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The ability of the divalent cations calcium, magnesium, and barium to permeate through the cGMP-gated channel of catfish cone outer segments was examined by measuring permeability and conductance ratios under biionic conditions and by measuring their ability to block current carried by sodium when presented on the cytoplasmic or extracellular side of the channel. Current carried by divalent cations in the absence of monovalent cations showed the typical rectification pattern observed from these channels under physiological conditions (an exponential increase in current at both positive and negative voltages). With calcium as the reference ion, the relative permeabilities were Ca > Ba > Mg, and the chord conductance ratios at +50 mV were in the order of Ca approximately Mg > Ba. With external sodium as the reference ion, the relative permeabilities were Ca > Mg > Ba > Na with chord conductance ratios at +30 mV in the order of Na >> Ca = Mg > Ba. The ability of divalent cations presented on the intracellular side to block the sodium current was in the order Ca > Mg > Ba at +30 mV and Ca > Ba > Mg at -30 mV. Block by external divalent cations was also investigated. The current-voltage relations showed block by internal divalent cations reveal no anomalous mole fraction behavior, suggesting little ion-ion interaction within the pore. An Eyring rate theory model with two barriers and a single binding site is sufficient to explain both these observations and those for monovalent cations, predicting a single-channel conductance under physiological conditions of 2 pS and an inward current at -30 mV carried by 82% Na, 5% Mg, and 13% Ca.  相似文献   

We measured the ion selectivity of cGMP-dependent currents in detached membrane patches from the outer segment of cone photoreceptors isolated from the retina of striped bass. In inside-out patches excised from either single or twin cones the amplitude of these currents, under symmetric ionic solutions, changed with the concentration of cGMP with a dependence described by a Hill equation with average values, at +80 mV, of Km = 42.6 microM and n = 2.49. In the absence of divalent cations, and under symmetric ionic solutions, the I-V curves of the currents were linear over the range of -80 to +80 mV. The addition of Ca altered the form of the I-V curve to a new function well described by an empirical equation that also describes the I-V curve of the photocurrent measured in intact photoreceptors. The monovalent cation permeability sequence of the cGMP-gated channels in the absence of divalent ions was PK > PNa = PLi = PRb > PCs (1.11 > 1.0 = 0.99 = 0.96 > 0.82). The conductance selectivity sequence at +80 mV was GNa = GK > GRb > GCs > GLi (1.0 = 0.99 > 0.88 > 0.74 > 0.60). The organic cations tetramethylammonium (TMA) and arginine partially blocked the current, but the larger ion, arginine, was permeant, whereas the smaller ion, TMA, was not. The amplitude of the outward current through the channels increased with the concentration of monovalent cations on the cytoplasmic membrane surface, up to a saturating value. The increase was well described by the adsorption isotherm of a single ion binding site within the channel with average binding constants, at +80 mV, of 104 mM for Na and 37.6 mM for Li. By assuming that the ion channel contains a single ion binding site in an energy trough separated from each membrane surface by an energy barrier, and using Eyring rate theory, we simulated I-V curves that fit the experimental data measured under ionic concentration gradients. From this fit we conclude that the binding site interacts with one ion at a time and that the energy barriers are asymmetrically located within the membrane thickness. Comparison of the quantitative features of ion permeation and interaction between the cGMP-gated channels of rod and cone photoreceptors reveals that the ion binding sites are profoundly different in the two types of channels. This molecular difference may be particularly important in explaining the differences in the transduction signal of each receptor type.  相似文献   

Tetraalkylammonium compounds and other organic cations were used to probe the structure of the internal and external mouths of the pore of cGMP-gated cation channels from rod and cone photoreceptors. Both rod and cone channels were blocked by tetramethyl- through tetrapentylammonium from the intracellular side in a voltage-dependent fashion at millimolar to micromolar concentrations. The dissociation constant at 0 mV (KD(O)) decreased monotonically with increasing carbon chain length from approximately 80 mM (TMA) to approximately 80 microM (TPeA), where the dissociation constant in rod channels is approximately 50% that of cone channels. N-Methyl-D-glucamine and the buffer Tris also blocked the cone channel in a voltage-dependent fashion at millimolar concentrations, but with lower affinity than similarly sized tetraalkylammonium blockers. Block by tetrahexylammonium (THxA) was voltage-independent, suggesting that the diameter of the intracellular mouth of these channels is less than the size of THxA but larger than TPeA. The location of the binding site for intracellular blockers was approximately 40% across the voltage-drop from the intracellular side. The addition of one carbon to each of the alkyl side chains increased the binding energy by approximately 4 kJ mol-1, consistent with hydrophobic interactions between the blocker and the pore. Cone, but not rod, channels were blocked by millimolar concentrations of extracellular TMA. The location of the extracellular binding site was approximately 13% of the voltage drop from the extracellular side. In cone channels, the two blocker binding sites flank the location of the cation binding site proposed previously.  相似文献   

