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A case of gastrointestinal torsion with dilatation in a farm-raised channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) was examined at the Thad Cochran National Warmwater Aquaculture Center (Stoneville, Mississippi, USA). The affected fish was a gravid female broodfish, which displayed pale gills and a markedly distended abdomen. Internal examination revealed that the gastrointestinal tract and ovaries were rotated around each other four times in a counterclockwise direction as viewed in right lateral recumbency. The catfish had a markedly distended gastrointestinal tract, pale liver, hypoplastic spleen, hypoplastic swim bladder, and high volume of ascitic fluid. Blood analysis indicated multiple abnormalities, including severe anemia and metabolic acidosis. The etiology of the torsion was uncertain; however, the presence of a hypoplastic swim bladder most likely allowed for increased movement of the gastrointestinal tract and ovaries. When examining cases of abdominal distention in fish, gastrointestinal torsion can be considered among the differential diagnoses.  相似文献   

Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus , exhibited passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) when sensitized with Flexibacter columnaris antiserum produced in channel catfish (the first record of PCA in any fish), but not when sensitized with homologous antiserum against channel catfish virus. Channel catfish did not give delayed skin hypersensitivity responses after immunization with either channel catfish virus or F. columnaris .  相似文献   

Short tandem repeat (microsatellite) loci were cloned from the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus , genome for use as molecular markers for genetic improvement of this important agricultural species. Plasmid clones containing catfish genomic DNA inserts were identified, by hybridization with tandem repeat DNA probes, and sequenced using automated laser fluorescence. A feral population of catfish displayed levels of heterozygosity greater than 0·7 for 13 of 22 loci and heterozygosity greater than 0·5 for 20 of 22 loci. Allelic polymorphism ranged from three to 17 alleles per locus in the feral population. Populations of domestic, farm-raised catfish and a research strain displayed levels of heterozygosity similar to the feral population. Non-invasive tissue sampling provided abundant material for the polymerase chain reaction-based genotype assay. The microsatellite loci will be useful in the molecular characterization and genetic improvement of channel catfish populations.  相似文献   

Dissolved oxygen and un-ionized ammonia concentrations were monitored in 12 0.04 ha earthen ponds stocked with 10 000 channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus ,/ha. Gill, liver and trunk kidney tissue samples were removed periodically for histological examination. Total ammonia and dissolved oxygen levels were in the ranges reported for catfish culture at this level of intensity. Average un-ionized ammonia nitrogen concentrations ranged from 20 to 67 μgh−1 and average daily maxima ranged from 63 to 183 μgh−1. Gill lesions characteristic of un-ionized ammonia exposure were common in fish from all ponds.  相似文献   

Aim: To develop a method for conducting pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) on Flavobacterium columnare, to use PFGE to characterize F. columnare channel catfish isolates, and to determine whether variation in pathogenic potential exists in F. columnare isolates from channel catfish. Methods and Results: On the basis of PFGE-derived profiles, similarity dendrograms constructed for more than 30 F. columnare isolates showed two major genetic groups with more than 60% similarity. Channel catfish fingerlings challenged with PFGE group A isolates by bath immersion had significantly higher average mortalities (>60%) than fish challenged with PFGE group B isolates (<9%). However, abrasion and skin mucus removal made channel catfish fingerlings susceptible to disease caused by group B isolates following immersion exposure. Conclusion: Our results suggest that two genetic divisions of F. columnare channel catfish isolates exist, and that isolates in PFGE group A isolates tend to be more pathogenic to immunocompetent channel catfish fingerlings than PFGE group B isolates. Significance and Impact of the Study: PFGE is a potentially useful tool for determining whether F. columnare isolates are more likely to be primary or secondary pathogens. Pathogenesis research for columnaris disease in catfish should focus on pathogenic isolates from PFGE group A.  相似文献   

Livers of 38 channel catfish were studied by light and electron microscopy and the morphology of hepatocytes, endothelial cells, Kupffer cells, fat-storing cells, macrophages, exocrine pancreatic cells, and epithelium of bile pre-ductules and ducts was described, Hepatocytes contained large peri-canalicular bodies which showed acid hydrolase activity. A comparison between catfish liver and that of other teleosts was made. The applicability of the findings to pathobiological studies of teleost liver is described.  相似文献   

A 2.5 kb full-length cDNA clone of a channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Mx gene was obtained using RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from RNA extracted from the liver of poly I:C stimulated channel catfish. The gene consists of an open reading frame of 1905 nucleotides encoding a 635 amino acid protein. The predicted protein is 72.5 kDa and contains the dynamin family signature, a tripartite GTP binding motif and a leucine zipper, characteristic of all known Mx proteins. The catfish Mx protein exhibited 79% identity with perch Mx and between 71% and 74% identity with the three Atlantic salmon and the three rainbow trout Mx proteins. Mx mRNA was constitutively expressed in channel catfish ovary (CCO) cells, but in higher quantities in response to poly I:C treatment. Mx was induced in channel catfish following injection with channel catfish virus (CCV) and poly I:C.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) gene was characterized in channel catfish. Partial cDNA sequence, missing exon 1 and part of exon 2, was obtained in 5'- and 3'-RACE experiments. Direct sequencing of two bacterial artificial chromosome clones revealed gene structure and provided sequence from 640 bp upstream of the initiator methionine to 136 bp beyond the polyadenylation site. Genomic sequence contained a putative TATA box 506 bp upstream of the initiator methionine. The 477-bp reading frame within five exons encoded a 159-amino acid (aa) pre-propeptide highly similar to IGF-I in higher vertebrates. The sequence encoding the signal peptide was unique in catfish and contained 70% G+C content with the potential for a stable stem-loop structure. Full-length cDNA was only maintained in recombination-deficient (DH10B) strain E. coli. Levels of IGF-I mRNA were highest in liver, followed by brain and muscle, then heart and kidney (P<0.05). A CT/GA dinucleotide microsatellite in intron 1 was highly polymorphic in commercial channel catfish, and permitted placement of the IGF-I gene on the catfish genetic map. However, specific IGF-I alleles were not correlated with differences in growth rate from 100 to 130 days post-hatch in USDA103 line catfish.  相似文献   

