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记述釆自云南省怒江峡谷地区短翼蚱科2新种,即突眼狭顶蚱Systolederus oculatus sp.nov.及高黎贡山波蚱Bolivaritettix gaoligongshanensis sp.nov.。突眼狭顶蚱近似于广西狭顶蚱Systolederus guangxiensis Zheng etJiang,1998及峨眉狭顶蚱Systolederus emeiensis Zheng,1998。突眼狭顶蚱与两种的区别为:1)侧面观前胸背板上缘平直;2)前胸背板后突到达后足胫节顶末端;3)雌性下生埴板后缘具3齿;4)后足胫节黑色,具淡色环。区别于广西狭顶蚱为:1)前胸背板前缘中央微凹;2)肩部之间不具1对短纵隆线。其又区别于峨眉狭顶蚱为:1)前胸背板中隆线全长明显;2)后翅到达后突的顶末端。高黎贡山波蚱近似于九万山波蚱Bolivaritettix juwanshanensis Zheng,2005及宽顶波蚱Bolivaritettix lativertex Brunner von Wattenwyl,1893。主要区别于二者为:1)颜面隆起纵沟宽狭于触角基节宽;2)肩角圆形;3)后突到达后足胫节2/3处;4)中足股节宽狭于前翅宽;5)后足股节上侧中隆线后段具3个突起。其又区别于九万山波蚱为:1)头顶宽为1眼宽的1.5倍;2)侧面观前胸背板上缘平直;3)后翅到达后突顶末端。  相似文献   

远棒蚤属─新种记述(蚤目:臀蚤科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述了采自湖北省宜昌县远棒蚤属AviostivaliusTraub,1980一新种,即无端栓远棒蚤Aapapillusspnov,并对该属的属征进行了补充和修订。  相似文献   

西藏地区有瓣蝇类记述(三)花蝇科七新种描述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钟应洪 《动物学研究》1985,6(4):329-336
本文报道采自西藏的有瓣蝇类7个新种,均属花蝇科。正模标本保存在中国科学院上海昆虫研究所。 银额泉种蝇Pegohylemyia argyrometopa,新种(图1—3) 雄:体长6毫米。复眼裸,额宽约为前单眼宽的2倍,间额黑,间额鬃1,下眶鬃7—8,侧额及侧颜黑色上具银白色粉被,侧颜宽为触角第三节宽的4/3倍,触角黑,第三节长为宽的2倍,芒具毳毛,最长毛与芒基宽相等,颊高为眼高的1/5,银白色粉被明显,上倾口缘鬃3行,下颚须黑,中喙具粉被,长为高的4倍,口上片与额齐,后头背区有小毛。  相似文献   

云南东部蚱属一新种记述(直翅目:蚱总科:蚱科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述采自云南东部地区蚱属1新种,即南盘江蚱Tetrix nanpanfiangensis,sp.nov.。该新种近似于桂北蚱Tetrix guibeiensis Zheng,Lu and Li,2000,主要区别为本新种:1)侧观头顶与颜面隆起成直角形;2)颜面隆起在侧单眼处略凹陷;3)前胸背板前缘平直:4)侧观背板上缘肩前弧形,其后平直;5)肩部不具1对短纵隆线;6)第1跗节下之第3垫大于第1、2垫。新种与丁氏蚱Tetrix tinkhami Zheng et Liang,1998也近似,但新种后翅不到达后突的顶端,中足股节宽度明显狭于前翅宽。 正模:♂,云南陆良县,25.1°N,103.8°E,2000m,2006-Ⅷ-10,邓维安采;副模:3♂♂,9♀♀,同正模;3♂♂,3♀♀,云南沾益县,25.6°N,103.8°E,2000m,2006-Ⅷ-12,邓维安采:4♂♂,4♀♀,云南宣威市,26.2°N,104.1°E,2000m,2006-Ⅷ-14,邓维安采。 模式标本保存在陕西师范大学动物研究所标本室(7♂♂10♀♀)和河池学院动物标本室(3♂♂7♀♀)。  相似文献   

