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Chromosomes of palpigrades (Arachnida: Palpigradi), a rare arachnid order with numerous primitive characters, were studied for the first time. We analysed two species of the genus Eukoenenia, namely E. spelaea and E. mirabilis. Their karyotypes are uniform, consisting of a low number of tiny chromosomes that decrease gradually in size. Study of the palpigrade karyotype did not reveal morphologically differentiated sex chromosomes. Analysis of E. spelaea showed that constitutive heterochromatin is scarce, GC-rich, and restricted mostly to presumed centromeric regions. Meiosis is remarkable for the presence of a short diffuse stage and prominent nucleolar activity. During prophase I, nuclei contain a large nucleolus. Prominent knob at the end of one bivalent formed by constitutive heterochromatin is associated to the nucleolus by an adjacent NOR. Presence of a nucleolus-like body at male prophase II suggests activity of NOR also during beginning of the second meiotic division. The data suggest acrocentric morphology of palpigrade chromosomes. Palpigrades do not display holocentric chromosomes which appear to be apomorphic features of a number of arachnid groups. These are: acariform mites, buthid scorpions, and spiders of the superfamily Dysderoidea. Therefore, cytogenetic data do not support a close relationship of palpigrades and acariform mites as suggested previously.  相似文献   

棉铃虫感染中华卵索线虫后血淋巴游离氨基酸含量的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中华卵索线虫Ovomermis sinensis感染棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera 1天后,棉铃虫幼虫血淋巴中游离氨基酸总量大幅度下降,各种游离氨基酸的含量也是如此变化。感染2~4天后的棉铃虫血淋巴中游离氨基酸总量变化不大,各种游离氨基酸的含量有升有降。感染5~6天后的棉铃虫血淋巴中游离氨基酸总量和各种氨基酸的含量都急剧上升。研究表明,中华卵索线虫寄生棉铃虫时,棉铃虫血淋巴中游离氨基酸含量的变化朝着有利于线虫生长发育的方向进行。  相似文献   

Fluxes of free amino acids in three Danish lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY. 1. Heterotrophic assimilation rates and concentrations of dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) were followed during diel studies in the eutrophic Lake Mossø, Lake Esrom and Lake øm in spring and summer in 1982. In all three lakes, three to four fold diel variations in concentrations and assimilation rates were measured. These fluctuations appeared to be iindependent of phytoplankton and bacteria production. Pools of DFAA varied from 380 nM (Lake Mossø) to 2430 nM (Lake ørn), with serine, glycine, alanine and ornithine as dominant free amino acids.
2. When similar water samples were incubated in a natural light-dark cycle or in total darkness, different pools of DFAA were measured in light and dark.
3. Decomposition of organic matter or zooplankton activity (rather than e.g. phytoplankton exudates) appear to be responsible for the concentration changes.
4. Observed discrepancies between simultaneous concentration changes and assimilation rates are discussed in relation to the applied tracer procedure and the concentration measurements.
5. Assimilation of DFAA sustained from 6% to 25% of the bacterial carbon requirement, corresponding to 2–12% of the phytoplankton production in the lakes.  相似文献   

The seeds of Crotalaria juncea have been reported at different times to contain β-hydroxy-N-methyl-dl-norvaline and δ-hydroxynorleucine, which are isomers. We detected only one non-protein amino acid in seeds obtained from various sources; it has been isolated its identity as δ-hydroxynorleucine confirmed.  相似文献   

In queen honey bees the free amino acid content in the haemolymph clearly depends on the physiological function and social environment of the individual. While in drones and workers the content of free amino acids increases after emergence until it reaches a peak in 5-day-old animals and decreases afterwards, the amino acid content in queens reaches its highest level (>60 nmol/ microl haemolymph) with the onset of egg laying (10 d of age). This level is about 2.5 times more than the highest level found in workers. Queens maintain this high level also when they are older (>30 d) and continue to lay eggs in average colonies. As in drones and workers, in queens the predominant amino acid is proline, which accounts for more than 50% of the total content of free amino acids in egg-laying individuals. When 10-day-old queens are prevented from mating and do not lay eggs, their amino acid content is significantly lower compared to laying queens of the same age. Also the social environment influences the contents of free amino acids in queens. When virgin queens were kept for 6 days with 20 worker bees and sufficient honey and pollen in an incubator, they had significantly lower concentrations of amino acids than virgin queens living for the same period with about 8000 workers in a colony. Most probably, the high amino acid concentration in the haemolymph is the basis for the high protein synthesis activity of laying queens.  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination of the forest pest insect Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera; Lymantriidae), the gypsy moth, can alter its haemolymph composition, as has already been shown for carbohydrates and lipids in recent studies. L. dispar larvae are frequently parasitized by Glyptapanteles liparidis (Bouché) (Hymenoptera; Braconidae) larvae, which can—to some extent—regulate the population size of the pest insect. The parasitoids feed on the haemolymph of L. dispar larvae; hence, a different haemolymph composition of the host alters the trophic situation of the parasitoids. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether metal contamination also affects the concentrations of free amino acids in L. dispar haemolymph, and protein concentrations in their haemolymph and tissue. L. dispar larvae were parasitized on the first day of the second instar and then reared on diets contaminated with Cd, Pb, Cu or Zn at two concentrations each. Haemolymph and total body tissue of the larvae (fourth instar/third day) were analyzed. The concentrations of the free amino acids were elevated in five out of the eight contamination groups (Cd6, Pb4, Cu6, Cu10, Zn60), whereas haemolymph protein concentrations were significantly reduced in all contaminated individuals. The haemolymph protein concentration was 18 mg/ml in the control group and decreased to less than 10 mg/ml due to cadmium and zinc contamination at both concentrations and in the low copper contamination group. In contrast, total body proteins (136 g/mg dry weight in the control group) were elevated due to heavy metal stress. Analyses of haemolymph protein concentrations during the fourth instar demonstrated an increase of the proteins from day one to day four (followed by a decrease on the fifth day) in the control group and the cadmium contamination group. A steady increase of proteins from the first to the fifth day in the copper and zinc contaminated larvae indicated a retarded development in these groups. Thus, the present study along with other recent studies demonstrated, that heavy metal stress changes the concentrations of all main haemolymph compounds of L. dispar larvae.  相似文献   

