmitted to the progeny via mitochondrial fusion. Moreover, the conformation of mtDNA is changed from circular to linear by recombination with the mF plasmid. Since biparental inheritance usually occurs in a cross involving a combination of matA1 and matA15, two types of inheritance of Physarum mtDNA exist. Considering the existence of the mF plasmid, there are four patterns of cytoplasmic inheritance in P. polycephalum: 1) uniparental inheritance of mtDNA, 2) uniparental inheritance of mtDNA and preferential transmission of the mF plasmid, 3) biparental inheritance of mtDNA, and 4) biparental inheritance of mtDNA and the mF plasmid. This article describes the events involved in each pattern. Finally, we discuss a hypothetical mechanism for mitochondrial fusion. The essential protein may be the ORF640 protein encoded in the mF plasmid. Received 8 March 2000/ Accepted in revised form 23 March 2000  相似文献   

To clarify the importance of deleted protein and tRNA genes on the impairment of mitochondrial function, we performed a quantitative analysis of biochemical, genetic and morphological findings in skeletal muscles of 16 patients with single deletions and 5 patients with multiple deletions of mtDNA. Clinically, all patients showed chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO). The size of deletions varied between 2.5 and 9 kb, and heteroplasmy between 31% and 94%. In patients with single deletions, the citrate synthase (CS) activity was nearly doubled. Decreased ratios of pyruvate- and succinate-dependent respiration were detected in fibers of all patients in comparison to controls. Inverse and linear correlations without thresholds were established between heteroplasmy and (i) CS referenced activities of the complexes of respiratory chain, (ii) CS referenced maximal respiratory rates, (iii) and cytochrome-c-oxidase (COX) negative fibers. In patients with single and multiple deletions, all respiratory chain complexes as well as the respiratory rates were decreased to a similar extent. All changes detected in patients with single deletions were independent of deletion size. In one patient, only genes of ND5, ND4L as well as tRNALeu(CUN), tRNASer(AGY), and tRNAHis were deleted. The pronounced decrease in COX activity in this patient points to the high pathological impact of these missing tRNA genes. The activity of nuclear encoded SDH was also significantly decreased in patients, but to a lesser extent. This is an indication of secondary disturbances of mitochondria at CPEO.In conclusion, we have shown that different deletions cause mitochondrial impairments of the same phenotype correlating with heteroplasmy. The missing threshold at the level of mitochondrial function seems to be characteristic for large-scale deletions were tRNA and protein genes are deleted.  相似文献   

Large-scale deletions of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been associated with aging and disease in post-mitotic tissues. These post-mitotic tissues, including skeletal muscle, heart and brain, are heavily dependent on intact functional mitochondria. The cochlear tissues are known to contain an abundance of mitochondria. This observation stimulated a search for mtDNA deletions in the cochlea and its elements using a sensitive nested PCR methodology and long range PCR to explain the functional deficits observed in age-related hearing loss. The presence of the so-called “common” deletion (CD) was detected in cochlear tissue from two individuals with age-related hearing loss, 73 and 78 years of age. Three additional deletions, that to our knowledge have not been previously reported, were also identified in these two individuals, including a 5354 bp deletion flanked with a 3 bp repeat, a 9682 bp deletion flanked by a 10 bp repeat and a 5142 bp deletion without a flanking repeat. The 9682 and 5142 bp deletions were also detected in an individual 39 years of age with normal hearing, however, these two deletions were not detected in a normal hearing individual 9 years of age. In contrast, the 5354 bp deletion was detected in all four of the individuals studied. To localize the deletions within the cochlea, the cochlear elements were removed by laser capture microdissection (LCM) and the mtDNA from these tissues was studied. The 5142 and 5354 bp deletions were detected in the organ of corti, spiral ligament, and ganglion cells, but not in the stria vascularis. These findings correlate with the reduction in the number of spiral ganglion cells and outer hair cells, and the normal stria vascularis volume observed in this individual. All four of these deletions involve the cytochrome c oxidase (COX) subunit III gene, encoded by mtDNA. These observations suggest that multiple mtDNA deletions may contribute to a deficit in mitochondrial function in the cochlea and result in hearing loss if a level of physiological significance is reached.  相似文献   

目的通过常用的三种不同方法对支原体的检测,了解实验用小型猪支原体感染情况,为今后实验用小型猪支原体检测方法国家标准的制定提供参考。方法采用培养法、PCR和ELISA方法分别对20头小型猪的气管、肺和血清进行检测。结果三种检测方法中,PCR方法支原体阳性检出率为15%,ELISA方法为20%,而培养法结果均为阴性。结论目前在普通级小型猪中存在支原体的感染。检测方法中PCR和ELISA方法较培养法更省时,敏感性更高。  相似文献   

Outi Haapanen  Vivek Sharma 《BBA》2018,1859(7):510-523
Respiratory complex I is a giant redox-driven proton pump, and central to energy production in mitochondria and bacteria. It catalyses the reduction of quinone to quinol, and converts the free energy released into the endergonic proton translocation across the membrane. The proton pumping sets up the proton electrochemical gradient, which propels the synthesis of ATP. Despite the availability of extensive biochemical, biophysical and structural data on complex I, the mechanism of coupling between the electron and proton transfer reactions remain uncertain. In this work, we discuss current state-of-the-art in the field with particular emphasis on the molecular mechanism of respiratory complex I, as deduced from computational modeling and simulation approaches, but in strong alliance with the experimental data. This leads to novel synthesis of mechanistic ideas on a highly complex enzyme of the electron transport chain that has been associated with a number of mitochondrial and neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

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