Jurocercopis grandis, a new genus and species belonging to Procercopidae (Hemiptera: Cercopoidea), is described, based on seven specimens from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, China. It differs distinctly from other genera as follows: body and wings obviously large; pronotum with posterior margin straight; tegmen with costal margin convex at about basal 0.4 wing length; hind basitarsomere with a row of apical small teeth.  相似文献   

记述产于香港直翅目昆虫蝗科1新种,香港黄佛蝗Chlorophlaeoba hongkongensis sp.nov.及蚱科1新种黄条悠背蚱Euparatettix galbustriatus sp.nov.。香港黄佛蝗近似于台湾黄佛蝗Chlorophlaeoba taiwanensis Yin et al.,2007,主要区别为:1)复眼纵径为眼下沟长的2倍;2)前胸背板中、侧隆线间仅具1条附加纵隆线;3)中胸腹板侧叶间中隔近方形;4)前翅不具1条白纵纹。黄条悠背蚱近似于尖顶悠背蚱Euparatettix spicuvertex Zheng,1998,主要区别为:1)前胸背板后突极长,其超出后足股节顶端部分长约4mm;2)中足股节下缘平直;3)雌性下生殖板后缘具3齿;4)前胸背板中央具黄色纵条纹;5)后足股节下侧非黑色。  相似文献   

Aschiphasmatinae is a small group of stick insects from the Oriental region whose genital morphology has been rarely described in detail. The subfamily is of particular interest, as phylogenetic studies have shown Aschiphasmatinae to be the sister group to the remaining Euphasmatodea. In this paper, the male and female terminalia are described for the first time in Dajaca napolovi Brock, a little known aschiphasmatine species from Vietnam. In the male, the transversally undivided abdominal sternum IX and gently incurved cerci with a conspicuous apical tooth represent apomorphies of Aschiphasmatinae. Thorn pads on the hind margin of abdominal tergum X consist of only a single row of 6–7 ventrally oriented teeth. The simple thorn pad structure of Aschiphasmatinae can represent an ancestral condition for Euphasmatodea. The vomer on venter X is well‐developed and features two unusually large basal apodemes and a strongly developed apical spine showing a specialized streaked surface micropattern. Female terminalia are characterized by an unkeeled abdominal sternum VIII covering the reduced primary ovipositor. Gonapophysis VIII does not extend beyond the tip of gonapophysis IX. An asymmetry concerning the size of the paired gonapophyses is reported for the first time in Phasmatodea.  相似文献   

记述了采自河北省小五台山的雏蝗属短翅亚属1新种,河北雏蝗 Chorthippus(Altichorthippus)hebeiensis sp.nov.,模式标本保存于河北大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

卵翅哑蟋和纹股秦蟋雄性的记述(直翅目:蟋蟀总科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对卵翅哑蟋Goniogryllus ovalatus Chen et Zheng和纹股秦蟋Qingryllus stri-ofemorus Chen et Zheng的雄性进行首次记述,标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。  相似文献   

记述了采自中国台湾剑角蝗科佛蝗亚科佛蝗属Phlaeoba Stal,1860的1新种南投佛蝗Phlaeoba nantouensis sp.nov.,该新种近似台湾佛蝗Phlaeoba formosana(Shiraki,1910),区别特征为前翅较长,超过第3腹节背板的后缘;触角中段一节的长为宽的4倍;肛上板中纵沟深,两侧平行。模式标本保存于国立自然科学博物馆,台中。  相似文献   

记述蚱属1新种:苍山蚱Tetrix cangshanensis sp.nov.,提供了新种的形态特征照片图.苍山蚱Tetrix cangshanensis sp.nov.与拟二斑蚱T.parabipunctata Zheng&Ou,2004和二斑蚱T.bipunctata(Linnaeus,1758)相似,但以直的颜面隆起,较高的触角着生位置和直的前胸背板前缘区别于后二者,同时以较短的后翅区别于拟二斑蚱;还以较狭的颜面隆起纵沟,向内收缩的沟前区侧隆线和波曲的中足股节下缘区别于二斑蚱.  相似文献   