Alpine pastures are typical examples of “high nature value farmlands”, representing important habitats harbouring unique biological communities. Disturbance induced by overgrazing influences significantly ecosystem processes, in which invertebrates play a major role. To develop new models of sustainable management of pastures, more knowledge is needed of the animal communities, essential to the ecological functioning of pasture ecosystems. The apparent poor ecological state of several pastures in the Natural Regional Park of Alpi Marittime (NW-Italy) lead us to evaluate the influence of grazing history on biodiversity, using spider and harvestmen assemblages as key groups. Four different pastoral types characterized by four different grazing histories were identified using the Daget-Poissonet method. Spiders and harvestmen were collected by means of pitfall traps. Arachnid assemblages were characterized in terms of composition, abundance, species richness, richness of endemic species and taxonomic relatedness. Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) were used to test differences among assemblages occurring in each pastoral type. Furthermore, we tested differences in terms of plant communities (species richness and percentage of zoogenic species). Specificity and fidelity of every spider and harvestmen species within pastoral types were explored by the IndVal (Indicator Value) procedure. Fifty-eight species of spiders and seven species of harvestmen were collected (2,304 individuals). Pastoral types related to intensive grazing were characterized by the dominance of diurnal wanderer spiders (namely Lycosidae) while, conversely, nocturnal wanderers (mainly Gnaphosidae) were more abundant in extensive pastoral types. Results show that both species richness and spider abundance were higher in abandoned areas of extensive grazing, while endemic assemblages were richer in extensive grazed areas, which also hosted the most diverse plant community. Furthermore, most of the indicator species of spiders of this type were endemic, characterized by more demanding ecological requirements.  相似文献   

The tracheal system of two species of harvestmen with different life styles was investigated: the long-legged, Leiobunum rotundum (Phalangioidea, Phalangiidae) and the short-legged Nemastoma lugubre (Troguloidea, Nemastomatidae). The morphology of the tracheae is very similar in both species: The branching pattern is basically asymmetric and dichotomous, and the tracheae taper between branching points. The tracheal diameters range from 160 to 0.3 mum in L. rotundum (mean body mass 25.3 mg), and from 70 to 0.5 mum in N. lugubre (mean body mass 3.8 mg). Ultrastructurally, the tracheal walls are similar to those of insects, consisting of an outer hypodermal layer and an inner cuticular layer with taenidial structures. Tracheae of all diameters have close contact with organs and muscles, indicating that diffusive gas exchange may take place through the walls of all tracheae. The finest tracheae end freely in the hemolymph or at the surface of organs and muscles. Exceptions are tracheal penetration of the central nerve mass in the prosoma in both species, and of the muscles in L. rotundum. The latter may correlate with the active perambulatory life style of L. rotundum.  相似文献   

Springtails are closely related to insects, but they differ from these with respect to water balance, in particular because springtails are small and have high integumental permeability to water. Here we report a series of experiments addressing the dynamics of osmoregulation, water content and accumulation of free amino acids (FAAs) in three springtail species during exposure to a gradually increasing environmental desiccation simulating conditions in drought exposed soil. Folsomia candida and Protaphorura fimata (both living in the deeper soil layers; euedaphic species) were active throughout the 3 week exposure, with the developing drought regime ending at −3.56 MPa (the soil water activity at the permanent wilting point of plants is −1.5 MPa) and remained hyperosmotic (having an body fluid osmolality higher than the corresponding environment) to their surrounding air. Sinella curviseta (living in upper soil/litter layers; hemiedaphic species) also survived this exposure, but remained hypoosmotic throughout (i.e. with lower osmolality than the environment). The body content of most FAAs increased in response to drought in all three species. Alanine, proline and arginine were the most significantly upregulated FAAs. By combining our results with data in the literature, we could account for 82% of the observed osmolality at −3.56 MPa in F. candida and 92% in P. fimata. The osmolality of S. curviseta was only slightly increased under drought, but here FAAs were considerably more important as osmolytes than in the two other species. We propose that FAAs probably have general importance in drought tolerance of springtails.  相似文献   

The cephalochordate amphioxus is the closest invertebrate relative to vertebrates. In this study, using HPLC technique, free L-amino acids (L-AAs) and D-aspartic acid (D-Asp) have been detected in the nervous system of the amphioxus Branchiostoma lanceolatum. Among other amino acids glutamate, aspartate, glycine, alanine and serine are the amino acids found at the greatest concentrations. As it occurs in the nervous system of other animal phyla, glutamate (L-Glu) and aspartate (L-Asp) are present at very high concentrations in the amphioxus nervous system compared to other amino acids, whereas the concentration of taurine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is very low. Interestingly, as it is the case in vertebrates, D-aspartic acid is present as an endogenous compound in amphioxus nervous tissues. The physiological function of excitatory amino acids, and D-aspartate in particular, are discussed in terms of evolution of the nervous system under an Evo-fun (Evolution of function) perspective.  相似文献   

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