Polycystin-L (PCL), homologous to polycystin-2 (71% similarity in protein sequence), is the third member of the polycystin family of proteins. Polycystin-1 and -2 are mutated in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, but the physiological role of PCL has not been determined. PCL acts as a Ca-regulated non-selective cation channel permeable to mono- and divalent cations. To further understand the biophysical and pharmacological properties of PCL, we examined a series of organic cations for permeation and inhibition, using single-channel patch clamp and whole-cell two-microelectrode voltage clamp techniques in conjunction with Xenopus oocyte expression. We found that PCL is permeable to organic amines, methlyamine (MA, 3.8 A), dimethylamine (DMA, 4.6 A) and triethylamine (TriEA, 6 A), and to tetra-alkylammonium cation (TAA) tetra-methylammonium (TMA, 5.5-6.4 A). TAA compounds tetra-ethylammonium (TEA, 6.1-8.2 A) and tetra-propylammonium (TPA, 9.8 A) were impermeable through PCL and exhibited weak inhibition on PCL (IC50 values>13 mM). Larger TAA cations tetra-butylammonium (TBA, 11.6 A) and tetra-pentylammonium (TPeA, 13.2 A) were impermeable through PCL as well and showed strong inhibition (IC50 values of 2.7 mM and 1.3 microM, respectively). Inhibition by TBA was on decreasing the single-channel current amplitude and exhibited no effect on open probability (NPo) or mean open time (MOT), suggesting that it blocks the PCL permeation pathway. In contract, TEA, TPA and TPeA reduced NPo and MOT values but had no effect on the amplitude, suggesting their binding to a different site in PCL, which affects the channel gating. Taken together, our studies revealed that PCL is permeable to organic amines and TAA cation TMA, and that inhibition of PCL by large TAA cations exhibits two different mechanisms, presumably through binding either to the pore pathway to reduce permeant flux or to another site to regulate the channel gating. These data allow to estimate a channel pore size of approximately 7 A for PCL.  相似文献   

A depolarization-activated outwardly-rectifying channel (OR),most likely involved in the passive release of K+ from the rootsymplasm into the stelar apoplast (for subsequent transportto the shoot via the xylem vessels), has been characterizedin the plasma membrane of maize root stelar cells (Roberts andTester, 1995). In the present study, the selectivity of thischannel was further characterized using single channel current-voltagecurves generated using a voltage ramp protocol. This protocolpermitted the accurate and unambiguous measurement of the reversalpotentials of currents resulting from single channel openings.Using the voltage ramp protocol, it was shown that the OR allowsboth K+ efflux and Ca2+ influx at potentials positive of EKand negative of ECa. The OR had a PCa/PK of 1.72–0.21decreasing as extracellular Ca2+ was increased. The permeabilityof the OR for monovalent cations other than K+ was also investigated.In biionic conditions, a relative permeability sequence of was determined (i.e. Eisenman sequenceIV). The physiological implications of the selectivity of theOR are discussed. Key words: Maize roots, K+ channel selectivity, Ca2+ permeation  相似文献   

The cGMP-gated cation channel is a member of a new family of channel proteins that appear to be directly regulated by cyclic nucleotides. A protein with a subunit molecular mass of 78 kDa that exhibits cGMP-gated calcium flux when reconstituted into phospholipid-containing vesicles has been purified using 8-bromo-cGMP-agarose affinity chromatography. This channel activity is sensitive to the inhibitor l-cis-diltiazem. Treatment of the reconstituted channel with trypsin abolishes the l-cis-diltiazem sensitivity. Apparent endogenous proteolysis can also result in smaller molecular weight polypeptides that exhibit cGMP-gated channel activity but are insensitive to l-cis-diltiazem. These results show that the channel can bind cGMP and that it contains a l-cis-diltiazem inhibitory domain that is distinct from the cGMP-binding domain.  相似文献   