The previously unknown male of Isoperla pseudornata Zhiltzova and nymph of Kaszabia nigricauda (Navás) of the family Perlodidae are described. Sternite VIII of the male of I. pseudornata has no vesicle, the posterior margin is covered medially with strong short brownish setae. Sternite IX forms a subgenital plate. The everted aedeagus is upcurved, turned towards the dorsum, with two rounded lobes and one finger-shaped apical lobe terminating with a membranous funnel depressed medially. The aedeagus membrane is covered with small fine pointed sclerotized spinules; spinules absent on the tip of the funnel. The funnel basally and the finger-shaped apical lobe ventrally are covered with fine pointed sclerotized spinules and rounded sclerotized formations. I. pseudornata differs from the other Eastern Palaearctic congeners in the shape of spots on the head, pronotum, and abdominal tergites. The head of K. nigricauda nymph bears a large brown M-shaped spot forming along the anterior margin two fine stripes widened on the frontoclypeus; the interocular area bears a small pale spot merged with the large transverse W-shaped spot on the occiput. The lacinia is narrowed to the apex, bidentate; the tip of the galea reaches the base of the subapical tooth. The pronotum bears a pale cruciform medial spot, the lateral fields are dark, the lateral margins are pale. The meso-and metanotum exhibit a pale complicated pattern widened to the base of the wing pads. The legs are pale. The abdominal tergites are brown, with a pale transverse stripe widened laterally on the last tergites. Tergite X bears a large pale heart-shaped spot medially. The cerci bear a silky hair fringe dorsally; in the apical part, the apical whorl of cerci has short setae; one ventral and one dorsal seta are longer than the others; the dorsal setae are longer than ventral ones.  相似文献   

我国泥盆系鱼化石非常丰富,尤其是下、中泥盆统。但是,上泥盆统鱼化石发现尚少,而且主要是胴甲类化石,节甲类化石则很少发现。潘江(1962)在对斯行健已记述的一植物化石 Changyanophyton hopeiensis Sze重新进行观察时认为,该化石应属于盾皮鱼类,并将其归人瓣甲类 Macroptetalichthyidae(?),化石仅包括前腹侧片和胸棘。 Denison(1978)根据潘江的文章和插图则认为, Changyanophyton hupeiensis属于原始节甲类或者瓣甲类。王念忠等…  相似文献   

本文首次记述了采自青海玉树的长窦副新蚤Paraneopsylla longisinuata Liu, Tsai & Wu,1974的雄蚤。模式标本保存于著者所在的单位。  相似文献   

Five new species of Antillean bees are described and illustrated: Colletes granpiedrensis n. sp. (Cuba) (Colletidae) is characterized as follows: Head and mesosoma black, legs and metasoma brown. Dense brown hairs on head and mesosoma; white on frons and metasomal terga. Clypeus, frons and mesosoma with large punctures, lesser on vertex and metasoma. Malar space more wide than long. Male and female slightly similar, except in the apical margin of clypeus, supraclipeal area, and color of the pubescence on legs and sterna; Osmia (Diceratosmia) stangei n. sp. (Dominican Republic) (Megachilidae) is characterized as follows: Dark metallic green, metasoma black with metallic green reflections. Pubescence light; body with large, closed punctures. Female with violet reflections in tergum III and mandible tridentate; Coelioxys (Cyrtocoelioxys) alayoi n. sp. (Cuba) (Megachilidae) is characterized as follows: Female black, except basal area of mandibles, tegula, legs, lateral area of tergum I and sterna, reddish brown. Posterior margin of scutellum rounded. Apex of tergum VI with spine curved up. Sternum VI fringed with short, closed setae, and the apex with short spine; Coelioxys (Boreocoelioxys) sannicolarensis n. sp. (Cuba) (Megachilidae) is characterized as follows: Black, except antenna and tegula brown; legs and sterna reddish brown. Clypeal margin straight in profile. Gradular grooves on metasomal terga II and III distinct medially. Fovea on metasomal tergum II of male deep and short, and Triepeolus nisibonensis n. sp. (Dominican Republic) (Apidae) is characterized as follows: Dorsal pubescence (short and dense) on mesosoma and metasoma from white to yellow, according to specimen; ventral pubescence white. Tergal bands of hairs interrupted medially; two spots of light pubescence on tergum II. Male metasomal sternum VII with anterior margin V-shaped and basal constriction narrow.  相似文献   