1. Intravenous injections of physiologic doses of cortisol resulted in both hematologic and immunologic changes in channel catfish peripheral blood leucocytes. These changes mimicked those seen when catfish were acutely stressed by handling and transport. 2. Eighteen hours after the administration of cortisol, decreases in the number of circulating lymphocytes and concomitant increases in the number of circulating neutrophils were observed, i.e. to the same levels seen previously in stressed fish. 3. Functional analysis of peripheral blood leucocytes from cortisol-injected fish indicated that the remaining lymphocytes were no longer capable of responding to mitogenic stimuli. 4. This suppression of mitogenic stimuli was not seen when peripheral blood leucocytes were cultured in vitro with physiologic doses of cortisol. 5. This latter observation suggests that the cortisol alone was probably not directly responsible for the loss of responsiveness but possibly acted in vivo as an initiator of other events that eventually resulted in the observed immunosuppression.  相似文献   

A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was constructed by cloning HindIII-digested high molecular weight DNA from a gynogenetic channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, into the vector pBeloBAC11. Approximately 53 500 clones were arrayed in 384-well plates and stored at -80°C (CCBL1), while clones from a smaller insert size fraction were stored at -80°C without arraying (CCBL2). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of 100 clones after NotI digestion revealed an average insert size of 165 kb for CCBL1 and 113 kb for CCBL2. Further characterization of CCBL1 demonstrated that 10% of the clones did not contain an insert. CCBL1 provides a 7.2-fold coverage of the channel catfish haploid genome. PCR-based screening demonstrated that 68 out of 74 unique loci were present in the library. This represents a 92% chance to find a unique sequence. These libraries will be useful for physical mapping of the channel catfish genome, and identification of genes controlling major traits in this economically important species.  相似文献   

The cytoarchitectonics of the telencephalon of the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, are described as a basis for experimental analysis of telencephalic afferents and efferents. The olfactory bulb comprises: (1) an outer layer of olfactory nerve fibers, (2) a glomerular layer, (3) an external cell layer, (4) an inner fiber layer, and (5) an internal cell layer. The telencephalic hemispheres comprise the areas ventralis and dorsalis telencephali. The area ventralis consists of: (1) a precommissural, periventricular zone including nucleus 'nother (Vn), the ventral nucleus (Vv), and the dorsal nucleus (Vd); (2) a precommissural, migrated zone of central (Vc) and lateral (VI) nuclei; (3) a supracommissural nucleus (Vs); (4) a caudal commissural zone of postcommissural (Vp) and intermediate (Vi) nuclei; and (5) a preoptic area (PP). The area dorsalis comprises: (1) medial (DM), (2) dorsal (Dd), (3) lateral [DL, containing dorsal (DLd), ventral (DLv), and posterior (DLp) regions], (4) posterior (DP), and (5) central (DC-1, -2, -3) areas. Nucleus taeniae (NT) is transitional between areas dorsalis and ventralis.  相似文献   

Mannose-binding C-type lectin (MBL) was isolated from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) NWAC 102 and 103 strains, blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) D+B and Rio Grande strains, hybrid catfish (channel catfish female NWAC 103 x blue catfish male D+B) sera, and purified by affinity chromatography from channel catfish Norris strain serum. Reduction of purified channel catfish MBL with 2-ME yielded a single band of 62 kDa by SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis using guinea pig anti-MBL IgG as primary antibody. Channel catfish NWAC 102 strain, channel catfish NWAC 103 strain and hybrid catfish sera had molecular masses of 63 kDa for MBL. Blue catfish (D+B strain) serum MBL had a molecular mass of 66 kDa. Rio Grande blue catfish serum MBL had a molecular mass of 65 kDa. Amino acid composition analysis (mol%) of the affinity-purified channel catfish MBL found a high content of serine present. Functional binding studies of channel catfish and blue catfish MBLs binding to Edwardsiella ictaluri were done using a dot-immunoblot ELISA method. A dot-immunoblot ELISA binding assay was done to compare nine different strains and species of channel catfish and blue catfish for their levels of serum MBL. Blue catfish had higher levels of MBL than did the various strains of channel catfish tested. MBL could be used as a genetic marker for selection of disease resistance in the different strains of catfish used in aquaculture. This study describes the presence of serum MBL in catfish and evidence for a C-type lectin complement pathway of innate immunity.  相似文献   

The serum of the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) was examined for heme- and hemoglobin-binding proteins. Electrophoretic mobility retardation assays failed to detect a hemoglobin-binding material similar to mammalian haptoglobin; however, a heme-binding component (not previously described) was identified in catfish seru. The heme-binding component was purified by gel filtration chromatography; electrophoretic analyses suggested it to be composed of two polypeptide subunits of molecular masses about 115 and 98 kDa. This composition is inconsistent with hemopexin, the known heme-binding serum protein of mammals. Although it was not fully saturated with heme, the catfish component contained detectable heme in normal sera. When complexed by the binding material, heme was used as an iron source by isolates of the bacterial Gram-negative genusAeromonas; the capacity of other bacteria to use the complex was not tested. The physiological function of the catfish heme-binding serum protein is presently not clear.  相似文献   

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