Probes against the retinal cGMP-gated cation channel were generated by PCR amplification of cDNA from rat and bovine retina. Southern and Northern analyses showed that the channel is encoded by a single gene that gives rise to a single mRNA species of 3.2 kb. Low levels of cGMP-gated channel RNA were detected in postnatal day 1 (PN 1) retinas and the amount increased to adult levels over the next two weeks of development. Screening of a number of tissues by Northern blot hybridization and by PCR amplification showed the channel to be expressed by heart and kidney as well as retina, but not by cerebellum, cerebral cortex, liver, muscle, olfactory bulb, spleen, testes or thymus.  相似文献   

Polycystin-L (PCL), homologous to polycystin-2 (71% similarity in protein sequence), is the third member of the polycystin family of proteins. Polycystin-1 and -2 are mutated in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, but the physiological role of PCL has not been determined. PCL acts as a Ca-regulated non-selective cation channel permeable to mono- and divalent cations. To further understand the biophysical and pharmacological properties of PCL, we examined a series of organic cations for permeation and inhibition, using single-channel patch clamp and whole-cell two-microelectrode voltage clamp techniques in conjunction with Xenopus oocyte expression. We found that PCL is permeable to organic amines, methlyamine (MA, 3.8 Å), dimethylamine (DMA, 4.6 Å) and triethylamine (TriEA, 6 Å), and to tetra-alkylammonium cation (TAA) tetra-methylammonium (TMA, 5.5-6.4 Å). TAA compounds tetra-ethylammonium (TEA, 6.1-8.2 Å) and tetra-propylammonium (TPA, 9.8 Å) were impermeable through PCL and exhibited weak inhibition on PCL (IC50 values>13 mM). Larger TAA cations tetra-butylammonium (TBA, 11.6 Å) and tetra-pentylammonium (TPeA, 13.2 Å) were impermeable through PCL as well and showed strong inhibition (IC50 values of 2.7 mM and 1.3 μM, respectively). Inhibition by TBA was on decreasing the single-channel current amplitude and exhibited no effect on open probability (NPo) or mean open time (MOT), suggesting that it blocks the PCL permeation pathway. In contract, TEA, TPA and TPeA reduced NPo and MOT values but had no effect on the amplitude, suggesting their binding to a different site in PCL, which affects the channel gating. Taken together, our studies revealed that PCL is permeable to organic amines and TAA cation TMA, and that inhibition of PCL by large TAA cations exhibits two different mechanisms, presumably through binding either to the pore pathway to reduce permeant flux or to another site to regulate the channel gating. These data allow to estimate a channel pore size of ∼7 Å for PCL.  相似文献   

The molecular properties and orientation of the cGMP-gated cation channel of bovine rod outer segment membranes were studied using biochemical and immunochemical methods. Western blots labeled with anti-channel monoclonal antibodies indicate that the channel has a subunit Mr of 63,000 in bovine rod outer segment membranes prepared in the presence and absence of protease inhibitors and in rod outer segments from other mammalian retinas. The channel has an apparent Mr of 78,000 in both COS-1 cells and Xenopus oocytes expressing the cloned cDNA. NH2-terminal sequence analysis indicates that the lower Mr of the channel in rod outer segments is caused by the absence of the first 92 amino acids predicted by cDNA sequence analysis. Immunofluorescent and immunogold labeling has confirmed that the 63,000 form of the channel is present in rod outer segments. These results indicate that photoreceptor cell-specific co-translational or post-translational cleavage of the NH2-terminal segment of the channel occurs prior or during the incorporation of the channel into the rod outer segment plasma membrane. Immunogold labeling studies using site-directed antibodies also indicate that the NH2-terminal segment of the rod outer segment channel is exposed on the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