Shahdadi A  Chan BK  Sari A 《ZooKeys》2011,(136):1-12
A new species of intertidal acorn barnacle Tetraclita ehsanisp. n. was identified from the Iranian coast in the Gulf of Oman. Tetraclita ehsanisp. n. inhabits low exposed rocky shores and also attaches to shells of molluscs and the barnacle Megabalanus species. Parietes of Tetraclita ehsani ranged from white to pink which is different from Tetraclita serrata (in South African waters), which has green parietes. Morphology of the tergum and cirrus III of Tetraclita ehsanisp. n. is distinctive from other described West Indian Ocean species which have pink or white parietes (Tetraclita rufotincta, Tetraclita achituvi and Tetraclita reni). The tergum of Tetraclita ehsani is very narrow and the basal margin is slightly concave or straight, in contrast to Tetraclita rufotincta and Tetraclita reni, in which the tergum are board and with a very concave basal margin. Cirrus I anterior ramus of both Tetraclita ehsani and Tetraclita reni is antenniform and thus differing from the cirrus I of Tetraclita rufotincta (see Chan et al. 2009). Cirrus III of Tetraclita ehsanisp. n. is non-antenniform and lacks multicuspidate type setae, which is different from Tetraclita reni by having an antenniform cirrus III and with multicuspidate setae.  相似文献   

郑哲民  曾慧花  欧晓红 《昆虫学报》2010,53(10):1153-1156
本文记述中国郑蚱属Zhengitettix昆虫6种, 包括采自云南的1新种, 即三角郑蚱Zhengitettix triangularis sp. nov. 此新种近似于海南郑蚱Z. hainanensis Liang, 1994, 但主要区别为: 颜面隆起纵沟的宽度等于触角基节的宽度; 触角着生于复眼下缘之间; 后突到达后足胫节顶端1/3处; 后翅超过后突顶端; 后足胫节黑色。并附有郑蚱属分种检索表和地区分布。模式标本分别保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室及西南林业大学云南森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室。  相似文献   

青海省原金蝗属一新种(直翅目,斑腿蝗科)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
记述采白青海省昂欠县原金蝗属l新种,昂欠原金蝗Eokingdonella angqianensis sp.nov.,新种近似于龙胆原金蝗Eokingdonella gentiana(Uvarov,1939),其主要区别为:1)雄性腹部末端背板小尾片极小,三角形;2)雄性肛上板狭长.顶狭圆;3)雄性尾须不到达肛上板顶端;4)后足股节下侧基2/3红色.端1/3黑色.模式标本保存于青海师范大学生命与地理科学学院动物标本窜.  相似文献   

中国三节叶蜂属一新种(膜翅目,三节叶蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述采自中国辽宁的三节叶蜂科1新种:Arge reversinervis sp.nov.。新种隶属于三节叶蜂属rustica-metallica种团,并与分布于日本的Arge abelivora Okutani近似,但新种触角亚端部强烈膨大,腹部和后足股节全部黑色,腹部背板具明显的微细刻纹,后足胫节基部4/5黄白色,各足基跗节大部浅褐色,OOL∶POL∶OCL=18∶11∶8 ,前翅C脉背侧大部暗褐色,R M脉几乎等长于Rs脉第1段, 2Rs室上缘显著短于下缘。新种后头强烈膨大,前翅2Rs室上缘显著短于下缘,腹部背板具明显刻纹,颜面具中纵脊,体具铜色光泽,可与同属已知各种鉴别。模式标本保存于中南林业科技大学模式昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

小蜜蜂属Micrapis Ashmead隶属于蜜蜂族Apini本届包括两种,即Micrapis florea(Fabr.),Micrapis andreniformis(Sm.)过去仅有工蜂形态的记述,缺少雌、雄性标本及对比资料。现根据中国科学院动物所标本及云南蜜蜂所采自云南各地此两种小蜜蜂雌、雄性标本形态作一比较,以利鉴别。此外,本文尚将生物学习性及分布加以整理,以便利用。 一、主要鉴别特征 雌性:腹部第1—2节背板、第3节背板基半部及第3—5节背板端缘均红褐色,余黑色;颚眼距长宽相等;POL:OOL=9:5;触角第3节稍长于第4节;各跗节褐色;体长13—15毫米…………小蜜蜂Micrapis florea(Fabr.)  相似文献   

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