We have characterised the spectroscopic properties of the metallochromic dye dichlorophosphonazo III and describe its use for the determination of changes of Mg2+ concentration in the micromolar range. Using a previously described reconstitution procedure, we incorporated the cGMP-gated channel from bovine rod photoreceptors into magnesium-containing liposomes and used the dye to monitor cGMP-activated Mg2(+)-efflux. The Km and cooperativity of the cGMP-dependence were identical regardless of whether Mg2+ or Ca2+ was the transported ion, however, the vmax for Ca2+ was more than 2-fold higher than that for Mg2+. We thereby determined a channel selectivity (Ca2+:Mg2+) of 1.0:0.44 in the presence of symmetrical (30 mM) K+. We also describe conditions where Mg2+ or Ca2+ effluxes can be selectively monitored in the presence of each other. This allowed the demonstration that magnesium ions can flow through the cGMP-gated channel even in the presence of an identically directed calcium gradient. Together these results indicate that magnesium ions may enter the photoreceptor rod outer segment cytosol through the cGMP-gated channel under dark conditions, thereby alluding to the existence of an as yet unknown Mg2(+)-extrusion mechanism, distinct from the Na+/Ca2(+)-exchanger, in these cells.  相似文献   

The use of sea anemone toxin, veratridine and scorpion toxin which specifically interact with the gating system of the sodium channel and maintain the channel in an open conformation has permitted a study of the mechanism of transport of monovalent cations through the selectivity filter of this channel. The initial rate of 22Na+ influx through the tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ channels of excitable cells is dependent upon the external concentrations of Na+ and Na+-substitutes with the following properties. (a) It is saturable at high Na+ concentrations and increases with the external Na+ concentration in a cooperative manner (nH = 1.6). (b) At low external Na+ concentrations (1 mM), it is activated and then inhibited by increasing external concentrations of monovalent cations such as Li+, guanidinium, hydrazinium, hydroxylamine and K+. The activating effect of these cations disappears at higher external Na+ concentrations (10 mM). The experimental data are consistent with a model involving at least two allosteric cation-binding sites per Na+ channel. The binding of monovalent cations to Na+ sites is characterized by a high positive homotropic cooperativity. Most of the work describes the properties of the Na+ channel in neuroblastoma cells. The mechanism has also been shown to be valid for excitable cells of other types and origins.  相似文献   

In a manner similar to voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels and Ca(2+) release-activated Ca(2+) (CRAC) channels, the recently identified arachidonate-regulated Ca(2+) (ARC) channels display a large monovalent conductance upon removal of external divalent cations. Using whole-cell patch-clamp recording, we have characterized the properties of these monovalent currents in HEK293 cells stably transfected with the m3 muscarinic receptor and compared them with the corresponding currents through the endogenous store-operated Ca(2+) (SOC) channels in the same cells. Although the monovalent currents seen through these two channels displayed certain similarities, several marked differences were also apparent, including the magnitude of the monovalent current/Ca(2+) current ratio, the rate and nature of the spontaneous decline in the currents, and the effects of external monovalent cation substitutions and removal of internal Mg(2+). Moreover, monovalent ARC currents could be activated after the complete spontaneous inactivation of the corresponding SOC current in the same cell. We conclude that the non-capacitative ARC channels share, with voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels and store-operated Ca(2+) channels (e.g. SOC and CRAC the general property of monovalent ion permeation in the nominal absence of extracellular divalent ions. However, the clear differences between the properties of these currents through ARC and SOC channels in the same cell confirm that these represent distinct conductances.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of external cations on the permeability characteristics and gating kinetics of the human ether-à-go-go-related gene (HERG) current using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Inward HERG currents were recorded on hyperpolarization in 140 mM external Cs+ and Rb+, as well as K+. The permeability ratios of Rb+ and Cs+ relative to K+ were 1.25 and 0.56, respectively. Biphasic outward currents were recorded on depolarization in 140 mM Cs+ and in Rb+ with much smaller amplitude. The voltage dependence of inactivation was affected by external cations, such that the half-inactivation voltage shifted from –69.4±3.7 mV in K+ to –30.7±1.6 mV in Cs+ and to –35.8±1.9 mV in Rb+ (n=5). The time constants of inactivation were also changed significantly by external cations; of inactivation at +40 mV was 16.4±2.2 ms in 140 mM K+, 181±20.3 ms in Cs+, and 94.1±7.6 ms in Rb+ (n=5). Voltage dependence of activation was not altered significantly. The inhibition of the rapid inactivation mechanism by large cations may suggest that the foot-in-the-door model of gating is involved in HERG channel inactivation.  相似文献   

Furini S  Beckstein O  Domene C 《Proteins》2009,74(2):437-448
Previous studies have reported that the KcsA potassium channel has an osmotic permeability coefficient of 4.8 x 10(-12) cm3/s, giving it a significantly higher osmotic permeability coefficient than that of some membrane channels specialized in water transport. This high osmotic permeability is proposed to occur when the channel is depleted of potassium ions, the presence of which slow down the water permeation process. The atomic structure of the potassium-depleted KcsA channel and the mechanisms of water permeation have not been well characterized so far. Here, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, in conjunction with an umbrella sampling strategy and a nonequilibrium approach to simulate pressure gradients are employed to illustrate the permeation of water in the absence of ions through the KcsA K+ channel. Equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations (95 ns combined total length) identified a possible structure of the potassium-depleted KcsA channel, and umbrella sampling calculations (160 ns combined total length) revealed that this structure is not permeable by water molecules moving along the channel axis. The simulation of a pressure gradient across the channel (30 ns combined total length) identified an alternative permeation pathway with a computed osmotic permeability of approximately (2.7 +/- 0.9) x 10(-13) cm3/s. Water fluxes along this pathway did not proceed through collective water motions or transitions to vapor state. All of the major results of this study were robust against variations in a wide set of simulation parameters (force field, water model, membrane model, and channel conformation).  相似文献   

Progressive cone dystrophies are a genetically heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by early deterioration of visual acuity and color vision, together with psychophysical and electrophysiological evidence of abnormal cone function and cone degeneration. Recently, three mutations in the gene encoding the CNGA3 subunit of cone photoreceptor cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels have been linked to progressive cone dystrophy in humans. To investigate the functional consequences of these mutations, we expressed mutant human CNGA3 subunits in Xenopus oocytes, alone or together with human CNGB3, and studied these channels using patch-clamp recording. Compared with wild-type channels, homomeric and heteromeric channels containing CNGA3-N471S or CNGA3-R563H subunits exhibited an increase in apparent affinity for cGMP and an increase in the relative agonist efficacy of cAMP compared with cGMP. In contrast, R277C subunits did not form functional homomeric or heteromeric channels. Cell surface expression levels, determined using confocal microscopy of green fluorescent protein-tagged subunits and patch-clamp recording, were significantly reduced for both R563H and R277C but unchanged for N471S. Overall, these results suggest that the plasma membrane localization and gating properties of cone CNG channels are altered by progressive cone dystrophy-associated mutations, providing evidence that supports the pathogenicity of these mutations. phosphodiesterase  相似文献   

Modulation of potassium channel gating by external divalent cations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We have examined the actions of Zn2+ ions on Shaker K channels. We found that low (100 microM) concentrations of Zn2+ produced a substantial (approximately three-fold) slowing of the kinetics of macroscopic activation and inactivation. Channel deactivation was much less affected. These results were obtained in the presence of 5 mM Mg2+ and 4 mM Ca2+ in the external solution and so are unlikely to be due to modification of membrane surface charges. Furthermore, the action of 100 microM Zn2+ on activation was equivalent to a 70-mV reduction of a negative surface potential whereas the effects on deactivation would require a 15-mV increase in surface potential. External H+ ions reduced the Zn-induced slowing of macroscopic activation with an apparent pK of 7.3. Treatment of Shaker K channels with the amino group reagent, trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS), substantially reduced the effects of Zn2+. All these results are qualitatively similar to the actions of Zn2+ on squid K channels, indicating that the binding site may be a common motif in potassium channels. Studies of single Shaker channel properties showed that Zn2+ ions had little or no effect on the open channel current level or on the open channel lifetime. Rather, Zn2+ substantially delayed the time to first channel opening. Thus, K channels appear to contain a site to which divalent cations bind and in so doing act to slow one or more of the rate constants controlling transitions among closed conformational states of the channel.  相似文献   

Permeation through the calcium release channel of cardiac muscle.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

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